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Post on 22-Jul-2020






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The Definitive Middle East Insurance Magazine


ABOUT premiUm Premium magazine has been in the market since 2011, firmly establishing its position as the definitive insurance magazine in the region. This industry publication serves to give readers both snippets of relevant news as well as detailed analyses of current trends that impact the insurance industry and the larger corporate sector.

Premium represents the frontrunners of the industry through succinct thought leadership articles, expert technical analysis, useful statistics and more that will benefit the an industry that is in the midst of ongoing soft market conditions.

The magazine caters to insurers, reinsurers, risk managers of corporates and allied services such as loss adjustors, TPAs, brokers and actuaries with. In recent years Premium has also been acclaimed for its event, the Insurance Brokers’ Forum. Through provoking editorial write-ups from minds within the market, Premium seeks to provide food for thought for the industry.

Ultimately, Premium strives to keep the insurance industry abreast of trends and developments that will help them stay relevant locally and globally.

GLOBAL eXpOSUre Premium will be represented at all major regional and international insurance events. In the region Premium has plans to support major insurance events such as:› General Arab Insurance Federation (GAIF) conference › (FAIR) Federation of Afro-Asian Insurance and Reinsurance conference It also has plans to be represented at international insurance gatherings such as:› Monte Carlo Rendezvous › Baden Baden Conference › World Insurance Forum › AIRMIC › DVS Symposium

Global exposure of this degree will enable Premium to serve as a window to key opportunities in the Middle East insurance markets and raise the profile of front-runners in the region.


25% UAE21% KSA10% Bahrain10% Lebanon8% Kuwait5% Egypt5% UK & European Territories4% Jordan4% Qatar3% Oman2% Bermuda1% Yemen1% Syria1% Iran


25% Shipping/Freight/Aviation/Transport21% Heavy Industry & Manufacturing10% Oil & Gas10% Construction8% Retail & FMCG5% Hospitality5% Automotive4% Hospitals & Medical Sectors4% Real Estate3% Educational Institutes1% IT & Telecom

30% Brokers, Agents & Intermediaries27% Major Corporations23% Insurance & Reinsurnace Companies8% Government Departments7% Bank & Financial Services4% Consultants, Lawyers & Auditors1% Loss Adjusters & Assessors


DiSTriBUTiON: Overall circulation 11,700 copies

30% General Manager27% MD/CEO/VP/Chairman23% HR manager9% Risk Manager/Insurance Manager7% Financial / Administrative Director4% Technical/Underwriting/ Marketing/Treaty Managers

premiUm NewS & viewSPremium’s bi-monthly newsletter is a regular update for news pertaining to the (Re)Insurance industry. In recent years this e-bulletin has garnered positive feedback for its strength of content and timeliness of news updates.




» Profitability of Life Insurance » Emerging markets outlook » Insurance & Blockchain » Customer transparency

Global conferences/Media partnership: » Run-Off Forum, 3rd Annual Health Insurance Conference, FAIR Marketing Conference

MARch » Regulations update » Risk Index » Connectivity in Insurance » Data protection

Global conferences/Media partnership: » The Saudi Health Insurance Conference » Insurance Brokers’ Forum » Insurance Innovation

Summit »Telematics Conference Middle East and Africa

APRil » Takaful » Autonomous shipping and insurance » CRM in Insurance

Global conferences/Media partnership: IHIF 2019, 7th International Aquaba Conference 2019, Onshore Energy Confernce

MAY » Succession Planning » Pensions » Cyber security » Reinsurance

JUnE » Workman’s compensation » ILS » Energy Insurance » Digitisation of Distribution

Global conferences/Media partnership: Airmic Conference 2019 » Global Insurance Forum 2019

JUlY & AUgUst » Changing solvency regimes » Social media and insurance » Innovation in insurance sales » Artificial intelligence

sEPtEMBER » DRG implementation & Insurance » Payer-Provider-Optimisation » Customer value proposition » Motor Insurance

Global conferences/Media partnership: Monte Carlo Rendezvous

OctOBER » Sharing economies » Terrorism coverage » Pensions » Bancassurance

Global conferences/Media partnership: Baden-Baden Reinsurance Meeting

nOvEMBER » Credit scoring » Operational innovation » Prevention » Motor Insurance

DEcEMBER & JAnUARY » Regulations Round-up » Insurance Industry Outlook » Business Continuity » Data Sharing

iNSUrANCe BrOkerS’ FOrUm 2018

A platform for brokers and allied partners for the past 3 years, the Insurance Brokers’ Forum is a common ground for discussion and debate on topics of relevance. The event focuses on latest trends in the market and brings to the fore relevant approaches that are critical to the broker who needs to understand new risks and manage them.

This year, IBF 2018 touches on the practical side of the business and presents insights into strengthening the operation. Listen to best practices, leverage on key presentations and incorporate to achieve business agility.

Distribution of Attendees» Insurance & reinsurance brokers» CEOs, distribution heads of insurance companies» Service providers including management consultants, lawyers,

technology companies and rating agencies»TPAs & loss adjusters, academia & industry analysts» Risk managersGet in touch with us to discuss sponsorship/speaking opportunities.

fze. (Registered at Fujairah Media City). a: Dubai Office (JLT Branch): P.O. Box 334155, 509, X-2, Jumeirah Bay, Dubai, UAEt: +971 4 4232 877 | w: nichepublishers.me



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oNlINe baNNer specs - websITe

DisPlAY ADvERtising (US$)*

sERiEs DiscOUnt

oNlINe baNNer-websITe (us$)

Outside Back Cover 6,500

Inside Back Cover 5,850

Inside Back Cover Gatefold 8,825

Inside Front Cover 6,225

Inside Front Cover Gatefold 8,400

Front Cover Reverse Gatefold 9,350

Opposite Contents 5,000

Double Page Spread 6,800

Full page 4,200

Half page 2,500

Annual Directory Listing 3,000

Advertorial* (2 pages) 7,500

Advertorial* (4 pages) 12,000

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5-8 issues a year less 10%

9-12 issues a year less 15 %

Annual print & online subscription within UAE: US$270

Annual print& online subscription outside UAE: US$370

1 month $2,000

3 months (per month) $1,750

6 months (per month) $1,500

FOr ADverTiSiNG eNQUirieSSunil Sadanandan | mob: +971 [56] 456 6505

oNlINe baNNer specs - NewsleTTer

leaDerboarDFile Type: jpg, gifMax size: 700 (w) x 90 (h) pix, 100kb

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large recTaNgleFile Type: jpg, gifMax size: 206 (w) x 305 (h) pix, 100kb

oNlINe baNNer-NewsleTTer (us$)**

Leaderboard $2,000

MPU $1,500

Large Rectangle $1,750

*The above rates are calculated utilising the now-current conversion rate of us$1=aeD 3.68**rates for newsletter are monthly, applicable for two newsletters.

All rates subject to 5% VAT.

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