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Summary - The Limits of Pacta Sunt Servanda in International Law

The debate on stability and change – or the limits of pacta sunt ser-vanda – has played a central role in the history of international law. The question under which conditions a state may derogate from treaty obli-gations in case of changed circumstances seems a constant. It is exacer-bated by the inherent characteristic of treaties to “freeze” law at the moment of adoption, thus fixing it at a certain point in time. This dis-tinguishes treaties from international customary law, which – based on state practice and opinio iuris – follows reality, in Dupuy’s words, in de-grees of mimicry. Contrary to the latter, treaties are in permanent ten-sion to the passing of time and changing circumstances. Stability and change were discussed at different times with varying fo-cus. The most intensive debate surrounding these structural elements of the law of treaties seems to have taken place in the inter-war period, in the context of peaceful change: Article 19 of the Covenant of the League of Nations adopted an institutionalized solution, conferring the competence to the Assembly of the League of Nations to suggest trea-ties that have become inapplicable for revision when these endangered the peace of the world. After the failure of the League of Nations, the mechanisms developed after 1945 rather focused on action taken by the treaty parties. Articles 61 and 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) respectively allow for treaty termination or suspen-sion in cases of supervening impossibility of performance and funda-mental change of circumstances.

Recent developments added new dimensions to the debate on stability and change. First, the formation of the law of state responsibility as a system of secondary norms and especially the therein conceptualized circumstances precluding wrongfulness increased the available options to accommodate subsequent changes. In particular the “legalization” (Verrechtlichung) of the necessity defence, from “necessity knows no law” to a strictly construed “law of necessity”, diversified states’ means to derogate from treaty obligations without as such endangering treaty stability. Thus, today, the force majeure and necessity defences incorpo-rated in the 2001 Articles on State Responsibility (ILC Articles; Articles

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C Binder Die Grenzen der Vertragstreue im Völkerrecht: am Beispeil der nachträglichenÄnderung der UmständeVölkerrecht 245, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-35094-8, © by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zurFörderung der Wöffentliches R by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


672 Summary

23 and 25) provide for (temporary) derogation from treaty obligations in extraordinary situations. Second, the formation of increasingly specialized treaty regimes in areas such as human rights, the law of the sea, international economic law and investment law raises the question as to the suitability and applica-bility of the mechanisms of general international law to the respective systems. Mostly known as the phenomenon of fragmentation, the “rise of specialized systems” has also been regarded “as an example of inter-national law’s capacity to adapt to the increasingly complex transna-tional problems in several functional areas”.1 Thus, do these systems need their own specialized derogation clauses too? Third, the courts and institutions which are regularly established in the respective treaty regimes have added a new dimension to the debate on stability and change as well. With their creation, one of the traditional criticisms voiced with respect to the rebus sic stantibus doctrine – that there was no institution to adjudicate upon it and that any invocation of the doctrine thus implied a dangerous legal insecurity – disappeared. Such institutions offer new possibilities of the debate’s conceptualiza-tion in legal terms.

Against this background, this book examines the limits of pacta sunt servanda in cases of subsequent changes of circumstances and compares the functioning of the respective mechanisms established for this pur-pose: fundamental change of circumstances (Article 62 VCLT), super-vening impossibility of performance (Article 61 VCLT), obsolescence, necessity (Article 25 of the ILC Articles) and force majeure (Article 23 of the ILC Articles). In today’s international law, are the mechanisms of general law – of the law of treaties and of the law of state responsibility – sufficient and adequate to allow for flexibility without endangering treaty stability? The investigation thus situates itself at the core of the tension between stability and change. This tension also provides the basis for compari-son and evaluation. Doubtless, flexibility and non-performance may be warranted in certain situations by considerations of justice towards the treaty party which has been struck by change, in the interest of a treaty’s legitimacy and the prevention of breach. Still, derogation needs to be balanced against the requirement of treaty stability and the pacta sunt servanda rule. Any non-performance is therefore to be kept to the

1 T Gazzini/WG Werner/IF Dekker, Necessity across International Law:

Introduction, 41 NYBIL 2010, 3, 5.

Summary 673

strict minimum; it has to allow for legal certainty and predictability and, as far as possible, protect the legitimate expectations of the treaty partners (Vertrauensschutz). These considerations provide the analytical framework for the exploration of the limits of pacta sunt servanda in international law. More particularly, the mechanisms of the law of treaties as well as of the law of state responsibility which allow for a non-performance of treaty obligations in case of subsequent changes are assessed as regards 1. the material criteria of application; 2. the procedures of invocation; and 3. the legal consequences of reliance. The layers of analysis thus follow the three levels on which the balance between the interests of the treaty partners – the good faith in the due performance of treaty obligations versus the need for derogation under the impression of change – can be struck. It is accordingly asked, to what extent restrictive substantive cri-teria of application make derogation from treaty obligations more diffi-cult, thereby protecting treaty stability and the good faith of the treaty partners. Or whether it is rather the procedural deferment of the termi-nation’s effect which balances the treaty parties’ positions by establish-ing a time frame to prepare for the lapse of the treaty. Finally, is there any balance through the legal consequences of termination/suspen-sion/non-performance, e.g. by means of compensation? Chapter 2 is devoted to the tension between stability and change. More particularly, it deals with the need for treaty stability which is impor-tant for the functioning of international relations but may also become counterproductive when circumstances change substantially.

The Chapter starts by outlining the continued importance of the pacta sunt servanda principle for the functioning of international relations, and even more so, for the recognition of international law as “law” (Part 2.2). Especially in the traditionally decentralized international sys-tem without central judicial institution, treaty stability seems essential. It thus comes as no surprise that even institutions/tribunals in particu-lar treaty regimes such as international human rights or investment law consistently emphasize the importance of treaty stability. Still, Part 2.2 likewise shows that pacta sunt servanda, as codified in Article 26 VCLT, is a meta rule. The detailed obligations which derive from treaty per-formance in good faith depend on the particular treaty and are to be de-termined by means of treaty interpretation. This is most important in today’s international law of cooperation with increasingly dense treaty obligations which reach into formerly exclusively domestic spheres. Compliance with pacta sunt servanda therefore has always directer con-sequences at the national level as well.

674 Summary

Against that background, Part 2.3 deals with the tension between the static principle of pacta sunt servanda and subsequent changes. Some-times, an adjustment between stability and change seems necessary. On this basis it is shown that the accommodation of change may be re-quired for reasons of justice regarding the party affected by the change; in view of the legitimacy of a treaty; and in order to prevent a treaty’s breach. Part 2.4 is dedicated to the (limited range of) mechanisms which allow for an accommodation of subsequent changes within the treaty; i.e. within the pacta sunt servanda rule. Such accommodation is, for in-stance, possible through an evolutive/dynamic interpretation of the treaty: especially institutions permanently set up in treaty regimes such as the WTO-Dispute Settlement Body and human rights monitoring in-stitutions (e.g. the European Court of Human Rights) engage in such interpretation. Other options include a restrictive interpretation of the treaty obligations of the state party which was struck by the change. It is likewise possible to offer the respective state a wide margin of appre-ciation in the fulfilment of its treaty obligations. The principle of good faith is a further tool to ease the tension between stability and change within the treaty regime. Still, these options are clearly limited. This is perhaps best illustrated with the ICJ’s rejection of the “approximate ap-plication” of a treaty in the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros case (1997).

Chapter 2 comes to the conclusion that the tension between stability and change may only be solved in few instances within the treaty re-gime. For this reason, the subsequent Chapters 3-6 are dedicated to the external limits of pacta sunt servanda. Hence, they deal with those mechanisms which allow states to derogate from treaty obligations in cases of subsequent changes. Chapter 3 starts with discussing the mechanisms of the general law of treaties: supervening impossibility of performance and fundamental change of circumstances, as codified in Articles 61 and 62 VCLT. The “traditional counterpart” of the pacta sunt servanda rule, fundamental change of circumstances, is dealt with first. Part 3.2 shows that, histori-cally, reliance on the rebus sic stantibus doctrine was also (mis-)used to shed inconvenient or burdensome treaty obligations and consequently was a danger to treaty stability. Against that background, the restrictive framing of Article 62 VCLT led to a welcome clarification and limita-tion of the rebus sic stantibus doctrine’s scope of application. In view of its restrictions, however, Article 62 VCLT hardly ever lends itself to derogations from treaty obligations and offers only limited means for reactions to change.

Summary 675

This is also reflected in the scarce state practice and jurisprudence. The ECJ in the Racke case seems to be the only international tribunal ever to have accepted reliance on a fundamental change of circumstances. Still, the ECJ applied only a restricted standard of review, namely whether the Council had made manifest errors of assessment concern-ing the conditions of Article 62’s VCLT application. Equally rare are examples of state practice. The Netherlands’ reliance on a fundamental change of circumstances in the early 1980s to suspend a treaty on de-velopment cooperation with Suriname due to human rights violations in the country appears to be one of the few recent examples of the doc-trine’s invocation. Part 3.3 is dedicated to supervening impossibility of performance (Arti-cle 61 VCLT) as the second mechanism of the law of treaties to accom-modate change. It shows that also Article 61’s criteria of application are most difficult to meet. This is less due to the provision’s restrictive wording, but rather to its very high substantive threshold: amongst others, Article 61 VCLT requires the impossibility of performance to be caused by the permanent disappearance or destruction of an object in-dispensable for the execution of the treaty for reliance to be permissi-ble. Jurisprudence tended to broaden the provision’s scope; for instance by including the disappearance of legal regimes in Article 61’s VCLT scope of application. This was, however, “compensated” by a broad understanding of the possible replacement of the “object indispensable for the execution of the treaty” which led to a consistent refusal to rec-ognize supervening impossibility of performance. Already the PCIJ did not consider the disappearance of a currency regime (gold coins) in the Serbian/Brazilian Loans cases to constitute an impossibility as its equivalent in gold value was still available. All in all, impossibility of performance is an exception which has hardly been invoked to derogate from treaty obligations. Nor has it ever been accepted by an interna-tional tribunal: while Article 61 VCLT was discussed in the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros case and in the LAFICO v. Burundi arbitration, the argu-ment was rejected in both cases. Thus, already due to the provisions’ restrictive substantive criteria of application, fundamental change of circumstances and supervening im-possibility of performance are clearly focused on treaty stability. While this is positive in view of legal certainty, predictability and the necessary functioning of international relations, the mechanisms of the law of treaties, Articles 61 and 62 VCLT, are of little use for the accommoda-tion of change.

676 Summary

As is shown in Part 3.4, the procedures of the general law of treaties (Articles 65 et seq. VCLT) also have deficiencies when it comes to the balancing of the treaty parties’ positions in cases of subsequent changes of circumstances. The VCLT’s procedures are complex and long which seems particularly problematic in cases of urgent changes. Moreover, their main focus on dispute settlement leaves the treaty partners only limited time to prepare for the lapse of the treaty. The outcome – the procedures end with a non-binding decision of a Conciliation Commis-sion – further weakens the VCLT’s procedural requirements. It thus comes as no surprise that, especially in more urgent cases, states only rarely comply with their procedural obligations. Hence, only the very “core” of the VCLT’s procedures (such as the duty to notify and the observance of certain minimum timelines until termination takes effect) may be considered as codification of customary international law. Espe-cially the mechanisms of Article 66 VCLT and the procedure before the Conciliation Commission are de facto dead law. Part 3.5 argues that also the VCLT’s regime concerning the legal conse-quences of termination (and suspension) is insufficient to adequately balance the treaty parties’ interests in cases of subsequent changes. The VCLT establishes a binary system and only allows for treaty termina-tion or suspension (Articles 70 and 72 VCLT). Although the non-incorporation of renegotiation or judicial/authoritative adaption of a treaty to the changes was well grounded, their omission reduces the possibilities to balance the diverging positions of the treaty partners. This is, in particular, so because the VCLT’s termination and suspension regime does not even provide for any adjustment (e.g. through compen-sation) in cases of a partial performance of treaty obligations by one party at the moment of termination/suspension. This lacuna is espe-cially problematic in cases of treaty suspension, since in such cases, due to the non-permanent character of the allocations, one cannot rely on other considerations such as unjust enrichment. Overall, the mechanisms of the general law of treaties offer only limited options to balance the treaty parties’ interests in case of termina-tion/suspension. Against that background, Part 3.6 looks into obsoles-cence as an additional instrument for the accommodation of change. Obsolescence is characterized by the complete disappearance of the (political, legal, social and economic) context which surrounded the conclusion of a treaty. While obsolescence is not mentioned in the VCLT, it has increasingly been recognized after certain provisions of the Austrian State Treaty were declared obsolete in 1990. On this basis, it is argued that obsolescence may usefully complement the VCLT’s

Summary 677

termination and suspension regime. Since the lapse of the treaty occurs automatically when the circumstances in which it was concluded have completely disappeared, the notification of obsolescence is merely of declaratory – and not constitutive – character. Given its declaratory ef-fect, the procedural obligations are less onerous than in cases of reliance on formal termination grounds: in Austria, for instance, obsolescence is not subject to an actus contrarius and, consequently, to parliamentary approval as is usually necessary in case of political treaties and treaties whose contents modify or complement existing laws. In fact, Austria particularly welcomed the obsolescence’s reduced procedural require-ments. Its state practice thus evidences somehow “modern” forms of reliance on obsolescence, namely as an instrument of Rechtsbe-reinigung. Bilateral treaties on visa requirements with Eastern European states, for instance, which lost their scope of application in the context of the accession of these states to the Schengen area, are thus declared obsolete on the basis of a simple exchange of notes. Nevertheless, decla-rations of obsolescence remain the exception. Among the possible rea-sons are the instrument’s limited publicity and its informality, which comply only insufficiently with the need for stability and legal certainty generally required in international relations. Overall, as is shown in Chapter 3, the law of treaties establishes merely inadequate means for the accommodation of change.

Chapter 4 examines necessity and force majeure as the most important mechanisms of the law of state responsibility to derogate from treaty obligations in cases of subsequent changes of circumstances. Both mechanisms were incorporated in Articles 25 and 23 of the 2001 ILC Articles on State Responsibility and are generally accepted as codifying customary international law. As circumstances precluding wrongful-ness, necessity and force majeure are secondary rules of international law and require a prima facie breach of international (here: treaty) obli-gations as a precondition for their invocation. In view of their restric-tive criteria of application, the circumstances precluding wrongfulness of the law of state responsibility focus on (treaty) stability as well. The customary law based necessity defence (Article 25 of the ILC Arti-cles), which is examined in Part 4.2, allows for the non-performance of treaty obligations under certain restrictive conditions, when an essential state interest is threatened by a grave and imminent peril. Article 25 of the ILC Articles is the definite achievement in codifying the defence. It stands in sharp contrast to the older approach to the defence. Histori-cally, necessity was considered as part of the right to self-preservation of a state and thus, given the importance of the interests at stake, de

678 Summary

facto was not subjected to any rules. While this is perhaps best ex-pressed in the adage “necessity knows no law”, the necessity defence as incorporated in Article 25 of the ILC Articles is a tightly framed “law of necessity”. The restrictive wording of Article 25 of the ILC Articles is reflected in the rare cases where necessity has been relied upon. Recently, however, the defence attracted attention in connection with Argentina’s economic crisis of 2001-02, in which the country systematically defended the derogation from its obligations towards foreign investors with the state of necessity. And yet, necessity (as incorporated in Article 25 of the ILC Articles) seems to have been only twice accepted by an interna-tional tribunal: in the LG&E (2006) and the Continental Casualty (2009) cases. But even in these cases, the investment tribunals relied primarily on the treaty based emergency exceptions and only turned to Article 25 of the ILC Articles to confirm their conclusions.

Part 4.3 analyses the force majeure defence (Article 23 of the ILC Arti-cles) as means to derogate from treaty obligations. It demonstrates that the conditions for reliance on force majeure are stringent. As is shown, force majeure is characterized by the elements of unforeseeability, irre-sistibility and externality which have to be proven by the state wishing to invoke the defence. Generally speaking, force majeure may be distin-guished from necessity by the characteristic lack of free will, as evi-denced in the English expression “act of god”. The defence’s narrow re-strictive criteria of application are corroborated by the rare state prac-tice and jurisprudence. Reliance on force majeure (i.e. on Article 23 of the ILC Articles) has remained the exception and has never been ac-cepted by an international tribunal/institution. The only case where it was discussed more extensively (before being rejected) seems to be the ICSID decision Aucoven v. Venezuela (2003). On the other hand, the defence gained relative prominence in the jurisprudence of the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, which partly qualified the revolutionary conditions in Iran after the overthrow of the Shah as force majeure.

Part 4.4 is dedicated to the de facto non existent procedural require-ments for reliance on necessity and force majeure. As held by Special Rapporteur Crawford: the circumstances precluding wrongfulness function as a “shield rather than as a sword”. One can therefore rely on these defences even when a case on an alleged breach of international obligations is already pending before an international institution. This facilitates an expeditious means for the state which is burdened by the changed circumstances. Conversely, the de facto missing procedural re-quirements pose a challenge to treaty stability and the good faith of the

Summary 679

other treaty parties which are given no time to prepare for the treaty’s lapse. The legal consequences of reliance on the circumstances precluding wrongfulness, which are examined in Part 4.5, remain largely unad-dressed by the ILC Articles on State Responsibility. True, reliance on the circumstances precluding wrongfulness does not have a permanent impact on the existence of a treaty. The duty to perform revives once the necessity or force majeure situation has disappeared. Otherwise, however, Article 27 of the ILC Articles is formulated as non-prejudice clause and does not take a position whether compensation is to be paid. Still, a general duty to compensate the other treaty parties for their “material” losses was increasingly accepted in literature, state practice and jurisprudence. This opens certain room to adjust the treaty parties’ positions in terms of compensation. In case of force majeure, ex gratia compensations are possible. In sum, Chapter 4 shows that the circumstances precluding wrongful-ness of the law of state responsibility, necessity and force majeure, care-fully frame a state’s possibilities to derogate from treaty obligations in cases of subsequent changes of circumstances without endangering treaty stability. Especially the “legalisation” of the necessity defence has brought a welcome certainty into the debate on stability and change. Against that background, Chapter 5 undertakes to compare the mecha-nisms of the law of treaties and those of the law of state responsibility. This with the particular objective in mind of assessing whether the for-mation of necessity and force majeure has broadened a state’s possibili-ties to derogate from treaty obligations in cases of subsequent changes of circumstances. Part 5.2 starts with examining the similarities between the different mechanisms. It argues that the substantive criteria of application of fundamental change of circumstances (Article 62 VCLT) and necessity (Article 25 of the ILC Articles) on the one hand and supervening im-possibility of performance (Article 61 VCLT) and force majeure (Arti-cle 23 of the ILC Articles) on the other hand are quite comparable. That is why the different mechanisms can, in principle, be applied to the same kind of situations. This is evidenced in the few cases where changed circumstances were at stake: in LAFICO v. Burundi and the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros case, for instance, states have relied on both, the mechanisms of the law of treaties as well as on those of the law of state responsibility, interchangeably to argue a non-performance of treaty obligations.

680 Summary

Notwithstanding these similarities as regards the mechanisms’ material criteria of application, there are structural differences between the law of treaties and the law of state responsibility. These are dealt with in Part 5.3. The ILC, when drafting the Articles on State Responsibility, distinguished between primary and secondary rules. The ILC Articles do not define the content and extent of state obligations, whose breach gives rise to state responsibility; they are merely concerned with the consequences which flow from their breach. Consequently, an (appar-ent) breach of a primary obligation is a precondition for the application of the law of state responsibility. It is shown that these differences largely correspond to the distinction between the law of treaties and the law of state responsibility. These two branches are clearly separated and categorically different. While the law of treaties establishes, in principle, primary rules and obligations, the law of state responsibility provides for secondary obligations that regulate the consequences of a breach of the primary obligation. The differences entail, as is shown in Part 5.4, the different functioning of the mechanisms of the law of treaties and of the law of state respon-sibility. Most importantly as regards 1. their mode of application, 2. procedures and 3. consequences of reliance. First, the law of state re-sponsibility requires a prima facie breach of treaty obligations. The re-gime of state responsibility is thus only reached when a treaty has not been correctly suspended or terminated in accordance with the law of treaties. This implies a two step approach, with the non-performance grounds of the law of state responsibility coming after those of the law of treaties. Second, the procedures of reliance on the mechanisms of the law of state responsibility are much less complex than those established in the law of treaties (Articles 65 et seq. VCLT). As stated, necessity and force majeure function “as a shield rather than as a sword” and can still be relied upon in ongoing proceedings. This may be explained, inter alia, by the event based approach of the law of state responsibility and the ex post concept of reliance which is only possible once a prima facie violation has occurred. Third, also the legal consequences of reliance are different. While, in principle, reliance on Articles 61 and 62 VCLT has permanent consequences for the treaty relationship – successfully in-voked it ends the treaty relation –, the operation of necessity or force majeure depends on the duration of the impediment and the treaty rela-tion revives once the impediment disappears. The VCLT does not deal with compensation or any other form of adjustment between the treaty parties in case of termination. Conversely, in cases of a successful reli-ance on necessity, compensation is generally due.

Summary 681

On this basis, Part 5.5 shows that the mechanisms of the law of state re-sponsibility, especially the legalization of the necessity defence, broaden the possibilities of states to derogate from treaty obligations. They di-versify the possibilities to react to subsequent changes while, at the same time, maintaining an optimal balance between the treaty parties. To exemplify, the mechanisms of the law of state responsibility are – due to their reduced procedural requirements – an exit option for ex-treme cases. They are important for a state which is affected by changed circumstances and needs to derogate quickly from its treaty obligations. Conversely, the duty of compensation even in cases of a successful reli-ance on necessity leaves room to adjust the different treaty parties’ po-sitions. This is not only a welcome reflection of the idea of “justice”. From a longer term perspective, the duty to compensate could contrib-ute to a – cautious – flexibilisation of the necessity defence. Furthermore, reliance on the circumstances precluding wrongfulness will be the only means to derogate from treaty obligations when treaties codify customary international law. Likewise, considerations of domes-tic law induce at times a preference for the less cumbersome mecha-nisms of the law of state responsibility. While the invocation of neces-sity or force majeure is generally possible as decision of the executive branch alone, treaty termination (and suspension) frequently requires parliamentary approval. Finally, the mechanisms of the law of state responsibility allow more readily to derogate from treaty obligations when interests of the inter-national community are at stake than those of the law of treaties. The 2001 ILC Articles mirror the changing structure of international law and the growing “verticalization” of international relations in fields such as human rights. More generally, they reflect an increasingly value oriented international community. This stands in contrast to particu-larly Articles 61 and 62 VCLT which are – as the totality of the VCLT – expression of a rather horizontally conceived law of interstate relations. In sum, the circumstances precluding wrongfulness increase the range of mechanisms to derogate from treaty obligations in cases of subse-quent changes of circumstances; at least at the abstract and theoretical level. At the same time, the (welcome) focus on treaty stability of all mecha-nisms (of the law of treaties as well as the law of state responsibility) makes their weakening of pacta sunt servanda marginal. The narrow formulation of fundamental change of circumstances (Article 62 VCLT) and necessity (Article 25 of the ILC Articles) and the high material threshold of impossibility of performance (Article 61 VCLT) and force

682 Summary

majeure (Article 23 of the ILC Articles) is likewise reflected in the lim-ited state practice and jurisprudence. It implies that all mechanisms are merely reduced means for the accommodation of change. While this is welcome in view of the necessary predictability of performance and the stability of international relations, derogation from treaty obligations is only rarely possible. Moreover, as shown in Part 5.6, the criteria of application of all mecha-nisms (fundamental change of circumstances, impossibility of perform-ance, obsolescence, necessity and force majeure) reflect the problem of general (international) law which has to remain applicable to multiple situations. Their abstract wording and elements take only insufficient account of case specific characteristics and the particularities of differ-ent treaty regimes. This becomes especially evident when applying the non-performance provisions of general international law to the specific regimes. Even more, since the dense net of state obligations in these re-gimes increases the need to accommodate change and enable corre-sponding derogations from treaty obligations. In short, the growing need for flexibility can only insufficiently be resolved by the mecha-nisms of general international law. For this reason, Chapter 6 examines non-performance options – termi-nation clauses as well as treaty based emergency exceptions – in differ-ent treaty regimes, namely in human rights law, the law of the sea, the GATT/WTO-regime and international investment law. All the regimes examined provide for a “system adequate” derogation from treaty obli-gations on the basis of specific provisions which may also be relied upon when circumstances change. They thus contribute to ease the ten-sion between stability and change in line with the requirements of the respective treaty regime. Put differently, the debate on stability and change seems to increasingly move from general international law into the different subsystems. Historically, the main “opponent” of treaty stability was the rebus sic stantibus doctrine (Article 62 VCLT). Today, it is primarily the treaty based termination clauses and emergency ex-ceptions which function as the external limits of the pacta sunt servanda rule in cases of subsequent changes of circumstances. As shown in Part 6.2, the majority of treaty regimes (in human rights law, international economic law, the law of the sea and international in-vestment law) contain regime specific termination clauses. These clauses offer a primarily procedural solution to the tension between stability and change. The establishment of minimum timelines (generally be-tween six months and one year) after which the denunciation takes ef-fect leaves the other treaty parties a certain time to prepare for the lapse

Summary 683

of the treaty. This contributes to legal certainty since an exit from the treaty is not linked to compliance with (necessarily vague and general) substantive criteria. Only treaties of disarmament and arms control in-clude material termination conditions such as the occurrence of ex-traordinary events which threaten supreme state interests. Still, an empirical analysis of state practice in the respective regimes shows that notwithstanding the incorporation of procedural termina-tion provisions in most of the treaties examined, states have only excep-tionally left treaty regimes. In today’s international law of cooperation, permanent exit does not seem to be an option. Part 6.3 investigates the increased need for temporary non-performance. An empirical analysis of states’ derogation practice shows that temporary non-performance is rather frequent. That is why the “system adequate” formulation of treaty based emergency exceptions, which takes due account of the requirements of the respective regimes, is particularly needed. The treaty specific emergency exceptions differ sometimes significantly from the necessity defence under general inter-national law. For instance, emergency exceptions in human rights trea-ties (e.g. Article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) mirror the vertical structure of these treaties, which aim at the protection of individuals. They subject a state’s derogation from its human rights obligations to strict rules and also establish a monitoring system with a regular international control of derogations through hu-man rights treaty bodies. The emergency exceptions thus not only re-flect the importance of interests involved: human rights. The monitor-ing system also provides for international control in an area where states do not necessarily have a reciprocal interest in compliance with treaty obligations. The treaty exceptions contribute to legal certainty, since, given the es-tablishment of regime specific criteria, derogation from treaty obliga-tions becomes more predictable. At the same time, they illustrate the fragmentation of international law. The debate on stability and change is conducted with increasingly differentiated instruments in the various treaty regimes. As shown in Part 6.4, the incorporation of treaty based termination provisions and emergency exceptions calls for norm conflict resolution techniques in order to clarify their relationship to general international law. The relationship is to be solved differently in the law of treaties and the law of state responsibility.

684 Summary

The lex specialis principle applies to the relationship between treaty based termination clauses and the mechanisms of the general law of treaties (Articles 61 und 62 VCLT). It points to the more special norm – generally the treaty provision. A treaty’s termination provisions will thus be regularly applicable as lex specialis. The two step approach ap-plies to the relationship between treaty based emergency exceptions and the necessity defence of the law of state responsibility (Article 25 of the ILC Articles). One has thus to establish first whether the treaty based emergency exception is applicable. If it is, the derogation is lawful and there is no need to refer to the customary law based necessity defence. Since there is not even an apparent breach of treaty obligations, any ref-erence to the circumstances precluding wrongfulness of the law of state responsibility would be incorrect. Also the two step approach conse-quently points to the treaty provision which is generally examined first. This is welcome in particular in the case of necessity. It takes optimal account of the specific characteristics of treaty based emergency excep-tions which draw the “limits of pacta sunt servanda” in a regime ade-quate way. What is more, cases of temporary non-performance are comparatively frequent. For this reason, an orderly derogation with the least possible impact on the treaty relations and a maximum protection of the treaty partners’ good faith seems particularly important. Part 6.5 analyses the jurisprudence of international investment tribunals in the Argentine crisis and shows that the positive effect of a treaty re-gime specific fine tuning, the advantages of a “system adequate” incor-poration of emergency exceptions, is reduced when international tribu-nals incoherently apply the provisions or wrongly understand their rapport with the law of state responsibility. The opportunity in juris-prudence to determine the abstract elements of the necessity defence more precisely and the chance to establish a correct relationship be-tween the treaty based emergency exceptions and Article 25 of the ILC Articles has thus not been realized – or not yet (?) To the contrary, the limits of pacta sunt servanda were drawn very differently by the in-vestment tribunals. This reduces predictability and prevents legal cer-tainty which should guide any derogation from treaty obligations. From the perspective of fragmentation, the diverging decisions of the investment tribunals in the Argentine crisis demonstrate compellingly the important unifying function of general international law when it comes to deal with stability and change. On the basis of a (correct!) treaty interpretation, the elements of the customary law based necessity defence could, for instance, have been drawn upon to concretize the treaty based emergency exceptions and could thus have contributed to

Summary 685

their consistent application. Precondition for this is, however, an accu-rate understanding of international law by the respective institutions. This would require knowledge of the limits of treaty interpretation, the classification of the law of state responsibility as system of secondary norms and the correct use of methods for the solution of norm con-flicts. The contradictory decisions of the investment tribunals in the Argen-tine crisis were not so much caused by treaty norms which were in-compatible with general international law. Rather, it was the investment tribunals’ problematic application of the respective norms. More gener-ally formulated, the threats to coherence and unity of international law were less the specific provisions of a treaty regime but rather their appli-cation. In fact, the unity and remaining relevance of international law – central questions of the fragmentation debate in view of the prolifera-tion of specialized treaty regimes – are primarily in the hands of the re-gimes’ institutions. These, however, frequently act in accordance with the particularities of their treaty regime and care (too) little about gen-eral international law. What is thus needed, is a more universalist vision on international law with respect to central questions such as the relationship between treaty based emergency exceptions and the mechanisms of general interna-tional law (here: the customary law based necessity defence). Only a correct handling of international law’s toolbox to deal with change will make it possible to solve the tension between stability and change ade-quately, i.e. in the interest of an optimal adjustment of the treaty parties’ positions, in line with legal certainty and predictability. That is why this book is a plea for an exacter dogmatic as well as a deepened examination of the relationship between general international law and particular treaty regimes from a universalist perspective.


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C Binder Die Grenzen der Vertragstreue im Völkerrecht: am Beispeil der nachträglichenÄnderung der UmständeVölkerrecht 245, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-35094-8, © by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zurFörderung der Wöffentliches R by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


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Ständiger Internationaler Gerichtshof

Case concerning the Payment in Gold of the Brazilian Federal Loans is-sued in France, Judgment, 12.7.1929, PCIJ Ser A, No 21, 93. Case concerning the Payment of various Serbian Loans issued in France, Judgment, 12.7.1929, PCIJ Ser A, No 20, 5. Case of the Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex, Judg-ment, 7.6.1932, PCIJ Ser A/B, No 46, 96. Case of the S.S. “Wimbledon”, Judgment, 17.8.1923, PCIJ Ser A, No 1, 15. Designation of the Workers’ Delegate for the Netherlands at the Third Session of the International Labour Conference, Advisory Opinion, 31.7.1922, PCIJ Ser B, No 1, 19. Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, Advisory Opinion, 21.2.1925, PCIJ Ser B, No 10, 20. Railway Traffic between Lithuania and Poland, Advisory Opinion, 15.10.1931, PCIJ Ser A/B, No 42, 108. The “Société Commerciale de Belgique”, Judgment, 15.6.1939, PCIJ Ser A/B, No 78, 160. The Case of the S.S. “Lotus”, Judgment, 7.9.1927, PCIJ Ser A, No 10, 1. The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, Judgment, 30.8.1924, PCIJ Ser A, No 2, 34. The Oscar Chinn Case, Judgment, 12.12.1934, PCIJ Ser A/B, No 63, 65.

Internationaler Gerichtshof

Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of In-dependence in Respect of Kosovo, Advisory Opinion, 22.7.2010, ICJ Rep 2010, 403.

chen öffentlichen Recht undeiträge zum ausländis

issenschaften e.V., to be exercised by Max-Planck-Instituecht und Völkerrecht, Published

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t für ausländisches

C Binder Die Grenzen der Vertragstreue im Völkerrecht: am Beispeil der nachträglichenÄnderung der UmständeVölkerrecht 245, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-35094-8, © by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zurFörderung der Wöffentliches R by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


734 Judikaturverzeichnis

Admissibility of Hearings of Petitioners by the Committee on South West Africa, Advisory Opinion, 1.6.1956, ICJ Rep 1956, 23.

Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case (Greece v Turkey), Judgment, 19.12.1978, ICJ Rep 1978, 3.

Appeal Relating to the Jurisdiction of the ICAO Council (India v Paki-stan), Judgment, 18.8.1972, ICJ Rep 1972, 46. Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v Greece), Judgment, 5.12.2011,

Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company, Limited (Belgium v Spain), Preliminary Objections, 24.7.1964, ICJ Rep 1964, 6.

Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company, Limited (Belgium v Spain), Judgment, 5.2.1970, ICJ Rep 1970, 3. Case concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (De-mocratic Republic of the Congo v Rwanda), Jurisdiction and Admissi-bility, 3.2.2006, ICJ Rep 2006, 6. Case concerning Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v France), Judgment, 4.6.2008, ICJ Rep 2008, 177.

Case concerning East Timor (Portugal v Australia), Judgment, 30.6.1995, ICJ Rep 1995, 90. Case concerning Kasikili/Sedudu Island (Botswana v Namibia), Judg-ment, 13.12.1999, ICJ Rep 1999, 1045. Case concerning Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v Belgium), Preliminary Objections, 15.12.2004, ICJ Rep 2004, 279. Case concerning Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions be-tween Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v Bahrain), Jurisdiction and Admissi-bility, 1.7.1994, ICJ Rep 1994, 112. Case concerning Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions be-tween Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v Bahrain), Jurisdiction and Admissi-bility, 15.2.1995, ICJ Rep 1995, 6. Case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v Norway), Judgment, 14.6.1993, ICJ Rep 1993, 211. Case concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v United States of America), Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 26.11.1984, ICJ Rep 1984, 392.

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Case concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v United States of America), Merits, 27.6.1986, ICJ Rep 1986, 14. Case concerning Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v United States of America), Judgment, 6.11.2003, ICJ Rep 2003, 161.

Case concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v Uru-guay), Judgment, 20.4.2010, 15877.pdf. Case concerning Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v the United States of America), Judgment, 27.8.1952, ICJ Rep 1952, 176. Case concerning the Application of the Convention of 1902 governing the Guardianship of Infants (Netherlands v Sweden), Judgment, 28.11.1958, ICJ Rep 1958, 55. Case concerning the Dispute Regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v Nicaragua), Judgment, 13.7.2009, ICJ Rep 2009, 213. Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening), Pre-liminary Objections, 11.6.1998, ICJ Rep 1998, 275. Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening), Judgment, 10.10.2002, ICJ Rep 2002, 303.

Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v Thailand), Merits, 15.6.1962, ICJ Rep 1962, 6. Case concerning the Territorial Dispute between Libya and Chad (Lib-yan Arab Jamirihiya v Chad), Judgment, 3.2.1994, ICJ Rep 1994, 6. Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehe-ran (United States v Iran), Judgment, 24.5.1980, ICJ Rep 1980, 3. Competence of the General Assembly for the Admission of a State to the United Nations, Advisory Opinion, 3.3.1950, ICJ Rep 1950, 4.

Fisheries Jurisdiction (Spain v Canada), Jurisdiction, 4.12.1998, ICJ Rep 1998, 432. Fisheries Jurisdiction Cases (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v Iceland; Federal Republic of Germany v Iceland), Jurisdiction, 2.2.1973, ICJ Rep 1973, 3.

Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso v Republic of Mali), Judgment, 22.12.1986, ICJ Rep 1986, 554.

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Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v Slovakia), Judgment, 25.9.1997, ICJ Rep 1997, 7. International Status of South-West Africa, Advisory Opinion, 11.7.1950, ICJ Rep 1950, 128. Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania (2nd phase), Advisory Opinion, 18.7.1950, ICJ Rep 1950, 221. Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt, Advisory Opinion, 20.12.1980, ICJ Rep 1980, 73. Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Af-rica in Namibia (South-West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory Opinion, 21.6.1971, ICJ Rep 1971, 16. Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Pal-estinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, 9.7.2004, ICJ Rep 2004, 136. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, 8.7.1996, ICJ Rep 1996, 226.

North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (Federal Republic of Germany v Denmark; Federal Republic of Germany v the Netherlands), Judgment, 20.2.1969, ICJ Rep 1969, 3.

Northern Cameroons (Cameroon v United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, 2.12.1963, ICJ Rep 1963, 15.

Nuclear Tests Case (New Zealand v France), Judgment, 20.12.1974, ICJ Rep 1974, 457.

South West Africa Cases (Ethiopia v South Africa; Liberia v South Af-rica), Preliminary Objections, 21.12.1962, ICJ Rep 1962, 319.

Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte

A and Others v the United Kingdom, Appl No 3455/05, Judgment (GC), 19.2.2009, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 2009.

Aksoy v Turkey, Appl No 21987/93, Judgment, 18.12.1996, Reports 1996-VI.

Demir and Others v Turkey, Appl No 21380/93, Judgment, 23.9.1998, Reports 1998-VI.

Handyside v the United Kingdom, Appl No 5493/72, Judgment, 7.12.1976, Ser A, No 24.

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Lawless v Ireland (No 3), Appl No 332/57, Judgment, 1.7.1961, Ser A, No 3.

National Union of Belgian Police v Belgium, Judgment, Appl No 4464/70, 27.10.1975, Ser A, No 19.

Winterwerp v the Netherlands, Appl No 6301/73, Judgment, 24.10.1979, Ser A, No 33.

Europäische Menschenrechtskommission

Cyprus v Turkey I & II, Appl Nos 6780/74, 6950/75, Report of the Commission, 10.7.1976.

Denmark, Norway and Sweden v Greece II, Appl No 4448/70, Report of the Commission, 4.10.1976.

Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands v Greece I, Appl Nos 3321/67, 3322/67, 3323/67, 3344/67, Report of the Commission, 5.11.1969.

Interamerikanischer Menschenrechtsgerichtshof

Caso Caesar v Trinidad y Tobago, Fondo, Reparaciones y Costas, 11.3.2005, Ser C, No 123, Pais=27. Interpretation of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man within the Framework of Article 64 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Rechtsgutachten OC-10-89, 14.7.1989, 29 ILM 1990, 378.

Loyaza Tamayo v Peru, Cumplimiento de Sentencia, 17.11.1999, Ser C, No 60, Marta Colomina and Liliana Velásquez v Venezuela, Resolución, 2.12.2003, Ser E, No 1, Responsabilidad por Expedición y Aplicación de Leyes Violatorias de la Convención, Rechtsgutachten OC-14-94, 9.12.1994, http://www.

738 Judikaturverzeichnis


Consuelo Salgar de Montejo v Colombia, Communication No 64/1979, UN Doc Supp No 40 (A/37/40), 168 (1982).

Jorge Landinelli Silva v Uruguay, Communication No 34/1978, UN Doc Supp No 40 (A/36/40), 130 (1981).

Europäischer Gerichtshof

C-90/63, Commission of the EEC v Luxembourg and Belgium, Judg-ment, 13.11.1964.

C-101/84, Commission v Italy, Judgment, 11.7.1985.

C-145/85, Denkavit Belgie NV v Belgium, Judgment, 5.2.1987.

C-162/96, Racke v Hauptzollamt Mainz, Judgment, 16.6.1998.

C-266/81, SIOT v Ministero delle finanze, Judgment, 16.3.1983.


Amco Asia Corp, Pan American Development, Ltd and PT Amco In-donesia v Republic of Indonesia, ICSID Case No ARB/81/1, Jurisdic-tion, 25.9.1983, 1 ICSID Reports 377.

American Manufacturing & Trading, Inc v Republic of Zaire, ICSID Case No 93/1, Award, 21.2.1997, 5 ICSID Reports 11. Asian Agricultural Products Ltd v Republic of Sri Lanka, ICSID Case No ARB/87/3, Award, 21.6.1990, ICSID Reports 246. Autopista Concesionada de Venezuela, CA (“Aucoven”) v Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No ARB/00/5, Award, 23.9.2003, H&actionVal=showDoc&docId=DC610_En&caseId=C192.

Burlington Resources Inc v Republic of Ecuador, ICSID Case No ARB/08/5, Decision on Jurisdiction, 2.6.2010, default/files/case-documents/ita0106.pdf.

CMS Gas Transmission Company v The Republic of Argentina, ICSID Case No ARB/01/8, Award, 12.5.2005, 44 ILM 2005, 1205.

Judikaturverzeichnis 739

CMS Gas Transmission Company v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/01/8, Decision of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Application of Annulment of the Argentine Republic, 25.9.2007,

Continental Casualty Company v The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/03/9, Award, 5.9.2008, ContinentalCasualtyAward.pdf. Continental Casualty Company v The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/03/9, Decision on the Application for Partial Annul-ment of the Award of the Argentine Republic, 16.9.2011,

El Paso Energy International Company v The Argentine Republic, IC-SID Case No ARB/03/15, Award, 31.10.2011, cases-by-respondent?field_case_respondent_tid=34.

Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets LP v The Argentine Repub-lic, ICSID Case No ARB/01/3, Award, 22.5.2007, ca/documents/Enron-Award.pdf.

Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets LP v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/01/3, Decision of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Application of Annulment of the Argentine Republic, 30.7.2010,

Hrvatska elektroprivreda dd v Republic of Slovenia, ICSID Case No ARB/05/24, Decision on the Treaty Interpretation Issue, 12.6.2009, H&actionVal=viewCase&reqFrom=Home&caseId=C69.

Impregilo SpA v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/07/17, Award, 21.6.2011, respondent_tid=34. LG&E Energy Corp, LG&E Capital Corp and LG&E International, Inc v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/02/1, Decision on Li-ability, 3.10.2006, Liability.pdf.

Metalclad Corporation v The United Mexican States, ICSID Case No ARB(AF)/97/1, Award, 30.8.2000, 5 ICSID Reports 209.

Metalpar SA and Buen Aire SA v The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/03/5, Award, 6.6.2008, Metalpar-awardsp.pdf.

Mr Patrick Mitchell v Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICSID Case No ARB/99/7, Decision on the Application for Annulment of the

740 Judikaturverzeichnis

Award, 1.11.2006, ita0537.pdf.

Parkerings-Compagniet AS v Republic of Lithuania, ICSID Case No ARB/05/8, Award, 14.8.2007, field_case_respondent_tid=402.

Sempra Energy International v The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/02/16, Award, 28.9.2007, SempraAward.pdf.

Sempra Energy International v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/02/16, Decision on the Argentine Republic’s Application of An-nulment of the Award, 29.6.2010, Suez, Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona SA, and Vivendi Univer-sal SA v The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/03/19, Deci-sion on Liability, 30.7.2010, dent?field_case_respondent_tid=34.

Total SA v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/04/1, Decision on Liability, 27.12.2010, case_respondent_tid=34.

Sonstige Internationale Schiedsgerichte

Air Service Agreement Case (United States v France), 9.12.1978, XVIII RIAA 417. Arbitration regarding the Iron Rhine (‘IJzeren Rijn’) Railway (Belgium v The Netherlands), Award, 24.5.2005, showpage.asp?pag_id=1155.

BP v Libyan Arab Republic, Schiedsspruch Lagergren, 10.10.1973, 53 ILR 297. Case Concerning the Delimitation of Maritime Boundary between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal, 31.7.1989, XX RIAA 119. Company General of the Orinoco Case, 31.7.1905, X RIAA 184. Decision regarding Delimitation of the Border between Eritrea and Ethiopia, 13.4.2002, XXV RIAA 83. Dispute concerning the Course of the Frontier between BP 62 and Mount Fitzroy. ‘Laguna del Desierto’ (Argentina v Chile), 21.10.1994, 113 ILR 1.

Judikaturverzeichnis 741

French Company of Venezuelan Railroads Case, 31.7.1905, X RIAA 285.

Group Plc v Republic of Argentina, Final Award, 24.12.2007, http://ita.

Himpurna California Energy Ltd v PT PLN (Persero), Final Award, 4.5.1999, XXV Yearbook Commercial Arbitration 2000, 13.

Island of Palmas Case (United States v The Netherlands), Award (Einzelschiedsrichter Max Huber), 4.4.1928, II RIAA 829.

Karaha Bodas Company LLC v Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak Dan Gas BumiNegara and PT PLN (Persero), Final Award, 18.12.2000, 16(3) Mealey’s International Arbitration Report 2001, 2. Lac Lanoux Arbitration, 16.11.1957, 24 ILR 1957, 101. Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company (LAFICO) and the Repub-lic of Burundi, 4.3.1991, 96 ILR 279.

National Grid plc v The Argentine Republic, Award, 3.11.2008, Nykomb Synergetics Technology Holding AB v Republic of Latvia, Case No 118/2001, Award, 16.12.2003, IIC 2003, 182.

Rainbow Warrior (New Zealand v France), 30.4.1990, 82 ILR 499. Russian Claim for Interest on Indemnities (Russia v Turkey), Award, 11.11.1912, XI UNRIAA 421.

Spanish Zone of Morocco Case (Spain v United Kingdom), Schieds-spruch Max Huber, 23.10.1924, 2 RIAA 615. Texaco Overseas Petroleum Company, California Asiatic Oil Company v Libya, Schiedsspruch RJ Dupuy, 19.1.1977, 17 ILM 1978, 3. The Ottoman Empire Lighthouses Concession Case (France v Greece), Award, 24.7.1956, XII RIAA 155.

WTO Dispute Settlement Body

Argentina—Safeguard Measures on Imports of Footwear, 14.12.1999, WT/DS121/AB/R. Brazil—Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres, 3.12.2007, WT/DS332/AB/R.

742 Judikaturverzeichnis

China—Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, 21.12.2009, WT/DS363/AB/R. EC—Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, 12.3.2001, WT/DS135/AB/R. EC—Measures concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), 16.1.1998, WT/DS26/AB/R-WT/DS48/AB/R. EC—Sardines, 23.10.2002, WT/DS231/AB/R. European Communities—Measures concerning Meat and Meat Pro-ducts (Hormones), 16.1.1998, WT/DS26/AB/R. Korea—Definitive Safety Measure on Imports of Certain Dairy Pro-ducts, 14.12.1999, WT/DS98/AB/R. US—Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, 12.10.1998, WT/DS58/AB/R. US—Offset Act (Byrd Amendment), 16.1.2003, WT/DS217/AB/R- WT/DS234/AB/R. US—Nicaraguan Trade, L/6035 (Panel Report, unadopted).

Internationaler Seegerichtshof

SGH, M/V Saiga (No 2) Case, 1.7.1999, 38 ILM 1999, 1323.

Iran-US Claims Tribunal

Amoco International Finance Corp v Iran, Award No 310-56-3, 14.7.1987, 15 Iran-USCTR 189. Anaconda-Iran, Inc v Iran, Award No ITL 65-167-3, 10.12.1986, 13 Iran-USCTR 199.

Avco Corp v Iran Aircraft Industries, Award No 377-261-3, 18.7.1988, 19 Iran-USCTR 200.

Blount Brothers, Corp v Iran, Award No 215-52-1, 6.3.1986, 10 Iran- USCTR 56.

Collins System International, Inc v Navy of Iran, Award No 526-431-2, 20.1.1992, 28 Iran-USCTR 21.

Judikaturverzeichnis 743

Computer Sciences Corp v Iran, Award No 221-65-1, 16.4.1986, 10 Iran-USCTR 269.

General Dynamics Telephone Systems Center, Inc v Iran, Award No 192-285-2, 4.10.1985, 9 Iran-USCTR 153.

Gould Marketing, Inc v Ministry of Defense of Iran, Award No ITL 24-49-2, 27.7.1983, 3 Iran-USCTR 147.

Gould Marketing, Inc v Ministry of Defense of Iran, Award No 136-49/50-2, 29.6.1984, 6 Iran-USCTR 272.

Houston Contracting Co v National Iranian Oil Company, Award No 378-173-3, 22.7.1988, 20 Iran-USCTR 3.

INA Corporation v Iran, Award No 184-161-1, 13.8.1985, 8 Iran-USCTR 373.

International Schools Services, Inc v National Defense Industries Or-ganization, Award No 290-123-1, 29.1.1987, 14 Iran-USCTR 65.

International Schools Services, Inc v NICIC (National Iranian Copper Industries Company), Award No 194-111-1, 10.10.1985, 9 Iran-USCTR 187.

International Technical Products Corp v Iran, Award No 186-302-3, 19.8.1985, 9 Iran-USCTR 10.

Lockheed Corp v Iran, Award No 367-829-2, 9.6.1988, 18 Iran-USCTR 292.

Mobil Oil Iran, Inc et al v Iran, Award No 311-74/76/81/150-3, 14.7.1987, 16 Iran-USCTR 3. Phelps Dodge International Corp and Overseas Private Investment Group v Iran, Award No 217-99-2, 19.3.1986, 10 Iran-USCTR 157.

Phillips Petroleum Co, Iran v Iran, ITL, Award No 425-39-2, 29.6.1989, 21 Iran-USCTR 79.

Queens Office Tower Associates v Iran National Airlines Corp, Award No 37-172-1, 15.4.1983, 2 Iran-USCTR 247.

Questech, Inc v Ministry of National Defense of Iran, Award No 191-59-1, 25.9.1985, 9 Iran-USCTR 107.

Sylvania Technical Systems, Inc v Iran, Award No 180-64-1, 27.6.1985, 8 Iran-USCTR 298.

Touche Ross & Co v Iran, Award No 197-480-1, 30.10.1985, 9 Iran-USCTR 284.

United States v Iran, Dec No 130-A28-FT, 19.12.2000, unveröffentlicht.

744 Judikaturverzeichnis

Watkins Johnson Co v Iran, Award No 429-370-1, 28.7.1989, 22 Iran-USCTR 218.

Vorfälle aus der internationalen Praxis

Insurrection at Sfax, Tunesia (1881), Societa italiana per l’organizazione internazionale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 872. Loadline Convention-Fall (1941), 40/24 Official Opinions of the At-torney General of the United States Advising the President and Heads of Departments in Relation to their Official Duties, 12. Pontusfall, The London Declaration (1871), 18 Martens Nouveau Re-cueil 1873, 278. Properties of Bulgarian Minorities in Greece-Fall (1926), SDN, JO, 7e année, No 2, Februar 1926, Annex 815.

Rock Spring Riot (1885, USA), in JB Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to which the United States has been a Party, Bd VI, 1898, 822. Russian Fur Seals-Streitfall (1893), 86 British and Foreign State Papers 220.

Saida Incident (1881, Algerien), in AC Kiss, Répertoire de la pratique française en matière de droit international public, Bd III, 1965, 618. The “Torrey Canyon” (1967), Cmnd 3246, London, Her Majesty’s Sta-tionary Office 1967. The Caroline Affair (1837), 29 British and Foreign State Papers 1129.

The Neptune (1797), in JB Moore (Hrsg), International Adjudications: Modern Series, Bd IV, 1931, 372, 433 (Opinion Trumbull). The Paris Commune in France (1871), in AD Lord McNair, Interna-tional Law Opinions, Bd II, 1956, 262.

The Wipperman Case (United States of America v Venezuela) (1889 onwards), in JB Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbi-trations to which the United States has been a Party, Bd III, 1898, 3040-3043.

Judikaturverzeichnis 745

Innerstaatliche Gerichte

Den Haager Bezirksgericht, Stichting Verbiedt de Kruisraketten and 14.774 Natural and Legal Persons v The State of the Netherlands, 20.5.1986, 18 NYBIL 1987, 417. Erstinstanzliches Tribunal Strassburg, Badische A-G für Rheinschif-fahrt und Seetransport c Compagnie centrale d’assurances maritimes, 20.2.1927, in AC Kiss, Répertoire de la pratique française en matière de droit international public, Bd I, 1962, 378.

Französischer Conseil d’Etat, Prefect of la Gironde v Mahmedi, 18.12.1992, 106 ILR 204.

Französischer Conseil d’Etat, Société Nachfolger Navigation Co Ltd, 23.8.1987, 104 Revue de droit international public et de la science poli-tique 1988, 851. Österreichischer Verfassungsgerichtshof, B 196/75, 3.6.1976, 77 ILR 439. Österreichischer Verfassungsgerichtshof, Bregenzer Baubewilligung-Fall, 14.10.1988, Slg 11.500, 347. Österreichischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof, Interpretation of Customs Valuations Statute Case, 28.2.1962, 40 ILR 1.

Schweizer Bundesgericht, Kanton Thurgau v Kanton St Gallen, 10.2.1928, BGE 54.1, 188-207, abgedruckt in 1 ZaöRV 1929, 815.


Abbruch diplomatischer oder konsularischer Bezie-hungen und Vertrag: 11, 211, 358

Abrüstungsverträge: 247, 562ff

Allgemeiner Rechtsgrundsatz (ARG): 25f, 131, 189, 388f, 515

Amerikanische Menschen-rechtskonvention (AMRK): 61, 540, 542f, 54640, 547, 572f, 574130

Änderungsklauseln, siehe Ver-tragsänderung

Annähernde Vertragsanwen-dung (approximate applica-tion; Doktrin der annä-hernden Vertragsanwen-dung): 104ff

Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros-Fall: 108f

Gefahren: 106f Menschenrechtsverträge:

109 Potenzial: 106f

Approximate application, siehe annähernde Vertragsanwen-dung

Argentinische Wirtschaftskri-se (Argentinienkrise): 15, 96, 151, 333, 339, 342, 365, 367, 370f, 375ff, 381, 400, 412, 417, 420, 423, 426, 449, 506, 628ff, 645, 652, 654, 668f

Ausbruch von Feindseligkei-ten und Vertrag, siehe auch Vertragsbeziehung und be-waffnete Konflikte: 11, 490

Auslegung, siehe Vertragsin-terpretation

Bad faith (schlechter Glaube): 54, 99

Bewegliches System: 476ff CCPR (Pakt über bürgerliche

und politische Rechte): 3471, 88, 211344, 357, 359, 375, 496, 54126, 542ff, 571ff, 624, 626

Claims Settlement Declaration (CSD): 176ff

Clausula rebus sic stantibus, siehe auch grundlegende Umstandsänderung, rebus sic stantibus Doktrin: 2, 43, 70, 104, 113ff, 285, 459

Clean hands-Doktrin: 147, 197f, 472, 492, 639

Community interest(s), siehe auch Staatengemeinschafts-interessen: 348, 353, 527, 664

Compliance: 31f Demokratisches Prinzip (De-

mokratieprinzip): 62, 289 Desuetudo: 11, 62, 267, 270ff,

281f, 285, 288, 306 Diplomatenrecht: 334, 358,

597f, 601f Doktrin der annähernden

Vertragsanwendung, siehe

chen öffentlichen Recht undeiträge zum ausländis

issenschaften e.V., to be exercised by Max-Planck-Instituecht und Völkerrecht, Published

, B,


t für ausländisches

C Binder Die Grenzen der Vertragstreue im Völkerrecht: am Beispeil der nachträglichenÄnderung der UmständeVölkerrecht 245, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-35094-8, © by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zurFörderung der Wöffentliches R by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


748 Sachregister

annähernde Vertragsanwen-dung

Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States: 35

Effektivität (Wirksamkeit): 31f, 60, 70ff, 538, 599

Effektivitätsprinzip, siehe auch Vertragsinterpretation, effet utile-Prinzip: 83

Entschädigung (Entschädi-gungspflicht): 13, 238, 264f, 277, 315, 328, 336, 344, 430ff, 455, 478f, 488, 507ff, 516, 521ff, 533, 580, 608, 637, 640f, 646, 650, 661, 663f

Artikel 27 der ILC-Artikel: 430ff, 445ff, 507, 636f, 640, 646, 650

Ex gratia-Entschädigungen: 439, 441, 443ff, 453, 455, 478, 508, 663

Höhere Gewalt: 439ff, 478 – – Staatenpraxis und Judika-

tur: 442ff Notlage: 431 Notstand: 328, 336, 344,

431ff, 445, 448, 455, 478f, 507f, 522, 524, 526, 533, 663f

– – Rechtsgrund: 431ff – – Staatenpraxis und Judika-

tur: 434ff, 448f, 637, 640f, 646, 650

Vertragliche Regelung: 580, 585173, 608

Erwartungshaltung (der Par-teien bzw Betroffenen), sie-he auch Parteienerwartung: 19, 63, 651f

Europäische Kommission für Menschenrechte (Europäi-

sche Menschenrechtskom-mission, EKMR): 54742, 573, 576ff

Europäische Menschenrechts-konvention (EMRK): 61182, 62, 76, 85f, 95f, 357, 488, 496, 540, 543, 546f, 571ff, 575ff

Europäischer Gerichtshof (EuGH): 24, 40, 130, 154, 156ff, 164, 169ff, 221, 224399, 233f, 303696, 389, 600228, 602, 606, 612, 664

Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR): 62, 76, 85f, 87, 95, 135, 542, 576f

Europäische Union (EU): 303ff, 561, 598, 602ff

Flexibilisierungsmechanis-men, vertragliche: 17, 582165

Force majeure, siehe höhere Gewalt

Fragmentierung: 7f, 533, 657, 667ff

Friedvoller Wandel, siehe auch peaceful change: 2

Friendly Relations Declaration: 35

GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services): 60, 530, 540, 55366, 554, 585, 623304

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade): 60, 86f, 96, 496, 523, 530, 540, 553ff, 582ff, 594, 622f, 653

GATT/WTO-Regime: 15, 86, 95f, 111, 235, 355, 454, 475, 48878, 499113, 526, 531f, 538, 540, 552ff, 569, 581ff, 595,

Sachregister 749

598, 601, 603, 616ff, 622f, 626, 653, 6665

Gegenmaßnahmen: 343, 431f, 437, 440ff, 451, 511150, 517163, 524, 527, 601ff

Geltendmachung der Rechts-institute, siehe auch Verfah-ren(serfordernisse): 150f, 183, 226f, 415ff, 501ff, 517, 524

in angemessener Zeit, Völ-kervertragsrecht (Artikel 45 WVK): 153f, 158, 166, 231

rebus sic stantibus: 115, 125, 150f, 166

Recht der Staatenverant-wortlichkeit (Artikel 27 der ILC-Artikel): 415ff, 503f, 516, 524

Gentlemen Agreements: 45 „Geologie“ des Völkerrechts:

58 Geschlossene Systeme, siehe

auch self-contained regimes: 596ff, 612, 619f

Gewaltverbot: 295, 300, 361f, 382

Grundlegende Umstandsän-derung (Artikel 62 WVK), siehe auch clausula rebus sic stantibus, rebus sic stantibus-Doktrin: 5, 6, 9, 14, 74, 112, 114ff, 230ff, 236, 248, 313f, 459f, 462f, 475, 479, 481, 502, 527, 569, 605, 611, 659f, 664f

allgemeine Formel: 124ff Anwendungsvoraussetzun-

gen gemäß Artikel 62 WVK: 132ff, 533, 569

– – Bestehen der Umstände bei Vertragsabschluss: 137f

– – Grenzverträge als Aus-nahme zu Artikel 62 WVK: 143, 173ff

– – Grundlegendheit der Än-derungen: 138, 167

– – keine Herbeiführung durch Rechtsverletzung: 147ff, 471, 491

– – Kreis möglicher Um-standsänderungen: 134, 161ff

– – Tiefgreifende Umgestal-tung der verbleibenden Erfüllungspflichten: 142f, 168f

– – Umstände als wesentliche Grundlage der Vertrags-bindung: 141

– – Unvorhergesehenheit der Änderungen: 138f

Geltendmachung: 150f Geschichte: 115ff, 465ff

– – Entstehungsgeschichte des Artikels 62 WVK: 124ff

– – Kodifikationsprojekte vor der WVK: 122ff

– – Lehre: 116ff – – Staatenpraxis: 116ff Grenzen: 126, 143 Lehre: 116ff Rechtsfolgen: 505 Staatenpraxis und Judikatur:

154ff, 234ff – – Internationale Tribunale:

154ff – – Iran-US Claims Tribunal:


750 Sachregister

– – Staatenpraxis: 158ff – – Subjektive Theorie: 153 – – Subjektivität: 153, 170 – – und Obsoleszenz: 273,

286f – – und Suspendierung: 149 – – und Verfahrenserforder-

nisse: 233ff – – völkerrechtliche Veranke-

rung: 129ff Guter Glaube (good faith), sie-

he auch Vertrauensschutz: 2426, 26, 33, 35, 37, 40, 50ff, 57, 61181, 98ff, 107345, 110ff, 117, 143, 150, 152, 215, 220, 246, 252, 347, 398, 416, 418f, 503, 508142, 515, 659

Grenzen: 103ff Umdeutung von Vertrags-

pflichten: 99ff – – Untergang rechtlicher

Regime: 99f und Vertragserfüllung: 40,

44, 51ff, 98ff, 515 Verhandlungspflichten:

102f, 220 Handelsverträge, siehe auch

GATS, GATT, WTO-Übereinkommen: 29, 143, 5362, 552f, 562

Harvard Research Draft: 36f, 123f, 183, 241, 242471

Havana Convention on Trea-ties: 36, 122f, 183f, 198

Höhere Gewalt (Artikel 23 der ILC-Artikel, force ma-jeure): 9, 14, 112, 189, 317f, 355, 385ff, 416, 424, 426, 453ff, 464, 466, 468ff, , 473f, 476, 478, 484f, 493f, 499, 507, 512, 516, 518, 520, 523,

526f, 532, 643391, 659, 661f, 664f

Anwendungsvoraussetzun-gen: 391ff

– – außerhalb des staatlichen Einflussbereichs: 394ff, 405ff

– – keine Herbeiführung der force majeure Situation: 388, 398, 413f, 471f

– – keine Inkaufnahme der höheren Gewalt: 399

– – Unmöglichkeit der Ver-tragserfüllung: 397f, 410ff, 468

– – Unvorhersehbarkeit: 395f, 408f

– – unwiderstehliche Gewalt: 392f, 402ff

Geltendmachung („Verfah-ren“): 416ff, 503

Geschichte: 386f Rechtsfolgen: 422ff

– – Auswirkungen auf Ver-tragsband: 444ff

– – Dauer: 428ff – – Entschädigung: 439ff,

445, 508f Staatenpraxis und Judikatur:

399ff, 403ff, 424f, 442f 464ff völkerrechtliche Veranke-

rung: 388ff Humanitäre Abkommen: 29,

200, 332, 334, 357f, 473, 513, 617, 624

Humanitäre Intervention: 362f, 524, 527

ICSID-Konvention: 541, 557ff, 568f

Sachregister 751

ILC-Artikel zur Staatenver-antwortlichkeit (ILC-Artikel), siehe auch Not-stand, höhere Gewalt, Rechtwidrigkeitsausschluss-gründe: 6, 14, 148f, 317ff, 338ff, 350, 353f, 384, 386, 425, 430, 439, 441, 448, 453ff, 458, 486, 491ff, 503, 510ff, 661ff

Innerstaatliches Recht und Umstandsänderung: 148, 159, 162, 284, 287ff, 312, 519ff, 551, 663

Integrale Verträge (integrale Vertragsbestimmungen): 247f

Interamerikanischer Men-schenrechtsgerichtshof: 25, 38, 542

International Law Commission (ILC), siehe auch Völker-rechtskommission: 3, 11, 35, 42f, 51, 55163, 56165, 73, 77, 89, 124, 127, 134f, 144, 147, 149, 152f, 182, 185ff, 192, 197, 206, 215ff, 220f, 239f, 246, 253, 265f, 271, 317, 335, 340, 346, 347, 355136, 360ff, 372, 387ff, 435425, 437, 450, 486, 48776, 490, 495, 508, 528, 598, 609

Interpretation, siehe Vertrags-interpretation

Interpretations- und Ver-schmelzungsmethode: 634ff, 642, 651

Intertemporales Recht: 77ff, 83f

Investitionsrecht: 6, 15, 60, 63, 95, 96, 111, 385262, 400,

454, 475, 527, 529f, 531, 533, 538, 540f, 556ff, 568, 571, 586177, 592ff, 617, 622, 626318, 652f, 657, 665

Investitionsschutztribunale: 15, 339f, 342, 365, 367, 370, 375, 377, 379f, 382, 496, 539, 594f, 628ff, 665, 668f

Iran-US Claims Tribunal: 39, 131, 176ff, 390, 394296, 395, 401, 403ff, 411ff, 424f, 428ff, 444f, 455, 477, 498112, 608, 665

Irrtum: 11 Ius cogens: 26, 43, 128, 146127,

181, 215, 222391, 225401, 233, 310, 316, 330, 359ff, 375, 381ff, 473f, 476, 481, 511149, 511, 519, 528, 621, 6634

Ius cogens superveniens: 1040, 66, 213

Kapitulationsverträge: 1246, 148, 159, 162, 165, 186

Kodifikation (Kodifikations-projekte, -werke): 24, 33, 36, 43, 64187, 71, 122ff, 183, 189, 198, 248, 334ff, 338, 544

Konsens, siehe auch Parteien-konsens: 23, 27, 45, 107, 188, 473, 536, 558

Legitimationsmethode: 636f Legitimität: 27, 30f, 69f, 87,

111, 174225, 615, 628, 652, 659 Lex posterior: 86270 Lex specialis: 86270, 139, 286,

312, 497ff, 598, 603243, 604ff, 627, 634349, 642390, 643, 644f, 646398, 654, 667

Margin of appreciation, siehe auch staatlicher Ermessens-

752 Sachregister

spielraum: 18, 90, 94, 97, 576

Menschenrechtsausschuss der VN (MRA, HRC, Human Rights Committee): 88, 135, 363, 547, 573127, 576f, 624

Menschenrechtsverträge: 29, 61f, 76, 79, 84f, 92, 109ff, 200, 238451, 246, 354, 357, 48878, 496, 513, 543ff, 568f, 571ff, 608, 617f, 620, 653, 6665

annähernde Vertragsanwen-dung: 109f

Ermessensspielraum bei der Umsetzung: 95f

Interpretation: 61f, 84ff Kündigung: 542ff Notstandsklauseln: 571ff

Minderheitenschutzverträge: 157

Moralische Unmöglichkeit: 169, 194, 212f, 483f

Mündliche Verträge: 9, 46 Nachfolgende Praxis, siehe

auch spätere Praxis: 4, 47, 83, 270, 273, 278, 281ff

und Obsoleszenz (Praxis der Nichtanwendung): 273, 278, 281ff

Nachträgliche Unmöglichkeit der Erfüllung (Artikel 61 WVK): 9, 14, 112, 132, 182ff, 236f, 313f, 470f, 484f, 492, 497, 509f, 527, 533, 610, 659f, 665

Absurdität der Vertragser-füllung: 192f

Allgemeine Formel: 187f

Anwendungsvoraussetzun-gen: 190ff

– – betreffend einzelner Ver-tragsbestimmungen (Arti-kel 44 WVK): 199f

– – für Vertragsdurchführung unerlässlicher Gegen-stand: 190ff, 204ff

– – keine Herbeiführung durch Rechtsverletzung: 196ff, 210f, 471f

– – und Suspendierung: 194ff

– – Unmöglichkeit der Ver-tragserfüllung: 194f, 209ff

Gattungsschulden: 193f, 201, 207

Geltendmachung (Verfah-ren): 224, 230

Geschichte: 183ff – – Artikel 61 WVK: 184ff – – vor der WVK: 183f rechtliche Unmöglichkeit:

191f Rechtsfolgen: 504129, 505 Staatenpraxis und Judikatur:

189, 201ff, 462ff Untergang rechtlicher Re-

gime: 192, 202ff völkerrechtliche Veranke-

rung: 187ff Neuverhandlung (Neuver-

handlungsoption): 4, 10, 261ff, 315, 661

Nichtanwendung (Praxis der Nichtanwendung), siehe auch nachfolgende Praxis, desuetudo: 11, 267, 270f, 281f, 288, 304f, 311

Sachregister 753

Nichtigkeit von Verträgen, siehe auch Ungültigkeit: 227, 473, 491

Normenkonflikt: 310, 481, 497, 606, 654, 668

Normenkonfliktlösungstech-niken (-mechanismen), sie-he auch lex specialis, lex posterior, Trennungsmetho-de, Zweischritteansatz: 15, 494, 539, 627, 643, 654, 658, 667

Notlage (Artikel 24 der ILC-Artikel): 319, 322ff, 343f, 431ff, 437, 440f, 500114, 643391

Notstand (Notstandseinrede, Artikel 25 der ILC-Artikel): 6, 9, 15, 96, 112, 115, 149, 199, 213, 267, 317ff, 322f, 325ff, 385ff, 392f, 399, 401, 421ff, 429ff, 452ff, 457f, 448f, 482f, 486, 503, 507, 509, 515ff, 518f, 520, 522ff, 526, 532f, 572, 594f, 626f, 646ff, 651ff, 657, 659, 661ff

Anwendungsvoraussetzun-gen: 345ff, 465f

– – Beitragselement: 355f, 379f, 471f, 649f

– – einzige Möglichkeit (only means-Kriterium): 351ff, 374ff, 647f

– – kein Ausschluss durch völkerrechtliche Ver-pflichtung: 356ff, 381, 473

– – kein Eingriff in ius cogens: 359ff, 381ff, 473

– – kein Eingriff in wesentli-che Interessen: 353ff, 365f

– – schwere und unmittelbar drohende Gefahr: 349ff, 371ff, 470

– – wesentliches Interesse: 347ff, 365ff

Artikel 25 der ILC-Artikel: 345ff, 471f

Doktrin: 326ff Entschädigung: 431ff, 508f

– – Kriterien zur Festsetzung: 449ff

– – Rechtsgrund: 436ff – – Staatenpraxis und Judika-

tur: 442ff – – Umfang: 446f – – Verfahren zur Festset-

zung: 448f – – Zeitpunkt: 445f Geltendmachung („Verfah-

ren“): 415ff, 504, 516f – – Artikel 27 der ILC-

Artikel: 416 – – Rechtsprechung: 416f Geschichte: 112, 120, 325ff,

440f, 458ff – – Kodifikation im Rahmen

der ILC-Artikel: 338ff – – „Necessity knows no

law“: 326ff – – Verrechtlichung der Not-

standseinrede: 334ff konzeptuelle Einordnung:

343ff Rechtsfolgen, siehe auch

Entschädigung: 421ff, 505ff – – Auswirkungen auf Ver-

tragsband: 422ff, 505ff – – Dauer: 425ff, 525f Staatenpraxis und Judikatur:

327ff, 339ff, 364ff, 416ff, 434ff, 461ff, 622ff, 633ff

754 Sachregister

und Gewaltverbot: 362f, 382f

und Recht auf Selbsterhalt: 326ff, 331ff, 383, 453, 459, 620, 662

und Staatengemeinschaftsin-teressen: 338, 482, 509ff

und Völkervertragsrecht: 495f, 499ff, 596f, 614ff, 629ff, 642ff, 668

völkerrechtliche Veranke-rung: 338ff

Obsoleszenz (Obsoleterklä-rung): 9, 11, 14, 112f, 213, 267ff, 312f, 316, 457, 461, 465ff, 471, 476f, 498, 502, 504128, 507, 519169, 533, 659, 661, 665

Anwendungsfälle im EU Kontext: 303ff

Feindstaatenklauseln der SVN: 294ff

Literatur: 269ff, 284f österreichische Praxis: 302ff österreichischer Staatsver-

trag: 274ff Pariser Friedensvertrag:

290ff Staatenpraxis: 268, 274ff Strukturmerkmale: 274ff,

311ff – – deklaratorische Wirkung:

283ff, 498 – – nachfolgende Anwen-

dungspraxis: 281ff – – nachfolgender Wegfall des

Kontexts: 279f, 311, 471, 467, 476f

– – Verfahren der Obsoleter-klärung: 285ff, 308f, 312, 502, 504128

– – Verwobenheit mit dem historischen Kontext: 278, 314, 468

und desuetudo: 270ff, 281, 288

und grundlegende Um-standsänderung: 269, 287, 312

und innerstaatliches Recht: 289, 312f, 519169

und rechtliche Unmöglich-keit: 273, 308ff, 312

und Rechtsbereinigung: 302ff, 316

Verträge über die Abschaf-fung des Sklavenhandels: 310

Obsoleterklärung, siehe Ob-soleszenz

Opinio iuris, siehe auch Rechtsüberzeugung: 188, 250

Pacta sunt servanda (Artikel 26 WVK): 1f, 4, 18ff, 33, 37ff, 49ff, 55, 61f, 71, 74, 102, 104, 108, 114, 246, 273, 289, 657

Pakt über bürgerliche und po-litische Rechte, siehe CCPR

Parteienerwartung, siehe auch Erwartungshaltung: 19, 2955, 62, 137, 182, 56296, 651f

Parteienkonsens, siehe auch Konsens: 4, 20, 69f, 77, 84f, 87, 101, 110, 123, 263, 312

Parteiwille, siehe auch Partei-enkonsens, Wille, Willenser-klärung: 78f, 87274, 103f, 141, 153, 220, 236, 619

Peaceful change, siehe auch friedvoller Wandel: 2, 72, 105ff, 114, 122, 145

Sachregister 755

Präzedenzwirkung: 651f Primärnorm(en): 15, 317,

320, 331, 338, 343f, 361f, 457, 459, 461, 486ff, 494, 497, 499, 597216, 598222, 615, 644ff

Rebus sic stantibus Doktrin, siehe auch clausula rebus sic stantibus, grundlegende Um-standsänderung: 2, 3, 5, 40, 72ff, 104, 114ff, 122ff, 127ff, 132, 136, 139f, 144ff, 152, 154ff, 158ff, 166ff, 174ff, 180ff, 228, 234, 248491, 314, 329, 528, 53914, 567116, 609, 611f, 657ff, 666ff

Recht auf Selbsterhalt: 119f, 326ff, 347, 352, 383, 453, 459, 620, 662

und Notstand: 326ff, 347, 352, 459, 662

Recht der Staatenverantwort-lichkeit, siehe auch Rechts-widrigkeitsausschlussgrün-de: 6, 9, 12ff, 42, 112, 148f, 197f, 243, 252, 264, 317ff, 457ff, 464, 485ff, 494, 503ff, 508f, 511ff, 532, 606, 614f, 607258, 627, 636, 640, 644f, 653f, 657f, 661, 663f, 667

als Sekundärnormenregime: 317ff, 338, 344, 361, 439, 453, 457ff, 485ff, 599f, 657, 668

Strukturunterschiede zum Völkervertragsrecht: 457f, 485ff, 501, 504ff, 521

und Staatengemeinschaftsin-teressen: 517f

Verhältnis zum Völkerver-tragsrecht: 318ff, 499, 533, 615f, 640, 642, 645ff, 666ff

Zurechnung: 395, 405ff Rechtliche Unmöglichkeit:

191, 273588, 285, 308f und Artikel 61 WVK: 191 und Obsoleszenz: 273588,

285, 308f Rechtsfolgen (allgemein): 13,

15, 37, 115, 127, 198, 283, 287, 313, 318, 336, 459f, 476ff, 498, 504ff, 526, 545, 598, 614

Rechtsfolgen bei Völker-rechtsverletzung: 490ff

Rechtsfolgen im Recht der Staatenverantwortlichkeit: 336, 416, 422ff, 452, 455, 486ff, 522, 641, 663

Auswirkungen auf das Ver-tragsband: 422ff

Dauer: 425ff Entschädigung: 430ff, 508 Höhere Gewalt: 428ff,

439ff Notstand: 426ff, 431ff, 509,

522 Staatenpraxis und Judikatur:

424ff, 442ff Rechtsfolgen in den Vertrags-

regimen: 545, 551, 555, 558, 569, 607f

GATT/WTO-Regime: 555 Investitionsrecht: 558 Menschenrechte: 545 Seerecht: 551

Rechtsfolgenregime der WVK: 14, 125, 149, 184, 195, 227f, 237ff, 267, 287, 315, 504f, 530f, 661

756 Sachregister

binäres System: 261ff Defizite: 244ff, 260ff Entstehungsgeschichte:

239, 248 fehlender Lastenausgleich:

264ff Staatenpraxis und Judikatur:

254ff und Vertragsstabilität: 257ff Vertragsbeendigung (Artikel

70 WVK): 239f, 254ff Vertragssuspendierung (Ar-

tikel 72 WVK): 248ff, 253ff, 257ff

völkerrechtliche Veranke-rung: 243ff, 249f

Rechtsmissbrauch: 54, 75, 98, 147, 528f

Rechtsquellen: 34, 388 Rechtssicherheit: 8, 12, 14,

46, 63, 108, 111, 174225, 180, 227, 241, 243, 244, 246, 257, 260, 289, 311, 315, 350, 415, 455, 457, 512, 523ff, 539, 569, 571121, 616, 652, 655, 663, 666ff

Rechtsüberzeugung, siehe auch opinio iuris: 1, 11, 250, 267, 275f, 281f, 288

Rechtswidrigkeitsausschluss-gründe des Rechts der Staatenverantwortlichkeit, siehe auch Notstand, Notla-ge, höhere Gewalt: 6, 9, 199, 260, 267, 317ff, 337f, 342f, 359, 418, 421ff, 437, 439f, 452f, 456500, 458, 461, 468, 472, 475, 479, 490, 493f, 495f, 499ff, 501, 503ff, 505, 507f, 510ff, 515, 517, 519ff,

523ff, 532ff, 600, 644, 657, 659, 661ff

Einwilligung (Artikel 20 der ILC-Artikel): 149, 322, 343, 431, 437, 440, 644394

force majeure, siehe höhere Gewalt

höhere Gewalt (Artikel 23 der ILC-Artikel): 385ff

Notlage (Artikel 24 der ILC-Artikel): 319, 322ff, 343f

Notstand (Artikel 25 der ILC-Artikel): 325ff

Rechtsfolgen: 421ff – – Auswirkungen auf Ver-

tragsband: 422ff – – Entschädigung: 430ff,

446f, 450f Selbstverteidigung (Artikel

22 der ILC-Artikel): 326, 644394

„Verfahren“: 415ff – – Rechtslage gem Artikel 27

der ILC-Artikel: 416 – – Verfahrenspflichten in der

Rechtsprechung: 416f Registrierungspflicht (bei

Verträgen): 47 Repressalien, siehe Gegen-

maßnahmen Revision (Vertragsrevision),

siehe auch Vertragsänderung, Satzungsrevision: 2, 3, 10, 87, 89, 102, 104, 120ff, 158ff, 261f, 314

Reziprozität (Reziprozitäts-überlegungen, -erwägun-gen, -element): 27, 29, 31, 45119, 68f, 200, 238451, 54433, 571, 573, 591

Sachregister 757

Rüstungskontrollverträge: 530190, 540, 562ff, 567ff, 610, 653, 666

Satzungsänderung (Sat-zungsrevision): 99322, 294, 301f

Satzung der OAS: 35 Satzung der Vereinten Natio-

nen (SVN), siehe auch UN Charter: 3, 33, 35, 47, 73, 99f, 160, 164, 268, 273588, 294ff, 308712, 312

Schadenersatz bei Völker-rechtsverletzung: 38, 184, 198, 244, 265, 446f, 449ff, 453, 478, 48674, 492, 49498, 524

Schriftlichkeit bei Verträgen (Artikel 2(1.a)

WVK): 2431, 46 Notifikation der Vertragsbe-

endigung (-suspendierung): 218377, 221, 223, 227, 501, 554f

Seerecht: 15, 39, 58f, 63, 235, 342, 526, 531, 538, 540, 549ff, 568f, 571, 578ff, 615f, 620, 622, 625f, 653, 665, 6676

Seerechtsübereinkommen (SRÜ): 59, 64187, 370, 388274, 500114, 513, 531, 5364, 549ff, 568, 579ff, 600228, 617, 619, 620294, 625

Selbstbeurteilungsklauseln (self-judging clauses): 53, 94, 564, 585f, 593, 594210

– good faith review: 53 Self-contained regimes, siehe

auch geschlossene Systeme: 596ff, 612274

Self-judging clauses, siehe Selbstbeurteilungsklauseln

Sekundärnorm(en): 6, 15, 317, 320, 331, 338, 344, 361, 439, 453, 457f, 461, 486ff, 494f, 497, 499, 598, 615, 638, 644ff, 657, 661, 668

Spätere Praxis, siehe auch nachfolgende Praxis: 4, 11, 84258, 296, 299

Spannung zwischen stability und change, siehe auch pacta sunt servanda und rebus sic stantibus Doktrin: 1f, 4, 7f, 12ff, 64187, 73ff, 102ff, 111, 113ff, 121f, 124, 144, 152, 181, 237, 244, 315, 318, 321ff, 415, 457f, 512, 519, 529, 535, 539, 544, 568, 570, 595, 652f, 657ff, 665ff

Staaten, als Herren des Ver-trags: 20, 23, 3060, 32, 3471, 62, 66, 70f, 94ff, 135f, 54538, 547f, 564, 574ff, 602, 605

Staatengemeinschaftsinteres-sen, siehe auch community interest(s): 68, 182251, 316, 338, 342, 481f, 494, 509ff, 517f, 531f

Staatennachfolge in Verträge, siehe auch Staatensukzessi-on: 11, 65190, 66, 146, 265551, 490

Staatensukzession, siehe auch Staatennachfolge: 146, 163, 192284, 213, 308

bei Verlust der rechtlichen Verfügungsgewalt: 213, 308

und grundlegende Um-standsänderung: 163

758 Sachregister

Staatlicher Ermessensspiel-raum (bei der Vertragsum-setzung), siehe auch margin of appreciation: 18, 52f, 90, 93ff, 112, 347, 365, 467, 564f, 576f, 585, 592, 659

Staatswillenstheorie: 27 Stabilität der internationalen

Beziehungen: 20, 63, 106, 124, 231427, 311, 329, 455, 474

Statusverträge: 144, 146, 48053

Stillschweigen (der anderen Vertragsparteien): 283, 537

Strukturunterschiede zwischen Primär- und Se-

kundärnormen: 486ff zwischen Völkervertrags-

recht und Recht der Staaten-verantwortlichkeit: 15, 457, 466, 485ff, 499, 501, 504, 511

Subsysteme, siehe auch Ver-tragsregime, Fragmentie-rung: 7, 533, 573128, 596ff, 604, 620, 657, 665f, 668f

Suspendierung (von Verträ-gen): 38, 40, 100, 113, 125, 128, 133, 141, 149, 157, 162, 164, 187, 190, 194ff, 200ff, 211f, 215, 223, 233ff, 238, 247ff, 254, 256ff, 264, 266, 273, 315, 424, 4607, 501f, 504, 505131, 507ff, 513, 514, 516, 520f, 566f, 570, 573, 575, 578, 612, 661

Artikel 61 WVK: 187, 194ff, 211f

Artikel 62(3) WVK: 133, 149

Rechtsfolgen (Artikel 72 WVK): 238, 248ff, 254, 256ff, 264, 266

Verfahren: 215, 223, 233ff Territorialregime: 126, 128,

144, 243473, 480 Treaties over Time: 3, 11 Trennungsmethode, siehe

auch Zweischritteansatz: 499ff, 614ff, 627, 637, 640ff, 646, 651, 654, 667

Treu und Glauben: 19, 27, 3471, 44, 147f, 167

Übereinstimmung der Ver-tragsparteien (Willensüber-einstimmung), siehe auch Konsens, Parteienkonsens: 44, 84258

Ultima ratio-Prinzip: 467, 474ff

UN Charta (UN Charter), siehe auch Satzung der Ver-einten Nationen: 101, 362158

Unequal treaties, siehe auch ungleiche Verträge: 45

Ungerechtfertigte Bereiche-rung (bereicherungsrecht-liche Erwägungen): 238453, 265f, 315, 437, 450, 508, 521, 661

Ungleiche Verträge, siehe auch unequal treaties: 12, 45118, 69194

Ungültigkeit, siehe auch Nich-tigkeit: 11, 37, 41, 49, 12857, 151, 268, 273, 320, 491

Untergang rechtlicher Re-gime: 99ff, 110, 185, 192, 202ff, 207f, 314, 660

Vereinte Nationen (VN): 164, 295ff

Sachregister 759

Verfahren (allgemein): 13, 15, 53, 139, 209, 283f, 305f, 318, 448, 458, 477ff, 494, 498, 501ff, 517, 519ff, 526, 530f, 533f, 664

„Verfahren“ im Recht der Staatenverantwortlichkeit, siehe auch Geltendmachung: 14, 415ff, 455, 503f, 510, 516, 524

Artikel 27 der ILC-Artikel: 416

Rechtsprechung: 416ff und Vertrauensschutz:

419ff Verfahren(serfordernisse) des

Völkervertragsrechts, siehe auch Geltendmachung: 14, 37, 113, 122, 12342, 124f, 128f, 151, 183, 214ff, 234, 236, 260, 315f, 472, 501f, 508, 530, 660ff

bei Obsoleterklärung (Ob-soleszenz): 267, 270, 274, 283ff, 287, 289, 292, 294, 302, 305, 311ff, 316, 478

gem Artikel 65ff WVK: 151, 223ff, 237

Geschichte: 215ff Problematik: 229ff Staaten- und Gerichtspraxis:

233ff und Vertragsstabilität: 223ff Verhandlungen: 234ff völkerrechtliche Veranke-

rung: 217ff in Vertragsregimen: 540ff,

568, 611ff – – Abrüstungs- und Rüs-

tungskontrollverträge: 564, 567

– – GATT/WTO-Regime: 554, 585

– – Investitionsrecht: 561 – – Menschrechte: 544f – – Seerecht: 551, 580 Vergleichskommission: 215,

221f, 225f, 230ff, 237, 260, 315, 530, 613, 660f

Verhandlungspflicht: 102ff, 106, 214, 219f, 229, 236447, 262, 606

Vertrag (pactum) Bezeichnung: 45 Bindungswille (Zustimmung

zum Vertrag): 20, 31, 45ff, 70, 84, 111

Bindungswirkung: 50f, 55 Definition: 9f, 36, 44f Elemente: 44ff, 48 Friedensfunktion: 28 Mündliche Verträge: 9, 46 Pflicht zur Vertragserfül-

lung: 50f Rechtsfolgewille: 45 Registrierung (Art 102

SVN): 47f Verträge in Kraft (in force):

41f, 48ff Willensübereinstimmung

(Parteienkonsens): 44, 48 Vertragliche Kündigungs-

und Rücktrittsbestimmun-gen: 13, 15, 139, 158, 233, 254, 313, 474f, 496ff, 533, 538f, 539ff, 595, 604, 606, 609, 610, 612ff, 627, 653f, 666f

Abrüstungsverträge und Rüstungskontrollabkom-men: 562ff, 568ff, 610, 653

760 Sachregister

– – Rücktrittsbestimmungen: 562ff

– – Staatenpraxis: 565ff GATT/WTO-Regime:

552ff – – Rücktrittsbestimmungen:

553ff – – Staatenpraxis: 556 Investitionsrecht: 556ff

– – Kündigungsbestimmun-gen: 557ff

– – Staatenpraxis: 559ff Menschenrechte: 541ff

– – Kündigungsbestimmun-gen: 542ff

– – Staatenpraxis: 546ff Seerecht: 549ff

– – Kündigungsbestimmun-gen: 549ff

– – Staatenpraxis: 551ff Vertragliche Notstandsklau-

seln: 8, 375, 454, 473ff, 495f, 499f, 535, 538f, 570ff, 596, 614ff, 629ff, 651, 653f, 666ff

GATT/WTO-Regime: 583ff, 622f

Investitionsrecht: 593ff, 629ff

Menschenrechte: 571ff, 624, 626

Seerecht: 579ff, 625 Staatenpraxis und Judikatur:

574ff, 581, 586ff, 594f, 622ff Verhältnis zur völkerge-

wohnheitsrechtlichen Not-standseinrede: 499, 596, 613ff, 622ff, 629ff

Vertragsänderung, siehe auch Revision, Satzungsänderung:

66, 87, 89, 135, 222, 270, 535ff, 555

und Interpretation: 87, 89 Vertragsanpassung (durch ein

Drittorgan): 101, 103, 107, 238, 258, 261, 263, 315, 661

Vertragsbeziehung und bewaffnete Konflikte,

siehe auch Ausbruch von Feindseligkeiten: 11, 66, 136, 220f, 255

und der Abbruch diplomati-scher oder konsularischer Beziehungen, siehe auch Abbruch diplomatischer oder konsularischer Bezie-hungen und Vertrag: 11

Vertragsinterpretation (In-terpretation, Auslegung, Vertragsauslegung): 17f, 41, 51, 55ff, 63, 75ff, 105, 106f, 111f, 138, 13888, 140, 168, 178, 194, 204, 208f, 263, 281, 362, 499, 602, 613, 616, 623, 635, 641, 643f, 652, 658f, 668

Artikel 31-33 WVK: 51, 55f, 78223, 89, 138, 616

Artikel 31(3.c) WVK: 77, 499, 643

Effektivitätsprinzip (effet utile-Prinzip): 83, 89f, 101f

evolutiv-dynamische: 61182, 62, 76ff, 81ff, 86, 90, 110f, 590

Grenzen: 88f institutionalisierte Verträge:

84, 87f Menschenrechtsverträge:

62, 84ff, 110 nach Wortlaut: 56f, 89

Sachregister 761

Parteienkonsens: 89f restriktive (souveränitäts-

freundliche): 18, 90ff, 377 und Vertragsrevision: 89f,

506 zeitgenössische (contempo-

ranous): 77f, 80, 83 Vertragspflichten korrelativ: 45 reziprok: 2956, 45, 509

Vertragsregime, siehe auch Subsysteme, GATT/WTO-Regime, Investitionsrecht, Menschenrechtsverträge, Seerecht: 6, 8ff, 15, 17, 32f, 38, 57, 60, 62f, 66, 95, 110f, 154155, 182, 235, 237, 244, 246, 260, 264, 267, 316, 319, 454, 458, 475, 520172, 526ff, 535ff, 652f

Vertragsstabilität: 2, 4, 12f, 17, 27, 36f, 44f, 64, 73, 98, 108, 119, 124, 150, 161, 181, 195, 200, 206, 215, 223ff, 229f, 252, 257ff, 261, 273f, 285ff, 315, 318, 330, 425, 430, 455, 457, 474, 486, 522, 524, 528, 532, 535, 657f, 660, 664

Vertragssuspendierung, siehe Suspendierung

Vertragsverletzung (Artikel 60 WVK): 11, 132, 247, 253, 492

Vertrauensschutz, siehe auch guter Glaube, Rechtssicher-heit: 12f, 19, 111, 150, 224, 227, 230, 286, 289f, 292, 311f, 384, 416, 419ff, 429f, 455, 501, 503, 524, 528, 530,

551, 595, 627, 652, 654, 663, 668

Verwirkung (Artikel 45 WVK), siehe auch Geltend-machung: 151, 224, 231

Völkerbund: 2, 99ff, 110, 157, 192f, 202f, 205, 207f, 368

Völkerbundsatzung: 2, 33ff, 47130, 72, 121f

Völkergewohnheitsrecht: 1, 10, 17, 24f, 43, 66, 92, 111, 129ff, 155, 157166, 174, 186f, 189, 215, 217ff, 234, 236, 240f, 249f, 258531, 287f, 310, 312, 315, 338ff, 390, 502, 514f, 544, 55159, 592, 601, 636f, 646, 661, 663

Völkerrecht der Koexistenz: 631, 58

Völkerrecht der Kooperation: 6, 17f, 55, 57ff, 111, 181f, 316, 530, 570, 616, 657, 659ff, 6665

Investitionsrecht: 60 spezialisierte Vertragsregime:

60f, 182, 316, 653 Wirtschaftsrecht: 60, 582,

653, 6665 Völkerrecht der Koordinati-

on: 631, 17, 57f, 111, 459, 472, 657, 659

Völkerrechtskommission: 3, 6, 2426, 37, 71, 88, 114, 130, 142, 186, 188, 191, 203, 206, 241462, 245, 250, 270, 317, 331, 336, 343, 347f, 361, 386, 438, 461, 486, 644f

Völkerrecht(ssystem) (inter-nationales System)

dezentral: 4, 110, 180, 384, 448, 528, 658

762 Sachregister

horizontal, siehe auch WVK, horizontale Konzeption: 13, 33, 58171, 245, 316, 509ff, 663

Vorsorgeprinzip: 350, 372f Wiener Diplomatenrechts-

konvention (WDK): 64187, 218, 334, 358, 601

Wiener Konsularrechtskon-vention (WKK): 13588, 164, 218

Wiener Vertragsrechtskonfe-renz: 24f, 42, 73207, 128, 13585, 145124, 150, 153, 187f, 197, 215ff, 224400, 226411, 231, 239f, 245, 249f, 258529, 259, 273591, 48053, 48468

Wiener Vertragsrechtskon-vention (WVK), siehe auch Vertragsinterpretation, -änderung, etc.

Anwendungsbereich (Arti-kel 73 WVK): 11, 2431

horizontale Konzeption: 510ff, 517

Wille, siehe auch Parteienkon-sens, Parteiwille: 20, 22f, 27, 44, 48, 83f, 107, 141, 273, 605f, 616, 621298, 654, 667

Willenseinigung: 9 Willenserklärung, siehe auch

Wille, Willenseinigung, Par-teienkonsens, Parteiwille: 44

WTO-Übereinkommen: 86270, 87, 530, 540, 553ff, 569

WVK I, siehe Wiener Vertrags-rechtskonvention

WVK II: 149137, 188, 206, 214355, 219379

Zwang: 11, 491 Zweischritteansatz, siehe auch

Trennungsmethode: 495f, 499f, 614, 616, 626f, 634, 637f, 641f, 651, 654, 667f


Ständiger Internationaler Gerichtshof Case concerning the Payment

in Gold of the Brazilian Federal Loans issued in France: 201f, 207, 331, 367, 386266

Case concerning the Payment of various Serbian Loans is-sued in France: 201f, 207f, 331, 367, 401, 449f, 479

Case of the Free Zones of Up-per Savoy and the District of Gex: 155157

Case of the S.S. “Wimbledon”: 208, 92, 597

Designation of the Workers’ Delegate for the Netherlands at the Third Session of the International Labour Con-ference: 45120

Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations: 50142

Railway Traffic between Lithuania and Poland: 220384

The “Société Commerciale de Belgique” (Socobel-Fall): 367, 386266

The Case of the S.S. “Lotus”: 23, 69193, 91

The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions: 46122, 98318, 99321

The Oscar Chinn Case: 374

Internationaler Gerichtshof Accordance with International

Law of the Unilateral Decla-ration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo: 93297

Admissibility of Hearings of Petitioners by the Commit-tee on South West Africa: 105

Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case: 46, 81, 173

Appeal Relating to the Jurisdic-tion of the ICAO Council: 251502, 252, 255f

Application of the Interim Ac-cord of 13 September 1995: 488, 514156

Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company, Limited, 1964: 99f, 203, 205, 208

Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company, Limited, 1970: 348, 353

Case concerning Armed Activi-ties on the Territory of the Congo: 222

Case concerning Certain Ques-tions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters: 52f

Case concerning East Timor (Osttimor-Fall): 361155

Case concerning Ka-sikili/Sedudu Island: 80

Case concerning Legality of Use of Force: 369, 382

chen öffentlichen Recht undeiträge zum ausländis

issenschaften e.V., to be exercised by Max-Planck-Instituecht und Völkerrecht, Published

, B,


t für ausländisches

C Binder Die Grenzen der Vertragstreue im Völkerrecht: am Beispeil der nachträglichenÄnderung der UmständeVölkerrecht 245, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-35094-8, © by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zurFörderung der Wöffentliches R by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


764 Fallregister

Case concerning Maritime De-limitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain, 1994: 47

Case concerning Maritime De-limitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain, 1995: 57

Case concerning Maritime De-limitation in the Area be-tween Greenland and Jan Mayen: 26

Case concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, 1984: 499112

Case concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, 1986: 607259

Case concerning Oil Platforms (Ölplattformen-Fall): 85262, 97

Case concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay: 82

Case concerning Rights of Na-tionals of the United States of America in Morocco: 52153, 80

Case concerning the Applica-tion of the Convention of 1902 governing the Guar-dianship of Infants: 208f

Case concerning the Dispute Regarding Navigational and Related Rights: 81245, 82f, 92f

Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria, 1998: 50

Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria, 2002: 80

Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear: 80235

Case concerning the Territorial Dispute between Libya and Chad: 50140, 57, 146, 173222

Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Teheran (Teheraner Geisel-Fall): 597f, 601

Competence of the General Assembly for the Admission of a State to the United Na-tions: 88, 643392

Fisheries Jurisdiction (Estai-Fall): 368, 581159, 582161, 625

Fisheries Jurisdiction Cases (Nordsee-Fischerei-Fälle): 129f, 155f, 158, 161, 168f, 175, 219, 228, 265551, 460, 467, 479, 606f

Frontier Dispute: 173 Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Pro-

ject: 39, 43, 49, 54, 76, 79226, 81ff, 89, 102ff, 106ff, 130, 154ff, 161, 163, 166, 167ff, 173, 189, 194291, 197300, 199, 202f, 204, 209ff, 219f, 230, 234, 235ff, 253, 263f, 319, 321, 339, 341, 34695, 347, 349, 355135, 356137, 368f, 372ff, 379, 417, 423f, 432, 435, 450, 461ff, 488f, 504ff, 522 , 607ff, 659

International Status of South-West Africa: 100, 110, 200, 202, 208

Fallregister 765

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania (2nd phase): 89

Interpretation of the Agree-ment of 25 March 1951 bet-ween the WHO and Egypt: 214, 219, 222

Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South-West Africa) not-withstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970): 81240

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Terri-tory (Mauerfall): 97, 339, 342, 366, 375, 378, 381, 624, 626

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Atom-waffengutachten): 299f, 332f

North Sea Continental Shelf Cases: 220384, 605

Northern Cameroons: 94300, 241, 254

Nuclear Tests Case: 26, 52148 South West Africa Cases: 47129

Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte A and Others v the United

Kingdom: 576141, 577148 Aksoy v Turkey: 577f Demir and Others v Turkey:

577f Handyside v the United King-

dom: 95308

Lawless v Ireland (No 3): 577147

National Union of Belgian Po-lice v Belgium: 87274

Winterwerp v the Netherlands: 86268

Europäische Menschenrechtskommission Cyprus v Turkey I & II: 573128 Denmark, Norway and Sweden

v Greece II: 54742, 578151 Denmark, Norway, Sweden

and the Netherlands v Greece I: 54742, 578151

Interamerikanischer Menschenrechtsgerichtshof Caso Caesar v Trinidad y To-

bago: 61181 Interpretation of the American

Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man within the Framework of Article 64 of the American Convention on Human Rights: 86268

Loyaza Tamayo v Peru: 3891 Marta Colomina and Liliana

Velásquez v Venezuela: 3891 Responsabilidad por Expedi-

ción y Aplicación de Leyes Violatorias de la Conven-ción: 2540

VN-Menschenrechtsaus-schuss Consuelo Salgar de Montejo v

Colombia: 624311 Jorge Landinelli Silva v Uru-

guay: 624

766 Fallregister

Europäischer Gerichtshof C-90/63, Commission of the

EEC v Luxembourg and Belgium: 602239

C-101/84, Commission v Italy: 389

C-145/85, Denkavit Belgie NV v Belgium: 389

C-162/96, Racke v Hauptzoll-amt Mainz: 24, 40, 130, 154, 157f, 164, 167, 169, 172f, 175, 181, 221, 224399, 233, 475, 502, 529189, 602237, 612, 664

C-266/81, SIOT v Ministero delle finanze: 303696

ICSID-Tribunale Amco Asia Corp, Pan Ameri-

can Development, Ltd and PT Amco Indonesia v Re-public of Indonesia: 3994

American Manufacturing & Trading, Inc v Republic of Zaire: 452495, 47950

Asian Agricultural Products Ltd v Republic of Sri Lanka: 406

Autopista Concesionada de Venezuela, CA (“Aucoven”) v Bolivarian Republic of Ve-nezuela: 389, 399, 402ff, 408ff, 414

Burlington Resources Inc v Republic of Ecuador: 400318

CMS Gas Transmission Com-pany v The Republic of Ar-gentina: 333, 340, 346, 351, 358145, 367, 370f, 375f, 378f, 380f, 383, 412356, 422384, 423, 435f, 450, 477ff, 620f, 630,

632344, 633ff, 642f, 645, 646398, 646ff, 654

CMS Gas Transmission Com-pany v Argentine Republic, Decision of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Applica-tion of Annulment of the Argentine Republic: 435f, 495f, 498109, 500, 634, 637f, 639379, 640f, 646, 651, 654

Continental Casualty Com-pany v The Argentine Re-public: 365, 376, 380, 427, 454, 475, 496, 500, 506, 529189, 589188, 630, 633f, 637f, 640f, 645f, 648ff, 654, 665

Continental Casualty Com-pany v The Argentine Re-public, Decision on the Ap-plication for Partial Annul-ment of the Award of the Argentine Republic: 631

El Paso Energy International Company v The Argentine Republic: 380, 631, 633f, 649, 651, 654

Enron Corporation and Pon-derosa Assets LP v The Ar-gentine Republic: 340, 370, 371203, 376, 378, 400, 402, 412f, 423, 449, 630f, 633ff, 636, 642f, 643ff, 649, 651, 654

Enron Corporation and Pon-derosa Assets LP v Argen-tine Republic, Decision of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Application of Annul-ment of the Argentine Re-public: 34075, 631, 635f, 643f, 648405, 649ff

Fallregister 767

Hrvatska elektroprivreda dd v Republic of Slovenia: 400318

Impregilo SpA v Argentine Republic: 630f, 633f, 654

LG&E Energy Corp, LG&E Capital Corp and LG&E In-ternational, Inc v Argentine Republic: 340, 351116, 365, 367181, 370f, 376, 378ff, 417, 422384, 423, 426, 435f, 454, 475, 529, 618287, 630, 632345, 633f, 636f, 644ff, 654, 665

Metalclad Corporation v The United Mexican States: 3994

Metalpar SA and Buen Aire SA v The Argentine Republic: 630, 632, 634, 654

Mr Patrick Mitchell v Democ-ratic Republic of the Congo, Decision on the Application for Annulment of the Award: 422384, 47950

Parkerings-Compagniet AS v Republic of Lithuania: 400318

Sempra Energy International v The Argentine Republic: 340, 346, 367, 370, 371203, 376, 378, 380, 400, 402, 412, 415, 423, 449f, 47848, 496, 630f, 633ff, 641ff, 645ff, 654

Sempra Energy International v Argentine Republic, Deci-sion on the Argentine Re-public’s Application of An-nulment of the Award: 34075, 496, 500, 631, 637, 641f, 644, 646, 651

Suez, Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona SA, and Vivendi Universal SA v The

Argentine Republic: 34076, 630, 631343, 633f, 647401, 648f, 654

Total SA v Argentine Republic: 96, 630, 631343, 633f, 651, 654

Sonstige Internationale Schiedsgerichte Air Service Agreement Case:

355133 Arbitration regarding the Iron

Rhine (‘IJzeren Rijn’) Rail-way: 79226, 83, 91, 92295, 93297

BP v Libyan Arab Republic: 38

Case Concerning the Delimita-tion of Maritime Boundary between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal: 81

Company General of the Ori-noco Case: 328ff, 366, 434, 436, 460f

Decision regarding Delimita-tion of the Border between Eritrea and Ethiopia: 80

Dispute concerning the Course of the Frontier between BP 62 and Mount Fitzroy. ‘La-guna del Desierto’: 80, 89, 500

French Company of Venezue-lan Railroads Case: 327f, 330, 386

Group Plc v Republic of Ar-gentina: 631, 633f, 637ff, 646, 650, 654

Himpurna California Energy Ltd v PT PLN (Persero): 400318, 408344

768 Fallregister

Island of Palmas Case (United States v The Netherlands): 79, 81247

Karaha Bodas Company LLC v Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak Dan Gas BumiNe-gara and PT PLN (Persero): 400318

Lac Lanoux Arbitration: 91290 Libyan Arab Foreign Invest-

ment Company (LAFICO) and the Republic of Bu-rundi: 189, 199, 202, 205, 210, 339, 375, 389, 400, 403329, 405, 413f, 461, 463f

National Grid plc v The Ar-gentine Republic: 380, 631, 633f, 637371, 649, 654

Nykomb Synergetics Techno-logy Holding AB v Republic of Latvia: 400318

Rainbow Warrior: 24, 240, 255, 319ff, 323, 338f, 389, 400, 410, 423, 489

Russian Claim for Interest on Indemnities (Russische Ent-schädigungen-Fall): 330, 367, 386266, 389, 401

Spanische Zone von Marokko-Fall: 395

Texaco Overseas Petroleum Company, California Asiatic Oil Company v Libya: 2536

The Ottoman Empire Light-houses Concession Case: 442

WTO Dispute Settlement Body Argentina—Safeguard Mea-

sures on Imports of Foot-wear: 587182

Brazil—Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres: 589

China—Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribu-tion Services for Certain Publications and Audiovis-ual Entertainment Products: 589

EC—Measures Affecting As-bestos and Asbestos-Containing Products: 96, 589187, 590

EC—Measures concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones) (Hormon-fleisch-Fall): 373, 623

EC—Sardines: 3892 Korea—Definitive Safety

Measure on Imports of Cer-tain Dairy Products: 587182

US—Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products: 86f, 590

US—Offset Act (Byrd Amendment): 3892

US—Nicaraguan Trade, L/6035: 591199

Internationaler Seegerichtshof SGH, M/V Saiga (No 2) Case:

339, 370ff, 374, 417, 468, 582161, 625, 626

Fallregister 769

Iran-US Claims Tribunal Amoco International Finance

Corp v Iran: 498112 Anaconda-Iran, Inc v Iran:

3995, 390, 399316, 403330, 413358, 424392, 395, 428407

Avco Corp v Iran Aircraft In-dustries: 404

Blount Brothers, Corp v Iran: 407f

Collins System International, Inc v Navy of Iran: 404334

Computer Sciences Corp v Iran: 445469

General Dynamics Telephone Systems Center, Inc v Iran: 404, 411

Gould Marketing, Inc v Minis-try of Defense of Iran, 1983: 390285, 403f, 405336, 407, 413358, 414362, 424, 428

Gould Marketing, Inc v Minis-try of Defense of Iran, 1984: 404334

Houston Contracting Co v National Iranian Oil Com-pany: 408, 424392

INA Corporation v Iran: 608 International Schools Services,

Inc v National Defense In-dustries Organization: 390285, 425, 445

International Schools Services, Inc v NICIC (National Ira-nian Copper Industries Company): 425396, 445

International Technical Pro-ducts Corp v Iran: 407342

Lockheed Corp v Iran: 411 Mobil Oil Iran, Inc et al v Iran:

178, 390, 424392

Phelps Dodge International Corp and Overseas Private Investment Group v Iran: 445

Phillips Petroleum Co, Iran v Iran: 178, 180

Queens Office Tower Associ-ates v Iran National Airlines Corp: 444468

Questech, Inc v Ministry of National Defense of Iran: 3995, 131, 179f, 407, 424392, 429409, 477

Sylvania Technical Systems, Inc v Iran: 405, 413359, 424394, 428

Touche Ross & Co v Iran: 445 United States v Iran: 445 Watkins-Johnson Co v Iran:


Vorfälle aus der internationalen Praxis Insurrection at Sfax: 366 Loadline Convention-Fall:

164f, 460, 502f, 611f Pontusfall: 120, 161181 Properties of Bulgarian Minori-

ties in Greece-Fall: 331, 435 Rock Spring: 443 Russian Fur Seals-Streitfall:

367, 581159, 582161, 625316 Saida Incident: 443f The “Torrey Canyon”: 368,

454498, 579154, 580198, 581 The Caroline Affair: 330 The Neptune: 327, 374216 The Paris Commune in France:

444 The Wipperman Case: 396303

770 Fallregister

Innerstaatliche Gerichte Den Haager Bezirksgericht,

Stichting Verbiedt de Kruis-raketten and 14.774 Natural and Legal Persons v The State of the Netherlands: 220382

Erstinstanzliches Tribunal Strassburg, Badische A-G für Rheinschiffahrt und See-transport c Compagnie cen-trale d’assurances maritimes: 309713

Französischer Conseil d’Etat, Prefect of la Gironde v Mahmedi: 250f, 256

Französischer Conseil d’Etat, Société Nachfolger Naviga-tion Co Ltd: 368, 454498, 582

Österreichischer Verfassungs-gerichtshof, B 196/75: 253516

Österreichischer Verfassungs-gerichtshof, Bregenzer Bau-bewilligung-Fall: 62

Österreichischer Verwaltungs-gerichtshof, Interpretation of Customs Valuations Sta-tute Case: 2536

Schweizer Bundesgericht, Kan-ton Thurgau v Kanton St Gallen: 154156, 166ff, 459f

Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht

Hrsg.: A. von Bogdandy, A. Peters

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- Konkurrenzen und Interferenzen. 2012. VIII, 394 Seiten. Geb 89,95

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. (eds.): Rüdiger

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unter Berücksichtigung des Fair-Trial-Prinzips.

whelmed by Applications: Problems and Possible Solutions.


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Kompetenzlehre internationaler Organisationen.

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