sweet gold health benefits of honey

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees using nectar from flowers. Bees first convert the nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation.Honey is very beneficial for human body.www.wellbeingart.com


  • www.wellbeingart.com Page 1

    Sweet Gold: 7 Health Benefits of Honey That Could Heal

    Your Whole Body

    Honey contains a treasure chest of hidden nutritional and medicinal value for centuries.

    The sweet golden liquid from the beehive is a popular kitchen staple loaded with

    antibacterial and antifungal properties that has been used since the early days of

    Egyptian tombs.

    Typically, honey is sweet but can be cruel to infants. Spores of Clostridium

    botulinum bacteria found in dirt and dust, which can contaminate honey may lead

    to infant botulism and produce a toxin inside the body that can cause muscle weakness

    and breathing problems. The Mayo recommends waiting until after 12 months of age to

    give infants honey; consumption is safe for older adults and kids, since they have a

    mature digestive system that can handle the spores.

    Consume honey responsibly and reap the numerous health benefits of this sweet gold.

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    1. Alleviates Allergies

    Honeys anti-inflammatory effects and ability to soothe coughs has led to the belief it

    can also reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. Although there are no clinical studies

    proving its efficacy, Dr. Matthew Bernice, a board certified naturopathic doctor practicing

    at the Rocky Mountain Wellness Center in Fort Collins, Colo., told Medical Daily in an

    email, "A common theory is that honey acts like a natural vaccine." It contains small

    amounts of pollen, which if the body is exposed to small amounts of it, it can trigger an

    immune response that produces antibodies to the pollen. "After repeated exposure, you

    should build up these antibodies and the body should become accustomed to their

    presence so that less histamine is released, resulting in a lesser allergic response."

    2. All-Natural Energy Drink

    Honey is an excellent source of all-natural energy at just 17 grams of carbohydrates per

    tablespoon. This natural unprocessed sugar fructose and glucose directly enter

    the bloodstream and can deliver a quick boost of energy. The rise in blood sugar acts

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    as a short-term energy source for your workout, especially in longer endurance


    Brennecke said there is a con to adding honey to your workout. If your goal in

    exercising is to increase muscle mass, working out on an empty stomach first thing in

    the morning is the way to go. When your body is in starvation mode (upon waking in

    morning), and you start exercising, you release insulin-like growthfactor-1 (IGF-1),

    which will help you build bulk, he said. Brennecke does warn this only works when

    blood sugars are low.

    3. Boosts Memory

    The sweet nectar is loaded in antioxidants that may help prevent cellular damage and

    loss within the brain. A 2011 study published in Menopause found a daily spoonful of

    Malaysian honey may boost postmenopausal womens memory, which can provide an

    alternative therapy for the hormone-related intellectual decline. After four months of

    taking 20 grams of honey a day, the women were more likely to have better short-term

    memory than their counterparts who took hormone pills.

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    4. Cough Suppressant

    Honey can be the all-natural cure when it comes to pesky colds. A persistent cough that

    wont go away can easily be remedied with two teaspoons of honey, according to a

    2012 study published in the journal Pediatrics. Children between the ages of 1 and 5

    with nighttime cough due to colds coughed less frequently when they received two

    teaspoons of honey 30 minutes before bed.

    The golden liquids thick consistency helps coat the throat while the sweet taste is

    believed to trigger nerve endings that protect the throat from incessant coughing. Honey

    is believed to be as effective as the common cough suppressant ingredient

    dextromethorphan. It can be used in treating upper respiratory tract infections.

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    5. Sleep Aid

    Honey can be a health aid for sleepless nights. Similar to sugar, honey can cause a rise

    in insulin and release serotonin a neurotransmitter that improves mood and

    happiness. The body converts serotonin into melatonin, a chemical compound that

    regulates the length and the quality of sleep, Moreover, honey also contains several

    amino acids, including tryptophan that is commonly associated with turkey. Honeys

    steady rise in insulin, according to Brennecke, causes the tryptophan in honey to enter

    the brain, where its then converted into serotonin and then into melatonin, which is a

    sleep aid. This hormone is responsible for regulating sleep and wake cycles.

    6. Treats Dandruff

    Honey can bring temporary relief to the scalp by targeting dandruff. A

    2001 study published in the European Journal of Medical Research found applying

    honey diluted with 10 percent warm water to problem areas and leaving it on for three

    hours before rinsing led to itch relief and no scaling within a week. Skin lesions healed

    within two weeks and patients even showed an improvement in hair loss.

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    7. Treats Wounds and Burns

    Honey is a natural antibiotic that can act both internally and externally. It can be used as

    a conventional treatment for wounds and burns by disinfecting wounds and sores from

    major species of bacteria such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

    A 2005 study published in the British Journal of Surgery found all but one of patients

    who suffered from wounds and leg ulcers showed remarkable improvement after

    applying a topical application of honey.

    Dr. Diane Radford, a breast surgical oncologist in St. Louis, Mo., told Medical Daily in

    an email, Manuka honey has antibacterial properties for wound healing. The precursor

    for the active antibacterial agent methylglyoxal (MGO) comes from the nectar of

    mnuka trees. A specialized research unit at the University of Waikato is looking into

    the conversion to the active product, she said.Honey has been utilized for its medicinal

    properties for over 2,000 years and continues its legacy as a multipurpose health aid.

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