student team application

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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For a student who has gone through TEC and would like to come back and help.


United Teens Encounter ChristStudent Team Application

TEC applying for___________

Name: Phone:

Cell: Graduation Year:

Address(1): Address(2):

City: State: Zip:

Email: @

Church: School:

Birthday(mm/dd/yy/) Gender

Weekender on TEC#? T-Shirt Size

TEC Student Team Preference(please Prioritize, 1 is highest)

STL _____ Support___Wheat____Kitchen______Comments_______________________________

Willing to be a Speaker Y / N If Yes, Please Prioritize, 1 being the highest

Who am I?____Who am I in Relation to God____ God is Love_____ Need for Community______

Communication___Christians Called to Action__

Signature________________________________ Date____/____/____

Mail applications and a $65.00 Check to:

United Teens Encounter ChristAttn:Jeff & Holly Winslow

1924 Betty Jane Ct. North Saint Paul,MN 55109

Email: if you would like to speak to the TEC Council regarding scholarships.

Initial here___ if a half scholarship interests you. If so please attach a check for $32.50-scholarship will be approved/denied at later date

Medical Release Form In the event of a medical emergency, I hereby give my permission to the medical provider selected by United TEC leadership to secure proper medical treatment for my child as named above. I certify that I

have read and understand the authorization for medical treatment. I also understand that there is no guarantee or assurance to the results that may be obtained from any such medical treatment.

Parent or Guardian Signature___________________________________ Date ___/___/___ Phone (home)___________________ (work)____________________ (cell)_______________ (Parents EMail)________________________________________________________________ Insurance Information: Insurance Company__________________________________________ Policy Holder:_________________________________________________________________ ID#:__________________________________Group#_________________________________

United Teens Encounter ChristStudent Team Application

TEC applying for___________

TEC Statements of Faith The Bible: The Bible in its entirety is God's word written down for humanity. His word is

living and active and is our inerrant source of authority for truth. God guided the writers of the books contained in the Bible to record everything He wanted to share with us. lt is through the Bible that God

reveals His plan of salvation for us. Biblical References. Mark 12:24; 2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:2-21.

The Trinity: There is one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each part of the Trinity has eternally existed as God. There is a mystery in the Trinity, three aspects of God each

being unique yet singular. Biblical References: Genesis 1:1; Matthew 28:18-20; John 1:1-2; Ephesians 4:5

Salvation: God has provided one way for us to have a relationship with Him. The Bible states that we all fall short of God's perfect standard. We must confess our sins, repent, and accept Jesus as the

Lord and Savior of our lives. Biblical References: Luke 13:3; John 3:3,16; 14:6-7; Romans 10:9; 1 Timothy 2: 5-6; 1 John 1:9;


The Existence of Hell: Hell is an actual place that exists. it is a place reserved for Satan and his demons as well as those who do not receive God's Gift of eternal life. God desires that none dwell

there but that all come to a saving knowledge through His son Jesus Christ. God does not send anyone to hell. A person determines whether they will go there upon the rejection of God's plan of

salvation. Bible References: Ezekiel 33:11; Matthew 10:28, 25:41; Luke 12:5,16:23; 2 Peter 3:9;

Revelation 20:15.

The Existence of Satan: Satan is an actual spiritual being whose goal is to keep people from having a saving relationship with God. Satan is aided by his spiritual helpers - demons – who attempt to lead people astray from the life God desires them to live. God is more powerful than Satan and at

an appointed time will bind Satan and allow him no more influence on those who belong to God. Biblical References: Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 8:12; Ephesians 6:11-13; 2 Corinthians 11:14;

James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8; 1 John 4:4; Revelation 12:9, 20:10.

Sexual Purity: Human sexuality was created by God to be enjoyed in the context of a marriage relationship between a man and a woman. Any other union is outside of God's will and desire for

humanity. Biblical References: Genesis 2:24; Leviticus 18;22; Matthew 19:5-6; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Galatians


Substance Abuse: God desires that our mind, body, and spirit be influenced by His will for our lives. Becoming drunk or high greatly hinders the Christian's ability to be aware of God's influence in

his or her life. Biblical References: Romans 13: 13-14; Galatians 5:21; Ephesians 5:18; 1 Peter 4:3.

NOTE: if you are not in sure on any of these points, please talk to one of the Adult Coordinators at one of the first meetings.

I have read, understand and agree with these statements of faith. Team Applicant Signature_____________________________________ Date___/___/___

United Teens Encounter ChristStudent Team Application

TEC applying for___________

T.E.C. Team Weekend Rules

Our primary purpose as a team is to serve God and the weekender's; therefore, these rules bust be honored and agreed to by all team members.

1. Team members MUST attend all team meetings. lf you miss more than 1 meeting, you

will be asked to serve on a different weekend. This rule includes the Leadership meeting

if you are invited to that as well.

2. You are expected to be at the TEC church for the entire weekend. This means that if you have an already scheduled conflict, you should consider applying for another team/weekend.

3. Team members will wear clothing appropriate for a Christian event. Popular clothing is not appropriate for a TEC weekend. Use your best judgment; if in doubt cover up!

4. Sleeping and eating are required by all participants (team members and weekender's). All Team members and weekender's will be in their designated sleeping rooms when instructed by the weekend leadership. You need rest and nourishment to properly serve. Team workrooms, like Wheat

Chapel and the Support Room are not places to sleep. Please keep in mind the perceptions of the host church; the actions and images you are portraying are seen by the entire church community.

5. Honor the "silent retreat" on Friday night by working quietly or going to bed immediately after the team meeting.

6. The Conference Room is for the weekender's, not the team. The team can hear the talks at the team meetings before the weekend. You can support the speaker by praying in the Wheat Chapel or

remaining in the hallway outside the Conference Room. 7. Music played in the presence of the weekender's (in the Conference Room, kitchen and common

areas) will be Christian music. Team music played in the Support Room can be non-offensive secular music. Keep in mind the perceptions of those who have not been on a TEC weekend.

8. The final sharing time on Sunday is designated for the weekender's to share their thoughts and comments about their weekend walk in/into faith. Please focus prayer and attention on the

weekender's, and let them lead the sharing time after the Rector/Rectora's talk about Life After TEC. 9. All team members have to share in the clean-up of the church facility on Sunday. Wheat Bags will

not be distributed until after the final team prayer, when all jobs are fully completed. One for all and all for one. The weekend leadership (Adult Coordinators and Rector/Rectoras) will determine when the

final prayer will be. 10.Each TEC weekend is chemical & tobacco free. This means that all participants in the

weekend will be asked to abide by the chemical & tobacco free rule.

I have read, understand and agree to follow the TEC Team Weekend Rules including rule #1. Team Applicant Signature_______________________________________ Date____/____/____

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