subject line and preheader: how to create perfect subject line & preheader pairings

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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How to create perfect subject line and preheader pairings

+1 (347) 709-9927

Subject line & preheader

Text that comes after the subject line when an email is viewed in your inbox.

Often used to give your email list a taste of what’s inside the body of your email.

50-100 characters.

 What is a Preheader?

 Preheader vs Subject Line

Subject Line

Preheader Text

Keep them short (most mobile devices have a limited number of characters they can display)

Make them clear Highlight the most

important and compelling part of your message

 Subject line & Preheader: General Tips to Follow

 Subject line & Preheader: What not to do

Never do this!

 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Think about the whole picture

Always think about your email’s preheader in conjunction with its subject line, and vice versa

Subject Line: Summer dress code.

Preheader: Take your pick from our bouquet of charming summer styles. Click here to view it online

Subject Line: Do you like it shirty?Preheader: We bet you do! Here’s 6 summer shirt icons you need to know about

 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Consider visibility

Preheader text is lifted from the initial copy of your email and will therefore also display at the top of your campaign

If you want your preheader text to be unique from your email copy, there are HTML hacks to make sure this text is no longer visible once the email has been opened. Check it here.

  Litmus’ summary of preheader character


  Litmus’ summary of preheader character


  Litmus’ summary of preheader character


 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Add a Call to Action If you have just a few characters to work with, a strong CTA is a good way

to engage with your subscribers quickly and prompt them to take action.

Subject Line: Holiday time? Don’t forget to pack these…Preheader: Discover travel tips, hand luggage and more.

 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Include an offer they cannot resist

... whilst also creating a sense of urgency.

Subject Line: Introducing P&Co Features|Never settle Preheader: Free UK shipping on all orders over $50

Subject Line: Save 50% on EasiYo and clean up with our Oven Mate offer Preheader: Limited time offer – shop online or in store

 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Communicate brand values What makes your brand different?

Subject Line: TRY THE DANISHPreheader: Free worldwide shipping on all orders. We make killer cliths that don’t kill the environment.

 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Advertise email content Preheader is a good place to shout about your valuable content.

Subject Line: Denim: The new rulesPreheader: You really need to read our new rules of denim guide ASAP + how to customise your denim.

 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Get creative

Love them or hate them, emojis are still an obsession.

 How to pair Subject Line and

Preheader:Best practices

Play hard to get Drive intrigue and curiosity, make a recipient want to find out more. 

Subject Line: What do you do on cold winter nights?Preheader: - Wink, wink, nudge, nudge

 Preheader & Subject Line pairing


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for ecommerce,and a ton of useful resources on email marketing topics:

 +1 (347) 709-9927

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