summer 2018 - white eagle lodge · summer 2018 in this issue you’ll find: letter from michaela to...

Post on 14-Jun-2020






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In this issue you’ll find:

Letter from Michaela to everyone

WE on The Christ Festival

Feedback from the New Lands retreat in

June and the Healers’ Training day

Two poems

Homeopathy corner

Virginia on a very special tree and its spirit

Book review from Nick

Upcoming Events and regular events

An attunement from White Eagle

From Michaela:

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our summer e-newsletter! Thank you to

all who have contributed, and to Pema and Patrick

for bringing it all together.

We have been busy in the South-East with our

regular activities including the discussion group,

absent healing groups and monthly services, which

many seem to enjoy. We have had some very deep

discussions on our chosen book, Group Consciousness, and have, I think, gained a better

understanding on the subjects considered. But as

always on the spiritual path, we understand more

deeply as we ourselves unfold. Group Consciousness

is one of the deeper White Eagle books and

contains a lot of previously unpublished teachings. I

highly recommend it.

As well as the activities above, 17 members of the

south -east family travelled to New Lands in

Hampshire for a five -day retreat in June. It was a

joy to be in Minesta’s original family home, bought

just after the war and where many of the White

Eagle teachings were given. There is such

tranquillity and peace in the house, built up over

years of spiritual practice, and we felt enfolded in

love during our stay. There were opportunities for

learning, meditating, attending services (including a

family and a healing service) and spending time in

the beautiful grounds. The whole estate feels

somehow consecrated, and White Eagle has told us

that the site of our Temple built in 1974 has been a

holy site from time immemorial.

We ended our Summer session with a service

considering White Eagle’s profound teaching on

what he says is "The mystic Isle of Britain" and

asking ourselves how we can help to “bring into

manifestation from the very soil of our island the

true light of spiritual brotherhood … not only in

word, but in life…...?” Or as William Blake said,

“build Jerusalem in England’s green and pleasant


White Eagle tells us that we have in this mystic isle

of ours a great strength to sustain us in our


“The spirit of those great sun-gods, the god-men

who first came to this ancient land of Britain, still

lingers to inspire the people of this land to deeds of

courage, kindness and goodwill.” He says,

“Be true to this ancient light. Be true to your great

heritage, my brethren. Rise, put on your armour of

light and work for the coming of the new day, not to

satisfy any personal ambition or desire but for the

coming of light and happiness and brotherhood to

the land.” We ended with a down-land meditation,

where nature spirits joined us in their green finery;

this and the presence of the sun-men and the Great

Healer nurtured and uplifted us all.

The Lodge closes for the summer recess at the end

of July and all activities resume in September. Have

a restful, light-filled summer!

With Love and Blessings, Michaela x

From: WE on Festivals and Celebrations; The Christ Festival You come from the Sun, the source of light and happiness for all humanity, love; and to the Sun you all return, but in full consciousness of the powers which your Father-Mother God gave you at your birth from the great heart, the cosmic heart, the centre of love, wisdom and power. The message of Jesus, the Christ, is the message of eternal life. Understand that life itself is the sun in you, and the sun is the Christ spirit; and that the Christ spirit is divine love, which is ever creative, ever bringing light out of darkness.

Feedback from the retreat at New Lands 1-5 June

from Nick

The two things that stood out the most for me on the retreat besides

the good company were two unexpected experiences:

Unfortunately, I suffered some headaches whilst there and one

evening had to withdraw to my bedroom. Lying on my bed looking

out through the window I noticed a cobweb on the outside of the

window, across the bottom corner of one of the window panes. This

web was catching the increasingly red rays of the setting Sun.

These magical rays were massively magnified in intensity by the

cobweb producing a complete golden dragonfly on most of the

web, with the body of the creature as thick and as long and as big

as a large natural dragonfly, but of the most brilliant golden light

with wings and veins just as intense in gold but a delicate filigree

of thinner light. As the breeze lightly moved the web the dragonfly

briefly turned iridescent and pearlescent as a living ethereal and

spiritual manifestation

which I watched for a least half an hour until the Sun went down

and the Sunrays no longer powered the light that had been in the

web. An experience that I expect for me may never be repeated, but

you can live in hope and needless to say the headache disappeared.

The second pleasant experience was to be part of Michaela’s

impromptu Hymn singing with most of us in the lounge taking it in

turns to nominate our favourite Hymn. Whilst liking Hymns very

much, but disliking singing because of my terrible singing voice, I

was comfortable being part of an informal choir and the lovely

uplifting feeling it generated.

from Catharine: I personally had a wonderful time on our Retreat and the most important aspect of it was that it gave us a chance to get to know each other better; in fact, practising Brotherhood. We shared a lot, laughed a lot, discussed much, not only during the programme but at meal times where we were served delicious and plentiful food; these were lively affairs! Even when we were clearing the tables or loading the dish washer we carried on laughing and talking about all sorts of things! We also had time to be still, read in the Library, have private meditation in the Chapel or Temple, walk in the grounds or perambulate around the “Cross in the Circle” meadow and attend the services and attunements. A few of us had a little playtime one morning by jamming with percussion instruments, some of them were a bit novel, like empty milk bottles, plastic containers, spoons and as a key instrument was a native American drum. We sat in the sunshine and passed the drum around and augmented the sounds with items taken from the kitchen! On a serious note, the Retreat gave us an opportunity to expand our spiritual practice and to enable us to leave behind our day to day anxieties and problems and just ‘be in the moment’. Thank you, dear Michaela.

from Brenda Lynn: A few on the Retreat attended the Family Sunday Service in the Temple. I am glad to say that I was one, and what a delight it was. The subject was Trees and a play unfolded about a village and the children there who loved and respected this beautiful tree that had been planted many years ago by their Ancestors. How a new teacher came to the school and thought of having the tree removed to make way for houses. The children had other ideas and working with prayers and the star .... they changed the teacher’s ideas - ALL WAS WELL in the end. This was a family service, though unfortunately only 1 child was in attendance - but oh what fun it was, with singing of songs and narrative by a local teacher. I thought it was really well done!

Feedback from Patrick on the Healers’ Training Day:

On Saturday 7th

July Michaela led several of us Contact and Trainee Healers in a programme of updating and refining of our healing skills. We began by considering several changes which have been made in our approach to healing as a consequence of new legislation and the current ethical climate. As well as the basic treatment, Michaela concentrated on special treatments, which we were able to practice on each other. This was a great opportunity to compare notes on our experiences as healers and helped confirm our commitment to healing the White Eagle way. More pictures from New Lands:

A woodland walk round the edge of the garden

Water lilies in the garden

Looking up towards the Temple

The rhododendrons were wonderful .....

A lovely poem, contributed by Jenny Baker:

How wonderful this world of thine,

a fragment of a fiery sun,

how lovely and how small,

where all things serve thy great design,

where life’s adventure is begun

in God, the life of all.

The smallest seed in secret grows,

and thrusting upwards answers soon

the bidding of the light;

the bud unfurls into a rose;

the wings within the whole cocoon

are perfected for flight.

The migrant bird in winter fled,

shall come again with spring, and build

in this same shady tree;

by secret wisdom surely led,

homeward across the clover field

hurries the honey bee.

O thou, whose greater gifts are ours –

a conscious will, a thinking mind,

a heart to worship thee –

O take these strange unfolding powers,

and teach us through thy world to find

the life more full and free.

Fredrick Pratt Green (1903-2000)

Lakeland Meadows

The blush of the summer grasses,

Buttercup speckled, glistening, wispy crests,

flowing waves undulating rhythmically

on a silken sea by the will of the wind,

enfolded between the Lakeland fells and the stormy


Tall spikes of rose-pink Foxgloves

standing upright by the dry stone wall.

purple rain clouds accentuate

the fresh, minty green and golden pastures

casting patchy shadows across the landscape of

field and fell.

Transient, searing shafts of sunlight

create the drama of the scene

on the sheen of this June meadow.

the rhythm and music of the wavy patterns

and the starry, bobbing freckles on the soft silken


Catharine Birchwood June 2011

Homeopathy corner: Sol

We have a small remedy in homeopathy which is

made from the rays of the sun, believe it or not!

It’s not widely available so you’ll need to order it

from a homeopathic pharmacy if it sounds like a

good one for you.

Homeopathy works on the principle of Like Cures

Like, so this remedy is used to offset the effects

of too much sun, either before, during or after


Some people take it before a hot spell or foreign

holiday, when they know they’re going to get a lot

more sun than normal.

Others use it during a sunny day to ward off

headaches or skin allergy and to help prevent

burning (though of course you should still cover

up/stay in the shade, wear a hat and use sun cream


The third way of using Sol is when someone has sun

’damage’. In this case it might be prescribed once a

month over a period of time.

You can get further advice on using Sol or any other

homeopathic remedy from most of the larger

homeopathic pharmacies in the UK.

A Lime Tree Dryad

For several years I spent time in an ancient pocket of woodland known as the Wannock Copse. I was attracted to a very old Lime tree growing on a small rise of ground which conveniently provided a fallen branch on which to sit. It was occasionally coppiced and seemed well-managed and cared for by the Woodland Trust, but I also felt it had a strong aura and I always felt better after ‘our visit’. During these years I was completing my Druidic studies. One beautiful late afternoon I took this photograph (see below) and only later realised I had been given an image of the Lime tree’s Dryad, its elemental being. My studies were finished – but more poignantly I did not know that I would never again see my friend as it had been. The tree is now no longer coppiced, the bench is gone, and shrubby growth covers the small hillock. I still go to the woodland and I still find and stand next to my friend. I can feel its life and I bless it, with gratitude for all it gave me. Virginia Crowe

Lime Tree dryad


BOOK REVIEW – from Nick

Although my sister is not a spiritualist she recently

wanted to contact my parents, who passed over a

while ago. She and my brother-in-law were looking

for peace of mind and received a satisfying reading

at a public meeting. They purchased one of the

books by Tony Stockwell called Walking with Angels

and passed it on to me to read.

Despite having read a few books by well known

mediums in the past, I was quite impressed by Tony

Stockwell’s very interesting book. He writes very

well about his own personal spiritual experiences

and not only about the readings he’s given. Many of

his subjects have also been covered by White Eagle

– for example, he says we are all accompanied by

our own guide and angel, and that it is his guide and

angel who have enabled him to carry out his work.

So if you can obtain a copy of Walking with Angels

by Tony Stockwell you may well enjoy the read and

find it validates and reinforces White Eagle’s


ISBN 978-1-444-70049-7

Mind, Body & Spirit £8.99

Upcoming Events in Eastbourne at Polegate

Community Centre. 54 Windsor Way, BN26 6QF

(directions below)

Saturday 8th September

A service of rededication and reflection for all

healers, White Eagle absent, contact, lone and

earth healers and those from other healing

traditions. 3-4pm

Sunday 7th October

11am -4.30pm

Retreat day on St Francis and his connection to

White Eagle and the animals, with our Lodge

Mother Jenny Dent, granddaughter of our founder

Grace Cooke

Please bring a vegetarian lunch for yourself,

refreshments provided.

Cost for the day £6

Sunday 25th November

3.30pm Candlelit Advent Spiral Service as we walk

our journey to the Light

Sunday 16th December

11am Special Christmas Celebration service with

festive refreshments

Regular events Eastbourne

Public Services:

3rd Sunday of each month at 11am Join us for a

time of quiet reflection, inspiration and meditation,

healing and refreshments.

Dates this autumn: Sept 16th, Oct 21st, Nov 18th,

Dec 16th- Christmas celebration

Discussion Group:

2ndand 4th Wednesdays of each month Come along

to our twice monthly gatherings, when we have some

lively discussions on the teaching of White Eagle

and others, as well as time for quiet meditation.

1.30-3.30 pm

Dates this autumn: Sept 12th & 26th, Oct 10th &

24th, Nov 14th & 28th, Dec 12th




From Brighton A27, Hailsham A22/A27, Bexhill

and Hastings, A259/A27 Follow signs to Polegate,

turn left at traffic lights, down Polegate High St,

over level crossing, follow road to mini-roundabout ,

turn right on to Station Rd, left on to School Lane,

follow road round, turn left on to Windsor Way,

follow road to end, Polegate Community Centre is on

left opposite Polegate Library.

From Eastbourne, Meads, Old Town, Willingdon.

Follow A2270 to Polegate. (Signed for Brighton,

Lewes and Polegate) At traffic lights turn right,

signed to Polegate, go down Polegate High St, over

level crossing, follow road to mini-roundabout, turn

right on to Station Rd, left on to School Lane,

follow road round, turn left on to Windsor Way,

follow road to end, Polegate Community Centre is on

left opposite Polegate Library.

On foot- 5 min. walk from Polegate station.

At the end of High Street, cross over Station Road,

follow footpath almost directly ahead signed

Polegate Community Centre, to centre on right.

Sunday Buses: 51 Eastbourne Town Centre,

Terminus Road (Stop H) to Polegate Railway

Station , stops in Upperton, Selwyn Road and along

Willingdon Rd on way

126 Cuckmere bus Seaford - Alfriston –Polegate-

Eastbourne and Eastbourne – Polegate-Alfriston -


WEEKDAYS 98,51,54 Eastbourne Town Centre,

Terminus Road (Stop H) to Polegate Railway Station

Regular events Worthing

1st Thursday of the month at 2.30pm, except

December when 2nd Thursday: A service; a time of

quiet reflection, inspiration and contact healing at

Friends Meeting House, Worthing. BN11 5DR

Contact Jenny Baker

Telephone: 01903 244860

Regular events Brighton

1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm:

Amethyst Ray Group. Meditation and discussion of

White Eagle teaching and how it can help us in our

everyday life.

Contact Clive Taplin Telephone 01273 604615 Email

If you’re new to the White Eagle Lodge, you’re

welcome to contact our regional leader, Michaela

Hurcomb, about any of the events before coming


Contact Michaela Hurcomb T: 01323-652341

E: & see S.E. webpage


The next electronic newsletter will come out around

October of this year, and will be on the theme of

Native American spirituality. Contributions are

welcome and should be sent to Patrick: or Pema: or Michaela

The annual, printed Newsletter will still be

published and sent out in hard copy in January 2019.

An attunement from White Eagle:

'As the still waters reflect the sky, so the calm

soul reflects the image of Christ.'

In a state of peaceful stillness and surrender,

the Sun of the inner consciousness, the true solar

self, begins to rise and illumine the whole scene.

The still water reflects the glory of that light.

Slight movement on the surface of that water will

break up that pure white light into many sparkling

rainbow colours. As you become ever more still,

surrendering your whole being to the Sun, the

beautiful colours gradually take form as pillars of

light which in turn become winged beings of

indescribable beauty and stillness. One of these

winged beings has charge over your soul. In the

stillness of your heart consciousness - for this is

what you are now touching - you will become aware

of the Sun as your greater self, the power behind

your life which will give you sure direction and clear

vision concerning your future path and your present

action. As in utter surrender you quietly focus your

attention on this inner Sun, your guardian angel of

this life enfolds you in beautiful wings of light,

wings the colour of your own particular planetary

ray, and in your heart you will hear the voice of

his/her direction.

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