supplier connect 9.05.701 service pack install guide

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  • 7/28/2019 Supplier Connect 9.05.701 Service Pack Install Guide


    Supplier Connect SP Installation Guide

    Epicor 9.05.701

  • 7/28/2019 Supplier Connect 9.05.701 Service Pack Install Guide



    This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and itscontents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of itsdate of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with

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    and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordinglyEpicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements ofplatform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referredto in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and alsostated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatiblewith both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform orproduct compatibility may require the application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs andEpicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packsreleased by third parties after the date of publication of this document. Epicor is a registered trademark and/ortrademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All othertrademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright Epicor Software Corporation 2012.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of

    Epicor Software Corporation.

    Epicor 9.05.701

    Revision: October 26, 2012 3:32 p.m.

    Total pages: 11


  • 7/28/2019 Supplier Connect 9.05.701 Service Pack Install Guide



    1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................4

    2 Pre-Installation Steps...........................................................................................................5

    3 Install Supplier Connect Service Pack.................................................................................63.1 Prepare the Transaction Server...................................................................................................................6

    3.2 Unshare the Epicor Folder..........................................................................................................................6

    3.3 Download the Installation File....................................................................................................................6

    3.4 Install the Service Pack File.........................................................................................................................7

    3.5 Start the Databases and Default Web Site..................................................................................................7

    3.6 Run Conversion Program...........................................................................................................................8

    3.7 Transfer Data to the Web Database...........................................................................................................8

    3.8 Restart Synchronization..............................................................................................................................8

    3.9 Reshare the Epicor Folder...........................................................................................................................9

    4 Review Service Pack Change List......................................................................................104.1 Supplier Connect Changes and Resolved Issues........................................................................................10

    3Epicor 9.05.701

    ContentsSupplier Connect SP Installation Guide

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    1 Introduction

    Welcome to the Supplier Connect Service Pack Installation Guide. Use these instructions to install the latest servicepack and review the list of changes included in the service pack.

    Note Your Epicor application system must be at version 9.05.701 before you install this Supplier Connectservice pack.

    Use the following graphic to review the installation process flow:

    Epicor 9.05.7014

    Supplier Connect SP Installation GuideIntroduction

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    2 Pre-Installation Steps

    Use the following steps before you start the service pack installation.

    1. Create a backup.Before you install, create a back up of your current Supplier Connect, Progress, SQL and Epicor application.These files are located in your \SupCnct905, \Epicor905, \oe102a, and \epicor directories. If you experienceproblems during the installation, you will be able to restore your software from these backup files. Be sureto store your backup in a safe location.

    Important Backups are very important. Do not skip this step.

    2. Review service pack Change ListThis service pack corrects issues within the current version. Review the Service Pack Change List to see whatissues are resolved in this service pack.

    3. Update customizationsThis service pack may affect customizations you have made on your system. Use the Change List to determineif modifications to your customizations are necessary. Contact your Epicor Support Representative if youneed technical assistance.

    5Epicor 9.05.701

    Pre-Installation StepsSupplier Connect SP Installation Guide

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    3 Install Supplier Connect Service Pack

    Use these steps to install the Supplier Connect service pack.

    3.1 Prepare the Transaction Server

    Use these steps to prepare the servers for the service pack installation.

    1. On the Epicor application server client, delete the Supplier Connect synchronization process task in theSystem Agent / Active tab.

    2. Use the Progress Explorer Tool to stop the appservers, databases, WebSpeed brokers and Sonic Adaptor.

    3. On the Web server, stop the IIS / default web site.

    3.2 Unshare the Epicor Folder

    Use these steps to unshare the Epicor folder located on the database server.

    1. Go to the databases server and open Windows Explorer.

    2. Locate your \epicor folder.

    3. Right-click on your \epicor folder and select the Sharing command. The Sharing Properties windowappears.

    4. Select the Do not share this folder check box.

    5. If you receive a message that files are open, click OK.

    3.3 Download the Installation File

    Use these steps to download the installation file. Note that the file must be downloaded and installed to both

    the Transaction server and the Web server.

    1. Go to the Epicweb Support Downloads site on EPICweb.

    Note You can use the link:

    2. Go to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.700 > Supplier Connect

    Epicor 9.05.7016

    Supplier Connect SP Installation GuideInstall Supplier Connect Service Pack
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    3. Based on your environment, download one of the following files onto your machine:

    For Progress 32 bit: SC905701-P32.exe

    For Progress 64 bit: SC905701-P64.exe

    For SQL 32 bit: SC905701-S32.exe

    For SQL 64 bit: SC905701-S64.exe

    For SQL Unicode 32 bit: SC905701-SU32.exe

    For SQL Unicode 64 bit: SC905701-SU64.exe

    3.4 Install the Service Pack File

    Use these steps to install the service pack file.

    1. Verify all users are logged out of your system.

    2. Navigate to the installation file. Double-click on the file.

    3. The Installation window appears. Click Next.

    4. The Distributed Application Installation window appears. Click Next.

    5. Depending upon the server where you are installing the software, select one of the following options:

    On your Transaction Server: Select Install Supplier Connect Transaction Server Files. Enter theDestination folder: C:\epicor\SupCnct905

    On your IIS Server: Select Install Supplier Connect Web Server Files. Enter the Destination folder:C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mfgweb905

    6. If prompted, enter the location of the Open Edge files. For example, C:\epicor\oe102a. Click Next.

    7. Click Finish.

    3.5 Start the Databases and Default Web Site

    Use these steps to start the databases on the servers.

    1. On the Transaction server, start the databases.

    2. On the Web server, start the IIS / Default web site.

    7Epicor 9.05.701

    Install Supplier Connect Service PackSupplier Connect SP Installation Guide

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    3.6 Run Conversion Program

    Use these steps to run a conversion program.

    1. On the server, open the Epicor Admin Tools program. To do this, navigate to Start > Programs > Epicor

    Software > Epicor 9.05 > Epicor Admin Tools.

    2. Login with a valid User Id and Password.

    3. Click Run Conversion Program.

    Scroll down the list of programs to number 7140. Highlight the program to select it. The program nameis Initialize External System Configuration.

    From the Conversion menu, select Run Conversion Program.

    Click OK to confirm. The conversion runs.

    Close Epicor Admin Tools when the conversion is complete.

    3.7 Transfer Data to the Web Database

    Use these steps to transfer data from the tables involved in the synchronization process.

    1. Log into your Epicor application.

    2. On the main menu, select System Management > Connect > Supplier > Supplier Connect DatabaseConfiguration.

    3. From the Actions menu, select Initialize.

    4. Review the SupplierConnectInitialization.log file to verify that the process completed successfully.

    5. On the Transaction server, start the Webspeed Broker, Sonic Adapter, and SupCnct905ProcessServer andSupCnct905TaskAgent Appservers.

    3.8 Restart Synchronization

    Use these steps to restart the synchronization process on the Epicor server.

    1. On the Epicor server, log into the Epicor application.

    2. Open System Management > Connect > Supplier > Supplier Connect DB Synchronization.

    3. Clear the Continuous Processing check box.

    4. Select Startup Task Schedule for the Schedule.

    5. Select the Recurring check box.

    Epicor 9.05.7018

    Supplier Connect SP Installation GuideInstall Supplier Connect Service Pack

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    6. Select the Continuous Processing check box.

    7. Click the Submit icon.

    8. Stop and restart the Epicor Server's Process Server and Task Agent.

    3.9 Reshare the Epicor Folder

    Use these steps to reshare the Epicor folder located on the database server.

    1. On the database server, go to the \epicor folder. Right-click and select Sharing.

    2. Clear the Do not share this folder check box.

    3. If you are prompted that files are open, click OK.

    9Epicor 9.05.701

    Install Supplier Connect Service PackSupplier Connect SP Installation Guide

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    4 Review Service Pack Change List

    Use the following list to review the Software Change Requests (SCRs) that have been resolved with the SupplierConnect Service Pack. The Summary for each SCR includes the Module, SCR, Type, and Description of the change.

    4.1 Supplier Connect Changes and Resolved Issues


    Purchase Orders without changes appear in Confirm Changes listApplication91422

    After changing Line Comments in Supplier Connect, user cannot see or acceptthe changes in Epicor 9


    Manufacturer is only displayed on PO detail when Print All Mfg / Manufacturer

    Parts selected


    Cannot reject a change in PO Due DateApplication96166

    Epicor 9.05.70110

    Supplier Connect SP Installation GuideReview Service Pack Change List

  • 7/28/2019 Supplier Connect 9.05.701 Service Pack Install Guide


    Additional information is available at the Education andDocumentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access

    this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create anaccount, go to

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