survey analysis klas productions

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Survey Analysis

Klas Productions

Our survey was carried by mainly 16 year olds, this is who our thriller is aimed at so its good to see what they enjoy about a thriller and what they would like to see included in our one.

Our survey was completed by nine people, this includes five males and four females. This means that we get the opinion of both genders which is beneficial as our target audience is both.

The most popular sub genre was psychological. At first our sub genre was going to be crime but after receiving these results we are changing it to psychological. We believe we could make a better storyline from this genre and that the opening sequence will be more effective.

Our opening sequence is going to be based on a hero as this is the most popular choice. We have decided to use a female hero as other answers have steered us in this direction.

The girl with the dragon tattoo has been voted the favorite thriller film. This means we have to study this film to gain ideas as this film has clearly been successful with the target audience.

From the start we have planned to film in an urban area and fortunately the survey participants agree with this decision. Using an urban area means that we have a lot more freedom to use different ideas. Thrillers that have succeeded in the past have usually been set in an urban area.

Because we are using a female hero we need to look at the result for Angelina Jolie here. We need to see what she looks like and her acting technique so that we can interpret it into our performance using our own actress.

Skyfall was the most recent film most people had seen. We want to keep are film with the same age guide as this film as it has the most viewing.

Music is going to be a vital part of our production just like any of thriller film. Thriller films are known for using music to create suspense and tension. Its really important for our group to select the right music and it could make or break the production.

The hunger games is clearly the most popular thriller film. This film includes a main female hero so this is another question which indicates that we need to include the same sort of person. Its important not to copy other films but from the survey we have gained lots of ideas so that we can make our production fitted to the target audience.

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