sunny outlook 3

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    The Future Outlook is

    Positively Sunny


    September 2, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    Todays Conversation


    Current Status

    Future Opportunities


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    The Inspiration for Positively

    Sunny Positively Sunny combines what Kay learned on her journey

    towards joy with her business skills:

    Ability to sense consumer-insight-based growth opportunitiesand articulate them for many corporate clients, includingKraft Foods, HP and Avon

    Love of and skill at starting successful new firms whenpartnered with John Donicht, COO of Positively Sunny (e.g.,;

    Gathering and attracting experts and talented teachers,including Kathleen Johnson, world-class nutritionist, who is apartner in Positively Sunny.

    Creating magnetic experiences for other learners anddesigning tools to extract the maximum learning, applying itand staying on track

    Designing and leading people through compelling processesthat stimulate powerful change for people (clients andconsumers)


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    A Ripe and Profoundly Different

    Consumer Climate A seismic shift triggered by the change in the economy. Consumers wanting more positive energy and positive

    connections to:

    Themselves Tools and ways to determine and track their progress and

    current state (e.g., Places to tell their own personal stories and be recognized

    Communities of like-minded people and leaders The Facebook phenomenon

    Barack Obamas election

    Something larger than themselves

    Nature Spirituality

    Others they can help (e.g., Toms Shoes)


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    Consumers Today Make a Conscious

    Commitment to Staying Positive

    The weather outside is frightful On a literal basis, most women agree that their moods

    fluctuate with the weather outside. They spontaneouslydescribe a good day as one that is sunny.

    More metaphorically, many consumers have made aconsci

    ous decision to stay positive emotionally and withintheir homes because the outside environment is scary andout of their control (i.e., the economy, the contentiouspolitical atmosphere). I cant control what my kids are exposed to at school,

    but once theyre at home, we keep things positive. Its kind of exciting to learn that I dont have to letwhats happening outside determine my internalexperience.

    Research and Kays personal experience show that thereare many ways to intervene and help create a positiveatmosphere inside oneself.


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    Positively Sunny is a source of

    positive energy

    For women who are sensitive to changes in

    the weather and take steps to bolster their

    moods during the darker months For women across the country who want to

    establish and fuel a positive atmosphere

    within themselves and in their homes

    because of the torrent of scary news intodays environment.


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    What Is Positively Sunny?

    A holistic approach to staying peaceful, positive and productivedespite outside conditions.

    Four elements to the approach with themes that tie them together

    Eat positively

    Move joyfully Act spiritually

    Track vigilantly

    In addition, we have developed a module on getting started.

    Within each element, we have intellectual capital, products andcommunity offerings

    The interplay between these domains of life is what makesPositively Sunny special. In addition, the participants have theengagement and support of others to carry together their intentionof positive living.

    Share the Sunshine! We utilize social media to make it easy toshare this experience with someone who needs or wants it.


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    Connection to ideas, insights,

    people and self

    Each element of the approach has a curriculum thatincludes:

    Access to inspirational leaders, experts and teachers

    Events (live and web-based) that inspire and suggestideas

    Printable/printed tools and intellectual capital withsteps and suggestions (including workbooks, planners,downloadable PDFs, etc.) that allow participants to

    learn from their experiences Nutritional products (including supplements)

    Ability to connect with other like-minded people whoare on the same path and have an opportunity to telland share our stories


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    Positively Sunny Today

    Poised for Grassroots GrowthIntellectual Capital Created:

    Visual Design

    Nutritional supplements being produced (multi-vitamin designedto support a positive outlook and mini-melt of D3/B12) (revenue)

    Workbook (revenue) Daily/weekly planner (revenue)

    Getting started tool (free)

    Identified key experts:

    Dr. Molly Roberts (getting started)

    Kathleen Johnson (eat positively) Dr. Jonathan Ellerby (act spiritually)

    Blog articles written for each element of the program

    Expert interviews conducted; additional interviews scheduled

    Relationship with Half the Sky, an organization that provides a

    positively sunny start to kids in Chinese orphanages10

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    Poised for Grassroots Growth

    Marketing Communications

    Web under construction

    Facebook designed; ad campaign designed

    and ready to launch

    Creating workshop curriculum

    Hiring public relations support


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    Future Opportunities:


    A line of Positively Sunny foods and beverages

    Starting with a high-protein coffee add-in

    Protein in the morning helps stabilize mood 53% of all Americans do not eat breakfast

    This idea cleanly substitutes for current behavior

    Potential retail partnership in low-income areas

    with Walgreens


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    Future Opportunities:

    End User

    Adopt the Weight Watchers model, update for

    the 21st century

    Weekly meetings -- live and/or on-line

    Access to experts via Skype

    Facebook community hub

    Revenue from membership subscription Receptive audience for products (foods,

    nutritional supplements, etc.)


  • 8/8/2019 Sunny Outlook 3


    Future Opportunities:


    Sell curriculum as corporate health and wellnessprogram. Integrated into:

    On-site cafeterias

    On-site fitness centers

    Existing health programs (e.g., smokingcessation, etc.)

    Corporate intranets

    Turns the energy employees have towards theiremployer from negative to positive; resulting ingreater productivity and lower health insuranceclaims


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