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L.B. Comvalius

Recent information with brief descriptions of the main Timber species of Suriname

Comvalius, Leonard B. Surinamese Timber Species: Characteristics and Utilization" Paramaribo / Suriname. ISBN: 99914-681-0-2

-2001 All rights reserved.

No part of this publication, apart from bibliographic data and brief quotations in critical reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded or published in any form (microform, electronic or electromagnetic record) without written permission of the publisher and the writer.

Front cover photo: Logyard at a site in Brokopondo.

Printed by: Djinipi N.V.

This book presents the results of research and studies on neotropical wood species of Suriname related to conservation and sustainable utilization of the mesophytic forest resources. The selection of timber species in this book is however based on present and potential commercial value and on relative frequency while some lesser known / lesser used species have been included.


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SURINAME Timber Licenses

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1 Old concession (before 1992) 2 New concession (after 1992)

, 3 Exploration license J 4 Incidental cutting license (ICL) ~2 5 Communal forest (HKV)

6 Applied for

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pag. no.

1. Introduction 1

2. Explanatory notes 3

3. Index of scientific and vernacular names of species 7

4. Vernacular species names of Suriname 13

5. Wood description by species 15

6. Forest Management and Production Control 217

7. References 219


I. Genera of Wood species by Families 22!

II. Assembled British standard kiln-drying schedules 225

III. Dry-skin schedules 229

IV. Utilization of mentioned timber species 233

V. Alphabethical order of timber species 237

VI. Forest authority and management institutions 241

VII. Main sawmills, timber exporters / forest exploitation society 243

1. Introduction

The purpose of this publication attempts to bring concise technical information to enable optimum use of the Surinamese timber species. The information includes: botanical names, local and vernacular names, occurrence, species description, physical and mechanical characteristics, processing behaviour, natural durability, amenability to preservative treatment and principal end use. The emphasis of the new book is on presenting all latest - Wood tests results of the past ten years in an integrative manner and similar style. The finalization has been a slow progress but I feel the results are now put in a proper perspective. The list of species covered by this publication was compiled by L.B. Comvalius - Former Senior Wood Technologist at TNO-Delft, the Netherlands and CELOS - Department of Forestry and Wood Technology in collaboration with the Herbarium of the University of Suriname - AdeK. The wood species selected are mainly found in the northern part of the country, where most of the forestry and woodprocessing activities are concentrated. Though this publication focuses primarily on Suriname, many of the listed species can also be encountered in the adjacent countries Guyana and French Guiana or even further afield. The three Guianas commonly share a majority of the timber producing genera (92) and all of the families (28) found in the Guianas (Boggan et al, 1992). Of the listed species 40 are being harvested frequently and also utilised while the others with acceptable technical properties are hardly being exploited or are lesser known. To facilitate understanding of the various headings in this publication, the reader is advised to read the Explanatory Notes.

Obviously such a new book cannot be edited without the help of others involved in the different research programmes. I would like to thank all who have contributed to this work either by scientific backstopping, reviewing manuscript, reviewing the botanical species names and for logistical support.


Leon B. Comvalius December 2001.


a. Scientific (botanical) names All scientific names presently adopted by botanists. The name of one or several authors who have described the species appears in full or abbreviated.

b. Synonym Ocassionally common synonyms are listed.

c. Surinamese name This is the vernacular name most commonly used in Suriname.

d. Family Botanical family to which one or several species belong.

e. Vernacular names The vernacular names used in Suriname ar d adjacent producing countries.

f- International trade name The most commonly used name in international trade.

g. Occurrence Recognised in Suriname (in exploitable volumes) and adjacent countries.

h. Tree description The bole diameters of timber trees are measured at 1.30 m dbh or at 0.1 m above the highest buttress in the case of trees with buttresses higher than 1.30 m.

i. Wood description * sapwood

• colour in green condition and indication of differentation

* heartwood • colour in dry condition

* grain (general alignment of fibers) • straight • slightly and / or occasionally interlocked • highly and / or frequently interlocked

* texture (visual impression given by the relative sizes and arrangement of vessels) • coarse • medium • fine.

Technological characteristics Technological properties in general correspond to within species are computed from several trees and from several test samples per tree. The statistical variability is not equal for all species and varies with the measured physical and mechanical characteristics of timber.

Physical properties

• Moisture content (MC) • Green density

This value corresponds to the average weight of wood in green (recently felled condition) and is expressed in g/cm .

• Air dry density at 12% MC These indicate the possible range or the average of the weight per volume at 12% MC and is also expressed in g/cm3.

• Basic specific density The ratio of ovendry wood weight and volume in the green condition.

• Tangential shrinkage The dimensional variation in width of plain sawn (tangential) boards from green to ovendry conditions and expressed as percentages (%) of green dimensions.

• Radial shrinkage The dimensional variation in width of quarter sawn (radial) boards from green to ovendry conditions, expressed as percentages of green dimensions.

• Total volumetric shrinkage The dimensional variation in volume of wood from green state to ovendry conditions and expressed as a percentage of green dimensions. In most cases this value represents the sum of radial and tangential (Rs + Ts) shrinkage.

Mechanical properties

• Modulus of Rupture (MOR) The modulus of rupture (MOR) reflects the maximum load carrying capacity (N) of a member stressed in bending (bending strength) at 12% MC and is expressed in N/mm2.

• Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) The modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus) reflects the resistance to deflection of a member stressed in bending at 12% MC and is expressed in N/mm2.

Maximum crushing strength (Cmax) The maximum crushing strength reflects the maximum load carrying capacity of a member stressed in compression parallel to the grain at 12% MC and is expressed in N/mm2.

Hardness The wood hardness reflects the resistance of the wood to identation of foreign objects in its mass and is expressed in N/mm2.


Sawing This process is evaluated in Suriname on band and gangsaws and the conditions expressed as'easy, normal, difficult, very difficult.

Drying Drying rate, checking and risk of distortion during natural and or artificial drying is noted. For some species tested at TNO or CELOS and other institute a drying schedule is given.

Machining This may be qualified as easy, good, difficult or very difficult related to abrasive-ness, hardness and interlocked grain of the wood. In cases problems are experienced, special tools are recommended (stellite tipped cutters, high speed steel cutters or tungstène carbide inserted teeth).

Gluing The selection of a glue type (urea, phenolic) depends on the final wood utilization. This may be an interior, outdoor or a combined application. Before gluing the correct moisture content, clean surfaces and uniform application of the glue has to be taken in account. The gluing classes here are noted as normal, good, difficult or with care.

Nailing Most wood construction joints in the country are being nailed with metals. It the risk of splitting exists, preboring is recommended and the holding capacity of the wood noted as poor, medium or good.


In cases where sanding, polishing, (varnishing and painting - three years tests) gives minor or acceptable results, it is rated as poor or good.


Slicing and rotary peeling as common practice at veneering are technologically possible for almost every timber species if appropiate pre-heat treatment and accurate adjustment of the cutting conditions are used. In this publication some species with industrial possibilities are noted :

• peeling - soft or moderately hard species with cylindrical, defect-free boles and good drying behaviour of the veneer;

• slicing - of visual appearance with aesthetic qualities as colour, figure and texture.

Natural durability

The natural durability of species refers to heartwood only and the resistance against biolo­gical agents, particularly decay fungi, termites and marine borers is described. The natural durability for the different wood species is rated as very good, good, moderate ox poor.


The amenability to preservative treatment at TNO and CELOS was carried out with a semi-practical vacuum-pressure unit and the results rated as poor, moderate, good or very good.


The typical end uses of the species should not be considered exhaustive since the timber market is always fluctuating and can favour new applications for timbers. The publication indicates however the present typical end-use of the most listed species.

INDEX OF SPECIES NAMES Listed according actual local roundwood production volume

Scientific name(s)

01 Dycorinia guianensis Amsh. 02 Ruizterania albiflora (Warm.) Marcano-Berti

a Qualea rosea Au blet 03 Vochysia tomentosa (G. Mey.) DC.

a Vochysia guianensis (Aubl.) b Vochysia tetraphylla (G. Mey.) DC.

04 Erisma uncinatum Warm. 05 Goupia glabra Aubl. 06 Virola michelli Heckel 07 Virola surinamensis (Rolander) Warb. 08 Carapa guianensis Aubl.

a Carapa procera A.DC. 09 Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart

a Tetragastris panamensis (Engl.) Kuntze 10 Simarouba amara Aubl. 11 Eperua falcata Aubl. 12 Eperua grandiflora (Aubl.) Benth.

ssp. Grandiflora a Eperua schomburgkiana Benth.

13 Eperua rubiginosa Miq. 14 Couratari guianensis Aubl.

a Couratari gloriosa Sandw. b Couratari multiflora (J.E. Smith) Eyma

15 Eschweilera coriacea (A.DC.) Mori a Eschweilera pedicellata (Rich.) Mori b Lecythis corrugata (Poit.)

ssp. Corrugata c Lecythis idatimon Aubl. d Eschweilera decolorans Sandw.

16 Eschweilera subglandulosa (Steud. Ex Berg) Miers a Eschweilera sagotiana Miers

17 Humiria balsamifera (Aubl.) St. Hill var. balsamifera

18 Parkia nitida Miq. 19 Parkia pendula (Willd.) Benth. ex Walpers 20 Vouacapoua americana Aubl. 21 Andira inermis (Wright) DC.

a Andira surinamensis (Bondt) Splitg. Ex Amshoff 22 Vateira guianensis Aubl.

a Vateira paraensis Ducke

Surinamese (vernacular) names *

basraloksi, 16 eigron-gronfolo, 18 bergigronfolo, 18 wanakwari / wetikwari, 20 wiswiskwari / redikwari, 20 watrakwari, 20 mawsikwari, 22 kopi, 24 eigron-babun, 26 babun, 28 krapa, 30 30 redisali, 32 32 sumaruba,34 walaba, 36 babunwalaba, 38

38 jeturiwalaba, 40 ingipipa, 42 42 42 manbarklaki, 44 bergimanbarklaki, 44 eigron-umabarklaki, 44

bergi-umabarklaki, 44 kwateri, 44 eigron-manbarklaki, 46 46 meri / blakaberi, 48

agrobigi, 50 kwatakama,52 broinati, 54 redikabisi, 56 56 gerikabisi, 58 58

Scientific name(s) Surinamese (vernacular) names *

26 27

a b c d

a b

23 Sterculia pruriens (Aubl.) Schum. var. pruriens

24 Ocotea rubra Mez 25 Ocotea glomerata (Nees) Mez

Ocoteaßoribunda (Swartz) Mez Ocotea oblonga (Meissn.) Mez Ocotea guianensis Aubl. Ocotea canaliculata (Rieh.) Mez Licaria canella (Meissn.) Kosterm. Protium decandrum (Aubl.) March. Protium tenuifolium Engl. Protium polybotryum (Turcz.) Engl. ssp. polybotryum

c Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March. ssp. heptaphyllum

28 Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Amsh. 29 Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don 30 Hymenaea courbar il L.

var. courbaril a Hymenaea oblongifolia Huber

31 Cedrela odorata L. 32 Loxopterygium sagotti J.D. Hook 33 Anacardium giganteum Hancock ex. Engl.

Anacardium spruceanum Benth. ex Engl. 34 Eriotheca crassa (Uitt.) A. Robyns

a Bombax speetabile Ulbrich 35 Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist ex Pichon

a Brosimum parinarioides Ducke ssp. parinarioides

36 Parinari camprestris Aubl. a Parinari rodolphii Huber

37 Schefßera decaphylla (Seem.) Harms 38 Schefßera morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. &

Frodin 39 Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nicholson 40 Tabebuia insignis (Miq.) Sandw.

var. monophylla Sandw. a Tabebuia capitata (Bureau & Schum.) Sandw.

41 Platonia insignis Mart. 42 Mora excelsa Benth. 43 Mora gonggrijpii (Kleinh.) Sandw. 44 Symphonia globulifera L.f. 45 Moronobea coccinea Aubl. 46 Micropholis guyanensis (A.DC.) Pierre

ssp. guyanensis

okro-udu, 60

wana, 62 pisi, 64 64 64 64 64 kanerati / kaner-udu,66 tingimoni / kurokai, 68 68 68


blakakabisi, 70 gubaya, 72 loksi, 74

74 sedre, 76 snek' udu, 78 busikasyu, 80 80 busikatun, 82 busimaumau, 82 dukali, 84 84

redifungu, 86 86 morototo, 88 kasaba-udu, 90

grinati, 92 swampupanta, 94

makagrin, 94 pakuli, 96 mora, 98 morabukeya, 100 mataki, 102 manni, 104 wetilo-udu / blakalo-udu, 106

Scientific name(s) Surinamese (vernacular) names



49 50


52 53 54 55

56 57 58 59 60



63 64

65 66 67


69 70

Peltogyne venosa (Vahl) Benth. a Peltogyne paniculata Benth.

Licania laxiflora Fritsch a Licania majuscula Sagot b Licania heteromorpha Benth.

var. heteromorpha Manilkara bidentata (A.DC.) Chev. Sclerolobium guianense Benth.

a Sclerolobium micropetalum Ducke b Sclerolobium albiflorum (A.DC.) Chev. c Sclerolobium melinonii Harms d Tachigali paniculata Aubl.

var. paniculata Brosimum guianense Huber

a P ira finer asp. Brosimum paraënse Huber Cedrelinga cateniformis Ducke Lecythis zabucajo Aubl. Lecythis confertiflora (A.C. Smith) Mori

a Lecythis pisonis Camb. Catostemma fragrans Benth. Laetia procera (Poepp.) Eichl. Inga alba (Swartz) Willd. Baliziapedicellaris (DC.) Barneby & Grimes Hydrochorea corymbosa (Rich.) Barneby & Grimes

a Pithecellobium sp. Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson

a Aspidosperma album (Vahl) Benoist ex Pichon b Aspidosperma helstonei van Donselaar

Swartzia benthamiana Miq. var. benthamiana Bocoa prouacensis Aubl. Pouteria cuspidata (A.DC.) Baehni ssp. robusta (Mart & Eichl.) Pennington

a Pouteria eugeniifolia (Pierre) Baehni b Pouteria cladantha Sandw.

Pouteria guianensis Aubl. Sacoglottis guianensis Benth. Xylopia aromatica (Baill.) Mart

a Xylopia sp. Terminalia dichotoma G. Meyer

a Terminalia lucida Hoffmanns, ex Mart. Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmelin) Exell Platymiscium trinitatis Benth. var. durum Ducke

a Platymiscium ulei Harms

popo-ati, 108 108 kwepi, 110 fungu, 110 anawra, 110

bortri, 112 gedu, 114 114 114 114 114

letr'udu, 116 116 satèn-udu, 118 donsedre, 120 kwatapatu, 122 wetilo-abi, 124 124 barmani, 126 kaiman-udu, 128 rediprokoni, 130 tamarenprokoni, 132 busitamaren, 134 134 kromantikopi, 136 136 136 bergibebe, 138

isri-ati, 140 pintobortri, 142

142 142 yamboka, 144 bofru-udu, 146 pegrekupisi, 148 148

busi-amandra, 150 150 krabasi-udu, 152 kunatepi, 154


Scientific name(s) Surinamese (vernacular) names *

71 Hymenolobiumflavum Kleinh. 72 Hura crepitans L. 73 Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip 74 Antonia ovata Pohl 75 Bagassa guianensis Aubl. 76 Chrysophyllum pomiferum (Eyma) Penn.

a Pouteria sp. 11 Dimorphandra conjugata (Splitg.) Sandw.

a Dimorphandra polyandra Benoist 78 Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd.

Dipteryxpuncatata (Blake) Amsh. 79 Pterocarpus rohrii Vahl 80 Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd.

a Trattinickia demerarae Sandw. b Protium sp.

81 Triplaris weigeltiana (Rieh.) Kuntze 82 Ormosia coccinea (Aubl.) B.D. Jackson 83 Ormosia coutinhoi Ducke

a Alexa wachenheimü Benoist b Poecilanthe hostmannii (Benth.) Amsh.

84 Calophyllum longifolium Willd. a Calophyllum brasiliense Camb.

85 Clathrotropis braehypetala (Tul.) Kleinh. var. braehypetala

a Clathrotropis braehypetala (Tul.) Kleinh. vai.ferruginea Yakovlev

86 Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemäo var. alchorneoides

87 Talisia squarrosa Radlk. a Talisia esculenta Radlk.

88 Iryanthera laneifolia Ducke a Iryanthera sagotiana (Benth.) Warb.

89 Caryocar glabrum (Aubl.) Pers. ssp. glabrum

a Caryocar nueiferum L. b Caryocar microcarpum Ducke

90 Pinus caribaea Morelet var. hondurensis

makakabisi, 156 possentri, 158 sopo-udu, 160 lika-udu, 162 kaw-udu, 164 dyubortri, 166 166 dakama, 168 168 tonka, 170 170 eigron-bebe, 172 tingimoni, 174 174 174 mira-udu, 176 kokriki, 178 neku-udu, 180 180 180 kurali, 182 182 arumata, 184


suradanni, 186

makakrapa, 188 188 srebebe, 190 brudu-udu, 190 sawari, 192

192 192 pinus, 194


Scientific name(s) Surinamese (vernacular) names *

91 92

93 94

95 96


98 99


Bertholletia excelsa Humboldt & Bonplant Copaifera guianensis Aublet

a Copaifera duckei Dwyer b Copaifera reticulata Ducke

Parkia pendula Benth. ex Walp. Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) Eichl.

a Buchenavia fanshawei Exell & Maguire Newtonia suaveolens (Miq.) Brenan Fagara pentendra Aublet

a Zanthoxylum flavum Vahl Aniba cf. rosaeodora Ducke

a Aniba duckei Kosterm. b Aniba parviflora Mez

Po uteria ptyChandra Ey m a Lueheopsisflavescens (Uitt) Burret

a Lueheopsis rugosa (Pulle) Burret Inga leiocalycina Benth.

a Inga capitata Desv.

inginoto, 196 upru-udu, 198 198 198 kwatakama, 200 gindja-udu, 202 202 pikinmisiki, 204 pritiyari, 206 206 rosu-udu, 208 208 208 kimboto, 210 katun-udu, 212 212 swietbonki, 214 214

According to the latest Surinamese'orthography.

4. Vernacular species names of Suriname

4. Vernacular species names of Suriname *

species names

Basraloksi Eigron-gronfolo Bergigronfolo Wanakwari / Wetikwari Wiswiskwari / Redikwari Watrakwari Mawsikwari Kopi Eigron-babun Babun Krapa Redisali Sumaruba Walaba Babunwalaba Jeturiwalaba Ingipipa Manbarklaki Bergimanbarklaki Eigron-umabarklaki Bergi-umabarklaki Kwateri Eigron-manbarklaki Meri / Blakaberi Agrobigi Kwatakama Broinati Redikabisi Gerikabisi Okro-udu Wana Pisi Kanerati / Kaner-udu Tingimoni / Kurokai Blakakabisi Gubaya Loksi Sedre Snek-udu Busikasyu Busikatun Busimaumau Dukali Mapa Redifungu Morototo Kasaba-udu Grinati

spec nr.

01 02

a 03

a b

04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

a b c d

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

a 35

a 36 37 38 39

species names

Zwampupanta Makagrin Pakuli Mora Morabukeya Mataki Manni Wetilo-udu Blakalo-udu Popo-ati Kwepi Fungu Anawra Bortri Gedu Letr'udu Saten-udu Donsedre Kwatapatu Wetilo-abi Barmani Kaiman-udu Rediprokoni Tamarenprokoni Busitamaren Kromantikopi Bergibebe Isri-ati Pintobortri Yamboka Bofru-udu Pegrekupisi Busi-amandra Krabasi-udu Kunatepi Makakabisi Possentri Sopo-udu Lika-udu Kaw-udu Dyubortri Dakama Tonka Eigron-bebe Tingimoni Mira-udu Kokriki Neku-udu

spec nr.

40 'a

41 42 43 44 45 46

a 47 48

a b

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

species names

Kurali Arumata Suradanni Makakrapa Srebebe Sawari Pinus/Pisping Inginoto Upru-udu Kwatakama Gindja-udu Pikinmisiki Pritiyari Rosu-udu Kimboto Katun-udu Swietbonki

spec, nr.

84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

* According to the latest Surinamese orthography.




Wood description by species

1. Dycorinia guianensis Amsh. basraloksi



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Dicorynia paraënsis Bentham

Leguminosae (Papilionoidae)

Basralokus Barkarouballi

Angélique / Angélique bâtard Angelica / Tapaiuna


Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

: bole 20 - 25 m, tree height 30 - 45 m : 0.60 - 0.90 rr. straight, cylindrical bole; low, thick buttressed base

distinct, grayish or brownish white : reddisch brown to reddish or yellowish brown : straight, occasionally interlocked medium, uniform

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)


0.72 - 0.74 0.69 8.2 4.6



15100 61





Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: stellite-tipped blade required; presence of silica; blunting effect; moderate

: difficult, with risk of checking and distortion British schedule - F

: good, at times special tools needed : good : tends to split; pre-boring recommended : good : slices well (decorative topping)

: good to very good Ifair

: good to very good

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, naval construction, millwork, flooring, panelling, furniture, crossties.


2. Ruizterania albiflora (Warm.) M. Berti a. Qualea rosea Aublet

- eigron-gronfolo - bergigronfolo

Synonym (2)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Qualea albiflora Warm.


Gronfulu / Gronfolo / Meniridan Yakopi / Manau / Muncridan Grignon fou / Kouali / Gonfolo gris / Gonfolo rose

Mandioqueira / Quaruba Florècillo

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood


Grain Texture

Mandio (2, 2a)

Suriname, Guianas, Venezuela, Brazil

bole 20 - 25 m; tree height 30 - 60 m 0.6Ö-1.00m straight Dole, light to heavily buttressed trees

: yellowish, gray to cream coloured (Q. albiflora); pale yellowish to light brown (Q. rosea)

: gray to light red brown (Q. albiflora); pink to red brown, occasionally olive brown (Q. rosea)

: often slightly to moderately interlocked medium to decidedly coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (2, 2a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (2, 2a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

. albiflora 0.96 0.65 0.54

4.3 2.3



13514 60

Q. rosea 1.26 0.63

0.60 7.9

4 6


67 15171 52


Processing Sawing : moderately difficult to saw, particularly when roey

grain is present; small silica quantities; blunting effect: rather quickly

Drying : moderately difficult to air-season and kiln drying, some warping and slight checking British schedule - D

Machining : moderate to difficult to work Gluing : satisfactorily Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : moderate Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : rather well

End uses : interior and exterior joinery, millwork, flooring, furniture, veneer and plywood.

3. Vochysia tomentosa a. Vochysia guianensis b. Vochysia tetraphylla

(G. Meyer) A.DC (Aubl.) Stafleu (G. Mey.) A.DC

- wanakwari / wetikwari - wiswiskwari / redikwari - watrakwari

Synonym (3)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana

Brazil Venezuela

Cucullaria excelsa Wahl.


: Kwari's : Iteballi, Hilliteballi (V. surinamensis) : Grignon fou, Papakaie kouali (V. tetraphylla), Wana kouali (V. tetraphylla)

: Quaruba : Lacre montanera

International trade name Iteballi, Kwari, Quaruba, Yemeri (3, 3a, 3b)

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru

Tree description Bole lenght


Log shape

Wood description Sapwood


Grain Texture

: bole 15 - 25 m; (V. tetraphylla) 10 m; tree height 25 - 40 m

: 0.30 - 0.50 m (V. guianensis); 0.30 - 1.0 m (V. tetraphylla); 0.35 - 1.50 m (V. tomentosa)

: straight, cylindrical and slender; basally swollen (V. guianensis); buttressed (V. tomentosa); tapered and bent (V. tetraphylla)

; distinct, pale greyish brown or red greyish (V. tomen­tosa); yellowish white to greyish white (V. guianensis); light yellowish to greyish white, not sharply distinct (V. tetraphylla)

: light brownish red or roze red (V. tomentosa); pale pink brown to golden brown (V. guianensis); light to roze brown (V. tetraphylla)

'. generally straight or slightly to strong interlocked

: coarse to moderately


Technological characteristics

Physical properties (3, 3a, 3b) Green density (g/cm3) Air dry density at 12% MC (g/cm3) Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage (%) Tot. radial shrinkage (%) Tot. volumetric shrinkage (%)

Mechanical properties (3, 3a, 3b) Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2) Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC (N/mm2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)

V. tomentosa V. guianensis V. letraphylla

0.87 0.45 0.36 2.8 2.3 16.2




1.05 0.63 0.42




0.98 0.62


8.3 2.4


guianensis V. letra/

95 9925


78 9709





Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

: easy, raised grains and wool ly surfaces;

blunting effect: slight

: s lowly and d i f f icul t ; US k i ln schedule T2 - D4 for

25-38 mm and T2 - D3 for 50 mm stock

: easy with sharp cutting tools

: good

: good

: good

: peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers




Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: moderate to good

: interior joinery, light carpentry, furniture,

ut i l i ty p lywood.


4. Erisma uncinatiim Warm. mawsikwari


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil


Singrikwari / Felikwari



Jaboti / Quarubarana

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture


Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 60 m 0.60- 0.80 m

straight, cylindrical bole

distinct; light greyish brown reddish to purplish brown

: straight medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cnO (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/ram2) (N/mm2) (N/ram2)

1.10 0.61 0.48 7.7

3.3 12.5





Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : fast, slight cupping Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : good

End uses : interior and exterior joinery, millwork, plywood, veneer.


5. Goupia glabra Aublet kopi



Goupia tomentosa Aubl. / Goupia paraensis Hub.


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Kopie / Goupi Kabukalli / Goupi Goupi

Cupiuba / Cachaceiro Congrio blanco / Panaguero

International trade name Cupiuba, Kabukalli, Kopi

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil to Peru

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 12 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 40 m : 0.80-1.20 m

: moderately straight; base buttressed or sometimes swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, yellowish brown or beige reddish brown to orange brown straight to interlocked moderately fine to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.17 0.83 0.78

8.7 5.0


120 14400



Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: moderate Drying : slow and difficult; checking and case harden ing

US kiln schedule T7 - B3 Machining : moderately difficult, presence of interlocked grain Gluing : not satisfactory Nailing : difficult; pre-boring recommended to avoid splitting Finishing : smoothly, but filler required Veneering : easy to slice

Natural durability Decay fungi : good Termites : good Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

E n d uses : interior and exterior joinery, framing, flooring, stairs, bridge decking, sleepers, plywood.


6. Virola michelli Heckel - eigron-babun

Synonym(s) Virola melinonii (Benoist) A.G. Smith / Virola sebil'era Aublet

Family Myristicaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil


Dalli/Hill dalli

Bouchi mouloumba / Yayamadou

Becuiba / Ucuüba / Virola

International trade name Baboen, Virola

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 16 - 20 m; tree height 30 - 35 m 0.50 - 0.90 ui usually straight and cylindrical; tree with low buttresses

not distinct, cream coloured beige to pale brown straight medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm') (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.65 - 0.80 0.56

0.48 9.4

5.5 16.4





Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: very slight Drying : moderately difficult; risk of distortion and checking

US kiln schedule T3 - CI for 25-38 mm and T3 - CI for 50 mm stock

Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites . : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : good

End uses : interior joinery, moulding, light carpenlry, plywood, particle - and fibreboard, boxes and crates.


7. Virola surinamensis (Rolander) Warb. babun

Family Myristicaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Moonba / Warus Baboonwüüd / Swamp dalli / Irikwa Guingamadou / Mouloumba Bicuhyba / Ucuüba / Virola Cuajo / Otivo / Virola

International trade name : Baboen, Virola

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil to Peru, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 16 - 20 m; tree height 30 - 35 m

: 0.60 - 0.90 m : straight and cylindrical; tree base with spreading plank buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood



: not distinct : light to pale brown, darkening on exposure to air from pinkish to deep reddish brown or golden brown

: straight : medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity

Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(gW) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.65 -

0.40-0.38 9.6 6.1





0.95 0.60


Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : moderately difficult; risk of distortion and checking

US kiln schedule T3 - CI for 25-38 mm and T3 - CI for 50 mm stock

Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites . : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : good

End uses : interior joinery, moulding, boxes and crates, particle -and fibreboard, plywood.


8. Carapa guianensis Aublet a. Carapa procera * A. DC.


Family Meliaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Redi krapa (C. guianensis) I Krapa (C. procera,*

Crabwood / Karaba Carapa / Carapa rouge Andiroba / Carapa Carapa / Masabalo

International trade name Andiroba, Crabwood (8, 8a)

Occurrence ; Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 10 -15 m; tree height 20 - 30 m : 0.50-1.00 m : more ör less straight bole and cylindrical; tree base swollen or buttressed

Wood description



Grain Texture

: not clearly distinct, pinkish and greyish red brown or pale brown

: varying in colour, pale pink, red brown to dark brown streaked with black

: straight, sometimes more or less interlocked : from coarse to fine, mostly medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (8, 8a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm (g/cm

(%) (%)


3) 3)

C. guianensis

0.96 0.66 0.59 7.7 4.8 10.4

C. procera 0.83 0.62 0.56 7.6




Mechanical properties (8, 8a) Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2) Modulus of elasticity at 12% MC (N/mm2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)

C. guianensis 110 14354


C. procera 108

11800 58

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

: easy; blunting effect: very slight to slight : moderately difficult, risk of checking and collapse US kiln schedule T3 - C2 for 25-38 mm and T3 - CI for 50 mm stock

: easy to difficult, ocassionally interlocked grain : good : good, tends to split on end grain : good : peels and slices well

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

poor io moderate poor


Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, carpentry, furniture, decorative veneer, laminated beams.

small to medium sized tree, occasional in high and marsh forest.


9. Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart a. Tetragastris partantensis * (Engl.) O.K.

- redisali


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture


Sali Haiawaballi / Asau Encens rouge/ Sali Almesclao / Breu manga

Sali (9, 9a)

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Colombia, Central America

bole 10 - 15 m; tree height 25 - 30 m 0.50 - 0.80 m moderately good form with a few buttresses or rootspurs

distinct, yellowish brown to pinkish gray orange brown to red brown moderately straight, sometimes interlocked or irregular rather fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (9, 9a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

T. altissima 1.10 0.85 0.72

7.1 4.4



13500 66

T. panamensL 0.98 0.93 0.74 9.4




18130 91


Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers .

: difficult; blunting effect: moderate to high due to sil content

: moderately difficult; slow drying, risk, of checking ar splitting

: more or less difficult; special tools recommended : good : poor, pre-boring recommended : good

good moderate fair

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses


interior and exterior joinery, flooring, panelling, furniture, cabinets.

occasional in heigh dryland forest.


10. Simarouba atnara Aublet sumaruba

Synonym Quassia simarouba L.f.

Family : Simaroubaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Simarupa / Adonichi Aku / Guashi / Simarupa Acaju blanc / Simaruba Marupa / Parahyba / Caixeta Ccdro blanco / Simarouba

International trade name Marupa, Simaruba

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree high 30 - 40 m : 0.70 - 0.90 in ; straight, cylindrical and tapering: tree base with root-spurs

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

not distinct, yellowish white light yellow with oily streaks usually straight medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.64 0.43 0.38




65 8500 34


Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

easy; blunting effect: slight


easy good moderate to good


slices and peels well

poor poor poor

: good

: interior joinery, light furniture, panelling, packaging, crates, toys, musical instruments.


II. Eperuafalcata Aublet walaba

Family Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Bijlhout/Awapa Soft Wallaba / White Wallaba / Parewe Wapa / Bioudou / Bois sabre / Pangapanga Apa / Apazeiro / Espadeiro Bucare / Palo machete / Tabaco

International trade name : Wallaba

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 12 -15 m; tree height 24 - 30 m : 0.60-1.00 m* : straight, cylindrical; tree base with small or large buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, white greyish to light yellowish brown : light to dark red brown, dark streaks with resin and oily exudations

: typically straight : medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)


0.89 0.79





Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2) Modulus of elasticity at 12% MC (N/mm2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)

139 14700 71

Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

: difficult; resin tends to clog saw teeth; blunting effect: moderate

: difficult and slow; tends to warp and split; air seasoning prior to kiln drying is recommended US kiln schedule T2 - C2 for 25-38 mm and T2 - CI for 50 mm stock

: fairly if pre-dried : good : tendency to split; pre-boring necessary : sanding and filling after drying recommended : not suitable

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

good good fair

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

. poor

: interior and exterior joinery, heavy dry construction, industrial flooring, posts and poles, shingles.

trees of large diameter commonly with heart rot.


12. Eperua grandißora (Aubl.) Benth. ssp. grandißora

a. Eperua schomburgkiana Benth.

- babunwalaba

Family Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Bijlhout/Walaba Ituriri walaba Wapa / Wapa courbaril / Wapa montagne Apa / Apazeiro / Muirapiranga Tabaco / Uapa

International trade name Wallaba

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 35 m 0.40 - 0.70 straight, cylindrical, tree base swollen or light buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: distinct, white greyish to pinkish : light reddish brown with dark streaks : straight medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (12) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (12) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

E. grandißora 1.10

0.93 0.79

7.2 2.6 12.4

E. grandiflora


16800 77


Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult; high resin content and internal stresses; blunting effect: moderate

: difficult and slow US kiln schedule T2 - C2 for 25-38 mm and T2 - CI l 50 mm stock

: fairly if pre-dried : good : tendency to split; pre-boring recommended : sanding and filling recommended : not suitable

moderate to good moderate poor


interior and exterior joinery, heavy dry construction, industrial flooring, posts and poies, shingles.


13. Eperua rubiginosa Miq. jeturiwalaba

Family Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Bijlhout/Walaba/Pallewi : Watapa / Watafa : Wapa / Bioudou / Wapa rivière : Apa / Apazeiro / Espadeira : Tabaco / Uapa

International trade name : Wallaba

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

; bole 15 - 20 m: tree height 25 - 30 m : 0.30 - 0.90 m : straight, cylindrical; tree base with root spurs or buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, whit; greyish to pinkish light reddish brown with dark streaks straight medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.86 0.73

6.5 2.4 10.3





Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

: difficult; high resin content and internal stress; blunting effect: moderate

: difficult and slow US kiln schedule T2 - C2 for 25-38 mm and T2 - CI for 50 mm stock

: fairly if pre-dried : good : tendency to split; pre-boring recommended : sanding and filling recommended : not suitable

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

good moderate poor

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, heavy dry construction, industrial flooring, posts and poles, shingles.


14. Couratari guianensis Aublet a. Couratari gloriosa Sandw. b. Couratari multißora (J.E. Smith) Eyma


Synonym (14) Couratari pulchra Sandw.

Family ; Lecythidaccac

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana

French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Kaliu ulcmaliti : Fine leaf wadara / Marimari (C. multiflora), Wadara (C guianensis, C. gloriosa)

: Couatari / Inguipipa : Imbirema/Tauari (C guianensis) Cachimbo / Tabari / Tampipio

International trade name Tauari (14, 14a, 14b)

Occurrence : Surinam*.', Chianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 30 m: tree height 30 - 40 m : 0.60- 1.20 m : straight, cylindrical; tree base with some high and straight buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: not distinct, yellowish white

: cream white to light beige or yellowish brown to greyish brown

: straight or uniformly interlocked medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (14, 14b) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

C. guianensis 1.10



7.3 4.1


C. multißora 0.86 0.73


7.0 3.4



Mechanical properties (14,14b) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

C. guianensis




C. multiflora 107

15300 62

Processing Sawing

Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

: easy; blunting effect: moderate to high (silica content 0.8%); stellite tipped blade recommended

: easy

: easy with tungsten carbide tipped tools : good I moderate holding : good : after pre-steaming, peels and slices easy

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

poor poor poor

Treatability (heartwood) : good

End uses interior and exterior joinery, flooring, furniture, moulding, boxes and crates, toys.


15. Eschweilera coriacea (A.DC.) Mori a. Eschweilera pedicellata (Rich.) Mori h. Lecythis corrugata (Poit.)

var. corrugata c. Lecythis idatimon (Aubl.) d. Eschweilera décolorons Sandw.

manbarklaki bergimanbarklaki eigron-umanbarklaki

bergi-umanbarklaki kwateri

Synonyms (15, 15a, 15b, 15c) Eschweilera odora (Poeppig) Miers, Eschweilera longipes (Poit.) Miers, Eschweilera corrugata (Poit.) Miers, Eschweilera amara (Aubl.) Nied.

Family Lecythidaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana

French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Manbarklak / Umanbarklak / Barklak. : Fine-leaf kakaralli (E. wachenheimiï) Fine-smooth leaf kakaralli (£. parviflora) Kwateri / Kwatru (E. décolorons)

: Baakalaka / Balibon / Rouanda : Matâ-matâ branco (E. odora) I Jarâna : Montanero / Coco de mono

International trade name : Smoot-Ieat'kakaralli (15, 15d)

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 12 -18 m; tree height 20 - 35 m 0.40 - 0.60 m

moderately straight; tree base swollen or buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: not sharply distinct

: greyish brown to reddish brown, sometimes with black streaks

: typically straight : fine to medium


Technological characteristics

Physical properties (15,15b) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (15,15b) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

E. coriacea 1.20 1.00 0.86

11.1 6.4 15.9

E. coriacea 170





corrugata 1.10 0.87 0.84 10.2

5.6 14.8

corrugata 140

18200 61

Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: high due to >ilica

: moderately difficult to air-season; risk of warping, checking and casehardening

: difficult; stellite tipped blade necessary : difficult : pre-boring necessary

: good

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

: good to very good good good to very good

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: poor

: heavy constructions, shipbuilding, industrial flooring, sleepers, pole and posts, marine constructions.


16. Eschweilera subglandulosa (Steud. ex Berg) Miers Eschweilera sagotiana Miers



Family Lecythidaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana

French Guiana Brazil

: Hoogland barklak / Manbarklak / Kwateri : Black kakaralli (E. subglandulosa) I Common black kakaralli (E. pedicellata) I Kwateri (E. sagotiana)

: Baakalaka / Balibon / Maho / Mahou : Matâ-maté / Matâmatâ preto

International trade name : Black kakaralli (16, 16a, 16b)

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 12 - 18 m; tree height 15 - 40 m 0.40 - 0.75 m straight; tree base buttressed or straight

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: not sharply distinct, pinkish brown : brown to dark brown : straight fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (16) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (16) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

E. subglandulosa 1.25 1.05



5.8 16.2

E. subglandulosa


21630 76


Processing Sawing

Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

difficult, power required; blunting effect: high due to silica moderately difficult to air season difficult; stellite tipped blade necessary difficult pre-boring necessary good not suitable

: good to very good : good

: good to very good

: poor

: heavy comstructions, shipbuilding, industrial flooring, sleepers, pole and posts, marine constructions.


17. Humiria balsamifera (Aubl.) A.St. Hil. var. balsamifera




Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Humiria iloribunda Mart.


: Swit'meri / Blakaberi / Basra botri

: Bastard bulletwood / Meri / Tauroniro

: Bois rouge / Houmiri

: Umiri / Couramira / Turanira


International trade name Chanu!


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador

bole IS - .">/» m; tree height 25 -40 m 0.50- 1.20 m straight, cylindrical; tree base swollen

: not sharply distinct, greyish brown : dark red brown or purplish red brown : straight io interlocked medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.90 0.80

9.0 5.5 16.8


18500 86


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate : moderately difficult; risk of distortion, checking and casehardening

: difficult, presence of highly interlocked grain : good : good : good : slices with special care

moderate to good moderate poor

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: poor

: heavy constructions, industrial flooring, parquet, furniture.


18. Parkia nitida Miq. agrobigi



: Parkia sylvatica Pulle/ Abarema claviflora (Spruce) Kleinh.

: Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Ajoeuva / Tontawha Black manariballi / Uya Dodomissinga / Acacia mâle Arapary branco

International trade name Faveira bengué

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil to Peru

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 10 -15 m; tree height 15 - 25 m 0.50 - 0.75 m straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

not distinct, light yellowish brown reddish brown to light brown straight to interlocked fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm') (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.09 0.40


6.7 2.0


68 8042 26


Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

easy; blunting effect: very slight fast, slight cupping and casehardening easy good

good good

peels well

poor poor poor

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: good

: interior joinery, moulding, light carpentry, boxes and crates, plywood.


19. Parkia pendula (Willd.) Benth. ex Walpers - kwatakama



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Inga pendula Willd. / Mimosa pendula Poir

Legumimosae (Mimosoideae)


Ipanai / Hipanai

Kouatakaman / Mâle bois macaque

Fava bolota

International trade name : Faveira bolota

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazi

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 10 -18 m; tree height 15 -25 m 0.40 - 0.70 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base with rootspurs

: distinct, greyish white bright redbrown darkening to light brown straight medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.55

0.51 7.2 2.5 10.5


10000 45


Processing Sawing *. easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : fast, slight cupping and casehardening Machining : easy to difficult Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites : poor

Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : good

End uses : interior joinery, moulding, light carpentry, boxes and

crates, plywood.


20. Vouacapoua americana Aublet broinati

Synonym Andira aubletii Benth.


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name


Legumimosae (Caesalpinioideae)


Brownheart / Sarebebeballi / Partridge wood




Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 18 m; tree height 25 - 30 m 0.40 - 0.85 m

straight, more or less fluted trunk and small buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

; distinct, yellowish cream dark brown or reddish brown straight, sometimes slight wavy or roey coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.91 0.82

6.9 4.9






Processing Sawing : difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate Drying : moderately difficult; slow and careful

US kiln schedule T7 - B3 for 25-38 mm stock Machining : difficult; special tools recommended Gluing : with special precautions Nail ing : pre-boring necessary Finishing : good Veneering : slices well

Natural durability Decay fungi : very good Termites : good Marine borers •: variable

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

k n d u ses : joit.ery, flooring, cabinet work, furniture, stairs, decorative trim, sleepers, post and poles, marine constructions.


21. Andira inermis (Wright) DC. a. Andira surinamensis * (Bondt) Splitg.

ex Amshoff


Synonym (21a)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Andira coriacea Pulle

Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

: Rode Kabbes / Barakaro ; Bat seed / Wild Olive / Koraro : Saint Martin rouge / Angelin : Angelim vermelho / Andira jerena / Acapurana Chigo / Pilon

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape


Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Central America

: bole 12 - 2u m; tree height 30 - 35 m : 0.60-1.20 m : straight, either cylindrical or slightly irregular; tree base unbuttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

I distinct, pale brown to greyish yellow : pink brown to red brown with pale veins : straight or interlocked coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (21) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




A. inermis 1.18 0.80 - 0.88






Mechanical properties (21) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

A. inermis

144 18200 75

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate .' easy, little degrade

US kiln schedule T3 - D2 for 25-38 mm stock : moderately difficult; at times special tools recommended : with precautions : pre-boring necessary; tends to split : good; special care required : good

: good


: poor

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, carpentry, cabinets, turnery, flooring, sleepers, marine constructions.

occasional in high dryland forest


22. Vatairea guianensis Aublet a. Vatairea paraensis Ducke


Synonym (22)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name

Vatairea surinamensis Kleinh.

Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Gele Kabbes / Arisuru Arisauro / Arakaka / Yaksaru

Inkassa / Yonko

Angelim / Angelim amargosa / Favcira amarela / Aracuy Amargoso

: Arisauro

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m 0.30 - 0.90 m

straight cylindrical; tree base with low root spurs or narrow high buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, whitish-greyish or brownish yellow

: yellow but becomes orange brown to dark brown on exposure; oily appearance

: straight to strongly interlocked coarse to very coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (22, 22a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

V. guianensis V. paraensis

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)










1.07 0.74

0.55 7.4




Mechanical properties (22, 22a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

V. guianensis

146 17940 87

V. paraensis

101 12357 48

: easy; blunting effect: slight : moderate; slight risk of distortion : easy to moderate; plains poor : good

: good

: good

: good

moderate to good pocr poor


: interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, furniture, sleepers.


23. Sterculia pruriens (Aubl.) Schumann var. pruriens




Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name

Ivira pruriens Aublet


: Kobe : Smooth-leaf maho/Yahu : Kobe / Ivira / Tourou : Chica brava / Enviveira Chica / Majagua

: Kobe

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood

Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 18 - 20; tree height 30 m, sometimes till 40 m 0.30 - 0.90 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base with low buttresses

: not sharply distinct, yellowish brown or dirty greyish white

: light reddish brown or ochre beige

: usually straight

: medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density (g/cm3) Air dry density at 12% MC (g/cm3) Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage (%) Tot. radial shrinkage (%) Tot. volumetric shrinkage (%)

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2) Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC (N/mm2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)







108 12750 52


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing (holding of nails) Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

easy; blunting effect: slight slow and with care; distortion more or less high US kiln schedule T2 - D4 for 25-38 mm and T2 - D3 for 50 mm stock easy but with woolly surface

good good filler required peels well




Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: good

: interior joinery, plywood, light carpentry, particle board, boxes and crates, interior trim, paper pulp.

24. Ocotea rubra Mez. - wana

Synonym Nectandra rubra (Mez.) Allen

Family Lauraceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Wane / Teteroma

Determa / Teteruma / Wanu

Grignon franc

Louro vermelho / Louro camela / Canela

International trade name Determa, Louro vermelho, Wana

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 25 m; tree height 25 -50 m : 0.50-1.50 m

; cylindrical, tapered bole; tree base sometimes with thick buttresses

Wood description Sapwood

Heartwood Grain


: distinct, not always sharply, dirty yellow to greyish brown

: pinkish red to reddish brown : generally straight, sometimes irregular or highly interlocked

; medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)







102 11600 49


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: very slight

: very difficult, slow and carefully US kiln schedule T6 - D2 for 25-38 mm and T3 - Dl 50 mm stock

: easy

: with special care : medium to good : good; filler recommended peels and slices well

: good to very good : moderate : good

: poor

: exterior and interior joinery, cabinetwork, carpentry, moulding, panelling, glued laminated beams, plywood.


25. Ocotea glomerata (Nées) Mez a. Ocotea floribunda (Swartz) Mez b. Ocotea oblonga (Meissn.) Mez c. Ocotea guianensis Aublet d. Ocotea canaliculata (L.C, Rich.) Mez


Synonym (25a)


: Ocotea wachenheimii Benoist


Vernacular names Suriname


French Guiana

Brazil Venezuela

: Harde, zwarte pisi (O. glomerata) I zachte, witte pisi, wanapisi (O. oblonga) I Yorojoro pisi (O. guianensis)

: Dolly pear (O. glomerata) I Hard kereti (Q. wachen­heimii) I Soft kereti (O. oblonga, O. wachenheimii) I White silve;balli (O. canaliculata)

: Cèdre gris / Cèdre noir / Licano apici (O. glomerata) I Tingui apici (O. wachenheimii) I Weti apici (O. oblonga)

: Louro : Laurel

International trade name Canelo, Kereti, White Silverballi

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 -18 m; tree height 20 - 30 m : 0.50 - 0.70 m; up to 1.20 m (O. canaliculata)

'. straight, cylindrical; slightly crooked and unbuttressed (O. wachenheimii) or buttressed to 0.50 m (O. oblonga); buttressed to 1.50 m {O. glomerata); usually buttressed (O. canaliculata)

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: more or less distinct, pinkish grey to pale yellow

: whitish beige (O. canaliculata); slightly orange ashen maroon beige (O. glomerata); pale brown (O. wachen­heimii)

: straight or slightly interlocked

: fine to medium


Technological characteristics

Physical properties (25,25b) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (25, 25b) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

O. glomerata

0.90 0.65 0.57 7.8 4.4 12.2

O. glomerata




O. oblonga

0.90 0.44 0.35 9.1 3.8 13.2

O. oblonga




: easy; blunting effect: very slight : air-seasoning with care; risk of distortion: more or less high; risk of checking: very slight

: easy : good : good : good : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

poor to moderate



Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: poor to good

: interior joinery, light carpentry, furniture, moulding, boxes and crates, plywood, decorative fittings.


26. Licaria canella (Meissn.) Kosterm. kanerati



: Acrolidium canella Meissner/ Licaria cayennensis (Meissn.) Kosterm.

: Lauraceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Kaneelhart / Kaneelpisi / Wajaaka / Kaner-udu Brown silverballi / Kamarai / Tiniari / Wabaima Bois candle / Cèdre canelle Preciosa / Louro chumbo

International trade name Brown silverballi, Kaneelhart

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 40 m 0.35 - 0.75 n

cylindrical; tree base buttressed or swollen

: not clearly distinct, light yellowish brown (fragrant odor) : orange or brown yellow, darkening to dark coffee brown with red or violet tinge on exposure

: straight to slightly interlocked fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.35 1.15 1.00





28000 120


Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate easy to moderately difficult rather difficult with special care pre-boring necessary good

very good

good moderate

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: poor

: heavy constructions, dry and wet, turnery, flooring, musical instruments.


27. Protium decandrum (Aubl.) Marchand a. Protium tenuifolium Engl. b. Protium polybotryum (Turcz.) Engl.

ssp. polybotryum c. Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand

ssp. heptaphyllum

tingimoni / kurokai / ulu

Synonym(s) (27a)


Protium neglectum Swart.


Vernacular names Suriname

Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Grootbladige tingimoni (P. neglectum) I Rode bast tingimoni (P. polybotryum) I Kleinbladige tingimoni (P. heptahyllum)

: Common kurokai / Kurokai / Maruwa (P. decandrum)

: Encens gris /Tinguimoni

: Breu branco / Almecegueira / Incenso (P. heptaphyllum)

Curacai / Tacamahaco

International trade name Kurokai

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 -20 m; tree height 15 -30 m

0.35 - 0.75 m

straight, sometimes fluted; tree base with flat buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: not clearly distinct, pale buff to pinkish : brown or reddish brown with irregularly spaced darker brown streaks

: straight to very irregular and interlocked : rather fine to fairly coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (27, 27c) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity • Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

P. decandrum P. heptaphyllum

(g/cm ) (g/cm3)




0.90 0.64

0.53 5.8 3.5 9.4

0.98 0.72

0.60 6.8 4.2



Mechanical properties (27, 27c) P. decandrum P. heptaphyllum Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2) Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC (N/mm2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)

108 110 12836 12890 61 59

Processing Rawing ; rather difficult, power required, resin may clog sawteeth;

blunting effect: moderate Drying : moderately difficult, risk of distortion and checking

Machining : easy Gluing : variable, special care recommended Nailing : pre-boring necessary Finishing : filler required Veneering • : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : pot-r Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

End uses ; interior joinery, framing, light carpentry, furniture, veneer.


28. Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Amshoff - blakakabisi *



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Diplotropis guianensis Benth. / Diplotropis leptophylla Kleinh. / Bowdichia guianensis Ducke

: Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

: Zwarte kabbes / Kiabici udu

: Tatabu / Ogoru / Konatopo

: Saint Martin gris / Coeurs dehors / Baaka kiabici

: Sucupira / Sapupira / Acapurana

: Congrio / Aji / Zapan negro

International trade name Sucupira

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 18 - 20 m; tree height up to 40 m 0.40 - 0.65 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base with root spurs

: distinct, whitish or yellowish cream

: chocolate brown to reddish brown

: straight to slightly interlocked

medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.20 0.93 0.82 7.1

4.5 12.2

148 19240



Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

difficult, power required slow drying; air drying prior to kiln drying US kiln schedule T7 - B3 for 25 - 38 mm stock very difficult . with special care pre-boring necessary filler recommended slices well (decorative veneer)

very good very good poor


exterior and interior joinery, flooring, s'.airs, turnery, tool handles, furniture, heavy constructions (wet and dry).

low frequency in high dryland forest.


29. Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don - gubaya

Synonym(s) Bignonia copaia Aublet / Jacaranda procera (Willd.) Spreng.

Family Bignoniaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Gabaja / Yaefi : Futui / Aku / Kopaia / Phootee : Copaya / Coupaya / Bois pian / Yachimanbo : Caroba / Marupa falso / Para-para Abey/Cupay/Gobaya

International trade name Gobaja, Para-para

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 30 m : 0.30-1.00 m

: cylindrical, more or less straight; tree base swollen or with root spurs

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

, not distinct, light yellowish white : yellowish white or pinkish white : straight medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm-) (g/cm3)




1.05 0.42






Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing

Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)




: easy, high internal stress, risk of splitting; blunting effect: slight

: easy and fast

'. easy; sharp cutters recommended to avoid woollincss

: good

: poor

: good

: slices and peels well

: poor : poor : poor

: good

interior joinery, moulding, blockboard, boxes and crates, matches, toys, cheap furniture.


30. Hymenaea courbaril L. var. courbaril

a. Hymenaea oblongifolia Huber


Synonym (30)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name

Hymenaea davisii Sandw.

Leguminosae (Ceasalpinioideae)

: Lokus/ Rode lokus : Locust / Kawanari / Moire / Stinking toe

: Courbaril / Loka

: Jatoba / Copal / Copinol / Jatai : Jatahy / Algarrobo

: Courbaril, Jatoba

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

bole 18 - 24 m; tree height 30 - 45 m

0.50-1.50 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base swollen or buttressed

: distinct, whitish to cream white

: orange brown with dark veins or light brown to purplish brown

: generally straight, sometimes interlocked fine to moderately coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (30) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




H. courbaril 1.10







Mechanical properties (30) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

H. courbaril : 173

: 19800 : 98

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate : slow drying recommended; difficult to air season US kiln schedule T3 - C2 for 25-38 mm and T3 - CI for 50 mm stock

: special tools recommended

: good in dry and interior condition

: pre-boring necessary

: good

: slices well; peeling difficult due to hardness

: moderate to very good

very good


: poor

: exterior and interior joinery, marine constructions, high grade furniture and cabinet work, flooring, stairs, decora­tive veneer and fittings, turnery, arched articles.


31. Cedrela odorata L. sedre

Family Meliaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Coder/ Kujalhi : Red Cedar * / Akuyari / Kurana : Cedro / Cédrat / Cèdre rouge / Cedre acajou : Cedro / Cedro vermei ho Cedro amargo / Cedro amarillo

International trade name : Cedro

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 40 m 0.50- 1.50 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, yellowish white or light pinkish brown

pinkish yellow brown to red brown or brown red

straight, sometimes interlocked

fine and uniform to rather coarse and uneven

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)











Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy, little woolliness; blunting effect: slight to very slight

: rapid, without distortion; risk of collapse; US kiln schedule T10 - D4S for 25-38 mm and T8 - IBS for 50 mm stock

: easy : good : good

: good, filler recommended

: peels well

moderate to good

good moderate

: poor

: exterior and interior joinery, furniture, decorative veneer, plywood, cigar boxes, decorative fittings, musical instru­ments.

* different from Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) and Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virxiniana) both North

American soft wood species.


32. Loxopterygium sagotti J.D. Hook snek-udu *

Family Anacardiaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Venezuela

Slangenhout / Hububali / Snakewood Hububalli / Aupar / Kwipari Pialli / Koel pialli Onotillo / Ormata

International trade name Hububalli, Slangenhout

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 30 - 35 m 0.35 - 0.90 m

fairly straight; tree base with large low buttresses

: not sharply distinct, pale yellow or light greyish brown

; light brown to red brown, attractively figured with narrow to wide darker stripes and streaks

: straight, sometimes interlocked or wavy medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.94 0.65









Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: slignt

: moderately difficult; risk of distortion and checking moderate

: sometimes difficult if interlocked grain occures : care required : good good but oily gum may cause problems in varnishing slices and peels good

: moderate to good

: moderate

: poor

: poor

: carpentry, cabinet work, furnitures, flooring, joinery, turnery, interior trim.

occasional in high dryland and savannahforest, and not the same "Snake wood" of Guyana, which is Brosimum guianense (Aubl.) Huber.


33. Anacardium giganteum Hancock ex Engl. a. Anacardium spruceanum Benth. ex Engl.


Family Anacardiaccae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Boskasju / Ajawa Cashew / Espavel Bouchi cajou / Caschou

Caju açu / Cajui / Caju da mata


International trade name Espave

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 10 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 30 m 0.90-1.80 m fairly straight; tree base swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: distinct, greyish white with pinkish tinge russet brown with a golden or reddish cast irregular and interlocked medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (33) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (33) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

A. giganteum 0.83 0.52


5.2 2.7






Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

easy; blunting effect: slight

moderately difficult, tends to warp and check US kiln schedule T6 - D2 for 25-38 mm and T3 • 50 mm stock

poor, due to chipped grain and'fuzzy surfaces



good, filler required

slices and peels well

poor to moderate




- 0 1 for

: interior and exterior joinery, cheep turn.lure, veneer and plywood, boxes and crates, pulp wood.

34. Eriotheca crassa (Uitt.) A. Robyns a. Bombax spectabile Ulbrich

busikatun busimaumau

Synonym (34)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name

Bombax crassum Uitt.


: Jacomini / Boskatoen (34), Mowmow (34a)

: Kamakuti

: Yankomini / Coton odou / Mahot coton

: Paineira




Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

bole 10 -15 m; tree height 20 - 25 m 0.70-1.10 m straight, cylindrical: tree base with low buttresses


grey yellowish

straight, sometimes interlocked

medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (34) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (34) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

E. crassa 0.82



2.5 1.3


E. crassa

78 8810



Processing S a w i n g : easy; blunting effect: slight

y l ng : easy, but with care Machining : g o o d G l u i n g : good N a i l i n g : good F u"shing : good Veneering : p e e i s a n d s | i c e s wen

Natural durability Decay fungi : p o o r t 0 moderate Termites . p o o r

Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : moderate

End uses interior joinery, light carpentry, boxes and crates, interior tn'm, pulpwood.


35. Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist ex Pichon - dukali a. Brosimum parinarioides Ducke

ssp. parinarioides

Synonym (35)


Parahancornia amapa Ducke


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Amapa / Sokosoko

Amapa / Dukali

Dokali / Mapa

A mapâ / Amapa amargoso

International trade name Amapa

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 18 - 20 m: tree height 20 - 30 m 0.30 - 0.50 m straight, cylindrical and slender

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: not distinct

: light beige to light brown yellowish

: straight


Technological characteristics

Physical properties (35) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


P. fasciculata




7.7 4.2



Mechanical properties (35) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

P. fasciculate 87 10600


: easy; blunting effect: slight

: easy, slight risk of distortion

: easy

: good : moderate : good

: peels well

poor poor poor

: moderate

: interior joinery, light furniture, moulding, wain scoting, toys, packing material.


36. Parinari camprestris Aublet a. Parinari rodolphii Huber



Vernacular names Suriname

Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name


: Vonkhout / Koebesini / Behoerada / Rode Fungu / Echte Fungu

: Burada / Candlewood / Kupisini / Makarai / Wamuku : Gaulette blanc / Fongouti koko : Rarinari / Pajura / Farinha Guaray / Merecurillo / Tostado

: Burada


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru

bole 10 -15 m; tree height 20 -40 m 0.45-1.00 m

cylindrical; tree base with low and thick buttresses

: not clearly distinct

: yellowish pink-brown or greyish yellow brown

: straight, sometimes slightly interlocked


Technological characteristics

Physical properties (36) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (36) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

P. camprestis 1.10 0.84


10.3 6.4


P. camprestis





Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: high due to silica content

: easy to air season and prior to kiln drying recommended; risk of distortion: moderate; risk of checking: slight US kiln schedule T2 - C2 for 25-38 mm stock

: difficult, stellite or carbide tipped tools recommended : difficult

: pre-boring necessary

: moderate

: moderate

: good

: good

: good

: marine construction (submerged), heavy construction, sleepers (treated), flooring.


37. Schefßera decaphylla (Seemans) Harms - morototo



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Schefflera paraënsis Huber ex Ducke


Kasavehout / Kasaba udu

Blunt leaf Karohoro / Karohoro

La Saint Jean / Tobitoutou


International trade name : Morototo


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Tropical South America

bole 20 - 25 m: tree height 30 m 0.50-1.00 m straight, cylindrical; base with root spurs or swollen

not distinct

greyish white to yellowish brown


medium to fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.70 - 0.90 0.50









Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: very slight : easy; risk of distortion more or less high; risk of blue stain attack

: easy, but with woolly surface : good : good : good : peels well

.* poor

: poor

: poor

: good

: interior joinery, plywood, matches, boxes and crates, light carpentry, moulding, toys, blackboard, particle board.

available in limited quantities.


38. Schefflera morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin

- kasaba-udu



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Didymopanax morototoni Aublet


: Kasavehout / Morototo

: Karo horo / Morototo / Pointed leaf Karohoro / Puna

: Tobitoutou / La Saint Jean

: Mandioqueira / Mandiocai / Morototo / Matatauba

Cafetero / Orumo-macho / Sunsun

International trade name : Morototo


Tree description Bole lenght / tree height Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Central and Tropical South America

bole 15 -20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m

0.35 -1.00 m straight, cylindrical; base swollen

: not distinct pale brownish straight medium to rather fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm") (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.75 0.59


9.7 6.2 16.9


11250 47


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: very slight

: air season rapidly, with risk of distortion and checking risk of blue stain attack

: easy;.sometimes with fuzzy and torn grain : good : good : good peels well

: poor

: poor

: poor

: good

: hterior joinery, general carpentry, plywood, boxes and crates, matches, splints, particle board.


39. Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nicholson - grinati

Family Bignoniaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

: Groenhart / Wassiba

: Hakia / Arawnig / Aruain / Ironwood

: Ebene soufre / Ebene verte

: Ipê / Pau d'Arco

: Acapro / Puy

: Canaguate / Polvillo

International trade name Ipe, Lapacho, Tabebuia

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Central and Tropical South America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 45 m

: 0.50-1.00 m

: straight, cylindrical; tree base with root spurs or buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, whitish or yellowish : olive brown to blackish with lighter or darker streaks (often covered with a green yellow powder)

: slightly to highly interlocked : fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)







180 18300 97


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult; power required; blunting effect: moderate : slow drying recommended, risk of distortion: slight US kiln schedule T3 - CI for 25 - 38 mm

: moderately difficult; power required : with special precautions : pre-boring necessary : good : pre-steaming before slicing recommended

: very good : very good : poor to moderate

: poor

: industrial and parquet flooring, cabinets, sleepers, stairs, furniture, naval construction, hydraulic works, interior and exterior joinery.


40. Tabebuia insignis (Miq.) Sandw. var. monophylla Sandw.

a. Tabebuia capitata (Bureau & Schuin.) Sandw.

- zwampupanta

- makagrin *


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name


Zwamp panta / Johoto / Mattoe / Wa.akori / Panda udu Panda / Warakuri / White Cedar Bois blanchet / Cèdre blanc Ipê

White cedar, White tabebuia


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

: bole 12 -18 m; tree height 20 - 40 m

: 0.30-1.00 m

: not straight, strongly tapering; tree base with fluted buttresses or swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: not clearly distinct

: yellowish or greyish brown with olive or reddish tinge : fairly straight

: medium and uniform

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (40) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (40) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

T. insignis . 1.04






T. insignis





Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

: easy in dry condition easy to airseason good in dry condition with precautions pre-boring necessary good pre-steaming before slicing

poor to moderate




End uses : interior joinery, flooring, interior trim, carpentry, boxes ar/d crates.

available in limited quantities.


41. Platonia insignis Mart. pakuli



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Platonia esculenta (Arruda) Rickett & Stafleu


Geelhart / Manipau / Gerati

Pakuri / Mammee aple

Parcouri / Matouni / Moussa

Bacuri / Pacuru / Bacuri acu

Roble Maria

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Bacuri, Pakuri

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical South America

: bole 16 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m : 0.45 -1.00 m

: straight, cylindrical; tree base swollen or with low thick root spurs

: distinct; beige to yellow

: yellow brown with yellow beige streaks and stripes

: straight

medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm ) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.87









Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult; power required, blunting effect: slight

: with care; risk of distortion and checking more or less high; US kiln schedule T6 - D2 for 25-38 mm and T3 - Dl for 50 mm stock

: difficult; stellite tipped tools recommended : good : pre-boring necessary : good : pre-steaming before slicing

: very good



: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, flooring, Uairs, marine construction, moulding, veneer.


42. Mora excelsa Bentham mora

Family Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

; Peto / Mora-yek

: Mora / Mora-yek / Parakaua



Peto / Mora de Guyana

Nato rojo

International trade name Mora

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Trinidad

Tree description Bole lenght

Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 25 m; tree height 30 - 40 m, sometimes up to 50 m.

: 0.60 - 0.90 m, sometimes up to 1.30 m * : usually straight, cylindrical, sometimes flattened ; tree base buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, light yellowish grey

: yellowish red brown, reddish brown or dark brown with white or brown streaks

: straight and commonly interlocked : medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


1.30 0.99






Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

152 21000 82

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate to high

: difficult; risk of distortion and checking more or less high; US kiln schedule T2 - C2 ior 25-38 mm and T2 - CI for 50 mm stock

: difficult due to hardness and interlocked grain

: with special precautions

: pre-boring necessary (good holding of nails)

: good

good to very good




: heavy constructions, sleepers, boat building, industrial flooring, heavy carpentry, quality charcoal wood.

large trees, above 60 cm dbh often hollow.


43. Mora gonggrijpii (Kleinh.) Sandw. morabukeya

Family Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana Venezuela

Mora / Morera Morabukea / Para kwai Mora / Morera

International trade name Morabukea

Occurrence Restricted to Suriname, Guyana and Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

bole 18 - 25 m; tree height 20 - 50 m 0.40-1.50 m cylindrical; tree base buttressed

: distinct, pale pinkish brown

: reddish brown to dark brown or pinkish brown with paler streaks

: straight, commonly interlocked, irregular or wavy

: rather fine to moderately coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm-5) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.30 1.02 0.78 10.2







Processing rawing ; difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate to

high urying : difficult; risk of distortion and checking more or less

high; US kiln schedule T2 - C2 for 25-38 mm and T2 - CI for 50 mm stock

Machining ; difficult, due to hardness and interlocked grain tJluing • w j t n Sp e c j a | precautions Nailing : pre-boring necessary (good holding of nails) Finishing : g o o d

Natural durability Decay fungi : g ood to very good Termites : very good Marine borers : p 0 0r

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

. poor

: neavy constructions, industrial flooring, boat building, heavy carpentry.


44. Symphonia globulifera L.f. - mataki *



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Symphonia gabonensis Pierre


Mani / Manipau

Manni / Maitakin / Karamanni

Manil / Manil marécage / Mataaki

Anani / Canadi / Mani

Mani / Paraman

International trade name Mani

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Tropical South America and Tropical West Afrika (Gabon, Congo, Zaire)

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 40 m : 0.35- 1.00 m : straight, cylindrical and slender; tree stems in swamp areas develop stilroots with numerous elbow buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, yellowish or gray

beige brown with yellow, orange or green tinge

straight, sometimes interlocked


Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)






141 14100




Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: moderate : difficult; risk of distortion and checking more or less high; risk of casehardening; US kiln schedule T3 - C2 for 25-38 mm and T3 - CI for 50 mm stock good but rough surfaces in planing and shaping


pre-boring recommended


peels and slices satisfactory

: moderate

: poor

: moderate

: poor

interior and exterior joinery, carpentrv, furniture, flooring, interior fittings, plywood, sleepers.

in West Africa: Ossol / Nianga / Muyanga / Tshilunga.


45. Moronobea coccinea Aublet - manni

Family Guttiferae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name

Parcouri manil Manniballi / Moronbo-rai Moronobo / Manilpeou / Coronobo Marupa / Bacuri de anta / Anani


Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 25 m; tree height 30 - 40 m

0.45 - 0.80 m

straight, cylindrical, slender; tree base without buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

:. distinct, light yellow

: yellow brown with veins

: generally straight; in sapwood crooked and wavy

medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.25 0.96 0.87 9.4







Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: moderate Drying : difficult; risk of distortion and checking more or less

high Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels satisfactory

Natural durability Decay fungi : very good Termites : moderate Marine borers : poor to moderate

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

End uses : exterior joinery, carpentry, industrial flooring, sleepers, bridge decking.


46. Micropholis guianensis (A. DC.) Pierre - wetilo-udu var. commixta Lindeman - blakalo-udu

Family Sapotaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Wit riemhout / Awapan Moraballi Faux balata / Balata blanc Apixuna / Grumixava Hâcano

International trade name Moraballi

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

bole 12 - 20 m; tree height 30 - 35 m

0.45-1.00 m

generally straight; tree base with high buttresses

: not clearly distinct

: yellow to grey brown with a pinkish tinge and sometimes with a yellowish-green hue

: generally straight fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (46) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (46) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

M. guianensis 1.10 0.80 0.67




M. guianensis 161




Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: moderately difficult; blunting effect: more or less high moderately difficult; slow drying recommended moderately difficult good

pre-boring recommended good peels well

: moderate to good : poor

: poor to moderate

: poor

: interior joinery, flooring, millwork, furniture, decorative veneer.


47. Peltogyne venosa (Vahl) Benth. a. Peltogyne paniculata Benth.




Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name

Peltogyne pubescens Bentham

Leguminosae (Cesalpinioideae)

: Purperhart / AJastan / Simirirang

: Purpleheart / Koroboreli / Karawai

Amarante / Bois violet

: Pau roxo / Ipê roxo / Guarabu

Zapatero / Marado / Algarrosito



Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical South America

bole 18 - 27 m; tree height 25 - 50 m 0.45 - 0.90 m straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

: clearly distinct; pale pink to grey white ; brown beige when freshly cut. but turns in deep purple upon exposure to light and darkens to dark brown

; usually straight medium to fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (47) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (47) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC


(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)



(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

°. venosa 1.20 0.84 0.76




3. venosa 155

16880 79


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

: difficult; power required; blunting effect: moderate

: easy; risk of distortion and checking slight US kiln schedule T6 - D2 for 25-38 mm and T3 - Dl for 50 mm stock

: moderately difficult : good, but with care : pre-boring recommended : good : slices well

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

good to very good good to very good moderate

Treatability (heartwood) poor

End uses : interior and exterior joinery, cabinet work, furniture, stairs, flooring, tool handles, billiard cue butts, carving, turnery, marquetry, laminated beams, sliced veneer.


48. Licania laxiflora Fritsch a. Licania majuscula Sagot b. Licania heteromorpha Bentham

var. heteromorpha

- kwepi - fungu - anawra

Family Rosaceae (Chrysobalanoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana

French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

: Vonkhout / Baka koko / Bergi kwepi : Kauta (L. laxiflora) I Farsha (L. majuscula) I Kauta balli (L. alba) / Maiuarai

: Bois gau lette (L. majuscula) I Gris gris rouge / Koko : Anaoura / Pinta dinho / Caraipé : Hierrito / Merecure : Cana dulce

International trade name Kauta (48), Kauta balli (48b)

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical Amazon Region

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter

Log shape

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 -35 m : 0.70 - 0.85 m (L. heteromorpha)

0.40 - 0.65 m (L. laxiflora) : moderately straight; tree base butressed or swollen (L. heteromorpha)

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: rather indistinct, pinkish red (L. hetermorpha) : reddish brown, yellowish or greyish brown with pinkish tinge (L. heteromorpha)

: straight or slightly interlocked : coarse to fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (48,48a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




L. laxiflora 1.18






L. majuscula 1.16







Mechanical properties (48,48a) Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2) Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC (N/mm2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)

L. laxiflora 219



L. majusc 111,



Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: high : easy to moderately difficult; risk of distortion and checking: slight

: difficult; special tools recommended

: with special precautions

: pre-boring necessary

: good

: poor to moderate : moderate : very good

: moderate

: heavy constructions (above ground), framing, shingles, marine constructions.


49. Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) Chev. - bortri

Synonym(s) : Mimusops balata (Miq.) Eichl. / Manilkara balata (Pierre) Dubard

Family Sapotaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Bolletrie / Balata / Paardevleeshout

Bulletwood / Balata / Beefwood / Iriar / Kobero / Purue

Balata franc / Balata rouge / Balata gomme

Macaranduba / Maparajuba / Paraju

Balata / Massaranduba Balata / Nispero / Trapichero

International trade name Macaranduba

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical South America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 20 - 25 m; tree height 30 - 45 m 0l45 -1.50 m straight, cylindrical and slender

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, pink beige to pale brown

: light to dark red brown, upon exposure to dark purple brown

: straight, occasionally wavy or interlocked fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cmO (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


1.30 1.09






Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining *

Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

190 19300 87

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate : difficult, slow and carefully; risk of distortion and checking: high; risk of casehardening US kiln schedule Tl - Bl for 25-38 mm stock

: power required but moderately easy; special tools recommended

: with special precautions : pre-boring necessary; good holding of nails

: good : slices well

: good to very good : very good : poor

: poor

: heavy constructions, bridges, flooring, carpentry, stairs, naval construction, violin bows, billiard cue butts, furni­ture components.

* wood dust may cause skin irritation (dermatitis).


50. Sclerolobium guianense Bentham - gedu a. Sclerolobium micropetalum Ducke b. Sclerolobium albiflorum (A.DC.) Chev. c. Sclerolobium melinonii Harms - dyadidya d. Tachigali paniculata Aubl.

var. paniculata

Family Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)

Vernacular names



French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Sabana djedu (5. guianense) I Zwarte djedu (S. micropetalum) I Rode djedu (S. albiflorum)

: Kaditiri / Kalili / Kata / Thick skin Kaditiri / Thin skin KaJitiri

: Diaguidia : Tachy / Tachirana / Pachare : Congrio / Guamillo

International trade name Djedu, Kaditiri

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical South America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 40 m

: 0.35 • 0.85 m : log with shallow longitudinal depressions; base often with many flat and wide butresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: not clearly distinct, greyish brown : light brown to dark brown with pinkish or yellowish tinge

: straight to interlocked : medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (50, 50c) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


S. guianense 0.98 0.54



4.3 12.1

S. melinonii 1.02




4.6 13.0


Mechanical properties (50, 50c) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

S. guianense




S. melinonii 94



(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

: easy; blunting effect: slight

: easy; slight risk of distortion : good, but with fuzzy surfaces

: good : good : good, except when interlocked grain occurs

: peels and slices well

: moderate to good : poor : poor

: poor

: interior boarding and panelling, furniture, general carpentry, packing, crates.


53. Cedrelinga cateniformis Ducke - donsedre


Vernacular names Suriname French Guiana Brazil Venezuela / Peru

Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Don ceder

Cedrelinga Cedrorana / Parica / Cedrelinga


International trade name Cedrorana


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru

bole 10 - 25 m: tree height 25 -45 m

0.85 - 2.00 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base unbuttressed

not clearly distinct, light yellowish pale brown with a golden luster

: straight, sometimes interlocked fine to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.92 0.65 0.53

7.6 4.3



12134 47


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: slight : easy; risk of distortion and checking: slight; risk of collaps

: easy; tendency to woolliness

: good

: good

: good; filler required

: peels well

: moderate : poor : poor

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, furniture, plywood, decorative fittings, boxes and crates.


52. Brosimum paraënse Huber - satèn-udu *



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Brosimum rubescens Taub.


Satijnhout / Ajersi Dukaliballi

Satin rubane Pau rainha / Amapa amargoso

Satiné, Dukaliballi

Suriname, Guianas, Amazon Region

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m 0.50 - 0.70 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

distinct, pinkish or pinkish yellow : light red brown or chestnut brown ; straight, sometimes interlocked

medium to fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm') (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.20 0.95 0.80

7.8 5.3 13.2





Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate

moderately difficult; carefully and slow drying

difficult, special tools required


pre-boring necessary


slices well

good good moderate

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: poor

: turnery, carving, marquetry, violin bows, furniture and cabinets.

ocassionally and rare in high dryland forest.


51. Brosimum giüanense a. Piratinera sp.

Huber - letr'udu *



Piratinera guianensis Aublet

Mo race ae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Letterhout / Bylhykoro Letterwood / Tibokushi

: Satine gris / Bois d'Amourette Gateado / Muirapenima Nanata / Palo de oro

International trade name Snakewood, Leopardwood, Letterwood


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Amazon Region

bole 12 - 15 m; tree height 15 - 25 m 0.30 - 0.50 m Straight, cylindrical; tree base swollen

: distinct, pinkish white : reddish brown with conspicuous irregular black speckles or stripes resemble letters or markings of a snake

: straight : fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (51) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (51) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

B. guianense

1.40 1.25 1.15 11.1 7.0 18.4

B. guianense 133

22910 67


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult, power required: blunting effect: moderate : difficult, slow and carefull drying recommended; risk of distortion and checking: high; risk of casehardening

: difficult, special tools required : good : pre-boring necessary ; good ; slices well

: very good : very good good


turnery, fancy articles, violin bows, drum sticks, walking sticks, carving, marquetry, sliced veneer.

low frequency in high dryland forest.


54. Lecythis zabucajo Aublet kwatapatu



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Lecythis davisii Sandw.


: Zabuca : Monkeypot / Kume / Wadaduri : Kouatapatou / Canari macaque / Zabucaio : Sapucaia / Castanha sapucala Coco de mono / Tinajito

: Sapucaia

: Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Amazon Region

: bole 20 - 30 m; tree height 35 - 55 m : 0.60-1.80 m : straight, cylindrical; tree base somewhat buttressed or swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: distinct, creamy yellow : light red brown or salmon red : straight or slightly interlocked rather fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density (g/cm3) Air dry density at 12% MC (g/cm3) Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage (%) Tot. radial shrinkage (%) Tot. volumetric shrinkage (%)

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2) Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC (N/mm2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)

1.25 1.05 0.82 10.5 6.2 17.8





Processing Sawing : difficult, power required; blunting effect: high Drying : easy to air season; risk of distortion and checking: slight Machining : difficult; special tools required Gluing : good, with precautions Nailing : pre-boring necessary Finishing : good Veneering : sliced well

Natural durability Decay fungi : very good Termites : very good Marine borers : moderate

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

End uses : marine constructions, heavy flooring, sleepers, tool handles, ship keels and beams, turnery.


55. Lecythis confertiflora (A.C. Smith) S. Mori - wetilo-abi a. Lecythis pisonis * Camb.

Synonym (55)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name

Eschweilera confertiflora A.C. Smith


Wirimiri Wirimiri / Kakaralli Mahot blanc / Wetilo abi Ripeiro vermelho


Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m

0.40 - 0.70 m straight, cylindrical; tree base swollen

: distinct, yellow brown with a few dark streaks : dark red brown : straight fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (55a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (55a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

L. pisonis 1.28 1.06 0.88 7.6

6.0 13.4

L. pisonis 190

23300 91


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: rather difficult, power required : moderately difficult to air season; risk of distortion and checking: slight

: rather difficult, special tools required : good, with precautions : pre-boring necessary : good : slices well

: good to very good : moderate : moderate to good

: poor

: heavy dry and wet constructions, flooring, sleepers, tool handles.

L. pisonis Camb. is in appearance and technical properties similar to L. confer![flora.


56. Catostemma fmgrans Bentham - barmani

Family Bombacaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Venezuela Columbia

: Foetei / Kajoewaballi

: Sand Baromalli / Baramanni / Adarouna

: Flambeau rouge

: Baraman


International trade name Baromalli

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Venezuela, Columbia

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sap wood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 20 - 25 m; tree height 30 - 45 m

0.60-1.20 m

straight, slender and cylindrical; base unbuttressed

: not clearly distinct, yellowish brown : dull yellowish brown to pinkish brown : straight to slightly interlocked coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.58 0.50 11.2 5.2






Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: moderate Drying : moderately difficult, slow drying with care recommen­

ded; risk of distortion and checking; slight to moderate * Machining : moderately difficult; sharp tools necessary Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing ; filler required Veneering : good

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : good

End uses : interior joinery, light carpentry, interior trim, utility plywood, pulpwood, boxes and cratts.

movement in service, large.


57. Laetia procera (Poeppig) Eichler kaiman-udu

Family : Flacourliaceac

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

: Piento kopi / Moelawa / Wara kajaro : Warakairo / Bastard kabtikalli / Murewa ! Kaaiman oudou / Bois Jacquot / Bois marie : Pau-Jacaré / Apijo / Piria / Tuchaua : Caimitc cimarron / Cuajillo

International trade name Warakairo


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain


Suriname, Guianas, Amazon Region

: bole 10 - 25 m; tree height 20 - 35 m : 0.45 - 0.75 m

: straight, cylindrical and slender; tree base swollen or with root spurs


yellowish white to yellowish light brown

moderately straight and generally slightly interlocked (wavy) fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)




11.3 5.4



13375 72


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy, but risk of splitting; blunting effect: moderate : moderate to rapid; risk of checking, cupping, twisting and casehardening: high

: difficult in planing due to interlocked grain : good, with care : good : good : peels well

poor poor poor


interior joinery, carpentry, flooring, plywood (interior).


58. Inga alba (Swartz) Willd. rediprokoni


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Aboonkini / Lebiweko / Mapolhokon Maporokon / Kurang / Yokar / Kwiriye Lebi oueko / Bois sucre / Bougoupi Inga-chi-chi Bunzquillo / Guamo

International trade name



Suriname, Guianas, Venezuela, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 30 m

0.35 - 0.70 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

: indistinct, light reddish brown : pinkish brown with occasionally darker streaks : straight, commenly light wavy or interlocked coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mra2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.96 0.66

0.57 6.9







Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: very slight : easy, careful stacking required, risk of distortion: more or less high

: easy at few interlocked grain : good : good : good : peels well

: poor : poor : poor

: poor to moderate

: interior joinery, cheap furniture, carpentry, utility plywood, boxes and crates.


59. Pithecellobium pedicellare (DC) Benth. - tamarenprokoni



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Macrosamanea pedicellaris (DC) Kleinh.

Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Assau / Apokonjo





'International trade name Assao

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Venezuela, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 35 m 0.75-1.10 m straight, cylindrical; base unbuttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: distinct, light yellowish brown

pinkish brown to dark red

straight but generally slight interlocked

moderately coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.63 0.55






12920 60


Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : easy but careful; risk of distortion and checking: more or

less high Machining . : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : moderate to good Termites : good Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor to moderate

End uses : interior joinery, carpentry, furniture, plywood, boxes and crates.


60. Hydrochorea corymbosa (A. Rich) Barneby & Grimes - busitamaren a. Pithecellobium sp.

Synonym (60) Arthrosamanea corymbosa (A. Rich) Kleinh. / Pithecellobium corymbosum (A. Rich.) Benth.

Family Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Bostamarinde / Amandra bali

Tureli Kioudou

Angelim pintado / Inga rassa

International trade name Angelim pintado

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m 0.40 - 0.65 m

moderately straight; tree base: swollen and buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: distinct, pinkish red

: reddish brown

: wavy and interlocked


Technological characteristics

Physical properties (60) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (60) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

H. corymbosa

0.85 - 0.90






H. corymbosa 76




Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: slight : easy; risk of distortion and checking: slight to moderate moderate, due to interlocked and raised grains good


good, filler required slices well

: moderate

: moderate

: poor

: poor to moderate

: interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, furniture turnery, veneer.


61. Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson - kromantikopi a. Aspidosperma album (Vahl) Benoist ex Pichon b. Aspidoperma helstonei van Donselaar

Family Apocynaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Kumantikopi / Kabokhalibali

: Shibadan

: Bois macaye / Kiantioutiou

: Araracanga / Maparana / Jacamim

Canalete amarillo

: Copachi

International trade name Araracanga (61), Siiibadan (61a)

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Mexico

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 35 m

: 0.50 - 0.80 m : cylindrical or slightly flattened: tree base unbuttressed or light swollen

: distinct, light yellow

: orange red to reddish brown; upon exposure pinkish brown or pale yellowish brown

: straight, sometimes irregular or roey rather fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (61, 61a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (61, 61a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm') (N/mm2) (N/mm2)



cruentum 1.06












album 1.03








19580 92


Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: moderately difficult, some power required; blunting effect: slight

: easy to air season; risk of distortion and checking: slight US kiln schedule T7 - B3 for 25-38 mm stock

: easy good

pre-boring necessary


slices well

: good to very good

: moderate

: poor

: poor to moderate

: interior and exterior joinery, flooring, furniture, general carpentry, turnery, carving.


62. Swartzia benthamiana Miq. var. benthamiana



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name

Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

: Kaka bruku / Itiki buruballi

: Itiki boroballi / Morompo / Okraprabu : Montouchi / Goué-goué

: Saboarana / Sabotarana branco

; Conigrio / Barbasco / Canasposo

: Saboarana

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 35 m

: 0.35 - 0.60 m

: straight, cylindrical, sometimes slightly flat; tree base often swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, whitish (very wide sapwood) : chocolate brown to pale reddish brown or purplish brown; occasionally marked by dark olive or purplish brown stripes

: generally straight, but also variable

: medium to very fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm ) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.20 0.89






22100 85


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult; power required; blunting effect: high : moderately difficult; slow drying recommended; risk of checking: high

: difficult; power required : good, with precautions : pre-boring necessary : good

: very good : very good : moderate

; poor

: interior trim, cabinet work, parquet flooring, violin bows, fine furniture, cutlery, marquetry, musical instruments.


63. Bocoa prouacensis Aubl. Swartzia leiocalycina Benth. a

- isn-ati

Synonym (63)


: Swartzia prouacensis (Aublet) Amsh.

Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

: Ijzerhart / Gandoe / Bania bali : Wamara / Ironwood / Brown ebony : Boco / Bois de fer : Pau ferro / Mututy Orura sarrialera

: Alma negra

International trade name Bannia, Wamara


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical South America

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m 0.40 - 0.50 m

deeply fluted; base unbuttressed

: distinct, white to yellowish

: dark brown, reddish brown or nearly black

: straight to irregular

medium to very fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (63) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (63) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

B. prouacensis 1.30



7.6 3.9 11.2

B. prouacensis 225 22220



Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

I difficult, power required; blunting effect: high : moderately difficult; slow drying recommended; risk of checking: high; British kiln schedule: B

: difficult, power required * : good, with precautions : pre-boring necessary good

: good to very good

: good

: moderate to good

: poor

: interior trim, parquet flooring, turnerv, furniture, cabinet work, violin bows, inlay, marquetry.

fine sawdust may cause skin and mucosa irritation.


64. Pouteria cuspidata (A.DC.) Baehni ssp. robusta (Mart & Eichl.) Pennington

a. Pouteria eugeniifolia * (Pierre) Baehni b. Pouteria cladantha Sandw.


Synonym (64) : Pouteria dura Eyma / Neoxythece dura (Eyma) Aubr. & Pellgr.

Family Sapotaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia Peru

Pintobolletrie / Kurassini / Morabali kuleru

Kokoritiballi / Bastard kokoritiballi

Balata singe rouge Paudoce / Abiuran« Chuponcillo / Pendarito / Temare Maranocillo Caimitillo

International trade name Abiuranta

Occurrence from Panama to Tropical South America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 18 - 25 m; tree height 25 - 35 m

0.25 - 0.60 m

cylindrical to fluted; tree base with low thick buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, light brown reddish brown straight fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (64a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




P. eugeniifolia 1.33 1.29 1.08





Mechanical properties (64a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

P. eugeniifolia

259 30430 108

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: high

: moderate to air season

: difficult (hardness and silica); special tools required

: good with special precautions

: pre-boring necessary

: good

poor to moderate

moderate to good



heavy dry constructions, industrial flooring.

in appearance and technical properties similar to Pouteria cuspidata.


65. Pouteria guianensis Aublet


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC


-yamboka *

: Sapotaceae

: Jan Snijder I Njangboka I Komalhamalha bah

: Asepoko I Marapasmukri I P6yak

: Akoinsiba I Jaune d'oeuf

: Abiu I Abiurana

: Calmito morado I Carrizalero

: Caimito

: Asepoko I Abiu

: Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical South America

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m

: 0.30 - 0.60 m

: cylindrical or fluted at the base; tree base with small, thick swollen buttresses

: distinct, yellow brown

: red brown with slight stripes or flame like figures

: straight, but sometimes slightly interlocked

: fine

(g/cm3) 1.24

(g/cm3) 1.16


(%) 8.5

(%) 11.0

(%) 19.8

(N/mm2) 189

(N/mm2) 22172

(N/mm2) 99

Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

* ocassional in high dryland and marsh forest.

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: high

: moderate to air season

: difficult (hardness and silica); special tools required

: good with special precautions

: pre-boring necessary

: good

: very good

: good

: good

: poor

: heavy dry and wet construcrions, house framing, posts, spars, lock gates.


66. Sacoglottis guianensis Bentham bofru-udu

Family Humiriaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Doekali / Bovo udu / Kamadan

Dukuria / Huriki / Kotore / Sand dukuria


Achua / Axua / Uchy / Cumate

Ponsigne montanero

International trade name Dukuria


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Tropical South America

bole 15 - 25 m; tree height 20 - 30 m 0.40 - 0.65 m straight, cylindrical; tree base: swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartw'ood Grain Texture

not clearly distinct, greyish brown reddish brown to purplish brown straight to irregular coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm") (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.05 0.96









Processing Sawing : difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate Drying : easy and fast; risk of distortion: slight Machining : easy to moderate (interlocked grain) Gluing : good Nailing : pre-boring necessary Finishing : good

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor to moderate Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

lind uses ; heavy dry constructions, industrial flooring, crossties.


67. Xylopia aromatica (BaiII.) Mart. a. Xylopia sp.

- pegrekupisi


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela


Pedreku / Arara / Amose / Koenge Wajoeli / Kurenge / Kurahara Cèdre pedrekou Envira / Envireira / Pindaiba Fruto de burro

International trade name Envira


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 25 m

0.40 - 0.60 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base with few buttresses

indistinct, greyish white to pinkish brown

pinkish brown


moderately fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.66 0.53

0.48 9.9

6.6 16.1


11880 50


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: slight

: moderate to air season; risk of distortion and checking: moderate

: easy : good : good good peels well

: poor : poor : poor

: moderate

: interior joinery, general carpentry, furniture, plywood, boxes and crates.


68. Terminalia dichotoma G. Meyer a. Terminalia lucida * Hoffmanns, ex Mart.



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture


: Bosamandel / Amandra bali

: Fukadi / Cokerwood / Naharu / Alasoaba / Swamp fukadi : Angouchy

: Tanibuca / Cuiarana / Mirindiba : Guayabón

: Fukadi, Tanibuca

: Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

bole 15 - 22 m; tree height 20 - 40 m

0.50-1.00 m

cylindrical, sometimes fluted; tree base buttressed

: indistinct

: light brown to creamy brown, often with darker streaks

straight to roey


Technological characteristics

Physical properties (68a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (68a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

T. lucida 1.08


0.68 8.4



T. lucida 143

17760 71


Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: moderately difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate

: moderate; risk of distortion and checking: moderate US kiln schedule T3 - C2 tor 25-38 mm and T3 - CI for 50 mm stock

: moderately difficult due to interlocked grain : good : pre-boring necessary good, filler required peels moderate

: good

: poor

: poor

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, flooring, cabinet work, furniture, turnery, plywood, sleepers.

similar in appearance and properties to T. dichotoma and Buchenavia fanshawei Exell & Maguire


69. Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmelin) Exell. - krabasi-udu *



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

International trade name


Terminalia obovata Aubreville


: Kalebashout / Djindja udu / Alasabo

: Hill fukadi / Coffee mortar / Matora / Pookadi : Anangossi / Angouchi

: Cuiarana / Merendiba branca / Pau mulato branco : Chicharro / Pardillo amarillo / Pardillo negro : Guyabo léon

: Nargusta

: Central and Northern South America (also in Trinidad & Tobago)

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 15 - 20 m ; tree height 20 - 40 m

0.50- 1.20 m straight, cylindrical; tree base with large buttresses

: not sharply distinct, light yellowish brown ; yellowish olive to golden brown : roey and interlocked : medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.24 0.87


7.8 5.2






Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: moderately difficult; power required: blunting effect: moderate

: moderate; risk of distortion and checking: slight to high; risk of casehardening US kiln schedule for T. dichotoma recommended

: moderately difficult due to highly interlocked grain good pre-boring necessary good, filler required

: moderate to good : moderate to good : poor

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, flooring, cabinet work, turnery, boat building, sleepers.

the same local name is also used for the species Vitex stahelii Mold., family Verbenaceae.


70. Platymiscium trinitatis Benth. var. durum Ducke

a. Platymiscium ulei Harms


Family Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia


Macacawood Ebene rouge

Macacaüba / Jacaranda do brejo Roble Trebol / Guayacan trebol

International trade name : Trebol

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Central and Tropical South America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 12 -18 m; tree height 15 - 25 m

0.65-1.10 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, yellow white : bright red to reddish or purplish brown often with distinctly dark stripes

: straight to roey : medium to fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (70a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




P. ulei 0.96

0.88 0.75

3.5 2.7



Mechanical properties (70a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

P. ulei

116 17250 68

: moderately difficult; blunting effect: slight to moderate : good to air season but slowly; risk of distortion and checking: slight

: good : good : pre-boring recommended : good : peels well

: very good : good to very good : moderate

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, furniture, cabinet work, turnery, musical instruments, decorative veneer.


71. Hymenolobium flavum Kleinh. a. Hymenolobium excelsum Ducke

- makakabisi


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name


Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Makkakabbes / Erejuru / Saandu / Lialiadan

Koraroballi / Kotik / Atoritan / Kaserena

Saint Martin jaune / Saint Martin gris / Gullikiabicci

Angelim / Angelim do Para / Sapupira amarella

Angel im

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 20 - 25 m; tree height 25 - 45 m

: 0.30-1.10 m

: cylindrical; tree base with large and high buttresses, usually branched and concave

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

indistinct, white greyish to light brown

orange brown to pale brown

straight to interlocked

coarse to uneven

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (71, 71a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (71, 71a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

H. flavum 1.18


0.63 5.2

3.6 9.3

H. flavum

101 11770




excelsum 1.21


0.63 7.1 4.4


excelsum 121




Processing Sawing ; easy; blunting effect: slight Drying ; moderately difficult to air season; risk of distortion anti

checking: slight Machining : eaSy Gluing : g00d Nailing : good Finishing : go„d Veneering : peels moderate

Natural durability Decay fungi : g00d to very good Termites : g00d Marine borers : moderate

Treatability (heartwood) : moderate

&nd Uses : interior and exterior joinery, flooring, panelling, turnery, furniture, general carpentry.


72. Hura crepitans L. - possentri

Family Euphorbiaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Possum / Bulhewe bali Sandbox / Monkey's dinner bell

Sablier blanc / Sablier jaune

Assacü / Acacu

Ceiba blanca / Ceiba habillo / Jabillo Ceiba de lèche / Ceiba amarillo

International trade name Hura, Possumwood

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Central America (Mexico) to Peru

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 10 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 60 m

: 0.90-1.50 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base with large thick buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

indistinct, yellowish white to light brown yellow

pale yellowish brown or pale olive grey

straight to interlocked

fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.64 0.45









Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy, but in green condition moderately difficult due to interlocked grain

: moderately difficult to air season; risk of distortion and checking: slight to high. US kiln schedule T6 - D2 for 25-30 mm and T3 - Dl for 50 mm stock

: good, in dry condition good good good, filler may be required peels and slices well

: variable : poor : poor

: good

: general carpentry, interior joinery, furniture, veneer and plywood, fiber and particle board, paperpulp.


73. Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip - sopo-udu

Synonym Pithecellobium jupunba (Willd.) Urban

Family Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Zeephout / Fikofiko / Hurwasa / Uya / Kraipie Huruasa / Klaipio / Kwatpain / Soapwood

Assao blanc / Bois macaque

Ange lim fraco Angelino

Abey blanco / Angelino / Carbonero

International trade name Huruasa

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 10 -15 m; tree height 20 - 30 m 0.35 - 0.95 m

fairly straight; tree base swollen or with low buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

not clearly distinct, pale roze

pale brown to red brown

straight to interlocked

fine to moderately coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.05 0.64



4.5 12.6





Processing Sawing : easy Drying : easy and fast Machining : g o o d

Gluing : good Nailing : g ood Finishing : g o o d

Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : moderate Termites : p o o r

Marine borers : p 00r

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

u s e s : interior trim, stair, furniture, carpen'ry, veneer, utility plywood.

not similar to "Gladde bast Sopo udu" (Caryocar glabrum Pers.) and "Ruwe bast Sopo udu" (Caryocar microcarpum Ducke) of the family Caryocaraceae.

74. Antonio ovata Pohl - lika-udu

Family Loganiaceae

Vernacular names Suriname

Guyana French Guiana Brazil

: Kasaba udu / Melasi udu / Hariroru / Ipuntrie / Paluloipio

: Inyak / Icanu Bois blanc / Bois cassave / Wetipaou

: Pau manihot

International trade name Inyak

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 18 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 25 m

: 0.35 - 0.45 m : straight, slightly fluted; tree base unbuttressed, sometimes with basal swelling or root spurs

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: indistinct : cream white to yellow grey : irregular medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)







Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC (N/mra2) Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC (N/ram2) Crushing strenght at 12% MC (N/mm2)

94 9400 53


Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: very slight Drying ; moderate; risk of checking: moderate Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing ; good Finishing : good Veneering : peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

knd uses : interior and exterior joinery, plywood, boxes and crates.


75. Bagassa guianensis Aublet kaw-udu



Bagassa tiliifolia (Hamilton) Benoist


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name


Jawahedan / Kan udu / Gelc bagasse

Cow wood / Yawahudan / Katowar

Odon / Bois bagasse / Kaw oudou

Tatajuba / Bagaceira / Amapa rana


Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 15 - 25 m; tree height 25 - 35 m

0.60 -1.00 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base with root spurs

distinct, yellowish white

orange yellow, on exposure dark brown

irregular and interlocked

medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)







138 17800



Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: slight : easy to air season; risk of distortion and checking: slight to very slight

: moderately difficult ; good : pre-boring recommended good interesting for slicing

very good good moderate

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, cabinet work, flooring, stairs, fittings, wainscoting, shipbuilding, moulding.


76. Chrysophyllum pomiferum (Eyma) Penn. - dyubortri a. Pouteria sp.



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Achrouteria pomifera Eyma


Djubolletrie / Kwiepa Limonaballi / Paripiballi / Aknon / Kwikpa

Balata jaune d'oeuf/ Mongui soke Abiurana

Purguillo / Capurillo / Felipe pena Punte

International trade name Limonaballi


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil up to Peru

bole 15 - 25 m; tree height 30 - 40 m

0.60 - 0.90 m

straight; tree base buttressed or somewhat flanged

indistinct, light brown pale yellowish brown to dark brown

straight to interlocked fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (76) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (76) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

C. pomiferum 1.10



11.2 5.8 16.4

C. pomiferum 179

19515 79


Processing Sawing ; difficult, power required; blunting effect: high Drying : easy to moderate to air season Machining : moderate to difficult, power required Gluing : good Nailing : pre-boring necessary Finishing : good

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor to moderate Termites : good Marine borers : good

Treatability (heartwood) : poor to moderate

knd uses ; interior and exterior joinery, industrial flooring, dry and heavy construction, posts, sleepers.


77. Dimorphandra conjugata (Splitg.) Sandw. - dakama a. Dimorphandra polyandra Benoist

Synonym (77a)


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

Dimorphandra hohenkerkii Sprague & Sandw.

Leguminosae (Ceasalpinioideae)

Anjama / Akajuran

Dakama (D. polyandra) I Akayoran (D. conjugata)

Aieoueko / Mora de Saint Laurant Faveira-Vermelha / Faveira-camurin

International trade name : Fava-vermelha, Aieoueko


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 40 m : 0.45 - 0.75 m

: straight with large and shallow furrows; tree base with root spurs or buttresses

: distinct, pale white

: dark red brown (D. conjugata), yellowish with darker streaks (D. polyandra)

: straight or slightly interlocked : coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (77a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (77a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

D. polyandra 1.05






D. polyandra 119

12170 62


Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : difficult; risk of distortion and checking: moderate to

high Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good

Natural durability Decay fungi : very good Termites : moderate Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

End uses : interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, glued laminated beams, furniture, boxes and crates.


78. Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd. a. Dipteryx puncatata (Blake) Amsh.


Synonym Coumarouna odorata Aublet

Family Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Kumaru / Katulimia Tonka bean / Kumaru / Aipo / Krapabosi Tonka / Gaiac de Cayenne Cumaru / Champanha / Muirapagé

Sarrapia / Yape


International trade name Cumaru

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil and Tropical South America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 18 - 25 m; tree height 30 - 50 m

: 0.30-1.50 m : straight, cylindrical; tree base with thick root spurs or buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: distinct, yellowish brown : reddish brown or purplish brown with light yellowish brown purplish streaks and upon exposure becoming light brown or yellowish brown

: generally interlocked : fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (78) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




D. odort 1.20 1.07 0.97 5.2 7.6



Mechanical properties (78) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

D. odorata

187 20950 95

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate : difficult, slow and with care; risk of distortion and checking: more or less high

: difficult, due to hardness and interlocked grain : poor, special precautions necessary : pre-boring necessary : good if interlocked grain not present : slices good

: very good : very good : poor to moderate

: poor

: marine constructions, industrial flooring, heavy carpentry, decorative veneer, turnery, sleepers, bridges.


79. Pterocarpiis rohrii Vahl - eigron-bebe

Family Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Hoogland bebe / Eigron bebe / Watra bebe

Hill corkwood / Itiki boro / Mutushi

Moutouchi / Egon bebe

Pau sangua / Mututi / Angü

Lagunero / Drago / Sangrito

Yaya sangre / Sangre de drago

International trade name Bebe, Sangre

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil and from Mexico to Argentina

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 18 m; tree height 20 - 25 m :0.40- 1.00 m

: irregular and fluted; tree base with high sinuous plank buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

: indistinct, whitish ; yellowish or dirty white, sometimes traumatic dark brown to purple brown heart straight or irregular medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.89 0.48

0.42 6.3




9895 37


Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : easy to air season; risk of distortion and checking:

moderate Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels and slices well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : good

h,na uses : general carpentry, furniture components, plywood, particle and fiberboard.


80. Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd. a. Trattinickia demerarae Sandw. b. Protium sp.



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana

French Guiana Brazil Venezuela


: Awalu pisi / Olio / Grand moni : Ulu / Wayana (T. rhoifolia) I Thick skin ulu / Bastard kurokai (T. demerarae)

: Gambouchi / Grand moni / Encens gris : Amesclao / Morcegueira : Caraiio

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Amesclao, Ulu

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela

: bole 15 - 25 m; tree height 20 - 40 m

: 0.40-1.00 m : cylindrical; tree base with low thick buttresses or unbuttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

indistinct, whitish grey grey white to pale beige

rather straight, but often widely and regularly interlocked medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (80) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (80) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

T. rhoifolia 0.89 0.59





T. rhoifolia 94




Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: high Drying : slowly and with care; risk of distortion and checking:

slight to high Machining : difficult due to interlocked grain and silica Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels satisfactorily

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites : moderate

Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor to moderate

End uses : interior joinery, light carpentry, furniture, plywood

(interior), boxes and crates.

in physical and technical appearance different from the also as Tingimoni local called species Proimm hostmannii (Miq.)Engl. and Protium sagotianum March, of the same Burseraceae-family.


81. Triplons weigeltiana (Rich.) Kuntze mira-udu



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Triplaris surinamensis Cham.


Mierenhout / Don udu / Kachichidan

Long John / Kachidan Bois fourmi


Vara de maria

International trade name


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture


Suriname, Guianas, Brazil and from Mexico to Peru

: bole 10 -15 m; tree height 15 - 20 m

: 0.30 - 0.45 m

: slightly angled or fluted; tree base with narrow buttresses

: indistinct

pale grey brown to pinkish brown

straight or slightly interlocked

medium to moderately coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm ) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.03 0.61









Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : moderately difficult, slow and carefully; risk of distortion

and checking: moderate; US kiln schedule T6 - D2 for 25-38 mm stock

Machining : easy Gluing : good Nailing : good Finishing : good Veneering : peels and slices well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor Termites j poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor to moderate

iLnd uses ; interior joinery, utility furniture, boxes and crates, fiber-and particle board.


82. Ormosia coccinea (Aubl.) B.D. Jackson kokriki

Family Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

: Hoogland kokriki / Firiberubana ' Eigron kokriki

: Barakaro / Jumbi bead tree / Epik rik

: Kokriki / Agui / Lebi kiabici

; Tento / Jatobahy do igapó


: Chocho

International trade name : Tento

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia and Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 18 - 25 m; tree height 20 - 35 m : 0.40 - 0.90 m : straight, cylindrical; basally swollen or unbuttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, cream to yellowish : pinkish red to dark brown with lighter streaks : interlocked and irregular

coarse to very coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.04 0.70

0.60 6.4







Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

: easy; blunting effect: slight : slow but easy to air season; risk of distortion and checking: slight to moderate

: moderately difficult due to interlocked grain : good : good : good, but filler required

moderate : moderate poor


End uses » interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, wainscoting, furiniture, utility veneer.


83. Ormosia coutinhoi Ducke a. Alexa wachenheimii Benoist b. Poecilanthe hostmannii (Benth.) Amsh.

- neku-udu *

Family Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana


: Warabokkadan / Wanaka : Korokororo / Crook / Horse-eye / Warana : Haiari / Lebi kiabici / Nekou oudou aguitin / Saint Martin blanc

: Boiussu / Tento

International trade name Tento


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas and lower Amazon region

: bole 18 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 35 m 0.40 - 0.75 m cylindrical; tree base swollen or with buttresses

: distinct, greyish brown or yellowish grey : yellowish brown to dark with dark streaks and sometimes a pinkish tinge

: straight to slightly interlocked and roey

: coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (83) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (83) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

O. coutinhoi 1.08 0.64





O. coutinhoi 96




Processing Sawing : easy; blunting effect: very slight Drying : air seasoning: moderately difficult Machining : fair due to interlocked grain Gluing :good Nailing : g0od Finishing ; good, but filler required

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor to moderate Termites : poor Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : moderate

knd uses ; interior joinery, general carpentry, furniture components.

wood with waxy appearance.


84. Calophyllum longifolium Willd. Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. a



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia


Kurara / Koerli / Kurahara / Ediballi : Kurahara / Marawaro / Kopo / Serena : Santa mana

: £au de Santa Maria / Jacareüba / Aca cupia :Jacareüba : Aceita Maria

International trade name Santa Maria


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil to Argentina

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 30 - 45 m

0.85 -1.80 m straight and cylindrical; tree base swollen

not clearly distinct, light brown

brick red or reddish brown with fine darker red striping

generally interlocked

medium to fairly uniform

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (84) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (84) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

C. longifolium 0.95 0.65 0.56




C. longifolium


13280 60


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: slight to moderate

: moderately difficult; risk of distortion and checking: more or less high; US kiln schedule T2 - D4 for 25-38 mm and T2 - D3 for 50 mm stock; British schedule A

: fairly easy but interlocked grain may cause problem : good : good but tendency to split good, filler required slices and peels fairly

: moderate to good : poor : poor

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery, fittings, cabinet work, flooring, furniture, decorative veneer, boat building, shingles.


85. Clathrotropis brachypetala (Tul.) Kleinh. \ar.ferruginea Yakovlev

a. Clathrotropis brachypetala (Tul.) Kleinh. var. brachypetala


Family Leguminosae (Papilionoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

: Katje/ Kurero

: Aromata / Kauwi / Korero / Mutuwali

: Bois sabre

Cabary / Timbo pau / Timborana (C. macrocarpd)

Tabaca / Sapanero : Alma negra / Sapan / Tabaca

International trade name Aromata

Occurrence : Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia and the Caribbean

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 12 -15 m; tree height 20 - 30 m

: 0.30 - 0.60 m

somewhat flattened; tree base: swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, yellowish to brownish white

pinkish brown to dark brown with lighter streaks



Technological characteristics

Physical properties (85) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


( % ) •


C. brachypetala 1.30







Mechanical properties (85) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

C. brachypetala

159 24150 96

: difficult, power required; blunting effect: moderate

: moderately difficult; risk of distortion and checking:


: due to hardness, very difficult

: good

pre-boring necessary


: moderate to very good

: moderate

: poor

: poor

: heavy dry constructions, industrial flooring, furniture components.


86. Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemâo var. alchorneoides

- suradanni *

Synonym Hyeronima laxiflora (Tul.) Muell. Arg.

Family Euphorbiaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Ajo-ajo / Akotjo / Anoniwana / Sorodon Suradan / Napo

Bois d'amande

Urucurana / Aricurana / Sangue de boi

Carne asada / Trompillo Cargamento / Casaco

International trade name Napo, Pilón, Suradan

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil and Central America

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 18 - 22 m; tree height 20 - 35 m

: 0.50-1.20 m

: straight, cylindrical and little taper; base with spreading rounded buttresses

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

not clearly distinct, pinkish white pale reddish brown to chocolate brown or dark red

interlocked medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

1.00-1.10 0.74 - 0.85

0.60 - 0.67 11.7




Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

125 15600 66

: easy; blunting effect: slight : moderately difficult, but air seasons rapidly; risk of distortion and checking: moderate

: good, except in planing : good : pre-boring necessary : good but filler required : slices well

: moderate to good : moderate to good : moderate to good

: poor

: heavy dry constructions, flooring, interior trim, interior joinery, fine furniture, decorative veneer, boatbuilding, sleepers.

also local called "Pientobolletrie" - which is in reality Pouteria cuspidata of the family Sapotaceae.


87. TaiLïïa sqi Radlk. ruakakrapa

Fa : Sapindaceae

Suriname Gi:yana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Karaba / Moderne / Karababalli / Tak

Moroballi / Karimora / Sand mora


Pitomba (7". esculenia) I Tapaljacote

Cotoperis / Cotuplis / Tiestigo

Internationa! trade name Pitomba, Moroballi

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas Brazil, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 18 m; tree height 20 - 35 m

0.30 - 0.65 m

cylindrical; tree base: buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

not clearly distinct, orange red

reddish brown, sometimes with small dark streaks

straight to interlocked

medium to fine

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (87) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (87) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

T. squarrosa

1.20 1.10 0.88




T. squarrosa


17940 82


Processing Sawing

Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: moderately difficult, power required; blunting effect: slight

: easy to air season good good

pre-boring necessary good poor

: good : moderate : poor

: good to moderate

: interior and exterior joinery, millwork, furniture components, flooring, stairs.


88. Iryanthera lancifolia Ducke a. Iryanthera sagotiana (Benth.) Warb.

srebebe brudu-udu


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia


: Swanna / Soewana / Pajoelidan ; Kirikaua / Marbuk / Weputana

: Tosso passa (I. sagotiana) I Mouchigo rouge

: Ucuhuba-rana : Sangrito (I. sagotiana)

: Virola de Tumaco

International trade name Kirikawa, Ucuhubarana


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 30 m 0.45-1.10 m moderately straight; tree base: swollen

: not clearly distinct, yellowish white as oatmeal : dull oatmeal, light pinkish-cinnamon, sometimes reddish to medium or dark brown

: straight to slightly interlocked : fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (88) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (88) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

I. lancifolia 0.85 0.59





I. lancifolia


15045 48


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy; blunting effect: very slight : moderately difficult; risk of distortion and checking: slight

I good : good : good : good : peels and slices well

: poor : poor : poor

: moderate

: interior joinery, furniture, turnery, veneer and plywood, boxes and crates.


89. Caryocar glabrum (Aubl.) Pers. spp. glabrum

a. Caryocar nuciferum L. b. Caryocar microcarpum Ducke

- sawan

Family Caryocaraceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Sawarinoto / Koela / Suari / Alukumari Pekia / Kula / Bats souari Chawari / Agougagui / Abeà beurre Piquiâ/ Piqui / Pitiâ Jigua / Almendróri Cagui / Almendrillo

International trade name Piquia, Cagui

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 30 - 45 m 0.90- 1.80 m straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture


yellowish to light greyish brown

interlocked or irregular

medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (89a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (89a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

C. nuciferum 1.07






C. nuciferum 115

14230 70





Natura! durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

moderately dilficult; blunting effect: high

difficult In air season, slow drying; risk of distortion and

checking: slight

moderately difficult due to interlocked grain


pre-buring recommended

good, but filler rec|iiired

: very good

: good

: moderate

: poor

: dry and wet constructions, heavy flooring, boat parts, furniture components, sleepers.


90. Pinus caribaea Mordet var. hondurensis

- pinus


Vernacular names Suriname Latin America


Pisping / Ocote

Pino / Ocote

International trade name Caribbean Pine

Occurrence : Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Cuba, Bahamas

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

: bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 20 - 30 m : 0.30 - 0.60 m ; straight and taper; tree base unbuttressed

distinct, yellowish white : golden brown to red brown typical straight slightly coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

0.95 0.70 0.68


6.3 12.9

68 15400



Processing Sawing


Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: easy but high resin content may cause down time of cutters

: easy to air season but slow and a tendency for end splitting in thick stock; US kiln schedule T8 - D4S for 25-38 mm and T8 - D3S for 50 mm stock

: good

: satisfactorily

: good

: good

: peels and slices well

: poor to moderate : variable : poor

: poor

: interior and exterior joinery (with preservative), flooring, sidings, furniture, boxes and crates, poles and posts, ply­wood, particle board, paperpulp.

a plantation species, not native in Suriname.


91. Bertholletia excelsa Humboldt & Bonplant - inginoto

Family Lecithidaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia Peru

: Paranoto / Teteka / Toka / Braziliaanse noot Brazil-nut tree

: Taica

Castanha verdadeira / Tucary / Castanha do Brazil Yubia / Juvia / Tucâ

Almendro / Castanha del Maranon

Castano de madre de Dios

International trade name Brazil nut / Para nut

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil to Peru

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

: bole 15 - 30 m, tree height 30 - 45 m 0.65-1.50 m

: straight, cylindrical

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, pale yellowish brown

pinkish brown to chestnut brown

typically interlocked

coarse to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cmJ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.12 0.71



3.9 11.2


12150 48


Processing Sawing ' : moderate difficult; blunting effect: moderate to high Drying ; slow drying, tends to warp and check Machining : poor to moderately difficult Gluing : g ood Nailing : good Finishing : smooth

Natural durability Decay fungi : good to very good Termites ; moderate to good Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) poor

End uses ; exterior joinery, boat and ship decking, flooring, furniture, cabinets, steam bending applications.


92. Copaifera guianensis Aublet a. Copaifera duckei Dwyer b. Copaifera reticulata Ducke

- upru-udu

Family Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia Paraguay

Hoepelhout / Kupaiwa / Apaua / Kupawa / Pasimuti Kupaiwa

Koupahoa Copaiba / Copaibarana / Copahyba

Cabimo / Palo de aceite Copaiba


International trade name Copaiba

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil to Argentina

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 10 - 25 m; tree height 25 - 30 m 80-1.20 m straight; tree base buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, pinkish grey to nearly white reddish brown usually straight medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (92) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (92) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

C. guianensis 1.11 0.64





C. guianensis 91

9550 51


Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing

good; blunting effect: slight good good good good


Natural durability Decay fungi : g00d Termites : moderate Marine borers : p0or

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

Una uses ; general construction, carpentry, interior trim, particle board (valued for gum and balsam).


93. Parkia pendula Benth. ex. Walp. kwatakama



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil

International trade name

Inga pendula Willd. / Mimosa pendula Poir.

Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Ipana / Manalhibali

Ipanai / Hipanai

Kouatakaman / Acacia mâle

Fava-bolata / Visgueiro / Faveira-bolata / Jupumba



Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

bole 10 -18 m; tree height 20 - 25 m 0.45 - 0.70 m

straight, cylindrical; tree base sometimes buttressed

distinct, greyish white light golden brown straight medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm-') (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.56






12500 44


Processing Sawing

Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

easy; raised grains and woolly surface; blunting effect: slight slowly and with care, severe casehardening easy but woolly surface good



peels well

: poor

: poor

: poor

: moderate

: interior joinery, light carpentry, light furniture, veneer, boxes and crates.


94. Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) Eichl. a. Buchenavia fanshawei Exell & Maguire



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia


Djindja-udu / Chichibridan Fukadi / Cokerwood Angouchy Tanibuca / Cuiarana Amarillo / Olive negro Almendro

International trade name Fukadi


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood

Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil, Venezuela to Bolivia

bole 18 - 21 m; tree height 20 - 25 m 0.60 - 0.80 m

straight; tree base with large buttresses

indistinct, light yellow brown yellowish brown to golden brown; upon exposure with a grey or olive hue straight to interlocked medium to coarse

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (94) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties ' (94) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

B. capitata 1.05

0.75 0.63


2.8 8.7

B. capitata





Processing Sawing Drying Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses *

difficult; blunting effect: moderate

easy, little degrade

moderately difficult


pre-boring necessary




good to very good



exterior and interior flooring, furniture, boat decking, planking and framing, decorative veneer and turnery.

Some characteristics of the species are similar to White Oak and Teak.


95. Newtonia suaveolens (Miq.) Brenan pikinmisiki

Synonym Piptadenia suaveolens Miq.

Family Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Leki-pikinmisiki / Korobali Manariballi Alimmao

Fava folha fina / Parica-branco / Timborana Carabali / Carbonero Hediondo / Bocachico

International trade name : Timborana

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 10 -15 m; tree height 20 - 25 m 0.50 - 0.65 m straight, cylindrical; tree base buttressed

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

indistinct, greyish white brown to reddish brown straight to interlocked fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm0 (g/cm3)




(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.10 0.76

0.72 7.0




13140 68


Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

: difficult; blunting effect: moderate : slow and careful; prone to severe checking, case hardening

: easy to moderate, tends to tear

: good

: good

: good

: slices well

: poor poor

: poor

fair to good

exterior joinery (treated), flooring, turnery, posts, crossties.


96. Fagara pentendra Aublet a. Zanthoxylum flavum Vahl


Family Rutaceae

Vernacular names Suriname

Guyana French Guiana Venezuela

International trade name

Zwarte pritiyari / Karidan / Buburaballi / Karidan hariraru Buburaballi Keou / Noyer / Bois noyer Mapurite / Mapurite negro

Bois noyer

Occurrence Suriname, Guianas, Venezuela

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

bole 10 -15 m; tree height 15 - 22 m

0.40 - 0.50 m

straight, cylindrical

indistinct, yellowish white

golden or greenish yellow

straight to interlocked

fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (97) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (97) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

F. pentandra 0.86 0.67

0.57 4.0 2.4


F. pentandra

60 13730



Processing Sawing : difficult; blunting effect: slight Drying : good, slow and careful Machining : easy Gluing . ; g00d Nailing : g ood Finishing : good Veneering : p e e i s well

Natural durability Decay fungi : poor to moderate Termites : p0or Marine borers : poor

Treatability (heartwood) : poor

End uses ; furniture, pannelling, cabinet work, inlays, turnery.


97. Aniba cf. rosaeodora Ducke * a. Aniba duckei Kosterm. b. Aniba parviflora Mez.


Family Lauraceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia

Rozenhout Red silverballi Bois de rose Louro rosa / Pau rosa Madeira rosa Camino real

International trade name Louro rosa


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Suriname, Guianas, Amazon region

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 30 m 0.55 - 0.75 m

cylindrical; base sometimes swollen

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, light yellowish

brownish yellow with a green hue

straight to interlocked

fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (97a) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (97a) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

A. duckei 0.98



7.0 4.3 12.0

A. duckei

130 17000



Processing Sawing Drying

Machining Gluing Nailing Finishing Veneering

easy; blunting effect: slight moderately difficult to air-season, some warping and slight checking





peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

very good very good moderate to good


End uses high grade furniture, turnery, inlays, interior trim, boat construction.

Wood of Aniba rosaeodora is sometimes distilled in the pharmaceutical industry for its fragrant oil


98. Pouteria ptyChandra Eyma - kimboto



: Neopometia ptychandra (Eyma) Aubr. / Pradosia surinamensis (Eyma) Pennington


Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

International trade name


Kimboto Chuya Kimboto Abiu-Pitomba Chupon / Toco

Abiu / Chupon

Suriname, Guianas, Brazil

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 20 - 25 m; tree height 25 - 40 m 0.35-1.00 m cylindrical

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

distinct, greyish yellow brown light red brown straight to slightly interlocked fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm ) (g/cm3)

(%) (%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

1.27 1.02


11.0 7.6



20090 94


Processing Sawing Drying Machining Nailing Finishing

Natural durability Decay fungi Termites Marine borers

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses

difficult, power required; blunting effect: high

easy to air-season

difficult due to hardness and silica

pre-boring necessary


: very good

: poor

: moderate

: poor

heavy constructions, posts, spars, house framing, marine constructions.


99. Lueheopsis flavescens (Uitt) Burret a. Lueheopsis rugosa (Pulle) Burret


Family : Tiliaceae

Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela Columbia



Bois de cotton

Acoma-cavallo / Mutumba prêta

Guacimo bianco

Algodon démonte

International trade name Guacimo / Estriveira

Occurrence From Panama to Argentina (Rio de la Plata)

Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

bole 25 - 35 m; tree height: 30 - 40 m : 0.50-1.00 m straight; tree base: irregularly fluted

Wood description Sap wood Heartwood Grain Texture

indistinct, pinkish beige brown or brownish beige straight to roey

fine to medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (99) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (99) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)

(%) (%)


(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

L. flavescens 0.89 0.62





L. flavescens





Processing Sawing ; easy; blunting effect: very slight Drying : eaSy Machining : easy Gluing : g0od Nailing : g00d Finishing : gooci Veneering : slices and peels well

Natural durability Decay fungi : very poor

Termites . p oo r

Marine borers : p o o r

Treatability (heartwood) : good

s e s : interior and exterior joinery, furn'ture, boxes and

crates, veneer, plywood, particle ooard.


100. Inga leiocalycina Benth. a. Inga capitata Desv.



Vernacular names Suriname Guyana French Guiana Brazil Venezuela

Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Redi weko / Kalhoto





International trade name Inga


Tree description Bole lenght Diameter Log shape

Wood description Sapwood Heartwood Grain Texture

Suriname, Guianas, Amazon region.

bole 15 - 20 m; tree height 25 - 30 m

0.35 - 0.70 m

straight, cylindrical

indistinct, pinkish brown light brown with darker streaks straight to wavy or interlocked medium

Technological characteristics

Physical properties (100) Green density Air dry density at 12% MC Basic specific gravity Tot. tangential shrinkage Tot. radial shrinkage Tot. volumetric shrinkage

Mechanical properties (100) Bending strenght at 12% MC Modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 12% MC Crushing strenght at 12% MC

(g/cm3) (g/cm3)


(%) (%)

(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

I. leiocalycina 0.92 0.69

0.58 2.0



/. leiocalycina






Sawing : easy; blunting effect: slight Drying : moderately difficult; slight risk of distortion Machining : good Gluing : good Nailing : g00d Finishing : filler required Veneering . p e e i s wen

Natural durability Decay fungi : p 00r Termites Marine borers

poor poor

Treatability (heartwood)

End uses


interior joinery, utility plywood, carpentry, cheap furniture, boxes and crates.


Sawmill Inspection Murukreek


The overal objective of the National Forest Policy is the conservation, protection, management and utilization of the nation's forest resources, while ensuring that the productive capacity of the forests for both goods and services is maintained or enhanced. The fundamental objective for the forest timber sector is the development of a financially and economically vital forest industry. The number and types of forest-based industries however and their production capacity established, should be in balance with the output of the nation's forests under a sustainable management system. To implement this sectoral policy the Government of Suriname decided in 1998 to establish the:

Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control.

The aim of the foundation is: Promotion of sustainable optimum utilization of the Forest °f Suriname in general and those destined for timber production in particular, through implementation of the guidelines provided in the Forest Management Act and other relevant legal regulations.



Anonymus. Bois de Dom - Tom I - Guyana. CIRAD / CTFT, Nogent - sur-Marne, France, 1989.

Berni, CA., Bolza, E. and Christensen, F.J., South American Timbers - The characteris­tics, properties and uses of 190 species. CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, 1979.

Brunner, M., Kucera, L.J. and Zürcher, E. Major Timber Trees of Guyana. A Lens Key. The Tropenbos Foundation / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Wageningen / Zürich, The Netherlands / Switzerland, 1994.

Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Centre de Guyana - Kourou. Propriétés Physique des Bois de Guyane. Internal report vol. 1 thru vol. 6, 1971 - 1986.

Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent - sur-Marne (France). Essais Technolo­giques des Bois de Guyane, 1967 -1971.

Centre Technique Forestier Tropical / Instituto Nacional des Pesquisa da Amazonia (INPA). Compte rendu d'essais technologiques sur 27 essences Brésiliennes. Internai report, 1987.

Chichignoud, M., Déon, G., Détienne, P., Parant, B. and Vantomme, P. Atlas de Bois Tropicaux d'Amérique latine. CTFT / ITTO, Nogent - sur-Marne, France / Yokohama, Japan, 1988.

Chudnoff, M. Tropical timbers of the world. US Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook 607, 1984.

Détienne, P. and Jacquet, P. Atlas d'identification des Bois de l'Amazonie et des Régions voisines. Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent - sur-Marne, Fiance, 1983.

Ecology and Logging in a Tropical Rain Forest in Guyana with Recommendations for Forest Management. H. ter Steege et al. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen; The Netherlands, 1996.

Essencias Madeireiras Da Amazonia, Volume I and Volume II, Loureiro, A.A., da Silva, M.F., da Cruz Alencar, J. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia - INPA, Manaus, Brazil, 1979.

Evaluation study of 18 Wood Species from Guyana for Veneer and Plywood manufacture. Wood Technology Laboratory, Turriala, Costa Rica. H. van der Sloten - UNDP, Rome, 1970.

Flora of the Guianas. A.R.A. Görts van Rijn. Series A: Phanerograms, 1993. Koeltz Scientific Books, Germany.


IBDF / FAO - Divisäo de Pesquisas. Amazonian Timbers - Characteristics and Utilization, Vol. I. Curua Una Experimental Forest Station, Brasilia, Brazil, 1981.

Japing, H.W. Onderzoek naar de belangrijkste mechanische en fysische eigenschappen van 41 Surinaamse houtsoorten. Landbouw Hoge School Wageningen, Nederland. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1957.

Keenan, F.J. and Tejada, M. Tropical Timber for Building materials in the Andean group countries of South America. International Development Research Centre, IDRC-TS 49e, Ottawa, Canada, 1984.

Laboratório Nacional de Productos Forestales. Estudio Technologico de 104 maderas de los altos llanos occidentales. Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela, 1972.

Lindeman, J.C. and Mennega, A.M.W. Bomenboek voor Suriname. Dienst 's Lands Bos­beheer, Paramaribo, Suriname, 1963.

Longwood, F.R. Present and potential commercial timbers of the Caribbean, with special references to the West Indies, The Guianas and Honduras. US Department of Agriculture Handbook 207.

Mainieri, C. and Chimelo, J.P. Fichas de Caracteristicas das Madeiras Brasileiras. Instituto de Pesquisas Technologicas, Divisäo de Madeiras, Sâo Paulo, Brazil, 1989.

Moortele Van de, W. Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van 38 minder gebruikte Surinaamse houtsoorten. Centrum voor Landbouwkundig Onderzoek in Suriname. Laboratorium voor Houttechnologie, 1994.

Polak, A.M. Major Timber Trees of Guyana. A Field Guide. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1992.

Rijsdijk, J.F. Versneld drogen van hout. Houtinstituut TNO, Delft, Nederland, 1977.

Sloten van der, H.J., Richter, H.G., Aune, J.E. and Cordero, L.L. Inventariacion y Demostraciones Forestales Panama. Propiedades y Usos de 103 Especies Maderables de Panama. Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas Para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion, Panama, 1971.

Vinck, A.T. Surinam Timbers. A summery of available information with brief descrip­tions of the main timber species of Surinam. State Forest Industries, Inc., Paramaribo, Suriname, 1983.

Wangaard, F.F., Koehler, A. and Muschler, A.F. Properties and Uses of Tropical Woods, IV - Tropical Woods 99, 1954.

Wangaard, F.F., Stern, W.L. and Goodrich, S.L. Properties and Uses of Tropical Woods, V. Tropical Woods 103, 1955.


01. BASRALOKSI Dicorynia guianensis

02. EIGRON-GRONFOLO Ruizterania albiflora

03a. WISWISKWARI Vochysia guianensis

04. MAWSIKWARI Erisma uncinatum

05. KOPI Goupia glabra

07. EIGRON-BABUN Virola michelli

09. REDISALI Tetragastris altissima / T. panamensis

11. WAL AB A Eperua falcata

14. INGIPIPA Couratari guianensis / C. gloriosa

17. MERI / BLAKABERI Humiria balsamifera

20. BROINATI Vouacapoua americana

22. GERIKABISI Vateirea guianensis

24. WANA Ocotea rubra

28. BLAKAKABISI Diplotropis purpurea

30. REDILOKSI Hymenaea courbaril / H. oblongifolia

31.SEDRE Cedrela odorata

40a. MAKAGRIN Tabebuia capitata

41. PAKULI Platonia insignis

42. MORA Mora excelsa

54. KWATAPATU Lecythis zabucajo


genera of timber species, alphabetically arranged according to families


A P O C Y N A C E A E Ambelania Aspidosperma Geissospermum Macoubea

A R A L I A C E A E Didymopanax Schefflera

A V I C E N N I A C E A E Avicennia

B I G N O N I A C E A E Jacaranda Tabebuia

B O M B A C A C E A E Bombax Catostemma Pachira

B O R A G I N A C E A E Cordia

B U R S E R A C E A E Hemicrepidospermum Protium Tetragastris Trattinickia

CAESALPINIACEAE Copaifera Dicorynia Dimorphandra Eperua Hymenaea Macrolobium Martiodendron Mora Peltogyne Sclerolobium Tachigali Vouacapoua

C A R Y O C A R A C E A E Caryocar


C H R Y S O B A L A N A C E A E Couepia Hirtella Licania Parinari

CLUSIACEAE Calophyllum Platonia Rheedia Symphonia

C O M B R E T A C E A E Buchenavia Terminalia

E B E N A C E A E Diospyros

EUPHORBIACEAE Alchornea Alchorneopsis Chaetocarpus Conceveiba Drypetes Hevea Hura Hyeronima Pera Pogonophora



FABACEAE Alexa Andira Bocoa Cluthrolropis Diplotropis Dipteryx Hymenolobium Lonchocarpus Ormosia Plutymiscium Pterocarpus Swarlziu Vulaireu Vataireopsis

HUMIRIACEAE Humiria Sacogloltis Vuntanca

LAURACEAE Aniba Chlor ocardium Endlicheria Licaria Nectandra Ocotea

LECYTHIDACEAE Bertholletia Corythophora Couratari Eschweilera Lecythis




MELIACEAE Carapa Cedrela Trichdia

MIMOSACEAE Inga Parkia Pentaclethra Piptadenia Pithecellobium Stryphnodendron

MORACEAE Bagassa Brosimum Clarisia Helicostylis Maquira Naucleopsis Pseudolmedia Trymatococcus

MYRISTICACEAE Iryanthera Virola

OLACACEAE Chaunochiton Dulacia



RHIZOPHORACEAE Cassipourea Rhizophora

SAPINDACEAE Matayba Talis ia


SAPOTACEAE Achrouteria Chrysophyllum Ecclinusa Manilkara Micropholis Pouteria (s.L), included: Nemaluma Neoxythece Neopometia Prieurella Pseudocladia Sandwithiodoxa




TILIACEAE Apeiba Luehea Lueheopsis

ULMACEA Ampelocera

VERBENACEAE Chitarexylum Vitex

VOCHYSIACEAE Erisma Qualea Vochysia


APPENDIX II - Assembled British standard kiln-drying schedules

British schedules have been listed for many of the woods not native to the United States and Canada (Appendix B). Following is a listing of the assembled British Princess Risborough Laboratory schedules as published in Pratt, G.H., Timber Drying Manual, 1986, Building Research Establishment, Department of the Environment, HMSO, London, England.

Standard Schedule conditions for timber thickness up to 38 mm

Moisture content


Green 60 40 30 20 15

Temperature °C Dry-bulb

35 35 40 45 50 60

Wet-bulb Relative humidity (approx.) Percent

SCHEDULE A 30.5 28.5 31.0 32.5 35.0 40.5

70 60 50 40 35 30

Temperature °F Dry-bulb

95 95 104 113 122 140


87 83 88 91 95 105

Green 40 30 25 20 15

Green 60 40 35 30 25 20 15

40 40 45 50 55 60

40 40 45 45 45 50 60 65

SCHEDULE B 37.5 36.5 40.5 44.0 46.0 47.5

SCHEDULE 37.5 36.5 40.5 39.5 38.5 42.0 47.5 48.5

85 80 75 70 60 50

C 85 80 75 70 65 60 50 40

104 104 113 122 131 140

104 104 113 113 113 122 140 149

100 98 105 i l l 115 118

100 98 105 103 101 107 118 119


Moisture content


Green 60 40 35 30 25 20 15

Green 60 40 30 25 20 15

Green 60 40 30 25 20 15

Green 60 40 30 25 20 15

Temperature °C Dry-bulb

40 40 40 45 45 50 60 65

50 50 50 55 60 70 75

50 50 50 55 60 70 75

50 50 55 60 70 75 80

Wet-bulb Relative humidity (approx.) Percent

SCHEDULE D 37.5 36.5 35.0 37.5 35.0 36.5 40.5 44.0

85 80 70 60 50 40 30

• 30

SCHEDULE E 47.0 46.0 45.0 47.5 49.0 54.5 57.5

85 80 75 65 55 45 40

SCHEDULE F 45.0 44.0 42.0 43.5 46.0 52.5 57.5

75 70 60 50 45 40 40

SCHEDULE G 47.0 46.0 51.0 54.5 62.5 62.5 61.0

85 80 80 75 70 55 40

Temperature °F Dry-bulb

104 104 104 113 113 122 140 149

122 122 122 131 140 158 167

122 122 122 131 140 158 167

122 122 131 140 158 167 176


100 98 95 99 95 98 105 111

117 115 113 118 121 130 136

113 111 107 110 115 127 136

117 115 124 130 .145 145 141


Moisture content


Green 50 40 30 20

Green 50 40 30 20

Green 50 30 20

Green 40

Green 50

Temperature °C Dry-bulb

60 60 60 65 75

60 60 60 65 75

70 75 80 90

80 90

90 95

Wet-bulb Relative humidity (approx.) Percent

SCHEDULE H 55.5 54.5 52.0 53.5 57.5

80 75 65 55 40

SCHEDULE J 53.0 50.5 47.5 48.5 52.0

70 60 50 40 30

SCHEDULE K 65.0 67.0 68.5 69.0

80 70 60 40

SCHEDULE L 72.0 69.0

70 40

SCHEDULE M 81.0 78.0

70 50

Temperature °F Dry-bulb

140 140 140 149 167

140 140 140 149 167

158 167 176 194

176 194

194 203


132 130 126 129 136

128 123 118 119 126

149 153 155 156

161 156

178 172


APPENDIX III Dry kiln schedules

Une of the most important and effective measures for wood protection, is seasoning. Seasoning however starts immediately after the cutting of green trees even in an atmos­phere highly saturated with water vapor. At first liquid or free water is removed and eventually the fiber saturation point is reached, viz air drying. To control this behaviour and to speed up the seasoning processes, modern dry kilns were disigned. This type of kilns are designed to control temperature (dry-bulb), relative humidity (wet-bulb depression) and air circulation speed. If these variables are controlled properly throughout the drying process, rapid removal of undesired moisture from wood will follow and defects such as checking and warp hold to an acceptable minimum level. Kiln schedules were developed by "trial and error" and described for many wood species. These schedules are coded to indicate desired dry-bulb temperature, moisture content at step change and wet-bulb depression. In this publication Tl-Bl for example is suggested for 4/4 - 6/4 Bolletrie (Macaranduba) stock. "T" indicates the desired dry-bulb temperature settings, "B" the sample board moisture contents at which changes are made in the dry-bulb and wet-bulb settings and " 1 " the wet-bulb depressions that accompany the dry-bulb temperatures. These settings are assembled to form the working kiln schedule.

Example: Tl - Bl (modified) US-Dry kiln schedule for Macaranduba *.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Moisture content

% >35

35-30 30-25 25-20 20-15 15 - final

and condition

Temperature Dry-bulb

°F 100 100 105 105 115 120

as necessary.


97 96 99 95 90 90

Equilibrium moisture content

%. 19.5 17.6 15.4 12.0 6.4 5.5

Relative humidity

90 86 81 69 38 32

Temperature Dry-bulb

37.5 37.5 40.5 40.5 46.0 49.0


°C 36.0 35.5 37.0 35.0 32.0 32.0

The letter S may follow a kiln schedule code, e.q. T4 - E3S. This code refers to general wet-bulb depression schedules for softwoods or conifer (Table 3 and 4) and is sometimes suggested as well for drying articular hardwood.

Dry kiln Schedules for Commercial Woods; R.S. Boone, C.J. Kozik, P.J. Bois and E.M. Wengert, 1988. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Products Laboratory.


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APPENDIX IV - Utilization of mentioned timber species.


01. Agriculture buildings

sheds / sty / fold / silo



02. Boat and ship building under water members

(ribs, stems, knees)




03. Boxes and crates

04. Carriage and wagon building

05. Cooperage

06. Concrete shuttering

07. Decorative panelling

08. Fibre and particle board

Timber species

basraloksi, grinati, makagrin, anawra, wana, kwepi, mora

walaba, makagrin

walaba, mawsikwari

basraloksi, manbarklaki, bortri, blakakabisi, anawra, kwepi, morabukeya, fungu

bas aloksi, kopi, mora, grinati, blakakahisi, makagrin, yamboka, arumata

basraloksi, wana, blakakabisi, pisi, gindja-udu, kaner'ati

baraloksi, gindja-udu, mataki, yamboka, bofru-udu, grinati, broinati, kwatapatu, sali, wetilo-abi, pintobortri, blakaberi, kaw udu

agrobigi, babun, bebe, gedu, gubaya, kwari, mira-udu, lika-udu, morototo, ingipipa, dakama, donsedre, possentrie, prokoni, sumaruba, tingimoni, sedre, busikasyu

anawra, arumata, basraloksi, makagrin, mora, pakuli, walaba, meri, manbarklaki, kwateri, mataki, redikabisi, sali, kaw udu, tonka, popo-ati, suradanni

basraloksi, kurali, pakuli, walaba

agrobigi, gubaya, possentri, sumaruba, kwari, tingimoni, busikatun, morototo, gedu, dakama

broinati, sedre, busitamarin, blakakabisi, kaner'ati, kromanti kopi, popo-ati, snek'udu, pritiyari, pinus, makakabisi, rosu-udu

babun, bebe, possentri, mira-udu, sopo-udu, okro-udu, morototo, barmani, gubaya, sumaruba


Utilization Timber species

09. Flooring

general residence


10. Foundation and piles

11. Frame constructions

floor, roof and wall members

exterior sidings and sheats

general carpentry, interior members

12. Furniture and cabinet members

13. Interior trim

14. Marine and bridge construction

above waterline

under warterline

basraloksi, broinati, kopi, mataki, sali, bortri, kaner'ati, pakuli, popo-ati, rediloksi, redikabasi, blakakabisi, kromanti kopi, kurali, ingipipa, meri, isri-ati, kaiman udu, snek'udu, mataki, gindja-udu

arumata, walaba, manbarklaki, pinto bortri, grinati, eigron-manbarklaki, meri, wetilo-abi, umanbark-laki, bofru-udu, kwatapatu, mataki, fungu

anawra, fungu, kopi, manbarklaki, umanbarklaki, morabukeya, walaba, grinati, kaw udu

basraloksi, kopi, krapa, pakuli, manbarklaki, redi-kabisi, kaw udu, kurali, arumata, walaba, eigron-manbarklaki, meri, suradanni, mataki, gerikabisi

basraloksi, kopi, krapa, gronfolo, pisi, sali, mataki, popo-ati, redikabisi, wana, blakakabisi, walaba, tonka, kokriki, pakuli, gerikabisi

gronfolo, kopi, krapa, kwari, gedu, mataki, pisi, sali, wana, sumaruba, sedre, pakuli, kromanti kopi, tingi-moni, swietbonki, ingipipa, kimboto, mira-udu, pinus, gubaya, sopo-udu, sawari, rediprokoni, pegrekupisi

arumata, basraloksi, broinati, krapa, mataki, redi­loksi, sali, pisi, bortri, sedre, kaner'ati, kunatepi, pakuli, pritiyari, popo-ati, snek'udu, satin udu, rosu-udu, makakabisi, sopo-udu

gronfolo, krapa, kwari, gerikabisi, sumaruba, tingi-moni, pisi, wana, possentri, ingipipa, meri, swiet­bonki, tamarinprokoni, pegrekupisi

basraloksi, kopi, grinati, botri, blakakabisi, pakuli, kaner'ati, broinati, rediloksi, gronfolo, mora, redi­kabisi, kaw udu, arumata, meri, fungu, makagrin

anawra, grinati, morabukeya, walaba, basraloksi, fungu, popo-ati, yamboka, tonka, eigron-manbark­laki, wetilo-abi, kwatapatu, pintobortri



15. Marquetry and fancy articles

16. Millwork / carpentry

doors, window and doorframes

17. Musical instruments

IS- Railway construction

crossties / sleepers

19. Utility poles / posts

20. Veneer and plywood

deck and decorative veneer


Timber species

loksi, bortri, busitamarin, kunatepi, letre-udu, popo-ati, satin udu, rosu-udu, isri-ati

basraloksi, krapa, gronfolo, pisi, wana, sedre, rcdi-loksi, redikabisi, makakabisi, gerikabisi, kopi, sali, broinati, pakuli, krr.manti kopi, busi-amandra, gindja, dakama, neku-udu

sumaruba, sedrc, kaner'ati, popo-ati, bortri, isri-ati, kunatepi

grinati, mora.'morabukeya, bortri, bofm-udu, sura-danni, kopi, wetilo-abi, kwatapatu, pintobortri, fungu, mataki, gindja-udu, busi-amandra, gerikabisi

broinati, manbarklaki, walaba, grinati, bortri, pinus (impreg.), isri-ati, yamboka

krapa, lika-udu, sopo-udu, barmani, sedre, kopi, meri, rediloksi, popo-ati, babun, pisi, sumaruba, wana, kurali, tonka, suradanni, srebebe

ingipipa, tingimoni (core), busi-amandra, kwari, sura­danni, prokoni, srebebe, gubaya (core), kaiman udu, pisi, wana, kokriki, dukali, pakuli. sumaruba, moro-toto (core), okro-udu (core), mataki, gronfolo, babun, pinus, possentri


APPENDIX V - Alphabetical order óf Timber species.

Timber species

Agrobigi Anawra Arumata Babun Babunwalaba Barmani Basraloksi Blakakabisi Blakalo-udu Bergibebe Bergigronfolo Bergimanbarklaki Bergi umanbarklaki Bofru-udu Bortri Broinati Busi-amandra Busimaumau Busikasju Busikatun Busitamaren Dakama Donsedre Dukali Dyubortri Eigron-bebe Eigron-babun Eigron-gronfolo Eigron-manbarklaki Eigron-umanbarklaki Fungu Gedu Gerikabisi Gindja-udu Grinati Gubaja Inginoto Ingipipa Isri-ati

Trade name

Faveira bengue Kauta / Anaoura Aromata Babun / Virola Wallaba Baromalli Angélique Sucupira Moraballi Saboarana Mandio Kakaralli Matâ-matâ Dukuria Macaranduba Wacapou Fukadi / Tanibuca Paineira Espave Yankomini Angelim pintado Fava-vermelha Cedrorana Amapa Limonaballi / Abiurana Bebe/Sangre Babun/Virola Mandio / Quaruba Kakaralli Kakaralli / Balibon Farsha / Bois gaulette Djedu / Kaditiri Arisauro Fukadi Ipe Gobaja Paranut Tauari Bannia / Wamara

Species number

18 48 b 85 07 12 56 01 28 46 a 62 02 a 15a 15c 66 49 20 68 34 a 33 34 60 77 53 35 76 79 06 02 16 15b 48 a 50 22 94 39 29 91 14 63


Timber species

Jeturiwalaba Kaneri-udu Kaiman-udu Kasaba-udu Kaw-udu Katun-udu Kimboto Kokriki Kopi Krabasi-udu Krapa Kromantikopi Kunatepi Kurali Kwatakama Kwatapatu Kwateri Kwepi Letr'udu Lika-udu Loksi Makagrin Makakabisi Makakrapa Manbarklaki Manni Mataki Mawsikwari Meri / Blakaberi Mira-udu Mora Morabukeya Morototo Neku-udu Okro-udu Pakuli Pegrekupisi Pikinmisiki Pintobortri Pinus / Pisping Pisi Popo-ati

Trade name

Wallaba Preciosa / Silverballi Warakairo / Pau-Jacaré Morototo Tatajuba Cotton wood / Guacimo Abiu Tento Cupiuba / Kopi Nargusta Andiroba Araracanga Trebol Santa Maria Fava-bolata Sapucaia Kwateri Kauta Letterwood Inyak Courbaril / Jatoba Warakuri Angelim Pitomba Mata mata Manniballi / Marupa Mani Jaboti Chanul Formigueira Mora Morabukea Morototo Tento Kobe Bacuri / Pakuri Envira Timborana Abiuranta Caribbean pine Canelo / Louro Amarante

Species number

13 26 57 38 75 99 98 82 05 69 08 61 70 84 93 54 15 d 48 51 74 30 40 a 71 87 15 45 44 04 17 81 42 43 37 83 23 41 67 95 64 90 25 47


Timber species

Possentri Pritiyari Redifungu Redikabisi Rediprokoni Redisali Rosu-udu Satén-udu Sawari Sedre Snek-udu Sopo-udu Srebebe Sumaruba Suradanni Swietbonki Tamarenprokoni Tingimoni Tingimoni / Kurakai Tonka Upru-udu Wanakwari / Wetikwari Walaba Wana Watrakwari Wetilo-udu Wetilo-abi Wiswiskwari / Redikwari Yamboka Zwampupanta

Trade name

Hura / Acacu Bois noyer Burada / Farinha Angelin Inga Sali Pau rosa Satine Piquia Cedro Hubaballi / Snakewood Angelino / Huruasa Ucuhubarana Marupa / Simaruba Napo / Suradan Inga-chichi Assao Amesclao / Ulu Kurokai Cumaru Copaiba Quaruba Wallaba Louro vermelho Kwari Apixuna Wirimiri Quaruba Asepoko / Abiu White tabebuia

Species number

72 96 36 21 58 09 97 52 89 31 32 73 88 10 86 100 59 80 27 78 92 03 a 11 24 03 b 46 55 03 a 65 40


APPENDIX VI - Forest Authority and Management Institutions.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy - NHE Mr.Dr. J. de Mirandastraat # 13-15 Paramaribo - Suriname Telephone Fax E-mail

(+597) 47 46 66 / 47 34 28 / 41 Ol 60 (+597)47 29 11 Min

Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control - SBB Dr. M.L. Luther Kingweg # 38 Paramaribo - Suriname Telephone Fax E-mail

(+597)48 3131 (+597)48 30 51 SBBSUR@SR.NET

Suriname Forest Service - LBB Mr. Cornells Jongbawstraat # 10-14 Paramaribo - Suriname Telephone Fax. E-mail

(+597) 47 43 46 / 47 94 31 (+597) 41 02 56 LBBNB@SR.NET

Centre for Agricultural and Forestry Research in Suriname - CELOS Leysweg# 14 Paramaribo - Suriname Telephone Fax E-mail

(+597) 49 07 89 / 49 08 89 / 49 01 28 (+597) 49 80 69 CELOS@SR.NET


APPENDIX VII - Main Sawmills, Timber Exporters / Forest Exploitation Society


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09


29 30

_3J_ _32_ _33_ _34_ _35_




-11 -12. 12_

-11 _45_ _46_

-!Z_ -11 49 50

Company name

Amazone Handel en Industrie Ondern NV ANCO Houtzagerij D-.ll i:_ ', Ä Ballaydin J. en r.n r»i . . _ Bhagwandin P Boeng Qedoe Houthandel en Houtzagerij W Bosmii M V Bosmii NV Bruch T.E Brunswijckj_A Bruynzeel Suriname Houtmaatschappij NV D P F o n h û i / ^ LJr t..ii , . . . . . . "

JJ§T!l^J5awmi|| and Lumber Supply Hira P U™.», - _ vv '

•j^lgjagiHandel en Industrie Ondern. NV New Life

Noojtggdacht Houtzagerij NV Optiwood N V Prem Houtzagerij NV Ramgoelam Houthandel NV E>!^ T ; ~ I i . ~

— " —... • m u » iQi lucri INV

Rio Timber International NV JjudLFantjo en Co r-\_ 7- . . ' Rudisa Houtmij N w Sedney_S " - I " •

Sewsankar Ramcharan Houtzagerij Shaik Sultan MohamoH Zagerij OU_:i ^ 7. - _ _ n l

Shaik Sultan S.F. Zagerij SIHO - Nazir Soekhoe Houtzagerij JîuhimNV

Toeval Zaagmolen NV -r_T ; : •Tigyasie Lumber Enterprise Tropical Timber Company - i -

- -JlQPjcal Wood Company Wjjma Suriname NV


Duisburglaan # 31 Meerzorg Oost-Westverbinding # 9? Wayambostraat # 18 La Recontre 1e zijstraat # 115 Saramaccadoorsteek/lndustrieweg # 41 Verl. Duisburglaan # 18 Menckendam# 109 Bungalowpark # 94 Slangenhoutstraat # 1 Duisburglaan # 7 Kleine Saramaccastraat # 23 Commissaris Weytingweg # 409 Sir Winston Churchillweg # 173 - Wanica Beryaja terrein weg naar Domburg Toekomstweg # 74 Toekomstweg # 74 Clarapolder - Nickerie Voorland Waldeck # 7 - Nickerie Saramaccadoorsteek # 20 De Goede Verwachting # 6 Sir Winston Churchillweg # 1088 Tout Lui Faut br. 19 Anniestraat # 97 Papajastraat # 6 Quamaboweg # 1 Sir Winston Churchillweg # 769 - Wanica Ramdienweg # 18

Pater Weidmanstraat # 82 Uitkijk - Saramacca Duisburglaan # 9 Duisburglaan # 3 Zwartenhovenbrugstraat # 251 Voorland Longmay # 31 - Nickerie Nw. Weergevondenweg # 7 Helena Cristinaweg# 166 Afobakka M.L. Kingweg Stentorstraat # 3 Boonackerpolder # 3 G.G. Maynardstraat # 47 - Nickerie Fredericiweg - Nickerie Commissaris Weytingweg # 299 Tout Lui Fautkanaalweg # 45 Wavambo - Sipaliwini Duisburglaan # 15 Zwartenhovenstraat # 257 Beekhuizenweg # 7 - Livorno Lijnweg # 431 - Moengo Leiding 20 #17 Livorno # 1


462125 0354112 08850290 08802007 403640 465341 481059 580327 403811 471782 411243 0330327 481148 312817/8822100 482037 482741 804562 0231475 481540 482200 0370304 0312590 412072 482142 481296. _ 804089 480614 453966 0328078 497052 497384 472464 0236100 0821194 0368412 08866702 372233 455030 0236030 0231364 0231143 0330054 483378 473512 499413 472800 480158 841500 0350160/350155 486972/410563


404288 0354112

402820 465341


804506 0232190 480391 497639

499485 471218



472473 499413 410788 480158 841122


Forest Exploitation Society - ABE Beekhuizenweg # 7 Paramaribo - Suriname Telephone: (+597) 480158 / 0885 1168 Fax.ref. : (+597) 480158 / 474779 E-mail: 243

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