success & dynamics of community engagement : the buklod tao case study

Post on 24-May-2015






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This is a presentation delivered in the 2nd Baguio Social Science Summit in the University of Baguio last Oct, 2012.


Success and Dynamics of Community Engagement in Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction: The Buklod Tao Case Study

MAVIC G. PINEDACollege of Computer StudiesDe La Salle Univeristy, Manila, PhilippinesEmail:

18 October 2012


The “Aetas” or “Negritos” in the Central Luzon of the Philippines may be considered as the most self-reliant aboriginal communities in the country. They have very strong foraging and farming skills. (Seitz, 2004)

The 1991 Mt Pinatubo eruption

The 1991 Mt Pinatubo eruption

Their discovery led to social disruption and disaster

Issues in this situationFirst, the Aetas did not have a community

partner who understands them and share their interests.

Second, nobody knew what the Aetas were capable of—in terms of disaster risk reduction, preparedness nor disaster response.

Third, there were no existing policies that time that will protect their subsistence and interests.

Fourth, the government was not prepared and knowledgeable that time on how to respond to the disaster and how to properly support the Aetas.

This brings to bigger questionsHow do we build a sustainable engagement on

disaster risk reduction respectful of the methods and practices of the communities?

How do we uncover the knowledge of the community in disaster risk reduction and translate this into intellectual capital?

What kind of experiences can we draw to recommend methods, frameworks and policies to support community based disaster risk management?

How do we train, expand and enhance a community’s DRR know-how though the use of ICT?

This is where my story begins..

The Buklod Tao community

Banaba is a water catchment area

population is estimated at around 30,000 with around 2,500 households.

The area is divided into seven zones or puroks.

The Buklod Tao DRR model

Buklod Tao has become a disaster risk management model laboratory in the town of San Mateo, Rizal

a key actor in the DRRNet Phils (Disaster Risk Reduction Network Phils)

The DLSU & Buklod Tao Partnership

Presence of mutual interests

Buklod Tao DLSU

1. Has a trustworthy leadership with involved, participative members and faith on communities

2. Well-defined and very good DRR (disaster risk reduction) program and practices

3. Has strong commitment to livelihood and development

4. A CoP (Community of Practice) on community building and DRR

5. Openness to community engagement 6. Provides training to its community


1. A leader in nation-building and has great faith on communities

2. Has strong research capability especially on DRR (disaster risk reduction)

3. Has strong commitment to support the deserving and economically poor

4. A CoP (Community of Practice) on community building and DRR

5. Openness to community engagement 6. Excellent track record on training and


7. Has the ICT competency7. Is open to ICT practice

The CBDRMS Pandora

Community-based disaster risk management is a process in which at-risk communities are actively engaged in the identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities. (ADPC, 2006)

Highlights of the Pandora

Community profilingRisk assessment

Generation of vulnerabilityHazard mappingTweet mapCrowdsourced flood reports

Training & assessment

Presentation of Pandora

In DLSU & San Mateo

Clarification of expectationsLimitation of means and resourcesHow much is win-win?Continuous dialogue and

interactionOpen to other ties and partnerships

Dynamics of the engagement

We will not repeat the Pinatubo social disaster

Maraming salamat!

Mavic G. Pineda

IT Dept, College of Computer StudiesDe La Salle University

Email: mavic.pineda@delasalle.phTwitter: @mobilemarthaSlides:

Acknowledgment to Ka Noli Abinales and the Buklod Tao community

ReferencesS. Seitz, The Aeta at the Mt Pinatubo

Philippines A Minority group coping with Disaster, 2004, pp. 1-5.

Ibid., pp. 14-18.ADPC, in S. K. Kafle and Z. Murshed,

Community-based disaster risk management for local authorities, p. 27, ADPC, 2006.

Photo and images’ sources:Drawings from the Flickr photostream of the



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