subject and grade business studies: grade 10 term 3 part 1

Post on 30-Nov-2021






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SUBJECT and GRADE Business Studies: Grade 10

TERM 3 Week 1 4 Hours


At the end of this lesson you should be able to:

• Explain the meaning of creative thinking.

• Discuss/Describe/Explain the advantages/benefits of creative thinking in the workplace.

• Explain how businesses can use creative thinking to generate entrepreneurial opportunities.

• Discuss how businesses can use creative thinking to solve business problems.


Paper based resources Digital resources

• 2020 Grade 10 Business Studies Core Notes: Business Roles: Creative thinking and Problem-solving, Pages 3-6 • Via Afrika Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book

• Platinum Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book

• Oxford Successful Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book

• Solutions for a Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book

• Focus Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book

• continue=6&v=9No-FiEInLA&feature=emb_logo


Businesses have to solve many problems as they confront the challenges of dynamic and complex business environments. Businesses need to find ways to break out from routine thinking in order to solve problems and make decisions.

Recently all businesses, locally and abroad, were confronted with the challenges that was brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic This forced them to come up with new/innovative ideas to survive. Just consider how the restaurant industry, which is one of many, was adversely affected. As a result of the declaration of a state of disaster, restaurants could no longer open up their doors for patrons to come and sit down. Consequently, most of them have resorted to taking orders online and/or telephonically and then deliver to the clients.

Solving problems requires businesses to apply creative and critical thinking skills. The key focus of this lesson will be on: i) How Creative thinking can contribute towards successful and sustainable business practice. We will also be looking at ii) How Creative thinking can be used to generate entrepreneurial opportunities and solve business problems.


Note: This content forms the foundation for a very popular topic that will be taught and assessed right through from Gr10 to Gr12. Therefore, you must make sure that you are on top of it!


• Step 1: Make sure that you know the key concept(s):

Creative thinking The thought process that leads to original/novel/new ideas/new approaches. Use of non-

conventional methods to solve problems. Breaking out of routine thinking.

Routine thinking Sequence of actions or patterns of behaviour that is regularly followed or rehearsed.

Conventional solutions Solutions based on what is generally done, believed or conformed to.

Non-conventional ideas Solutions based on what is not generally done, believed or conformed to.

Problem solving Alternative solutions are generated/ identified√ and critically evaluated. Analysing a

situation to identify strategies to bring about change.

Decision making Various alternatives are considered before choosing the best one. It is part of the

problem solving cycle as decisions need to be made in each step.

Innovative The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or

for which customers will pay.

Challenge/Threat A problem/obstacle that can prevent you from achieving a goal.

Opportunity A time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something

Business Opportunity Is a business investment that allows the buyer to start a business.

Core content:

• Step 2: Core Content:

• Make sure that you know / understand and are able to apply the CORE CONTENT. Pay particular attention to the cognitive levels. The cognitive verbs serve as a guide for how to answer the questions.

Middle order questions Middle order questions Middle order questions

1. Explain the meaning of creative thinking.

2. Discuss/Describe/ Explain the advantages/ benefits of creative thinking in the workplace

3. Explain how businesses can use creative thinking to generate entrepreneurial opportunities.


Do you consider the development

of the first smartphone named the Simon by IBM in 1992, launched in 1995 as a great example of creative thinking and innovation?

Take note how the features of new

inventions developed over time to the benefit of businesses .

Hint: e.g. designing environments that stimulate creative thinking Watch how Google stimulate creative thinking that ultimately leads to entrepreneurial opportunities: Check out this video for a glimpse in what Google do, … continue=6&v=9No-FiEInLA&feature=emb_logo Cellphone developers for both Android and Apple allow their employees the space to be creative leading to more advanced and improved features in the final product:

• Refer to definition in

the table above as a


• Refer to WCED 2020

Business Studies - Gr 10

Core Notes: Business

Roles, Pg. 3

• Refer to the Gr 11

Business Studies

Textbook issued to you.

• Refer to the following

in Paper 2: Section A;

• Refer to WCED 2020 Business Studies - Gr 10 Core Notes: Business Roles, Pg. 3

• Refer to the Gr 11 Business Studies Textbook issued to you.

• Refer to the following in Paper 2: Section A; Section B (Question3 and/or4) & Section C (Question 6),

• Refer to WCED 2020 Business Studies -

Gr 10 Core Notes: Business Roles, Pg. 3

• Refer to the Gr 11 Business Studies

Textbook issued to you.

• Refer to the following in Paper 2:

Section A; Section B (Question3

and/or4) & Section C (Question 6),


Section B (Question3

and/or4) & Section C

(Question 6),

Note: Always consider the difficulty level of the question. In the case of middle or higher order question for example: Describe, explain, discuss, elaborate, justify, devise, analyse, evaluate, critically evaluate (list not exhaustive a greater depth of understanding, application and reasoning is required in your response. In these instances part marks will be awarded. Hint: For example : Creative thinking can be explained as… The thought process that

leads to√ original/novel/new

ideas/new approaches. √ The use of non-conventional

methods√ to solve


Hint: Creativity may lead to new

inventions√ which improves the

general standard of living√ Complex business problems√ may be solved through creative thinking in the workplace√, etc. (Make sure that you know a minimum of five facts at least, … ) Note: A common mistake/ misconception learners made when answering this in exams, was to provide vague/incomplete and one-word answers on the advantages of creative thinking in the workplace. Some simply discussed the importance of brainstorming or problem-solving steps which is wrong! Hint: When answering this question

use key words such as ‘unique’, ‘complex’ and ‘productivity’ that could assist you to form statements on the advantages of creative thinking in the workplace. Remember creative thinking should enable businesses to have a competitive advantage over their competitors. At the same time you must remember that creative thinking also benefits employees.


4. Discuss how businesses can use creative thinking to solve business problems.

5. Elaborate on the meaning of problem solving.

6. Explain the differences between decision making and problem solving

• Refer to WCED 2020 Business Studies - Gr 10 Core Notes: Business Roles, Pg. 4

• Refer to the Gr 11 Business Studies Textbook issued to you.

• Refer to the following in Paper 2: Section A; Section B (Question3 and/or4) & Section C (Question 6)

As smart and creative as the smart phone was, both Android and Apple, developed cell phones with a limited battery life. This posed a problem for the end user. Through creative thinking and innovation, they could eventually offer cellphones with way longer battery life. See how they’ve progressed below:

1992 2007 2018

• Refer to WCED 2020 Business Studies - Gr 10 Core Notes: Business Roles, Pg. 4

• Refer to the Gr 11 Business Studies Textbook issued to you.

• Refer to the following in Paper 2: Section A; Section B (Question3 and/or4) & Section C (Question 6),

Business problems can be solved by using a variety of techniques including the example below:

• Refer to WCED 2020 Business Studies - Gr 10 Core Notes: Business Roles, Pg. 4

• Refer to the Gr 11 Business Studies Textbook issued to you.

• Refer to the following in Paper 2: Section A; Section B (Question3 and/or4) & Section C (Question 6),


Lower order question:

7. Outline/Mention /Discuss/Explain/ the problem solving cycle.

• Refer to WCED 2020 Business Studies - Gr 10

• Core Notes: Business Roles, Pg. 5

• Refer to the Gr 11 Business Studies Textbook issued to you.

• Refer to the following in Paper 2: Section A; Section B (Question3 and/or4) & Section C (Question 6),

Note: Remember when are asked to Outline or mention your answer do not require much depth, since it is lower order. When you are asked to Discuss or explain more detail/depth will be required in your answer.

Section A- Type- Consolidation questions:


Question 1

1.1. Complete the following statement by using the word(s) in the list below. Write only the word(s) next to the question number. 1.1.1 The …. process requires creative thinking skills to generate and evaluate alternative solutions. (2) 1.1.2 …. refers to the process in which various alternatives are considered before deciding on the (2)

best one.

creativity, decision making; problem-solving;

innovation; routine thinking


Section B- Essay Type- Consolidation questions:

Question 2 2.1 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follows:

2.1.1 Define creative thinking. (2) 2.1.2 Explain the advantages/benefits of creative thinking in the workplace for businesses like Google. (10) 2.1.3 Discuss ANY FOUR steps in the problem-solving-cycle that Google can follow to solve their problems. (12) 2.1.4 Explain how Google can use creative thinking to generate entrepreneurial opportunities. (6)

CONSOLIDATION In conclusion,

• Constant changes in the market impact on business operations and so they need to adapt to it quickly and make quick/creative decisions.

• Creative thinking can help to solve business problems successfully.

• In part two of Creative thinking and Problem-solving the emphasis will be on the Problem-solving techniques businesses can use to solve many problems as they confront the challenges of dynamic and complex business environments.

VALUES • Caring: You are our most important clients in the educational landscape; therefore, it is important that that we provide you with the necessary resources for self-directed study.

• Responsiveness: It’s our responsibility to make sure that quality lesson plans are developed timeously and distributed to you.

• Competence: After working through the lesson plans you should be able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge acquired, to complete the required assessments tasks successfully.

American search engine company, Google, founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Google

believes in hiring people who are naturally curious who like to learn. They allow employees to define

their own work as much as possible. They create an environment which enable employees to feel

psychologically safe to take risks and try new ideas. Allowing for employees to find partners and

work together to solve problems, innovate and create.

Source adapted from:

Intrinsic motivation: Hire naturally curious people who like to learn.

Risk-taking: Enable employees to feel psychologically safe to take risks and try new ideas.

Connection & collaboration: Make it easy for employees to find partners and work together.

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