study planning (1)

Post on 17-May-2015






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Secrets 2 Success

Test Taking Skills

Study Planning

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Test Taking

•Prepare•Test •Review

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• Study• Arrive 15 minutes early• Get comfortable• Breathe!!

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Study Planning

• Are you a good studier–Do you take note of the setting?–Do you use a variety of study techniques?–Do you organize and condense

notes/assignments?–Do you review past notes?–Do you review the Syllabus?

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Study Planning

• Be very specific in dates and times–Topic–Chapter, pages, vocabulary words.

• Be Realistic–Know yourself.

• Be good to yourself–Always reward yourself with something


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Survey• The title, headings, and subheadings • Captions under pictures, charts, graphs

or maps • Review questions or teacher-made

study guides • Introductory and concluding

paragraphs • Summary

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• Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into questions;

• Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading;

• Ask yourself, "What did my instructor say about this chapter or subject when it was assigned?"

• Ask yourself, "What do I already know about this subject?"

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Read• Look for answers to the questions you first raised; • Answer questions at the beginning or end of

chapters or study guides • Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc. • Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed

words or phrases • Study graphic aids • Reduce your speed for difficult passages • Stop and reread parts which are not clear • Read only a section at a time and recite after each


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• Ask yourself questions about what you have just read or summarize, in your own words, what you read

• Take notes from the text but write the information in your own words (1/3 legnth)

• Underline or highlight important points you've just read • Use the method of recitation which best suits your

particular learning style but remember, the more senses you use the more likely you are to remember what you read - i.e.,

• Write it down, Write it down, Write it down, Write it down

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• Friends• Flashcards• Incorporate as many different kinds of

learning as you can.• Continually

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• It does take more time initially• For most people it saves time over the

course of the class.• More importantly it saves stress, which

improves test scores dramatically

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• Always talk to the teacher individually in their office before a test.

• Read carefully–Decide what kind of question this is

• Survey the exam–Answer the questions you know first.–Answer the Multiple choice last.–Go with the best answer.

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• Look for missed questions• Check Scantron for missed answers

and missing questions.• Change answers only if you know you

made a mistake–Or if you find information on the test that

leads to a different answer .–

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Specific Kinds of Tests

• Online Tests–Know the format of the testing–Be familiar with the testing facility –Know the program–Know the time

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Specific Kinds of Tests

• True False1. The entire sentence must be True or the

whole sentence is false. Even if one very small part of a sentence is false, the sentence is false.

2. Drop the negative

3. QualifiersAlways, Never, Sometimes, Often, Rarely

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Multiple Choice

• Eliminate the wrong answers• Look for the main vocabulary word• Create a scenario / true false• Check Grammar• Check for way out answers

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Multiple Choice

• Opposite Statements• Avoid absolutes/ look for qualifiers• If you know 2 answers are correct look

for all of the above

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Short Answer

• One main point• 2-3 sentences at most• More is not always better

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Open Book

• APPLICATION• Be familiar with where materials are in

the book.• Use brief quotes and be ready to add

your own thoughts.

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• Read directions looking for key words–Compare–Contrast–Summarize–View point

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• Outline–Strong introductory sentence that states

answer and gives supporting information .

–Supporting point 1–Supporting point 2–Supporting point 3–Strong conclusion that restates answer.

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