surveyed w:te~o:n':in's~:~'::.,~h; hi't mil.pho 'obli.a...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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"D"·'1 ...... --.L "~.•"., ,r",,~ ..,,...;0 ..WhlteMt. Park "

, I Surveyed sarsfta",w:te~o:n':in's~:~'::.,~h; ,w··"h"I't""e'"Mil. Pho.... Hospital Staff" :'Obli.a.aliod Bonds Necessarv To'Get""pO\,tedt1d. lI'~kthat )?arJdtlan<l .... '.' "."" ....., ." ": "", '" '.•~ , " " ." '". 'I

, "S~U~. 1tb$~.eetl, pt ~ubbqe~. AS$OClatlonReady Visits Ruidoso ,Water,Sy,sfemSays,,'CQuncilmenTeus),'W1J,ob..di1eeJ.1. re~fned to For Applications Dr. and Mrs, J. P. Turnex:. Or. "" ." I

dO tbo.unol 'Work (1). • toute . " ." " and Mrl. W. D. Hadley and Laura ' ." '" "" • 1 "f R id HW. tp Wh.ft. MOUl1t'J~ 1'.atJt. for a .:n, :ttM .$(Ilrm JO,nel•. aU members of tbe .tatt Ike WlDg6eldt Mayor of the Vl1 age 0 U oso, says. ' care

co~· ralhtal1ha(1 cQJ11plot&d.the.. S, lfewa~eat of the n~'Wly opened .Carrllolo giving thecprope.rty Qwnera.' of the vil1ag~ a chance to sce whethertle~d itorkalld.l'o now drawJnf Tb~board of cllJ'~tor. of the HOlpltal, were In Ru1dolo Sunday they' reali~e tbe 1rnpoltance of ,. .water aYB.tern when we. ask ttJ.le..rn toup the ~.PI. ~, White )lount&lnTelephope AlSO- to look onr, the RUidoso-Hondo . ~1()5 000 hI ti

Mr. John. llar.h,aJl, ~l"Uen.. elation .ent outwor4, ata recent Valley General HOIIPltal. petition for an April bond elec~10n to raise'll! lit t, m.o ,.lgo ongll,l,oel', 'Wa. In cllar,. aild .-lth • meeting, tha~.pp1t(:.tlon.blanks Ver.y pleased 'Wltb tbelr new bonds to acquire and develop a water tlyetemfor the 'canyon,

", "erew .t ....rlou. tll:l101 aroready tor tbolle 'Who irlah to bul1dlnr and faellltlea. tbey atated -This statement was ~ade following City Council meeting Friday,VI., A.. Hart, Dr, W. n. Horton, sIgn up tor telephone 80"I<:eto that up until Sunday· twenty-one . .. ., .'f(nlght ot last week. :Aa evel'Yo~e llv.Bob 119)'c~. Jan MeEtb.neT. DI-c)c be offered by the orsanllatlon. patlenta bad ree18tered In· and ing here know8 J'<,VClnue bond. h~veC~,· AUred. Hale and Wad., Attbe. meoUnC', held In the the hospital In CarrIzozo did not SchOC)I Officials beCln tlirned down by all buy-erll andHedeeeo'ke. did the work (n ten Ruidoso om~ Of board ~relldent. ofUclaJly open untU Feb. lit. Thla '''o.m Santa 'Fe bond buyers have .t",t6d that If th.ed.,... Albert Vaughn, Wedneaclal.1l'eb- alonK prOTei the long time noed • ' . vllIflge could supplement the total

They haY~ located what they ru.1'Y 1,St w.. dlaelol64 that, of hO~plta}ln ~1nCOl~ ,co,~nty. Visit Local School. bo.nd IlSsue with a portion of sen.believe to 1}e tbe most direct a~d r~ldentl ot Llncol,n and otero S tu" .d· ' NLwht Ii eral obllsatlon bonds they WQuld befe..lble route. lfJtll an acceealble eountlel and the Me.calero Indiana .r ay •• Mr. R. P. Sweeney, Director of Interested In purchaslns the rest ot!Tade 1ntoth8 park and It II .. telerntlonare eUclble tor mem- Men'. S....le Show I d Nr.. the revenuo bond. lor the planneddlltanee Of libe 11111. trom the bersblp In the al,oclatlon. .. . '.7 secondary Educat on an . ~"lc:t proposed water IYlltem. It lsCe4arCreek SJcICoUl'ae. • Applfcatlon 'Wm be made, for ... Plans All set Gall N. Darber. Dlrettor of Jlll~ the purpose of the Olt,r Oouncll to.

Tho route fo11o"'. t1J,e rld«e, loan from. the Rural Elleetrlflca.. .. mentary Edueatlon, .,lllt&4 an of .try and set the peoplo to vote forw1J,erever- po.-Ibl, and gaell 011 the tJonAdmlntatraUon fQr 1elepbone At '1: 80 Baturda,. nIght atace tho schoola In, the RuldOio Mup'" the $12lS,OOO ln general abUg.Uonnorth Ilde ot Cow: Honntaln at a ael'Vlce unde:r the reeent~-»uled lights wm go on and one of the clpal SChool SYltem on January bonds and thon to WUl thIs amountbreathtald~ heIght. One. 01 tho Rural Telephone BIU. Hr. Vaulha . I ..... b!f rm. Ole aa ,uPl'l~ment. Then Jt. a revenuecrew remarked that XlaMeneers explained. The wJder the are& mOlt unique, product ona eYer - 31 and Fe rua1'Y -I. • ... ue purp bOnd buyen~annot be found to lak..'Wer.~bl tOJ: a lurpl'J.e'When the reprNentedal1d tbe more people be wUnellled In Ruldolo wlll Itart of their r "lhlt e~:~et:ebxg:r~,: the «mUre Issue no ful'thC\r actiontrain tr0fl9 the rId«e. at thll who baTe .Icned their' namel, at on tbe slage of tile RuldolO Grad. IU"Cl 0 e. 1 U·· . t' l()n~ ·can be taken by tbe vlll!lge unUlpoInt. nOb E01CeJatd "Teu, they ovldence of tlletr dellre fOl' 'tete. SChool Oymnulum under the dl. ~:~cea~~a~~n~e:ro~~aZ: ~ pro-' another election year. wlllch wlll b\lwIll bl to aurprlaed,tolec ho'W vhone 'c"lee. tbe more qulckl, rectlon of Eareest. ,Beasle1. for pOled by the loeal Board of E4u- 1062. 'hfsh tbey are. th.,ll aU jump wllI W.'bl~ton appro"e the loan, on the dot the Men I aty16 ahow cation for the Im})rovemlnt or A petition wUl 800n be llreaentedoft and "on'trldo bac't. A tet- It w.,.mphl.fled. of 1tGO" will becln. . b 1 I1dltl. for tbl. area •. . I .

• low eould rent .-ome horaee. here- "W.lblnJtonwan~ to be lure . Thll productlon. sponaore<! by ~h:'~ r:ore.e:~tlYetJ of the State to the people tlsklog tor .tho elect Oll,to . (!~f17 the IlUiengen that lfe,~re .erJoUI, )tt. Vaushn the High Bcbool Parent Teachera Departm:nt of Education ".re which must be algned by lit per c,nt

back. . stated.. Therefore It 1& the dut1 Anoclatlon,w11l prelent loeal bl,bly compllmentary of the ef- of tho renl c.tate value ot tbe vU.From. Cow" J(ountain to the ot eVel')'one who want. tobrinl' men modellnc In their o~ lnlml- rorta belne made for the Impro.,.- I 'I'll n the lnue w1l1 be brought

,. ~rlt tbe Tie,,'" one ot th. 1;I100t telephone Ie"Sel to tht. whole tab~ wal ·,tbe lat..t ladl•• fuh- t I thl· hool IYlem age. e .. . .•.beautiful Imallnable. At .neral ~rca to get In touch "Ith the Jon..:A.dmfulon ",111 be GOcfor men n I IC . ,Ja I • nit to the vote ot tho 'people In Ute ter.I)olJ1ts botb rJsht and lett laand repr€lscnt&tlve of the White :Moun-.dults. I&ctor hlCh IChool.tu- If~~ ~:rg~nl:~40tKr~u~eeM1 ular municipal electlon, Ap1'll .,.tll~

. shIM are In .,Iew and 'Where the taln Telephone AuoclaU.,J1, In 1111 dents, and 100 tor Irade achool were ue.ts ottbe 7acultY and fJrat Tu"adaY In that month,\rOld Sots o.,er Into the parle. Old homo community and Ilgn the bon and sfr)1l and eYll70ne 11 SehOOl1 Board m.m~r for & but.. .AJtbougb li1 per cent ot thc) xe~l) ~aldTYl f~n~ dsnopwi tuBr~,q'u~dd ..t~~lt ,'1hJPP11C&tlltieo~haenndtbP..aYllahml~mmemaybtr: urseet to make Ita ~.mhll' atclair. tet dinner In the Home Economlc~1 estate VialIUO mullst be eighted uPn"~! "". 'f u ..n c". v u AI • . V "'. 10 .. u "" IIV l1'ollowJnl the .tyl1 • OW aroo DuUdln • A total ot fort:r-three the pet t on a proper y ow u ...

Those w110 are "orkfnS' on tlits 8cnt. toWuhlnltoD, ThJIJ flour .mon PhllUPI w11lact ... aucUon~er p'eople :ore preaent• .An Impromp. wUI be eligible to "Qt,o In tb., elee-project teel that the pnbllo w111 opportunity to show tbat we real- for & box tupper and al,! IlrI. all4 tu ro am elyen durlnl the Uun. . _.' I,

\. 110t benti.fled with. only Illx I,. want and need t~6 le"lce'la~I~. are urled to brJnl· their courle ~ the e"enlnK included Blnce PotUk-,ther -.eUon' q~ litmiles ofraUroad a. thlt wUl outl flnd to glyo & TOry real belp in boxes for tbtl benefit event. The .,loUn ,electlon. b1 lira. Paul taken by the''Yllfl1go unttl 19r;a Inbe«ftt to toueb the lCenJo 8Pots !>rlngtns telapbone .enlce .to valctttlnt .o&.QIl will offer limit- Vance. accompanied b1 MI•• the event this doesn't pu. Uti. 1.In the slerta Blanea Hountalna hundreda ot our rural and Imall leu pos.lblUtlH for attractlYl~Y Shirley Stanford' lIeTeral mUlleal really a Jll8t chanco lor .. W11t.~r ey.and that 'Ule time ... ~otfar awal town netshbort wbo otherwlH decorated boxes. selections by 'Air Wtll T Cae tem untU that tim" ~t8 'Would

f =:~d~et:o:&e;,~~~e to be w~~~:ee~erOfe:h:t.;oard of dt- The 'Whole prOlram J. planned and lri. two daughters Pa~ and mean another two-rcliT. ael~Y In, ~ IrtqUlrl~areeomJn~ In tram rectors are ... toUow': Albert to be oYer Sn time. tor eUQone Wanda: and a toea} number b, bringing about the Dk1e p,rojeet

{~.el'Jw11ere a. to the pl'()«reo Vaughn, RutdOlO, preaJdent; W. who CAres to so to thedancel Mrl•. Marie Rooney aecompanled needed abov~ nU elso fat' til. arowtbInd dlt. of the roadl belnl readl D. Ratliff, nutdoso. ltecretar:r' and planned that ~lght to do 10. by Ml'1I. Lorlne Samet,on•. Gamtl of Ruldo!o. Also. In the meettm"

I tor ttaYet. 'I'hfs IncUcateJ that (Continued on Pap 8) Eyeryone Jltart. Baturdal nJlht, of Canalta and l1'orly-Two were It tbl. doesn't pass, lhe. pre.ent\ thla pro~d nUway II sotnl to .1 • , February 11th, at the Style ShoW enjoyed fo11owln« the dinner and )tu..for tho wllter systeM fl1n. ou\

· F ~ one of tbtit ereatelt ilttractJona ,0·1-' Dealers "'0 and Box SupPtl'. prOs1'im. and if provisions c!lon~t .,~. madeI ~ ltilJdOlO .could llue the Je.r a- • I • "" ..,. , " tor a water aystcm In lite.. comlnJ1,/ ).'olllld. 1'01' it 1~l'raeUtalfor ,um.. AnnUl" M-*ting Canvon Echoes • •• Warriors-Bulldolf electlon it eould leave Rilldoll~wltb,"I' mel' and wlnttt \1-" 'iii" I- D out IS ..yat~m of nny klncl,. ,if. " " '.. ' '"'. JI P I II Y A I Po Ia b m from Clash Tonight Any question on thlsproposed· [ B·..• eheU wei! t"" Texu this mm)" a mer, _Kent tor Con.... ra.......u II . :age' 0 e . proS.nt wlll ~ nnswot't,dthto"ughI;.... .~. tlnental 011 CompallY-. La Llncoln at. Mary's HospItal In ROdell h .....,I weekln thalr nnr Olda111obUe to Oounty, and hi. dealerl trom aU when .be undbrwent a mlljor op.. Tho final bome came of t • the elly hall and anyonfli~Z\~\IJlt1er...

pt llt*. 8h,tt *Dd their young lSon th C ... A. __ Ii.. be t Ilealon wlll be plaYed b, tb. Rul.. standing ctearly what tti~..... bf.' f .-ho hb betn down there ~I8IUnS'. over 0 ount7, Were AU ,rt..- eraUon a u two week, ago • . • dOlO Wardo... tonfSht (FrIday) ing asked to do shoUld; jnflulrc. A\I ~::r:~l'1Me~~c~or tho Annuli tlnd abe I. gel~r along hlcety. when they meet the Hondo Dun.. compteto undcrst4ndIng.of UtI proJ;*'t N·O·tit,C·.e ....0 Th"e· P·ubJ-lc· ThOle S'oln&, ,with l'almer wart mrHl GIven. had thetr cabin do«s In the nuldoso O:rmL T~~ eet by all property own-fa ":W *i\ . II Wes nUlllell atld Ralph Bennttt. open last weekend tor hfj famIly. B. teaml ot tbe two IChOO~ " aure l!lecUring this "UUorf, anaI, D Id C·IIU d C 01 n th nuto cJ n·...enport f- .... tlv and also vIa, begtnDln&, at '1 0 clock. el"ctlon to mise the need." 1H~,OOO.II "WheJl. c:a'iU_- to a4Yb& Of ~"u 010; or .cy, e cae; e.u r ..., auu ,. The Warriors clo8& tbelr regular '" ~,. 4 " ,,:~ :~, "

d :J::::r~.-:~~ 9:~~Wea::dG~yB~;rAe~OG~~ ~':fn~~::~~ee;.joY::::' ~:::n .~~ur~a~:::bt Ittot ta':: , KrlS. Royaton John~cm 11fiil" Jrlr,.}\ that, )'011. 1I'f'eh toft1Kl!rt ... tin ftan, and O. S. Straley ot AJtello_ 'tIvelli11g ot square dancln. (their Arthur. 'I'he tollowtllt; weektnd G~tge Ttbpble wtlre 11\ E(· PAIfOi ' .w thu Y. lIaYe • ftre.. ,no ... . . .' "". .• . ,.. ta~()rJte sport) at the N"a~aj() Lodge. the,. win pla,. In the Dlltrlct J'lYe FrIday of 11l1Jt week. bllS'lng. mel'..1 . l'fO'r OAL'L TUB P'.tllB DB- Important Notice Pop SimP*>~ and OrvlUe Alk,n tournament at N.V.Jl.l. In ROI" chlUidfse tor the new gltt' .Itop MD.~, PAB'1'1OC1CT BY 1flJJOJBB to ..... .. . '.'~ . Went to Los Alamos lut week to ....ell... Johnllon wlU open 11091) In c~nneC:"L,~ ~ a fiJ:oe., .t.l'he If... 18 at .' Ad~put)' collet.tor from the 111- 'v''''it and look over that growing .' .... .. '. '... '," '< tlon with her ate., "If·\ .•. (floe~o~ IalI4t1de ternal .ReTeI1Ue servtce In HOI-' . ·"4 thrivl cIty Fisher Sells' Mint Ilr . .... I," ," I '" .•~ ...,.~ .heR It lfOtda.ot lie well New J(e~eo" w1l1 11& InRut- an ng. . . . . I! " ! S J ¥; .

!i :-'-~~tN.......u: fm. ::::J~~=..~~ ':':I.U~ .f'~:'''':::dj~~:~.~jr.~ ~p~~f:: ofl'J::~ell k~~~l'~: The'Weather\' '. J&C. the t1t'b~t Jl1tJidHir. -uu. admln& tu~1e.... tn. tllISlC 8·...n·d""~L.. b..r" In AO....tO.W... RU.ldOfO. alt- By 0, A..'~.,;VIm

{ ,~J:t ~~~:ru:: ~~~d:i1~~:~O~. to:'~Je~rr:~ ..CtI1: IJlakel; 8uttered¢ a broken ~ldn~ ~5::f~t~~~n~: ::: ", , U, 8.~ot Oomnt~tae .'F '. the~ 'WUIalwmlle aou4. NaYaf(j·Lod,e~.AU tteraotll. who w'Hat when ahe "ecldentallYII~ppt4 JenJdn. ot r.tS••,tou,'N. W., Anotber w~k, ot Kood pIentaf. ~,M4~. t'ail~* 'fa fifIt \ baY&.h~ll'Of*lneom.o hot "00• .mellell on her al'rtl SaturdaY of B'fsh~rpui'Chuedtll.bu.lne.. III weath~r .•!th.11O,. IIno~o~ rain~'0i"cJ«';. . ~ orJllore ar,~ult64 ~ ute to-rut week,' the t.U ot 1141. ,'..' (that'Wa. C,..rUt·" onl1cdin..J PI1!.~.'- dtbeM, oUi«t turns. ,Pe1'JO.u 'WhohaYe worked, ",' '..... • . .' , 14.... an4 J(n. 11,hl1' are leaYlnr ment, but jultloii tbS..... "',~J1f.t· .~':"~Ii>'= .er~~f:~~~~ll"~ 1t~~rA.:~. i: ~.:: b~: ::ld:::.l,l'fi:.!·:;.;'::~»r~~ ::1 ll::,tl':rrr~i ~~~&~d~~:'IJ

i 'qat ibcll<K"&tJott « ,,~tt'bIt . cODle _tax retlll'J1l. JJ1Qt befllN been the hOUHgu..~ ot 1:l1'.an4 UUrOtdal1d~",.. thilY'&f' tat. that (!onnn.odittI:: ;~""~'OIl UM;'fItOMd 40t tater than 1I.roI1U, 1150. Ut", Ct' %..eland, Sr., In their bom. knoWIJ to tnal11thi'C)Ulllo'ut th. ".now" bltOttt thlil'Wtflkend,).... . , -.<I .we'~ ~~, " ,.' ',"""" ., '" ',': ", .' Ull thecanyoD. The:vare ttomn, Southw..tnfd ft". ~nlJ'.... . .<. Hlah ])tWrttod.P~.~. ~'."AttiIIl~,1C>~. . )(r.~.Kr•• JohQ~ud~e(r WotUl and old i'buddte.,''Ot th..fth to t~k ourftl'\1d. Jal1.11 ......_ 4. .'llI",' j ~,~". .oat1i'tW .•"",. ~1M1d;~•. J.!J1&t~ry .. aU. of El t.etatid. whQ ltved thet_.!or lIDU.ytl1• • t. and all o• .,'tuaa '&u41'.11. 1 __ , I' If ~l~::.~~t~~=~ti==:th~~~YHnl'JJttor,c~,~~tonuldolC)··ft:r:b~r:-_oih~:..rt~~~'::ttt: 1::::=: (If ilSr1 ... ua~ J'otIl, _-. ~. tbtt'pltna",a.Wp to:ag..· . Yt.tildMr••.R.lvy Drab .iIld .)14 ""."lll __ ...lJl«tk.D:t, lnlt :r.b. " __....... 85 1St

' . ' ~. ·fttW ........· 'Ulta tAke wbit.,.. they @l)ke4J!eak. ao,etBcbtbck.w.reln :no.wtll .. wm at".,. CCHD.f baC1&: to Rul- J'.b.· I _.....85 1.· 0:tl ., . .,.... .. and JWt: .. )$Ctl1<J. '" . 1I000.y Oft '~. "dOlO WJJtQw' ~ to 'ffttt,u "'.b•. ' ~."...... ,~., ~~ .. ,J .~"., ~" '" .Ij




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I2 t,•

Asklor it ei/Mr ".1 ~ • •101"trtIIk·",..,b ,,"lin 1M ltrmt IlIint•

······r Wallen'MIt

II 3 [I

, ,',.. ' ...,



, ,.' " .

._" • c.__ .."•. ~ ' •


...IQtnJD 1JtfD!A~ ()II:.11tI eoeA-COCA COMPAK'f IV

MAGNOLIA COOA-OOLA BOTl'UNG CO.Coca-CoJa BuU4lnC'. YandeU BlvcL at Blrcll. El P-..o, Tn..



") For Sale or Trade=Modern, new duplex. income property, value $22;000 inDenver, Coto•• near school. ehur~h. transP..aJ.,mtio11, dra~­ing $250.00 per month rent. W111 trade for Ruidoso m­come property preferably motel or modern courts'in Ruidoso by March 15. For particulars write WinonaWoollard. ~i34 Vallejo. Denver 11. Colo.. or phoneGrand 5586. .


. .....


. ,,**,*,,



, .~


''0\\. . .. -~, .

II. A.'B.n.ft "GR,'·oc···.•• ·ER······'.•y.,"" ... ", n. . '.. " IX

"There's a difference inprDducUI-and 8UV'ice"


Corn-t..t~eAutol'liott:y.,: Berrloe




SKYLAND AUTOo. A. :tuaIUn-A. w. L\lIIJJa

. l'hone-.os


MISS Barba.ra Howe" was apassenger when Mr. and )141'1.PercYrJ Parker mnde a trip to Al­buquerque r-ecently.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom BurlesonInspected and enthusiastically ap.proved the new home of Dr. and:Mrs, Don Ensllsb last Fridaynight when .thoy treked to RolS­well.

.=~ _. . .' j :. .: .? 1 . .. , ... : :. • I •

......................;:.;.;;;.;;;;•••••••••••••••• ; ••••••••••••9 •••••••••

. Mrs. Robert L. Strange of St.Petersburg, FlorJda wroto lIle atChristmastide that she wJahed I'dconvey her beat wiShell and eel...

I was sine!. to read that At.torney Genera} Joo L. Martinezhad decided to run for re-eIec­tlon. Hfs opln(ons have been very

. helpful to th~ people and theState. .




$ •

A Complct~1'




Dr, a.nd Mrs. E. A.Rogers re­gretfully lett the Fort on FrldllYmorning for Anamosa, IOWa.Ever;yone hated to lee them goaft did your correspondent. bOW­ever. tho sood wlsheff of all wontwith them The RuIdoso New" wUJhelp keep them 'posted on thedolng8 and happenings at thoatatlon.





A ttli Sqllft DtftC. JI",~ riI·Hich.borit. cl1t. aH .hllHtiott daltCtft t.wiflct,for the occuiott.

. - .. ".... -,_."


Brook. L. Lavender and Jam9I... Pearlon ot Mobile are recentarrival, to underso further treat­ment her. having been' tran.fer·red from the Karlne HospItal Inthe Alabama CIty.

8IU Brown brousht a newbrown Chevrolet tour door .edanfrom Carrizozo· on Saturday.

• •The Ft. Btanton «rade achool

teacber. In.. Ruth Sikea. «avethe klddlfl a da)' off alJowlns berto attend a meeUn« of the CountyTeache,. la,t Frida,.

• The Meadamea David CooperWilburn II. Nellour wal the and Leo Payman mado a flying

. \, r l~. , _., :,_ ._, • ... '0", ""1 ' < -, ,.,., , ' i , " . •

pq.'lY. J&~." //):\1 iOY!IZIfLII¥IPL.',1 1'11.,1 .;, ,'L '~i ,.. ,I .', l " ,',1.,1 '" I, I' • I , , >,,: Y. Ii,.'. II , .' ~iJ4ay"Jf:ebr~a?,~O~ lP49

.... FORT STANtON NEWS. 'ITEMS ~~~~: ~ml~tt ~tp~·:; ~~.:~g:~:.~.'r:":.~ ;:Ml:-:'~;~4l;:~~;:~.......", :1'••••••• ,;p"••••••••lP tltnetOrtlle ·wJJl(lOW -.-.detl.»r~ ,WI\Jlat ·stlllJp~ .lJe!e, 4udn,!'", bilell', '~A,,"~~~a''''i, ·,'~HO'1'»~$6 ..02

. ",' t" ' '. t, ".." OQQPet 1'(.' ,th.QbQ.b1 .mer ~J.1<1-4ePQ.ttel1 ,Q~.,bQa.'·I!!,le$ei)'" ..,I;'~~tg"'~,."''';,D, 1l'nJ;lk & smtth lUck,whuJer ot .. t'UP)J1?401he '.alSsI1l.4 to .U"l'~n«ler' 111.,~: >' ,5, ,. ,I'ie""" ,.,> "i' 'I'" "".i"',iJ.j":' 'n :;""":' I,:i~'.'

lelden J. Walktr anel lA'W~DH.m.ntoD 'P()Cket ",...tQh th.t..,,~., dutleaon bls "ffe', t'~turn. .. ,>11 I, ... ' uti IJl <..! ..../ 'I ; U : Iil-L ,JjIJijl..I .... , "~:.D. "bb were Albuquerque ",ltltor. "$.yet1 _.Il,ub1 ·Cllnnouball '. . .... .' ... ... " . . . ' ..., ~'." . , .and conferred with local Veterant Baker to Ie,t trall8110rtatipu t.rQ MJ,"'.An4 ,14'r$. n:~YlJld(~.r lYl~h, .' ,. . at's'",.' 1,n',,... 'a,', j\,'·ra,"...~n·.?',' ", .Admlnl.traUon offfola1.l there. home. theIr dog". JJl; au<}'·Stubby~werB l'~ .".~ .

() .... According t~" word trom .MrsnO$weU· Vl~ltor$ SRoturdaY. "', '.... .;.-CapItan Cbamber of Commerce . . . I h'· •.•' . " l '

.....Id '·he·r Quarl-rly clIpper. el-- Dan Gomezot. L,.In''on t. e nt.a.t, . ' . '6 .' , . .'. .'~... .. I ~......... .,. Mr. and. ;Mt~. CUft Durl"·.Qf ~. . . .' nt' '. ' , ·'"tt·~tc;,:tl:: 0~f!W:4ne:::J ~;:~~~r;; t~~~eth~r~~ad~:~ :rlL~:f:l1~: :::so8j!n;~~~~rlhi:: ba.::IVrJ h~ ".0 ." 'l;lJ,UOUS ~-,:ta"~8th at Pearli

• Cafe and Ourto 'relJue and Monroe Sa.ncbe~ drew named Gilry .Arthur. TM baby ~. . ';Sbop. :~:.r:t~e~1t::ch' :h.f:ofJe J~:; wa.sl1orn at the' S(H,lthweJSter.p. . .

. . .. Gel1etat ltoliPlta.l i Jill Paso. Friday ,. IMaIn' Ottlce Brlefa: Valerie yea..... mornhlK. Feb. 3rd.; a.u<tMrs. Durr ' ,

Cook, clerk-typl.t. fe-Isned after I . .." IIJ tbe daugbter 'of Mrs. Ca.rl l1J,worklnl but a few daYI slvlng Mary LoullJe Is the name ot the Ne,al'l whl)·· went down to vfsltthl. reason tor qutttfns: "I haye baby daughteJ:', who WM deJlvered atter the blee~f3d event. At ,thenot been able to meet any 00".- to Mrs. Seth Hernandezllt.,9a.m. tl)be ot the wrltlng mother and .boy...• Earl Harcro" 11 new cUe- Wedne"day, Feb. let at her home son a:re gettfng along ,flna, . ,tlttan. clerk and Don Nurpby In· Capitan. Mra. !laman PadUla , " , _at Capitan lo.t a darn sood Iro- attended tho mother at ,~be blrt~ Gilbert Barela and :am Lukeeheery clerk. Dora Gomez f. to be .of tbe 8 pound SII:'I. Pancho ot. Socorro colllded with anothercODsratulated on her recent and tho proud father: now has anpther cal' on HIghway 380 Saturdaytimely promotion 1n Bill Gould'. dependent to add to hie two Bans nIght. Frederick Vincent lJ,nd Wll..offlce. when ma.klng out hi. Ineome tax. 'lJam W1lJs were the oceupants

1'4r. and Mrs. Ed Amonette and ot the' other a.uto. .All (}8capedtheIr dllughter Jean of R08well with minor In~~rles althoughvlelted the Tom Burleson" on both ca.r" are fn bad IShape. .Sunday. .


I, I,




I q,




, i• I

!fi• I


, "



. '


, J-,




1 ;\


, .


"I i' ... ' $ "H_


Your Key 10Grtat., Vatu.


• ,

, ..


4 ,

, I,' ".:'.,\1: ........ I I

I'HIruH ll1te d .... __t

•dealer. If he doesn't have one onhand, he can get it pretty promptl1-and at a price and on a deal you'llhave trouble matching, much lea.beating, anywhere else.See him nowt.will you-about plac­ing an orderr:

HIGHEt- COIU.ESSIOH Flr.ball YIJ've·III''''lJdpow., In 'Itlu ",,,In••; II". lip ,.tln"•• (N.w '·263'/ttI1". In Sil,t. l'IIO<I.1••) .

HEW.'A"'" STYIJNQ, wilit bumpet-glHltJ arlllet,,op,,"",oug", "dollbl. bllbbl." '.llt1glth.WlOE.ANClI VISIIIIJ1Y, clo'''lIp rood y"w hiltlorwottl and bock.

r...."lC-HANDY SIZE, I.u 0".,..11 "It,th 161 Nth,porJdltg .ltd goraglng, .hod ,,,,,,,Iltg tod/Iifo

EXrlfA.WIDE SEArS uodt.d "etwHII ,II. ......

SOFT lUte" IUDE, ItOIIf .II-coll .prlnging, $"eI,.ItJd. ,,,,,,, low-pre""r. I1r••, tlJ",'.arJylnq '.,qw­,,,",DYHAFLOW DllV. ".nelattl on oil IOADMASr(ltS.optiona' 0' .ICI,. cCNI on $U'U onc/ S'ECtAL ,.rI•••

NINETEEN MODII.S with JoJr br fl.h.r.

WIDE CHOICE 01 EQUI'MlH1 odcll"g 1I••i"i1ify'0 prlc•• ,ba' broclc.t .v.t)' prlc. tOtlfl. olHw. ,It_low.",

lFJ '..., .1

',' \",.,'.

f_l" HENRY J. TAYLOR, A8C N./well, I.",y Mottrh1e.,IIIIII"

. ,

j _,. i _." . _.l!'


.4 Ft. Cord Lenath,Juniper & Oak ·pme&.Fir

. $ll~ . flOAt

. 1.. I,ll

DeUvery ~ ~uJcJ* ...4. 81U'roUD~ are. ..~ lMt..,. "'"'per I~Clr ROl1l~, ~~ '144 av~ ."...~ ,

, I '

G • ,

61-03 REESE a ROGERS,'r' .

Even special names that let you8'!..YJ ttl drive a SUPBR 126u oruMine's a ROADMASTBR 130,"just by way of being different.

~s, we think we hit on a happyidea in the ULongCellows, " asthey're coming to be known. Theyare not longer, on the outside, butthere's a two-way stretch':"inwidthand the rear compart-ment. .You're going to like that-as you'llsee by calling on yotJr own Buick


tlUIDOSO, N. M. , .

Item two-in every dimension­leg-room, bead-room, hip-room,sbouJder·room-this rear-seat com­partment is bigger than pteviousmodels-and nearly four incheslonger, Core and art, than other1950 Buick interiors.

Item three .::. wheelbases .are thelongest of our 1950 line. On theSUrBR, it is 125~" instead of121%"-on the-ROADMASTBR 130U"instead or 126*",

Yet- and here's where the magic .Mcomet in - the whole car ;$ sltQttf!r ••~over-till. Actually less f!om .bu~per bumper than preV1C)US BUlcksin these series.

•HERE'S THE NEW 1950 BUICI(SUPER 126, companion body-type to theequ:ally n.w ROADMASTll 130. ·.Ilotb art shorter than lalt year'. 4.doorSedans-yet 4 Inch'l longlr In wh..lbal~.ln both, the II uled

to glv. you reallfrltch..out room In the rear leat.

What the boy. did here rtally That means easier parking, easiercall. for lome medal.. tucking away in family garages,

easier maneuvering in crowdedWe gave them the johofcoming up traffic..with something that was biggerinaide-for room and comfort- There arc..some other things too.longer in wheelb~~-alway.s. ,im- An extra rear-quarter window notporbtnt to ~oodrldlDg qualitte8- found in standard oj·door Sedans. Ayet unbulky and easy-handling in different upperstructure styling thatover-all dimensions. makes this body-type stand out ulust look how well this tidy num- something pretty special. \bermeets these tCimpossibleu speci­fications!

Item one-rear-seat cushions arca lull loot rviJer than last year'sSUPERS and ROADMASTBRS.


u' t· '.r' .,<-<rii·','· , , f )'I;rr'/f' ," "\.r "


• i;: -


__ 2


7$ b




::Jift!. __? •


. ' . - - - ,

"Pftot~rapM'" ! ... .

Curios -:':CamtrlS .:.. FhI, - -, .


...........""' ~ iII"!\__a..' lisb..'_2 : _..........f 1l'1tf,l,.'tltte" "ut.mobtlll!l qre 1I.,tt BVlt:1l .""" 1111 ' , ·.1 '..7.''''''.1..a.I ..r:.'"I", /

(Hr. and Mrs. Uartin Torrell hadas gueata over tbe weekend theircbUd:i'Cln tro~ lloBWI!lU, Syl Torres.!tIr.. 'l'orJ,'e. and young 'On Michael.JulIa. Otero, Mr. Otero, ~nd cbil·dren Ma",.ty, EdIth and Rudy, EvaJl~enez. J4:r. Jimonez and childrenEva Ray and, Lourda.


••• yep, !t', ...lmple AI that toget good picture. with the An~o.~. ONLY 7~ ••• and with theFlub tTmt (3.21) attached you~ take them lndoo" or at ,

. nfcht • • • In color or b1aek andwh1w. Perfect tor parlf••, bt,by,.lJlcttJ1'e" anntver.ulu aild 1r6d­dlnp.


All you do is ..SNAP THE SHUTTER!

. • • .. .•. • .•.• ... • .+

u we' do not have It 4Jl.-tock•• " .we em secure .atpiece of lJItotoequtpm6t1t :roa &;tlte at~Il.IW FAJU. TBAD. PlUCJCSI

"Happyl. tbebrlde the .un .hittl!l.on" and L}lcla lleTelgue Sancbezshould bednoof the happle.t. Thewe~ther waa1>eQ,uti(ul for the wed­ding Saturday mornIng and leomed .In league 'With the families to make.the weddlnlir and the rae'eptlonamong the finest ever leon in tbLavalley. 1.'here w.. evEUl a tull moonfQt' the" wedding da.nce Saturdaynight, WJ1tch wu beld in the Hondogyq\ and attended by a crowd est!-




, .




" . I;"

.,' ". '

.t.......... C1ta~J, lI:plIHpa!Glencoe, N. M. " ..

ReY. O. J. Raine,., VicarSe"I~ 2:00 p.m. tint an4tblrd Bunda,. ef tbe mOJltb.

. 't!

- .


I r




Member J'ederal Depoat InI1u'I.z1.oIOorpor&t1oD.

.TheFirst National Bank,

Of RosweH

It. J.b', CatlleU, alll'dllIMt'e« XI&ri c.tlleU. CUpel L1ilco~, N." JlexleoI'ort StaDtOD, Ne" )!ex1ee Fatlle.. VUo C. 4, Daca

I'athet 11111" 1(olllllt. 8ecblld Ttltn4., JloDt1lJ, _Baada,. »... i:tO .... 10:00 •• m.

Cn.... ".uat Cltwda Third 8.011.'.....11... a,Pra,er 8t"I~ 'WlHJDHC1a7. •

7:ao p. m. a.ftla 01 arS..Bro. Odberrr. Putor

IJaa !"atrlde CaU.ou. aa.rtIa Chum Of OtIrl.t BDUcUa•S.ll PatrJelo, Ne" )!exJc:. 8UDdar BeJaoel aDd )Jlble

I'.tlttet Carl n. r St.d," 10:00 ....Bnd.rll.... ,11* Momlll&' 8er,Ic.-U:OO ....


.COCKTAlL ..LOU G e.- .' . ''"'.. , .... -.... c.~ ...... , .~- ....





. " ";'


. '


The friendly Southern Pacificwm. 8aUterlaM,.1Ji~ !"UIe1l&'flI' Acst:.

U.No.~. 8t., n J'uo

SeP ,I"•• you.fine, fast Iraln.

You'n J1nd that ourmain line Golden StateRoute trainIto Tucaon, Phoenix and CaUf'omia oft'a' you all typeaof~ticmt:

Low fare chair can and C06CbeI­Economical Tourilt Sleepinl CI11J-

• •Luxurioua Btandard Pulhnana-And room to rMt and re1ax--eojoyable meaII-Mfety

and ~mrort in any kind orweatMrt

For your trip to

•• •


f I....

I r r i 1


=-"t.; - •


ISO'" I" ... B1JW08O, lUI'. .

1'0& IALK....ACML•• IlACft.UN

. NO......IAftJUNI'llft.-oftt. .oAk' WOOf)

." woa.. oo.!ht ' A"

.J" Sl'tl'

Interesting FactsYOU don't dlo all at once. Your brain 1Ul"V1v.. 10

mlnutos I1tter death; your ~UJCl•• 20~ute". fJyel ao minute.; ear, one bour: ann and 1.&mU5Cles, four boura; blood molecule., 18 hour.; bon..,throe dllyn. and skln five day..

.It III again tho United Stat,_ Sensu rut.. to men­Uon a fellow Sebntor or ConlreSlman by Xl~"

Ther" arc 18 .peelea of wood In thll ClOUDtry thAtart ao heavy that even whcn dry they wUl not flOt.t lDwater.

J(ore tbelQ 2.000,000 perlot1.l are c1Jreetly depend.nton lorcala and forest prod\lCu tor tJ!.lr Uv.UhOO<L

Of 1111 tbe laboMavlng devlcea lovente4 tor WOrntDnone hns over been .0 popular .. a huaban4 withplenty ot mon.y.

A drop a second trom a lu.1dnr tap can wute umucb as 1'16 ga1lona ot water a month.

'l'bD beo can pun 300 time. Ita own w.lpt ud Saeven more effective than that when 1£ roM into

A new de\:'lce baa been Inv,nted tbat .nablM tJMIlauont to break tho clreult to th, d.nt1Jt'. drUl wbtnthO pain Is extuaivi. .

1I0ro tban 00 per cent of all .peel.. of ftow.~ Inthe world havo either an unple..ant Odcr or XlOD. at an.

The flr.t railroad· In the Unlted8tt.t.. war bunt inQultlcy. )laas" In 1821. to haul srull, for the Bunker11111 Jtonumetlt.

The or.gtnalmanulcrlpt ot "The 8ta" '8panlltd 'BILa­*ttl''' ~ now valued at ",,000.

Tho LlonB Club wdle. Night at the Navajo Lodl'lut. week WWl tbo beot ever aceordlnl to all the Llona, I1nd Gue.t. trom RuldolO, 'fUlarosa. Cloud­crott, Capitan, Carrltow and Alamo.

...,Jiiii . "Z:''"~ "-l4,"Iiiil~"'i . III ·li' H,"n : i' I


For tbe specJ.l benefit of Fruk Smlthovtf at n.Stanton .•. 1 did. 10 to the atate Pr,,. COnv.ntlon •••I1nd learned 10 many new tblnl' .bout tbAt ""''''Pap.rbualne.a" I have beon "tay1n, awake nlcbta to ltOrtout Ideo at1<1 f'~re out how to put th.m to UIt.(Frl1nk, I $1110 learned a utU. about a JQt of oth.rthings going on over tho state ••• amon, other thing., :, polltlc••)

Ever 80 otten wo ,et d.flnlte proof that adV.rt..1DI'In the Ruidoso Nows "pay." • , • In aDIWeJ:' to au th.folk. who rond our cla..lfled about Tany,tt'. ChowPUll3 .. , they hl1vo 1111 found good home•••• trom Altoto Roswell....

9 .

·P'8~11'()Ur. ~t1U>Q$Omnw. 'j ,." . ;.i.. ,I..' "0: "/IL lJi"'" Hidl":""" 7.ii1 p'., .. "".jj.'''·''ii)·.'~r1~~f,''Q~!~~rr~~o.U.9

~ ! J$j)lghetti 'Dinner 'Friends.Have"Lovo"· ·CBU'RCH;(:A~EN))AR .•~c~ To. Start puilding ShOwer For NeUPar~$~;"'~Ja ()'t n. ~1H!JtJ.$n.~ ~,' .. ~Jt-"" .~~

.; ,. "..~.~~ ,~u-~~ '" .. '.' Ambglanc~ Fund " . .Mr..Nel~-- J'arkl, '.,,!J.olff "b9JU~; , ·~t\4~n::a~:~:~'~i' •. '_:' .'.. .c.. 'i;':.t.rwms n... 8,P4.m_...;,., _ _ I ~.·.. ·. '.' •.. • . Mhe' .'~,'UI.,1"e.-.·.. .a.."'d' "!:h..o.f.. _ ona', W"· eOlXlplet.elyel.. ~trot~cl. 'b~. t~~..... ,~rtq~w.JQrJr,JUAs.t""aQ1i4tJJcbMt :~ ~. JD,

. .... R .. _....... "'11} -~ " . t f eh istm... "1fU. SWI(faT ~ll.(lf~;_ ".JIl. .,.•I~mlhl'. W9...ll.JtJ-11:Wa.m.U4nY NEI.IL BARBm.._ ..,· "..; _~WQJ11~n'. Chl~ Qtltutdo~ wu,~'J'IJh .be Or&~! f.' ... , ."NomIJl&' WtI...hlp-1J:qq •• IQ. r..-lJlI!J«' UJlIOP'I~;Il)ffJl.1Jl,1O!:LL :PABJ(S..: 1 "' ~ .pon,or a ! SpaJheUl Phm.rhonor~ft at a. ~Ye S!lower )«4 1( ~"'~=~.,.•.. ~::~~~~";;.d~;:P.~£n~ .. second CIao :Hatter u tbo POlK omce, nunda, nl,bt, J'ebru.l'116th"to given by friends ot hers Saturday c ,.,. .~......~~ ·2:ijl(fp,JD.' ," a1

8-14010, New He~, JIDd« Aet 01~b 19;1;8", ~:::t tm~rh:~b~if:ftef;"d~~~ =1::a60r~~. at We, Home, Jllcon~ J\~d_, Ntm JrI'xI~,, 8~b~riP~~o. '9:isi)' pe.' 'leR .. -d,-... \ .to make th~ ~qUlsltlhonl ot JhlbMrs. Pa.rb re~ent1)'i bOuSht. a~'"'Cbvr~ t;~i~;:;l':~~' 1JM"ciJl~:~ ::~C:JIftb

0, " ..• ,. . , >, j r'" .. .J1'e~ded equl1}pment t e r YVf6r '1 'other llame in Palmer GatErt!~7 lIY'eD1q hrJlee 'T~l!O P.tD. '. 1l'at~r:, Vito C. 42. B~ca •

. ...... .. pr;;:- Netson aXld'netba HarTe)', ~~r;tJ::e a:e~~~t :~r~h~~~OV:~~ '" It.' _tt••ra t~~fl~~~:Ollrtb "UJlal,.Ruidoso ROUft9"Up' with the a.a(at"nceo! "corp ot In h()r Ilous~ and kitchen, She EplllNpa! 1I1••J~. F1rIt ~hll,.aa1a.SOliE Jnornlngs W. hard to Melde wbltber to drink Vouote~r w.ltrea~l, ",ill lene wa.. there during the aUefXloon ReT. 0.1, BalDe,. V.ear •II "

th R 1" 01 bb' h tbe cUnner at D"vts Cate or In to receive tbe guests 'Wlth the ae e·.· ET.. e.", lee.oDd fJU.Il· '. • 6 .•.•_... I." -."•.-'•.•, my quot. of cortee at e' u ¥o~ u .. oUH w er. . . ~a b' t h·.... G' ' ""'..... --• b Jk WI a4t 1.1 D.... Rle T ........ 'Dutler .DavhsClub, Denny Davb JU\' .a 0' elflJes.. 111' 0 were. "lI}f.. eorge daT. 10:80 a. m.. Na1aJo ) N." Nnlee

tnvar a lye' n~.. ' ..., .-.wHo .. II, ""'1_ P. . , tbey can .et up' tab.ll;)l in t e We,tall, )In. O. W. Tllom88, Mr., LQa.e. I:J Il'a.hel' Mareta.. U -11rank Baraju, Jim Ayre" Bqy NlllaoXl, J:>lck a-Ultt, cocktail lounge for partie. of any R.··H. Hedgecoke, MTIJ, Ben· . ;. . . ~ . . _ ..Joe Hawklna (tbose are the regular.) and oUler. 'ar, .s("'.'" '•.nd .tha't they -111 a"c.ept DOXlatban Mra, James Gayden. lit. Ele...r'. C"t"Ue ClIa1li'ola Sundn'"a.a ·10;00 .. lD... ldl' t rtb I dl 10·..• ot "Jmttn-ii_-t ..'" .. ... . .' , ...." . . " N U '_1 Weekaa, Ma..-';lJO .. ID,..0 nil' 0 on .er ou.. ,lCUQ..... '. '. .,...Io'~ relierTationa tor thl"~ Alter :Mrs.. Parks ollf;lpe<J, h('r Buldo.o, e" Saturc.1a1l1-1':lJO' a. Ill. .probiema" or go downtown to Fred Rll~y'_ Oaf. wh,re Plans are to serve from '6:30 gifts l10BtesaelJ served refresh JilI#Y'. CIrl Ba1Jl1JltJ' ' !lot,. nO;f ~eb JDOJllb be-Bud Shett, Heavy. Drake, Ezell Olarke, ~~~ ObUb1:lQc;~ p.m. td 10 p.m. 'tllurJday ,nlpt meXlts of' open face sandwtche., 8uJll1a, ».1.-7;00 a. JD. t~retb. ttr.t 'daa1 ., tb.and otbors arc gatber(!d to .talk ho~ ltJ1d pontic', with the dInner costing only U.OO cookies coffee andte2J. 4Pproxl·· spaa,. MIIII-O:O? .. 1Jl. mODth. . (amon" topicil up tor attentiQn. And it. lIalWa)" auDUI- pe, plate. .' .. mately fltty J;lersons sJgJ1e(1 the WetkdA'JI.~' II. m. _.-Ing to .oe a stranger waU, In the door of elth,r place Altbough the dUb has decided gU8$t boo1c'J!'tnt rr..bnerlu c••,. ~*._PUlt CIt....and oay "So tbls Is wher$ evtrybod)" I.!' •• • . .to set thl. a.mbulance it w111 1 , Claude ». Peake, Paltor (1l'eetl Tr", Ne" M~ke

j " time tq teU whetber or not It.... ",111 Mrs. Joe Dryden and daugbte,rs, Bernct' eyer,. BUDda1-U:OO O. F. 8tAnlort1, Pa.torTherc's one thin" w.e tolu Sn .malI town,. won't be a ne" one or the beltt uled Dixie and Jennie Ann, lett RuIdoso a. m. Supda,. f3ChQOJ-O:4G .. ID.

hnve to worl'1l about when tbe cenau. taker come, one theY' can get for the moneY, F id I fIt k" American ~.Ioll HaJJ, Bal· )fornln.Wonhlpo-ll;08 a,m.-" Thl. w111 depend, entirely OXl the r l1y mom ng a as wee. p)' dOlO, New Mexico. TraSalJl, Ualon-7:00 p, m.

around .•• they ViJU be local people • • • ~el ana",.r''''J llJnO,~nt ot mone, tbey .re able I1UtO going to PUcagouIa, 14lal.,. ETeala, Seme,. 8:00 p. m,tholo many ~n<1 perlonal Que.Uon. "orr~ b4i! r.t 1y at to 'make or have dOXlated for tho where they will vlalt bel' parent., 'J'rJaU7 )let."I.t CII.RIa •embarrWlslng U8 it it were a .tran,.r ••• 'caUit ~o purpoae. Mr. and Mrs, S, E. nnbo, and allO C.rr1lolO, New NexiCO B.... Catll.U, hnIMIon the prcmt.o everyone know. ,v'fY.0ne .l,e'. bull· . , Dryden's son and family • , , Herb, IInr,. L. Webb, Pa.tor Father Vito O. cte Baeanest to 8tart wU.b. b I • N.A d b by Ma k ThJ I CIUlrcb 8ebool....:.G L ID, B d N _I.Sue GrUflt ,,11 be out 0... -rva l1D a C • • 8 a Cburcb WonJ:Ilp-.U:OO a. Ill. on ~,. e" 0 ......0

.. .' ~. scbool tor .e....r.l day. aJnce ,he .wonderful time ot year to be vl,lt- . FJnt Buad11-12:OO Dooll,Roger Scbenk sugge.tedafter a recent enchlIada hu gonewUh her mother and Ing "down SO,uth," Capltaa C.....UT Fourth Tbunda1-D:OO a. m.

IlUpper Clven by a cburcb group that.ome orp.nlzaUoa f.tber, ~r. and Hra. Bruce Grit.. , I 'JletuI1J.t Cburc. MeeUn•• In 1I01D'".ponsor .l1n "cat and melt tog.th4lr" every Saturday flth of betow Green Tree, .on a CHEVRON GAS GIJ.l'TS Rev. Barrr L. Webb, Paltornl"ht for tbe furtherance ot community under.tanc:Un1' trip down :Mexico W.,. CLAYTON BENNE'r1"S I' 8uudl1 SentcN " eo...... ft'HltJtertua 'hnlINand "ood-wlU, He'. about to I,t hJ.t wflb with th. . c if;:' J:c~' Afd~Y~~ 8:~t.OOII L. e. UarkhaI'D, P••tor'R-TA box supper tomorrow nlJht, tb. 'D. " P. W, 7:30 p,m. Church Wonhlp, BUDda)' 8cheol-10;OO .. m.

b ttl din er ext """"ur.dav -_...Am.. Pllt<»'r'. urmon. . Cburch 8erncu 2Jld and ardspa" 0 n n ......, • • •• ""'"" ...., CS:30 p.m, Metbod..t Youth Sundl' at Lt.loll Bat _thing el.o ml1Y be l1rewlng by thtn;c Felolw.hlP. ),In, Werner, 7:80 p. Jill.

CouDltlor. ~th 8unI117-11:Of .. ID.

.................. ~.....




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Purse Of ApproxUnately$13,000.00 Or More. ..

From New Mexico, California, Texas, Oklah'omaColorado, Kansas, Arizona and Loulslana-8 Stat••

BJ1l Hart, Cecil Jones nnd Clay­ton Bennett were in Roswell Mon­dny of thl" week on bualnes8,. - .

. PAT'S TAXI - PHONE 65-01'.'l ;·~"l -'-" '-.-11

.... ~ ••• t.- .. , ••• :i··i· .,: ••• ~,~-- .: ••~ ••. -]·'1- :-.;: -···l--~, _ . ;e • : 0': . ..!. 0, :•• , :0'.. ' ...'. t ~ 0·.~ .0. 10 ; .... ~ >0 ! .'. L - .f... ce';l HII


.~ LOS MARIACHES ~J~ ~I'00. Sat~rday Nisht, February 18 ~

:-: Community Hall W.! OABBIZOZO. N. H. DONA'l'ION fUll i,=-=...-=:::1'-" r::---1 - r::--; -.-1 ;-,.j "-.1' 1 -i !.. r---1 -,01< ~ !.-l. t·· f - I" ·0-~.'"•• _".~"".I.;....;;:....l.ot.:::.:-J.. ,... ..... ' ,•• l..--l... J.,,_ .... , .•• ' ....

J1 .It f

:J'ri4-y,·';J!'Q'b""..ttlCJt .1t••;. .!.,e.;.,jJ :.. •. ;,'Uii.'. i.. .I.I'u'" .".IAIL.""" , .",' 'til '. , ..' ". ,.f ,,!!oo ...•d"..J ' ~'" ; 2i "/t>.,.r1\~Q~. ~·· ~:ra""

Junior,a.t~u. Has'.ar;pera.1on ,.n ay •........rnoonar.' .·.OQ..$ \ u~_U~_"':_~III~u __~~·_.~ __ '::h __ ~~-_":__ ~~~~--." I, .. • > iI< • > • • . '. ?z.p.iLA;LUKA.Q.AWl4 ap.:ar: ",+-L\Jl..YA<aK.- ...,.,..K..- --f.#,.tqJLWWlLl$fNI.~RJLWA.h4L""' • .........-...vaz~

. HJ'~ :POya Di'lnt. from ',l'ahQ1ta,. . .rln~ "onQ, Whlcl:l: ,,~,. l'~eutl1 Wanda Coe w~a boste.. at a V9ur 0,.,,11l" .411"" 1Q1kJlt.- FOR IUnNT: 2 mtdl'OOm :model,'D'1'exa.s W.. In ,RU1d~ p"rt Of thl. formed as a .•oclal e1u1,l of tb.~ social for the (trean Tree 2aptlst .ml 'PP~'at"d.b~ mall and 0"" \ wintQrh:ttd Q"b.ln. a room cabin,'.weQ1( ,completing :;lap.atQ .taJ't R~beltahs, lil1l give their SUver J'\J.ulol" 'Tralntpg Union @,t her the cqunte,. 1150 ,., moden;a and wlnterh:O<l. BatblnCO~$t1'ucUon.,.oo~ on hlB, P.l.o~~tn !l'~'p., at tlJ,e W1i:1$flC!!l~ ,H~ll next ~o:e in ?i~~<,f,le, Friday eveu,Q1C, Un.; (oo",nt ·fl"l WOrd. PI' "M) downtown locaUC)Q. Aoco.ln~l, all

f au.ilu.p to (late ehl~~ett tarm to f:Junday attC!!rnoon, Feb. 12th, \'::::::1; t th th 1 beald and the minimum oh!lrgl I. - Winter. V~fY, Johnlon'.r. b~ 1JuUt, along;w.lth a.lI__1'1 home, ftom 3 to Ii o'olock. . father Wl~l ala. %n~ '0 be per ad, 10 ~H at ,••• 20 word, Gt9(:ery. Rutdoso. '. tIP. out the AllQ Road on. property ){esdflomes':a. L. Qtaves, Elino ' an mo er, ~e e, and got beft ....ulta. '71 , , . ,. :

purohased recent!1 . trom' the Vaugnn, wayne Ji]steB and MIsse$ were ~er tWolllateffl, Patsy and. , FOR S~E--1947 MOde,' 19--B ReoWhite Mountain :Development Co. ~a Verne Walkup, Helen Barajas, Phoebe Carrol.. : ' , ' Truck, " apoed' transmlploni :!

, A $:ood well was put down last Patsy Long and Me~srlJ, Jim Oth?rs attendln$: were; Janf,l FOR SALJl::4.Allis Chlllmers Model sp~ed &?Cle; 8 .pee'" "brown llght,"week by Elzy }J~rry, Jr. and P!ckedng, and. Warren llarrett Perry, Eugelle and Wayne. Lang- 13 tracto,," with two-wa,y plow, cuI- See Junto}," Porry, Palmer GatewJ,f

~~~~~u~~ ~ft~ '~r~~::~dStirWt~~ w~\~~:e~~:eg~~:vt~~t~:ed~Ii ~::gf,r::::;.t~~~~ ~~~~~l Ml~·g3.· ~~:~~~~n.a::m::~~~:~e~~rv~:~ ?l' p~on;e,,~~~l~, R~tdOaQ. . tJb:.Bummer. Mr. Driver plans on ~p_ be Mesdames Jess Harris, Roy Posle, Made Neal and her moth.. 1947 .CJ-2A Je~p. 20,000 mUes, e~- FOR SALE-NeW' SQ ,allon waterplying 500 1"e~ckens a week for Nelson, W. R. Long, Ike Wing- ;['t:~' '::l~nche N~~l; and Hlas ~lent mechanical condition, 8(1)11 heater' tor butap,~ and propane.the mq,rltet to be raised by bat- field and Hessl'S. F~ank Barajae, '1roth(l oa~ at _ d P tires, $825.00. Zumwalt's Auto Ser- 1 year $:uarantee. "$69.50 Sacratery metho(1e. Roy Nelson, H. L. Grllves .and er.. • ..anl.Or, astor vice. Bros. ot LinCOln CoUPty,

In addlUon to chiCkens for MMk Edwar4s. of. th? Green Tree Baptist " FOR SALE-New .Hardwlck Bu"market he 'Wlll ral~e and sell The house. party consists o.t ~:U~Ch, and Brother Mack Ed- FOR SALE-Two large lots. tan~Propane al,ll\rtment Iliechicks lor and to the farmers Miss Polly lImer and Mesdames SU~d~Y s~~~~iJn~~:Odet~~kot tt~e Across trom the Old Ml1l ran.a $72.60 Sacra 2roll. otLln-hna." r:Jlcbf;" of the a.rea wbo Frank Barajas, GladYs ~tea, C. the YOUJlg .people's Bathe~~~g n -\ J.R.H. P.O. Box 1'198 c_o_ln__O_o;:,..u_n_ty_.__---..-_-:fp~pt~dQrle ave had to have them L. Campbell, Lois 2eavers,' Hade)' Games WCl'e played and refrcah- < El Paso, T()XaI W"ANTE TO n.ENT OR LEAS";'.--

S. . . n. Parnell. Loyd Perry, Jim Plcker- menUs of cake coo'kios K l-ad . ?' ,.. , , ,. ,,,' .- ~.. , , lng and Jim Hale and Me_rs. and hot choc~late w~re °8~rve:' Would llke to arrange NOW for A group ot sutnmer cabin. or

. CO::l\lmG EVEN!J;'S Ike WingfIeld and .Elmo Vaughn. . ' a job asmantl.ger of courtll 111 camp In Ruidoso. Write J." P.FEBRUARY 11tb-P.~T.A, Box BliP' Mrs. s. !t, BOQtfan and .:Mrs. Mrs. Jn~k Manley went to EI Ruidoso through thesa dates Smith. 920 E. 10th Clovis, N. M.

llCf and Men's Style Sbowl

7:30 p.m.. H. H. Reddy wJll pour dUrlng the PIl80 last week to bring b h Juno 1st-Sept. lat. For references ~;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;4;;t;;Pd;.Grade Scbool Gym. Mmlss on 2lSc. All tea hour. Mrs. Lois Beavers and h b .d ome or see 2m and Ettie at RuidosOladle' brine a box., and Ike Wlngfleld'Wl1l prealde us an , Sgt. Jack Manley, tor a Bowllng CenteU. Write me 181'1 '

FEnRUA.RY 12tb-plne CO~l\ No. 81 at the guest book .. SCklllY furlough. He wlll spend part N' 12th Abllene Texas Mrs REAl. ESTATETell .nd Ope.n lIou~, Wingfield nan. . .' ot thl8 time working on the new p' 11' Rh d' • • PAUL H DOUGLAS

MAltCU2nd.3rd.4tb.....Qold Medal'lJ'a., A beautiful musical program homo they have under construction ear e 0 ca. - .• . . . .ketban Tournament. Seeond Annual, has been arranged by Mr... W. n.-· . - . Phon6 ·MoOS Bel. .'1Ruldoao Grade Sebool Gym. Town Long and sovcralplctures bv local' . FOR SALE-Used Hardwick 36" In POIIt Ofltoe Bloekteama. trolll area .eompetJll., . . " NAVAJO RUGS CURIOS 'Butnne Propnn a ot A" 95 RUID'08'0 N -

APRIL 14tb-.C3outb Contral Teaebera arUsUs wJ1l be on eXhibit. Mrs. .. - e r nge 'l''Uoi. . , ,g.,lofeetlng In Ruldolo wltb o.VCl' 200 teach' Jim Hale 18 In charge of deeora~ CLAYTON BENNETT'S Sacra Bros. of Lincoln County. ,erll to be present from Lincoln and Bo· tionB. ' , " ,eorro CountJet. EAPRmlGtb-'l'blrd Annual Lubbock varyone in the community IsLions C1nb :MlnltreL . cordially Invited to attend.~}JRIL 211t- Fl'ClO ShowIng' World

Series B..oball Game movie.. HIghS"hool, 1 p.m.


• I






Valentine GiftBox Chocolates

t_ •,


• • . t_. __ • ...

. ( • -n .'


Round and Square DanclnsTo Music By

CU'RLYand His •

"Western Rhythm Makers'"

VALENTINE'S DANCEsaturday Nlte, Feb. 11th




T t


, ,


• ••

. , ,"" .•

, '


- .


We Many ItemsYou Need From

Day toDay•

C! Member'Federal Deposit, ,) .-

lDIurance Corpdration

• H.dw....~':' '

• £Iectr1calAppllances•

• o.Appliances .

• ~"nsI"

. Carrizozcj, New Mexico'

. ..4;· .. ••• ·.,..",


Across from the depot... 4.," ,



Owned by fife fong resident and Boosterof lincoln County.



,:!:·t!6~......~.~~.~.......~.~ 6..,••~ ....~~..~!'~~.~•••~.. I. t. ••. U'al 7 •• 1_'2 i¥ '.1, ..itl .i f'.1 _, 3 •••••, 1111: ' ••'.' w. '.7 Hi.' r•• fit

=!I::r~:·";I.;~; :--r-5~~ I~~ l~,-':,~~.~,I..t,U••t? .';:'111 ,._' ~ ""-;' l.t~".1 '.'M. t• ' p' ; srg' i;! i l

" ''7 7 ; 'r' 1 : •2 2 \ I





•, ;

No idle season Eor a ']eep1Mtel' field workis done. thejt;ef·· with powa'Wce-otr,wd optrate po.tholeauger., buzz ."IthimmermUll, etc. "..wheel~mtk~ ita de~lldab1eto'WTddde in ~.ld. C)tl. b&d .Z()adt. let. show .,era.




Canasta and Card PartyNavajo Tonight at 7:30The Ruidoso Woman', ClUb are

sponeor!ttg a Cana,ta and Cardparty tOl\lgbt, FrIda" Feb. 10th,at the Nanjo Lodce to becln ..t1:30.

Adtnl8ilon tor the eTfSnfnc wll1be 500 and cYeryone is welcome. :Tables wJ1l be let up and all nee..esaal')"' .card., score card., etc., 02:1hand. Come and ~njor the PlrtT.

.f,.UIt......~...... ~

. "'''''''''''lI'J"'*UII"_·

• ·t



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AlHORYeOOD$,'or_~,...I'" .

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w. Alw.,.Ha"e A,....... 'I t SI-,,",-I.. ·Of··'..,.,...p... .tnift

GROCERY ITEMS- , , .' ....... Cu...dM_.

_~_ .. L __ ._ ...








Catrizo:.o, New Mexico

C'.onupon,dence Handled by Bxperiem:ed StenographerAll Work Confidential ..

0HJc. J. HOlM "Up T,..,is Oa)"Olltt

PItoN 36-02 p, O,\lox 54 I.idose, New Mexico

• a_I .72. wr' ...., ..... ,... ~ 1., .' ., f ••' I.a ,.a Ida 1 ,·"1'2.' 1•••77 .,,,.•••• +== ,. _ • S n _ & .. ' ( ., 1>i4.-r:"

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"!i"~~~WM~~III'i'il"i-"""""",~..........~~.,..· '......' -'Oioi',--'r"-.....'-"......"....~..... ~".··'--·~'--"ioII!---jiiOiiiji""'jrijjli!i.jjilijl'."'~~ ~ .. ~ ~.~ J" ,S;;;;;::tAiLUZ1,';i, ..t ..A J,oJ Mi,;; Si#.pMt,,:,.,g P%@,I",$,;UAAh..liJiS)." ..4.i\",£JPUiP-¥'-,QA*¥:V'"./-k: }HC, ...t .. J. 11$

". ~_;~~.~~~'1'4~~_~~~~~.i'f~~~lflw.'~~[VY¥"_iIi4_l!1!~lI •.•'fI.l\'J-ft~)~~t""_~.""~~,~'I\Ifl\"'-'fjtt'I~.,~~C» ,_~_~~,~,.',:";_~,,~,:,_,:,-.,,,_",,_;,~.~=F::"~-'_':r' ',' ',_' ," .. :', ,.', :,-' ',_, ,;",,' _.. .,. '__-'>_",,,, [,," ~' ,ce' ' ~... ,

" ' "~," -.. .. .. .. .' , .. .. , -.. , .. .. . .. .. ',- , ,

. ,.' _ • "" ' "'." , ' , ," \ ' " ." . , ,.'.: >' '", .• "f.~ ~~. """ ," "",<,"",,, "p." """ 'c,' ",,,,,,,,,,,,, "..n,,,v:""'~~._;;._$'~ii#~.~=jlJ~i

CAPITAN. LOCAL NEWS, ITEMS '. Wblt...~,~",,,, ..1·.', ," '., }:••••••~,••••••,'n;'.'••"••! •••, ."¥• .,,••••••, *"Assoclatlo.Read)', .' ·'Ix , .'.10,8NEMD,E ',.',mlCapltall,' retll<lenq .~nt teib.av. Soutbw~ternho':»ltAlt 'dl~$'~!FQrAppllc:aflon., ' ...'.' , ,. , , .', ' ,....;c. ,., t' ~~:

been ...vtn, uP on .lelt leavo,fo"- wUl cotfJ1'Opgb,., ."r~~'o~ teJ~ " .... .. " , , " '. ':0-:'. ' Ie .......... ;- IIthe openlug of lh. new 'tre,., ...... b~n •. (C()tlUA~ frOJIl'Pap" , , '.1. ' .G....... . Ol.".;"~r'. -, ~~The tol1o"ll:1, 118Qplo. h• .,e ~en~rlQq.JY Uttor ,ever..1 WfH''J[J, tr~sureN .' .JI'.()r~t (Jha'$b~rjk'" " C,ont,mer.I'al.,..a"'nd 'H'0"m'.e .8"u'lid,',In,aa ' "II"fll the bOIlPltal tor two or more ,404 mar b""" to undert;o.a YeQ' ll'g1u'oUl,,'fleepr~814~nt:, ·,T.. >: "",",'. " . ' . _' , _ .-chloya Ute past W~Jc., ..... <l.r••, .,edous .oper..Uou" ., Lar{,fe. C-.pftAn:, , !'nUer. .1 .' " " ~. "" . :.:'(Mr•. Hunt Hob.,. , Mother) r Mrll. ' .. "i'''. ' ..' .. PICllC'bO; D_nltlll 11.. llrelltoll" NO!' u ' , .' ." W" lA" .. I' .' /"1

", Lloyd Al1.her, Mr,.. VIde P.trlc~, We bare JUlit receh~$l "Qrc;lQt .... at: . J. ll. RUnlan~ )!llk; EldO ..·.lxpe'..nced, Ii II ~.. el •Equ ,.ptd . II, .

~ • '''e ....

ny McKnlgM. Tllere· mJ&T ~~e ot RQ.weU. Junior uled. to· be • blU. and StanleY lfcN4ltt, He.. X ., .. '" ;~ lilt:~:~t.m;~. t~~n~:-}l~ ~. :::~ :~~~ri~l~:fofO:i~~l~~s~~nt~d ::::~~~r~::ea:u~a~~~ ~~: :: i' .~ Our'Wi.•.~~!!O.··IIlC$A.• d~di·..•·~dt.Z.~OD .:-:bogJnninr tor tbe bO$,lpJtal. ot CapU..n. Funer.t ,erTices .,,111 following perllons In tl\~Jr home.... Ia ~1II01;i .&.V...~WJ- u.vA _ IU'

, -... '-' . be beld. at tbe lJallU.t\ church comml.lnttfell are representattyes 1°' .. . . . , . , iiIBeulah Kent enf,ertalne4 the TtUllday at 2: 3Q. Interment wUl ot the a8110cll1tlon atid "Ill Ilrn ,. , , . ·R1fnn"so. N, M'.,. :-: Briaeo Club JaIl 'Week. bo hl tbe, Capitan Ce~etery. up tbosa wbo' wish to become :-: •. ..~ , " . U11The men met at the homo Of J. - .. ,. . member" IJt tlle"Whlte MountaIn I . "in .. IRW. Earling tor tbelr ,.ell.lon• We would Uke to report that TelephoM AlI$ocfaU"n; . PlIosw: 61-11 .write~ 16$2 :-:

-... " Capitan eAUle throut;h In a bIg EdWl!rd PenfIeld, Llneoln, ):,eo:-: hllMr. and Nfl. Wl1bur MeKnlcht WAY Qnthe Mn,rch ot Dlmell. There .Tolner, Hondo.: Frank Titsworth, I' . . . , , . ,. \( H.

:~:~t ~n~i:' days at tbe!!' rancJ1 •• no way of ~~ort1nc an exact b~X::;~~ :~::~~ H~il~~~: ~~n~ ~~:-:,~X~:-:_:~ltW1~~:·:[.-'5£:-:~;7:';',:c':-~,t:SiX!': ;,;I?,:S~--- atnount from Capitan as so many Mords. 13ent: Heber l"oreband" . .

Mr.. Ray Provine and )(r•• m.Ued theJr donations direct to 'HbdlfOU.; and. Dante! A. Stor~,. ' .'Fletcher Han went to Lubbock Cardiozo, to tbe County clu"lr" Gleneoe.,. . .. Le I C ty A)" ,lalt W(lot to attend the wedding man. ,Our chairman LouIse Fergu.. ~n Imporlant point In regard In"o n ··oun . fte·ncyof one of our ex teacbera ltU8I son report1 over, U20.00 trom to appJYJn~ tor telepbone .,ervfce ....... .. •..... '\ ...,. ...•.AngUn. They wlll al.o Ylalt a few tho Iron lung, and donations Was brought out by Mr. Bryan .day. wIth tbelr parentll whUe made to her. Club. Yf.hlch donated Runyan of Elk. He explained that C..-.f'-II-ens. '5.. ,.a·.'.t,eBl.ank. .of 0thflre. were The Capitan WomrJ.n'# Olub tho resIdent cannot tal(e the at-

A UG.OO-Rounc1 Club U.OO tftude:Mr. and Mr.. Wm. li'erlulon and tho AmerIcan Legion ,t\uxl.. "WeU, l will W4ft until the Un~ ,.. .

have cone to ,pend a row day. Uary $9.75. Thill Is ODO causo comelS, through' and then tle on. • =,

In TInnIe taklns care ot thJns' everyone ,eems to wllh tp donate This fa possible In the CQe of V·.-,a''''''ug.h'n 'I

for Fran Tlt.worth. Mr••nd Mn. toward. electrIc power, Hr. Rum'an .ald.Frank Titsworth haYlnc COn8 to . but wIth telephone llnes It I. nec-EI Palo to take Freddie to a Mr. and Mr~. Otbo Lowe, Mra, C!e'ary that the l'estdent han hladoctor. Freddie, la now In the home conn~ted as the line fl

HonerJctta Bcl~ntlP. lira. Gussie coming througb hi. community.., ,. . TllAworth and '1\Ir8. CJ H. Ferri_ot Capitan attended tho Eastern OtherwIse «reat dfttfculty and In..Star HeetlQl~ In Tnlaro.a Wedn.e'" convenience and orten Impoulbll-dav cvenln.. tty Is encountered In connecUnc I,.. his home.

- ... :Mr. P. B. Hendricks .of tbeMr. and Hr,. TraYI, Werner Rural" ElectrftlcatJon Admfnfitr..­

entertained the following group tfon, was prellent In an attnao". v

with dinner and Oanutl Sun(h~Y capacity at the meetfng. ),Ir, Hen"evenlol: Mr. and Mr•• Roy Kor- drIeD stated that the pr~ent' tagan, Mr. and Mr... O. '3..,H. Forrls A crltlcnl time tn the formationand Mr. aJtd Mr•• Cllamp Fer,u· at the assocIation, and encourag­Bon. Mr. Ferri' and Mra. Fer&UlOn cd all In tbl. are. to .ITe theirwere tho wInner. tor the 6yenJng. 8upport to the protect now. wbUe

. , - it I. needed.




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. !


, ,~. .'


, '

•, .


pROBABLY GO otbtt mao in hiltor)t did moreto raite DYiDg ttl.odard. in hb lifetime thaD

Thoma Alva Bd&oa.


Througb his inveotioo of cbe incatldacenl lampand hi. toIoy other discoveries ia the 6eld of .lee­melt,. edison broullhl belte. lilbl ttJd better olte·ttkaJ IiviDA to .U the wMld•

TOOt'. electricity it te,..;tI/t tnOft f*)ple' i4~ f__,..t fower (()tf eMU ever befott. You hoe OIl"to ima~ine Iif~ ..,itbuu. olecttk .",ice to tftU~

what Edisoo', kbieyemenu Mve tne*nt to mankind.

8m.1f ..,onder then chlr edifOfi fives On f~ the bnl"tl_ad mInd. of. gratffuJ humanity. Hls~niU$ ..~ lU. bt;gbtet .aM wot" nAb.' 'for .",.-y0Qt.

,~ ,- .,-

-i''', ..


atDDY KflOWAny.......~

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, '

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The.ONLY StopYou Need '-0 Make On- .. -

The Road ToOa: FromJt;;.


. ~




. ..; - .!-


~made :StmdWi~'- Jltboab'mmR......tIQUo~wnms .

Ser\ti@ ~tlo#" ~oo

NOB HILL RESTAOptn Year' 'Round a~dMonday. 11 ..Ct. to 9 p_

. Palmer Gateway AdditiOQ

- - ---_.~ '" .



• TEMPTING BOOD "••ChIcken - Steab-- Sandwichta

• ATI'RACI'IVB SURROUNDINGS.""Fireplace - Knotty Pm~ Room"

• DINlNG ROOM SBRVICB"""With PtrfOnal Attention

J With The Moet Beautiful Vkw of I

"Old Baldy" In Rtddoeo

f.ot.. irOt' '$&Ie 01' x.e u.ev.m.,tl ~t aukloso .p

Cec1u Creek

, .

Really Company A shower was «Inn at the home ...of Mrs. JeBfe Harrt. satur4ay.

IJi'~ JJ r..,. February Uh by the 'ladle. ot'./ Greon Tree for Il.... Dora PerlT.,

. Many ot her friend, and nel«h.._ADam 0lIASl!: bol'S were llreaent. 111'1. Harrla

l'..ocal otlP'A't presented the 1:l.onoret'l 1dth blue don bur" .. • fayor•loaded with Blf'et'll ,pea.. He\'gral1dm()therl!. :Mn. R&ddy, ~ndothers decorated a bualnette fn,,1_ and blue tuUe tlbbdnlS rtadyto receive the «1f~* and at "'..heaped hl~h. .

, 'x a,.,.', 7 .',., ,f Mr.. Harrla, ...tated b1 her"',IFI de ••••• '.J 1_ l.~ ~.J lSII 'PI" "8. nieces and othera. .eZ'Y..d 4ell·

JO~Il·. cloUfJ tea cakfll and punch.Ekldda lnOQr l'"otbhera ,\ .. ~ ;=,

~B !tENT Jimmy Qlblon " .. 11\ bed wftht 1." 1" Da B -.rrll calSe of IntesUnal flu durIng the

er ., ome...,.e early part 'Of the week. .nd hI.PAC K ' S father, Lloyd. Wa. alto UL Ill'.

, Downtown Ruld~ ~nd Mr.. Cuttord 0'1.01 droye,I " " '. allill ••, ••, ., • I .." ".'+ back to theIr ranch and paidv " 'P, • 'SF; ; I' _

_..~~ ..


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o You'll Need An Expert

,• •

H· .I·'/:h· ·1·dR,-• ..I· ·;d H .d';'. ' ..: .·ouse 0 .'~Ian .arware-. . -

;~' ,.' ~AI~'···,

'loorlVlau. '•• Mufflers ATall PI·pt.. '. -TirelandTlre6alnl '.' .' '.' .

- . .( . . . . ~ ". . .. , .-.

¥2-lnclr'an'd%..lncll.:Pipe .. • -lIIl

" ·Y~..lnchBlackPI~. .

Anile Iron. an.dBar·lron·


• •



Capitan, New Mexico



Valentine Boxed Nyl,on Slips ---$4.18

PHONE 32-04

Cotton Dresses,Sm,all and half sizes $5.25 to $1.75

Children'. Dresses andBlouses -.....~..~...._.._.._.... ....$1. 8. to $1'"

Q' . .abardlne Skirts" all .·Izes ---- $4.IJ

cotton ••ou·...,Plald••nd solids _~. ~~__....$I.65 10$2.18

Tailored Nylon Slips ----------~--_-$3.7S. .

General Merchandising " Ranching Ij Farming

FOOD LOCKER P '·5are .. blgbl1 .peclaUzed profenloDal bu..n.... You'll 11064 an a-

"pert "Wben. .It comel tocuttin8', cl1lUln, an,4 qln.,cudD, ,-ourmeatl and rendering Qther locker Hl'Vlce.Here'. "W)lat "We do at thlJl locker plant: ChUlIn" aJill', cutt!nl',"Wrapping of fre.h meab: curing: grindlnJ 1&111&,.. and him-burger, and rendorlng of Jard. .. .

au V8'.rODAY JrOB maEB'l' 8JmVIOJI:




4 'P'

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••A.·•••••· •••••••· ••· •••••··•··•••·•••••••••·•••




a 1&•


, .

, .


AOrMII ,....mWa,1tn Wheel Meur


PHONE 62-02•

'. ,,"

w. D. Horton E'

, D. E. Snyder



~;:...~__ :".. 1'1'

",' .. -l'C7ir.',




SEPTIC TANK CLEAN·INGWayn,. Estel, Local Boy Starts

HII Own New Business


, .-

ALL NEW EQUIPMENTe Truck e Tank . e Pump

To Clean septic Tanks .... Cesspools

Prompt service

Phone 42-12 '

E. C. Iste. or Wayne Estes - RuIdoso, N_ M.

Free EsUmates

Mrs. GlOrI- C. Park .'. now manaaer and we willco,htlnueto ..n.Ruldoso to lb,.belt of o:ur ability.

Due to IllnasMr,and M.... Louls Pase are no Jonaer ... '.. .. e" with this stor.. W. rearet their de.-r-IUr. lind th. III..... whleh CIIUHd It. ' .

, • i ,

,~,,'~,a~~' p', ""F."-.~.,'_i;>,,-.),J"'-, i«(,"":'.S+.",'(@,.'.-u/Q\' L ,.t.""~,',/' ..... j,,_,,,_,J,..t,--,"',:L_,!. "':" t, ," '" '..,W.. -' <,/1.. ,!)(...,)j, .", '.C,;,;". -'," _. .,··",t.. '.r(,tr'Ji.#"j~h4,.,",·.'._"j..-·Jl-,'F"l3.f.. - " .". ". . . . . .,

:£ ....yo '•. 'E ..~ It.,0' e 8 ,Mce",w.~H.y•....'Afttr th••1Je>irtr,lYeA(Or'h... ' Slll 'SmJtllaA41;Jllt BroC)b"Dlnner'l)ance ' .,

. ~r.tl1end'.J)(I.ttC!llded bY manylbotl1 otJ.,lttletle14,'J,'('JU••peAtAtRanchHome)not. NeU Pa.rh .,re. tllatth. last wC!lekeu4hJ)l.1l1do.o, and ar. .., ... .. . ;.~fc"t .nd mo-t tbou,bUul pto-o, »'.uJdn, on CQJt.llAJ back _taJp. s.turetat. AJlb.t of' Jt..t,,~t;.pto In .11 the world UTe, rf,lIt ,JOO.Q~· .. ..}.fl", 'an4l4tlJ.a.dan M~Or••fP tbeltutdOJ() .rea. . .. u " .. • . ..' "'~r~ 'ho#t. for' -. <ttnnerp.l'tt

~.." "i" -'!'J(r. A ...toJd 14agaw w~ 110n,!" and dAnce at the Eg~4Jc 'ltanQh·If,.,· .Ratlna EUoboudt writ" trom OJtQll, 'rflUJ, Wb.,r~ 11.1. abQve Alto 'Whet.., they are nf>w

_ratn tr~U1 Oal.,omi. that OYert teaching In ·tbQ bfgb ~hool, to llvlngfot a group . otfrleDd.. . .time .•110 h..ra..~'Dear Ho.r~ and spend taat weekcmd wIth Ida ramO)" Alte.. dinner th~ ,roup, (h\dfe'GenUe People" "ho Ions. to " here .at tnn By 'no Road. In . aquared. danCe dte".e~O en.,b~k borq~ In Ruldo,o. And tho.e . - ;WI . i joyed' an evening ot dauclng•.wbO bay., .tayed bere all wInter H' ·t·1 L' (lucl,Itswete Mr." and J(rs. EdwUl.uroly welcome her~k .. QSP' a Ine,ns :rat.ouand tamUf, 14r•.J:lnd )tJ'$.come ,print, atonr 'With ao nU1QY fMarked By B&PW ._ JOO·00,8, Mr. J:lnd )fr,.· Jim Halo

-other" wbo can't figure .. out a '-. ... -... . , Mr. and Mr~. T. O. Pelane1. )Jr.way to ltay In RuldolJO the year Various. members' of tbe BUI- and Mra. Ohm scott, .Mr. and!lr8.round. And anotber thIng. M~' fncBs' apd :Professional: Woman', B; J. Wll,tk,tn, and fatnll:y ot1\Q.,..Elleboudt read about the Sunda:y Olub of Ruidoso "took; turnlS" last well lJ,n~ Mr'. and Mrs. T. J, ,Short·Scbool cl... wbo were ullne week working at the hospital e.nd tamll~. .Chrletma. cards to make bookletl marking the llnen" which have • ,tor children'•. homes .nd hOiSp(. .come In Waynes Estes Hastats, and sent lome to ~fI. Nell '11 .ParkI. abe hi. gotten card. trpm Now a of the sheets, blanke~8, U B·Lincoln and other places down pUloy{ caSCJI, pads. and wrapper. .",ew USI~eS$ •th all v to for ,-,urgleal hJ,8trumentfJ have the ~ ~~ ~lt.&A ~

eve.. o. RuidosO Hondo Valley General Wayne )'iJetes, a RUidoso boY, ~ 0 IHospital· Identtrlcatlon on them. has nnnounced hllne", business.

LaBt Saturday a group of YOung .,. " .. which w1ll be lIeptlc tanlc andpeoplo trom the Ruldolo Daptlfltl M Ch EI P eelS, pool cleanIng in thlJ area.Church attended a Young RalJy rs.ase to aso He h~ all n~w equIpment, Ju-at tbe BapUlt Church In Carrizo- Dr. Don SnYder .and Mrll. Bill eluding truck, ~nk and ppmp.JO and Abrabma Paler, tbe W.Jrf. HlnclS ac~ompanled Mr8. O. O. Young f;etetJ can be reached b:yS. student from U18 Phlllppines Chase to EI Paso Thursday of last phoning U-12. • .wa. th~ main speaker. He I. In week where she w111 stuy tor sev- " .school at the unlTerslty In Por- ernl weeks resting. PAT'S TAXI- PHONE 65-03talci. Tboflo attending from Rul.. Mrs. Ohaso has been nt.· but • i Q , ,-

(20110 were Jlelen Barajas, Vnullno her health is better and atterPeterson, Jimmy Ruth Gayden. several Weeks she wlJl return toMarjorie Mercer and Brother and her RUidoso home.Mrl. O. W. Thomas. ---,----

WSCS TO )IEET .Mr. and Mr•. Roy Anderson wllJ The W.S.O.S. ot tho Community

.pemd this weekend In AmarJllo Methodist Chtneh wl1l meet Tues­TI.Stlns a new grandlon, the .on day Feb. 14tb at 12:30 noon ator Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gruy, Roy the homo ot Mrs. Grover Douglaseouldn't teU UI tho name yct. tor n covered dish luncheon undbeeAu"" tbe parents bad been' dl.cu8slon of tho Ohapter "AcrossPlannlDS on a gIrl and hadn't tho Boundaries ot Race" 1n theeyen tbousht of a mate name. study ot "Women of Scripture".

.• Mrll. Tenlijlgcnor Mescalero wlllMr. and Mr•. Ted Bonl1etl took lead tho dIBcu"ldon.

a four day winter n«tlon tble ----I----week. wttb de.tlnt~Uon unknown. PAT'S TAXI- PIJONE 65..02 ...

- .; .


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