study of the economic and rehabilitative aspects of prison

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study of the Economic and Rehabilitative Aspects of Prison Industry: Vol III: Prison Industry Bibliography


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I. Introduction

II. Bibliography

III. Prison Industry Filing System





Job 1-2.

Market Survey Employmr ~ Statistics Federa: and State Constraints on the Employment of Ex-Offenders

Inmate Manpower Characteristics 1. Offender Manpower Training Programs

a. Federal b. State and Local c. Private Sector

2. Employment of Offenders a. Public Sector b. Private Sector c. Union Attitudes d. Placement Efforts

Prison Industry Products and Services 1. Federal Prison Industries 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


State Prison Industries Federal Statutory Limitations State Statutory Limitations Product Decisions Marketing a. Prices b. Products c. Outlets State Use

Rehabilitation Programs 1. Recidivism Studies 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 •

Treatment Programs Education Work Release Inmate Self Concept and Motivation Probation and Parole Programs for Women




56 56


58 58 58 60 60 61 61 62 62 62

63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 66 66

66 66 69 71 72 73 73 75




Economics of fri~on lndustr~es 1. Comparison of ~rison and Private ~nqustry

a. Competition b. Efficiency c. Value of Adult Inmate Manpower

2. The Economic Approach to Crime a. Economic Gain/Loss Concept b. Higher Revenue and Greater

Employment Opportunity c. Private Industry Involvement d. Inmate Wages

3. Cost/Benefit Analysis a. Microeconomics b. Prison Industry Expansion and

Increasing Work Release c. Capitalism d. Post-Release Performance

Statistics 1. General Statistics

a. Federal Reports b. State Reports c. Project SEARCH

2. Post-Release Statistics a. Regularly Reported Data b. Special Studies

3. Recidivism Statistics a. National Data b. Factors Associated with Recidivism Data c. Statistical Evaluation of Recidivism

Data 4. Post-Release Employment Statistics

a. Job Placement b. Stipends and Gate Money c. Supported Work



76 76 76 76 76 76 76

77 77 77 77 77

77 77 78

78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79

80 80 81 81 81


----- -~--~-


This volume is the third in a series of repoxts

which document the results of the tasks completed in the Prison

Industx'y Study, entitled, "A Study of the Economic and Rehabil­

itative Aspects of Prison Industry." The main text is divided

into two separate sections. Chapter II is a Bibliography,

arranged alphabetically by the authoris last name and containing

all material currently found in ECON's Prison Industry Library,

plus relevant additions from the library of the American Founda-

tion, Inc. Chapter III lists only those materials found to be

most helpful by staff and they are arranged Py topic in our

Subject Filing System.



Abt Associates, Inc., "An Evaluation of the Training Provided in Correctional Institutions Under the MDTA, section 251," Cambridge, Massachusetts, March, April and May 1971.

Abt Associates, Inc., "Exemplary Project Validation Report -Project Candidate: Private/Public Resources Expansion Project, Sta·.te of Connecticut," Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 1975.

Abt Associates, Inc. t "Inmate Training Programs Provided Under the Manpower Development and Training Act, Section 251, Review and Analysis of Its Legislation and Administration," Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 1969.

Abt Associates, Inc., "Pre-Trial Services. An Evaluation of Policy Related Research - Volume 1: Synthesist" Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1974.

Abt Associates, Inc., "Pre-Trial Services, An Evaluation of Policy Related Research - Volume 2: Synthesis and Reviews," Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1974.

Adams, Stuart, "A Comparative Study of Recidivism Rates in Six Correctional Systems," Research Report No. 21, District of Columbia, Department of Corrections, January 1970.

Adams, stuart, "Cost-Benefit Analysis in Corrections: A Progress Report," paper presented at the conference on Operations Research and Management Science in Justice and Security, George Washington University, March 10-11, 1975.

Adams, stuart, "Evaluation of Work Release," National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Washington, D.C., May 1975.

Adams, William T., "The Relationship of Correctional to Voca­tional Rehabilitation," Crime and Delinquency, 1966.

Adler, Freda, Sisters in Crim6, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1975.

Albert, Larry, "Project P/PREP, 1973-1974," Connecticut Depart­ment of Correction, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974.

Albert, Larry and Tad Beebe, "Concept Paper - Inmate - parolee," Economic Development Corporation, Connecticut, 1975.

Amelunxen, C., "Victim of Crime - A Contribution to the Study of Victimology," Kriminalistik Verlog, Hamburg, Germany, 1970.


Amemiya, Eigi G., "Practices That Negatively Affect the Self­Image of the Inmate," American Journal of Correction, May-June 1968.

American Assembly, The, "Prisoners in America," report of the 42nd American Assembly (Columbia University) December 17-20, 1972, Arden House, Harriman, New York.

American Bar Association, "Bar Association Support to Improve Correctional Services (BASICS) ," Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, Washington, D.C., 1975.

American Bar Association, "Race Relations in Corrections - An Annotated Bibliography," Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

American Bar Association, "Two Programs, Two Approaches That Deliver Jobs," Offender Employment Review, No. 13, July 1975.

American Bar Association, "Women in Detention and Statewide Jail Standards," Clearinghouse Bulletin #7, March 1974.

American Correctional Association, "Classification and Treat­ment," A.C.A. Proceedings, College Park, Maryland, 1973.

American Correctional Association, "Correctional Industries," A.C.A. Proceedings, College Park, Maryland, 1973.

American Correctional Association, "Directory of Correctional Institutions," College Park, Maryland, 1976.

American Correctional Association, "Managing Change in Correc­tions - Proceedings - Correctional Administrators Workshop," College Park, Maryland, 1971.

American Correctional Association, "Marshalling Citizen PO\>ler to Modernize Corrections," College Park, Maryland, 1972.

American Correctional Association, "The Mutual Agreement Program - Parole-Corrections Project," College Park, Maryland, October 1975.

American Correctional Association, "Riots and Disturbances," College Park, Maryland, 1970.

American Friends Service Committee, "Struggle for Justice," Hill and Wang, New York, 1971.

American Justice Institute, "Work Release. Release Resources Document No.1," #PB-227 California, prepared for LEAA, June 1972.

A Bibliography Work 671, Sacramento,


American Justice Institute, "Work Release. A Dictionary of Programs and Personnel. Work Release Resource Document No.2," #PB-227 672, Sacramento, California, prepared for LE~A, March 1972,

Amos, William E. and Charles L. Newman, "Parole--Legal Issues/ Decision-making/Research," Federal Legal Publications, Inc., New York, 1975.

Anderson, B., "Full Employment and Economic Equality (Minor­ities)," Annals, Vol. 418, March 1975, p. 127.

Arditi, Richard, et al., "The Sexual Segrega~ion of American Prisons: Notes," in Yale Law Journal, vol. 82, November/May 1973, pp. 1229-1273.

Attorney General's Survey of Release Procedures, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Vol. IV, 1939.

Atwater, Martha, "The Organization and Delivery of Corrections in Minnesota, 1962-1982," Correctional Service of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1975.

Babst, Dean and John Mannering, "Probation Versus Imprisonment for Similar Types of Offenders," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 2, July 19€5, pp. 61-64.

Bagdikian, Ben H. and Leon Dash, "The Shame of the Prisons," Pocket Books, New York, May 1972.

Bailis, Lawrence N., "Analysis of the Federal Bonding Program: History of the Federal Bonding Program," Contract Research Corporation, Belmont, Massachusetts, June 1975.

Bannuck and Murton, "Shared Decision-Making in Prison Manage­ment: A Survey of Demonstrations Involving the Inmate in Participatory Government," Prisoners' Rights Sourcebook, Clark, Boardman Company, New York, 1973.

Barnes and 'l'eeters, "Inmate Labor in the Correctional Program," New Horizons in Criminology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1963.

Barton, Marlin, "The Maladaptive Behavior Record (MBR): A Scale for the Analysis and Prediction of Community Adjustment and Recidivism of Offenders," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Becker, G. J., "Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 76, 1968, pp. 169-217.


Bell, P. and M. Matthews, "Federal Offenders Rehabilitation Program," Research in Correctional Rehabilitation, Joint Com­mission on Correctional Manpower and Training, Washington, D.C., 1967.

Bennett, Carl A. and Arthur A. Lumsdaine (eds.), Evaluation and Experiment, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1975.

Bercaw, W. W., C. E. Weinhold, E. R. Buchanan, H. R. Greenlee, Jr., and L. S. Lockett, "A Systems Analysis of The MDTA Insti­tutional Training program," North American Rockwell Information Systems Company, Arlington, Virginia, April 1971.

Berecochea, J., "Time Served in Prison and Parole outcome: An Experimental Study," California Department of Corrections, Sacramento, October 1973.

Bianco, J., "Management Planning and Techniques," A.C.A. Proceed­ings, American Correctional Association, College Park, Maryland, 1967.

Biderman, Albert, et al., "Report on a pilot Study in D. C. on Victimization and Attitudes Toward Law Enforcement," Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1967.

Block, M. and G. Long, "Subjective Probability of Victimization and Crime Levels: An Econometric Approdch." Criminology, Vol. 11, #1, 1973, pp. 87-93.

Boone, John 0., "A Study of Community-Based Correctional Needs in Massachusetts," Final Report of GCLE Project #69-26, No. 6216, Massachusetts Department of Corrections, Boston, June 1972.

Bopp, Anthony E., "A Naive Economic Model of a Prison," The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., March 1975.

Brodskey, Annette and Marianne Rosenzweig, "Sexual Justice: Research on Female Offenders," University of Alabama, Department of Psychology, Birmingham, January 1974 .

. Brooks, James, "Crime Compensation Programs: An Opinion Survey of Program Administrators," Criminology, Vol. 11, #2, 1973, pp. 258-274, reviewed in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 6, #1, March 1974, p. 99.

Brooks, James, "How Well Are Criminal Injury Compensation Pro­grams Performing?" Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 21, #1, p. 50, January 1975.


Brooks, James, "Who Gets What? An Analysis of Five Model Propos­als for Criminal Injury Compensation Legislation," Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 6, #3, September 1974, p. 370.

Brubeck, Thomas, "They Hit the Street Running," America, September 9, 1972.

Bureau of the Census, "Census of Manufactures: Summary Statis­tics; Industry Statistics; Area Statistics," U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., published quinquennially.

Bureau of the Census, "County Business Patterns," U.S. Depart­ment of Commerce, Washington, D.C., published annually.

Bureau of the Census, "Detailed Characterlstics--Connecticut, 1970 Census of the Population," U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., December 1972.

Bureau of the Census, "Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System 1974," U.S. Department of Commerce, GSS No. 77, Washington, D.C., February 1976.

Bureau of the Census and the Law Enforcement Assistance Adminis­tration, "Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System 1969-70," U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., February 1972.

Bureau of the Census and Law Enforcement Assistance Administra­tion, "Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System, 1972-73," U.S. Government printing Office, February 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Area Wage Surveys, Selected Metro­politan Areas 1973-74," Bulletin 1795-28, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., June 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Directory of Area Wage Surveys, January 1972 - December 1973," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Directory of Industry Wage Surveys and Union Wages and Hours Studies, 1960-1973," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Directory of Wage Chronologies, 1948-72," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Employment and Earnings, States and Areas 1939-72," Bulletin 1370-10, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington! D.C., 1973.


Bureau of Labor statistics, "Employment and Earnings, States and Areas 1972-74," Vol. 21, No. II, u.s. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Employment and Earnings, United States 1909-72," Bulletin 1312-9, U.s. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Employment and Un~mployment in 1974," Special Labor Force Report 178, U.S. Dep~rtment of Labor, Washington, D.C., reprinted with supplementary tabl~s from Monthly Labor Review, February 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Government Employees' Salary Trends," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., reprinted from Current Wage Developments, February and March 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Industry Wage Survey: Contract Con­struction, September 1972," Bulletin 1853, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Industry Wage Survey: Machinery Manufacturing, February 1973," Bulletin 1859, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Levels and Trends in Weekly Earnings Vary Greatly Among Labor Force Groups," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., November 8, 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Major Programs 1975/Bureau of Labor Statistics," R~port 441, U.S, Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Monthly Labor Review," Vol. 98, No.8, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "National Survey of Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Pay, March 1974," Bulle­tin 1837, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Occupational Earnings and Wage Trends in Metropolitan Areas, 1972-73," No.1 of 3, U.S. Depart­ment of Labor, Washington, D.C., May 1973.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Occupational Earnings and Wage Trends in Metropolitan Areas, 1972-73," No.2 of 3, U.S. Depart­ment of Labor, Washington, D.C., October 1973.


Bureau of Labor Statistics, uOccupational Earnings and Wage Trends in Metropolitan Areas, 1972-73," No.3 of 3, U.S. Depart­ment of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Occupational Earnings and Wage Trends in Metropolitan Areas, 1973-74," Summary Tabulation No.1 of 3, u.s. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., May 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Occupational Earnings and Wage Trends in Metropolitan Areas, 1973-74," Summary Tabulation No.2 of 3, u.s. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., November 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Occupational Earnings and Wage Trends in Metropolitan Areas, 1973-74," Summary Tabulation No.3 of 3, u.s. Depa~tment of Labor, Washington, D.C., January 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Occupational Outlook Handbook," 1974-75 edition, u.s. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Selected Earnings and Demographic Characteristics of union Members, 1970," Report 417, U.S, Depart­ment of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1972.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Union Wages and Hours: Building Tradee, July 1, 1973," Bulletin 1841, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "United States Steel Corporation and united Steelworkers of America (AFL-CIO) March 1937 - April 1974," Bulletin 1814, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1974.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Usual Weekly Earnings of American Workers, 1971," u.s. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1972.

Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc., "An Inventory of Sur­veys of the Public on Crime, Justice and Related Topics," Washington, D.C., October 1972.

Bureau of State Accounting Systems, "Conceptual Design of a Financial Management System," Project No. 1000-01, Washington, D.C., March 1974.

Burke, William H., "Interstate Highways and State Prison Indus­tries," American Journal of Corrections, Vol. 21, No.6, 1959.

Burkhart, Ki tsi, "Why Prisons Aren't The Answer," The E\rening and Sunday Bulletin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 1971.


Burns, Henry, "corrections--organ;Lza,tion and Administration," Criminal Justice Series, West Publishing Company, St. Raul, Minnesota, 1975.

Busher, Walter H., Justice Institute,

"Ordering Time to Serve prisoners," American Sacramento, California, June 1973.

Byron, W., "A Special Employment Clearinghouse for Ex-Offenders," Federal Probation, Vol. 34, #3, September 1970, p. 52.

California Correctional Industries, Series of Reports on Inmate Incentive - Pay Plan, Sacramento, California, 1974.

California Department of Corrections, "The Parole Agent Time Study," Sacramento, California, 1972.

California Probation, Parole and Correctional Association, "Crime and Corrections," Vol. I, No.2, Sacramento, California, Fall 1973.

California, State of, "A Quote on the Economic Status and Rehabilitative Value of California Correctional Industries," Assembly Office Research, California Legislature, Sacramento, California, February 1969.

California, State of, "A Review of the Economic Efficiency of California Correctional Industries," Library, National Council on crime and Delinquency, Hackensack, New Jersey, January 1971.

California, University of, "~he Legal Aspects of Contract Parole--Resource Document #8," Corrections Law Program, School of Law, Los Angele~, California, March 1976.

Calliher, J., "Training in Social Manipulation as a Rehabilita­tive Technique," Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 17, #4, October 1971, p. 431.

Campbell, Charles, "Principles and Prerequisites for Treatment of Committed Offenders," in Leonard Hippchen (ed.) Correctional Classification and Treatment, The W. H. Anderson Co., Cincinnati, 1975, p. 117.

Carr, Walter S. and Vincent J. Connelly, "Sentencing Patterns and Problems, An Annotated Bibliography," The American Judicature Society, Chicago, Illinois, 1973.

Casper, Jonathan D., "Criminal Justice - The Consumer's Perspec­tive," National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Washington, D.C., February 1972.


Center for Labor and Management, liThe Role of Correct;i.onal Industries - A Summary Report," University of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa, 1972.

Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency, "Graduated Release," Public Health Service Publication #2128, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971.

Central Recruitment and Training Institute of the Prison Service, "The Netherlands Prison System," National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Hackensack, New Jersey, 1972.

Chaiklin, Harris, "Integrating Correctional and Family Systems," presented at American Orthopsychiatric Association, Detroit, Michigan, April 6, 1972.

Chatman, Lee E., "Annual Employment Survey, Rupert Crittenden Cent;er, July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970," Department of Corrections, Bay Area Research Unit, San Francisco, California, August 15, 1970.

Chatman, Lee E., "Annual Employment Survey, Rupert Crittenden Center, July 1, 1970 - June 30, 1971," Department of Corrections, Bay Area Research Unit, San Francisco, California, October 1, 1971.

Chatman, Lee E., "Crittenden Center Employment Survey, Semi­Annual Report, September-December, 1970," Department of Correc­tions, Bay Area Research Unit, San Francisco, California, February 1971.

Chatman, Lee E., "Pilot Employment Survey, Rupert Crittenden Center, July 21, 1969," Department of Corrections, Bay Area Research Unit, San Francisco, California, September 23, 1969.

Chatman, Lee Ee, "Rupert Crittenden Center, Employment Survey, Semi-Annual Report, September-December, 1969, Department of Cor­rections, Bay Area Research Unit, San Francisco, California, February, 1970.

Chatman, Lee E., "Ruppert Crittenden Center Employment Survey, March, 1971," Department of Corrections, Bay Area Research Unit, San Francisco, California, July 1971.

Chauvin, Stanley, "Compensation for Victims of Crime: view," State Government, Lexington, Kentucky, Vol. 47,

An Over­#1, 1974.

Christensen, R., "Futuristic Commodity Development: Crime Impact, East Central Florida, 1974-1975," Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge l Massachusetts, June 1973.


Chung, Hyung C., "The Connecticut l1anpower l1arket In the 1970 IS,"

Connecticut Manpower Executives Association, Bridgeport, Connecticut, November 1973.

Citizens' Report on 47.

Inquiry on Parole and Criminal, Inc., "Summary New York Parole," state of New York, March 1974, pp. 1-

Clark, Wayne A., "Discrimination in General Revenue Sharing in the South," Southern Governmental Monitoring project, Southern Regional Council, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1975.

Clearinghouse for Offender Literacy Programs, "Final Report, 1974-1975," American Bar J\ssociation, Washington, D.C., 1975.

Clemmer, Donald, "The Prison Community," Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1968.

Clinard, Marshall B. and Richard Qu,inney, "Criminal Behavior Sys­tems, A Typology," Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1967.

Cockerham, William and Stanley Simon, "States Prisons Fail to Determine or Help Most Criminals," Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974.

Cohn, Alvin W., "Management of Probation Services: A Supplemen­tary Bibliography," U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., December 1969.

Cohn, Alvin W., "Managing Change in Correction," paper presented at the 98th Annual Congress of Correction, American Correctional Association, San Francisco, August 26, 1968.

Cohn, Alvin W. (ed.), "Problems, Thoughts, and Processes in.Crim­inal Justice Administration," Probation Management Institutes, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, New York, December 1969.

Collins, Joseph W., "Training Needs in Correctional Institu­tions," Manpower Research Bulletin Number 8, Manpower Administra­tion, Washington, D.C., April 1966.

Colorado, State of, "Budget Requests 1975-1976," Colorado State Penitentiary, Division of Correctional Services, Canon City, Colorado, 1974.

Colorado State Penitentiary, "Financial Statements for June 3D, 1974," Canon City, Colorado, June 1974.


Commission on correct:lonal fp.cilit;Les and Sel;"yices, "Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of ?risoners and Related Recom­mendations," United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York, 1958.

Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, "When Society Pronounces Judgment," American Bar Association, Washington, D.C., 1970.

Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, "The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society," Avon Books, New York, 1968.

Commission on Vocational Education in Correctional Institutions in New Jersey, "Vocational Education," November 1971.

Committee on Government Operations, "Block Grant Programs of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration," Twelfth Report, May 18, 1972, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives, Hearings Before the Subcommittee No.3., "Correction Practices, Their Faults and Shortcomings," May 26, June 2, 3, 23, and 24, 1971.

Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives, Hearings Before Subcommittee 3 on Corrections, "Part IV, Illinois: The Problem of the Ex-Offender," U.S. Government printing Office, 1972.

Committee on the Judiciary united States Senate, Hearings Before the Subcommittee on National Penitentiaries 1 "Future Role of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons," March 2 and 3, 1971.

Community Corrections Program and Facilities for Maryland, "A Summary of the Report of the Community Corrections Committee to the Maryland Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice," Baltimore, Maryland, 1974.

Congressional Research Service, "Inmate Employment Programs in Federal and State Correction Institut{ons," Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Connecticut, State of, "Annual Report 1973," Department of Cor­rections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973.

Connecticut, State of, "Annual Report 1974," Department of Cor­rections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974.

Connecticut, State of, Correction, Hartford,

"Annual Report, 1975," Department of Connecticut, 1975.


Connecticut, State of, "B):'ooklyn Community CO):';t:"ectional Center," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut.

Connecticut, State of, "Budget-in-Detail," Department of Correc·­tions, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974, pp. 1-8 and 371-375.

Connecticut, State of, "Classification of Commodities for Procurement," Department of Finance and Control, Hartford, Connecticut, July 1, 1966.

Connecticut, State of, Fiscal Year 1972-73," Connecticut, 1973.

"Connecticut Correctional Industries -Department of Corrections, Hartford,

Connecticut, State of, "The Connecticut Correctional Training Academy: An Experiment in Staff," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, February 1972.

Connecticut, State of, "Connecticut Market Data, 1976," Connec­ticut Department of Commerce, Hartford, Connecticut, 1976.

Connecticut, State of, "Correctional Industries, 1971-1972 Annual Report," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1972.

Connecticut, Statn of, "Correctional Industries 1973-1974 Annual Report, Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974.

Connecticut, State of, "Differences Do Make A Difference," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1975.

Connecticut, State of, "Education and Training for Inmates," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973.

Connecticut, Corrections,

State of, "Games Prisoners Play," Department of Hartford, Connecticut, 1974-1975.

Connecticut, State of, "Good Corrections, The Key to Reduced Crime," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974.

Connecticut, State of, "The Just Community Approach to Correc­tions," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974.

Connecticut, State of, "Legal Assistance to Prisoners," Depart­ment of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1972-1975.

Connecticut, State of, "Moral Development," Department of Correc­tions, Hartford, Connecticut, June 1975.

Connecticut, State of, "Private Public Resources Expansion Project," Department of Correction, Hartford, Connecticut, 1975.

Connecticut, State of, Hartford, Connecticut,


"l?,r~g;r;'am Book," Depa,rtment of Corrections, 1974.

Connecticut, State of, "Redirection, A New Approach to Pretrial Release. Part One. Background," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1975.

Connecticut, State of, "Redirection, A New Approach to Pretrial Release. Part Two. How the Center Functions," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1975.

Connecticut, State of, "Redirection, A New Approach to Pretrial Release. Part Three. Comparison with Other Pretrial Release Programs,1I Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1975.

Connecticut, State of, IIRedirection, A New Approach to Pretrial Release. Part Four. Evaluation and Guidelines," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1975.

Connecticut, State of, "Safe Custody," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973.

Connecticut, State of, "Staff Training and Education," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973.

Connecticut, State of, "UN Minimum Standards for the Treatment of Offenders," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, November 1974.

Connecticut, State of, "Volunteers in Corrections," Department of Corrections, Hartford, Connecticut, 1974.

Conner, R. D., "A position Paper on Establishing a Manufacturing Operation in the Minnesota State Prison - Bayport, Minnesota," Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, 1973.

Conrad, John P., "The More It Changes ... Notes on the Sources of Resistance to Change," The Academy for Contemporary Problems, Columbus, Ohio, June 1973.

Conrad, John P., August 1971, pp.

"The Need for Prison Reform," Current History, 87-91.

Conrad, John P., "Research in Correctional Rehabilitation," joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training r December 1967.

CONSAD Research Corporation, "Origins of Pennsylvania Inmate Population," Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, prepared for Bureau of Correction, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, February 1972.


Conte, William R., "Correctional Education - A Many Faceted Thing," Department of Institutions, State of Washington, Olympia, 1967.

Contract Research Corporation, "Analysis of the Federal Bonding Program: History of the Federal Bonding Program," Washington, D.C., June 1975.

Contract Research Corporation, "Technical Assistance Guide, Man­power Programs for Offenders," Washington, D.C., submitted to Manpower Administration, April 30, 1975.

Cook, Philip J., "The Correctional Carrot: Better Jobs for Parolees," Policy Analysis, Regents of the University of California, Vol. 1, No.1, Winter 1975.

Cooper, H., "Rational Doctrine of Rehabilitation," The Prisoners' Rights Sourcebook, Clark, Boardman Company, New York, 1973.

Cooper, H. and G. Mueller, "Criminal, Society and the Victim," reviewed in Crime and Delinquency, March 1974, Vol. 6, #1, p. 81.

Cooper, W., "Employers and Employees in the Work Release Program in North Carolina," Crime and Delinquency, October 1970, p. 427.

Correctional Economics Center, "Community Programs for Women Offenders: Cost and Economic Considerations," American Bar Association, Washington, D.C., June 1975.

Correctional Industries Association, "Directory of State and Federal Industries, 1974-1975," Waupun, Wisconsin, 1975.

Council of State Governments, "Criminal Justice Statutory Index," Lexington, Kentucky, August 1975.

Cressey, D., "Rehabilitation in the Prison Community," The Prison: Studies in Institutional Organization and Change, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1960.

Cromwell, P. and G. Killinger (eds.), Penology: The Evolution of Corrections in America, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, 1973.

Cunningham, Carl, "Crime and the Aging Victims," M.R.I. Quar­terly, Kansas City, Missouri, Spring 4-9, 1973. Reviewed in Crime and Delinquency, March 1974, Vol. 6, #1, p. 79.

Darras, J., "The Invisible Prison," R.C.A. Institutes, Inc., PB-223-875, New York, March 1972.


DeFranco, Edward J., "Anatomy of a Scam: A Case Study of a Planned Bankruptcy by Organized Crime," National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Assis­tance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, November 1973.

The Delancey Street Foundation, "From 'Bums' to Businessmen," Corrections Magazine, September 1974, pp. 13-27.

Dell'Apa, Frank, "Educational Programs in Adult Correctional Institutions," Western Interstate Commission for Higher Educa­tion, Boulder, Colorado, 1973.

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A. Job Market Survey

1. Employment Statistics

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Ultrasystems, Inc., "An Experimental pilot Area Program to Identify and Meet Critical Local Labor Market Information Needs, Final Reports," Newport Beach, California, for U.S. Department of Labor, November 1974.

2. Federal and State Constraints on the Employment of Ex-Offenders


American Correctional Association, "Classification and Treat­ment," A.C.A. Proceedings, College Park, Maryland, 1973.

Bagdikian, Ben H. and Leon Dash, The Shame of the Prisons, Pocket Books, New York, May 1972.

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Pownall, George A., "Employment Problems of Released Prisoners," Manpower, January 1971, pp. 26-31.

Rehabilitation Research Foundation, "The Experimental Manpower Laboratory for Corrections, Phase I," Elmore, Alabama, 1971.

Smith, Robert R. and W. o. Jenkins, "Bonding Assistance Demonstra­tion Project in the Prisoner Training Programs: Final Report," Experimental Manpower Laboratory Corrections, Elmore, Alabama, 1972.


B. Inmate Manpower Characteristics

1. Offender Manpower Training Programs

Contract Research Corporation, power Programs for Offenders," Manpower Administration, April

"Technical Assistance Guide, Man­Washington, D.C., submitted to 30 , 1975.

Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training, "A Time to Act," Final Report, Washington, D.C., 1969.

Phillips, Charles W., "A Case Study: Development and Implementa­tion of a Manpower Service Delivery to the Criminal Offen~er in the United States," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1974.

Ruttenberg, Stanley H. and Jocelyn Gutchess, "Manpower Challenge of the 1970's: Institutions and Social Change," The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 1970.

a. Federal

Abt Associates, Inc., "An Evaluation of the Training Provided in Correctional Institutions Under the MDTA, section 251," Cambridge, Massachusetts, March, April and May 1971.

Barnes and Teeters, "Inmate Labor in the Correctional Program," New Horizons in Criminology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1963, p. 522.

Bercaw, W. W., C. E. Weinhold, E. R. BUchanan, H. R. Greenlee, Jr., and L. S. Lockett, "A Systems Analysis of The MDTA Insti­tutional Training Program," North American Rockwell Information Systems Company, Arlington, Virginia, April 1971.

Collins, Joseph W., "Training Needs in Correctional Institu­tions," Manpower Research Bulletin Number 8, Manpower Administra­tion, Washington, D.C., April 1966.

Congressional Research Service, "Inmate Employment Programs in Federal and state Correction Institutions," Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Freedman, Dr. Marcia and Nick Pappas, "The Training and Employ­ment of Offenders," Columbia University and Bureau of Naval Personnel, Corrections Division, submitted to The President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, Washington, D.C., 1967.

Gurin, Gerald, "A National Attitude Study of Trainees in MDTA Institutional Programs," Survey Research Center, Institute for Soc~al Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, August 1970.


Heyns, G., "Perspectives. on Co;r;;t;"ectj.on~l ,t1p,n]?ower and T;t;"aining," Washington, D.C., 1970.

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Manpower Administration, "An Evaluation of the Training Provided in Correctional Institutions Under the MDTA, Section 251, Final Report, Impact of the Training Program on Trainees," united States Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1971.

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Manpower Administration, "New Laws Fund Public Service Jobs, Extend Unemployment Insurance," reprinted from Manpower Magazine, February 1975.

Mentec Corporation, "Evaluation of the Relevance and Quality of Preparation for Employment Under the MDTA Institutional Training Program," Los Angeles, California, May 1971.

Rovner-Pieczenik, Roberta, "A Review of Manpower Research and Development Projects in the Correctional Field (1963-1973) ," Manpower Research Monograph No. 28, Manpower Administration, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Sheehan, W., "Policy Implications of the Systems Analysis of the MDTA Institutional Training Program," North American Rockwell Information Systems Company, Anaheim, California, May 1971.

South Carolina Department of Corrections, "Final Report, Project First Chance," ('olumbia, South Carolina, 1969.

Taggart, R., "Th" Prison of Unemployment: Manpower Programs for Offenders," Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1972.

U. S. civil Service Commission, "Employment of the Rehabilitated Offender in the Federal Service," BRE-29, Washington, D.C., May 1973.

U. S. Department of Labor, "Comprehensive Employment and Training Act," Federal Register, Vol. 40, No.7, January 10, 1975.


b. State and Local

Collins, Joseph W., "Training Needs in Correctional Institu­tions," Manpower Research Bulletin Number 8, Manpower Administra­tion, Washington, D.C., April 1966.

Miller, Michael J., "Vocational Training in Prisons: Some Social Policy Implications," Federal Probation, Vol. 36, No.3, September 1972, pp. 19-21.

Pacifica Resources Corporation, "A Preliminary Reconnaissance of California Correctional Manpower Programs," San Francisco, California, October 1974.

Rovner-Pieczenik, Roberta, "A Review of Manpower Research and Development Projects in the Correctional Field (1963-1973) ," Manpower Research Monograph No. 28, Manpower Administration, Washington, D.C., 1973.

South Carolina Department of Corrections, "Final Report, projPc, First Chance," Columbia, South Carolina, 1969.

Spencer, Carol and John E. Berecochea, "Vocational Training at the California Institution for Women: An Evaluation," Research Report No. 41, Department of Corrections, Sacramento, California, January 1971.

c. Private Sector

EDO Corporation, "Final Report of the Electronics and Fiberglass Training and Manufacturing Programs at the Albion Correctional Facility, Albion, New York," College Point, New York, 1975.

Luke, William D., et al., "An Important Message to Private Indus­try from the South Carolina Department of Corrections," Columbia, South Carolina, 1974.

Morris, Reginald G., "Change: Honeywell Information Systems, 1972.

Today's Management Challenge," Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana,

Myers, Charles A., "The Role of the Private Sector in Manpower Development," The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1971.

RCA Service Company, "Program in Office Machine Repair for Albion Correctional Facility," RCA 029-ES/G-73, Camden, New Jersey, May 7, 1973.

Saipe, Dr. Alan L., "Federal Prison Industries: Private Senior Executives' Attitudes," reprinted Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections, Ottawa, Canada, January 1973.

A Survey of from the Vol. 15, #1,


2. Employment of Offenders

Glaser, D., The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System, Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1966.

Pownall, George A., "Employment Problems of Released Prisoners," Manpower, January 1971, pp. 26-31.

a. Public sector

American Bar Association, "Two Programs, Two Approaches That Deliver Jobs," Offender Employment Review, No. 13, July 1975.

Byron, W., "A Special Employment Clearinghouse for EX-Offenders," Federal probation, Vol. 34, #3, September 1970, p. 52.

Friedman, Lucy N. and Hans Zeisel, "First Annual Research Report On Supported Employment," Vera Institute of Justice, New York, October 1973.

Georgetown University Law Center, If The Role of Prison Industries Now and in the Future: A Planning Study," Institute of Criminal Law and Procedure, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

Miller, Neal, "Artificial Barriers to Employment of Criminal Offenders," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., May 1975.

Nichols, John D. and Stanley L. Brodsky, "A Vocational Follow-Up Study of Former prisoners," united States Disciplinary Barracks, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, American Journal of Corrections, May­June 1967.

President's Task Force on Prisoner Rehabilitation, "The Criminal Offender - What Should Be Done?" Washington, D.C., April 1970.

RCA Institutes, "The Invisible Prison - An Analysis of Barriers to Inmate Training and Post-Release Employment in New York and Maine," New York, March 1972.

Robison, M., "The Employment Situation for the Parolee," Depart­ment of Corrections, Bay Area Research unit, San Francisco, California, March 10, 1967.

Taggart, R., "The Prison of Unemployment: Manpower Programs for Offenders," Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1972.

U. S. Civil Service Commission, "Employment of the Rehabilitated Offender in the Federal Service," BRE-29, Washington, D.C., May 1973.


Wolf, Jean Dempsey, "Inmate Employment Programs in Federal and state Correctional Institutions," Congressional Research Service, Washington, D.C., 1973.

b. Private Sector

Bopp, Anthony E., "A Naive Economic Model of a Prison," The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., March 1975.

Brooks, James, "How Well Are Criminal Injury Compensation Pro­grams Performing?" Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 21, #1, p. 50, January 1975.

Cooper, W., "Employers and Employees in the Work Release Program in North Carolina," Crime and Delinquency, October 1970, p. 427.

c. Union Attitudes

Marshall, Ray and Robert W. Glover, "Training and Entry into Union Construction," Center for the Study of Human Resources, University of Texas, Austin, 1975.

Saipe, Dr. Alan L., "Federal Prison Industries: Private Senior Executives' Attitudes," reprinted Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections, Ottawa, Canada, January 1973.

d. Placement Efforts

A Survey of from the Vol. 15, # 1,

Friedman, Lucy N. and Hans Zeisel, "First Annual Research Report On Supported Employment," Vera Institute of Justice, New York, October 1973.

Job Improvement Service, "Job Improvement Service, Demonstra­tion Project, Pilot Phase," Boston, Massachusetts, July 1969.

National Council on Crime and Delinquency, "Cash Subsidy to Freed Offenders Seen as Successful; New Grants to Georgia, Texas," Criminal Justice Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 15, July 21, 1975.

Pacifica Resources Corporation, "Job Placement Procedures for California Department of Corrections," San Francisco, California, February 1974.

Robison, M., "The Employment Situation for the Parolee," Depart­ment of Corrections, Bay Area Research Unit, San Francisco, California, March 10, 1967.


C. Prison Industry Products and Services

American Correctional Association, "Correctional Industries," A.C.A. Proceedings, College Park, Maryland, 1973.

Burke, William H., "Interstate Highways and State Prison Indus­tries," American Journal of Corrections, vol. 21, No.6, 1959.

Center for Labor and Management, "The Role of Correctional Industries - A Summary Report," University of Iowa, Des Moines, 1972.

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company, "New and Complimentary Products and Services for Federal Prison Industries, Inc.," Washington, D.C., October 1969.

Perrin, William L., "Data Processing as a New Prison Industry," American Correctional Association, 98th Congress of Correctional Proceedings 1968, Washington, D.C., pp. 96-100.

Rans, Laurel L., "Contemporary Correctional Industries for the New York State Department of Correctional Services," Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 22, 1974.

1. Federal Prison Industries

Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Board of Directors, "Annual Report 1970," Washington, D.C., 1970.

Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, "The Employ­ability Development System of the Federal Correctional Institu­tions at Lompoc and Terminal Island, California," for Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Washington, D.C., April 1968.

U. S. Bureau of Prisons, "Bureau of Prisons, Annual Report -1969," Washington, D.C.

2. State Prison Industries

California, State of, "A Review of the Economic Efficiency of California Correctional Industries," Library, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Hackensack, New Jersey, January 1971.

Means, Ernest E., "Prison Industries and Rehabilitation Program," Florida Division of Corrections, Research and Statistics Section, Tallahassee, 1959.

Vismor, McGill and Bell, Incorporated, "The Correctional Indus­tries Feasibility Study Market Research Phase - phase I: The Business Audit," prepared for the South Carolina Department of Corrections, Columbia, South Carolina, 1974.


vismor, McGill and Bell Incorporated, "The Correctional Indus­tries Feasibility Study Market Research phase - Phase II: The Market Opportunity Analysis," prepared for the South Carolina Department of Corrections, Columbia, South Carolina, 1974.

Wald Company, Incorporated, John R., "Correctional Industries state Use Sales 1950-1960-1970," Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, March 1971.

3. Federal Statutory Limitations

Jensen, Walter, Jr., Edward Mazze, and Neal Miller, "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," in American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

Miller, Neal, and Walter Jensen~ Jr., Reform of Federal Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Public Offenders, 1974.

4. State statutory Limitations

Georgetown University Law Center, "The Role of Prison Industries Now and in the Future: A Planning Study," Institute of Criminal Law and Procedure, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

Jensen, Walter, Jr., Edward Mazze, and Neal Miller, "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," in American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

5. Product Decisions

California, State of, "A Review of the Economic Efficiency of California Correctional Industries," Library, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Hackensack, New Jersey, January 1971.

EDO Corporation, "Final Report of the Electronics and Fiberglass Training and Manufacturing Programs at the Albion Correctional Facility, Albion, New York," College Point, New York, 1975.

Jensen, Walter, Jr., Edward Mazze, and Neal Miller, "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," in American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company, "New and Complimentary Products and Services for Federal Prison Industries, Inc.," Washington, D.C., October 1969.


Rans, Laurel L., "Contemporary Correctional Industries for the New York State Department of Correctional Services," Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 22, 1974.

South Carolina Department of Corrections, "The Correctional Industries Feasibility Study, Market Research Phase: Phase One, The Business Audit," Columbia, South Carolina, 1974.

6. Marketing

Jensen, Walter, Jr., Edward Mazze, and Neal Miller, "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," in American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

South Carolina Department of Corrections, "The Correctional Industries Feasibility Study, Market Research Phase: Phase One, The Business Audit," Columbia, South Carolina, 1974.

a. Prices

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Selected Earnings and Demographic Characteristics of Union Members, 1970," Report 417, U.S. Depart­ment of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1972:

Jensen, Walter, Jr., Edward Mazze, and Neal Miller, "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," in American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

b. Products

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company, "New and Complimentary Products and Services for Federal Prison Industries, Inc.," Washington, D.C., October 1969.

c. Outlets

Jensen, Walter, Jr., Edward Mazze, and Neal Miller, "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," in American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

7. State Use

Jensen, Walter, Jr., Edward Mazze, and Neal Miller, "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," in American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

Medical and Applied Research Systems, Inc., "State Prison Pro­duction and Use Laws," Rockville, Maryland, 1970.

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D. Rehabilitation Programs

Eglash, Albert, "Creative Restitution - Some Suggestions for Prison Rehabilitation programs," American Journal of Correction, November/December 1958.

Galaway, Burt and Joe Hudson, "Restitution and Rehabilitation -Some Central Issues," Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 18, #4, 1972, p. 403.

Polish, James, "Rehabilitation of the Victims of Crime: An Overview," U.C.L.A. Law Review, Vol. 21, #1, pp. 317-355, 1973. Reviewed in Crime and Delinquency, March 1974, Vol. 6, #1, p. 104.

Singer, R., "Rehabilitation: The cominq Right to Rehabilita­tion," The Prisoners l Rights Sourcebook, Clark, Boardman Company, New York, 1973.

U. S. General Accounting Office, "Department of Labor's Past and Future Role in Offender Rehabilitation," Manpower and Welfare Division, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

1. Recidivism Studies

Adams, Stuart, "A Comparative study of Recidivism Rates in six Correctional Systems," Research Report No. 21, District of Columbia, Department of Corrections, January 1970.

Babst, Dean and John Mannering, "Probation Versus Imprisonment for Similar Types of Offenders," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 2, July 1965, pp. 61-64.

England, Ralph, itA study of Postprobation Recidivism Among Five Hundred Federal Offenders," Federal Probation, vol. 19, No.3, 1965, pp. 14-16.

Fishman, Robert, "The Effect on Criminal Recidivism of New York City projects Providing Rehabilitation and Diversion Services," City of New York, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, New York, 1975.

Fogel, David, We are the Living Proof, W. H. Anderson Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1975.

Glaser, Daniel, Adult Crime and Social Policy, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1972.

Glaser, D., The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System, Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1966.


Glaser, D., "Routinizing Evaluation: Getting Feedback on Effec­tiveness of Crime and Delinquency Programs," National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, Maryland, 1973.

Higgins, Joseph J., "An Evaluation of the Impact of the MCI­Concord Day Work Program," Publication #6906, July 1973.

Hood, Richard, "Some Research Results and Problems," in Leon Radzinowicz and Marvin Wolfgang (eds.), The Criminal in Con­finement, Vol. 3, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1971, p. 163.

Irwin, J., "Adaptation to Being Corrected: Corrections from the Convict's Perspective," Handbook of Criminology, Rand MCNally Publishing Company, Chicago, 1974.

Irwin, J., "Success or Failure," The Felon, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1970.

Jenkins, W. O. and A. D. Witherspoon, "The Post-Prison Analysis of Criminal Behavior and Longidutinal Follow-Up Evaluation of Institutional Treatment," National Technical Information Ser­vice, Springfield, Virginia, February 1974.

Laulicht, Jerome, "Problems of Statistical Research: Recidivism and Its Correlates," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 1963.

Lipton, Douglas, Robert Martinson and Judith Wilks, Effective­ness of Correctional Treatment - A Survey of Treatment Evalua­tion Studies, Praeger Publishers, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1975.

MacSpeiden, Thomas Riley, "The Influence of Scholastic and Voca­tional Training Programs on the Rate of Parole Violation," a thesis submitted to the faculty of Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, August 1966.

Martinson, Robert, "The Paradox of Prison Reform - I, The Danger­ous Myth," The New Republic, April 197~, pp. 23-25.

Martinson, Robert, "What Works~ - Questions and Answers About Prison Reform," The Public Interest, No. 35, Spring, 1974.

National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, "Corrections," Law Enforcement Assistance AdminiAtration, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Rehabilitation Research Foundation, "The Experimental Manpower Laboratory for Corrections, Phase I," Elmore, Alabama, 1971.


Rehabilitation Research Foundation, "The Experimental Manpower Laboratory for Corrections, Final Report Phase II," Elmore, Alabama, 1971.

Robison, James and Gerald Smith, "The Effectiveness of Correc­tional Programs," Crime and Delinquency, January 1971, pp. 67-80.

Rovner-Pieczenik, Roberta, "project Crossroads as Pre-Trial Inter­vention, A Program Evaluation," National Committee for Children and Youth, Washington, D.C., December 1970.

Rudoff, Alvin and T. C. Esselstyn, Follow-Up," Federal Probation, vol.

"Evaluating Work Furlough: 37, #2, 1973, pp. 48-53.

Sparks, R. E., "The Effectiveness of Probation," in Leon Radzinowicz and Marvin Wolfgang (eds.), The Criminal in Confinement, Vol. 3, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1971, p. 211.

Spencer, Carol and John W. B'erecochea, "Recidivism Among Women Parolees: A Long Term Survey," Department of Correction, Sacramento, California, 1972.

Technical Development Corporation, "Inmate Rehabilitation Pro­gram Study," for New England Regional Commission, September 1, 1971.

VoId, George B., "The Statistical Presentation of the Effec­tiveness of Institutional Treatment," 1938, pp. 79-86.

Wilkins, L., Evaluation of Penal Measures, Random House, New York, 1969.


Wilkins, Leslie, "A Small Comparative Study of the Results of Probation," British Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 2, July 1965, pp. 61-64.

2. Treatment Programs

Adams, William T., ~The Relationship of Correctional to Voca­tional Rehabilitation," Crime and Delinquency, 1966.

Amemiya, Eigi G., "Practices That Negatively Affect the Self­Image of the Inmate," American Journal of Correction, May-June 1968.

American Correctional Association, "Classification and Treat­ment," A.C.A. Proceedings, College Park, Maryland, 1973.

American Friends Service Committee, Struggle for Justice, Hill and Wang, New York, 1971.


Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, "Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and Related Recom­mendations," United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York, 1958.

Fogel, David, We are the Living Proof, W. H. Anderson Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1975.

Freschet, Ferucio and C. L. Hutchins, "A Guide to Correctional Vocational Training," New England Resource Center for Occupa­tional Education, Newton, Massachusetts, July 1973.

Gibbons, D., Changing the Lawbreaker, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1965.

Gillham, James and William L. Kime, "The Use of Correctional Trade Training," Michigan Department of Corrections, Lansing, December 1969.

Glaser, D., "The Classification of Offenses and Offenders," Handbook of Criminology, Rand McNally Publishing Company, Chicago, 1974.

Griggs, Bertram S. and Gary R. McCune, "Community-Based Correc­tional Programs: A Survey and Analysis," Harvard School Center for Criminal Justice, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu­setts, 1970-1971.

Kassebaum, W., Prison Treatment and Its Outcomes, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1966.

Keve, P., "Employment and Treatment Services in Prison," Prison Life and Human Worth, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1974.

Levy, G. W., "Final Report - Vocational Preparation in the United States Correctional Institutions: A 1974 Survey," Battelle, Columbus, Ohio, March 25, 1975.

Lyle, William H., "Behavioral Science and Modern Penology," Springfield, Illinois, 1973.

Means, Ernest E., "Prison Industries and Rehabilitation Program," Florida Division of Corrections, Research and Statistics section, Tallahassee, 1959.

Mentec Corporation, "Operation Pathfinder: Shaping Work Behav­ior of EX-Offenders and Other Disadvantaged People Using Social Reinforcement Techniques," Los Angeles, California, September 1969 - April 1972.


Morris, Norval, "Lessons from the Adult Correctional System of Sweden," Federal Probation, December 1966, pp. 3-13.

McCorkle, Lloyd and Richard Korn, "Resocialization Within Prison Walls," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 293, May 1954, pp. 88-98.

McGee, Richard, "Organizational Structure of State and Local Correctional Service," Public Administration Review, Vol. 31, No.6, p. 616.

New York, State of, "Select Committee on Correctional Institu­tions and Programs," Report No.2, Albany, March 1972.

Parker, W. and L. Leiberg, "Toward Change in Correctional Man­power Services: Mutual Agreement Programming," American Journal of Corrections, Vol. 37, #3, 1975.

Quinney, Richard, "Treatment and Corrections," Criminology, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1975.

Radzinowicz, L. and M. Wolfgang, "Effectiveness of Punishment and Treatment," The Criminal in Confinement, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1971.

Rush, Ralph A., "Vocational Education in Correctional Institu­tions," Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Educa­tion, Bureau of Research, Washington, D.C., January 1970.

Schwitzgebel, Ralph K., "Development and Legal Regulation of Coercive Behavior Modification Techniques with Offenders," Crime and Delinquency Issues, February 1971.

Soine, Valentine, "Finland's Open Institutic:us," Federal Proba­tion, December 1964, pp. 19-23.

Steuber, H., "Adjustment and Performance Within the Institution," Fcr Research Reports, Vol. 4, #3, 1972, Pt. 1, p. 6.

Studt, E., et al., "C-Unit: Search for Community in Prison," Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1967.

Warren, M., "Classification of Offenders as an Aid to Efficient Management and Effective Treatment," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, Vol. 62, #2, 1971.

Weeks, A., "Treatment: Past, Present and Possible," The Fui:.:ure of Imprisonment in a Free Society, Vol. 2, 1965.

Weeks, Ashley, "Youthful Offenders at Highfields," University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1958.


3. Education

Commission on Vocational Education in Correctional Institutions inN e w J e r s e y, " Vo c·a t ion alE d u cat ion," Nove mb e r 19 7 1 .

Conte, WilJ,iam R., "Correctional Education - A Many Faceted Thing," Department of Institutions, state of Washington, Olympia, 1967.

Gilpatrick, E., "Education for Work: A Full Employment Strategy," Annals, Vol. 41P, March 1975, p. 147.

Glaser, D., The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System, Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1966.

Goldfarb( R. and L. Singer, After Conviction, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1973.

Keyes, David, "Inmate Vocational Training: A National Overview," Correctional Education, Vol. 25( No.2, Spring, 1973, pp. 15-24.

Lewis, M., "Prison Education and Rehabilitation: Illusion or Reality," Penn State University( Institute for Research on Human Resources, State College, Pennsylvania, 1975.

Marsh, J., "Higher Education in American Prisons," Crime and Delinquency Literature, Vol. 5, #1, p. 139, 1959.

McCollum, Sylvia G., "New Deslgns for Correctional Education and Training Programs," ~ederal probation, Vol. 37, No.2, 1973.

Schuman, R., "Washington's Institutions - Rehabilitation Stressed in Programs I New Uni its," American Journal of Corrections, Vol. 34, #6, November/December 1972, p. 29A.

4. Work Release

Adams, Stuart, "Evaluation of Work Release," National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Washington, D.C., May 1975.

Amer ican Justice Ins i:i tu te, "Work Release. A Dictionary of Programs and Personnel. Work Release Resource Document No.2," #PB-227 672, Sacramento, California, prepared for LEAA, March 1972.

Cooper, W., "Empl.oye:t:s and Employees in the Work Release Program in North Carolina," frime and Delinquency, October 1970, p. 427.

Fair, Isaac, Inc., "Development of a Scoring System to Predict Success on Work Release," San Rafael, California, January 1971.

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Jeffrey, R. and S. Woolpert, "Work Furlough as an Alternative to Incarceration: An Assessment of Its Effects on Recidivism and Social Cost," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Political Science, September 1974.

Johnson, E., "State Work Release Programs," Crime and Delin­quency, October 1970, p. 417.

LeClair, Daniel, "Summary Evaluations of Work Release and Fur­lough Programs in the U.S.," Massachusetts Department of Correc­tion, Cambridge, Massachus~tts, 1972.

Roote, Lawrence S., "State Work Release Programs: An Analysis of Operational Policies," Federal Probation, Vol. 37, *4, 1973, pp. 52-58.

Swanson, Richard M., "Work Release: Toward an Understanding of the Law, Policy and Operation of Community-Based State Correc­tions," southern Illinois University, Carbondale, prepared for Manpower Administration, PB-222 309, June 1, 1973.

Swanson, Richard M., "Work Release: Toward an Understanding of the Law, Policy and Operation of Community-Based State Correc­tion. Volume II. Technical Reports and Appendices," Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, prepared for Manpower Adminis­tration, PB-222 310, June 1, 1973.

5. Inmate Self Concept and Motivation

Amemiya, Eigi G., "Practices That Negatively Affect the Self­Image of the Inmate," American Journal of Correction, May-June 1968.

Barton, Marlin, "The Maladaptive Behavior Record (MBR): A Scale for the Analysis and Prediction of Community Adjustment and Recidivism of Offenders," U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Dillon, S., "Examining Role of Maximum Security in Rehabilita­tion Processes," American Journal of Corrections, Vol. 37, #1, January/February 1975, p. 27.

Fish, M. and V. Williams, "Rehabilitation and Economic Self­Interest," Crime and Delinquency, October 1971, p. 406.

Irwin, J., "Adaptation to Being Corrected: Corrections from the Convict's Perspective," Handbook of Criminology, Rand MCNally Publishing Company, Chicago, 1974.

Mathieson, T., "The Inmates' Perception of Treatment," The Criminal in Confinement, Basic Books! Inc., New York, 1971.


Murton, Tom and Phyllis Baurach, "Shared Decision-Making in Prison Management~ A Survey of Demonstrations Involving the Inmate in Participatory Government," in Hermann and Haft (eds.), The Prisoners' Rights Sdurcebook, Clark, Boardman Company, New York, 1973.

Sostre, M., "The New Prisoner," The Prisoners' Rights Sourcebook, Clark, Boardman Company, New York, 1973.

Tittle, Charles R., "Prisons and Rehabilitation: The Inevitabil­ity of Disfavor," Social Problems, Vol. 21, #3, 1974, pp. 386-395.

Wallace, Donald, "An Indictment by an Inmate," in Hermann and Haft (eds.), The Prisoners' Rights Sourcebook, Clark, Boardman and Company, New York, 1973.

White, C. William, "Motivation and Incentives for Inmate Person­nel," American Correctional Association, 98th Congress of Cor­rectional Proceedings, College Park, Maryland, 1968, pp. 100-101.

6. Probation and Parole

Abt Associates, Inc., "Inmate Training Programs Provided Under the Manpower Development and Training Act, Section 251, Review and Analysis of Its Legislation and Administration," Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 1969.

American Correctional Association, "The Mutual Agreement Program - Parole-Corrections Project," College Park, Maryland, October 1975.

Erickson, Rosemary J., Paroled But Not Free, Behavioral Publi­cations, New York, 1973.

Federal Bureau of Prisons, "National Prisoner Statistics," U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 1970.

Fogel, David, We are the Living Proof, W. H. Anderson Company Cincinnati, Ohio, 1975.

Gettinger, Steve, "Parole contracts: A New Way Out," Correc­tions Magazine, Vol. II, No. I, September/October 1975.

Glaser, D., "Parole Decision Making: Personal Characteristics and Parole Outcome," U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C., 1966.

Gottfredson, Don M., "Four Thousand Lifetimes: A Study of Time Served and Parole Outcomes," National Council on Crime and Delinquency, New York, 1973.


Gottfredson, Don M., et al., "A National Uniform Parole Reporting System," National Council on Crime and Delinquency, New York, 1970.

Kastenmeier, Robert W. and Howard C. Eglit, "Parole Release Decision-Making: Rehabilitation, Expertise, and the Demise of Mythology," The American University Law Review, Washington, D.C., Vol. 22, No.3, Spring 1973, pp. 477-525.

National Advisory Commission on criminal Justice Standards and Goals, "Corrections," Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Pacifica Resources Corporation, "A Description of the Probation System," San Francisco, California, November 1974.

President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, "Task Force Report: 1967.

Corrections," Washington, D.C.,

Resource Center on Correctional Law and Legal Services, "Survey of Parole Conditions in the united States," American Bar Associa­tion, commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, Washington, D.C., December 1973.

university of Pennsylvania, "The Parole System," reprinted from University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 120, #2, December 1971.

Wilson, James Q., Thinking About Crime, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1975.

7. Programs for Women

Adler, Freda, sisters in Crime, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1975.

American Bar Association, "Women in Detention and Statewide Jail Standards," Clearinghouse Bulletin #7, March 1974.

American Correctional Association, "Directory of Correctional Institutions," College Park, Maryland, 1976.

Arditi, Richard, et al., "The Sexual Segregation of American Prisons: Notes," in Yale Law Journal, Vol. 82, November/May 1973, pp. 1229-1273.

Koontz, Elizabeth Duncan, Statement of, before the D.C. Commis­sion on the Status of Women, Public Hearings on Women and Girl Offenders, Thursday, November 4, 1971, U.S. Department of Labor, Workplace Standards Administration, Women's Bureau, Washington, D.C.


McArthur, Virginia A., ItFrom Convict to Citizen," June 1974.

U. S. Department o~ Justice, Bulletin," Washington, D.C.,

"National Prisoner Statistics 1970.

E. Economics of Prison Industries

1. Comparison of Prison and Private Industry

a. Competition

Bureau of State Accounting Systems, "Conceptual Design of' a Fiancia1 Management System," Project No. 1000-01, Washington, D.C., March 1974.

Georgetown University Law Center, "The Role of Prison Industries Now and in the Future: A Planning Study," Institute of Criminal Law and Procedure, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

b. Efficiency

California, State of, "A Review of the Economic Efficiency of California Correctional Industries," Library, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Hackensack, New Jersey, January 1971.

England, Ralph W., Jr., "New Departure in Prison Labor," in Prison Journal, Vol. 41, No. 21.

Levy, G. W., "Final Report - Vocational Preparation in the United States Correctional Institutions: A 1974 Survey," Battelle, Columbus, Ohio, March 25, 1975.

c. Value of Adult Inmate Manpower

Singer, Neil M., "The Value of Adult Inmate Manpower," Correc­tional Economic Analysis Series, Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, ABA, Vol. 18, #1, January 1972, pp. 15-22.

2. The Economic Approach to Crime

a. Economic Gain/Loss Concept

Becker, G. J., "Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 76, 1968, pp. 169-217.

Jensen, Walter and Neal Miller, et al., "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.


Richmond, Mark S., "Measuring the Cost of Correctional Services," Crime and Delinquency, July 1972, pp. 243-252.

b. Higher Revenue and Greater Employment Opportunity

Bureau"of State Accounting Systems, "Conceptual Design of a Fiancial Management System," Project No. 1000-01, Washington, D.C., March 1974.

c. Private Industry Involvement

Jensen, Walter and Neal Miller, et al., "Legal Reform of Prison Industries: New Opportunities for Marketing Managers," American Business Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2, Fall, 1974, pp. 173-181.

U. S. Congress, Senate, "Federal Criminal Justice System Reor­ganization Act," S.2l6l, 93rd Congress, first session, 1973.

d. Inmate Wages

Markley, W., "Statement Against the Paying of Minimal Wages to Inmates," in Correctional Industries Association Newsletter, May 1974.

National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, "Corrections," Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Washington, D.C., 1973.

Wolf, Jean Dempsey, "Inmate Employment Programs in Federal and State Correctional Institutions," Congressional Research Service, Washington, D.C., 1973.

3. Cost/Benefit Analysis

a. Microeconomics

Monkman, Gail S., "The Economics of Institutional Alternatives," Correctional Economics Center, American Bar Association, pre­sented at American Correctional Association, 104th Congress, Houston, Texas, August 21, 1974.

b. Prison Industry Expansion and Increasing Work Release

Tropman, John E., and Karl H. Gohlke, "Cost/Benefit Analysis: Toward Comprehensive Planning in the Criminal Justice System," Crime and Dalinquency, July 1973, pp. 315-322.


c. Capitalism

Fish, M. and V. Williams, "Rehabilita"tion and Economic Self­Interest, I, Crime and Delinquency, October 1971, p. 406.

d. Post-Release Performance

Radzinowicz, Leon, "Economic Pressures," in The Criminal in Society, Basic Books, New York, 1971.

votey, Harold L., Jr. and Llad Phillips, "The Control of Criminal Activity: An Economic Analysis," in Handbook of Criminology (Daniel Glaser, editor), Rand McNally, 1974.

F. Statistics

1. General statistics

a. Federal Reports

Federal Bureau of Investigation, "Crime in the united States: Uniform Crime Reports," (issued annually), Washington, D.C., 1972.

Federal Bureau of Prisons, "National Prisoner Statistics," U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 1970.

Hindelang, Michael J., Christopher S. Dunn, L. Paul Sutton and Alison L. Aumick, "Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1973," National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service, Washington, D.C., August 1973.

National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service, "Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions on December 31, 1971, 1972 and 1973," National Prisoners Statistics Bulletin, Washington, D.C., May 1975.

U. S. Bureau of the Census, findings on the types of institu­tions and the number of inmates housed therein, the age of physical plants, institutional payroll and operating expenses, staff personnel, and programs and services provided, conducted in January 1974 for LEAA.

U. S. Department of Justice, "National Prisoner Statistics Bulletin," Washington, D.C., 1970.

Wolfgang, Marvin E., "Uniform Crime Reports: A Critical Apprais­al," University of pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 3, 1963, pp. 708-738.


b. state Reports

Ryan, Marie V., "California Prisoners, 1969," Department of Corrections, Sacramento, California, December 1971.

Ryan, Marie V., of Corrections,


"California prisoners, 1970 and 1971," Department Sacramento, California, December 1971.

Project SEARCH

SEARCH Group, "Project SEARCH," Technical Report No.5, Imple­menting Statewide Criminal Justice Statistics Systems--The Model and Implementation Environment, Sacramento, california, 1972.

2. Post-Release Statistics

a. Regularly Reported Data

Brubeck, Thomas, "They Hit the Street Running," America, September 9, 1972.

b. Special Studies

Abt Associates, Inc., "An Evaluation of the Training Provided in Correctional Institutions Under the MDTA, section 251," Cambridge, Massachusetts, March, April and May 1971.

American Bar Association, "Race Relations in Corrections - An Annotated Bibliography," Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

Glaser, D., The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System, Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1966.

Lipton, Douglas, Robert Martinson and Judith Wilks, Effective­ness of Correctional Treatment - A Survey of Treatment Evalua­tion Studies, Praeger Publishers, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1975.

3. Recidivism Statistics

Glaser, D., The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System, Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1966.

a. National Data

Federal Bureau of Investigation, "Crime in the United States: Uniform Crime Reports," (issued annually), Washington, D.C., 1972.


h. Factors Associated with Recidivism Data

Adams, Stuart, "A Comparative Study of Recidivism Rates in six Correctional Systems," Research Report No. 21, District of Columbia, Department of Corrections, January 1970.

American Bar Association, "Race Relations in Corrections - An Annotated Bibliography," Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, Washington, D.C., August 1975.

Bennett, Carl A. and Arthur A. Lumsdaine (eds.), "Evalua~ion and Experiment," Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1975.

Brubeck, Thomas, "They Hit the Street Running," America, September 9! 1972.

c. Statistical Evaluation of Recidivism Data

Stollmack, Stephen and Carol M. Harris, Applied to Recidivism Data," Operations November/December 1974, pp. 1192-1205.

"Failure-Rate Analysis Research, Vol. 22, No.6,

4. Post-Release Employment Statistics

Bell, P. and M. Matthews, "Federal Offenders Rehabilitation Program," Research in Correctional Rehabilitation, Joint Com­mission on Correctional Manpower and Training, Washington, D.C., 1967.

Brubeck, Thomas, "They Hit the Street Running," America, September 9, 1972.

Cook, Philip J., "The Correctional Carrot: Better Jobs for Parolees," Policy Analysis, Regents of the University of California, Vol. 1, No.1, Winter 1975.

Glaser, D., The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System, Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1966.

Stollmack, Stephen and Carol M. Harris, "Failure-Rate Analysis A p pI i edt 0 R e c i d i vis m D a t a ," 0 p_e_r_a_t"'--'i....;o....;n;..:...:;.s----'R_e-..;:s_e_a.....;;:r_c_h.;.., Vol. 2 2, No. November/December 1974, pp. l192~1205.

Washington, State of, "Adult Corrections Release Stipend Pro­gram," Office of Research, Department of Social and Health Services, Seattle, Washington, April 1974.

6 ,


a. Job Placement

Abt Associates, Inc., "An Evaluation of the Training Provided in Correctional Institutions Under the MDTA, Section 251," Cambridge, Mascachusetts, March, April and May 1971.

Bell, P. and M. Matthews, "Federal Offenders Rehabilitation Program," Research in Correctional Rehabilitation, Joint Com­mission on Correctional Manpower and Training, Washington, D.C., 1967.

Cook, Philip J., "The Correctional Carrot: Better Jobs for Parolees," Policy Analysis, Regents of the University of California, Vol. 1, No.1, Winter 1975.

b. Stipends and Gate Money

Lenihan, Kenneth J., "The Financial Resources of Released Pris­oners," Resource Document #4, American Correctional Association, College Park, Maryland, 1974.

Lenihan, Kenneth J., "The LIFE Project, Some Preliminary Re­sults, Design Questions, and Policy Issues," Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc., Washington, D.C., February 1975.

Lenihan, Kenneth J., "A Study of the Effects on Ex-prisoners of Financial Aid and Employment Assistance Programs Designed to Facilitate Post-Release Adjustment," Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc., Washington, D.C., January 1972.

Washington, State of, "Adult Corrections Release Stipend Pro­gram," Office of Research, Department of Social and Health Services, Seattle, Washington, April 1974.

c. Supported Work

Lenihan, Kenneth J., "The Financial Resources of Released Pris­oners," Resource Document #4, American Correctional Associat~on, College Park, Maryland, 1974.

Lenihan, Kenneth J., "The LIFE Project, Some Preliminary Re­sults, Design Questions, and Policy Issues," Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc., Washington, D.C., February 1975.

Lenihan, Kenneth J., "A Study of the Effects on Ex-prisoners of Financial Aid and Employment Assistance Programs Designed to Facilitate Post-Release Adjustment," Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc., Washington, D.C., January 1972.

Washinston, State of, "Adult Corrections Release Stipend Pro­gram," Office of Research, Department of Social and Health Services, Seattle, Washington, April 1974.


G. Victimization

Block, M. and G. Long, "Subjective Probability of victimization and Crime Levels: An Econometric Approach." Criminology, Vol. 11, #1, 1973, pp. 87-93.

Cooper, H. and G. Mueller, "Criminal, Society and the Victim," reviewed in Crime and Delinquency, March 1974, Vol. 6, #1, p. 81.

Edelhertz, Herbert and Gilbert Geis, "Public Compensation to Victims of Crime," 1974, Praeger Publishers, New York City. Reviewed in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 6, #3, September ·1974, p. 372.

Edelhertz, Herbert, Gilbert Geis, Duncan Chappell, and L. Paul Sulton, "Part I - Public Compensation of Victims of Crime: A Survey of The New York Experience," Criminal Law Bulletin, Vol. 9, No.1, 1972, pp. 5-47.

Fry, Margery, "Justice for Victims," The Observer, London, July 7, 1975.

Jacob, Bruce R., "Reparation or Restitution by the Criminal Offender to His victim: Applicability of An Ancient Concept in the Modern Correctional Process," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, Vol. 61, No.2, June 1970, pp. 152-167.

Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, "Crimes and Victims, A Report on the Dayton-San Jose Pilot Survey of Victimization," National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service, Washington, D.C., June 1974.

National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service (LEAA), "Crime in the Nation's Five Largest Cities - A victimiza­tion Report," Washington, D.C., April 1974.

Schafer, Stephen, "Compensation and Restitution to Victims of Crime," 2nd ed., Montclair, New Jersey, 1970.

Von Hentig, Hans, The Criminal and His Victim, Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1948.

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