survival fishing a life skill by dillon weed 7 th hour 2012

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Survival fishing

A life skill

By Dillon Weed

7th hour 2012

Finding the wood to start

• While looking for wood to begin creating your survival tools look in woods for the straighter sticks made of hard wood, one about 3 feet long for the spear, on the lower left, and one about 1 foot long for the gorge hook, on the lower right. You will also need a knife or a rock for working on this

Roughly start on the end tips with a large Knife

• First off start with a larger knife or stone. To make sure you are safe always cut away from yourself. Carve down one end on the spear and both ends on the gorge hook down to about a fourth of the original thickness into a rough point

Take off all the bark on the shaft with a large knife

• After you form ends into points you should take off all the bark, this makes it easier to clean and easier to finish the other carving, it also helps with actually keeping the fish on the hook

Create rough finger grooves and rope notch with large knife

• Roughly carve a set of finger grooves in the middle of the spear shaft, this helps grip while the spear is wet, You also need to create a groove all the way around the shorter stick for the gorge hook

Nicely smooth the tip to a point with a smaller knife

• To ensure sharpness carve down the points even more with a smaller knife, this will help to go through fishes thick scales and skin while, in use sharpen often

Smooth the finger grooves and rope notch with a small knife

• To make sure you don’t get splinters or anything like that carve down the finger grooves and rope notch even more with a smaller knife

How to use this equipment• To use the equipment you created • For the spear slowly wade or walk

into water, that is clear and about waist deep, then thrust the spear into your target keeping it in your hand, then hold the fish down until you can reach down into the water and pick it up

• For the gorge hook bait it with a worm and hang it on a tree with a rope, check it every 2 hours and re bait, for smaller fish use a smaller stick and do the same

When you should use this equipment?

• When you should use this equipment varies between where you are, in a lot of the world you should use them in the morning and late afternoon to get the best results

What other things does this teach you?

• Not only are these tools useful today when you are in a survival situation but it is also a way to see what it was like fishing in primitive times and like native people

Conclusion• Though I personally hope

you are never in a life or death survival situation these are still important skills you can use

Thanks to

• The U. S. Army wilderness survival manual

• Bass Pro shops .com• And Gander mountain .com

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