survey shows the transformative impact of bible reading & reflection on churches

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Survey Shows the Transformative Impact of Bible Reading & Reflection on Churches


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    Survey Shows the Transformative Impact of Bible Reading &

    Reflection on ChurchesA recent survey of churches by the Willow Creek Association shows the

    transformative impact of Bible reading and reflection on churchesand

    the impact of Scripture Unions Essential 100 (E100) Bible reading

    program on their spiritual vitality.

    Dissatisfied with the level and rate of spiritual growth among its

    members, the Willow Creek Association of Churches implemented a

    Spiritual Life Survey among 1,500 churches across the US. The survey identified

    congregations along a scale from struggling to high energy with the goal of

    discovering how best to activate greater spiritual growth in their congregants.

    Most Powerful Catalyst Discovered

    The common models of activating spiritual growth such as getting people involved in

    church activities (attending worship, participating in small groups, serving the needy)

    or sharpening their beliefs (salvation by grace, the authority of the Bible, person of

    Christ) were helpful but not the most effective vehicles for producing evidence of

    spiritual growth. The most powerful catalyst for moving people through stages of

    spiritual growth, the survey revealed, was reading andreflection on scripture.

    The study surveyed churches of varying sizes and denominations (including urban,

    rural and suburban churches). For purposes of the survey, church members were

    grouped into four categories:

    Exploring Christ Believe in God, but not sure about Christ. Growing in Christ Believe in Jesus, but are learning what that means. Close to Christ Depend on Jesus daily. Christ Centered Relationship with Jesus is most important to them.

    The churches surveyed had an average of 10% of their members in category #1, 40%

    in category #2 and 25% in each of the last two categories.

    The survey also indentified four basic groups of possible catalysts that would help

    people grow spiritually and move to the next category:

    BELIEFS & ATTITUDES -- Salvation by Grace, The Trinity, Personal God,

    Authority of the Bible, Christ is First, Identity in Christ, Giving Away My Life,

    and Stewardship

    CHURCH ACTIVITIES -- Weekend Services, Small Groups, Serving the Church,

    Serving Those in Need (with the church), Bible Classes, and Midweek Services

  • 8/3/2019 Survey Shows the Transformative Impact of Bible Reading & Reflection on Churches


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    SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES WITH OTHERS -- Spiritual Friendships, Evangelism,

    Spiritual Mentors, and Serving Those in Need (on my own).

    SPIRITUAL PRACTICES -- Reflection on Scripture, Bible Reading, Prayer forGuidance, Prayer to Confess Sins, Tithing, Journaling and Solitude

    Contrary to what might have been expected, the survey showed that it was not

    participation in church activities or sharpening personal beliefs that were the most

    effective catalysts of spiritual growth, but reflection on scriptureby a wide margin.

    Struggling Churches Revitalized

    Six churches, also of varying sizes and locations that had been characterized as

    struggling were selected for a special study, beginning in 2009. These churches

    scored low on their scale of spiritual vitality. Over 70% of their members were in thefirst two categories Exploring Christ and Growing in Christ even though 2/3 of

    the congregation had been attending these churches for over 10 years.

    The goal of this special study was to determine if having their members spend more

    time reflecting on Scripturewould increase the churchs vitality by strengthening

    their members relationship with Christ. They surveyed the congregations first in 2009

    and 18 months later.

    The major results showed that:

    Congregants across all stages of their spiritual journey in those six churchesMORE THAN DOUBLED their daily Bible reading.

    All increased in their satisfaction with spiritual growth. There was an increase in their belief in a personal God. Members dissatisfaction with their church decreased. The likelihood for members to leave that church decreased.

    The Common Tool for Growth

    What was the one thing these six churches had in common?

    They all used the same program during that 18 monthperiod to promote reading and reflection on scripture:


    This easy to use Bible reading plan covers 100 readings 50

    Old Testament and 50 New Testament. Most passages are

    just 1-2 chapters long, just the right amount for a busy

    person to read in a few minutes. The Essential 100 Challenge

    Guide(shown here) provides reflection questions and life

  • 8/3/2019 Survey Shows the Transformative Impact of Bible Reading & Reflection on Churches


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    application suggestions, also. Its a great way to develop a Bible reading hunger and

    habit among a congregation-and, as the Willow Creek study showed, its a great way to

    promote real spiritual growth in a church, too.

    A Spiritual Shot in the Arm

    If your church needs a spiritual shot in arm and a catalyst for spiritual growth, the

    E100 Challenge may be what God will use for your people, too. For more information

    on the E100 Challenge, More information on Scripture

    Unions guides for daily Bible reading and reflection is available on this website or by

    calling 1-800-621-LAMP (5267).

    This information was based on the REVEAL Spiritual Life Survey with over 250,000 people. For more

    information go to the WILLOW CREEK ASSOCIATION web site Or for more

    information about the study MOVE: What 1,000 Churches Reveal about Spiritual Growth by Hawkins

    and Parkinson, visit

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