
Post on 19-May-2015






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  • 1. Good afternoon children

2. Review lesson Topic: Superlative Review lesson 3. Remember

  • We make superlative with short adjectives and the most long adjectives.

4. For example: Dorj is the tall est boyin my class.Avator isthe most interestingmovie in the world 5. New words

  • Big -

6. Cold- 7. Large- 8. Expensive- 9. Important- 10. Long river- 11. Famous painting- 12.

  • Pacific ocean-

13. Khool Diamond- 14. Elephant- 15. Blue Whale- 16. Popular sport- 17. Let's do the quiz 18. Which is the biggest city in the world? Singapore Beijing London London Please click on and see correct answer 19. Which is the coldest country ? Antarctica Please click on and see correct answer Antarctica Russia Mongolia 20. Which country is the largest country inthe world?Please click on and see correct answer Russia China South Korea 21. Which is the expensive city? Ulaanbaatar Tokyo Si Singapore Please click on and see correct answer 22. Who is the most important person in the history of Mongolia? Click on and see correct answer 23. What is the longest river in the world? Amazon Tuul Please click on and see correct answer Nile 24.

  • Look at pictures of the world and complete the superlatives. The Mona Lisa .......famous painting in the world.

25. The Pacific Ocean.........the deep....ocean. 26. The Khool Diamond.....the.....expensive diamond in the world 27. Mount Everest...... the high.......mountain in the world. 28. The AfricanElephant...the big ......animal in the land 29. The BlueWhale....the big....animal in the water 30. The basketball the ..... popular sport in the world. 31. homework Look at the pictures of the world and make questions for a quiz 32. Thank you for attention

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