sustainable urban development

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Urban PlanningSmart CityEnergy EfficientKajangTransportUKMParkingSave the EarthGroup Task


Group Name : SIF (Sharina Ili Firdaus) City

Group Member : Muhamad Firdaus Jahidi

Norsharina Kamsani

Ili Syazwani Che Mohd Rosley


A. Grow firms and sectors

As we emerge slowly from the first global recession since World War II, many governments

have taken a more proactive approach to boost growth and competitiveness, and many

business leaders support these efforts. Given the fragility of the business and economic

climate—and strained public coffers—the responsibility to get policy right is acute.

Experience shows that governments have, at best, a mixed record in this regard. An important

reason why public intervention in markets has been hit or miss is that action has tended to be

based on academic and policy research that has looked through an economy-wide lens to

understand competitiveness—in other words, whether one country is "more competitive" than

another. This approach has all too often failed to capture the fact that the conditions that

promote competitiveness differ significantly from sector to sector—and so, therefore, do the

most effective potential regulations and policies.

i) The competitiveness of sectors matters more than the mix

Some governments worry about the "mix" of their economies, but our research shows that

those countries that outperform their peers do not have a more favorable sector mix. Instead,

their individual sectors are more competitive.

ii) To generate jobs, service-sector competitiveness is the key

Many governments are looking to manufacturing sectors as a new source for growth and jobs.

But service sectors will continue to be necessary for strong job creation. In high-income

economies, service sectors accounted for all net job growth between 1995 and 2005. Even in

middle-income countries, where industry contributes almost half of overall GDP growth, 85

percent of net new jobs came from service sectors.

iii) Policy impacts nontradable sector competitiveness directly; in tradable

sectors, getting policy right is more complicated

In nontradable "domestic" sectors, the incentives for companies set by regulation are decisive

in raising productivity and employment—and policy changes can impact sector performance

in two to three years. In traded sectors, where success requires local companies to be

competitive in the regional or global marketplace, policy requires broader understanding of

the global industry landscape. To improve their odds of success in these sectors,

policymakers should target activities with realistic potential for competitive advantage, base

action on solid business logic, and implement policy in close collaboration with the private


Competitiveness in new innovative sectors is not enough to boost economy-wide

employment and growth

Many policymakers are pinning their hopes today on innovative new sectors such as

cleantech as the answer to the challenges of competitiveness, growth, and jobs. Yet such

sectors are too small to make a difference to economy-wide growth. Even mature

semiconductor sectors account for 0.5 percent or less of developed economies’ employment.

It is true that innovative sectors can improve business processes and productivity in many

other sectors—but these user benefits don’t require local suppliers.

To streamline the complex analysis governments need to undertake, MGI offers a new

framework of six sector groups that share characteristics and respond to similar approaches to

enhancing competitiveness. They are

(1) infrastructure services

(2) local services

(3) business services

(4) research and development(R&D)-intensive manufacturing

(5) manufacturing

(6) resource-intensive industries.

In each of these groups, competitiveness levers vary and how policy has influenced

competitiveness in each. These six categories provide a useful framework for understanding

what determines competitiveness in different kinds of industries and what tangible actions

governments and businesses can take to improve competitiveness.

For businesses, how government policy evolves is of critical importance. A December 2009

McKinsey survey found that a majority of those polled expect government involvement in

their industry to increase over the next three to five years, and one-third of them believe that

government policy can impact more than 10 percent of their operating income. However, a

majority of executives polled did not regard their companies’ engagement with government

to be effective.

Companies shouldn't be content to take a passive stance toward government activism in the

market and need to do more to include policy explicitly in their strategy, alert policymakers

to the challenges they face, and become thought partners to governments on competitiveness


B. Balanced Environmental-Economical Aspects

Sustainability in the 21st century will require investments in smart development, Groff said,

pointing to innovations such as fuel-efficient freight fleets, clean energy sources, less water

intensive crops, improved biotechnology for lower use of chemical fertilizers, and greater

levels of rain harvesting and recycling in urban centers. These measures not only make

environmental sense, they can also reduce costs.

Precision agriculture, efficient water supply and re-use, and clean energy fuels are already

part of the green growth agenda in the region, they simply need appropriate policy signals

and regulatory incentives in order to be implemented.

C. Promote Energy Efficient City

Cities are an important engine for economic growth and socioeconomic development. By

2030, almost 5 Billion (about 60 percent of the global population) will live in cities, leading

to massive requirements for energy to power growth and expand basic infrastructure. Energy

efficiency can offer practical solutions to budget-constrained cities to meet their energy needs

without sacrificing their development priorities.

This is because energy efficient activities are generally cost-effective; that is, higher upfront

investment for a more efficient system is offset by lower recurring energy costs.

i) Wind Energy

ii) Streetlight technology

The technology aims to reduce energy and maintenance costs and lower greenhouse

gas emissions, while improving light quality. Currently, the city's 6,300 streetlights

cost around $700,000 annually in energy and maintenance costs.

Streetlights networked with Echelon's intelligent controls make the lights themselves

smarter. The lights are able to communicate with maintenance and management

software. They can also be remotely dimmed, monitored and controlled. The

combination of command and control for individual lights and an ability to

communicate with expert systems can reduce a city's energy consumption, light

pollution levels, and the operating and maintenance costs associated with streetlights.

The demonstration compares the energy efficiency of new lighting technologies,

including LED and induction, with the existing high pressure sodium lights. The city

plans to replace all 6,300 streetlights by 2035, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by

600 to 950 metric tons per year, or the equivalent of removing approximately 120 cars

from the road for a year.

iii) Smart Home System

D. Integrating Transport System

1. Close co-ordination of transport and land use development

This transportation planning will help in minimizing environmental impacts due to

less traffic congestion and thus less burned fuel to move from a place to another.

These facilities that are close to the transportation hub and network will ease disabled

to move to their places. This is what we call as a compact city design where main

roads are only to be used by private transports.

2. Users will have convenient access to the services & facilities they need

3. Smart transportation system


Parking is the act of stopping a vehicle and leaving it unoccupied. Parking on one or both

sides of a road is often permitted, though sometimes with restrictions. Parking facilities are

constructed in combination with some buildings, to facilitate the coming and going of the

buildings' users.

Parking controls, raising parking prices or reducing the amount of parking areas, can be used

to deter the use of privately owned vehicles in areas of highest demand by raising the price of

commuting to high density areas. Again, the expected result of this strategy is to encourage

(or force) commuters to seek cheaper alternatives either in mass transit or carpooling. In

kajang By use multi center strategy we can reduce the traffic jam in city center and solve the

parking problem and by construct Kajang Sentral in Kajang station location all the parking

problem will be solved.

Urban Design Principles

Planning to effectively meet the conditions and realities of a Post Carbon, Climate

Responsible world will require a shift in our current understanding of what constitutes good

urban design and planning. Many of the practices that we now take for granted, such as

planning cities around automobile transportation, and zoning for single uses, will no longer

be economically, environmentally, or culturally viable. To address the changes in urban

design and planning, we are putting forward the following principles for resilient urban

planning and design in a post-carbon, climate-responsive building environment.

1. Density, Diversity and Mix

Resilient Cities and neighbourhoods will need to embrace density, diversity and mix of uses,

users, building types, and public spaces. Creating resiliency and reducing the carbon footprint

of urban development requires us to maximize the active use of space and land. A single use

low density residential neighbourhood or suburban business parks, are typically underutilized

during long periods of time. A vibrant and sufficiently densely populated urban environment,

by contrast, is well used round-the-clock, all days of the week, and during all seasons. This

results from a closely knit mix of uses (e.g. offices, residences, coffee shops etc.), with

sufficient density, and which are accessible to a diversity of users (e.g. children, youth,

seniors, high-income, low-income,etc.). Dense mixed use neighbourhoods also allow for the

effective functioning of all types of business, social and cultural activities with very low

inputs of energy for transportation and logistics, thus increasing the resilience of these


2.Transit Supportive

Resilient cities and neighbourhoods will develop in a way that is transit supportive. After

walking and cycling, transit is the most sustainable mode of transportation. Resilient cities

will need to re-orient their way of thinking, by shifting from car oriented urban patterns (e.g.

cul-de-sacs and expressways) to transit oriented urban patterns and developments (e.g.

mobility hubs, intensified corridors, and TODs). Not only will pedestrian, and mass

transportation friendly planning increase the quality of life of a cities, as fuel prices rise after

Peak Oil, only cities that are viable without heavy dependence on the car will have the best

chances of economic and social success.

3. Pedestrians

Resilient cities and neighbourhoods will prioritize walking as the preferred mode of travel,

and as a defining component of a healthy quality of life. Reducing car-dependency is a key

objective and imperative. Luckily, the alternative modes of transportation – namely walking,

cycling, and transit – result in more sustainable urban environments, and in an improved

quality of life. It are the cities and neighbourhoods that have prioritized walking, that have

created desirable locations to live, work, play, and invest in. (The term pedestrian, as used in

these principles, includes persons with disabilities.)

4. Place-Making

Resilient cities and neighbourhoods will focus energy and resources on conserving,

enhancing, and creating strong, vibrant places, which are a significant component of the

neighbourhood’s structure and of the community’s identity. All successful cities and

successful neighbourhoods include vibrant places, with a strong sense of identity, which are

integral to community life and the public realm: parks, plazas, courtyards, civic buildings,

public streets, etc. A resilient post-carbon community, which reorients city-life to the

pedestrian scale (a 500 m radius), must focus its efforts to creating a number of local

destinations, which attract a critical-mass of users and activities. Sprawl, for example, has

very little place-making. A traditional village or an urban downtown, by contrast, have

innumerable nocks and crannies, grand public spaces, gorgeous streetscapes, which make

them desirable, successful, and sustainable. Heritage resources – buildings, structures, and

landscapes – represents a significant opportunity for place-making (i.e. through their cultural

significance and identity), as well as a significant environmental investment (i.e. through

their embedded energy) that should be conserved and leveraged.

5. Complete Communities

Resilient neighbourhoods will provide the needs of daily living, within walking distance (a

500 m radius). Resilient communities, will reduce their carbon footprint by ensuring people

opt to walk or cycle, instead of using a car. To achieve this, destinations must be accessible

within a pleasant walking distance – people should be able and willing to walk from home to

work, to school, to shop, to recreate, and to engage the activities of their everyday life.

Longer distances should be achievable through transit. Connectivity is central to making an

area pedestrian oriented. Streets and pedestrian walkways must be enjoyable to walk, must

link key destinations, and must operate at a fine scale. Communities must also be compact

and concentrate a critical-mass of people and activities to support walking, and to support

animated and vibrant place-making.

6. Integrated Natural Systems

Resilient cities and neighbourhoods will conserve and enhance the health of natural systems

(including climate) and areas of environmental significance, and manage the impacts of

climate change. Our individual and collective health is intricately tied to the health of air,

water, land, and climate. How we choose to live, how we choose to move around, how we

develop land, all have an impact on the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and

the weather we experience. Cities and neighbourhoods need to develop in a way that

conserves and enhances the quality of the water flow and supply, likewise for the quality of

air and land. Climate is, increasingly, a key driver to transforming our development patterns

and living choices. Action on this front is imperative. The health and integrity of wildlife and

vegetation are also a priority. Protecting existing biodiversity, indigenous or endangered

species, wetlands, the tree canopy, connectivity, are all a necessary aspect of securing healthy

natural systems.

7. Integrated Technical and Industrial Systems

Resilient Cities and neighbourhoods will enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of

their technical and industrial systems and processes, including their manufacturing,

transportation, communications and construction infrastructure and systems to increase their

energy efficiency, and reduce their environmental footprint. The economic health and vitality

of cities is inextricably bound up with the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of its technical

and industrial systems and processes. The importance of reducing negative environmental

impacts of economic activities and processes, as well as reducing their dependence on fossil

fuels will require us to develop more integrated and more highly efficient industrial processes

and technical systems that ensure a maximum of efficiency in the use of both materials and

energy resources, as well as the elimination of all wasteful and potentially harmful bi-

products. Technical and industrial uses need to be integrated into the city in ways that allow

them to make the most efficient and synergistic connections and associations with similar and

complementary uses that will design for waste products from one industry or technical

process (such as heat energy) to be effectively used as a beneficial input in another industry

or technical process, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the city as a system, while

reducing the creation of harmful and/or wasteful bi-products. The health and integrity of the

neighbourhoods that these technical and industrial systems are part of is also a priority for the

Resilient City. The strategic integration of industrial and technical systems into mixed use

neighborhoods' should be planned so as to produce not only better economic performance,

but also to create easily accessible and safe working environments, healthy surrounding

neighborhoods, and no negative impacts on the natural environment

8. Local Sources

Resilient regions, cities, and neighborhoods' will grow and produce the resources they need,

in close proximity (200 kilometer radius). The environmental cost of the movement of goods

and energy increases every day, and the potential for price increases in transportation fuels as

a result of Peak Oil increase the future costs of non-local sources. Thus, populations must

seek to satisfy their consumption needs from local and regional sources. The ‘100-mile diet’

and local-food movement has increased awareness of the importance of consuming local

products, to decreasing our carbon footprint. The same principle that applies to food, also

applies to the manufacture of goods, the production of energy (e.g. district energy, district

heating), recreation needs (i.e. 100-mile tourism), waste disposal, water management, and

any other resources which we consume.

9. Redundant and Durable Life Safety and Critical Infrastructure Systems

Resilient Cities and neighbourhoods will plan and design for redundancy and durability of

their life safety and critical infrastructure systems. Planning and design of these systems will

aim for levels of redundancy and durability that are commensurate with the increasing

environmental, social, and economic stresses associated with the impacts of climate change

and peak oil. The physical, social and economic health of the Resilient City and its citizens is

directly connected to the city’s ability to maintain the effective functioning of its key life

safety and critical infrastructure systems – especially during episodes of intense

environmental stress (such as during severe storms, floods, or other weather related events).

Key infrastructure systems such as drinking water supply, electrical power, and residential

heating in winter, and key life safety systems, such as police, fire, and emergency response

services and their support systems, must be planned and designed for a level of redundancy

and durability that will allow them to be durable enough to resist present and future

environmental stresses, as well as to have enough redundancy built into their design to allow

the system as a whole to remain sufficiently functional and intact that if one or more

constituant parts of the system is compromised, the system as a whole will nevertheless

remain operational and able to provide the necessary outputs or services.

10. Resilient Operations

Resilient cities and neighbourhoods will develop building types and urban forms with

reduced servicing costs, and reduced environmental footprints. Urban sprawl is extremely

expensive to service and maintain – the amount of land, roads, pipes, and infrastructure

required per capita is disproportionately large. A compact, mixed-use urban environment, by

contrast, is far more efficient in its demand for municipal services and infrastructure

requirements. Resilient cities will not subsidize inefficient forms of development.


Considers the wider context of the local setting, the characteristics of the site for

development, and strategies for the overall design character of a proposal, to be attractive and

function well, the plan should take into account the following:

1- Respecting the local site

The design should pay particular attention to the characteristics of the local setting. The

context of the site should be analyzed to ensure that the development will:

• respect the qualities of the best of the surrounding landscapes and townscapes,

• provide spatial characteristics and building forms that are sympathetic to the surroundings,

• respond to existing land uses and provide an appropriate mix of dwellings and uses,

• Integrate with existing patterns of movement.

2- Responding to the site

The design will need to respond sympathetically to the characteristics of the site to achieve

the quality desired. This section illustrates relevant aspects for undertaking the necessary site

evaluation, and includes guidance on assessments of the history of the site, landform, flora

and fauna, climate and noise and nuisance.

Main objectives

The characteristics of the site should be analyzed to ensure that the development will:

• respect the history of the site, and appropriately protect and integrate features of the

archaeological and built heritage,

• respond to the form of the land, its contours and views to and from the site,

• make the best use of existing vegetation, and protect or create, appropriate conditions for

flora and fauna to thrive,

• Promote designs that respond to the microclimate of the site, and that might contribute to

the energy efficiency of the buildings designed.

3-Creating attractive surroundings and spaces to live

Main objectives

The Department will wish to see designs that have:

- a distinctive overall sense of place that takes into account the

characteristics of the site and its setting,

- quality and sustainability in the overall layout, in the form and

of the buildings, and the spaces around,

- a visually attractive human scale in each of the places created

within the development,

- an appropriate use of trees and other plants,

- a feeling of security and a sense of vitality in all parts of the



Security and safety environmental sustainability are not only compatible goals, but security is

also a critical component and integral part of sustainability. Sustainability has been

considered the broader, more encompassing category, and the role and importance of security

as an element of sustainability is often not explicitly recognized. There are essentially three

key principles to building in safety, namely:

Ensuring natural surveillance and human presence

This is achieved by:

making buildings front onto the public realm .

putting ‘eyes on streets’ and minimizing exposed blank facades.

mixing uses, particularly at ground level, adding vitality at different times of the day

and night and over time.

designing an integrated network of streets.

locating parking in front of buildings on-street or in secure private courtyards.

being careful not to make planting too high or dense to screen

Potential assailants in certain locations.

- minimizing conflict by providing safe routes for walking and cycling .

- designing-in territoriality and community involvement.

When people view public space as their own, they begin to take responsibility for it. Places

can be designed to foster a sense of ownership, mutual protection and belonging (a factor

emphasized in the design of Greenwich Millennium Village).


From the figure above, we can see that Kajang is a compacted city with residential area

developing towards the green area. What can we proposed to have more greener Kajang is to

implemented green city development. With green buildings and more reserved areas, Kajang

environment will be more favorable to live. This can raise the land value.

provide habitat for cover, foraging, and other life history characteristics including key

species interactions;

facilitate species movement, migration, dispersal, succession, and establishment

within and through a landscape;

provide natural patterns and processes that species are adapted to including seasonal

flooding, habitat structure, habitat adjacencies, shading and light

reduce threats to wildlife survival including habitat sinks, invasive species,

inappropriate land uses adjacent to habitat, and light pollution.

What can we do to improve biodervisity in cities?

Residential areas

stimulate the citizens experience nature in their own living environment

be diverse on how urban reen should be designed and managed: variety in type and

size of green provide habitat for more biodervisity

understand that residential areas are intrinsic part of the territory of many plant and

animal species: nature does not stop at planned borders

use every opportunity to restore nature processes

Economic Areas

illustrate to urban developers and entrepenuers that conservation of biodervisity is a

way to improve social status

understand that the monofunctional use of economic area provide many opportunities

for nature conservation

think dynamic if it comes to nature conservation because both nature and economic

area are dynamic.

Urban Parks

protect indigenous vegetation and communicate about this as being valuable

choose not only for solitary tress and lawns but also natural river banks, restoration of

succession of natural vegetation

take care if connections with other urban green and peri-urban areas

This picture above is from Stockholm,Sweden. This city is the best model for the green city.

There are many parks in the city. So the city people can relax within the city.

Renewable Energy

We proposed to have a renewable enrgy program. The program provides Kajang residents

and businesses the opportunity to support clean energy resources, such as solar and wind.

Renewable energy developments accommodated throughout Kajang in locations

where the technology is viable and environmental, economic, and social impacts can

be addressed satisfactorily

Regional spatial strategies and local development documents should contain policies

designed to promote and encourage, rather than restrict, the development of

renewable energy resources

Local planning authorities-only allocate specific sites for renewable energy in plans

where a developer has interest in the site, has confirmed that the site is viable

Air Quality

Reduce emissions from major regional sources

Develop and implement local air quality management programs

Enhance air quality information and public awareness

improving the overall transportation system to encourage alternative, low-polluting

forms of transportation, such as public transit, cycling and walking

developing smog-management plans

setting bylaws to control vehicle exhaust and smoke

Facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles

Update our air quality code

Water Quality and Drainage

Rainwater Harvesting– A system that collects rain water from where it falls rather

than allowing it to drain away. It includes water that is collected within the boundaries

of a property, from roofs and surrounding surfaces

Porous Surfaces Porous Surfaces– a surface that infiltrates water to the sub-base

across the entire surface of the material forming the surface, e.g. grass, gravel, porous

concrete and porous asphalt.

Pervious Surfaces Pervious Surfaces– surfaces that allow inflow of rainwater into the

underlying construction or soil

Contained flooding - it may be acceptable to allow shallow flooding of a car park

once or twice a year rather than building a larger drainage system to cater for such


Infiltration Trenches Infiltration Trenches– a trench, usually filled with permeable

granular material, designed to promote infiltration of surface water to ground.

Infiltration Basins Infiltration Basins– a dry basin designed to promote infiltration of

surface water to the ground.

Filter or French Drains Filter or French Drains– a linear drain consisting of a trench

filled with permeable material, often with a perforated pipe in the base of the trench to

assist drainage, to store and conduct water, but may also be designed to permit


Swales– a shallow vegetated channel designed to conduct and retain water, but may

also permit infiltration; the vegetation filters particulate matter.

Filter Strips– a vegetated area of gently sloping ground designed to drain water evenly

off impermeable areas and to filter out silt and other particulates

Detention Basins– a vegetated depression, normally dry except after storm events,

constructed to store water temporarily to attenuate flows. May allow infiltration of

water into the ground.

Bioretention Areas- vegetated areas designed to collect and treat water before

discharge via a piped system or infiltration to the ground.

Retention Ponds– these are features where run-off is detained for a sufficient time to

allow settlement and possibly biological treatment of some pollutants.

Wetlands– a pond that has a high proportion of emergent vegetation in relation to

open water

Sustainable Drainage Systems

These are physical structures built to receive surface water run off from urban

developments. e.g. ponds, wetland swamps, pervious surfaces and soakaways.

These may provide treatment for water prior to discharge using natural processes of

sedimentation, filtration, absorption and biological degradation.

By reducing the quantity of run off, slowing down flow rates to rivers and streams

and treating water in a natural way, it will:

reduce the risk of flooding

improve the quality of water in rivers, streams and ground


protect natural habitats

improve the appearance of

urban areas as more water will be on the surface rather than underground


Rain water harvesting

Sustainable drainage system. To increase infiltration.

Permeable paving

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