sustainable development through biodiversity · 2019-04-04 · pioneer, we will not get the chance...

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Sustainable Development through Biodiversity

Written By

Dr. Moustafa Fouda

Dedicated to Dr. Mohamed Abd El-Fatah El-Qasas, may God

rest his soul, father of sustainable development in Egypt

Moustafa Fouda

Proceeding at the current status-quo will not save us in the future, and we cannot depend

solely on our revenue from tourism or foreign aid. The world is looking towards science,

technology and industry for answers, and Egypt is no less capable of the same. Therefore

we must understand the value of standing out. If we do not have a special product to

pioneer, we will not get the chance Egypt deserves. Egypt will not be built except by

Egyptians, with their skills, knowledge and abilities, it does not become us to wait for

help to arrive, for Egypt deserves much better than that. We need to achieve the dream of

sustainable development, to turn hopes and dreams,

Into reality.


In my book “Our Natural Reserves” I spoke to Egypt’s youth, specifically the nature

reserve workers, I told them “Our beloved Egypt is going through hard times, but this is

the time of great transformations towards achieving human freedom in all its forms. We

have learned how to survive, and learned how to overcome these difficulties. While

working towards what we have always dreamed of, we must think of new ways and

develop new methods of preserving our nature reserves and defending them from new

threats and detrimental events. What propels us is our desire to preserve this natural

wealth for current and future generations. This has been the result of three years worth of

persistent work on the Egyptian constitution that was approved on December 2013,

which includes a clause pertaining to nature reserves (clause no._), and we are awaiting

development of laws to present them to the parliament next year. This is to make sure

that these laws fulfill Egypt’s requirements with regards to all the current outstanding

modern issues. As well as establishing an independent governing body for nature reserves

and biodiversity, along with encouraging local communities and related parties towards

making available thousands of jobs and at the same time applying innovative methods

towards achieving sustainable development.

Sustainable development is a core concept in our current era, for it’s a great way of

understanding the world and resolving global, regional, and national issues. In order to

achieve the required level of sustainable development there must be interactions with 3

intricate systems (economy, society, and environment) and through identifying the

parameters of economical growth, and why poverty prevails, and what happens when

millions of humans are suddenly exposed to each other through markets, technology and

social networking. Sustainable development present a certain set of guidelines that are

shaped into goals and objectives, it is a moral social service of the first class, where it

calls for the limitation of poverty, encouragement of social trust and relationship through

policies of betterment from within the community, and at the same time protects and

preserves the environment from destructive human endeavors. Furthermore it is a

wholesome frame that encompasses communities’ goals towards achieving economic,

social, and ecological projects in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. In

other words sustainable development calls for a wholesome merger of social goals and

objectives, environmental longevity, and economical growth, in order to achieve the three

goals of sustainable development, in addition to that, there is now a new goal, and it is

good governing (the fourth side to sustainable development). It is the duty of the

governments and the civil communities to work to provide social services such as,

healthcare, education, infrastructure… etc. The moral end of sustainable development is

the aim of providing a healthy community, economical stability and luxury, social

equality, a sustainable environment, and wise governing.

Despite sustainable development being a method of understanding the world we live, it is

still a moral lens through which we can see the goals and objectives we need to

accomplish in order to provide comfort and a good life to current and future human

generations. Accordingly, sustainable development springs from a wholesome view of

what the community should be like. This does not mean that a good community is a rich

community, one with a high income (a community where there is a rich and a poor), no, a

good community is a community where there is justice and equality in spreading the

wealth and therefore the income. How can we change today to achieve this economic

success in the future? In other words, what are the barriers and obstacles to development

and advancement? Everything depends on social circumstances of a nation from the

perspective of culture, dogma, religion, equality; accordingly a good community is

defined as having the following: justice in the distribution of wealth, equality, good

governing of the environment and maintaining and preserving it.

The important question is how to benefit from our knowledge of the different interactions

(economy, society, environment and good governing) in order to produce a comfortable,

wholesome, sustainable society? This is done through a group of goals and objectives that

call for a transformation of current polices for our beloved Egypt. This is the topic of our

book “Sustainable Development Through Biodiversity”, which reflects the experience of

the author in this field, and experience that spans from 1992 to this day, as well as the

experiences of our respectable teachers, especially Dr Mohamed Abd El-Fattah Al-

Qassas, and the experiences of a multitude of foreign scientists as well, especially Dr.

Jeffery Sasha, author of the book “Age of Sustainable Development”.

In this book “Sustainable Development through Biodiversity” I address the people in

charge of planning, the decision makers, the scientists, the investors, the businessmen, the

social community, and the local community, and I say to them that the most important

result of the world summit for sustainable development of 2012 (Rio 20+) us that

governments alone are not capable of achieving sustainable development, which span

ideas such as wholesome development, controlled use of natural resources, preservation

and protection of natural ecosystems and processes, and the rights of future generations to

the natural resources in development. Egypt is in no way less capable that the countries

that have already examined their infrastructure and governing bodies in these varied and

intricately interrelated departments, these countries made the changes in policy and

management a top priority. The lack of a transparent, accountable government body, the

lack of real social involvement, and the lack of a clear vision supported by a detailed and

up to date, reliable, database in establishing long and short term strategies, has lead to

several short comings to the laid out road plan for sustainable development in Egypt.

Accordingly, national projects that the government has begun implementing in the Sues

Canal, the Sinai, Toushka, the Golden Triangle, and the “Ewaynat”, require the

preparation of new policies and strategies that are based upon sustainable development,

and presenting them to the public for discussion and approval. Also required is providing

the necessary accurate information to include natural wealth in every location, and how to

utilize it in a scientific and technologically suitable manner that does not conflict with

preservation of the environment and the natural wealth, wherein the transformation to a

green economy would be a mechanism of achieving sustainable development in Egypt.

There are suitable options that the government can examine in order to achieve the

strategy of sustainable development along with the projects associated with them, while

taking advantage of the Egyptian and foreign expertise to arrive at a full formed

organization in order to govern and control sustainable development, and these choices

involve supporting this policy with modern science, managing the information and

increasing the awareness among the masses, prepare the suitable labor and facilities,

informative propaganda (survey though indicators that are related to sustainable

development), along with institutional reforms that require the co-operation and

understanding between several sectors, and then the funding and making the necessary

resources available.

This book consists of 4 main parts that are related to preparing for the strategies of

biodiversity for the sake of sustainable development in Egypt, and they are:

Firstly Addresses: Sustainable development through the following perspective, analyze

the strategies implemented throughout the past 2 decades, examine the executive methods

used to achieve sustainable development and how to measure them, identify the

environmental challenges that face the planet earth, a healthy level of social integration

for everyone, safety of sustenance, management of sustainable development, indentify

the main obstacles to development that Egypt faces, present a model for modern

legislation, lay out a national plan for working on Egypt’s environment as well as

establish a document that outlines the frame in which Egypt plants to tackle the strategic

obstacles towards achieving sustainable development.

Secondly Addresses: Biodiversity on a global scale and its importance to sustainable

development, the global strategy for biodiversity (2011-2020), the relationship between

biodiversity and the goals and purposes of sustainable development, human comfort and

longevity, a summary of the seventh Trondheim conference about biodiversity (2013)

regarding the environment, economy and a sustainable society.

Thirdly Presents: Biodiversity and sustainable development in Egypt from the perspective

of a national strategy to preserve biodiversity (1998), efforts expended to preserve

biodiversity through the last 15 years, current situation of biodiversity and the challenges

that face biodiversity in Egypt, properties and requirements of the bodies and institutions

required to manage the priors in the modern world, and finally the future vision.

And finally the fourth part presents: A strategic proposal for biodiversity for the sake of

sustainable development, goals, principle morals, axes of strategic work and main

priorities, estimated cost and duration followed by survey and follow-ups.

Part One

(Sustainable Development)

Evolution of the term Sustainable development

Ecology as a science was first pioneered by the German scientist Ernest Heikl in the

second half of the 19th

century, and it is a term

that combines the two words (Eco) with the a

rough meaning of (place of living) and (Ology)

which means since. In other words, ecology is the

sciences of studying the inter species

relationships and interactions with their

environment. This science has been taught in

colleges since the middle of the 19th


specialized research and journals are published in

this branch of science. Economical studies was

established 3 centuries before ecology and

developed during the 20th

century to combine

elements of financial calculations and their tools,

political elements and their tools, social elements

and their tools. In other words it developed from

the science of managing a home to managing the

matters of development where it combines

financial and social matters, and translates them

over an extended timeframe into the horizons of

the future, along with plans to achieving these

plans. With these expansion economical studies

has gotten 1 stop closer to ecology, since running

of a home required interactions between all these


In the second half of the 20th

century a new field emerged, and it is the study of the

relationships between the human society and the environment in which they live. This

field emerged with the publishing of the book “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson in the

year 1962, where she lamented the overuse of chemicals in farming, especially

insecticides, and she logged aphids and birds going instinct due to the hazardous

chemicals used in farming. This book was met with a lot of criticism because people were

welcoming the revolution of green farming that relied on modern techniques to multiply


Environment is defined as the borders

within which a man lives and practices his

day to day activities, which include:

1. A collection of living plants and


2. A collection of liquid resources

such as water, gaseous resources

such as air, and solid resources

such as stone and soil.

3. A collection of circumstances and

forces loaded with energy such as

sunlight, wind, flowing water, and

sea waves.

4. A collection of natural, chemical,

and biological reactions between

the components of the previously

mentioned groups and their


These 4 groups are present in the form of

isolated units (lakes, oasis, part of a

beach) usually referred to as a biome.

In the year 1968 Sweden proposed on behalf of the

Scandinavian countries, to the united nations with

a study that shows that the lakes in these countries

where places for swimming, fishing, water sports,

and have now become dead (the fish has left and

the water is longer safe for swimming to due to

accumulation of acidic waste from acid rain). Also

that the clouds filled with smoke from factories

get blown across borders to neighboring countries

and spreads the acid rain. This complaint included

a scientific element (pollutants that factories expel

into the air) and a political element which is

crossing of pollutants across state borders which

requires regional agreements regarding its


The UN General Assembly accepted this report

with interest and agreed in December of 1968 to

hold a UN conference (the first one) about the

environment in Stockholm, Sweden in June 1972.

And thus environmental issues gained a spot of the

international concerns and issues lists, and it was

decided to call the conference “The UN

conference about Human Environment”. The

secretariats went to activity to gather all the

necessary information and related parties in order

to present in the conference the issues at hand. A

series of regional meetings were held in order to

negotiate and spread the concern for the

environment in which humans live. The main

topic of discussion was “Environmental


Developing nations boycotted the presentation, as

if it was a conspiracy to prevent developing nations from advancing with industrial

project, and this movement’s leader (Andria Gandhi, Prime minister of India) said that “If

pollution is the cost poor countries pay to catch up to industrialized countries, then

welcome pollution, if withstanding pollution rewards raising the standard of livening to

Development: It is said that

resources don’t exist but are created.

Natural resources are transformed

into items of wealth, which means

into goods and services that meet

human needs if the following three

steps are completed:

1. For a human to discover that

this thing has a value, i.e. it

fills a need whether it is food,

drink, clothe, shelter,

medicine, industrial service.

And this is the role of


2. Man must discover methods

of obtaining this item,

methods of processing so it is

transformed into a useable

form. This is the role of


3. For man to develop and apply

knowledge and technology in

order to transform a natural

resource to a wealth. And this

is development.

Example: How did Yeast become a


one near that of the rich.”

The Stockholm conference showed that the environment is one of a much broader scopes

that just human’s environment. Following this conference, several conferences took up

cases related to this broad spectrum. The UN held in the 1970’s, after the Stockholm

conference, international conferences about: Populace (1974), Food (1974), Habitation

(1976), Water (1997), Desertification (1977), and Climate Change (1979). These

conferences exposed that humanity faces a multitude of pressing issues that need

international co-operation and the idea of “Global Cause” emerged. The 1980’s saw a

repetition of the UN’s conferences about populace, food, and climate change. And the

UN also established an international board to examine environmental and development

issues. This board released its report called “Our Common Future” in the year 1987.

In the year 1992 the UN held its second conference due to 20 years passing since its first

conference in 1972, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under the label “UN Conference of

Environment and Development”. The difference between the titles of the two conferences

goes to show the development of the ideas and methods that tie the environment and

development together. In 1972 the focus was on “Type of Environment” which means the

pollution and the forms of deterioration and its effects on humans. In 1992 in addition to

the original focus was added which is that the environment is a safe where resources are

stored for man to transform through his efforts and ingenuity into vast wealth.

(Development, tying between environment and development, renewable and non-

renewable resources) This represents an important positive step, since the environment is

no longer an extra element, but a core element for development.

The conference laid out a detailed document “The Twenty First Century Agenda”, which

included notes of the work done in all the forms of social, economical, scientific, and

organizational work. Also there were 2 international agreements signed, the first to

preserve biodiversity, and the second which addresses climate change. The General

Assembly was instructed to form a board which represents the governments in order to

lay out agreements to combat desertification, whose work was completed in 1994.

In the year 2002, the UN held its third conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, under

the title of “UN Conference on Sustainable Development”. The title represents the third

level of the evolution of global thinking about the environment, which is the phase of

merging between nature and development and combining them into sustainable

development which is based on three pillars of thought: Efficient Economy, Social

Justice and equality, Preservation of the Environment. And the document called

Implementation Plan was released within the next 10 years as well.

40 years since the 1972 “Humans and the Environment” conference in Stockholm, 20

years after the 1992 Rio accords (climate change, biodiversity, combating

desertification), a conference was held under the slogan “The Future We Want”. 44

thousand participants attended, representing 191 nations, and 79 of the kings and heads of

state of these nations, ministers of environment, economy, planning, attended this

conference that went on from 13th

of June to the 22nd

in 2012 in the city of Rio De Janeiro

in Brazil. The goal of this conference was:

Evaluation of the past 20 years through displaying achievements, and obstacles as

well as updating the political obligations.

Presentation of green economy and sustainable development to eliminate poverty.

Discussion of new concerns such as food shortages, clean water, energy, and the

seas and oceans.

The conference resulted in a document “Our common vision” which contains important

topics that relate to the roadmap for sustainable development, elimination of poverty,

patterns of production and consumption, the Rio principles, human rights (Global

publicity and the right for development and sustenance), government, perseveration of

natural wealth, revisions of political commitments, evaluation of the progress attained

and the gaps in the plan for sustainable development (2002). It also addresses new

challenges (Aid, global trade barriers, global economic crisis, the rights of occupied

countries and peoples), participation in the wise government, green economy (plan,

vision, models and tools, constant innovation, recycling of natural resources, job

opportunities in green economy, improve upon current institutionalized sectors,

investments, transfer of technology, national executive and legislative processes). As well

as the institutional frame for sustainable development (including UN bodies, as well as

the UN’s program for environment and elite political club), frame for work and

continuity (elimination of poverty, sustainable farming and food, water, energy,

sustainable tourism, sustainable transport, being in tune with the environment, green

cities, health and the populace, job opportunities, seas and oceans, limiting the risk of

disasters, climate change, dangerous wastes and chemicals, education, the family, the

private sector, continual innovation and investment), also measuring progress of

sustainable development (through clear indicators and in set time intervals), and the

executive branches (funding, science and technology, raising the labor’s skill and

knowledge base, trade and political obligations).

One of the results of the Rio +20 conference was the UN Secretary General ordered the

formation of a high level receptacle and an open membership working board to continue

operations to achieve the objects of the developmental millennium (2015) and at the same

time prepare for the targets of sustainable developments and this is done through

negotiations on all levels. The specifications of the goals and objective of sustainable

development have included the following:

1. Addressing important topics that have a direct impact on sustainable development.

2. Begin implementing plans from a unified perspective and purview.

3. To have a limited number of goals (6-10) and to be easily understood, measured,

applied, and intertwined.

4. To have clear objectives.

5. Globally agreed upon objectives that reflect the voice of all (children, youth,

women, and seniors) and that are applicable in all participating nations taking into

account their current situation, capabilities, level of development, and while

respecting their policies and priorities.

6. For it to have a set time period (depending on each country’s circumstances 20-30

years), and for there to be a follow-up of progress attained through indicators (10-

15 years), that requires transparency and a unified database and good commitment.

7. Benefit from accomplishments and experiences gained from the millennium goals.

(8 goals, 21 activities).

Proposed goals of sustainable development that were presented to the UN

Secretary General for presentation to the UN General Assembly

1. End poverty

2. Attain safety of sustenance, and provide enough food for everyone while

encouraging sustainable farming.

3. Improve human health across all ages.

4. Improve the quality of teaching and education throughout life.

5. Achieve equality between the sexes.

6. Guarantee clean water and sanitation.

7. Renewable energy

8. Create job opportunities, fair and sustainable living and development.

9. Encourage continually sustainable industry.

10. Limit inequality within and between nations

11. Sustainable cities, ports, and settlements.

12. Patterns of sustainable consumption with climate change.

13. Address activities related to climate change.

14. Preservation and use of aquatic wealth.

15. Protection and reclamation of land ecosystems and stopping the loss of


16. Guarantee stable and safe communities and institutions.

17. Create an enabling environment and constant long term funding.

For each goal propositions with measurable indicators were prepared. For example,

indicators for sustainable recycling for natural resources included the following:

publishing of the used environmental, social, and economical equations, increase of green

governmental products, protection of ecosystems, biodiversity, and genetic variation,

limiting of the loss of biodiversity, improve the quality of water and soil.

Next September the agenda for post 2015 will be discussed, and it includes: (1)

Agreement upon an international address (a global vision for growth, equality, justice,

comfort, and partnership), (2) Purpose of sustainable development, (3) Goals and

indicators, (4) Executive arms and global participation, (5) frame of follow-ups and

revisions of work.

Analysis of Strategies of Sustainable Development

Strategies of sustainable development that were developed and executed by more than 20

countries (including Canada, the United Kingdom of Britain, Germany, South Africa,

Mexico, Romania, Turkey, Kenya, Montenegro, Malta, Croatia, Italy, Gambia, Qatar)

have been studied, as well as a multitude of studies and research, and the lessons learned

from implementing strategies of sustainable development. Furthermore added to this is

the frame of Egypt’s sustainable development strategies, a national road map, a strategy

for biodiversity, analysis of the key developmental obstacle that face Egypt, and other

related studies and researches.

It became clear that there are many different challenges in varied fields, but at the same

time innovative ideas being applied by several countries that addressed the following:

Leadership responsible for sustainable development and their level of


Planning while taking into account judicial, institutional and financial

circumstances while evaluating policies that are related to sustainable


Executive activities should be under whose control? (presidency, ministry, other

governmental bodies, a mixture of policies especially environmental policies)

Funding (governmental, aid, financial and technical support programs from

international and regional organizations and friendly nations).

Tracking (operations of reporting and feedback).


Learning and adaptation.

Co-ordination (among the proposed methods is Cross-Cutting)

Social and institutional participation (in achieving national and regional goals, and

has there been a change in the related goals in a short defined time period).

Follows is an analysis of some of the challenges:

Leadership that s responsible for sustainable development, several strategies that include

wholesome participation from multiple parties to achieve sustainable development have

been implemented in Germany, sector divisions ( Canada), and implementation of

sustainable development in developmental plans (Mexico).

Planning processes included preparation for sustainable development strategies, from the

perspective of the judicial side that have been approved from the parliaments of several

countries. They specified missions related to strategic planning and institutional situation

(restructuring) and evaluating specific policies in a larger frame. They also exposed the

necessity of building trust on all levels. It became clear from analysis that strategies of

sustainable development are not the solution to several of the problems, but it is

processes and organizational tools that guarantee the application of policies of sustainable

development and justice between generations. This is in addition to it being a method of

planning in the decision making process in order to improve values, knowledge,

technology, and of course related institution and governmental bodies (restructuring and


When it comes to applying sustainable development strategies there are many good

practices that were taking into consideration:

Applying generally accepted principles (social participation).

Wholesome policies and a balance between sectors and justice between

generations and the timeframe for interactions between generations.

Regular analysis and evaluation of areas related to sustainable development.

Good governing on all levels.

The importance of putting in place targeted objectives in relation to a timeline.

Applying the open forum method for ecosystems.

Investment planning that takes into consideration social, economical, and

environmental considerations.

Applying strategic evaluation of national projects.

Good fulfillment of flexible road plans from the government, while taking into

account timeframes, trustworthiness, and transparency that reflect completing

objectives that can be measured through indicators.

Focusing on and prioritizing exports of sustainable development.

Prepare a clear roadmap which includes indicators, time frames, and at the same

time providing the necessary financial and technical support and knowhow.

Apply innovative thinking in a transparent manner.

Update databases and use them in decision making processes

Developing skills and abilities and providing an enabling environment (executive,

financial, technical, and unified policies).

There exists a huge gap between industrialized and developing nations in the field of

funding which has led to the failure of successfully implemented plans. For example,

Canada spends more than 100 Billion Dollars to provide more than 200 thousand jobs in

the field of environmental protection alone. Some developing countries have successfully

utilized governmental funding and grants and financial support project from foundations

to revolutionize their institution and their standards and at the same time apply a large

number of programs and projects.

There are huge advancements in the field of logging indicators which include informative

national programs. As well as including environmental economic calculations into the

budgets of many countries. Some international organizations like the World Bank and

some programs from the UN and the UN’s developmental project have succeeded in

accomplishing several initiatives to support countries in applying programs for

environmental calculation and helped n preparing the groundwork for development

projects and the follow-ups as well.

In the past 20 years, several countries have benefited from implementing strategies of

sustainable development, they have learned and adapted to new situations and

circumstances (technology) as well as dogmas as well. For example throughout the 80’s

and the early 90’s of the 20th

century, nature reserves were erected solely because of

destructive human endeavors, now reserves are capable of full recycling through working

with local communities, civil societies and businessmen.

Co-ordination in topics such as (farming, fish wealth, tourism, energy) is still

complicated and unclear especially in developing countries where there is no balance in

social, economic, and environmental aspects for sustainable development.

With regards to social and institutional participation it is safe to say that there is a huge

burst of advancements through good governing where several countries have managed to

successfully involve local and civil communities along with businessmen in several of

their investment and environmental development projects. Where jobs and new

professions where created for example ecological researchers in nature reserve and

environmental institutions that were born from multiple structural reforms.

Main Elements in Sustainable Development Strategies

- Analyze the current situation through studies and the involvement of social and

governmental parties.

- Identify gaps.

- Challenges, obstacles, and opportunities.

- Vision, mission, and fundamental purpose.

- General policies, the frame and goals of the strategies and job priorities.

- New methods (Planning for a sustainable future, apply the principle of the polluter

pays, accounting for natural resources, no services for no return, evaluate the

repercussions of environmental development projects, economical evaluation for

environmental protection activities, environment and the market, use of

economical tools to defend the environment, green economy, and other methods

used around the world)

- Strategic programs.

- Updating the global declaration of human rights to include development and


- Government. (and participation of the masses)

- Being in tune with nature.

- World trade.

- Equality between men and women.

- Continual and sustainable production and consumption.

- Freedom of access to information.

- Elimination of poverty.

- Sustainable farming and the safety of sustenance.

- Sustainable energy and transport.

- Environmental tourism.

- Green cities and settlements.

- Human health.

- Job opportunities.

- Health of seas and oceans.

- Limiting dangers and disasters.

- Climate change.

- Desertification.

- Mountains.

- Water and sanitation.

- Dangerous wastes.

- Biospheres.

- Education.

- Family and the household.

- Private sector.

- Continual innovation and investment.

- The institutional and executive frame for sustainable development.

- Green economy.

With regards to biodiversity, there are several topics that are related to protecting the

environment, for example:

Preservation of species and biomes.

Environmental processes and health.

Sustainable production and consumption within the limits of the biome.

Natural resources (sustainable farming, sustainable fishing, hydroponics,

environmental tourism)

Nature reserves.

Preservation outside of nature reserves.

Gas compositions.

Biotechnology to guarantee the safety of living creatures.

Dividing the benefits from genetic resources.

Traditional knowledge.

An enabling environment.

Biological hot spots, locations for important birds and plants.

Biodiversity in cities.

Performance rates.


Including natural capital in environmental considerations.

Methods of implementation of sustainable development:


Science and technology.

Developing abilities and capabilities.


National, regional, and international commitment.

Relatable indicators. (SMART) (measurable, executable, relatable to timeframes)

How to Measure Sustainable Development

For several years rate of development was calculated by average income per capita (total

income divided by number of individuals in a nation), and accordingly the World Bank

divides countries into 3 different levels: Countries of high income (more than 12,616

dollars), medium income (from 1035 to 2615 dollars) and low income (less than 1035

dollars, which is 3dollars a day).

There are many shortcomings to using this method to calculate income, unlike

sustainable development it does not take into account human comfort not standard of

living. This requires measuring specialized indictors involved with education, health and

age. Furthermore there are many other sides to the coin when measuring annual income,

among them the price of commodities and services, local currency and not the

international (dollar). For example, the annual income of a person in the United States is

52 thousand dollars, while income in Mexico is 10,200 dollars. That does not mean that

the American’s income is five times the Mexican (standard of living, price of living in

Mexico is much lower than the US, when this is taken into account it becomes clear that

the American makes 3.3 times the income of the Mexican, not 5 times).

So how is it then that these poor countries can raise their standard of living and achieve

economical growth in a quick manner to reduce the gap between them and rich countries?

To achieve this some basic policies must be put in place to counter the threats present to

sustainable development, where there is a huge difference of annual income between

people in rural and urban areas resulting in the search for the measurement of human

luxury as the ability of fulfilling their needs and expectations. This falls to the

government to provide social services that require a successful transitional phase to

increase income and improve other aspects of life such as health, education, age, and self


We have to understand the huge gap between rich and poor countries, where most

countries in the world where nearly equal on standard of living 2 centuries ago and the

majority of them living in rural areas, and occasional problems due to lack of crops

(famines and poverty). The story of inequality today is a story of the age of modern

economic growth. Since the industrial revolution, which lead to a huge increasing

income, which led to the change of farming to intensive farming due to new technologies,

and then industrial farming and industry (cotton, cloth, iron). Accordingly population

increase was tied to changes in economy and technology in rich countries, and poverty

was tied to technological underdevelopment and failure to accumulate capital. The

movement of people from rural to urban areas has also lead to the increase in food

production to provide enough food for urban dwellers, which created a market and

systems for goods transportation (railroads, roads, cars, ports), and from this

complications and interactions from the creation of the market, insurance, funding, rights

to intellectual property, and other things as well. Also the combination of applied

sciences and technology (development) led to the increase of specializations and the

distribution of work among individuals (workers, engineers), and from there innovations

that revolutionized economy, markets, work, and industries. The change in most aspects

of life was exciting and usually shocking, especially in poorer countries that could not

keep up or specialize in the trending economical growth that was characterized by the

technological changes. There is the trending technological pattern that began in England

after the invention of the steam engine (internal growth and external growth that was

shaped in the form of increasing income through innovative incentives and new markets).

There is also a follow-up growth, one that is very quick, like the one that happened in

Japan and some of the south Asian countries (importing technology and expertise). The

difference between these two patters is continual innovation (growth rate in the US is 1-

2% while in china it is 5-10%) and the attempt to limit the technological gap and adapting

to it through research and development programs and then increase income. Adaptations

to technologies and capital depend on advanced countries and then it moves to the global


Technology and science have gone through several stages since the steam age and has

passed through different industries (Iron, railways, electricity, chemicals, petroleum

based products, and transportation), and now we are in the age of communication

technologies, information, smart technology, and knowledge based economy. This is also

called the age of continual technology (efficiency of use, multipurpose, everything is

based on power). This has led to the spread of global companies that are multi cultural, as

well as new and modern innovations that have affected global trade and human health

(Combating diseases such as malaria), and finally human comfort in a lot of the countries

that have begun implementing science and technologies for human survival and

preservation of the earth.

Economic growth has been tied to climate zones, where it was spread from the North East

(England) to the South West, and the spread was not governed by natural or political

borders. The process of colonization was not a hindrance to industry in some African

nations and in some East Asian countries either, on the other hand it was the spread of

diseases, plagues, and illiteracy that was the main hindrance of economic growth in these

countries, where economic growth depends on learned and healthy societies.

Economic growth was a spreading operation that started in a small part of the world and

then slowly started spreading around the world. The patterns of spread where clear and

they were also affected by other factors (political borders, colonial powers, plagues) that

played an important role and the relative importance of these factors in change and

advanced continued as newer technological and medicinal discoveries were made.

(Combating malaria and other forms of diseases)

The idea of a clinical economy (economy clinic)

The art of clinical medicine has gone a long way, where it does not depend on one reason

for sickness or one cure or one case (emergency rooms). Therefore the modern doctor has

to perform the diagnoses process to identify the causes of a certain disease and give the

proper medicine to the patient. The same thing applies to modern economies, where

someone identifies the reasons for poverty, instead of looking for one simplified reason

(corruption), and one treatment (lowering government spending), or refer to one (loaning

from the national financial reserve to heal the economy), no, a practical practitioner

(doctor or economists) has to closely examine and identify the case, taking into

consideration history, position, culture, economical structure, and of course finally

present an effective solution. And this is called specific diagnosis for the patient, where

there is related cures to find the main cause of the disease and sustainable development.

We are in need of a clinical understanding based on specific diagnosis (ask one question

to find the current state, and then another… until you reach the main cause for the


The science of clinical economical studies which relies on a specific diagnosis in order to

achieve sustainable development which is reliable is composed of 7 factors to identify,

solve, and eliminate poverty, and they are:

First: Identifying the necessary basic investments to escape from the inability to

provide basic services and reach the first step of the economic growth ladder.

Second: Poverty might be a cause of poor economic policies, for example a bad

choice for investment policies, refusal to interact with related international trade,

or choosing a centralized plan when the market system is doing well.

Third: Poverty might reflect the financial situation of the government. If the

government has a history of excessive spending, excessive loaning, this leads to

bankruptcy, and therefore it is unable to spend on public projects and services such

as roads, schools, health care, etc.

Fourth: Poverty might be a byproduct of some geographical features, for example

being a landlocked country, or it is positioned on a significantly higher plane than

ocean levels, and due to this it is unable to afford the high costs for trade and

communications and even starting specific industries would be costly, or it might

suffer from plagues and natural disasters (droughts).

Fifth: The country may suffer from bad governing due to bad policies. Sometimes

on paper economical strategies would seem sound, but in reality there could be

corruption, inefficiency, or a mixture of both. There is corruption in all countries

but it differs from a rich country to a poor country, and it depends on a level of

wise governing in each country. For a lot of countries could have medium levels

of corruption but still capable of achieving economic growth. Corruption is a

moral process, and it is a practical obstacle to economic growth.

Sixth: Continued poverty could be due to cultural and educational obstacles, for

example some countries discriminate between men and women, where women

have no rights and are not allowed attending schools… etc.

Seventh: The natural state of the country would also play a huge role, meaning

friendly relationships, surrounded by friends or enemies, safe from invasion,

country has full sovereignty, and able to peacefully trade with its neighbors.

Accordingly the natural state and policies and economic growth are natural

friends, and vise versa, if the natural state is not stable or peaceful it is unable to

achieve economic growth.

Some of the previous factors are related, and each factor can be further sub divided,

accordingly poverty is different from country to country, therefore there is no one

universal solution and some countries depend on printing more money which

unfortunately causes hyperinflation, which dramatically raises prices. The national

budget must be controlled and new methods of facing that national deficit need to be

thought off, methods that include the private sector. Some countries have a dictatorial

governing body, and they need to change to a democratic system, however

unfortunately the poverty trap in Africa and Asia requires loans to be able to complete

their investment projects or they need to receive financial aid from richer countries.

Culture and knowledge are not like static moonlight, unchanging, cultural activities

resemble economic structures that change with time, for example how the view of women

has changed by many, how African Americans have changed in the United States, and

other communities that are marginalized. With a lot of work and effort and defending of

human rights in these marginalized communities, these common conceptions have

changed, subsequently the laws, and finally the culture. Therefore culture is very

important for economic growth, but it is similar to political geography, it is not a

measurable quantity, it changes and adapts like concepts and how people view it supports

the economy, especially when religious beliefs that affect sustainable development are

examined. We have to shift our attention towards the size of the family, and attain the

proper level of healthcare, education, and social equality. Enabling women in poor

countries is also a very powerful tool, in Rwanda women have exceeded 64%

representation on the parliament, which has changed how people view women, and thus

the rate of birth and the rate of child mortality have also decreased to half their original

value almost.

How can poverty be eliminated in the next 15-20 years?

This can be achieved through providing the basic necessities of a person (food, clean

water, shelter, healthcare, education, services, and power) these guarantee the survival

and the dignity of the person. This can be done through policies that aim towards

defeating the obstacles to growth, and these goals are targeted towards normal people,

and this is done to direct people towards achieving a moral objective, which is improve

the living conditions of the less fortunate. It has been made apparent that the most

important driving factor of continued poverty is in fact technology. Continuous merging

of rapid technological change and the proper application of a diagnosis has helped

identify the basic needs required to direct investments towards combating poverty,

whether it is through improving infrastructure and services, expansions in combat

diseases, or increase agricultural and industrial output and improving the quality of


Alongside a specific diagnosis with all its 7 factors (Identifying the obstacle, the frame

of economical policies, financial background, natural geography, type of government,

cultural obstacles, and governmental policies), it is required to focus on the 4 main

aspects to help Egypt’s economic growth (raise the level of agricultural production, raise

the level of efficiency of and in cultural products, improve the national infrastructure, and

invest in human capital). Besides this, investments in information technologies,

engineering innovations, and combating the overpopulation problems must be done as

well, preferably done willingly and not forcefully, also enabling women in rural areas.

Part 3

(Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in Egypt)

Biodiversity and Sustainable development in Egypt

The Republic of Egypt occupies nearly one million meters squared, and they can be

divided into 4 geographic regions: the Nile valley, the Eastern Desert, the Western

Desert, and the Sinai, therefore 92% of Egypt’s surface area is dessert, while the

remaining 8% is farmland that is restricted to the Nile valley and some oasis in the

Western dessert. The geographic distribution of population concentrations is imbalanced,

where the majority live in an area that does not exceed 4% of Egypt’s available land

mass. Recently as well the issue of urbanization, loss of farmland, and desertification

have arose, those results in a constant reduction of available farmland and the reduction

of people’s shares to those farmlands.

Egypt can be divided into 4 bioclimatic zones as well: The Eastern Dessert: they are lands

that suffer from extreme drought, minimal rain, moderate winters, and hot summers,

Southern Sinai: Also dry lands, but moderately cold winters, and rains do not exceed

30mm per year, The Northern Coast: Spans the Mediterranean coast, this is a dry region

with annual rain of more than 100mm per year, and finally the Semi Coastal and Wetland

belts (Nile Valley, and Nile Delta), where there are moderate winters, hot and dry

summers with annual rainfall of 30-100mm.

Egypt lies on the North Eastern corner of Africa, and it is the meeting place of 4 Bio-

geographic regions: Ayrano-Tyranon, Mediterranean, the Conidian deserts and Tropical

Africa. At the same time, it lies in the heart of the great desert belt that spans from

Morocco to the North Western corner of Africa to the cold desserts of Middle-Asia.

Egypt is surrounded from the North and East by two nearly closed seas which are the Red

sea and the Mediterranean, which increases the value of Egypt’s unique geographic

location, which is further increased by the presence of the Nile River which divides it

equally along its longitudes and is considered the longest river in the world. Accordingly

Egypt is classified as dry or severely dry land, despite that it is home to many of the

Earth’s varied ecosystems in which many different forms of plants and animals can be

placed through planned biodiversity, along with local life forms as well, which would

result in a level of biodiversity that is nonexistent anywhere else in the world.

Despite the fact that Egypt is mostly dry dessert, it has 143 species of global importance,

whether they are endangered, resident, or migratory. This in addition to that to this day a

total of more than 800 non flowering plants, 2302 flowering plants (62 resident, 2

endangered), 111 types of mammals (51 endangered), 480 types of birds (26

endangered), 109 types of reptiles (27 endangered), 9 types of amphibians, and more

than 1000 types of fish. With regards to invertebrates, they are quite varied, for example

insects vary from 10-15 thousand types, more than 200 types of coral, 800 types of

mollusks, and more than a thousand types of crustaceans. As far as microbiological life

forms go, our available information is limited, whether this information relates to types in

different biospheres, or their role in decomposition, or pathogens and their effect on

human health and livestock.

Egyptian biodiversity reflects several facts about it, specifically its desert ecosystems,

and its unique position and varied climate zones. The Nile River has greatly contributed

to Egypt’s unique biodiversity. This level of contrast between dry and wet lands only

exists in very few places around the world. In addition, some ecosystems and species

exist on its geographic borders, for example coral reefs, mangrove trees, Alambt trees in

the red sea; therefore they are considered fragile ecosystems of great ecological value.

With regards to land based ecosystems outside the borders of the Nile Valley, they can

generally be described as one of the driest and arid deserts found around the world.

Despite rain being an occurrence that can only happen once in a few decades, certain

areas in the north coast, the Sinai Mountain, and also the South Eastern corner, do get

occasional rain due to condensation at high altitudes. This gives us an example of an

endangered ecosystem, the misty rain forests of the Red Sea Mountains, where the

Alambt trees exist, where they represent the most extreme geographic distribution there is

for them.

From what was previously mentioned, land ecosystems can be divided into two main

types of African ecosystems, they are Dessert and green lands that rely on water from the

Nile River (which was changed due to human interference); therefore relatively speaking

the variation in types of environments is low in Egypt.

The presence of the Nile River has positively impacted Egypt’s biodiversity, where there

are unique ecosystems from fresh water and wetland biomes that are of great importance

for migratory birds that pass through Egypt; the same applies for birds that spend their

winter in Egypt. The same applies for several migratory animals as well. Despite this, the

level of habitation of species is considered high due to the arid nature of Northern Africa

over the last five thousand years. This has lead to the compartmentalization of

ecosystems which has therefore led to isolated areas which plants and animals occupy as

is the case with Western desert oasis and the Mountains of Sinai. Perhaps the Egyptian

model is Mount “Elba”, for it has the most biodiversity and maybe also the most variation

in resident species, for its isolated geographic location.

Marine and coastal biodiversity has benefitted from Egypt’s location on the Red and

Mediterranean seas, furthermore the establishment of the sues canal has helped spread

marine animal and plant life spread from the Red Sea to the Eastern regions of the

Mediterranean Sea. Despite this, our knowledge of biodiversity our knowledge of coastal

and marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea is quite limited, especially in the deeper

regions, and in most cases this knowledge does not exceed merely lists of the life forms

observed in these regions. This is in contrast with our knowledge of the biodiversity in

the Red Sea and the Sues gulf and Aqabba Bay which are considered unique in their high

level of biodiversity, where coral reefs, mangrove trees, and a vast multitude of resident

species that reach nearly 17% of the Red Sea’s fish population, despite them being on the

extreme edge of their geographic distribution. Perhaps the value and importance of

vulnerable ecosystems such as this will rise with the expected climate changes.

Furthermore, the medium depth waters in the Sues Bay(30 meters) contain important

ecosystems for marine biodiversity (sea weeds, and bottom feeding fish of economic

importance) compared to deep waters that reach almost 2000 meters in Aqabba bay,

accordingly there exists a collection of ecosystems and species that we know almost

nothing about. The same applies for the deep sea environments of the Mediterranean

where oil and gas drilling takes place, therefore it’s expected the ecosystems and species

are going to be extinct before their discovery.

Strategies for Biodiversity

Egypt is a signatory of the international agreement for biodiversity that was drawn up in

the UN conference for Environment and Development (Earth summit- 1992), and it was

approved in 1994, a unit for biodiversity has also been created that falls under the

jurisdiction of the central administration for the protection of the environment, in order to

perform studies and ecological and biological surveys, as well as to put in place national

strategies to preserve biodiversity in commitment with the binding agreement that Egypt

agreed to. The national strategy was unveiled in June 1997, and the document was

accepted on November 1998 and incorporated into the country’s plans by the ministries

for planning and finance. The plan involves 4 parts:

First Part An opening document that includes Egypt’s Geographic location, climate

zones, populace and population concentrations, renewable and non-renewable resources,

effort for the preservation of natural resources and wildlife, current status of studies,

research, and nature reserves.

Second Part includes the goals and objectives, where a document describes the 6 main

goals, and they are:

For the management of natural resources and their various elements through

scientific and economical means.

Work on increasing the level of scientific and technical abilities in the field of

preservation of biodiversity as well as the managerial and executive abilities.

Gather public support and participation to preserve biodiversity

Put in place a work program that aims to include people as individuals and

communities in the effort to preserve nature.

Establish judicial groundwork, economic and social motivations that support the

preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development of natural resources.

The combination of efforts between national, regional, and international work for

the preservation of biodiversity.

Third part elements of the strategic plan to achieve the nation’s objectives, and it include

3 main sectors which are:

Research programs as well as survey and evaluation programs.

Programs for managing applied projects.

Programs for managing projects for aid and support.

Fourth part consists of national work projects in the shape of networks of nature reserves,

Egyptian museum of natural history, national genetic bank, center for breeding and

rehabilitation of endangered species, national project for research and surveying in the

field of biodiversity, national information network for biodiversity, national program for

developing the workforce, and finally the national program to increase awareness,

knowledge, and education. This is in addition to the establishment of the required

infrastructure in the form of national tools and processes that manage the elements of

national programs.

The desired objective of national strategies for the preservation of biodiversity is the

proper establishment of the necessary infrastructure for sustainable development of

natural resources in Egypt where they remain valid for use, capable of providing enough

for industrial and luxurious needs for current generations, preserves this ability for future

generations, and finally succeeds in establishing a balance between preservation and

development plans in the country with all their varied elements including farming,

industry, mining, housing, and tourism. These strategies have been brought to life in

work programs that involve the creation, development and management of nature reserve

networks, establishment of genetic bank, work towards establishing the Egyptian

Museum of Natural History, establishment of a center for the rehabilitation and

repopulation of endangered species, the implementation of national programs for research

in the field of biodiversity, the establishment of a national information network for

biodiversity, development of the workforce’s abilities in the field of preservation of

biodiversity, and finally implementation of national programs for education, awareness,

and knowledge.

Efforts Expended to Preserve Biodiversity

In the past two decades the Republic of Egypt has prioritized the preservation of natural

resources, and has also put in place a system with laws to protect the natural heritage, this

was done with orders and support from the political leadership to confirm the

amalgamation of the development sectors with the protection of the environment and the

preservation of natural resources for current and future generations. Law no. 302 of the

year 1983 was put in place for nature reserves, and following it was the creation of the

first nature reserve which is the Raas Mohammad national reserve in Southern Sinai.

Following this was a boom in the number of nature reserves, reaching 30 to this day,

spanning a total of nearly 15% of Egypt’s surface area, and also including a majority of

the different types of ecosystems as well as natural resources available in the country.

During this period of the 80’s to this day, a multitude of skills and experience regarding

development, management, and preservation of nature reserves and biodiversity was

gained. Where the first stage was concerned with absolute protection, the second stage

through the 90s that was concerned with preservation and sustainable development, and

currently full recycling that depends on natural processes that include humans. In other

words the main goal is now preservation works for the sake of human luxury.

The main activities to evaluate biodiversity included survey operations and updating of

databases, evaluation of geographical regions and natural producing ecosystems, find

and evaluate the globally endangered species, create a map showing biodiversity

concentrations, evaluate preservation and reclamation projects, participate in the fight

against Swine Flu, collation of ecological surveys in and outside of nature reserves and

collecting them in a database and regularly update them, work towards protecting

sensitive biomes that are not protected by current nature reserves, identify gaps in

systems designed to protect biomes, locating endangered species, identify national

indicators that are measurable on the reserve level, and complete the registries for

biodiversity in Egypt.

There are nearly 3 million different registries for plant and animal species currently

available that have been collected from research, research samples currently located

inside Egypt and world museums as well as recording of species inside nature reserves.

Therefore there is now an up to date registry of the species in Egypt, that have reached

nearly 20 thousand type, their areas of distribution, how common they are, the time

periods in which they were recorded, a map showing spread of animal and plant wildlife

was prepared, and the necessary activities necessary to protect them. Also the database

for biodiversity has been updated and used in the creation of several websites in English

and Arabic, as well as a forum and information base for biodiversity.

2010 الوحدة

1 elbao ava T apa oatoT bl rabeNT rTtTNpTt MK^2 150000

aNTa le rTtTNpTt eNlf aevb % 15%

2 reftTN le avT Tt MNluN reftTN 20000

Kaffaot reftTN 110

· s Nit reftTN 475

· rTvb oTt reftTN 112

· afvi t aNt reftTN 9

· h ti reftTN 1200

· sNpTNbTtNabTt reftTN 12000

· sat eoaN loaNbt reftTN 2145

3 lTN TNbaaT le NiaNaTiTi avT Tt

· Kaffaot 72 65.5%

· s Nit 60 12.6%

· rTvb oTt 47 42.0%

· afvi t aNt 2 22.2%

· h ti 52 04.3%

· sNpTNbTtNabTt 205 01.7%

· sat eoaN loaNbt 450 21.0%

A collection of indicators that reflect the condition and direction of biodiversity and the

threats that it is exposed to and their effect on social and economical life, have been

prepared, and these indicators are: Health of the ecosystem, health of the environments,

state and expected health of species, species in the red list (extinct, critically endangered,

at risk), types on the black list (foreign gaseous types), ability of ecosystem to rebalance,

social and economical indicator for biodiversity, threats, efficiency of running reserves,

plans and special actions related to preservation of biodiversity outside of nature reserves.

A new modernized map for different ecosystems around Egypt based on information

available from satellite imagery such as uses of the land, area of water, farming, oasis,

lakes, as well as a geological map (rock types, sand dunes, valleys, mountains). The

ecological map of Egypt includes 22 main groups described as for example, urban areas,

islands, oasis, sand dunes, sedimentary rock, igneous and volcanic rock, open water, fresh

water, lakes, marshes, hot springs, coral reefs and mangrove trees.

The current situation has also been assessed in:

Coastal marine life.

The Nile Valley and wetlands.

Arid lands and semi-moist lands.

Mountain regions.

Farming environment.

Red list.

Gas compositions.

Climate changes.

Current status of strategies and work plans for biodiversity and their


Evaluation of effectiveness of strategies and their trials

For thousands of years Egypt has preserved biodiversity and has worked on protecting its

natural heritage, it has signed a multitude of international and regional agreements,

released many laws that protect the environment and preserve natural resources, of which

worthy of note is law 102 for the year 1983 for the creation and management of nature

reserves, and law 4 for the year 1994for the protection of the environment which was

amended by law 9 for the year 2009. Furthermore 2 important legislations where

prepared with regards the safety of ecosystems, and the organization of the attainment on

biological resources. Alongside these efforts, the national plan for environmental work in

Egypt (2002-2017) was released with the help of all ministries and related national

departments and civil organizations, where the initiative for protecting the environment is

shared with all social and economic sectors which support sustainable development as

well as preservation of biodiversity strategies. Also this strategy ties closely with the

nations plans to combat desertification and climate change, and currently national plans

regarding the agreements of Rio Three are being put into motion along with methods of

follow-up and progress tracking.

In light of Egypt’s commitments to the developmental goals for the third millennium by

the year 2015, a national board for sustainable development was created along with, the

national board for recycling for coastal regions, the national board for climate change,

and finally the national board for wetlands and biodiversity. This was done in order to

enhance the relationship between policies, strategies, and working plans for sustainable

development, this would be done through accomplishing certain objectives in order to

ascertain the level of efficiency and effectiveness of environmental longevity, reduce the

impact of poverty, enabling women, and improvement of healthcare and education.

Furthermore several strategies and specialized programs for the preservation of wetlands

were released (2005), environmental tourism (2006), and the preservation of medicinal

plant life (2007), this is in addition to the main developmental issues that face Egypt


Priorities were placed in the form of 3 main axes

1. Development and management of current nature reserves and declare new


2. Evaluate biodiversity through ecological surveys and updates of information


3. Take action to support the preservation of biodiversity through institutional

development and development of abilities, partnerships and involvement of related

parties and the civic communities, media and marketing, and the continuity of

projects that are being funded by the state and institutions.

Institutional and Judicial support and development of abilities

The environmental protection workforce has reached more than 700 workers, where there

are 15 with a PHD, more than 50 with master’s degrees, and more than 300 with a high

qualification, more than 200 with a medium qualification and the rest with basic


Reserve management was evaluated based on international standards with the help of

projects currently being applied, along with the workers in the environmental protection

sector. The evaluation revealed several important results, the strong points being: the

reserve network (providing environmental, social, economical services, good

representation of Egyptian ecosystems and species, preservation of biodiversity,

availability of skilled workforce). And the weak points being: (a lot of unclaimed

potential from reserves, limited number of income and expenditure sources, some of the

most important pressures affecting reserves include methods of land utilization, and

recreational activities (tourism, hunting) failure to apply the law due to pressures and

violations on reserves.

According to the evaluation done early in 2006, a collection of decisions regarding the

restructuring of the environmental protection section were taken, clear objectives were

placed for the sector, more workforce and funding were made available, training

programs were applied, databases were updated, improvements of communication means

between different managements were put in place, and more effective management plans

were put in place through better transportation, housing, infrastructure, and devices.

The placement of two new laws regarding safety of wildlife the organization of the

attainment of biological resources was completed, and currently they are being taken

through the necessary procedures for acceptance by the parliament and the house of


Currently the principle of including and working with the related departments and the

civic community is being organized and applied, especially with regards to evaluating the

environmental impact of development projects, management of coastal region, nature

reserves, agricultural and tourist related activities along with other types of activities.

Furthermore there is a lot of organizational work being carried out in fields related to the

preservation of biodiversity through multiple national watch groups and the national

center for land uses. There are multiple successes with local communities, governmental

and executive branches and administrations, investors, and intensifying the role of


Egypt paid close attention to protecting and documents tradition knowledge and its uses

especially in nature reserve where uses for 38 medicinal plants were recorded in Southern

Sinai, 45 types in Northern Sinai, 19 types in Elba region, 13 types in the Western

Dessert, and 16 types in the Eastern Dessert. Furthermore handmade products were

recorded, and the cultural heritage within was tied to the natural one in nature reserves.

A strategy for communication, education, and awareness regarding the environment has

been prepared and is being carried out; this is related to common causes between

important sectors and the focus on the necessary activities to preserve biodiversity,

strengthen education regarding biodiversity, make available the necessary tools and

resources to educate, communicate with, and identify the targeted groups, merge

biodiversity in education strategies, creation of an effective means of communication and

sharing of information and developing databases as well as creating internet websites and

publishing books, reports, DVDs, videos and movies, create workshops, radio and TV

interviews, and preparation of seminars for target audiences. These strategies have

succeeded in raising public environmental awareness and this has been shown in the

increased number of visitors to nature reserves, reports of violations by locals, and public

and tourist correspondence via email.

The study for the foundation of the national museum for natural history has been

completed, with an area of 4,200 square meters and 4 floors with a cost of approximately

36 million dollars. The national ministry for the environment is currently working on

marketing the project in order to attain the help of different available sectors in order to

acquire the necessary funding, even to begin with a limited budget to solidify the plan

and affirm the ministry’s commitment to the program and encourage support.

Projects funded by countries and foundations have helped develop and advance the nature

reserve network, as well as the execution of skill raising programs and biological

surveying, preservation, and spreading of environmental awareness. These projects have

strengthened the infrastructure for several reserves, provided equipment, means, and

tools, prepared management plans for nearly half the reserves as well as economic plans

for some reserves, declared more modern reserves, and also prepared special studies for

institutional development. Despite these accomplishments, nature reserves are still in

need of more manpower, funding, and technical capabilities in order to be able to perform

its role in preserving biodiversity in Egypt.

Preservation outside the Natural Environment

There is no complete system for the management of wildlife outside nature reserves in

order to put said wildlife in line with the global, regional, and national demands.

Activities focus on the preservation of endangered wild species as well as genetic

heritages related to farming in the national bank for the preservation of genetic materials.

This belongs to the Ministry of the Environment and repopulation programs in co-

operation with the private sector. This is in order to achieve several awareness

campaigns, organize the attainment of wildlife, and to achieve co-operation with border

control and environmental police in campaigns against markets that sell endangered

species such as the Egyptian Turtle, foxes, deer, and eagles. Furthermore they aim to

crack down on the parties for hunting and gathering them and jailing and/or fining them.

The program for the repopulation of wildlife that started in 2003 with the co-operation of

the private sector aims towards reaching the 3rd

or 4th

generations of endangered Egyptian

species. These are the species that enable and prepare the following generation for

rehabilitation and re-acclimation to their natural ecosystem. The most important

endangered species that are being currently repopulated are the Egyptian Deer, the

Nubian Coyote, Rams, Alfank foxes, striped hyenas, badgers, (Feathered cat?), and wild

cats. This is in addition to three already extinct species (Egyptian Mha, Arabian Mha, and

Abu haraab) as well as white deer that is thought to be near extinction. These animals

have been successfully repopulated and their numbers have reached more than a

thousand. Furthermore many medicinal plants are being repopulated, el-sayal trees,

Alambt Trees, and Mangrove trees.

Preservation inside Natural Environments

The working roadmap for nature reserves in Egypt has been prepared and executed

according to the international work program that the agreement for biodiversity laid out.

This roadmap revolves around the following focus points:

1. Direct plans for planning, selecting, initiating, and managing a network of nature


2. Fair management, partnerships, equality, and division of benefits in the

management of nature reserves.

3. Enabling activities in the management of nature reserves.

4. Indicators, evaluation and surveying.

There is a marked improvement in the work programs for nature reserves that included

modernization and management of several nature reserves, the announcement of new

reserves, currently more than 30 reserves that cover 15% of Egypt’s area, symbiosis

between a multitude of reserve activities and the activities of related sectors especially

tourism, farming, land usage, completion of the basic infrastructure for several reserves,

increasing and training the workforce, providing tools and necessary equipment for the

preparation of managerial and economical plans, evaluation of the effectiveness of the

management of reserves, partnerships with the civil and local communities, identifying

the values and products that certain reserves provide and their social and economical

return, carrying out awareness and education programs, evaluate environmental impact of

development projects, finalize the borders of 10 reserves, and finally prepare studies of

the benefits of nature reserves and publishing them.

Activities for the preservation of coastal and marine biodiversity have been applied,

along with work programs for biodiversity in wetlands, dry lands, and mountains. This

has become a national priority work plan. Several successes have been achieved

especially within nature reserves, and the process of reporting the level of agricultural

biodiversity is now in progress.

Implementation of Concerns for Biodiversity in Related Sectors

Operations for the merger of biodiversity in the strategic and work plans for the nation

have included the following: negotiations with related sectors, national studies for

concerned ministries, goals for the third millennium, national reports emanating from

specialized departments.

There are clear considerations for the environment in most national working plans, and

within each ministry is someone responsible for the environment, and in all governorates

there exists an environmental administration. 27 ministries are taking part in the

application of 81 laws in addition to many decisions and they all relate to environmental

protection. In a general sense most infrastructure projects and a multitude of activities

that different ministries acting out, take into account environmental matters. Furthermore

there is more than 40 governmental institutions that are involved in environmentally

related activities, despite this there is no clear indication for the merger of biodiversity in

these national plans and strategies except that they are included in their concerns for the

preservation of the environment. However there are multiple tangible successes that are

in the shape of co-ordination operations to merge biodiversity in a multitude of

governmental activities specifically national boards, preparation of legislation, foundation

of the environmental court, evaluation of the environmental impact of development

projects that include biodiversity, limit violations on natural reserves, and helping in the

development of large projects. These successes have also reflected the key features of

human development, the three developmental goals of the millennium, motives that

reduce the loss of biodiversity, and the strengthening of the joint activities regarding the

Rio 3 accords.

Challenges Facing Biodiversity

Despite multiple successes in the field of environmental

protection, it is no longer acceptable that preservation

and protection programs for biodiversity do not take into

account humans, and it has now become necessary that

human health and comfort become the main factor in the

preservation efforts. For that reason the activities that

man participates in have varied in order to perform

preservation works with the co-operation of the people

responsible for the preservation of the environment and

biodiversity( for example environmental tourism,

development of local communities, combating pollution,

provision of clean water). In order to apply methods of

environmental organization with related sectors, a lot of

work is required especially since this is a fairly new

concept and it has not been on academic itineraries for

long and has not been generally accepted by policy

makers yet. This however does not include Nature

reserves that try their best to apply environmental

methods for the health and comfort of humans. In this

quickly changing world, and in light of recent pressures

on natural resources as a result of the population boom

and expansions in industry, agriculture, and tourism in

order to achieve sustainable development, we need a new

method of operation to protect biodiversity and clarify its

role in the preservation and continued development in a

sustainable manner, and fair balance for all humans. Due

to this there must be an organization of efforts for the

sake of preservation and protection of natural processes

and sustainable development. And we see that nature

reserves are a main method in achieving these efforts

with a high effectiveness and low cost, for they offer

multiple benefits within and outside their borders.

There have been several accomplishments to improve the

state of biodiversity and develop nature reserves in the

frame of national strategies and involvement of the

different national sectors in order to adhere to the

binding national and international agreements and

Challenges that face biodiversity

and nature reserves currently in


Inability to retain skilled


Lack of funding to survey

biodiversity and manage


Lost opportunities due to

lack of funding.

Co-operation and Co-

ordination between sectors.

Limited investment in


Inconsistent production

and consumption patterns.

Security and the execution

of the law.

Limited understanding of

the importance and value

of biodiversity and nature’s

services for the luxury of


Global economical


Political stability.

Limited ability for quick

adaption to manage the

intricate and varied

systems of biodiversity and



experience and its

relationship with the

structuring for the

protection of the


accomplish effective progress towards diminishing the loss of biodiversity. Despite this

the situation needs tremendous efforts in the next stage to bridge the gap between the

required duties and the current capabilities through the institutional development in

central management in economic ways, and achieve continual funding and reinforce the

partnership between all related sectors to the preservation of biodiversity and nature


National strategies and work plans have also succeeded greatly in achieving the desired

objectives, except that there are still many challenges that face the preservation of nature,

for example insufficient funding, development of the institutional structuring, reinforcing

the current reserves’ infrastructure, apply the concept of de-centralized command

structure, dangers to workers, effectively enforce laws, release prepared legislations,

reinforce international agreements, and stop violations on

nature reserves and the depletion of natural resources. This

is in addition to interacting with new sectors in the field of

preservation of biodiversity which was not included in the

national strategy like gas compositions, traditional

knowledge, information technologies and its modern tools,

apply environmental preservation and advisory plans, safety

of wildlife, the effect of climate change on biodiversity.

Properties of Modern Institutions Related to Nature Reserves and Biodiversity

Independent authority responsible for placement of policies.

Employment is by contract and there are motivations and rewards for


Put in place entry fees and use reserves for self funding.

Negotiating power for usage and mutual commitment rights.

Current Pressures on Biodiversity

Change or destruction of


Unsustainable use of


Climate change.

Pollution of biospheres.

Foreign species.

Population boom.

Partnership with all beneficiaries from the local and civil communities and the

private sector.

Preservation of the return from reserves and reinvest it.

Continued attainment of funds from the government.

Joint management schemes that resemble the private sector that can achieve

flexibility and decentralization.

Requirements of Modern Management of reserves and Biodiversity

Identify possible benefits from the preservation of biodiversity.

Raise the skill level of nature reserve workers.

Full recycling (evolution of business management, reinvestment of returns)

Overcome challenges (utilize the authority to make decisions, identify policies,

work alongside old management systems, adaptation with management of multi-

faced technical and changing system, multi-skilled labor, good and effective

funding, economical tools)

This Requires

Consideration for all activities.

Think in a businesslike manner.

Honesty and performance.

Rewards based on results.

Evolution and adaptation to new developments.

Hold on to the returns from nature reserves to preserve biodiversity.

Future Vision

It is no longer acceptable that environmental protection programs be carried out without

including human, and it has become necessary that human health and comfort is the

priority in the preservation efforts that include services and commodities that the

environment provides for no return, and such services are (food, water, building material,

human health, fuel and animal feed, cattle), regulating services (water purification,

pollination, weather control), supporting services (fertilizing soil, combating disease and

pests, and the preservation of genetic material), cultural and educational services

(multiple cultures, traditional knowledge, spiritual and natural values, tourism and

scientific research). Since man is the primary reason for the deterioration of the

environment and natural resources, then man must have the utmost priority in preserving

and protecting the environment. For this reason the activities in which man can

participate in to preserve the environment are multiple and varied, and hose activities are

encouraged by the people responsible for environmental concerns and the preservation of

natural resources, especially encouraging environmental tourism (guided trips to natural

places that preserve and support the environment and supports the comfort of the locals)

for example bird watching, coral reef diving, watching endangered species, dolphins and

sharks, this is in addition to contributing to protecting the local residents and their culture

along with their natural processes, especially in biodiversity hotspots, furthermore

combating pollution and providing clean water. All these activities have a huge social and

economical return.

In order to apply plans for ecosystems in order to preserve human health and comfort, it

has become necessary to merge environmental strategies with related sectors, except that

this requires a lot of effort especially since this concept is still lacking with the academic

and scientific society and is not generally accepted with decision makers, excluding of

course nature reserves that try their best to apply methods of environmental preservation

for the sake of human health and comfort.

For that reason it is recommended that for the next stage the following points be


1. Accomplish sustainable development through its support for economical and social


2. Collation of national work to preserve and protect the environment and natural

resources as well as reducing the rate of deterioration and pollution along with the loss of

natural resources.

3. Reinforce the institutional, technical, legislative, and executive abilities for the

protection of the environment.

It is also suggested that the priorities for the protection of the environment include the


1. Increase exports and attract investments in the field of environmental protection

and nature reserves.

2. Present innovative and untraditional solutions for government spending and

economic schemes for self funding.

3. Increase the effectiveness of the managerial and service sectors through

development of the basic structure and human development, and awareness

indicators and follow-ups and planning.

4. Limit unemployment and look after the social element and values through

presenting a model for sustainable development (nature reserves), combat poverty,

protect intellectual property and local heritage.

5. Open door policy to the outside world in order to achieve Egypt’s goals through

co-operation with other countries and foundations in order to put into practice

international agreements and to benefit from their organizations.

6. Utilizing advanced technology and modern capabilities through the improvement

of communication networks revolutionize information systems in the field of

environmental protection and preservation of natural resources and the use of

modern methods of surveying.

7. Develop public participation in national work through including local

communities, civic communities, reinforce the role of women, and utilize the

incapacitated population, and environmental media and awareness.

8. Modernize national strategies, work plans, and environmental policies.

Short Term Solutions to Future challenges

Nature reserves and the constitution.

Laws and legislations

- Update the reserve law.

- Modernize the environmental protection law.

- Release wildlife safety law.

- Release dividing of benefits law.

- Prepare biodiversity law.

Mid-Term Solutions

Funding mechanisms for nature reserves

Traditional methods of funding.

Innovative funding methods.

- Payment in return of natural services.

- Back-pay from biodiversity.

Long Term Solutions

Establish and enable an adequate continual system for the nature reserve network and

biodiversity in Egypt that is based on economical rules and unique marketing and a

positive role in the future of sustainable development.

A. Legal, organizational, and institutional frames.

B. Tools and methods of development and management of resources.

C. Investment based planning and execution to manage costs.

D. Transformation to a green economy in nature reserves.

Requirements for the Coming Years

Economic transformation in the light of globalization and liberalization of trade.

Increase world tourism.

Increased demand for natural wealth.

Importance of balance between development and preservation efforts.

Nature reserve problems (infrastructure, workforce, funding)

Invasive genetically modified species.

Fair divisions for the benefit of biodiversity.

Required: Radical Solutions through Innovative Methods

Transformation from bureaucracy to effectiveness of efforts.

Decision making to be done within limits of policies.

Remove financial load off government through financial sustainability.

Institutional evolution to preserve biodiversity.

Continual funding.

Apply de-centralization.

Risks to workers.

Apply laws and the creation of new laws and legislations.

Stop violations against nature reserves.

Adapt with new topics.

Limit the loss of biodiversity.

In Order for This to Succeed We Require

Political support.

Evaluate possible economical benefits.

Follow the concept of protecting natural resources now and study later.

Common vision.

Participation of local communities.

Create and develop nature reserves since they are considered the most effective

tools of protection.

Train workers in all related fields.

Fair division of benefits arising from biodiversity.

Use the help of experts.

Avoid early struggles.

Managerial malleability and adaptability.

Selection of highly skilled workforce.

Partnerships are the key to sustainable management.

Part Four


Biodiversity Strategies for Sustainable Development

Proposed Biodiversity Strategy for Sustainable Development

The strategy for biodiversity for the sake of sustainable development is a proper frame for

the co-ordination of biodiversity preservation efforts as well as organization for its

sustainable use and division of profits. It is based on the list of accomplishments from the

past two decades, and puts in place new axes of operation and innovative methods of

operation for the coming 2 decades. This requires an institutional reform to spearhead this

operation; this should be done with support from the ministry of the environment. It also

puts in place the strategic frame for the preservation of biodiversity while taking into

account the importance of the preservation of biodiversity because of healthy natural

processes that provide services and continued benefits for people, as well as a strong and

healthy economy. Furthermore, the fruition of this strategy is a moral obligation to all

Egyptians involved.

In order to achieve the strategy of biodiversity for sustainable development, it is required

to carry out “Transformatic Changes” (leave no one behind, sustainable development to

be a top national priority, changing economical matters for the preference of jobs and

wholesome development, work towards safety and honesty of institutions, and search for

new global partnerships) in the field of sustainable consumption and production,

management of natural resources, governmental mechanisms, and prepare new roadmaps

and sustainable developmental goals according to the Rio +20 excerpts.

More than 20 strategies for biodiversity were examined, along with new developments in

global, regional, and national tourism in addition to the efforts exerted to prepare a global

strategy for sustainable development as well as global strategies for biodiversity (2020-

2011), and the Egyptian strategy for biodiversity (1998). Since the preparation of a

strategy requires a lot of planning and co-operation from all related parties, it is suggested

that a group of options be prepared in order to be discussed and agreed upon. These

options would discuss vision, goals, axes of operation, priorities for the accomplishment

of related strategies and work plans.

With relation to the strategic goals of biodiversity for sustainable development, therefore

there is a necessity to agree upon whether the goal of biodiversity would be fairly

balanced with the goals of sustainable development, or whether the focus would be on

development where its fruition would be based upon the inclusion of indicators for

biodiversity (merging preservation works in all developmental activities), or continuation

in the application of the national strategy for biodiversity that was prepared in 1998 while

taking into account the addition of developments that appeared in the previous period. In

order to simplify the decision it is recommended that the new definition for sustainable

development be taken into account, it is the development that fulfills the current

generation’s needs while at the same time guarantees the life supporting systems on earth

that the current and future generations depend on.

Accordingly, biodiversity is considered more than just natural resources important to

humans, but as a primary factor in sustainable development. Therefore there is a huge

change wherein biodiversity is no longer the victim of development, but a solution and

key to achieving it.

Among the other options that are up for discussion is the national strategy for biodiversity

that was agreed upon in the year 1998, where its goals still require another 20 years

before they are completed, taking into account global and local developments in the field

of biodiversity.

It is also required to take into account the modern requirements to put in place the

strategies for biodiversity for sustainable development, and they are:

1. A co-operative operation that includes all sectors, benefactors, and those interested

in biodiversity.

2. Focus on the evaluation of natural services and merging biodiversity.

3. Nature reserves could be a very effective means of achieving a lot of the

objectives of development.

4. The need for the full merger of the principles and the flexibility of climate change.

5. Focus on rehabilitation, reclamation, and safe natural borders operations.

6. The need for full resources for the operations of carrying out the strategy.

7. The need for varied funding mechanisms that are based on the evaluation of the

related sectors and operations of merging biodiversity in all related development


Also Modernization Steps which are

1. Collection of base data regarding the resources of biodiversity.

2. Evaluating the current situation of all natural resources for biodiversity

(environmental situation, risks, preservation and protection works)

3. Carrying out a thematic evaluation.

4. Identify main strategies.

5. Prepare work plans.

6. Evaluate the necessary financial resources.

7. The sharing of the available data and national strategies of biodiversity with



Biodiversity and natural ecosystems (natural capital) are both primary components in the

strategy for sustainable development and the elimination of poverty in Egypt, and in

order to guarantee their preservation and proper use, as well as the fair division of their

dividends, requires: Co-operation and co-ordination to merge them into all related

financial sectors and social involvement, given that the Egyptian individual is the main

building block for society, the abolishment of poverty, the prevention of the loss of

biodiversity, and the limitation of invasive species, the guaranteeing of the flexibility of

ecosystems, the fruition of preservation and rehabilitation works for rundown

environments in order to improve sustainable production and consumption, as well as

deal with climate changes as well as improving and spreading knowledge about

biodiversity and the roles of ecosystems and their economical and social values, in

addition to taking them into account of national calculations, the gathering of resources,

and the positive contribution towards region and international commitments regarding

biodiversity and natural ecosystems.

Main Objectives and Guiding Principles

First: Primary Objectives

The primary objective of placing a national strategy for the preservation of biodiversity in

Egypt is to put in place the correct foundations to developing the natural wealth of the

country in a sustainable manner while preserving them so they remain usable and capable

of providing, enough that they fulfill the developmental and recreational needs of the

current generation, while preserving the rights of the future generations to these natural

resources in the short and long term, while achieving the greatest level of balance

between developmental plans in the country with all their forms from farming, industry,

and mining to tourism, housing, and preservation plans.

The strategy aims at clarifying the limits of social responsibility at the moment, this is

because sustainable development involves the fair distribution of profits and the

preservation of social safety and justice, also identifying the limits of moral responsibility

towards the coming generations, this is because sustainable development and the

preservation of natural resources are based upon a timeframe that extends far into the


This is done through:

1. That the management of natural resources with all its varied elements would be

based on scientific means that accomplish the continuity of natural balance, and

the preservation of ecosystems from deterioration, and the protection of species

from loss and extinction.

What is meant is that the management of natural resources and developing them

would be based on scientific bases that preserve the health of ecosystems while

preventing deterioration; this would be through the application of three main


A. Maintaining the health of ecosystems (soil fertility – water viability – the

ecosystems ability to recycle foodstuffs and waste) and the ability of

creature to perform their role in the completion of natural processes such as

the pollination and spread of seeds as well as turning soil.

B. The preservation of natural heritage of species and biodiversity, what is

meant is the preservation of animal and plant life in all their various

classifications, from microbes to large creatures, for they all have a role in

the preservation of natural balance and the protection of ecosystems from

deterioration, and each one represents a rich source of products even if it’s

not known today it might be known in the future, and in each species there

is genetic codes that could benefit selective breeding programs whether

they be traditional or genetic engineering programs.

C. The harvesting of plant and wild life should be within limits that allow said

species to grow, multiply, and compensate, and that these limits to do not

exceed the level of depletion that would lead to the deterioration of the

ecosystem and extinction of certain species. Also that the utilization of

production ecosystems (cattle farms, fisheries, forests, and farms) be in

limits that are sustainable, and exceeding these limits would lead to the

deterioration of the ecosystem.

Preserving biodiversity is a part of the development of natural resources and protecting

the environment from pollution and deterioration that is detrimental to human health as

well as wildlife. It also hurts the ecosystems and their resources that wholesome

development projects depend on. The scientific management of a biosphere is the way

towards achieving this, and the scientific management requires achieving sustainable

development of natural resources that are protected from loss and deterioration through

scientific knowledge sprouting from research and ecological survey programs, listing the

elements of biodiversity, and also finding the genetic elements and environmental traits

of each species. And all of this would be included within the framework of integrated

research, scientific studies, and ecological surveying.

2. Work towards developing scientific abilities and Egyptian technical expertise in

the field of preservation of biodiversity and development of natural resources, as

well as development of managerial and executive abilities that aim towards

achieving desired objectives and the completion of research and studies.

Success depends on the development of research projects, scientific studies, and

ecological survey projects that provide the necessary information for them to

provide the proper basis for sustainable development of natural resources, on the

national scientific capabilities in the shape of scientific institutions (research

centers and institutions – specialized scientific entities – universities – advisory

institutions and trade experience)

Development of scientific and technical abilities of these scientific institutions

include the development of capabilities (labs, experiments, and fields of research –

computation and data analysis tools – methods of field and satellite surveying –

etc.) and development of the workforce consisting of researchers and their

assistants, and building databases of scientific documentation and the integration

of these databases into a national network that ties together scientific institutions.

The creation of databases that serve the goals of preservation and sustainable

development of natural resources puts into focus the importance of studies to

classify different types of plants and animals and the importance of creating

research registries for these species and the completion of scientific and

environmental registries of all types. This would be in the national frame of

geographic information that contains information about all natural processes, and

this is a national mission that must be completed.

The development of managerial and executive institutions for them to be able to

achieve the goals and manage the work towards achieving said goals, managing

programs and projects that are involved in national plans, that includes:

developing the workforce, allow for opportunities that help towards improving

management, and the development of institutional mechanisms, tools, and

operating parameters that organize work and keeps up with progress. The

accomplishment of these methods depends on the provision of financial resources

required for the construction, creation, and application of these programs.

3. Gather public effort to preserve biodiversity in all its forms, environmental,

biological, and genetic, in a manner that guarantees their continued survival and

their optimal use.

National effort includes governmental efforts, individual effort, and civil

institutions. The gathering of these efforts means increasing the work potential and

the effectiveness of operation in these institutions, as well as directing the proper

amount of these abilities towards preserving natural wealth. The related

governmental institutions are the ones that operate in research and scientific

studies regarding biodiversity and that are working on developmental projects to

develop and protect this wealth. These institutions are located in central

government and local management sectors, as well as in informative, teaching, and

training institutions.

The gathering of national efforts should be in the frame of wide contribution to the

placement of national work strategies and drawing up its policies and plans, as

well as positive contribution to the completion of work plans. This spawns from

conviction and belief in the importance of the role that each person, each

government body, and each civil body carry out, as well as that the performance of

governmental sectors should be in an integrated frame that is indispensible.

Among the factors of success necessary for this collation of efforts is that the

efforts aim towards achieving a balance between needs and requirements that may

conflict and seem contradictory. Also reaching a general agreement on the basis of

the placement of appropriate priorities for all parties, and that it be to public

benefit and to the benefit of future generations, this should be a means of

measurement in the drawing up of work polices, and all of this should be in a

publicly accepted frame.

4. Establish a work program that aims towards acquiring the participation of people

as individuals and civil organizations in preservation of biodiversity projects, and

benefiting them from the results of this program.

Success in the application of the sustainable development plans and the

preservation of natural resources depends on positive contributions from everyone

and enthusiastic acceptance and willingness to help complete these programs, for

everyone to live up to their role (individuals, civil organizations and public

institutions). This contribution depends on two factors: first, that people contribute

towards policy and plan making and that they follow the stages of strategy

placement and national work priorities, and the second is that the return from

sustainable development goes to the people in a frame of social justice that does

not discriminate among classes, especially discriminated classes such as women

and children.

The influx of people in the positive contribution required needs two things: first,

that the people are fully aware with the desired objective, have knowledge of the

national work elements and its program, and a conviction of the importance of

their effort. Here appears the importance of the role that schools and academic

institutions, national educational shows, media and awareness, as well as the

potential for churches and mosques to motivate people. The second is that people

regularly participate in civil institutions that are specialized to gather their positive

contributions and prevents their efforts from deteriorating, also that this be in

fields of public institutions (parties – leagues … etc.) where they are concerned

with environmental issues and the preservation of natural resources.

Included in this, is the encouragement of amateur groups that are concerned with

specific elements in the fields of preservation of biodiversity, such as types of

land, aquatic, and plant life or the patterns of closed ecosystems.

5. Establish judicial basis and economical and social motivators that support the

preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development of natural resources.

The integration of national work requires a legislative frame that guides the steps,

and specifies the responsible and authorities of working institutions in the efforts

towards achieving national strategic goals and carrying out agreed upon plans and

programs. It also must show the tools of prevention and punishment for those that

violate the laws put in-place. Within our grasp is a collection of legislations related

to preservation of the general environment and preservation of natural resources

and specifically biodiversity. However the situation requires the completion of

these planning tools and legislative and executive regulations.

For natural resource development projects to be in a frame for national use

requires a national system for geographic information. Also that this plan in place

is publicly accepted and for everyone to abide to it (governmental and civil bodies,

as well as individuals) so that there is no conflict or contradiction between

development projects that are being started by either the government or the private


The legislation requires – in addition to public acceptance – executive tools, such

that the law does not remain an important document without a means of

application and review. For that reason it is required that the law specify the party

responsible for its application and follow-up, and the tools of its effective

application in reality.

Performance in the application of projects that the national plans include needs

something to motivate people towards positive participation, so that it leads every

individual in every organization to fully complete their role. Also it is

recommended that economical incentives that make contributing to the work

return an economic benefit would increase effective participation of people in

these work projects. Also, social incentives (recognition awards – social

recognition of those that excelled… etc.) play a very positive role in this regard.

6. Integration of national work with regional and global efforts in the field of

preservation of biodiversity in order to benefit from the collected scientific and

technical information that relates to the preservation of the resources of

biodiversity, including genetic information, in a give and take relationship.

Egypt’s responsibility in the fields of environmental protection and the

preservation of natural resources spans to regional space due to its geographic

location, and the fact that it shares in one of the larger ecosystems which is the

Nile Valley, the Red Sea “basin”, and the Mediterranean “basin”. And the national

responsibility in this matter is part of the regional responsibility. Egypt has signed

regional agreements to preserve the ecosystems of the Red and Mediterranean

seas, furthermore it has committed to regional programs related to the Nile River


Egypt’s responsibility in these fields also spreads to the global level due to its

geographic location (a part of the path used by migratory birds), and also due to its

signing and adaptation on several international and regional treaties and

agreements regarding preservation of biodiversity with regards to the regional and

global level. Egypt carries the responsibility of participating in efforts that aim

towards preserving biodiversity, and the responsibility of keeping in line with

international agreements and what is required of both sides, as well as minding

these responsibilities throughout work plans and including them into its national


The environment of co-operation that regional and international agreements put in

place allow for the exchange of knowledge and information, and the ability to

benefit from regional and international training programs in the field of

development of human labor that is involved in preserving biodiversity. Some of

these agreements open sources for financial and technical aid to support national

programs. Egypt, considering its location and standing in the regions it is part of,

has a responsibility towards positive contribution in regional programs and

providing aid to neighboring countries. All these considerations place on Egypt a

responsibility to expand the frame of national programs to allow for these regional

and international contributions.

Second: Guiding Principles

1. Introduction

Egypt is aiming towards preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development

of its reasons for several reasons, among them:

Accomplish full use from the elements of biodiversity whose economical benefit

is known, and that we don’t know the economic importance of currently but that

may change in the future.

Maintain environmental balance in producing ecosystems to prevent falling into a

downward spiral from the imbalance of ecosystems such as the appearance of

airborne pests and the fall of productivity, as well as in natural ecosystems

especially in areas of nature reserves.

Protect the elements of the biological wealth from danger or loss, because these

resources could become sources of wealth for our children and grand children. As

well as minding that these resources (living creatures) have a natural right to

survival and man who inherited this land is responsible for that right.

Elements of biodiversity are a part of our cultural and heritage, and the Ancient

Egyptian heritage is rich with drawings that depict these elements, and the Arab

heritage is rich with signs to the types of plants, animals, and ecosystems. (The

loss of the papyrus plant and sacred Ibis and other forms of life from the Egyptian

environment is a cultural loss).

Furthermore Egypt needs to take care of some important environmental issues such as:

The case of genetically modified creatures and what relates to them from

scientific, economic, moral, and legislative standpoints, this is the (biological

safety) case.

The case of the parasites and diseases carried by wild and domesticated animals

and the transmission to humans, specifically animals and birds that are migratory.

This requires an expansion of the concept of quarantine to a thought of

environmental quarantine.

The case of the protection of intellectual property and the ownership of inherited

information that supports the biodiversity (third goal) for the parties that are

responsible for the right to sharing the benefits resulting from development and

utilization of national resources for biodiversity. Accordingly the Nagoya Protocol

was approved in 2010 to apply the third objective of the agreement of biodiversity,

which calls for signatory countries to work towards creating local legislation that

has sufficient strength and preserve their rights for what it has of elements of

biodiversity, and also to establish the necessary tools that are capable of carrying

out these legislations.

2. Principles

In light of what was presented, the guiding principles for this strategy and the

process of carrying it out include:

Biodiversity has environmental and economical values, and it is a primary

component of sustainable development.

Preservation of biodiversity is a tool for development that is beneficial in the

present and the future, and is part of integrated and continues national

development plans, as well as the allotment of a share of national effort and

financial resources towards preservation projects.

Preservation of biodiversity projects and sustainable development should be

continuous and to the benefit of all Egyptians, according to their combined efforts,

and aims towards programs that foster justice between people in the present, and

the generations of the future.

Biodiversity is a part of our natural heritage, and the preservation of this heritage

is a national and moral commitment that is attached to the right for all living

creatures to survive considering they are partners in our environment.

The success of biodiversity preservation efforts depends on the understanding of

ecosystems and the scientific knowledge of its internal interactions and its

responses to external factors, and also upon collecting group classifications and

recording the changes that occur whether they are positive or negative. Meaning

preservation works should be integrated with scientific research and ecological


Success in preservation of biodiversity efforts depends on the building up of

national capabilities and the initiation of projects and programs of preservation

and healthy management. Here the importance of preparatory and training

programs for workers is clearly shown. Success also depends on co-operation and

positive contribution of people in all national work locations. Here the importance

of educational and awareness programs shines, as well as the importance of

specializes studies regarding inherited knowledge and culture related to living

creatures and their environments.

Success in preservation of biodiversity depends on the existence of proper

legislations and managerial tools in order to successfully apply these legislations.

Among national duties is positive contribution in order to support international

and regional treaties that are related to preservation of biodiversity, as well as

committing and abiding by the agreed upon conventions.

Integrating biodiversity in all planning and integrated development plans in all


Apply the principles of Addis Baba (2003) for the sustainable use of biodiversity

on a national level, from which : 1, 20, 300

Supporting polices, laws, and institutions should be effective on all levels of good

governing. There should also be a tie between the different levels of government.

A symbiotic management is a process based on scientific knowledge and

traditional knowledge.

Encouragement of multi-topic research, including social, economical, and

environmental factors and their effect on biodiversity.

Management of time and place should coincide with social and economical factors

for biodiversity.

Integrated and precautionary environmental methods should be applied to support

the decision making and operations of merging biodiversity in developmental


National policies for biodiversity should take into account:

- Current and future values from the uses of biodiversity.

- Intangible and uneconomical values of biodiversity.

- Influential market forces and their effect on the values and uses of


National policies, laws, and influential organizations regarding the market should

be taken into consideration to limit environmental deterioration, as well as positive

incentives for the preservation of biodiversity.

Tasking the management of the preservation of biodiversity and the continuation

of the services from natural systems and ecosystems should reflect a fair and just

distribution of benefits springing from the uses of resources of biodiversity.

Application of patters of sustainable production and consumption of biodiversity


Application of awareness, education, and informative programs in effective and

innovative means.

Strategic Axes

First Axes: Preservation of Biodiversity in the Short and Long Term

Nature reserve network.

Reclamation and rehabilitation projects for rundown areas.

Invasive species.

Climate changes.

Lowering the loss of biodiversity.

Second Axes: Integration of biodiversity in national decision and policy making

Institutional organization to protect the environment.

Limit pressures on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Social and governmental participation and social justice (women’s rights,


Investment projects.

Sustainable production and consumption.

Pure economic zone and the integrated management of coastal regions.

Sharing of knowledge – bio-safety

Third Axes: Improvement of Knowledge Regarding Biodiversity and Ecosystems

National program for research and surveying in the field of biodiversity.

National network of databases for biodiversity.

Updating species registries and their current state of preservation.

Prepare studies of the situation.

Fourth Axes: Improving Awareness, Educational, and Informative programs

Encourage the evaluation of the benefits of biodiversity to society and the


Encourage volunteer work.

Include elements of preservation of biodiversity in school curriculums.

Remote teaching.

Fifth Axes: Strengthen the Partnership with all Beneficiaries and Encourage International


Partnerships on all national and international levels.

Gather financial resources.

Commitments towards regional and international agreements.

Scientific and technical co-operation and the transfer of technologies.

Suggested Work Programs (Work Priorities)

1. Institutional development to protect the environment.

2. Integrate biodiversity in development sectors.

3. Nature reserve network.

4. Awareness and education.

5. Invasive species.

6. Sustainable production and consumption.

7. Green economy.

8. Scientific research and the establishment of an information network that includes

tradition knowledge regarding biodiversity.

9. Developing national capabilities.

10. Centers for the repopulation of endangered species.

11. Reclamation and repair projects for run-down ecosystems.

12. Gathering of financial resources.

13. Positive contribution in support international and regional agreements along with

scientific and technical co-operation.

14. Egyptian museum of natural history.

15. Environmental legislation.

16. Investment projects.

17. Climate change and biodiversity.

National Organization

This strategy requires an organizational instrument whose jobs would include:

1. Put in place work plans from their basics, and dividing the work between

respective divisions.

2. Tying between these organizations with a bond that achieves the expected benefit

and the expected return.

3. Gather financial resources from internal and external sources.

4. Provide financial and technical support while providing direction and revision of

work towards achieving the objectives of the program.

This organization consists of three elements:

First: A leadership tool that combines between political and spiritual leadership that

motivates successful performance and it is suggested that the program should have a high

board under the care of the president; its membership would consist of:

The ministers of environment – agriculture – scientific research – education –

planning – media – local management – tourism.

Two representatives from civil associations.

Two representatives from the private sector.

Two specialists in environment and biodiversity.

The president of the body for environmental affairs would take over the secretariat of this


Second: Open a financial savings account to fund the national program according the

reserve law.

Third: Technical and executive integrity for this high board with co-operation from the

board secretariat, it is the national unit for biodiversity (nature reserve sector –

environmental matters department).

The formation and makeup of this organization would be through a presidential order and

an executive list of guidelines that separates the performance mechanisms and its

objectives from an executive order from the president of the council of ministers.

Estimated Cost of Applying the Strategy of Biodiversity for Sustainable


Estimated cost: Within 100 million EGP annually (for a period of at least 5 years).

This estimated cost was drawn up in order to achieve the strategy in the light of current

managerial needs in order to effectively manage nature reserves (infrastructure,

development of workforce, and carry out preservation programs) that require preparation

and application of a collection of work programs through the next 20 years. It also

requires institutional development for the environmental protection sector, collection of

financial resources for the sake of continuity of nature reserves (most important tools of

the preservation of biodiversity), development of the human workforce, education and

awareness, management of nature reserves, integrating preservation works in all

developmental sectors, improve knowledge regarding biodiversity and ecosystems,

partnerships on all national, regional, and international levels, as well as environmental

legislation among other national work priorities regarding biodiversity.

The application of the strategy depends on the availability of financial resources whether

it is done through a national budget or through a funding project from countries and

organizations, as well as putting into action a collection of investment projects with the

aim of the continuity of biodiversity and ecosystems in Egypt.

Surveying and Evaluation

Surveying the condition of biodiversity and its expected direction includes collection of

information regarding changes that occur in different ecosystems, biomes, and species.

This would aid in evaluating the effectiveness of planning and the strategies being carried

out as well as identifying the challenges and obstacles that face the application of the

strategy. For this reason for each work axes of the strategy there will be things such as

long term goals, exports, and primary operations to support them. The success of the

surveying and evaluation programs would depend on a collection of specialized

indicators of the preservation of biodiversity and its sustainable utilization and division of

benefits. Progress would also be monitored and evaluated every 5 years. This requires the

encouragement of all Egyptians in all related sectors to biodiversity to participate in the

suggested activities. It is also suggested that an independent unit be created in order to

follow-up on the evaluation of the achieved progress taking into account the necessity for

setting a baseline so that progress can be monitored in achieving strategic goals,

challenges, work programs, different partnerships and initiatives, in addition to following

up on national commitments in international and regional agreements.

Detailed Models for Work Priorities (suggested work programs)

(1) Institutional

Reform Program

Studies and practical applications have proven that the protection of the environment

with co-operation from global institutions and organizations and experts over the past

10 years, the shortcomings that the sector’s organizational structure suffers from as

well as the lack of a managerial incentive to achieve desired goals in an effective and

cost efficient manner in the light of current and expected local and international

developments have been exposed, despite efforts that were expended the situation

requires an institutional reform and a cultural leap and adaptation of untraditional

solutions, built on economical understandings that co-exist with the time’s necessities

and guarantees the success of sustainable development of natural resources in the


Furthermore the results of studies proved that the proper entity required is an

economic entity under the name “The institution for the protection of nature” in the

light of law no. 61 of the year 1963 which relates to the creation of public institutions,

this creates opportunities for development and the continuity of nature reserve

resources and the creation of investment projects and environmental services and

research and bio-technology activities, as well as the practice of international styles of

management to achieve social justice and create job opportunities.

Creating the Institution for Environmental Protection

- Objectives of the Institution

Draw up and carry out innovative general policies and strategic plans

for the protection and management of natural resources on scientific and

economical basis in order to achieve an acceptable level of financial


Gather national efforts for the preservation of biodiversity through

activating laws and legislation which guarantee the proper use and

development of scientific and technical abilities.

Investing in green economy and merging the preservation of

biodiversity with development activities and social justice and equality.

Spread environmental awareness and education on a local and national


Control and follow-up of national work towards fulfilling Egypt’s

commitments to regional and international agreements.

- Vision

Create and manage a network of nature reserves with global standards

that include the primary examples of natural capital and important

ecosystems for endangered species, as well as providing the best

circumstances for the longevity and development of these reserves

through economic practices, decentralization, and self governing

financial mechanisms as well as partnerships with investment projects

and supporting environmental tourism in order to create local job


Preserving national development sectors in a way that reinforces

national and international momentum towards green economies as a

driving force for sustainable development and social justice, as well as

guaranteeing the health of the citizen and the wildlife wealth, and also

the division of resultant benefits from using genetic resources and the

protection of inherited knowledge and practices.

- Duties

Reinforce a primary role for the nation’s ministry of environmental

affairs in order to integrate protection and preservation of the

environment in development sectors.

An economics structure that provides independence, flexibility, de-

centralization, and self funding.

International and national preference for economic organizations similar

to governments.

Achieve global competitiveness in global tourism and provide

additional work opportunities.

Open new doors of international, national, and local co-operation and


Guarantee the safety and health of citizens and biodiversity from

genetically engineered products.

Guarantee national control over genetic and cultural resources and the

division of their benefits.

(2) Nature

Reserves: Natural Capital

Natural capital is the reserve of natural resources or available information at a certain

time. When this reserve is used, services and products become available and thus a

return and profit (economic and social).

Natural capital (products and services that ecosystems provide at no return) is globally

appreciated at 21-71 trillion dollars annually compared to 58 trillion dollar of annual

global income. These products and services (provision of food, fuel and feed – new

and renewable energy – provision of habitat and construction material – purification

of water and air – purification and cleansing of wastes – stability of the Earth’s

weather – mitigation of disasters specifically floods and droughts – renewing soil

fertility – combating of pests and diseases – ability to adapt to climate change) are

considered the bases of development and bio-technology and the completion of the

goals of the developmental millennium, specifically combating poverty and the

creation of job opportunities and the improvement of human health and comfort.

Currently, nature reserves represent 15% of Egypt’s area, and it is expected to be

increased to 20% by the year 2017 according the national strategy for biodiversity.

There exists in nature reserves the best example for ecosystems and natural wealth

that must be cared for, for the sake of coming generations, where more than a million

citizens live and of a return that is more than 1500 million EGP annually (tourism,

fish wealth, mining, farming). Accordingly reserves are considered an investment

system and a productive entity that accomplishes economic and social growth (initial

economical and financial analysis of nature reserves in Egypt) , this requires a

reexamination of the current status of reserves that requires the creation of a board for

the protection of the environment that semi independent which achieves de-

centralization and self funding for it to be able to accomplish the assigned tasks

according the requirements of the time. This requires the preparation and fruition of

legal, organizational, and institutional factors as well as an evolution of the methods

of fund raising and their effective and cost-efficient use in order to achieve effective

distribution and management of resources.


1. Completion of economical studies of biodiversity and nature reserves and using

the results in investment projects and benefit rights.

2. Training the Egyptian workforce in the field of environmental accounting.

3. Benefit from UN initiatives in the field of Environmental accounting.

4. Include environmental accounting of natural resources in the goals of sustainable


5. Include environmental accounting in university trade majors and encourage

scientific research in this field.

For this reason it is recommended to take into account the continuity of the work program

of nature reserves that the agreement on biodiversity proclaimed as well as the 10th

conference of the parties which resulted in the 2010 agreement (Nagoya, Japan) where

the global strategy for biodiversity (2011-2020) was agreed upon, where nature reserves

were included in objective 11. Accomplishing this accomplishes more than 40% of

strategic goals.

Work axes for nature reserve program

1. Direct contributions to planning, selecting, creating, and initializing a nature

reserve network.

2. Wise governance, partnerships, equality, and division of benefits in the

management of nature reserves.

3. Enabling activities in the management of nature reserves.

4. Standards, evaluations, and surveying.

The First axes aims to fulfill the following objectives:

1. Create and reinforce a network of nature reserves on a national and regional level

and integrating them into a global network of reserves.

2. Integrate reserves on a wide range in natural organization of land and sea areas as

well as working with different sectors to preserve jobs and the structures of


3. Create and reinforce regional networks of cross-border nature reserves.

4. Longevity and improvement of planning and managerial programs for reserves.

5. Prevention and minimization of primary dangers that face nature reserves.

In order to achieve these objects, a certain set of activities and indicators were prepared

and it is required that they be carried out in certain time frames and they should work on

including reserves in the global network and managing them in an effective manner

according to national standards and developmental goals of the millennium. The

suggested activities include modernization of the nature reserve network systems,

creation of more nature reserves, evaluate the environmental situation and biodiversity,

specifically aquatic reserves, document traditional knowledge from locals living in

reserves and utilize that knowledge, prepare economic plans for reserves, carry out

programs of preservation and reclamation in reserves, expansion in the evolution of the

effectiveness and efficiency of the management of nature reserves, evaluate the risks that

the different environments of reserves are exposed to, take the necessary precautions and

steps to combat invasive species.

The Second Axes aims at achieving the following objectives:

1. Encourage fair and equal division of benefits arising from the use of local

biological resources.

2. Integration local and aboriginal communities as well as beneficiaries.

The proposed activities include an evaluation of the social and economical returns that

arise from the creation of reserves, the development of the institutional situation of

reserves so locals can effectively participate in managing reserves, encourage positive

incentives that reduce the rate of loss of biodiversity, prevent negative practices that

threaten biodiversity, put in place and carry out policies and plans that guarantee the

inclusion of local communities.

The Third Axes aims at achieving the following objectives:

1. Adopting enabling policies and providing a structured environmental, social, and

economical community for nature reserves.

2. Develop the planning, executive, and managerial capabilities of nature reserves.

3. Development, application, and transfer of adequate technologies to reserves.

4. Insure financial sustainability to manage nature reserves.

5. Reinforce communication with and education of the public.

The suggested activities include evaluating current policies and legislation to identify the

obstacles that face the development and management of reserves, evaluate the social and

economical aspects of reserves, the concurrence of reserve policies with the nation’s

social and economic policies, work on marketing reserves for tourism, education, and

culture, support human capabilities and institutions for reserves, prepare studies of

current situation and lessons learned from the experiments of reserves and work on

publishing them, and finally evaluate the appropriate technologies and apply them in


The Fourth Axis aims at achieving the following objectives:

1. Put in place and apply standards and best practices in the nature reserve network.

2. Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the management of reserves.

3. Evaluate and survey the state of reserves and their development.

4. Sufficient contribution of scientific institutions that are interested in the

establishment and effectiveness of a network of reserves.

5. Work towards spreading the results of surveys and evaluations on online websites.

(3) The Program for Integration Biodiversity In Development


Integration biodiversity is the completion of all what relates to biodiversity in certain

sectors, and the developmental goals through multiple mechanisms and strategies, and

this is in order to achieve the continuity of biodiversity and the exports of development.

10 steps were identified to achieve integration of biodiversity, and this is though

experiments, practices, and lessons learned from all beneficiaries. These steps are:

1. All beneficiaries to discover and identify problems.

The process of integration starts with identifying the problems that relate to

biodiversity and the development problems that need attention (unsustainable

production and consumption – the local regard of nature reserves – tourism – the

decline of traditional knowledge and genetic diversity). After this, the problems

are to be thoroughly discussed with a large number of the beneficiaries and those

interested in biodiversity to understand certain topics of integration processes and

deal with them (policies of nature reserves – protection policies).

2. Identify the elements of biodiversity that require integration.

This depends on the identified problems that may be related to a specific type of

plant or animal biomes related to beneficiaries, environmental and genetic

diversity services.

3. Identify sectors and objectives of development that relate to the problems of

biodiversity that require integration.

This depends as well on the identified problems, which may require heading a

specific sector such as agriculture, tourism, hunting, or a developmental policy

such as limitation of poverty, provision of food, or adaptation to climate changes.

4. Identify problems of biodiversity and the outputs of development that require


Integration operations include the remaking of policies, plans, budgets, or

decisions related to human behavior, institutional structuring or the management

of biodiversity. For example, the necessity of the synchronization of national land

utilization plans with biodiversity, increasing investments in tourism, or getting rid

of certain behavior that threatens biodiversity.

5. Put in place communication strategies.

Effective communication is essential to changing human behavior, policies, or

practices for the integration of biodiversity. According effective communication is

essential in integration processes, and this efficiency can be achieved through

involving all beneficiaries and those interested in biodiversity in all consultant and

negotiating operations in order to agree on a decision or policy that pleases all

those involved. This strategy of communication requires identifying who needs to

change, and what human behaviors need to change, as well as the methods and

tools required to accomplish the desired change.

6. Identifying and including benefactors that may support or lead any progress

towards the desired out takes and understanding their effect.

This includes initial discussions regarding the institutions related to biodiversity

(fish wealth, tourism), the government, the required executive abilities to achieve

the desired out takes, and also it is required to include them in integration

programs. This can be achieved through analyzing the beneficiaries and their

strengths and weaknesses (there are tools to achieve this).

7. Identify the required enabling factors for integration operations.

The currently required elements are: political management, leaderships, media,

public awareness and the level of such, co-ordination between sectors, receiving

support from interested parties, wise governing, public participation, and the

availability of the necessary support. When there is an absence of any of these

enabling factors, it is required to look for or choose the mechanism described in

the next step (8).

8. Identify and choose mechanisms and methods to achieve integration of

biodiversity and development out-takes.

There exists several methods, mechanisms, and tools, among them is the

evaluation of the environmental effects of strategies (development of the Sues

canal axis, development of Sinai), reform tools for policies, environment,

legislation, education, strategic planning, land usage, economical motivation

example payment for services, mechanisms of the gathering of resources and other

methods, priorities, and tools that are related.

9. Development of economical studies to convince beneficiaries.

The economical study would include the direct benefits from strategies that

combine biodiversity and development (creation of job opportunities) and

development of resources, improvement of services and products for tourism. This

requires the use of economic, environmental, and social evaluations by decision

makers and planners.

10. Modernize surveying methods and integrate biodiversity.

Focus on methods, enabling factors and out-takes.

Gained lessons from integration of biodiversity:

There are many benefits from the integration of biodiversity and they are in the

form of increased job opportunities, income, local net worth, benefits to tourism

and agriculture, the completion of many of the millennium developmental goals,

attract sources of finance and other forms of benefits. However these benefits

differ from one community and sector to another and most of them are for the

benefit of normal or simple people. It is the duty of political powers in charge of

integration to provide these benefits, information, and knowledge that is related

throughout all sectors and classes of the community.

Economic studies that show the benefits of biodiversity in many governmental

decisions that are integrated in the national budget.

Many things were revealed with regards to how to apply the programs of

integrating biodiversity and the resultant effects on the increase in income,

effective economic cost, local GDP, and attracting foreign currencies as well as

creating job opportunities. Economical analysis and baseline data and forecasts

played a key role in integration operations, taking into account the funding

requirements for development operations, and also new gained expertise in the

integration processes of natural capital in general budgets.

Social studies in the integration of biodiversity have now become important

because of primary decisions regarding biodiversity that are political decisions and

not just bureaucratic or technical.

Biodiversity has become related to cultural and social benefits that have a much

higher importance than economic concerns. For that reason we need to not focus

only on economic matters through profit and loss, but also to take into account the

role and contribution of biodiversity in the limitation of poverty and creating

greater equality between individuals.

Integration requires wise governance to be effective, especially from the side of

beneficiaries and their trustworthiness.

If ties between biodiversity and development are not created, there must be

effective negotiations from the government (delegating authority), the provision of

finances to be benefited from by local residents, as well as to maximize the benefit

for local citizens from biodiversity integration operations, and to limit the dangers

from lethal or dangerous groups to biodiversity.

Most successes in the integration of biodiversity in many developing countries

focused primarily on the local level.

This would be done through the completion of developmental activities and the

preservation of biodiversity on the local level, and this is considered a good

indicator for the success of integration efforts.

Thought regarding the integration of biodiversity in operative plans is required,

not just on a strategic planning level.

Integration requires constant effort, since it relates to the change of management

through political, institutional, and economical reform, and not just the integration

of development plans (words on paper) and when we do have new plans and

policies, usually we lack the necessary resources to apply them.

Integration is an organizational strategy that benefits all those interested in

biodiversity and development.

This requires the search for leaders and role models, communication, and mingling

between groups in order to place them in one reference.

We have to think of multiple tools for integration operations to fulfill the main

political, planning, and executive requirements.

This requires integration planning tools with financial tools (evaluating budgets

from cost and return as well as providing positive incentives). Furthermore other

economic and efficient managerial tools are required along with applying lessons

learned, knowledge based tools, databases, and tools for surveying and evaluation.

Analyze institutional change (power mapping).

This relates to the contribution of benefactors and identifies those that support the

desired out takes or those that are opposing them, as well as identifying which is

more influential. This requires focus on tactics to include influential groups that

are supporting integration operations, as well as identifying groups that working

with is possible (in order to create jobs, increase income), specifically ministries

and leading groups (Ministry of finance, Ministry of planning, parliament), as well

as business men with a strong and effective influence.

Frame of reference to examine investment state in biodiversity

1. Who are the most important targeted groups? What are their priorities?

2. What are the main arguments (economical, social, or political) to convince them

about integration?

3. What is the evidence that can be provided to support these arguments?

4. What is needed from targeted groups? Be specific (visitations, budgets, change of

a certain policy … etc)

5. Is it possible to identify other groups that have displayed their preparedness to

support or participate in integration projects?

6. What are your abilities in competitiveness, commitment, and readiness to invest

(the trust fund for protection of the environment / the trust fund for reserves that is

inoperable, relationship policies)?

7. What would happen if your proposal wasn’t supported? (costs of inaction)

8. What are the opposing arguments to your proposals, how can they affect yours?

(4)The Program to Improve Knowledge about Biodiversity and

Ecosystems in Egypt

The main national strategic goals in Egypt (1998) included two objectives related to

scientific research and the development of scientific abilities, and they are:

1. The management of natural resources including all their varied elements to be

based on scientific bases that achieve the longevity of balance of natural

ecosystems and the preservation of ecosystems from deterioration and protecting

species from being endangered and going extinct.

2. Work on developing the Egyptian scientific and technical capabilities in the field

of preserving biodiversity and developing natural resources, as well as developing

managerial and executive abilities that achieve the desired objectives and the

completion of research and studies.

During this period (last 15 years) many studies and scientific research were carried that

included: importance of acacia trees that are spread in the Egyptian deserts this is because

acacia trees live for more than 650 years and are considered a private ecosystems that

provides many services to locals, and accordingly the tree is considered a blend of natural

and cultural heritage that must be protected and preserved.

The project for preservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants also managed to

repopulate more than 50 types of medicinal plants and preserve their seeds in the national

genetic bank, managed to carry out the program for managing natural resources with co-

operation from local communities, succeeded in establishing a database for medicinal

plants, and prepare the project for national legislation that specializes in organizing the

access and attainment of biological resources and cultural knowledge that is related and

the division of benefits arising from their use, as well as prepare the national strategy for

preservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in Egypt.

Egyptian college professors and researching youth participated in reserves through

helping evaluate some rare species such as the “Arar” trees, and the rediscovery of the

“Argoun” palm trees that were common during the Ancient Egyptian culture, follow up

the effects on “Ambat” trees on climate change, as well as log the Egyptian deer and the

“Arawy” rams, and mountain goats, and the “Arzouan” eagle, crocodiles, sea turtles,

mangrove trees, coral reefs, sea mammals, over fishing of sea cucumbers, arachnids,

killer whales, preparing lists of invasive species and combating some of them in reserves

such as Mesquite trees, and other important studies, specifically social and economical

sides in reserves, and the tying of cultural heritage with natural heritage.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used to identify and evaluate the state of

different ecosystems the “Bereles” reserve, Lake Nasser, Al-Amid and the White Dessert,

as well as the state of some plant types (Mountain Tea) in the Saint Catharine reserve.

Due to this several important books written by the researching youth, college professors,

and scientific institutes such as Plants in the Al-Gamal Valley, Effect of Climate Change

on the Saint Catharine Plant-life, The Nile, Lake Nasser, Al-Bardwell and Al-Barlis,

Egyptian Butterflies, Egyptian Mammals and Reptiles, Fresh Water Parasites, Arachnids,

Nature Reserves – The Road to the Future, The Nile Delta plants and Egyptian Plants.

Despite exerted efforts that resulted in the attainment of many young researcher’s masters

and doctorates degrees in many topics that are related to nature reserves and biodiversity,

and the participation of Egyptian and foreign researches in many important research

projects, there still exists huge gaps in our knowledge of biodiversity and this calls for a

full and continuous evaluation of the state of biodiversity in Egypt and the attainment of

scientific information that policy makers need, it is also required to evaluate the roles of

natural services given that they are considered natural capital that guarantees life for

current and future generations, and study the interconnected relationships between

ecosystems and human activities and insure their longevity. It is also necessary to identify

priorities for policy making that is related to biodiversity. This requires not only the

carrying out of evaluations of the state of biodiversity, but also generate knowledge and

support policies and the building up of abilities, this is in the global strategic frame of

biodiversity (2011-2020) where this goal is to reinforce the execution through integrated

planning and management of information and knowledge and the building of abilities

(objective 18, 19).

Since most knowledge regarding biodiversity and natural systems is located in scientific

centers and intuitions, decision makers find difficulty in the attainment of clear answers

to take a decision regarding a certain topic, therefore it is suggested that a network for the

knowledge regarding biodiversity and natural processes be created, similar to the

European Union’s initiative (The technological research and development program)

where researches and practitioners all participate and co-operate in order to take the

appropriate decision regarding biodiversity and the environmental services. This network

would tie between institutions and initiatives in order to simplify the process of

attainment of information and knowledge in a clear, correct, and concise manner.

The Principles of the Information Network regarding Biodiversity and Natural


Balance of independence, credibility, relevance, and legitimacy this is in order to:

1. Confirm co-operation on all levels through improving methods of

communication and creating multi specialized job opportunities.

2. Limit preference and regulate the benefits through applying several

practices to confirm the accuracy of information, and in a clear and

communicative way as well as staying clear of conflicts of interests.

3. Strive towards attaining up to date information that is relevant.

4. Encourage the attainment and enable participation on all levels through

means of communication and provide information terminals while taking

into account the benefit that is provided in networks that are relevant and

create strategic support for biodiversity and its management.

5. Confirming the quality of information through standards and the

development of transparent higher goals that include dangers, trust,

development of workforces, in order to improve the quality of information.

6. Support important operations through linking them with international

institutions (IPBES).

7. Develop creative individuals and support them in all nations and work with

them in the field of biodiversity.

Avoidance of dual standards through providing full revisions of current knowledge

regarding any relevant topics to biodiversity, its management and organization with

everyone and the organization of benefits and the limiting of costs.

(5)The Invasive Species Program

What happens when one type of creature is transported to a new environment which it

does not belong to? Does it contribute and adapt with local species? Does it compete with

them? What is the effect on other living creatures? In the past ecosystems were isolated

through natural barriers (mountains, seas, oceans) this lead to the rise and development of

species and ecological balance, except that this balance has changed drastically

throughout the last few decades.

Invasive species: are species that exist in an environment that is not their own that was

either intentionally or inadvertently introduced. They are the species that adapted and

spread or that have the ability to do this outside the range of its natural distribution; they

also threaten ecological systems and habitats or other species. It is also probable that they

cause social, economical, cultural, environmental, or health damages, invasive species

include all group classifications for living creatures. The majority of these species are

foreign, but it is important to notice that local species could become invasive as well

when certain factors are in play such as: climate change such as the transportation of

species from their original environment to a new one, changes in dietary patterns due to

climate change that leads to extinction of certain species which leads to a collapse of food

chains and pyramids. Foreign species that do not become invasive could possibly not

present a threat currently, despite that they should be recorded and observed incase they

begin to spread at any time.

The scale of the problem appeared in the united states where the economic cost was

estimated at 137 billion Dollars, and that 46% of endangered species were negatively

affected by invasive species, due to that decision 1312 of the year 1999 was taken to

create a special board that includes the ministries of (agriculture, environment, trade,

internal affairs, financial affairs, state defense, and transportation) as well as specialized

scientific board.

The problem of invasive species appeared more than 20 years ago through the reports of

nation’s signing the agreement for biodiversity (subject 8H of the agreement), following

that there was an international conference held in Norway in the year 1996 (more than 80

nations) to discuss the threat of invasive species. It became clear the most countries were

unaware of the size of the problem, had insufficient information, is incapable of facing

this threat, which is further complicated by the fact that countries did not share their

solutions or available information, and it became clear that invasive species represent one

of the primary threats to biodiversity especially in fragile ecosystems.

The dangers multiply due to: world trade, climate change, transportation and tourism.

Means of transportation for invasive species

Shipboard travel.

Active swimming (sharks and dolphins).

Intentional and un-intentional release (Fish farms, research labs, and aquariums)

Adaptation (Sues Canal and lakes).

Natural spread (ocean currents, waves, and tide).

World trade and tourism.

International Efforts

In the year 1997 an international program for invasive species was prepared and

approved in the fifth conference of sides for the participating countries in the agreement

on biodiversity, the international program for invasive species depends on co-ordination

between the global board and institutions that deal with this subject, and the program has

already been funded by UNESCO, the EU, and the adjunct for the global environment.

The program depends on:

Collection of available information.

Delivery of said information to those that deal with invasive species.

Best managerial practices.

Management of information.

Educational and environmental awareness raising programs.

Means of transportation.

Evaluation of dangers.

Human dimension.

Economical and environmental dimension.

Evaluating the situation on a global level.

Judicial, organizational, and institutional frames.

Research programs.

Supporting activities on national, regional, and international levels.

Problems of classification.

The guiding principles for preventing the entry of invasive species and reducing their

impact on the safety of environments, ecosystems, and species were also approved.

The guiding principles include:

First: An Overview

1. Apply preventative measures.

2. Pyramid measures that consist of 3 steps (prevention)

- Prevention.

- Early detection.

- Elimination.

3. Apply environmental methods.

4. Clarify the role of countries.

5. The necessity of research and surveying.

6. Educating and raising the awareness of the public.

Second: Prevention

- Quality control on borders and quarantine measures.

- Exchange of information.

- Co-operation that includes buildup of capabilities.

Third: Insertion of Species

Intentional insertion.

Un-intentional insertion.

Fourth: Mitigation of Effects

Mitigation of effects.




Despite the efforts expended in that last twenty years, invasive species still present a

serious threat to biodiversity, and it has become clear that carrying out the international

program for invasive species is beyond the capabilities of countries, especially

developing countries. Therefore the topic of invasive species was included in the global

strategies for biodiversity (2010-2020) which was approved in the tenth Conference of

the Parties for the agreement on biodiversity (Nagoya, October 2010) and invasive

species were included in the ninth objective that calls for: by the year 2020 invasive

species to be identified along with their expected path, and their order would be

determined through priorities and prioritized species undergo observation or are

eliminated, and precautions are put in place to manage the courses to prevent their

insertion and spread (decision no. 10-2).

The following indicators were also examined

Options in the management of the paths of invasive species.

Blacklist for invasive species.

Effects of invasive species on endangered species.

Application of national strategies and plans for biodiversity.

Response through policies, legislation, and management plans to combat invasive

species and protect from them.

Trends in the preparation for invasive species.

Trends economic species and selective invasive species.

National efforts (the role of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in dealing with

invasive species)

The environmental protection sector has put in place a work program where several of the

following procedures are carried out:

A. Establish a list of invasive species, where (211) invasive species that belong to

different biological classifications were identified.

Classification Foreign and

Invasive Land


Foreign and

Invasive Marine



Plants 40 44 84

Crustaceans 0 16 16

Insects 26 0 26

Arachnids 1 0 1

Fish 0 29 29

Mammals 3 0 3

Birds 5 0 5

Reptiles 0 1 1

Amphibians 0 1 1

Viruses 17 0 17

Fungi 8 0 8

Bacteria 6 0 6

Filariasis 5 0 5

Mollusks 0 5 5

Skin Coelacanths 0 1 1

Coelenterata 0 1 1

Oligochaeta 1 1 2

Sub Total 112 99 211

B. Carry out a collection of workshops and training periods that address:

Contribution in co-operation programs with related parties, carry out

studies on some invasive species that have a social, economical, and

environmental impact such as Nile Flowers, Rhynchophorus ferruginous,

and fresh water lobster.

World state of invasive species.

Impact of invasive species on biodiversity.

Social and economical repercussions.

Environmental trends to monitor and eliminate invasive species.

Use of biological control to eliminate invasive species.

C. Look into the preparation of a national work plan to face invasive foreign species

that is based upon:

Indentifying national needs and priorities.

Showcase policies, legislation, and institutions that are related.

Reinforce co-operation between different sectors.

Reinforce awareness of sources of danger for biodiversity.

Simplify the inclusion of related parties.

Co-operation with neighboring countries.

D. National Work Plan


Strategic objectives.

Work Programs (9)

1. Prevention and elimination.

2. Early detection, observation and rapid response.

3. Surveying, recording, and reporting.

4. Elimination, observation, and containment.

5. Administration, drying, and recovery.

6. Management and organization.

7. Communication, awareness, and development of abilities.

8. Revision of current legislation and preparation and release of

invasive species law.

9. Scientific research and development.

E. Proposed Activates

Identify the level of the threat and environmental services.

Prepare a blacklist of invasive species.

Study of the social, economical, environmental, and human health effects.

Observing the spread of invasive species.

Increase the effectiveness of inspections on borders and ports as well as

quarantine precautions.

Improve the co-ordination with the best national, regional, and international

bodies (15 global organizations such as the World Trade organization,

Global Human Health Organization, Agriculture and Foods organization).

Standards of health precautions.

Global trade and tourism (require additional precautions).

Identification of national standards through prevention and observation of

invasive species.

Identification of gaps in national standards (pets, fish farms, baits, live


Creation of a database and information systems regarding invasive species.

Best practices in co-ordination with civil societies.

Identify priorities for observation and elimination efforts along several


Put in place globally applied indicators (baseline).

Surveillance and scientific research on the national and regional levels.

Inclusion of invasive species in the updates of the strategy for biodiversity

and work plans.

Trends of invasive species.

Awareness and training programs for governmental bodies, civil

community, and civil organizations.

Creation of a national board for invasive species.

Establishment of early warning, surveillance and threat evaluation systems.

F. Priorities:

Developing the ability to use threat evaluation / analysis to respond to the

threats of invasive species for biodiversity.

Establish economical barriers.

Include a work plan in national policies and strategies.

Reinforce and apply research and evaluations.

Effect of invasive species on biodiversity.

- Social and economical repercussions of invasive species.

- Place environmentally friendly methods of observing and

eliminating invasive species (quarantine)

- Use of biological control to eliminate invasive species.

- Methods of reinforcing ecosystems’ abilities to resist invasive


- Priorities in classification work.

- Standards to evaluate the dangers arising from inserting invasive

species on biodiversity.

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