survey results - payson, utah€¦ · main reasons for living in payson affordable 43.98% family...

Post on 23-Aug-2020






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Survey ResultsSurvey Results

Main Reasons for Living in Payson � Affordable 43.98%

� Family 38.47%

� Quiet 33.96%

� Rural 30.95%

� Leave Conj. Areas 22.56%

� Other:� Own a home in Payson

� Close to Provo, but not too close

� Investment

� Good, friendly people

� Ancestors founded Payson

� USDA Rural Housing Program

� Not as LDS

� Housing

� Small 17.79%

� Mountains 17.54%

� Born Here 14.04%

� Job 13.91%

� Scenery 12.78%

� Low Crime 7.14%

� Property Rights 5.64%

� Schools 3.51%

� Historic homes

� Payson Civic Chorale, Payson Community Theater, Payson City Band

� Close to BYU

� Longevity (lived here 20+ years)

� Just like the area

� Own land east of Payson

� Schools and churches are close to home

� Able to have animal rights

� Irrigation rights

� Income property owner

� Great Main Street

� Community feeling

� Church

� Property size and neighborhood

How long have you lived in Payson?

� Under 1 year 1.63%

� 1-5 years 22.56% (2)

� 6-10 years 25.06% (1)

� 11-15 years 10.65%� 11-15 years 10.65%

� 16-20 years 5.89%

� 21-25 years 5.51%

� 26-30 years 6.27%

� Over 31 years 20.93% (3)

� No answer 1.50%

Which part of Payson do you live in?

� A 7.77%

� B 16.54% (2)

� C 7.77%

� D 13.53%� D 13.53%

� E 7.89%

� F 23.18% (1)

� G 15.66% (3)

� No answer 7.64%

Where in the City would you like to see

residential growth occur?

� A 34.96% (2)

� B 7.77%

� C 31.70% (3)� C 31.70% (3)

� D 31.08%

� E 6.39%

� F 31.08%

� G 37.47% (1)

� None 17.42%

*Participants were allowed to choose more than one location.

Which of the following do you feel the city

should concentrate on?

� Improvement of existing neighborhoods – 86.34%

� New residential growth – 19.67%

� Neither – 5.89%� Neither – 5.89%

*Participants were allowed to choose more than one option.

If you selected Improvement of Existing Neighborhoods,

what do you feel should be done?

� Other (suggestions on next slide) 48.62%

� Additional street lighting 35.09%

� New public spaces (i.e. parks) 32.21%

Increased code enforcement 27.94%� Increased code enforcement 27.94%

*Participants were allowed to choose more than one option.

� Improved maintenance of roads

� Installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk

� Maintenance of sidewalks

� Rental commission to monitor rental units

� Traffic signs (i.e. stop signs) at unmarked intersections

� Attract and maintain owner occupant dwellings

� Concern with increased crime in trailer parks and apartment complexes

� Code enforcement – ordinances to require upkeep of property, less graffiti

� Upgrade infrastructure

Improvement and maintenance of parks and

� Increased public safety presence in neighborhoods

� More attractive homes and buildings

� Preservation of historic homes and buildings

� No multi-family housing

� Community recreation center

� Updated Main Street

� Underground power lines

� Smaller government – more responsive staff

� Too much vinyl fencing

� More traffic signals

� More strict animal control laws� Improvement and maintenance of parks and

open spaces – update park facilities

� Paint “Stop” at intersections

� Complete trail system – more trails

� Install roundabout instead of traffic signals

� Less restrictions on home businesses

� Install storm drain system

� Traffic calming near school areas (i.e. speed bumps)

� No more hidden parks

� Complete UTOPIA system

� Tennis courts

� Safe walking routes for schools

� More strict animal control laws

� New and bigger library

� Expand recreation opportunities (Water park (like Highland City), recreation center), complete ball fields

� Larger building lots and open space

� Take care of what we already have – no more expansion

� Curbside recycling pick-up

� Youth programs

� Renewable energy resources

Where in the city would you like to see

commercial development?� A 46.49% (1)

� B 33.71% (3)

� C 33.58%

� D 11.40%� D 11.40%

� E 17.67%

� F 9.40%

� G 34.21% (2)

� None 5.26%

*Participants were allowed to choose more than one location.

What types of commercial would you like to see?� Dining Out 69.30%

� Recreation Center 58.15%

� Entertainment 57.64%

� Clothing 56.89%

� Hardware 32.58%

� Furniture 23.31%

� Gifts 22.43 %

� Appliances 18.92%� Appliances 18.92%

� Other 17.54% (next slide)

� Guest Lodging 14.66%

� Groceries 14.66%

� Medical Care 10.65%

� Auto Dealers 9.77%

� Gasoline 6.39%

� Banking 5.51%

� Auto Repair 5.39%

� Dental 4.39%

� Insurance 3.38%

� Prescriptions 3.26%

� Sporting goods store

� Indoor swimming pool (senior citizen use, pool therapy)

� Recreation center (swimming, racquetball)

� Improved tennis courts

� Warehouse (i.e. Costco, Sam’s Club, Home Depot, Lowes)

� Plant/tree nursery

� More activities for teenagers (i.e. skating, play center)

� Golden Corral

� Large retail stores (i.e. Target, ShopKo, Sears)

� Job opportunities

� Health food store

� Hispanic products and services

� Bar/pub – nighttime entertainment

� IHC facility

� Bread store

� Dollar movies

� Ice cream parlor on Main Street

� Office space

� Craft and fabric stores

� Support local businesses

� Souvenir shops

� Deseret Book

� Educational facilities (UVU branch)

� Rodeo

� Lumber supply

� Remodel/improve historic downtown� Hispanic products and services

� National change restaurants (i.e. Café Rio, Applebee’s, Carl’s Jr., Del Taco, Chuck-a-rama)

� Sit down restaurants (i.e. diners, steak house – offer alcohol)

� American food

� Computer and technology retail and maintenance

� Bookstore

� Clothing (i.e. Kohl’s)

� Upgraded library

� Industry and manufacturing, including heavy industrial

� Professional office

� Sales tax generating businesses

� Music stores

� Remodel/improve historic downtown

� Thrift store

� Roller/inline skating

� Art galleries

� Shopping mall

� Drive in Movies – like the good old days

� Alternative fuel stations (natural gas and charging electric cars)

� No more auto parts stores, please

� No more Mexican restaurants, pizza parlors, or fast food places

Where in the City would you like to see

industrial development?� A 63.28% (1)

� B 4.26%

� C 23.06% (2)

� D 9.15%� D 9.15%

� E 1.50%

� F 3.76%

� G 11.15%

� None 12.91% (3)

*Participants were allowed to choose more than one location.

What types of industry would you like to see?

� Hi-Tech 55.89%

� Manufacturing 51.50%

� Recycling 45.36%

� Food 30.33%

� Tourism 29.95%

� Clothing/sewing 22.68%

� Other:� Corporate offices/research and


� Anything that provides jobs

� Agriculture

� Clean industry (non-polluting)

� Metal salvage� Clothing/sewing 22.68%

� Auto repair 8.90%

� None 5.64%

� Other 3.88%� See next column

*Participants were allowed to choose more than one option.

� Metal salvage

� Cement recycling

� Fine arts

� Variety of jobs

� Industry that will improve tax base

� Need recycling program

� Business college or UVU extension

� Outdoor products

� Light industrial

� Train station in industrial park (i.e. commuter rail)

� Steel

� Aviation

As annexation occurs to accommodate

new business, industry and residential

dwellings, where should this expansion


� West 64.66%

� South 45.86%

� North 37.72%

� East 23.93%

� None 5.14%

*Participants were allowed to choose more than one area.

Do you feel there is a need in Payson for the

following?� Retirement Community

� Yes 41.10%

� No 22.43%

� Uncertain 23.81%

� No answer 12.66%

� Condominiums

� Apartments� Yes 17.67%

� No 48.50%

� Uncertain 17.92%

� No answer 15.91%

� Higher Education Facility� Condominiums� Yes 22.56%

� No 45.74%

� Uncertain 17.04%

� No answer 14.66%

� Twin Homes� Yes 23.93%

� No 41.85%

� Uncertain 19.67%

� No answer 14.54%

� Higher Education Facility� Yes 58.77%

� No 13.16%

� Uncertain 17.42%

� No answer 10.65%

Do you feel the City should regulate the following?

� Architecture/design

� Yes 25.56%

� No 46.37%

� Uncertain 18.42%

� No answer 9.65%

� Property maintenance

� Yes 62.03%

� No 18.55%

� Uncertain 12.53%

� No answer 6.89%� No answer 9.65%

� Landscaping

� Yes 32.08%

� No 43.23%

� Uncertain 16.17%

� No answer 8.52%

� No answer 6.89%

Do you feel that commercial and residential

land uses be separate or mixed?� Separate 58.77%

� Mixed 24.56%

� No Opinion 10.65%

� No Answer 6.02%� No Answer 6.02%

How important is the preservation of

agriculture to you?� Very important 48.12%

� Somewhat important 38.35%

� Little importance 7.64%

� Not important 3.01%

� No Answer 2.88%

Below is a list of concerns that the City considers in planning future growth. Please rank them in the order of importance to you, with 1 being most important and 10 being least important.

� Job creation 3.54 (mean)

� Traffic management 3.94

� Development of parks and recreation 4.30� Development of parks and recreation 4.30

� Preservation of agriculture 4.49

� Loss of rural lifestyle 4.64

� Hillside/open space protection 4.77

� Increased demand on services 4.83

� Increased tax base for community projects 4.95

� Affordable housing 5.23

� Architectural and design standards 6.52

Bonding is one way that communities pay for major improvements. Bonding is when the City borrows money and promises to pay back the loan with future tax dollars or user fees. Bonding may or may not tax dollars or user fees. Bonding may or may not require tax increases. Would you support the City bonding for the following?

� Improvement of existing or future parks and recreation facilities� Yes 47.12%

� No 27.82%

� Uncertain 20.18%

� No answer 4.89%

� Road and sidewalk improvements� Yes 65.79%

� No 13.03%

� Uncertain 16.29%

� Public Safety Facility� Yes 23.18%

� No 41.10%

� Uncertain 29.57%

� No answer 6.14%

� Storm drainage� Yes 37.97%

� No 23.18%

� Uncertain 32.71%

No answer 6.14%� Uncertain 16.29%

� No answer 4.89%

� Protection of open space/hillsides� Yes 26.44%

� No 34.34%

� Uncertain 32.21%

� No answer 7.02%

� New City Hall� Yes 9.77%

� No 63.16%

� Uncertain 21.43%

� No answer 5.64%

� No answer 6.14%

� Public works maintenance facility� Yes 17.42%

� No 39.22%

� Uncertain 36.72%

� No answer 6.64%

How important is historic

preservation to you?

� Very important 23.81%

� Somewhat important 49.87%

� Little importance 15.16%� Little importance 15.16%

� Not important 7.02%

� No answer 4.14%

Which historic sites are most important to you?

� Do not preserve old dilapidated homes

� Nebo Loop and recreation areas

� Gazebo at 700 South (before damage)

� Payson motel

� Historical monuments – fort corners

� Museum at City Center

� Old opera house

� Written comments:� Golf course

� Peteetneet

� Buildings in Historic Downtown (selective)

� Four Bay

� Spring Lake

� Memorial Park and Bandstand

Answer 51.38%

No Answer 48.62%

� Old opera house

� Log cabin at City Center

� Crouch’s OK Service

� Town hall area (Pioneer Square)

� Sunday band concerts

� The green church

� Too late for: Bon Ton, Tabernacle, Grandstand, Dunford mansion, and middle school with oldest gym floor in the State

� Too many old buildings are preserved which involve too much tax money and contributions from government

� Need something to mark the agricultural history of the area: onions and fruit

� Memorial Park and Bandstand

� Presbyterian church on Main Street

� San Andres Church

� Payson Canyon

� Private buildings built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s

� Constitution Park

� Historic homes (selective) – Hometown feel

� Huish Theater

� Only those that are actively used

� LDS Church on North Main (across from Central Bank)

� Cemetery

� Schools

� P Mountain

� Homes on historic registry

� What impact do you feel

the city celebrations have

on the community?

� Strong positive impact 53.26%

� Positive impact 40.23%

� No impact 3.26%

� The City should encourage

more cultural events?

� Strongly agree 31.83%

� Agree 49.62%

� Disagree 7.39%

� Strongly disagree 0.88%� No impact 3.26%

� Negative impact 0.50%

� Strong negative impact 0.00%

� No answer 2.76%

� Strongly disagree 0.88%

� No answer 10.28%

How do you hear about what is happening

in Payson?� Word of mouth 74.69%

� City newsletter 46.12%

� Payson Chronicle 30.83%

� Schools 25.06%

� Nebo Reporter 20.18%

� Other:� Banner and marquee sign at Pioneer Plaza

� My wife

� Website is messed up. Should be more user friendly.

� Posted signs, banners and community billboard� Nebo Reporter 20.18%

� City website 18.92%

� Daily Herald 16.92%

� Other 10.53%� See next column


� Library

� Law enforcement

� Chamber of Commerce

� I usually don’t know what is going on

� Flyers at grocery stores

� Church

� Peteetneet sign

� Blogs

� Automated phone calls

� Recreation emails

� Need a loud speaker truck

If the City were to begin a curbside recycling

program, which of the following would you recycle?

� Plastic, paper, glass 28.57%

� Yard waste 19.05%

� Both 59.40%

� Neither 8.27%

With the increased demand for sustainability/renewable

energy, which of the following would you like to see

allowed in your area?

� Residential wind turbines� Yes 50.75%

� No 18.30%

Uncertain 22.06%� Uncertain 22.06%

� No answer 8.90%

� Solar panels� Yes 72.56%

� No 4.51%

� Uncertain 14.16%

� No answer 8.77%

� Greenhouses� Yes 63.91%

� No 5.64%

� Uncertain 19.55%

� No answer 10.90%

� How often do you use Payson City trails?

� Once per year 5.51%

� Twice per year 6.52%

� 3x per year 8.15%

� 6x per year 11.65%

� Monthly 15.66%

� Weekly 25.69%

� How do you use city trails?� Walk/run 70.68%

� Bicycle 31.83%

� Horse 3.26%

� Other 6.14%� Too far from where I live

� Didn’t know we have trails

� Picnicking in canyon

� Riding in the canyon

Backpacking� Weekly 25.69%

� Never 20.68%

� No answer 6.14%

� Backpacking

� I don’t use the trails

� We need them connected

� Need to link to major parks and scenic sites

� How safe are the trails?

� Need trails for 4x4

� Need horse trails

� Walk the dog

� Use trails to get places (have no car)

� Skateboarding/rollerblading

� Church activities

Which of the following alternative modes of transportation

would you like to see or expanded in Payson?� Train (commuter rail) 57.39%

� Walking (trails, sidewalks) 56.52%

� Bike (trails, bike lanes) 45.36%

� Intracity bus service 24.69%

� Other 3.63%� No government involvement� No government involvement

� Downsized UTA buses

� Increase bus service (routes and times)

� Trax/FrontRunner

� Roads, roads, roads

� ATV’s on roads or create trail system

� Safe walking routes to schools

� Taxi service

� Install sidewalks throughout city

� Mountain bike trail in Payson Canyon

Please rate the agency’s level of service.

� Administration� Excellent 5.39%

� Very Good 14.79%

� Good 39.35%

� Fair 16.04%

� Code Enforcement� Excellent 2.38%

� Very Good 7.77%

� Good 28.82%

� Fair 22.56%� Fair 16.04%

� Poor 4.76%

� Unacceptable 2.38%

� City Office Staff� Excellent 7.89%

� Very Good 20.05%

� Good 35.34%

� Fair 14.29%

� Poor 4.01%

� Unacceptable 2.38%

� Fair 22.56%

� Poor 10.78%

� Unacceptable 5.89%

� Streets� Excellent 0.50%

� Very Good 4.51%

� Good 19.05%

� Fair 33.08%

� Poor 24.81%

� Unacceptable 9.77%

� Cemetery� Excellent 7.77%

� Very Good 24.56%

� Good 31.95%

� Fair 8.65%

� Poor 0.50%

� Unacceptable 0.13%

� Culinary Water� Excellent 11.28%

� Very Good 29.32%

� Law Enforcement� Excellent 11.28%

� Very Good 29.95%

� Good 30.20%

� Fair 12.41%

� Poor 3.01%

� Unacceptable 1.38%

� Fire Protection� Excellent 14.54%

� Very Good 34.09%� Very Good 29.32%

� Good 34.09%

� Fair 8.77%

� Poor 2.01%

� Unacceptable 0.88%

� Sewer� Excellent 8.52%

� Very Good 28.32%

� Good 37.84%

� Fair 7.14%

� Poor 1.63%

� Unacceptable 0.25%

� Very Good 34.09%

� Good 28.45%

� Fair 6.27%

� Poor 0.50%

� Unacceptable 0.25%

� Animal Control� Excellent 7.39%

� Very Good 21.93%

� Good 28.95%

� Fair 15.04%

� Poor 5.39%

� Unacceptable 2.63%

� City Parks� Excellent 9.02%

� Very Good 29.95%

� Good 35.21%

� Fair 12.53%

� Poor 3.76%

� Unacceptable 2.13%

� Building & Development Dept.� Excellent 2.38%

� Very Good 9.02%

� Good 28.32%

� Fair 17.67%

� Poor 8.65%

� Library� Excellent 8.15%

� Very Good 20.05%

� Good 28.70%

� Fair 18.05%

� Poor 9.02%

� Unacceptable 5.01%

� Street Lighting� Excellent 3.51%

� Very Good 11.15%

� Good 30.20%

� Fair 27.69%� Poor 8.65%

� Unacceptable 4.64%

� Garbage Collection� Excellent 17.29%

� Very Good 32.08%

� Good 30.08%

� Fair 8.90%

� Poor 1.13%

� Unacceptable 0.50%

� Senior Citizen Opportunities� Excellent 3.51%

� Very Good 10.15%

� Good 21.05%

� Fair 12.66%

� Poor 3.26%

� Unacceptable 1.13%

� Fair 27.69%

� Poor 14.66%

� Unacceptable 2.76%

� Utility Billing� Excellent 9.90%

� Very Good 21.05%

� Good 33.58%

� Fair 14.66%

� Poor 5.76%

� Unacceptable 1.88%

In which of the following locations do you purchase the

majority of the following goods and services?� Gasoline

� Payson 80.33%

� Spanish Fork 0.38%

� Provo 9.52%

� Orem 3.26%

� Other Utah Co. 2.88%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.63%

� Hardware� Payson 33.46%

� Spanish Fork 0.25%

� Provo 53.38%

� Orem 4.76%

� Other Utah Co. 2.01%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.00%� Salt Lake Co. 0.63%

� Internet 0.00%

� No answer 3.01%

� Groceries� Payson 83.33%

� Spanish Fork 8.40%

� Provo 2.26%

� Orem 2.51%

� Other Utah Co. 0.50%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.13%

� Internet 0.13%

� No answer 2.76%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.00%

� Internet 0.13%

� No answer 6.02%

� Dining Out� Payson 23.43%

� Spanish Fork 3.13%

� Provo 44.61%

� Orem 15.41%

� Other Utah Co. 5.26%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.50%

� Internet 0.00%

� No answer 7.64%

� Prescription� Payson 84.96%

� Spanish Fork 2.01%

� Provo 1.50%

� Orem 1.13%

� Other Utah Co. 1.13%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.25%

� Internet 2.01%

� No answer 7.02%

� Hospital� Payson 46.87%

� Spanish Fork 0.00%

� Provo 39.22%

� Orem 3.88%

� Other Utah Co. 2.38%

� Salt Lake Co. 1.13%

� Internet 0.00%

� No answer 6.52%� No answer 7.02%

� Medical Care� Payson 54.01%

� Spanish Fork 11.53%

� Provo 19.30%

� Orem 4.76%

� Other Utah Co. 4.89%

� Salt Lake Co. 1.13%

� Internet 0.00%

� No answer 4.39%

� Dental� Payson 53.38%

� Spanish Fork 10.78%

� Provo 11.53%

� Orem 4.01%

� Other Utah Co. 11.78%

� Salt Lake Co. 1.25%

� Internet 0.00%

� No answer 7.27%

� Banking� Payson 79.95%

� Spanish Fork 10.15%

� Provo 2.88%

� Orem 1.13%

� Other Utah Co. 1.25%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.38%

� Internet 1.50%

� No answer 2.76%

� Automobiles� Payson 4.64%

� Spanish Fork 4.14%

� Provo 21.80%

� Orem 19.05%

� Other Utah Co. 15.54%

� Salt Lake Co. 8.65%

� Internet 2.63%

� No answer 23.56%

� Auto Repair� Payson 59.02%

� Spanish Fork 7.52%

� Provo 8.27%

� Orem 7.77%

� Other Utah Co. 9.15%

� Salt Lake Co. 1.00%

� Internet 0.00%

� No answer 7.27%

� Appliances� Payson 2.51%

� Spanish Fork 0.50%

� Provo 45.24%

� Orem 32.83%

� Other Utah Co. 6.77%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.88%

� Internet 1.25%

� No answer 10.03%

� Clothing� Payson 9.09%

� Spanish Fork 3.38%

� Provo 47.37%

� Orem 24.56%

� Other Utah Co. 5.64%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.88%

� Internet 3.38%

� No answer 4.89%

� Furniture� Payson 2.88%

� Spanish Fork 0.63%

� Provo 29.70%

� Orem 42.11%

� Other Utah Co. 8.02%

� Salt Lake Co. 2.13%

� Internet 1.63%

� No answer 12.91%

� Insurance� Payson 26.32%

� Spanish Fork 13.91%

� Provo 13.66%

� Orem 11.28%

� Other Utah Co. 7.52%

� Salt Lake Co. 5.39%

� Internet 9.52%

� No answer 12.41%

� Entertainment� Payson 24.06%

� Spanish Fork 1.38%

� Provo 38.60%

� Orem 14.04%

� Other Utah Co. 7.39%

� Salt Lake Co. 2.76%

� Internet 0.75%

� No answer 11.03%

� Gifts� Payson 29.07%

� Spanish Fork 1.75%

� Provo 32.71%

� Orem 15.04%

� Other Utah Co. 6.39%

� Salt Lake Co. 0.50%

� Internet 6.14%

� No answer 8.40%

� Recreation Facilities� Payson 31.20%

� Spanish Fork 3.26%

� Provo 16.42%

� Orem 11.03%

� Other Utah Co. 10.03%

� Salt Lake Co. 1.88%

� Internet 1.00%

� No answer 25.19%

� Guest Lodging� Payson 10.65%

� Spanish Fork 1.50%

� Provo 17.17%

� Orem 3.88%

� Other Utah Co. 5.89%

� Salt Lake Co. 4.14%

� Internet 4.64%

� No answer 52.13%

� Do you rent or own the home you live in?� Rent 5.14%

� Own 92.61%

� No answer 2.26%

� If you own your home, is it paid off?� Yes 16.54%

� No 75.56%

� No answer 7.89%

� How many people live in your home?� 1 5.14%

� 2 20.93%

� Are you employed?� Yes 75.94%

� No 9.15%

� Retired 11.53%

� No answer 3.38%

� Where do you work?� Payson 22.42%

� Provo 20.15%

� No answer 20.15%

� Other 9.45%

� Orem 8.56%

� Other Utah Co. 8.19%� 2 20.93%

� 3 10.65%

� 4 15.16%

� 5 19.17%

� 6 16.29%

� 7 6.39%

� 8 2.38%

� 9 or more 1.75%

� No answer 2.13%

� What is your marital status?� Married 86.72%

� Single 3.13%

� Divorced 5.01%

� Widow/widower 2.51%

� No answer 2.63%

� Other Utah Co. 8.19%

� Salt Lake Co. 5.54%

� Spanish Fork 3.90%

� Out of State 1.01%

� Santaquin 0.63%

� How far do you commute to work one way?� I work in Payson 20.18%

� Under 5 miles 3.01%

� 5-10 miles 5.39%

� 11-20 miles 21.68%

� 21-60 miles 23.18%

� Over 61 miles 4.39%

� No answer 22.18%

� Which category best describes your age?� Under 20 0.00%

� 20’s 6.27%

� 30’s 36.59%

� 40’s 21.93%

� 50’s 15.54%

� 60’s 12.28%

� 70’s 4.14%

� 80’s or older 0.50%

� No answer 2.76%

� Please indicate your household income level.� Under $30,000 9.15%

� How many are working in your family to make the income listed?� 1 47.37%

� 2 37.84%

� 3 1.63%

� 4 0.38%

� 5+ 0.00%

� No answer 12.78%

� What percentage of your monthly household income is dedicated to housing (i.e. house payment or rent + utilities, taxes, etc.)?� 0% 0.88%� Under $30,000 9.15%

� $30.001-40,000 8.90%

� $40,001-50,000 12.53%

� $50,001-60,000 13.91%

� $60,001-70,000 13.03%

� $70,001-80,000 8.77%

� $80,001-90,000 8.40%

� $90,001-100,000 7.27%

� $100,001-125,000 6.02%

� $125,001-150,000 2.63%

� $150,001-175,000 0.75%

� $175,001-200,000 0.38%

� Over $200,000 1.00%

� No answer 7.27%

� 0% 0.88%

� 5% 4.14%

� 10% 5.01%

� 15% 7.27%

� 20% 11.15%

� 25% 12.28%

� 30% 13.41%

� 35% 9.65%

� 40% or more 24.94%

� No answer 11.28%

All comments, suggestions, and ideas provided through this exercise will be considered as we advance the update of the General Plan.

Payson City encourages you to stay involved and attend the meetings Payson City encourages you to stay involved and attend the meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council.

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