swami ramdev on gyn problems - the yogic and the ayurvedic way

Post on 06-Mar-2015






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Ayurvedic and Yogic Remedies for Gynecological problems like Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea, Amenorrhoea and Infertility (including anovulatory cycle) and Fibroid Uterus. A comprehensive description of Swami Ramdev's method.

Swami Ramdev's Package of Herbal Products Advised for MENORRHAGIA (HEAVY MENSTRUATION)

1. 1. Divya pravala Pishti 10 gm 2. Divya Kaharava Pishti 10 gm 3. Divya Amrita Sattva 10 gm 4. Divya Mukta Pisti 4 gm 5. Divya Vasantakusumakara Ras 1 gm

Mix all these medicines together, divide into 60 parts, take each an hour before breakfast & dinner with honey or warm water.

2. Divya Stri Rasayana Vati 60 gm 2 Tabs twice a day. Take after breakfast (or lunch) & dinner with milk/water.

The main constituents of the package are as follows- A Divya Stri Rasayan Vati for Menstruation

Main Ingredients: Putrahjivaka, Shveta Candana, Kamala, Daru-haridra, Vamsa-locana, Parvala Pishti, Shilajatu (mineral pitch), Shatavari, Seeds of Shivalingi, Parasa Pipala, Madhu-yasti, Triphala (collective name for Haritaki, Bibhitaki & Amalaki), Ambara-dhana, Bijabanda (seeds of Bala), Amalaka, Asoka, Mayura-piccha Bhasma, Naga Keshara, Ashvagandha, Deva-daru, Guggulu (pure), etc. Therapeutic Uses:

Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Cures all types of diseases of woman viz., leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, irregularity in menstruation, pain in lower abdomen or lumbar region; Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Very useful in excessive bleeding during menstruation; cures all types of female diseases if taken regularly for some time; Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Useful in curing wrinkles on the face, dark circles below eyes, feeling of exhaustion in the body & laziness. Mode of Administration: To be taken after food with milk / water.


1-2 tabs of Divya Stri Rasayan Vati twice or thrice a day.

B Prawal Bhasma Coral Antacid, used in cough, phthisis, scrofulous affections, spermotorrhoea, pilmonary haemorrhage & calcium deficiency

C Moti Bhasma (Mukta Pishti) Pearl and ghritkumari rasa Antacid, nervine, sedative & alterative. Used in hyperacidity, phthisis, asthma, cough & nervous excitement , growing children & pregnant women

Mukta Pishti (another version of description [the product is the same]) Reference: Rasatantra sar Indications Cardiac diseases, Bronchitis, Tuberculosis and Eye disorders Actions Kapha pitta shamaka. Due to its cooling property it is extremely useful in burning sensation in the body or in the urine, Haemorrhage in any part of the body, malnutrition, tuberculosis, Cardiac weakness, giddiness, menorrhagia, hyperacidity. It relieves Anxiety, Palpitation Tension, burning sensation in the hands and feet. The important fields of action of Mukta pishti are plasma, blood, muscles, bones, skin, heart, liver, spleen, endocrine glands.

D Basant Kusumkar ras prawal Pishti,Makardhwaj, Moti bhasma ,Abhrak Bhasma,raupya Bhasma,Swarna Bhasma,Vanga Bhasma,amber Alterative tonic. Used in debility of heart, brain etc.

Some other medicines that are not in package but are good remedies for menstruation problems-

I Phalkalyan Ghrita Ashwagandha,Triphala,Kut,Kutaki,Shatavar, Bala, Grapes, Chandan with ghrit etc Endocrinal stimulant, alterative and uteric tonic. Also used for sterility in women. II Ashokarishta Ashok, jirak, Motha, Triphala, sunthi, amraseed, vasak, Chandan, Dhataki and jaggery A remedy of unquestionable influence in problems like dysmenorrhoea and other gynaec problems. Alterative ,stimulant and astringent. Used in leucorrhoea, haematuria, menorrhagia and other female complaints. III Kumari Asav

IV Patrangasav V Pushyanug Choorna

Rajah Pravartini Vati is well indicated for amenorrhoea.

Swami Ramdev advises the following package for treatment of infertility (including unovulatory cycle)-

A Powders 1. Divya Shivalingi Beej 2. Divya Putrajivika Giri 1 gm each twice a day. Make a fine powder of both these drugs, take an hour before breakfast & dinner with milk of cow having calf.

B Phal Kalyan Ghrita 1 Teaspoon, twice a day. Take on empty stomach in the morning & evening with cow milk.

C Tablets 1. Divya Stri Rasayana Vati 2. Divya Chandra Prabha Vati 2-2 tabs. From both twice a day. Take after breakfast & dinner with luke-warm water.

In case of infertilty due to amenorrhoea the following medicines are also to be taken 1. Rajah Pravartani Vati 2-2 tabs. Twice a day. Take on empty stomach in the morning & evening with milk. 2. Divya Dashmool Kvath Boil one Teaspoon (5 gm) with 400 ml. of water till 100 ml remains, strain it out & take after breakfast & dinner.

After concieving Chandraprabha vati and dashmool kwath should not be taken.

Package of Herbal Products Advised for FIBROID UTERUS (GARBHASAYARBUDA)

A. Powders 1. Divya Shila Sindur 3 gm 2. Divya Vrddhivadhika 20 gm 3. Divya Kaharava Pisti 10 gm 4. Divya Mukta Pisti 3 gm 5. Divya Amrita Sattva 10 gm

6. Divya Sphatik Bhasma 5 gm Mix all these medicines together, divide into 60 parts, take each an hour before breakfast & dinner with honey or warm water.

B. Tablets 1. Divya Kanchanar Guggulu 60 gm 2. Divya Stri Rasayan 60 gm 1-1 tab. From each, thrice a daily. Take after breakfast, lunch & dinner with water.

Baba Ramdev has taken the Pranayam Techniques from the himalayan caves to masses.

If the patient does regularly every day Bhastrika Pranayam for 5 minutes Kapalbhati Pranayam for 20 minutes As infertility remedy Kapalbhati Pranayam is very effective. Anulom Vilom Pranayam for 30 minutes (Anulom Vilom should be practised by the patient as much as she can. This can be done upto 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr in the evening. It helps regulating the endocrine (hormonal) system.) The practice of Anulom Vilom Pranayam is advisable during pregnancy. Bhramari Pranayam for 2 minutes Udageetha Pranayam for 2 minutes she may not even have any need to take the medicines.

ALL pranayams EXCEPT Bahya Pranayam should be practised during periods also.

So pranayam is like a deep acting anti-miasmatic remedy that we have in homeopathy. But as two patients will do pranayam with different levels of sincerity there will also be a differential in what they gain.

Testimonies of many women on cure of menstruation problems are given in the book- Yog in Synergy with Medical Science

The following is quoted from page 200 of the aforesaid book- Since last 2-3 years I used to have excess bleeding during my menstruation cycle. Doctors advised to remove uterus. I got scared as I already had three operations before. I kept consuming allopathic medicines. After 4-5 months there was no relief, my lady doctor suggested me to go to Swami Ramdevji. On February 2006 I took treatment from Ashram and started doing pranayam regularly, after 1-2 months I started getting relief and I got very confident that I can get cured without operation. When I got myself checked in July 2006, I actually found that there was no tumour in my uterus. I am really obliged to Swami Ramdevji that he helped me to get cured without operation in very short time. Saroj Gupta, Janak Puri, Delhi

As there cannot be any evidence of painful or profuse menstruation without underlying pathology like fibroid uterus, the case involving cure of fibroid uterus is cited.

When Pranayam can cure fibroid uterus, can't it cure menstruation imbalances like painful menstruation or profuse menstruation?

Testimony on Infertility and Fallopian Tube Blockage on page 201 Since last many years my menstruation cycle used to occur after 4-5 months and there was no ovulation of eggs in my ovaries. After getting a lot of treatment I was not getting any benefit from anywhere. Then I started prastising Pranayam as guided by Swami Ramdevji. After regular practice of Pranayam my menstruation cycle got regular. Then I got ovulation study done and I found that there was timely ovulation in my ovaries. I am very obliged to Swamiji. Soniya, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

The website of Divya Pharmacy is http://www.divyayoga.com where free online help on ayurvedic medication is offered.

I. Bhastrika Pranayam

Sit in posture as shown in the image.

Step I Inhale through both your nostrils as deeply and gently as possible

Step II Exhale through both your nostrils as deeply and gently as possible

Now go to Step I

Please repeat the above cycle for 5-10 minutes.

II Kapalbhati Pranayam -

Sit in an erect position. You may have your legs in comfortable position, if it is not possible for you to sit in the postion shown. 1. Inhale a large amount of air. The air should be inhaled upto the maximum the diaphragm can move. 2. Exhale air by pushing the abdomen inwards (air will move out forcefully making nasal sound). Let the abdomen relax. Again exhale air by pushing the abdomen inwards. Let the abdomen relax.... Continue this cycle until you drive out the maximum possible air. Please ensure that there is no inhalation of air during these cycles. Initially you will be able to do 5-15 cycles. By virtue of practice you will raise your cycles to 100. This may take 2 months. 3. Go to Step 1.

Do the above processes atleast for 20 minutes per day. Do it regularly.

The whole set of above processes is called Kapalbhati Pranayam.

Kapalbhati Pranayam is also good for skin disorders, gynecological disorders, hormonal imbalances, abdominal problems and several other bodily ailments.

III Agnisar Kriya -

Sit in posture as shown in the image. Step I

Exhale a deep breath and hold your breath outside. Step II Pull your abdomen inwards Step III Release it to normal position Go to Step II Repeat this cycle 50-100 times. Step IV Inhale the breath and relax.

You may do Agnisar Kriya 3-4 times

IV Bahya Pranayam

Sit in posture as shown in the image. Step I Exhale a deep breath and hold your breath outside. Step II Pull your abdomen inwards Step III Press your chin against your chest bone Step IV Exert an upward pressure on your pelvic region and pull it above Step V Inhale the breath and relax

You may do Bahya Pranayam 3-4 times

V. Ujjayi Pranayam

Step I Sit in a position as shown in the picture without bending neck.

Step II Inhale breath. While inhaling tighten your throat and produce sound. This sound is something like the sound created while hawking. Inhale as long as you can creating the sound. Step III Hold the breath inside. Press your chin against the chest bone. Hold as long as possible. Actually this position is shown in the image. Step IV Exhale the breath through your left nostril by closing your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Go to Step II and repeat the cycle 5-10 times.

VI. Anulom Vilom Pranayam –

Sit in an erect position as shown below. Sit in a comfortable position if you cannot position your legs as shown in the picture. But keep your back straight.

You inhale through left 1. Close your right nostril by thumb of right hand. Inhale large amount of air through the left nostril. The air should be inhaled upto the maximum the diaphragm can move. Inhale as gently as possible.

You exhale through right 2. Release the thumb over the right nostril and open it. Close the left nostril by the middle finger and the ring finger of the right hand. Exhale maximum possible air through the right nostril. Diaphragm moves up as you exhale. Exhale as gently as possible.

You inhale through right 3. Keep your fingers and thumbs just as described in Process 2. Inhale large amount of air

through the right nostril. The air should be inhaled upto the maximum the diaphragm can move. Inhale as gently as possible.

You exhale through left 4. Release the fingers over the left nostril and open it. Close the right nostril by the thumb of the right hand. Exhale maximum possible air through the left nostril. Diaphragm moves up as you exhale. Exhale as gently as possible.

Go to Step 1 and repeat the cycle.

Above set of processes is called Anulom Vilom Pranayam. Anulom Vilom Pranayam is a also for curing heart diseases, psychosis, kidney disorders etc.

VII. Bhramari Pranayam

Step I Sit in a position as shown in the picture. Close your ears with your thumbs, put index finger on your forehead and other three fingers on your eyes. Step II Inhale a deep breath through nostrils Step III While exhaling don't exhale through nostrils. Produce a humming sound of OM like ooooooooooommmmmmmmm till all breath is exhausted. Don't open your lips. Just make a humming sound while your lips are closed. If for any reason you would not like to say om you may say one or anything else. Go to Step II repeat this cycle 5-7 times.

VIII. Udageeth Pranayam.

Step I Sit in a position as shown in the picture. Your wrists should be on your knees and your hands should be in Jnan Mudra as shown in the picture. Step II Inhale a deep breath through nostrils Step III While exhaling don't exhale through nostrils. Produce sound of OM like ooooooooooommmmmmmmm till all breath is exhausted. Do it as you do normally while speaking. If for any reason you would not like to say om you may say one or anything else. Go to Step II repeat this cycle 5-7 times.

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