sunday, may 13. class plan - content 1. introduction 2-3 of much we have been forgiven, therefore we...

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Pastors, Priests, Ministers, Preachers ?Sunday, May 13Class Plan - Content1. Introduction2-3 Of much we have been FORGIVEN, therefore we pray that all men be saved4 Personal Relationships how we should treat others5-6-7 False Teachers; Why, How, What8 All SCRIPTURE is inspired by GOD and PROFITABLE 9-10 The role of WOMEN in the Church11-12 Widows; Then & Now13-14 Slavery; Then & Now15-16 Respect for Authority17-18 Elders & Deacons19-21 The Work of an Timothy & Titus were charged to do22 Special Topic23-25 Vessels of Honor26 Wrap-up2Speak ConfidentlyTitus 2:15 (NASB) 15These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you. Titus 3:8 (NASB) 8This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men. Active Church of ChristCedarloo Church of ChristAnywhere Church of ChristDetails changed to protect the innocentBig Active Church of Christ10001 Big StWhodathunkit, Texas 70001 United StatesMap and Directions Telephone Number: (555) 673-4565E-mail Address:bacoc@whodathunkit.comWeb Site Address: http://www.bacoc.comTotal Membership: 900Times of Worship and Bible Study:Sunday Morning Bible Study: 10:30 Sunday Morning Worship: 9:00Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7:00Ladies Bible Class: Tuesdays: 10:00 a.m. (8:00 a.m. in depth study)Big Active Church of ChristWe have:Elders (16)Deacons (30)A full time Preacher -Name of Preacher/Evangelist: John PreacherA full time Youth Minister (2) plus Family, Children, Campus, Involvement, Secretaries (3)An active Youth Program -Name of Youth Minister: Joe CoolAn active Evangelism ProgramOur congregation is active in the following ministries:Youth MinistryWorld Bible SchoolPrison MinistryInternet On-Line MinistryUniversity Campus MinistryBig Active Church of ChristAdditional Information:"Loaves and Fishes Fellowship; we feed between 500-700 individuals "Focus on Singles" and "Focus on Marriage, Divorce Care ministry , Older women reach out to our younger mothers through our "Motherly Love" ministry, VBS , missionaries and mission works on several continents as well as locally.Cedarloo Church Of Christ3110 Loma StreetCedar Falls, Iowa 50613 United StatesMap and Directions Telephone Number: (319) 266-5039E-mail Address: cedarloo@cedarnet.orgWeb Site Address: Membership: 103Times of Worship and Bible Study:Sunday Morning Bible Study: 9:30 Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7:00Cedarloo Church Of ChristWe have:EldersDeaconsAn active Youth ProgramAn active Evangelism Program

Our congregation is active in the following ministries:World Bible School

Anywhere Church of Christ1001 Love of God LaneSmall Town, USAMap and Directions Telephone Number: (555) 568-3463 E-mail Address: joegospel@gmail.comWeb Site Address: http://www.anywherecoc.orgTotal Membership: 85Times of Worship and Bible Study:Sunday Morning Bible Study: 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7:00

Anywhere Church of ChristWe have:A full time PreacherOur congregation is active in the following ministries:Youth ProgramName of Preacher: Joe Gospel

Pastors, Priests, Ministers, PreachersAlthough churches of Christ staunchly claim to be undenominational or non-denominational We have a strong tendency to be PastorizedSO MANY Congregations have Full Time Preacher but no Elders, no DeaconsFull Time Preacher classification implies a StatusWhat do you answer when someone asks you Do you have a Pastor yet?Many who come from denominational roots view a congregation without a full time professional trained clergyman who has been ordained (certified by a governing authority) as not really a church.How did we get here?Restoration MovementAKA Stone-Campbell Movement, First Great AwakeningInfluential Preachers: James O'Kelly Methodist, Virginia Abner Jones & Elias Smith Congregational, New England Barton W. Stone Presbyterian, Kentucky Thomas Campbell Anglican->Presbyterian, Penn.-Ohio Alexander Campbell Presbyterian->Baptist, West Virginia Walter Scott Baptist, West VirginiaUnifying ThemesRejection of Hierarchical Government Rejection of CalvinismLocal Control - (Independence)Rule of Scripture

RootsCircuit PreachersItinerant Denominational PreachersMinisters

These Men acted bravely-boldly to throw of denominational doctrinesBut they brought with them the denominational tradition of The Pastor

Doesnt the Bible speak of Pastors?Ephesians 4:11(NASB) 11And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelistsG209, and some as pastorsG4166 and teachers G1320G4166 poimen Thayer: 1) a herdsman, especially a shepherd 1a) in the parable, he to whose care and control others have committed themselves, and whose precepts they follow 2) metaphorically 2a) the presiding officer, manager, director, of any assembly: so of Christ the Head of the church 2a1) of the overseers of the Christian assemblies

Elder Bishop/Overseer ShepherdUsed in connected and interchangeable waysElder - Bishop/OverseerTitus 1:5, 7 (NASB) 5For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint eldersG4245 in every city as I directed you, 7For the overseerG1985 must be above reproach as Gods steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain,Bishop/Overseer Shepherd1 Peter 2:25(NASB) 25For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the ShepherdG1985 and Guardian of your souls. Acts 20:28(NASB) 28Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseersG1985, to shepherdG4165 the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Doesnt the Bible speak of Evangelists?Ephesians 4:11(NASB) 11And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelistsG2099, and some as pastorsG4166 and teachers G1320

G2099 euaggelistes Thayer: 1) a bringer of good tidings, an evangelist 2) the name given to the NT heralds of salvation through Christ who are not apostles

Church of Christ fall-backWe just call them MinistersIts a word we find the Bible

MinistersThe Office of the Christian Minister is a human inventionPastor or Priest are terms is used with the same meaningPermits the Ordination of Clergymen who do not meet the qualifications of either of the Offices authorized in the Bible; Elders/Shepherds/Overseers or DeaconsOrdination requires that the Candidate profess to believe and promise to teach the Doctrines and Dogmas of the authority ordaining him These Doctrines and Dogmas tend to be the doctrines of men, teaching that itching ears want to hearBut doesnt the Bible say that certain people were Ministers ?Colossians 1:25(NASB) 25Of this church I was made a minister G1249 according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God,1 Timothy 4:6(KJV) 6If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister G1249 of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.The New Testament word is diakonosG1249Thayer: one who executes the commands of another, especially of a master, a servant, attendant, ministerNASB: deacons (3), minister (7), servant(s) (19)KJV: deacons (3), minister(s) (20), servant(s) (7)

Didnt Jesus appoint Paul to be a minister ?Acts 26:16(NASB) 16But get up and stand on your feet; for this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a ministerG5257 and a witness not only to the things which you have seen, but also to the things in which I will appear to you;

G5257 huperetes Thayer Definition: 1) servant 1a) an underrower, subordinate rower 1b) any one who serves with hands: a servant 1c) any one who aids another in any workNASB attendant (1), helper (1), minister (1), officer(s) (14), servants (3).KJV officer(s) (11), servants (4), minister(s) (5)

Wasnt Jesus called a minister?Hebrews 8:1-2(NASB) 1Now the main point in what has been said is this: we have such a high priest, who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, 2a ministerG3011 in the sanctuary and in the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man.G3011 leitourgos Thayer Definition: 1) a public minister, a servant of the state 2) a minister, servantNASB minister(ing) (3)KJV minister(s,ed) (5)

G3008 leitourgeoThayer Definition: 1) to serve the state at ones own cost 2) to do a service, perform a workNASB (3) minister(ing)KJV (3) minster(ed,ing)What it meant for Jesus to be a ministerHebrews 7:26-28(NASB) 26For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; 27who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. 28For the Law appoints men as high priests who are weak, but the word of the oath, which came after the Law, appoints a Son, made perfect forever.Hebrews 5-13The whole point of Hebrews to explain the Hebrew people is that Jesus is our Perfect High Priest and because of his ministry before the Throne of God, the need for Earthly Priests has been eliminatedDo you recall where we ended our last class?2 Timothy 4:1-4(NASB) 1I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: 2preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. What would you callA woman who shares companionship, intimacy and affection with a man out of love and devotion? Is it honorable for her to share in his prosperity?What would you callA woman engages in similar acts for wages?A Professional ?MinistersThe Office of the Christian Minister is a human inventionPastor or Priest are terms used with the same meaningPermits the Ordination of Clergymen who do not meet the qualifications of either of the Offices authorized in the Bible; Elders/Shepherds/Overseers or DeaconsOrdination requires that the Candidate profess to believe and promise to teach the Doctrines and Dogmas of the authority ordaining him These Doctrines and Dogmas tend to be the doctrines of men, teaching that itching ears want to hearBeing supported As a wife is entitled, one who spends all his time in the service of Christ is entitled to share in the prosperity of the churchBut if making a living is the goal, there are other jobs that pay more money, Being paid subordinates one to the payerDo you want to be a Minister?A Pro ? Someone who does it to make a living?Or, one who serves at his own expense, as Jesus does?, one who rows under another?, one who is a servant? Pastors, Priests, Ministers, Preachers ?John 10:12-14(NASB) 12He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep. 14I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,

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