success express shehryar niazi tutoring

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Mentioned in Success Express for being a physics tutor.


April 2012 Volume I Issue II

Success Express



















McNair Scholars’ First Research Poster Presentation Monday, April 16, 2012

9:00 am -12:00 pm University Center, Lonestar Ballroom A

Refreshments and Doorprizes Contact Information: (361)-825-3835


“Economic Literacy” Workshop Monday, April 23, 2012

11:10 -11:50 am Glasscock Student Success Center, Room 151 A

“Getting the Grades: Study and Test Success”

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 3:10 - 3:50 pm

Glasscock Student Success Center, Room 151 A

April Events

The Academic Success Centers want to express to you

our most sincere and personal appreciation for all your

hard work and collaboration in assisting our students

achieve academic success. A great many of you– faculty,

staff, administrators– have worked very hard to help

make this Spring semester successful.

~ Dr. Gerardo Moreno

The McNair Scholars Program is proud to have watched

Brittany Stoker graduate Summa Cum Laude this past December

with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. Dr. Michael Rami-

rez served as Stoker’s McNair mentor. She has presented her

research at several conferences and will be in the upcoming

spring 2012 McNair Scholars Research Journal.

Numerous McNair Scholars have traveled to present

their research at prestigious conferences around the nation.

McNair Scholar Katherine Heeb presented her research, “Will

You Have Me? A Content Analysis of Gendered Pursuance in

American Romantic Dramas” at the Eastern Sociological Society

Conference in New York City. She and her TAMUCC mentor

Dr. Michael Ramirez also attended a cultural event on Broad-

way, “The Book of Mormon”.

McNair Scholar Ardie Grady presented her research,

“Understanding Social Marginalization through the Vision of

Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Artworks” at the Southwest Council of

Latin American Studies Conference in Miami, Florida with her

TAMUCC mentor Dr. Cary Rote. Another McNair Scholar,

Elizabeth Grant, presented her research, “State and Trait Happi-

ness as Predictors of Affective Choice” at the Thirteenth Annual

Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference in

San Diego, California, with her TAMUCC mentor Dr. Steven


The campus community will have an opportunity to view

the incredible research done by McNair Scholars at their first

scheduled research poster presentation on April 16th.

McNair Scholars

April 2012 Volume 1 Issue 1I

Dr. Blair Sterba-Boatwright is using his statistical

expertise to solve problems dealing with coastal ecology,

marine animals, and other areas of biology. The associate

professor of mathematics is also helping College of Sci-

ence and Engineering graduate students analyze various


Sterba-Boatwright came to the University in 1989

and returned in 2005 to pursue an M.S. in Statistics. Two

years later, he earned his degree, which led him to dis-

cover fresh ways to apply his newly-acquired skills in

collaboration with scientists on campus. Last fall, he be-

gan teaching an online statistical research methods course

at Texas A&M University at Galveston. Through these

classes, Sterba-Boatwright is focusing on using the oppor-

tunities provided by the Internet to teach in new ways.

As early as junior high school, Sterba-Boatwright

knew his career path would lead to mathematics. But his

enthusiasm for teaching developed when he was a gradu-

ate assistant. “Just like my dad, I see myself as a story-

teller and that’s how I conceptualize my lessons in the

classroom,” he said. “I really enjoy the interaction with

students. The best part is when you can tell that your stu-

dents understand the concept.”

Sterba-Boatwright, past chair of the Department

of Mathematics and Statistics, was the 2010-2011 Texas

A&M University-Corpus Christi nominee for the Minnie

Stevens Piper Foundation’s Piper Professorship, which

honors professors from across Texas for their outstanding

academic, scientific, and scholarly achievement. He has

also received The Texas A&M University System’s Stu-

dent Recognition Award for Teaching Excellence. McNair Scholars visited the renowned research institution,

University of Maryland Baltimore College.




April 2012 Volume I Issue II

As a science tutor for the Center for Aca-

demic Student Achievement and Supplemental

Instruction Leader, Megan Arnold, demonstrates

the common belief that we learn best by teaching.

Throughout Arnold’s four-year tenure helping

others achieve academic success, she has had a

strong student following with many expressing

their sincere gratitude for her help. These reward-

ing encounters prompted Arnold to consider pur-

suing a certification to teach science courses. Fu-

ture plans also include obtaining a Doctorate of

Veterinary Medicine. Arnold attributes her suc-

cessful collegiate career to internal motivation

and her parents’ desire to take advantage of edu-

cational opportunities not available to them.

Arnold contributes to the Biomedical Sci-

ences field and continues to expand her knowl-

edge base with numerous independent research

projects. Arnold is a model student and employee,

as she was nominated for the 2012 Student Em-

ployee of the Year for Texas A&M University -

Corpus Christi. Most importantly, Arnold is an

outstanding individual, learner, and citizen. She

will make her mark in the world as a compassion-

ate veterinarian.



Students, faculty, and staff are continuing to shine

through resources provided by ELITE! Ms. Wendy Strain,

ELITE student, was recently honored for her positive con-

tributions and efforts to campus. Five students and five fac-

ulty attended conferences this spring using funds awarded

by ELITE. Two faculty members, Dr. Dan Pearce and Dr.

Corinne Valadez, presented a lecture on “Writing with Stu-

dents for Publication” to the campus community utilizing

ELITE funds. The lecture was a synopsis of their research

from the 55th Annual International Reading Association

Conference which was funded with the help of ELITE.

ELITE is out and about this April! April is filled

with events and workshops that are geared toward develop-

ing and improving research writing and presentation skills.

ELITE, the CASA Writing Center, and the Center for Fac-

ulty Excellence are collaborating to offer The Write Way

Workshop series. The Write Way series includes the fol-

lowing workshops: Composing a Curriculum Vitae, Strate-

gies for Research Writing, How to get Published, and

Strategies for Extended Writing Projects.

ELITE’s main event this April is the 6th Annual

Graduate Student Scholarly Works Symposium! The sym-

posium gives graduate students the opportunity to show-

case their research and written works to other students, fac-

ulty, and staff, and compete for one of several cash prizes.

The Symposium was held on Friday, April 13th in the

University Center, Lone Star Ballroom. For more informa-

tion about the symposium, please go to the website http:// symposium/html.

The ELITE Team regularly works to provide the

campus with opportunities to develop and enhance their

talents and abilities. ELITE staff invites everyone to take

advantage of these wonderful opportunities.

For a complete list of workshops and for more in-

formation, please visit us online at

calendar.html. Come on by and check out what ELITE can

do for you!

Student Support Services (SSS) is

accepting applications into the program. In

accordance with the U.S. Department of

Education guidelines for the grant, students

need to meet at least one of the following

criteria: first generation, low-income, dis-

ability, and/or veteran status. Students se-

lected into the program must also have aca-

demic need. In approaching the conclusion

of the 2011-2012 academic year, SSS still

seeks qualified students and welcomes any-

one who is interested to stop by the Glass-

cock Student Success Center and complete

an application. More than 40 students have

been added in the past academic year to the

program. Numerous outreach events at Uni-

versity gatherings have been held, in addi-

tion to emailing and calling interested stu-


SSS staff have also participated in

various opportunities for professional devel-

opment by attending conferences such as the

40th Annual SWASAP Conference

(Southwest Association of Student Assis-

tance Programs), TRiO Training Institute,

conducted by the Center for Academic En-

richment and Outreach (CAEO) at the Uni-

versity of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), and

the 13th Annual Financial Research Admini-

stration Conference in Orlando, Florida.

April 2012 Volume I Issue II


The GO Center Program at Texas A&M University-

Corpus Christi received the CollegeKeys Compact 2012 Innova-

tion Award for the Southwestern Region from the College Board

Advocacy & Policy Center in the category of “Getting In”.

The CollegeKeys Compact Innovation Awards program

was established to recognize institutions and agencies for their

innovation and demonstrated efficacy in increasing the percentage

of low-income students who get ready for, get into, or get through

college successfully.

The GO Center program, funded by a $330,000 Texas

Higher Education Coordinating Board grant, seeks to provide stu-

dents and parents with an increased understanding of the benefits

of higher education. The GO Centers operate in 14 Coastal Bend

high schools and assist students with filling out college and schol-

arship applications, the FAFSA, and provide general college in-

formation. The GO Centers are closely aligned with the Closing

the Gaps by 2015 initiative and strive to increase college aware-

ness and readiness for all high school students and their families.

Student Support Services Award-Winning GO Centers

“Today knowledge has power.

It controls access to opportunity and advancement.”

~Peter F. Drucker

Dr. Gerardo Moreno, Assistant Vice President for Student Success,

and Leslee Basse, Title V Program Manager, were recognized during

a reception at the Southwestern Regional Forum in Little Rock, AR.

SOAR Above the Rest

April 2012 Volume I Issue II

The tutors are ready to help students! The Center for

Academic Student Achievement (CASA), winner of the National

Tutoring Association Excellence Award, is committed to provid-

ing academic student support services to assist students in suc-

cessfully achieving their educational goals in the university envi-

ronment. CASA offers face-to-face tutoring for many subjects

including: math, biology, chemistry and physics. Additional

subjects will vary from semester to semester depending on de-

mand by students and faculty. The tutoring program is designed

as a central location to assist both individual and group study.

Tutoring is open to all undergraduate and graduate students.

Tutors are peer students highly recommended by faculty in their

area of expertise and trained with the College Reading and

Learning Association (CRLA) guidelines. CRLA provides na-

tional recognition and professional training for individuals to

become successful tutors. The cost of CLRA training and tutor-

ing is built into the tuition and student fees, requiring no addi-

tional charge at time of service. All tutoring is on a walk in ba-

sis; faculty is encouraged to send students to CASA. Tutoring

works! Schedules can be found at:

“The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the

best that you can become.” ~Harold Taylor

The SOAR Program is in the midst

of hiring full-time employees to assist with

the development of the program. This se-

mester the program offered Supplemental

Instruction (SI) for 18 different STEM

courses and will offer SI for 12 courses in

Summer I and nine in Summer II. SOAR

also supports 10 Peer Leaders for the

Computer Science department; Peer Lead-

ers are similar to SI leaders but are geared

a little more towards providing individual-

ized attention to students.

Mrs. Laura Molina-Guzman, was

recently hired as the first full-time individ-

ual who will serve as the SOAR Program’s

Business Support Specialist I. She comes

from Miller High School, and is a familiar

face on campus (she worked on campus

back in 2006). With her help, SOAR plans

to get several new services off the ground

that will support faculty, staff, and students

to include a Conference funding program

and a classroom/lab renovation pro-

gram. The goal is to get both programs up

and running in the summer.

As the SOAR Program develops,

suggestions or questions regarding the ser-

vices being offered and/or funding are wel-

comed. Please email them to Leslee Basse

at The SOAR

staff looks forward to starting and main-

taining a successful retention program for

STEM students here at TAMUCC.

CASA Tutoring

Science tutor Shehryar Niazi helps a Physics student.


Look for our next edition of Success Express rolling into your inbox in May!


If you would like to make a recommendation for student or faculty/staff spotlights, please contact

Julianne Schroeder at

We are always looking for those students and

faculty/staff who go above and beyond to exemplify success here at TAMUCC.

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