syllabus 2d and 3d imaging for art

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Syllabus 2D and 3D Imaging for Art


2D and 3D Imaging for art Fall 2012 Page 1 of 4

Prof. Cosentino

2D and 3D Imaging for Art Syllabus

Course description:

This course will explore imaging methods regularly used by cultural heritage scientists and

conservators for the scientific and forensic investigation of art objects. We will see how specific

ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum are used to detect features such as underdrawing

(infrared), retouchings (false color infrared) and varnishes (ultraviolet). We will also cover

imaging in 3D and thermal infrared for investigation of historical architecture. Students will

practice all methods in lab with state of the art imaging equipment.

Upon completion, this course is worth one (1) credit.

Instructor information:

Dr. Antonino Cosentino

Post –doc, Department of Math and Science

Office: ARC Lower Level E5

Office Hours: Mondays 4 pm- 5 pm, or by appointment


Phone: 718-636-3764

E-mail is the best (and preferred) way to reach me for a question or to schedule an

appointment outside of office hours.

Class meeting time:

Mondays 5 pm – 8 pm in ARC E7

Wednesdays 5 pm – 8 pm in ARC E7

Fridays 9:30 am – 1230 pm in ARC E7

Course goals:

To increase students’ interest into science and technology by exposing them to a

range of case studies resolved by means of different imaging techniques.

To gain an understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum and how its

components are used for imaging.

To gain an appreciation of the utility of imaging to allow us the understanding of the materials and objects we deal with.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this course, students should be able to….

Demonstrate understanding of concepts of light as a wave and as a particle.

Be conversant in general topics related to issues of art investigation such as

pigment identification.

Communicate and collaborate effectively across the art & science disciplines.

Describe the basic design of various scientific imaging instruments.

Perform imaging investigations on art objects in the lab.

To develop an analytical attitude toward investigative tasks.

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Prof. Cosentino

Week Topic(s) Key Questions Readings

1 Introduction to the course

and to cultural heritage


Imaging with visible and

UV light;

Lab raking light,

macrophotography, UV

fluorescence, UVR

How science is applied to

art and archaeology? Who

are Cultural heritage

scientists? What is UV



Chapter 4

2 Imaging with IR

Lab Infrared False color,

Digital infrared

How to imaging in the near

infrared? What is a CCD? Richards

Chapter 1

3 Imaging with IRR

Lab IR Reflectography with

Vidicon IR camera

Why IR can penetrate

pigments? Taft



Chapter 3 p. 42-55

4 Imaging with Thermal


3D imaging with structured


Lab Thermography

Lab structured light

What is blackbody

radiation? Kaplan

Chapter 1, 2, 8.


Chapter 2

5 Microscopy

Lab Cross-sections


Polarizing microscopy

What’s polarized light?


Learning Management System (LMS):

During the course of the semester, we will make use of Pratt’s Learning Management

System (LMS). To access the LMS, go to Use your ONEKEY username

and password to log in. I may be using the LMS to send email announcements during the

semester, so please make sure that you check the email address listed under your LMS profile

regularly. “I forgot to check my Pratt email” is not a valid excuse.

I try to make the assignments, announcements, and other documents I post on the LMS as

universally-readable as possible. The only proprietary program you will need to have loaded onto

your computer is Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded here:

*Important*: If you should have any problems with the LMS, immediately contact me via email

or phone, or visit the Help Desk in the basement of the Engineering Building (they can also be

2D and 3D Imaging for art Fall 2012 Page 3 of 4

Prof. Cosentino

contacted at x3765 or In order for me to verify claims of LMS outages, I

must hear from you when the LMS problem occurs, not hours or days later.

Course requirements:

Textbooks, readings, and materials:

In accordance with the weekly outline of the course you will be assigned one or more

readings each week. The reading may come from one of the following textbooks listed below.

Since I have not been able to find one perfect textbook for this course I have been compelled

to use relevant chapters from different textbooks. I will provide all readings (hardcopy or

uploaded to the LMS) for the class and you are not required to buy any textbooks for use in

this course.

A. A. Richards “Alien Vision: Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum with Imaging

Technology, Second Edition” SPIE press (2001).

P. Mould “The art detective” Viking editor (2010).

W. Stanley Taft, Jr, J. W. Mayer “The Science of Paintings” Springer-Verlag New

York, Inc. (2000).

D.C. Creagh, DA Bradley “Radiation in Art and Archeometry” Elsevier (2000).

H. Kaplan “Practical applications of Infrared Thermal Sensing and Imaging

Equipment” SPIE Press (2007).

W. C McCrone “The Microscopical Identification of Artists' Pigments” Journal of the

International Institute for Conservation—Canadian Group7(1–2):11–34 (1982).

Assessment and Grading for Undergraduates and Graduates:

40% Quizzes

60% Participation

Participation is heavily weighted in this course. All students are expected to contribute

to classroom discussion at every class meeting.


I expect you to maintain the civility and integrity in and out of the classroom. Being in

class means arriving on time, turning off cell phones, respecting the right of others to

speak. Out of class means properly citing all work that is not your own. Any disruptive,

disrespectful, or dishonest behavior will be promptly reported to the appropriate campus

authority. Students must adhere to all Institute-wide policies listed in the Bulletin under

“Community Standards” and which include policies on attendance, academic integrity,

plagiarism, computer, and network use. Please see (click on

Judicial Procedures) for policies and procedures for handling academic conduct issues.

Those who require special accommodations for disabilities must obtain clearance from

the Office of Disability Services at the beginning of the semester. Please contact Mai

McDonald, Disability Services Coordinator, in the Office of the Vice President for

Student Affairs, Main Building, Lower Level: 718-636-3711. See for more information.

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Prof. Cosentino

It is expected that you will attend class on time. Partial attendance, i.e. lateness or early

departure, will each count as one-half an absence if not excused in advance. In addition,

lateness and absence can adversely affect your participation grade.

Two absences may result in failure. If all absences are excused by Health and

Counseling Services, special arrangements will be made.

It is expected that students will check the course website on LMS to download readings,

check guidelines for assignments, and check for course announcements.

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