students’ mastery on reading comprehension through

Post on 08-May-2022






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(A Descriptive Study to the Eight Grade Student of SMP Muhammadiyah 7

Special Program Bayat, Klaten in the Academic Year of 2020/2021)


Presented as Fulfillment of the Requierement

for the Graduate Degree Language Education Programme


Purnaming Wulan Hastutiningsih

NIM : 1881100019









I dedicate this thesis to:

1. My beloved mother and father who always support me unconditionally

2. My beloved daughter who always give a reason to keep me stay sane and teach

me a lot how to be a strong and brave mother.

3. Lecturers, friends and big family of Graduate Programme Department of Widya

Dharma Klaten University.



“If you don’t believe in your own ability to accomplish your goals, believe in Allah’s

ability to help you”

-Saad Tasleem-



Praise the researcher to the presence of Allah SWT who has given His grace

and gifts to all of us. May we always be under His protection and guidance. Aamiin.



Eight Grade Student of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Special Program Bayat, Klaten in the

Academic Year of 2020/2021) is submitted in order to fulfill one of the requirements

to obtain a Masters Degree in Education. in the Language Study Program, Graduate

Program, Widya Dharma Klaten University, Central Java.

The researcher realizes that many obstacles, or difficulties must befall to the

writer, but thanks to the guidance, encouragement, suggestions, and assistance from

several parties, the researcher can complete this thesis. For this reason, it is

appropriate that on this occasion the researcher would like to thank the honorable


1. Prof. Dr. Triyono, M.Pd. Widya Dharma Klaten University Chancellor as the

person in charge of the University in general and also as second Supervisor who

has provided direction and guidance to the researcher.

2. Prof. Dr. Herman J. Waluyo, Director of the Graduate Program, Widya Dharma

Klaten University.

3. Dr. D.B. Putut Setiyadi, M.Hum., Head of the Language Education Study

Program of the Graduate Program at Widya Dharma Klaten University.

4. Dr. Hersulastuti, M.Hum., Secretary of the Language Education Study Program

of the Graduate Program of Widya Dharma Klaten University and also as the

First Supervisor who has provided guidance, valuable input, and motivation to the

author to quickly complete this thesis.


5. Mr / Mrs Lecturer Graduate Program who has taken part in providing knowledge

to the researcher herself.

6. Head Master of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Bayat, Klaten who has given permission

and opportunity for the researcher to conduct research.

7. All parties, either directly or indirectly, who have helped the writer a lot, which

the researcher cannot mention one by one.

The researcher realizes that this work must have flaws. For this reason, all

forms of criticism and suggestions from readers that are constructive for the

improvement of this work, are expected. Hopefully this thesis can be useful to readers

and future researchers and can contribute to the education and development of

learning English in general.

Finally, the researcher would like to thank all those who have been mentioned

above, for their moral, mental and criticism assistance.

Klaten, February 12th 2021

The researcher




TITTLE COVER ..................................................................................................

APPROVAL .........................................................................................................


PRONOUNCEMENT ..........................................................................................




TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................

LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................

LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................

LIST OF APPENDICES......................................................................................



CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................

A. Background of the Study..........................................................................

B. Identification of Problem..........................................................................

C. Limitation of the Problem.........................................................................

D. Problem Statement...................................................................................

E. The Objective of the Study.......................................................................

F. Significance of the Study..........................................................................

G. Definition of Key Term.............................................................................


CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK.........................................................................

A. Underlying Theories.................................................................................

























1. The Nature of Reading..................................................................

2. Reading Comprehension...............................................................

3. The Levels of Comprehension Skills............................................

4. The Importance of the Understanding Levels of Comprehension


5. The Importance and Principle of Learning Reading


6. The Process of Teaching Reading Comprehension......................

7. Technology in Educatiom.............................................................

8. Online Learning............................................................................

B. Relevant Study..........................................................................................

C. Conceptual Framework.............................................................................

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................

A. The Research Method...............................................................................

B. Research Setting........................................................................................

1. Place of the Research....................................................................

2. Time of Research..........................................................................

C. Subject of the Study..................................................................................

D. Sampling Technique.................................................................................

E. The Data Collecting..................................................................................

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Instruments........................................

G. Technique of Analyzing Data...................................................................

CHAPTER IV. THE RESULT AND DISCUSSION...........................................

A. The Result.................................................................................................

1. The Description of the Data..........................................................

a) The Result of Supporting Data..........................................

b) The Students Mastery of Reading Comprehension...........

c) The Aspects Among the 6 Reading Comprehension Skill



























Mastered by the Students the Most...................................

B. Discussion.................................................................................................


A. Conclusion................................................................................................

B. Implication................................................................................................

C. Suggestion.................................................................................................














Table.3.1. Research Schedule..............................................................................

Table.3.2. The Population of the Research..........................................................

Table.3.3 The Blue Print of Reading Comprehension Test..................................

Table.3.4 The Frequencies Measurements Of Reading Comprehension by


Table 3.5 The Frequencies Measurements of School...........................................

Table.4.1. The Distribution Frequencies Interval of Students’ Mark..................










Figures.1. Zoom Meeting class with the eight grade class VIIIA………………..

Figure.2. Zoom Meeting class with the eight grade class VIIIA………………

Figure.3. Zoom Meeting class with the eight grade class VIIIB………………

Figure.4. Zoom Meeting class with the eight grade class VIIIB………………

Figure.5. Zoom Meeting class with the eight grade class VIIIA………………

Figure.6. Zoom Meeting class with the eight grade class VIIIA………………










Appendix 1. Core Competence and Basic Competence of K13 Curriculum for

8th Grade of Junior High School according to Permendikbud

Nomor 37 Tahun 2018…………………………………………..

Appendix 2. Grid of Questions.............................................................................

Appendix 3. Reading Comprehension Test..........................................................

Appendix 4. Letter of Validity Statement 1.........................................................

Appendix 5. Letter of Validity Statement 2.........................................................

Appendix 6. Letter of Validity Statement 3.........................................................

Appendix 7. Content Validity Sheet by the Expert 1...........................................

Appendix 8. Content Validity Sheet by the Expert 2...........................................

Appendix 9. Content Validity Sheet by the Expert 3...........................................

Appendix 10. The CVI Validity Test Result........................................................

Appendix 11. The Preparation for Computation of the Reliability of the Test....

Appendix 12. The Reliability Calculation............................................................

Appendix 13. Field Note English Teachers’Interview.........................................

Appendix 14. Pictures of Join the Zoom Meetings’Class....................................

Appendix 15. Field Note of Join the Zoom Meetings’Class................................

Appendix 16. Picture from Students Google Classroom Excercises...................

Appendix 17. Field Note from Students’Google Classroom Excercises.............

Appendix 18. The Result of Reading Test Table.................................................

Appendix 19. The Reading Test Result from Google form……………...............

Appendix 20AAppendix 20. The Table of Mean and Deviation Standard....................................

Appendix 21. Table Distribution Frequencies Interval of Students Score………

Appendix 22. The Students Reading Comprehension Score from each Aspect…
























Appendix 23. Table of the Product Moment r Value..............................................

Appendix 24. Autobiography…………………………………………………….





Purnaming Wulan Hastutiningsih, NIM: 1881100019. Students’ Mastery on Reading

Comprehension through Online Learning (A Descriptive Study to the Eight Grade Student of

SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Special Program Bayat, Klaten in the Academic Year of 2020/2021).

Thesis : Language Education Study Programe of the Graduate Programe of Widya Dharma

Klaten University 2021.

This study was aimed to describe the students’ mastery on reading comprehension

through online learning to the eight grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Bayat Special

Program, Klaten in reading descriptive, announcement and recount texts, and to determine

which of among the sixth of the reading comprehension aspects are mastered by the students

the most.

This research was a descriptive quantitative research and conducted in SMP

Muhammadiyah 7 Special Program Bayat, Klaten. The data collected through a reading

comprehension test using google form platform as primary data that consist 30 reading item

test. There were six aspects tested; Identifying the main idea of the text, making an inference,

recognizing reference, understanding detail information, guessing the meaning of

words/vocabulary knowledge, and finding the generic structure of text. Those reading

comprehension aspects used descriptive analysis technique measured by the frequencies

measurements of reading comprehension by Arikunto, then interview and observation as

supporting data to the 50 eight grade students and some related teachers.

The result showed that students’ mastery in reading comprehension through online

learning mean score is 75. From the sixth reading comprehension aspects, the mean scores

and percentage level score areas follows: recognizing reference aspect with the mean score

93.6 and 46 students or 92% reached the highest level score (very good) category, the

identifying detail information aspect mean score’s is 92 and 46 students or 92% get the very

good level category, followed by the vocabulary knowledge mean score 83.6 and 37 students

or 74% reached very good, making inference mean score’s 75.2 and 30 students or 60%

reached very good, finding the main idea of the text 60.8 and 11 students or 22% reached

very good, and the last is the generic structure of the text aspect 46 and 4 students or 8%

reached very good. So it can be concluded that the student’mastery on reading

comprehension through online learning is good, and the aspect that students mastery the most

is recognizing reference aspect.

Keywords: Reading comprehension; students’ reading mastery; descriptive study



Purnaming Wulan Hastutiningsih, NIM: 1881100019. Penguasaan Pemahaman Membaca

Melalui Pembelajaran Online (Studi Deskriptif Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah

7 Program Khusus Bayat, Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021). Tesis: Program Studi Magister

Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten 2021.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penguasaan siswa dalam membaca

pemahaman melalui pembelajaran online pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 7

Bayat Program Khusus Klaten dalam membaca teks deskriptif, pengumuman dan recount,

dan untuk mengungkapkan mana di antara keenam aspek pemahaman membaca. paling

dikuasai oleh siswa.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan dilaksanakan di SMP

Muhammadiyah 7 Program Khusus Bayat Klaten. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes

pemahaman bacaan dengan menggunakan media google form sebagai data primer yang

terdiri dari 30 soal tes bacaan. Ada enam aspek yang diuji; Mengidentifikasi ide pokok teks,

membuat inferensi, mengenali referensi, memahami informasi detail, menebak makna kata /

kosa kata, dan menemukan struktur generik teks. Aspek pemahaman bacaan tersebut

menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif diukur dengan pengukuran frekuensi pemahaman

bacaan oleh Arikunto, kemudian wawancara dan observasi sebagai data pendukung kepada

50 siswa kelas VIII dan beberapa guru terkait.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan pemahaman membaca siswa melalui

pembelajaran online memiliki skor rata-rata 75. Dari keenam aspek pemahaman bacaan

diperoleh rata-rata skor dan persentase area skor sebagai berikut: aspek referensi dengan skor

rata-rata 93,6 dan 46 siswa atau 92% mencapai kategori skor level tertinggi (sangat baik),

skor rata-rata aspek identifikasi informasi secara detil adalah 92 dan 46 siswa atau 92%

mendapatkan kategori level sangat baik, diikuti skor rata-rata pengetahuan kosakata 83,6 dan

37 siswa atau 74% mencapai sangat baik, skor rata-rata inferensi 75,2 dan 30 siswa atau 60%

mencapai sangat baik, menemukan ide pokok teks 60,8 dan 11 siswa atau 22% mencapai

sangat baik, dan yang terakhir adalah rata-rata aspek struktur generik teks adalah 46 dan 4

siswa atau 8 % mencapai sangat baik. Jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa penguasaan siswa dalam

pemahaman bacaan melalui pembelajaran online adalah baik, dan aspek yang paling dikuasai

siswa adalah aspek referensi.

Kata kunci: Pemahaman bacaan; penguasaan membaca siswa; studi deskriptif




In this chapter, the researcher describes the background of the study,

identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, problem statement, objective

of the study, significance of the study, and definitions of key term.

A. Background of the Study

Reading is one of the important language skills. By reading, people may

get a lot of information. The more he/she reads, the more information he/she will

get. Reading makes someone smarter and creative. As stated by Laddoo (in

Furqon F, 2012) reading forces the reader’s brain cells to work on a regular basis

as this will keep the reader sharper and smarter. Even though some information

can be obtained without reading, for example by listening to teacher, seminar,

radio, television etc, but by reading someone may get wider information than

listening. For example, someone who reads a newspaper will get more

information than someone who watches news on television. A reader can read the

text again when he/she forgets or tries to get detailed information, while a

listener cannot. This is supported by Willis (in Furqon F, 2012) who states that

by reading, someone can find the information he/she needs with specific


Reading comprehension is one of the most significant skill that language

learner must master according to Acbersold and Field (in Abdulaziz

Abdulrahman Abanomey, 2012). English as a Foreign Language (EFL), have


been reported that the students face some problems with English reading

comprehension Freedle & Kostin, 1993; Kheirzadeh & Tavakoli (in

Mustafa,Faizal, 2019).

In most cases, even the students have formally studied English since

elementary school, they do not have good English reading habbit (Iftanti, 2012).

The fault of the English teachers to guide students to have higher levels of

thinking in the reading classrooms make them have less ability in reading

strategy consequently (Sulhan, 2015).

There are at least six aspects of reading comprehension must be mastered

by the readers; getting the main idea, inference ability, reference, identify detail

information, guessing the meaning of words or vocabulary knowledge and also

the generic structure of the text. But in fact the less of ability in comprehend the

reading text happen to the students because they don’t know to mastery those of

reading aspects and they have no ability in comprehend it, so the students unable

in getting the message from the text and they will be failure in answering the

question related to the text, and also supported by the unavailability tools to gain

their motivation and interest to learn more.

Teachers might often face problems of time arrangement to discuss all

teaching material as planned in one meeting in the classrooms. It was due to two

different factors; practical factor and professional factors. The practical factor

refers to the large number of students in class, class size, time allotment, lack of

appropriate resources to support the implementation of the approach. While,


professional factors may cover the teacher preparations, mastery of the discussed

topics, and teaching-learning strategies (Marcellino, 2008). Hence, students have

insufficient of time to deliver questions for unclear matters and teachers may not

satisfy their explanation to the students due to the limited time. Another problem

emerges in such a way that teachers lost opportunity to fully concentrate in the

teaching activities. Teaching in a crowded classroom can cause failure to attract

students' attention and involvement as some students may make noises and not

focus in the learning process.

In the conventional methods of language teaching, the instructors for the

most part instruct just through text books which is not fascinating for students.

Therefore, EFL learners confront some difficulties in their reading

comprehension as a result of factors such as reading strategies, absence of

motivation and lack of good materials. So, foreign language teachers have to

appoint different materials and tools with the intention to be exciting, up-to-date

and efficient (Amir Mohammadian, 2018). The teachers also told that their

students were not used to reading very often and when they had to, their

interaction with reading materials was not very positive.

Along with the current conditions where pandemics occur throughout the

world including in our Country, almost all aspects of life are disrupted and

paralyzed including in the education field. The educational institutions are all

closed both in formal and non-formal education, all teaching and learning

activities are stopped and closed, all students are required to remain at home


during the pandemic as the goverment instruction based on WHO notice. It is of

course make the teaching and learning process disrupted. But does the teaching

and learning process have to stop just like that? the students must keep learning,

and get their education rights whatever the situation is.

To address this phenomenon the goverment has issued new regulations in

the teaching and learning process to overcome the limitations of teaching and

learning activities as long as students must stay at home so that they still be able

to continue their learning activities. Current technological advances have made it

possible to support in all aspects of life, including in the world of education.

Technology has made a teaching and learning activity not only be done face-to-

face but also can be carried out anytime and anywhere, even from a distance.

Electronic learning media is the solution to the problems faced today, online

learning media which is one of electronic learning media can be an option that

supports teaching and learning activities in this situations.

Nowadays learning and teaching English has become easy and

interesting. E-learning today has been an important factor in many industries and

teaching is one of them; especially teaching languages. E-learning has introduced

some approaches and notions of teaching that have made the teachers and learners

to implement better and effective in teaching and learning a language. Use of

computers and innovative technologies has become an essential part of e-learning

and teaching process including distance learning. The online learning make it

possible for the learners to send or receive assignments through e-mails and can


also participate in online exams. Teachers can view their students’ work online at

any time. Learners will not miss their lessons as they can see and listen to the

teacher through an online webcam and receive tests, quizzes, and notes from

electronic online whiteboards. There are numerous free internet-based software

and websites also available on the Internet that learners can use them as E-

learning tools and enhance their English language skills (Khaled Kordi

Tamandani and Mehrnaz Jahanshahi, 2016).

Teacher and student interaction can be built via online-learning in the

process of teaching and learning at anytime and anywhere. Online-learning is an

alternative in which teachers, have another way of delivering their teaching

materials to students outside the classrooms said Mohammadi et al.,(in Nina

Dwiastuty et al, 2018).

Previous studies have revealed that learners’ use of effective and

appropriate online learning strategies will lead to successful academic

achievement. Artino, & Jones, (in Settha Kuama Usa Intharaksa, 2016)

argued that employing effective online learning strategies is essential because, in

doing so, students learn faster, have more pleasure, and learn more efficiently

and effectively.

Therefore, according to the background explain above, the researcher is

interest in carring research untitled “Students’ mastery on reading

comprehension through online learning” ( A Descriptive Study to the Eight

Grade students at the SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Bayat, Klaten in the Academic


Year of 2020/2021 ). This research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 7

Bayat. The population of this research is the 8th grade students of SMP

Muhammadiyah 7 Bayat, Klaten in the 2020/2021 academic year.

B. Identification of Problem

1. Students have difficulty in mastery reading comprehension aspects (

Identifying the main idea of the text, making inference, recognizing reference,

understanding detail information, guessing the meaning of words or

vocabulary knowledge and also finding the generic structure of the text) so

they failed in comprehending reading text.

2. Students' have less in practice their reading skills, in the other hand the

education has not provided a learning approach model that is aligned with the

needs of students. English teachers fail to guide students to have higher levels

of thinking in the reading classrooms. Instead, the teaching or reading

comprehension occur in the lower levels of cognition.

3. Students do not have good English reading habit, they were not used to

reading very often and their interaction with reading materials was not very


4. The teachers sometimes failed in applying the proper methods in teaching

English in order to help the students in comprehending and mastering English

language and to motivating and growing the students’ interest.

5. Teachers might often face problems of time arrangement to discuss all

teaching material as planned in one meeting in the classrooms. It was due to


two different factors; practical factor and professional factors. The practical

factor refers to the large number of students in class, class size, time

allotment, lack of appropriate resources to support the implementation of the

approach. While, professional factors may cover the teacher preparations,

mastery of the discussed topics, and teaching-learning strategies (Marcellino,


6. Students have insufficient of time to deliver questions for unclear matters and

teachers may not satisfy their explanation to the students due to the limited


7. Teachers lost opportunity to fully concentrate in the teaching activities and

crowded classroom is causing failure to attract students' attention and

involvement, as some students may make noises and not focus in the learning


C. Limitation of the Problem

The limitation of the study had function to specify the object of the

research. The Reseacher limits the study on “Students’ mastery on reading

comprehension through online learning to the eight grade students’ of SMP

Muhammadiyah 7 Special Program Bayat in the academic year of 2020/2021”.

The limitation is focused to describe on the six reading aspects namely;

Identify the main idea of the text, making inference, recognizing reference,

understanding detail information, guessing the meaning of words or vocabulary

knowledge and also finding the generic factors that affecting on the students’


mastery in reading comprehension who are taught by using online learning


D. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the researcher take the problem

statements as follows :

1. How is the student mastery on reading comprehension who are taught by

online learning ?

2. Which of the aspects among the 6 of the reading comprehension are mastered

by the students the most ?

E. The Aims of The Study

1. This study aims to describe the student mastery on reading comprehension

who are taught by online learning.

2. This study aims to describe among the 6 of the reading comprehension aspects

are mastered by the students the most.

F. Significance of The Study

The result of the study is expected to be used theoretically and practically :

1. Theoretically :

a. The result of this study is expected to be able to widen the skill of teachers

in using online learning methods to improve student’s mastery in english

reading comprehension skill.


b. As a reference to other researchers who want implementing online

learning method intensively in teaching english to improve the student

mastery in reading comprehension skill.

2. Practically :

a. The result of this study is suggested to apply english online learning

method to increase the student’s motivation and interest in improving

student mastery english reading comprehension skill.

b. The use of english online learning method can make the students are more

interested and motivated in doing their tasks associated with the reading


G. Definition of Key Term

The definitions of the key terms are intended to avoid misunderstanding of

the concepts used in this research. The terms used in this research are

operationally defined as follows:

1. Descriptive Study

Hadi (in Dilarasati 2017: 6) stated that descriptive study is a study

which only describe the condition of an objector its event without taking

general conclusions. Based on the statement above, what is meant by

descriptive study is a study which describes the students’ mastery of reading

comprehension of the eight grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Special

Program Bayat in academic year 2020/2021.


2. Mastery

Hornby (in Indriarti, 2014) stated that mastery is great knowledge about

or understanding of a particular thing. In this study, “mastery” means great

knowledge about or understanding of the 8 Grade students’of SMP

Muhammadiyah 7 Bayat in academic year 2020/2021 on reading


3. Reading comprehension

Reading comrehension is a interaction activity in extracting and

constructing meaning process that simultaneously that involvement to written

text language. This definition in line to the Catherine (in Amartha, 2013: 11),

that comprehension meaning is a written text, the word, a chunk of word,

statement, and a paragraph understanding then produce a meaning and unite to

one understanding conclusion.

4. Online Learning

Means et al. (in Montiel, 2018: 11) define online learning as the

learning that takes place partially or entirely over the Internet. This definition

excludes purely print-based correspondence education, broadcast television or

radio, video conferencing, video cassettes, and stand-alone educational

software programs which do not have a significant Internet-based instructional

component. In this online learning process the learner / students can acess the

internet and the learning ang teaching process with the lecturer / teacher at

anytime and anywhere. They can manage the activity schedule flexibility.




After doing a research and analyzed the data, the researcher presents the

conclusion, implication and suggestion to the reader :

A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis above:

1. The researcher has concluded in general that the students’ mastery of reading

comprehension ability to the eight grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7

Bayat was good, it showed to the total mean of the students’ is 75. Acording

to the Arikunto 75 is on the good level category and above the school

minimum mastery criteria (above 67).

2. The aspect of reading comprehension that the students’master the most in

grade VIII of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Special Program School’students are

recognizing reference aspect with the class mean score 93.6 as the highest

class mean score aspect, there are 92% students achieved very good score

category. The second is finding detail information aspect with the class mean

score 92, and 92% students achieved very good score . The third place taken

by vocabulary knowledge aspect with the 83.6 class mean score achievement,

there are 74 students achieved very good score, followed by the making

inference aspect with the class mean score 75.2 and there are 60% students

achieved very good score, indentifying the main idea of the text with the class


mean score 60.8 with 22% students achieved very good acore and the last is

finding the generic structure of the text aspect with the class mean score 46

with very good score achieved by the 8% students.

The students’motivation to learn did not decrease although they stay at home

and studied by online learning. The alternative methods and tools that the

teacher used in teaching and learning activity made the students feel

enthusiast and interested. Their activities, attention and participation in doing

their learning and excercises was good.

B. Implication

The fact that nowadays students is familiar with the IT platform, make the

online learning is easy to be done and acceptable.

The different lesson form that the teacher gave to the students, such as

offline / online video from internet, reading text taken from social medias, and the

flexibility time and place of online class made the students feel different


When the students feel excited to learn something interesting, the need and

effort to comprehend is rising when there are some parts that they do not

understand, the interest motivate them to enhance their knowledges and skill. For

example when they are interested in the story of short video they watched in

social medias or youtube, so they would like to make themselves understand in

every part of the story content such as the vocabulary / words they do not

understand. They watched or learning using mobile or computer that provide


online search engine that “knows everything” that they can not do in the face-to-

face class they usualy attend. In normal learning and teaching process usualy

using text book, LED or LCD video, being in the boring classroom, limited time,

passive and less two-way interaction between teacher and students.

The new various sources of materials, unlimited time and place and learning

and teaching method that their teachers had provided made them improved their

interest, even their opportunities to gain their creativities, idea and finally their


For the teacher, requirement of online teaching and learning process leads

them to be able to provide and operating any online platform. For some oldschool

and traditional teacher it is a brand new method or even they do not have any

sufficient experiences with the online platform and electronic media and they

forced to learn it, the good part is this can be a good opportunity to raise their

ability and skill in teaching using a new modern techniques, explore and enhance

their knowledge and human resources.

C. Suggestion

Based on the finding, the following suggestions are given to the following people:

1. The English Teacher

The English teacher can motivate the students to raise their dicipline and

creative habbit and also to be more independent during the pandemic situation

of the learning and teaching activity. The teacher may enhance their

knowledge, effective ways and give more exercises and some tips dealing


with the aims to gain their students mastery reading comprehension that

covers sixth aspects of reading, and it would be better to expand the other

aspects of languanges such as writing, speaking and listening.

2. The Students

The platforms that support the learning and teaching process has been

available and provides more interesting learning medias option, methods and

flexibility in time. This facilitates both the students and theachers to enhanche

and improve their knowledge, but considering the current condition that

forces them to apply their active, creative and dicipline habbit because even

though there is the teachers who guides them by online learning, still they

cannot control and command them directly so the students must be build their

selves consideration and independent attitude.

3. The Other Researchers

The other researchers are suggested to conduct a further research by applying

online learning to the students’ mastery with different research design and

language aspects, such as speaking, listening and writing skill aspect.



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