
Post on 29-Nov-2014






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First Semester

History of Arabic Literature (Jahili Period)

Al-Nahw (Arabic Grammar / Syntax)

A-Sarf (Morphology / Declension)

Rhetoric (Figures of Speech)

Conversation and Expression (Arabic)

Translation and Composition (Arabic)

Al-Seerah Al-Nabawiyah (The Biography of the Holy Prophet)

English Language (Grammar and Textbooks)

English Language (Translation and Composition)


Second Semester

History of Arabic Literature (Islamic Period)

Al-Nahw (Arabic Grammar / Syntax)

Rhetoric (Euphemism and Expression)

Conversation and Expression (Arabic)

Translation and Composition (Arabic)

Principle of Da’wah

Research Methodology

English Language (Grammar and Textbooks)

English Language (Translation and Composition)

Research Work in Urdu (Pages: 50)


Third Semester

History of Arabic Literature (Abbasid Period)

Al-Nahw (Arabic Grammar / Syntax)

Conversation and Expression (Arabic)

Translation and Composition (Arabic)

Islamic Media

Sciences of the Holy Qur’an

Islamic Mysticism

English Language (Grammar and Textbooks)

English Language (Translation and Composition)


Fourth Semester

1. History of Arabic Literature (Modern Period)

2. Arabic Literary Criticism

3. Prosody and Rhyme

4. Sciences of Hadith

5. Conversation and Expression

6. Translation and Composition (Arabic)

7. Comparative Study of Religions and Modern Thoughts

8. English Language (Grammar and Textbooks)

9. English Language (Translation and Composition)

10. Research Work in Arabic or English (Pages: 100)

11. Computer



1 /1 History of Arabic Literature (Jahili Period) First Unit: Introduction to the Literature of Language Definition of Literature and its Various Applications / Implications History of Literature Uses of the History of Literature Classification of History of Literature The Arabs, Nationalities, Famous Classes and Tribes Social, Political, Religious, and Intellectual Conditions of the Arabs Second Unit:

1. Origin of Arabic Language 2. Poetry and the Arabs 3. Kinds of Verses and their Purposes 4. Characteristics of Jahili Poetry 5. Novels and Mu’allaqaat (the oldest collections of ancient Arabic

Kasidas) Third Unit: Poets of the Jahili Period and their Classes Imra’ul Qais Life and Sample Poems

Al-Naabighah Al-Zubyaani Life and Sample Poems

Zuhair Bin Abi Sulma Life and Sample Poems

Antarah Bin ShaddadHis Life and Sample Poems

Tarfah Bin Al-Abd Life and Sample Poems

Umar Bin Kulthoom Life and Sample Poems

Al-Haarith Bin Halizzah Life and Sample Poems

Labeed Bin Rabi’ah Life and Sample Poems

Fourth Unit:

1. Prose in the Jahili Period and its Nature 2. Characteristics of Jahili Period 3. Samples of the Prose Writings in the Jahili Period a. Proverbs b. Aphorism / Maxims c. Speeches / Admonitions

Famous Orators: Qis Bin Sa’idah Al-Ibaadi Life and Sample Speeches Amr Bin Ma’deekarab Life and Sample Speeches Prescribed Book:

1. Taarikhu Al-Adab Al-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan Zayyat

Recommended Book:

1. Taarikhu Aadaab Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah by Jurji Zaidaan 2. Taarikhu Al-Adab Al-Arabi by Shauqi Zaif 3. Arabi Adab Ki Taarikh by Dr. Abdul Haleem Al-Nadvi

2 /1 Al-Nahw (Arabic Grammar / Syntax) First Unit: Al-Nahw Al-Arabi

1. Definition and Explanation 2. Historical Stages of Al-Nahw Al-Arabi 3. Famous Nuhaat (Grammarians) and their Books

Second Unit: Al-Kalam (Sentence) and what it is made of

1. Characteristics of Ism (Noun) 2. Characteristics of Fe’l (Verb)

Third Unit: Al-Mu’rab Wa Al-Mabni (Noun with Declinable ending and Noun with indeclinable ending)

1. Wijhu Shibhil Ism Bil Harf (Forms of Nouns Resembling Letters) 2. Kinds of I’raab (Vowels Signs) 3. Al-Asmaa Al-Sittah (The Six Nouns) 4. I’raab Al-Af’aal Al-Khamisah (Vowels Signs for the Five Verbs) 5. Bina’ul Huroof (Indeclinable Sate of the Letters)

Fourth Unit:

Al-Nakirah Wa Al-Ma’rifah (Common Nouns and Proper Nouns):

1. Kinds of Ma’rifah 2. Al-Nakirah and its Forms

Fifth Unit: Kaana and its Sisters:

1. Nature of its Amal (Governance) 2. Mutasarrif and Ghair Mutasarrif (Fully Inflected and Not Fully

Inflected) 3. Al-Taammah and Al-Naaqisah (Complete and Incomplete Verbs)

Sixth Unit:

1. Al-Mushabbihat Be Laisa 2. Af’aal Al-Muqarabah

Seventh Unit:

1. Inna and Its Sisters Eighth Unit:

1. Laa Lafiah Lil Jins (Negative Laa for Class/ Category) Ninth Unit:

1. Zanna and Its Sisters Tenth Unit:

1. Al-Fa’il (Agent / Doer / Subject) Eleventh Unit:

1. Al-Na’ib ‘Anil Fa’il (Subject of a Passive Verb) Twelfth Unit:

Al-Mubtada’ (Subject of a Sentence) Prescribed Book:

1. Sharh-u-Ibn-i-Aqeel Ala Alfiat-i-Ibn-i-Maalik Recommended Books:

1. Al-Nahw Al-Waadhih by Ustad Ali Jaarim and Mustafa Ameen 2. Ma’aaniy Al-Nahw by Dr. Faazil Saalih Al-Samraai

3 /1 Al-Sarf (Morphology / Declension) First Unit: Ilm Al-Sarf (Morphology / the Science of Declension)

1. Definition, Explanation, History of this Science, Famous Sarfiyoon, and their Books

2. Al-Fe’l (Verb) and its Kinds (regarding Tenses) 3. Division of Verbs into Sahih (Strong) and Mu’tal (Week) 4. Division of Fe’l (Verb) regarding Tajurrd (1st Stem of the Verb) and

Ziyadah (Derivative stems) Second Unit:

1. Awzaan Al-Rubaa’ee Al-Mujarrad (Quadrilateral Forms of a Verb with 1st Stem) and its Mulhaqaat (Adjuncts)

2. Awzaan Al-Thulaathi Al-Mazeed (Trilateral Forms of a Verb with Derivatives) )

3. Awzaan Al-Rubaa’ee Al-Mazeed Feehi (Quadrilateral Forms of a Verb with Derivatives and its Mulhaqaat (Adjuncts)

Third Unit:

1. Division of Fe’l Regarding Ta’addi and Luzoom (Division of Verbs as Transitive and Intransitive)

2. Division of Fe’l regarding its Binaa’for the Subject or the Object (Active and Passive)

3. Hukm Al-Af’aal Inda Isnaadiha Ila Al-Zamaair (State of the Verbs when they refer to Pronouns)

Fourth Unit:

1. Masaadir Al-Thulaathee (Roots / Sources of Trilateral Verbs ) 2. Masaadiru Ghair Al-Thulaathee (Roots / Sources of Non-Trilateral


Fifth Unit:

1. Kaifiyatu Tathniyah Al-Ism (Nature of the Dual Forms of a Noun 2. Kaifiyatu Jam’il Ism Jam’a Muzakkar Saaliman (Nature of Sound

Plural of Noun in Masculine Gender) 3. Kaifiyatu Jam’il Ism Jam’a Mu’annath Saaliman (Nature of Sound

Plural of Noun in Feminine Gender) 4. Jam’a Al-Takseer (Broken Plural)

Sixth Unit:

1. Al-Tasgheer (Formation of Diminutive of a Noun) 2. Al-I’laal (To Find out the Defective Words / Week Letters) 3. Al-Ibdaal (Appositional Substitution) 4. Al-Idghaam (To Contract one Letter into Another) 5. Al-Imaalah (Pronuciation of a shaded with e

Prescribed Book:

1. Shazzal ‘Araf by Ustad Ahmad Al-Hamlaawi

4 / 1 Al-Balaaghah: Ilm Al-Ma’aani (Rhetoric: Figures of Speech)

First Unit:

1. Ilm Al-Ma’aani: Definition and Explanation 2. Its Relation with Al-Nahw Al-Arabi 3. Efforts of the Ancient Scholars in this Science

Second Unit: 1. Al-Khabar (Predicate) and its Kinds 2. Kinds of Khabar 3. Al-Insha’ and its Kinds

Third Unit: Al-Insha’ Al-Talabi:

1. Al-Amr (Imperative (Positive) 2. Al-Nahi (Imperative (Negative) 3. Al-Istifhaam (Interrogative) 4. Al-Tamanni (Optative) 5. Al-Nidaa’(Vocative)

Fourth Unit: Al-Qasr (Limitation / Restriction):

1. Definition 2. Its Ways / Methods 3. Its Two Parts

Fifth Unit: Al-Fasl Wa Al-Wasl (Disjunction and Conjunction)

1. Mawaadhe’ Al Fasl (Places of Disjunction) 2. Mawaadhe’ Al Wasl (Places of Conjunction)

Sixth Unit:

1. Al-Ijaaz (Terse / Brief Expression) 2. Al-Itnaab (Verbose / Lengthy Expression) 3. Al-Musaawaat (Equal Expression)

Seventh Unit:

1. Atharu Ilm Al-Ma’aani Fi Balaaghat Al-Kalaam (Impact of Ilm Al-Ma’aani on the Rhetoric of Speech)

Prescribed Book:

1. Al-Balaaghah Al-Waadhihah by Ali Al-Jaarim and Mustafa Ameen

Recommended Books:

2. Al-Balaaghah Wa Al-Tatbeeq by Dr .Ahmad Matloob 3. Dalaai’l Al-I’jaaz by Abdu Al-Qahir Al-Jurjaani

5 / 1 Conversation and Expression (Arabic) Topics for Conversation: First Unit:

1. At First Meeting 2. Friendship 3. In the University

Topics for Expressions / Terms Second Unit:

1. Proverbs and Maxims in Arabic Language 2. Selected Sentences from the daily used Expressions / terms

Third Unit:

1. Remembrance of Allah and His Prophet Fourth Unit:

1. Brotherhood (Wishes and Good-Bye) Fifth Unit:

1. Exchange of Gifts and Greetings / Congratulation Prescribed Book: Kitaab Al-Alfaaz by Ibn Al-Marzubaan

6 / 1 Translation and Composition

(Topics for Translation) First Unit:

1. Technical Terms 2. Modern Technological Terms

Second Unit:

1. Famous Countries of the World, their Names, and Capitals, (changed when translated)

2. Full Forms for the Abbreviations Third Unit:

1. Sports / Games Terms 2. Famous Diseases

(Topics for Composition) First Unit: Daily Usages:

1. Different States / Situations from Morning to Evening Second Unit: Journeys / Trips

1. Writing observations during the journeys / trips Third Unit: Applications:

1. Application for Admission 2. Application for Jobs

7 / 1 Al-Seerah Al-Nabwiyah (The Biography of the Holy Prophet)

First Unit:

1. Pious Genealogy 2. Marriage of Abdullah with Aminah 3. Fosterage 4. The Event of the Chest Rending

Second Unit:

1. Death of Aminah and Kifaalah (Tutelage / Protection) of Abdul Muttalib

2. Kifaalah of Abi Talib 3. His First Jounrey to Syria 4. Harb Al-Fijaar (the Battle of Fijaar) 5. His Second Journey to Syria

Third Unit:

1. His Marriage with Khadija 2. The Construction of the Old House (Ka’bah) 3. His Life before the Be’thah (Proclamation of Prophethood) 4. His Character among his People Before the Be’thah

Fourth Unit:

1. Beginning of Wahi (Revelation) 2. Interval of Wahi (Revelation) 3. Return of Wahi (Revelation) 4. Preaching Secretly 5. Preaching Openly 6. Sufferings 7. Migration to Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah

Fifth Unit:

1. Al-Ghazawaat (Battles Attended by the Holy Prophet) 2. Al-Saraayaa (Battles Not Attended by the Holy Prophet) 3. Deputations 4. Letters to the Kings and Rulers

Sixth Unit:

1. His Sad Demise 2. His Traits and Character 3. His Miracles

Prescribed Book:

1. Noor Al-Yaqeen Fi Seerah Sayyidil Mursaleen by Al-Shaikh Mohammad Al-Khizri

Recommended Books:

1. Seeratu Ibne Hisham by Ibne Hisham 2. Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtoom by Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri 3. Ziyaun Nabi by Peer Karam Shah Al-Azhari

8 / 1 English Language- Grammar & Textbook

First Unit: Books: Gul Mohar (Graded English Course: Readers 1-2, published by Orient Longman)

Grammar: Sentence Subject and Predicate Phrases and Clauses Tenses Articles Prepositions Second Unit: Books: Gul Mohar (Graded English Course: Readers3-4, published by Orient Longman) Grammar: Parts of Speech: Noun Gender Number Case Adjective Pronouns Prescribed Books:

1. An Easy English Grammar (Anglo-Urdu) by Rajendra Prasad, Bharati Bhawan, Patna

2. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.

Recommended Books:

1. New Style English Grammar and Composition (Course B) by Brij Nandan Lal, Asha Parakashan, New Delhi.

2. An Intermediate English Practice Book by S. Pit Corder, Orient Longman, Delhi

9/ 1 English Language- Translation and Composition First Unit: Translation from Urdu into English and vice versa: Elementary Exercises Based on Structures (Nouns; Pronouns; Negative Sentence; Interrogative Sentence; Question Tags; Adjective; Verb; Tense; Verb-Patterns; Verbal Phrases; Participles, Gerund etc. ; Voice; Narration and Sequence of Tenses; Miscellaneous Sentences Translated Second Unit:. Graded Structures Third Unit: Words (1,000) Fourth Unit: English Conversation

Prescribed Books

A Practical Guide To English Translation and Composition by K. P. Thakur, Bharati Bhawan, Patna

How To Translate Into English by R. P. Sinha Bharati Bhawan, Patna Recommended Books:

Oxford Current English Translation by Prof R. K. Sinha, Good Man (P&O)

Golden English Translation by Sidhnath Prasad, Patna


Module 1: Information Technology

Computer Fundamentals

Operating Organization

Operating System Concepts

Office Automation Tools (Ms Office)

IT Applications



1 / 2 History of Arabic Literature (Islamic Period) First Unit:

1. Condition of the Arabian Perninsula before Islam 2. The Meanings of Jahiliah and Islam 3. Islam Transforms Arabian Intellect and Minds 4. Impact of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith on this Literature

Second Unit:

1. Islam’s Stand regarding Poetry 2. Characteristics of Islamic Poetry

3. The Mukhdharimoon Poets (Poets who were born in the Jahiliyah period and were alive in the Islamic Period):

Ka’b Bin Zuhari Life and Sample Poems

Al-Khansa life and Sample Poems

Hassan Bin Thabit Life and Sample Poems

Al-Hutaiyah Life and Sample Poems

4. The Islamiyoon Poets (Poets who were born in the Islamic period):

Umar Bin Rabi’ah Life and Sample Poems

Al-Akhtal Life and Sample Poems

Al-Firazdaq Life and Sample Poems

Al-Jarir Life and Sample Poems

Third Unit:

1. Islamic Prose 2. Characteristics of Islamic Prose 3. The Khutabaa’ (Orators):

The Holy Prophet, Eloquence, Sample Speeches Umar Bin Al-Khattab, Life and Samples Speeches Ali Bin Abi Taalib Life and Sample Speeches Sahbaan Waa’il Life and Sample Speeches Ziyaad Bin Abihi Life and Sample Speeches Alhajjaj Bin Yusuf Al-Saqfi Life and Sample Speeches

Fourth Unit: Writing and Writers:

1. Compilation of Dawwaween (collections of poems by written by one author)

2. Arts and Sciences in the Ummayyad Period 3. Abdul Hameed Bin Yahya, His Life and Sample Prose

Prescribed Book:

Taarikhu Al-Adab Al-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan Zayyat

Recommended Book:

1. Taarikhu Aadaab Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah by Jurji Zaidaan 2. Taarikhu Al-Adab Al-Arabi by Shauqi Zaif 3. Arabi Adab Ki Taarikh by Dr. Abdul Haleem Al-Nadvi

2 / 2 Al-Nahw Al-Arabi (Arabic Grammar / Syntax) First Unit: Ta’addil Fe’l Wa Lozoomuhu (Transitive and Intransitive Verbs):

1. Nasabu Al-Maf’ool (The Object in the Accusative Case) 2. Al’Fe’l Al-Laazim (Intransitive Verb)

3. Taqdeem Al-Fa’il (Putting the subject before the object) 4. Jawaazu Hazfil Fe’l (Omission of the Verb)

Second Unit: Al-Maf’ool Al-Mutlaq (Cognate Object):

Nasabuhu (its Accusative Case) Awaalahu (its Cases)

Third Unit: Al-Maf’ool Lahu (Adverb of Cause / Reason):

1. Nasabuhu (its Accusative Case) 2. Awaalahu (its Cases)

Fourth Unit: Al-Maf’ool Feehi (Adverb of Time or Place):

1. Definition 2. Its Acceptance of the (Nasab) Accusative Case) 3. Al-Mutasarrif Wa Ghair Al-Mutasarrif (fully inflected and

uninflected) Fifth Unit: Al-Maf’ool Ma’ahu (Object coming simultaneously with the Subject):

1. Definition 2. ‘Aamilu Nasabihi (The word governing its Accusative Case) 3. Wajoobu Nasabihi (Incumbency of its Accusative Case)

Sixth Unit: Al-Maf’ool Bihi:

1. Nasabuhu (Its Accusative Case) 2. Ahwaaluhu (Its Cases)

Seventh Unit:

1. Al-Istisna’ (Exception / Exclusion) 2. Al-Haal (Circumstantial Phrase; Expression) 3. Al-Tameez (Specification / Distinguishing)

Prescribed Book: Sharhu Ibne Aqeel Ala Alfiyat-i-Ibne Maalik Recommended Books:

1. Ma’aaniy Al-Nahw by Dr. Fazil Salih Al-Saamraai 2. Al-Nahw Al-Waazih by Ustad Ali Jaarim and Mustafa Ameen

3 /2 Al-Balaaghah: Al-Bayaan Wal Bad’ee (Rhetoric:

Expression and Style Euphemism) First Unit:

1. Ilm Al-Bayaan Wal Bad’ee: Haqiqatu Hazainil Fannain (Expression and Euphemism: the Nature of these two Sciences)

Second Unit:

1. Al-Tashbeeh (Simile) Third Unit:

1. Al-Majaaz (Metaphor / Figurative Expression) Fourth Unit:

1. Al-Kinayah (Metonymy / Indirect Expression)

Fifth Unit:

1. Al-Muhassinaat Al-Lafziyah (Figurative Expressions relating to the words / phrases)

2. Al-Muhassinaat Al-Ma’nawiyah (Figurative Expressions relating to the Meanings)

Prescribed Book: Al-Balaaghah Al-Waazihah by Ali Jaarim and Mustafa Ameen Recommended Books:

1. Asraar Al-Balaaghah by Abdul Qahir Al-Jurjaani 2. Al-Balaaghah Wal Tatbeeq by Dr. Ahmad Matloob

4 /2 Conversation and Expression Topics for Conversation First Unit:

1. At the Railway Station 2. In the Market 3. At the Airport 4. In the Library

Topics for Expression Second Unit:

1. Demand for Exporting Books Third Unit:

1. Reply to Exporting Books

Fourth Unit:

1. Selections from Proverbs and Aphorisms Fifth Unit:

1. Selected Sentences from Daily Usages

5 / 2 Translation and Composition (Arabic)

(From Arabic into Urdu) First Unit:

1. Abu Ayyub Ansari by Abd Al-Rahman (Suwarum Min Hayaatis Sahabah)

Second Unit:

1. Salmaan Al-Farisi Abd Al-Rahman (Suwarum Min Hayaatis Sahabah)

From Urdu into Arabic

Third Unit:

1. Translation (Unseen Passages, selected by the teachers) Fourth Unit: Letter Writing:

1. Personal Letters 2. Business Letters 3. Official Letters

6 / 2 Usool Al-Da’wah (Principles of Da’wah) First Unit: Subject of Da’wah (Propagation and Preaching):

1. Introduction to Islam 2. Fundamentals of Islma 3. Characteristics of Islam

Second Unit: Al-Daa’ee (the Preacher) and his Qualities / Attributes:

1. Introduction to the Al-Daa’ee 2. Preparations by the Al-Daa’ee 3. Manners of Al-Daa’ee

Third Unit: Al-Mad’u (the one invited / the one to whom some thing is preached):

1. Comprehensive Introduction to the Al-Mad’u (the invited) 2. Kinds / Class of the Al-Mad’uween (the invited)

Fourth Unit: Methods and Means of Al-Da’wah: Means of Al-Da’wah:

1. External Means 2. Internal Means 3. Preaching with words 4. Preaching with practice / Precepts 5. Preaching with Character

Methods of Al-Da’wah:

1. Winning over hearts with good behaviour, money and gifts etc. 2. Al-Da’wah secretly and cautiously 3. Keeping the in view the various aspects of the Al-Mad’u 4. Methods of Al-Da’wah in adopting means

Prescribed Book:

1. Usool Al-Da’wah by Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidaan Recommended Books:

1. Asaalib Al-Da’wah Wa Al-Tarbiyah Fi Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah by Dr. Ziyad Mahmood Al-Aani

2. Al-Da’wah Al-Islamiyah by Imam Abu Zuhrah

7 / 2 Usool Al-Bahas (Research Methodology) First Unit:

1. Introduction into Research 2. Areas and Kinds of Research 3. Purpose of Research

Second Unit:

1. Qualifications of a Researcher 2. Selection of Topic 3. The Conditions which are to be fulfilled in this respect

Third Unit:

1. Obligations of a Researcher 2. Synopsis 3. Contents 4. Primary Preparation / First Draft 5. Compilation of Sources / Bibliography

Fourth Unit: A few Samples:

1. A Comprehensive Introduction into a Classical Book 2. Writing a Preparatory / Sample Research

Prescribed Book:

1. Manhaj Al-Bahooth Al-Ilmiyah Lit Tullab Al-Jaami’een by Dr. Suraiya Abdul Fattah Malhas

8 / 2 English Language- Grammar & Textbook First Unit: Books: Gul Mohar (Graded English Course: Readers 5, published by Orient Longman) Grammar: Verb Mood Tense Second Unit Books: Gul Mohar (Graded English Course: Readers 6, published by Orient Longman) Grammar: Infinitive Participle

Gerund Auxiliaries Adverb Prescribed Book:

1. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.

Recommended Books:

New Style English Grammar and Composition (Course B) by Brij Nandan Lal, Asha Parakashan, New Delhi.

An Intermediate English Practice Book by S. Pit Corder, Orient Longman, Delhi

9 / 2 English Language- Translation and Composition Fist Unit: Translation from Urdu into English and vice versa (Simple Passages for Practice; Longer Passages for Practice) Second Unit: Graded Structures Third Unit: Words (1,000) Fourth Unit: English Conversation

Prescribed Books:

1. A Practical Guide To English Translation and Composition by K. P. Thakur, Bharati Bhawan, Patna

2. How to Translate Into English by R. P. Sinha, Bharati Bhawan, Patna Recommended Books:

1. Oxford Current English Translation by Prof R. K. Sinha, Good Man (P&O)

2. Golden English Translation by Sidhnath Prasad, Patna 10 / 2 COMPUTER APPLICATION AND MULTI-LINGUAL

DTP Module 11: Business Systems Introduction to Business Data Processing

Fundamentals of Programming

Principles & techniques of Programming

Ms Access

Accounting Fundamentals

Accounts Application (Tally)



1/ 3 History of Arabic Literature (Abbasid Period) First Unit: A general view of the history during the Abbasid Period:

1. Political Life 2. Social Life 3. Academic / Intellectual Life

Second Unit: Development of Poetry in the Abbasid Period:

1. Elements of Traditionalism and Features of Modernism 2. Modernism / Innovation in genres / themes 3. Innovation in Meters and Rhymes

Third Unit: Eminent Poets in the Abbasid Period:

1. Bashshaar Bib Burd Life and Sample Poems

2. Abu Nawaas Life and Sample Poems

3. Abul Ataahiyh Life and Sample Poems

4. Abu Tammaam Life and Sample Poems

5. Al-Buhtari Life and Sample Poems

6. Ibn Al-Roomi Life and Sample Poems

7. Al-Mutanabbi Life and Sample Poems

Fourth Unit: Development Prose in the Abbasid Period

1. The Arts (Forms) of Prose and its Genres / themes 2. Features of Originality and Modernism / Innovation in this period

Fifth Unit: Prominent Prose Writers in the Abbasid Period:

1. Ibn Al-Muqaffa Life and Sample Writings

2. Ibn Al-Zayyaat Life and Sample Writings

3. Al-Jaahiz Life and Sample Writings

4. Ibn Al-Qutaibah Life and Sample Writings

5. Sa’eed Bin Hameed Life and Sample Writings

Prescribed Book:

2. Taarikhu Al-Adab Al-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan Zayyat

Recommended Book:

4. Taarikhu Aadaab Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah by Jurji Zaidaan 5. Taarikhu Al-Adab Al-Arabi by Shauqi Zaif 6. Arabi Adab Ki Taarikh by Dr. Abdul Haleem Al-Nadvi

2/ 3 Al- Nahw Al-Arabi (Arabic Grammar and Syntax) Firs Unit: Huroof Al-Jarr (Prepositions):

1. Ma’aanihaa (Their Meanings)

2. A’maaluhaa (Their Functions) Second Unit: Al-Izaafah (Genitive Construction):

1. Ma’naahaa (Its Meaning) 2. Aqsaamuha (Its Kinds) 3. Suwaruhaa (Its Cases) 4. Al-Muzaafu Ila Yaa’il Mutakallim (Personal Pronoun of First Person

in the Genitive Case) Third Unit:

1. I’maal Al-Masdar (Governance of Verbs) 2. Abniyaah Al-Masadir (Constructive Structures of Verbs)

Fourth Unit:

1. Al-Sifat Al-Mushabbah Bil Fe’l Wa Alaamatuhaa (Adjectives Resembling Verbs / Verbal Adjectives and their Signs)

2. Af’alut Tafzeel (Adjective in the Superlative Degree) 3. Ne’ma (Indeclinable noun with article and normative ending meaning

‘what a perfect; what a wonderful; truly etc.’) and Be’sa (Indeclinable noun with article and normative ending meaning ‘What a miserable; evil; distress’) Wa Maa Jaraa Majraa Huma (and Whatever act in the same manner)

Fifth Unit:

1. Al-Ta’jjub (Surprise-Exclamation-) 2. Al-Na’at (Attribute / Epithet) 3. Al-Taukeed (Emphasis)

Sixth Unit:

1. Atf Al-Nasaq (Sequential Conjunction) 2. Atf Al-Bayaan (Explicative Conjunction) 3. Al-Badal (Apposition)

Seventh Unit:

1. Al-Nidaa (Vocative / Exclamation) 2. Asmaun Laazamat Al-Nidaa (Nouns Accompanying Al-Nidaa) 3. Al-Isteghaasah (Call for Help; Distress Call) 4. Al-Nudbah (Lamentation for the Dead; Elegy; Funeral Song) 5. Al-Tarkheem (Shortening; Apocopation esp. of a name in the vocative

by elision of the final consonant) Eighth Unit: 1. Al-Ikhtesaas (Cognate Object governed by an understood Verb meaning

‘in particular / particularly) Ninth Unit:

1. Al-Tahzeer Wa Al-Ighraa’ (Cautioning and instigating) Prescribed Book:

1. Sharhu Ibne Aqeel Ala Alfiyat-i-Ibne Maalik Recommended Books:

1. Ma’aaniy Al-Nahw by Dr. Fazil Salih Al-Saamraai 2. Al-Nahw Al-Waazih by Ustad Ali Jaarim and Mustafa Ameen

3 /3 Conversation and Expression Topics for Conversation First Unit:

1. Group Discussion about Different Topics related to Islam and the Muslims

Second Unit:

1. Delivering Speeches on Topics related to Preaching Islamic Teachings

Topics for Expression Third Unit:

1. Condolences Fourth Unit:

1. Replies to Condolences Fifth Unit:

1. Selections from Proverbs and Aphorisms Sixth Unit:

1. Selected Sentences from Daily Usages

4 / 3 Translation and Composition From Arabic into Urdu First Unit:

1. Jawaami’ Al-Kalim (Aphoristic Sayings) by the Holy Prophet, Mukhtaaraat Min Adab Al-Arab, vol. 1

Second Unit:

1. Al-Khitaabah Al-Mu’jizah (Inimitable Styles of Speeches), Mukhtaaraat Min Adab Al-Arab, vol. 1

From Urdu into Arabic

Third Unit:

1. Passages from Urdu Magazines and Newspapers Topics for Composition Fourth Unit: General / Miscellaneous Topics:

1. Importance of Railways in the development of the country 2. India: A Country of Many Cultures and Civilizations 3. Modern Inventions and their Impacts on Changing Thoughts 4. Intellectual Differences and their Consequences

5 / 3 Islamic Media First Unit: Media and Journalism: Meanings and Dimensions:

1. What is Journalism 2. Fields of Journalism and Media 3. Kinds of Journalism 4. Purposes of Journalism 5. History of Journalism

Second Unit: Principles and Fundamentals of Journalism:

1. Truth and Reality 2. Eradication of Oppression and Aggression 3. Proclaiming the Truth and Resisting Falsehood

Third Unit: Between Islamic Media and Western Media:

Islam’s Stand about Journalism Supportive Bases of Islamic Media Characteristics of Islamic Media and the Necessity of their Application Western Media and their Evil Designs Hostility of Western Media against Islam and the Muslims How can we resist the Western Media and their dangers Fourth Unit: Resources of Islamic Media Print Media:

1. Magazines, Journals and Newspapers 2. Stories and Novels 3. Other kinds of Writings about Islam


1. Speeches and Admonitions / Radio Video:

1. Islamic Programmes on Television and Internet

6 / 3 Uloom Al-Qur’an (Sciences of the Holy Qur’an) First Unit: Definition of the Holy Qur’an:

1. Opinions of the Ulama in the definition of the Holy Qur’an 2. The Names and etymology of the Holy Qur’an

Second Unit:

1. The Symptoms / Phenomena of the Revelation 2. Gradual Revelation of the Holy Qur’an and its Wisdom 3. Collection and Compilation of the Holy Qur’an 4. Copies Prepared by Hazrat Uthman and the Phases of beautification

and refinement

Third Unit:

1. A Historical Glimpse of the Sciences of the Holy Qur’an 2. Works on the Sciences of the Holy Qur’an in the modern time

Fourth Unit:

1. the Science of the Circumstances of Revelation of the Verses 2. Science of Identifying the Makki and Madani Chapters of the Holy

Qur’an 3. Ilm Al-Naasikh Wa Al-Mansookh (The Science of Abrogating and

Abrogated Verses of the Holy Qur’an) 4. Ilm Al-Muhkam Wa Ilm Al-Mutashaabih (The Science of the Entirely

Clear and Not Entirely Verses of the Holy Qur’an) Fifth Unit:

1. The Science of the Qur’nic Script 2. The Science of the Intonation and Phonetics of the Holy Qur’an 3. A Glimpse of the Initials of the Qur’anic Chapters 4. the Miraculous Nature of the Holy Qur’an

Sixth Unit:

1. Exegesis of the Holy Qur’an: Origin and Development 2. Important Books of Exegesis

Prescribed Book:

1. Mabaahith Fi Uloom Al-Qur’an by Dr. Subhi Al-Saalih Recommended Books:

1. Al-Itqaan by Al-Shaikh Jalaluddin Abdur Rahman Al-Suyuti 2. Al-Burhaan Fi Uloom Al-Qur’an by Zarkashi

7 / 3 Al-Tasawwuf Al-Islami (Islamic Mysticism) First Unit:

1. Introduction into Al-Tasawwuf (Mysticism) 2. Derivations of the word ‘Al-Tasawwuf 3. Development of the Science of Al-Tasawwuf 4. Importance and Significance of Mysticism

Second Unit: The Practical Side of Al-Tasawwuf:

1. Company, Making Promise and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Transmission of Permission and Etiquettes for a Spiritual Disciples 3. Asceticism and Purification of the Soul 4. Remembrance, Discussion and Seclusion

Third Unit: The Ways to Access to Allah, the Honoured and Exalted:

1. The Way to Access to Allah 2. Repentance and Examination of the Conscience 3. Fear and Hope 4. Truthfulness and Sincerity 5. Asceticism and Piety 6. Patience, Trust in Allah and Contentment

Fourth Unit: From the Fruits of Mysticism:

1. Divine Love 2. Illumination and Instigation 3. Miracles worked by a Saint

Fifth Unit: Correcting Thoughts about Mysticism:

1. Between Al-Haqeeqah and Al-Shari’ah 2. Debating with those who are biased against Sufis 3. Adherence of the Sufis to the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy

Prophet 4. Between the Real Sufis and the Imposter / Pretender Sufis 5. Explanations of the Sayings of the Leading Sufis

Prescribed Book: Haqaa’iq Ani Al-Tasawwuf by Shaikh Abdul Qadir Isa Recommended Books:

1. Al-Risalah Al-Qushairiyah by Al-Imam Al-Qushairi 2. Ihya Uloom Al-Deen by Al-Imam Al-Ghazaali

8 / 3 English Language- Grammar & Textbook First Unit: Books: Gul Mohar (Graded English Course: Readers7, published by Orient Longman) Grammar: Prepositions Conjunctions Interjection Second Unit: Books: Gul Mohar (Graded English Course:Readers 8, published by Orient Longman)

Grammar: Active and Passive Voice Direct and Indirect Narration Prescribed Books:

1. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi

Recommended Books:

1. New Style English Grammar and Composition (Course B) by Brij Nandan Lal, Asha Parakashan, New Delhi.

2. An Intermediate English Practice Book by S. Pit Corder, Orient Longman, Delhi

9 /3 English Language- Translation and Composition First Unit: Translation from Urdu into English and vice versa Urdu Idioms Translated into English and vice versa) Second Unit: Some Common Phrases and Words Urdu Proverbs Translated into English and vice versa Third Unit: Translation of Urdu News items into English Translation of English News items into Urdu Fourth Unit: Note Making Note Taking

Report Writing Letter Writing Prescribed Books: 1. A Practical Guide To English Translation and Composition by K. P. Thakur, Bharati Bhawan,

Patna 2. How To Translate Into English by R. P. Sinha, Bharati Bhawan, Patna Recommended Books: 1. Oxford Current English Translation by Prof R. K. Sinha, Good Man (P&O) 2. Golden English Translation by Sidhnath Prasad, Patna 10 / 3 COMPUTER APPLICATION AND MULTI-LINGUAL

DTP Module 111: Web Application Development

Introduction to internet

World Wide Web


FTP, Telnet


Front Page

JAVA Script

Graphic Tools, Adobe Photoshop


FOURTH SEMESTER 1/ 4 History of Arabic Literature (Modern Period) First Unit: A General View of the Modern History of the Arabs:

1. Modern Arab Renaissance) 2. Conditions in Egypt in the late Eighteenth Century 3. Invasion of Napoleon on Egypt and its Literary Impact 4. Mohammad Ali’s Works and Ismaa’il’s Efforts in Spreading Culture /

Civilization 5. Impact of English Occupation on Education and Training

Second Unit: Sources of the Renaissance:

1. Al-Madaaris (Schools) 2. Al-Jam’iah Al-Azhariyah (The Al-Azhar University) 3. Al-Jami’aat Al-Misri’ah (The Egyptian Universities) 4. Al-Tab’ah (Printing Press) 5. Al-Sahaafah (Journalism) 6. Al-Tamseel (Drama) 7. Al-Majaami’ Al-Aladabiyah (Literary Academia) 8. Al-Majma’h Al-Ilmi Al-Arabi Bi Dimashq (Arabic Academic At

Damascuss) 9. Majm’a Al-Lughah Al-Arabiah Bi Al-Qahirah (Academy of Arabic

Language at Cairo)

Third Unit: Modern Arabic Prose:

1. A General View of the Development of Modern Prose 2. Articles / Essays, Stories, Novels and Drama Third Unit: Famous Writers:

1. Jamal Al-Deen Al-Afghani Life and Works 2. Al-Ustaad Mohammad Abdahu Life and Works 3. Mustafa Lutfi Al-Manfalooti Life and Works 4. Taha Husain Life and Works 5. Mustafa Sadiq Al-Raaf’iee Life and Works 6. Najeeb Al-Mahfooz Life and Works

Fourth Unit: Modern Arabic Poetry:

1. A Glimpse of the Development of Poetry in this Period 2. Poetry with concluding couplet in Arabic Literature 3. Mursal Poetry in Modern Literature 4. Free Poetry in Arabic Literature 5. Impact of Western Poetry on Modern Arabic Poetry 6. Poetry in the Northern and Western Mahjar (Colonies)

Fifth Unit: Eminent Poets:

1. Mahmood Saami Al-Baroodi Life and Sample Poems 2. Ahmad Shauqi Life and Sample Poems 3. Hafiz Ibraahim Al-Yaazji Life and Sample Poems 4. Abbas Mahmood Al-Aqqaad Life and Sample Poems 5. Jubraan Khalil Jubraan Life and Sample Poems

Prescribed Books:

1. Taarikhu Adab Al-Arabi by Ahmad Hasan Al-Zayyaat Recommended Books:

1. Al-She’r Al-Arabi Al-Hadith from 1800 to 1970 by S. Mooriyah 2. Al-Adab Al-Arabi Al-Mu’aasir by Dr. Shauqi Zaif

2 / 4 Al-Naqd Al-Arabic (Arabic Criticism) First Unit: Arabic Criticism:

1. Its Nature, Definition and Function 2. Its Relation with History and Rhetoric 3. Its Origin and Development

Second Unit: Style of Arabic Criticism:

1. Its Kinds and Elements 2. Nature of difference between Styles

Third Unit:

1. Styles of Prose and Poetry 2. Components / Constituents of Prose and Poetry in the Ancient and

Modern Period Fourth Unit: Eminent Scholars of Arabic Criticism:

1. Their Views / View-Points about Arabic Criticism and their Biographies

Fifth Unit: Important Books in Arabic Criticism:

1. A Brief Introduction to them and Reviews / Notes on them Prescribed Book:

1. Al-Naqd Al-Adabi by Al-Sa’eed Ghazlaan-Mohammad Abdul Ghaffar Hamzah

Recommended Books:

1. Al-Naqd Al-Adabi by Dr. Shauqi Zaif 2. Usasu Al-Naqd Al-Arabi Inda Al-Arab by Ahmad Badawi Al-Hadith 3. Al-Naqd Al-Adabi by Ustad Ahmad Ameen

3 / 4 Al-‘Aroodh Wa Al-Qaafiyah (Prosody and Rhyme) First Unit:

1. Nature of this Art / Science 2. A Brief Introduction to its Inventor [Khalil Bin Ahmad Al-Basari,

Teacher of Sebweh d. 96 A. H. / 170 Second Unit: Al-Zahaafaat (Metrical Variations):

1. Al-Baseetah Wa Al-Murakkabah (Simple and Compound) Al-Ilal (Irregularity or Variations):

1. Ilal Al-Ziyaadah Wa Ilal Al-Naqs Ilalun Jariatun Majra Al-Zahaaf (Increasing Metrical Irregularity / Decreasing Metrical Irregularity Acting Like the Al-Zahaaf (metrical variation)

Third Unit: Al-Buhoor Wa Al-Auzaan (Meters) Fourth Unit:

1. Nature of the Art / Science of Rhyme and a Brief Introduction to its Inventor [Muhallil Bin Rabi’ah, maternal uncle of Imra’I Al-Qaisi d. 531 A. D.]

Fifth Unit:

1. Kinds of Rhyme) 2. Letters of Rhyme) 3. The Vowel Signs With Regards to Metrical Variations and Letters 4. The Defects of Rhyme)

Prescribed Book:

1. Ilm Al-‘Aroodh Wa Al-Qaafiyah by Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Ateeq Recommended Books:

1. Kitaab Al-Iqnaa’ Fi Al-Aroodh Wa Takhreej Al-Qaafiyah by Abu Al-Qasim Ismaa’il Bin Abbad

2. Al-Muwaazanah by Al-Aamidi

4 /4 Uloom Al-Hadith (the Sciences of Hadith) First Unit:

1. Hadith, Sunnah [Practices of the Holy Prophet] and other Terminologies)

2. Definitions, Differences and Explanations: Al-Hadith Al-Qudsi [Tradition in which Allah Himself speaks as opposed to Al-Hadith Al-Nabawi, an ordinary Prophetic Tradition], Al-Khabar Wa Al-Athar

Second Unit:

1. About the Compilation of Al-Hadith) 2. Journey in Search o fHadith) 3. Conveyance / transportation of Hadith and its Forms

Third Unit:

1. the Science of Hadith: Narration and Comprehension 2. Books of Hadith 3. The Conditions for a Narrator)

Fourth Unit:

1. Terminologies and Kinds of Al-Hadith: True, Good, Deficient, Widely Accepted Strong and Elaborate / Extensive

Fifth Unit:

1. Fabricated Hadith 2. Stages of Fabrication 3. Famous Books dealing with Fabricated Hadith

Sixth Unit:

1. Hadith Between Conceptual Form and Content 2. Importance of Hadith in Islamic Jurisprudence, Language and

Literature Prescribed Book: Uloom Al-Hadith Wa Mustalahahoo by Dr. Subhi Al-Saalih Recommended Books:

1. Muqaddimah by Ibne Salah 2. Al-Sunnah Wa Makaanatuhaa Fi Al-Tashr’ee Al-Islami by Dr.

Mustafa Al-Sibaa’ee

5 /3 Conversation and Expression Topics for Conversation First Unit:

1. Group Discussion about Burning Topics and Issues Second Unit:

1. Debates about Issues and Topics about which Scholars have Different and Diverse Opinions

Topics for Expression Third Unit:

1. About Cease-Fire

Fourth Unit:

1. About Asking and Praise Fifth Unit:

1. About Making Excuses Sixth Unit:

1. Selected Sentences from Classical and Modern Texts Prescribed Book:

1. Kitaab Al-Alfaaz by Ibne Al-Marzubaan

6 / 4 Translation and Composition

From Arabic into Urdu

Topics for Translation First Unit:

1. Al-Ghani Wa Al-Faqeer, from Al-Nazraat, vol. 1 by Ustad Mustafa Lutfi Al-Manfalooti

Second Unit:

1. Dam’atun Al-Islaam, from Al-Nazraat, vol. 2 by Ustad Mustafa Lutfi Al-Manfalooti

From Urdu into Arabic Third Unit:

1. Translation of any one of Urdu Books by Predecessors, selected by the teacher

Topics for Composition Fourth Unit: Al-Islaamiyaat (Islamic Studies): Note: Write-ups will be prepared by the students keeping in view the sub-titles of their research work which they will have to do in the fourth semester.

7 / 4 English Language- Grammar & Textbook First Unit: Books:

1. Textbook for Class XI (Core Course), published by National Council of Educational Research and Training

2. Supplementary Reader in English for Class XI (Core Course), published by National Council of Educational Research and Training


1. Analysis and Synthesis 2. Transformation of Sentences

Second Unit: Books:

1. Textbook for Class XII (Core Course), published by National Council of Educational Research and Training

2. Supplementary Reader in English for Class XI I (Core Course), published by National Council of Educational Research and Training


1. Figures of Speech 2. Punctuation 3. Idioms

Prescribed Book: High School English Grammar and Composition, by Wren & Martin, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi. Recommended Books:

1. New Style English Grammar and Composition (Course B) by Brij Nandan Lal, Asha Parakashan, New Delhi.

2. An Intermediate English Practice Book, by S. Pit Corder, Orient Longman, Delhi

8 / 4 English Language- Translation and Composition

First Unit:

1. Paragraph-Writing 2. Reproduction of a Story-Poem

Second Unit:

1. Comprehension 2. Précis-Writing

Third Unit:

1. Expansion of Passages 2. Essay-Writing

Fourth Unit:

1. Dialogue-Writing 2. The Appreciation of Poetry

Prescribed Books:

1. A Practical Guide To English Translation and Composition by K. P. Thakur, Bharati Bhawan, Patna

2. How To Translate Into English by R. P. Sinha, Bharati Bhawan, Patna

Recommended Books:

1. Oxford Current English Translation by Prof R. K. Sinha, Good Man (P&O)

2. Golden English Translation by Sidhnath Prasad, Patna


Module IV: Multilingual DTP

Urdu & Hindi DTP

Page Maker

Corel Draw

Project Work

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