student cyber bullying presentation

Post on 09-May-2015






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Cyber Bullying

New Technology

Same Problem

Aim to be aSafe

RespectfulCyber Citizen

So what is cyber bullying?

• Betrayal• A breach of privacy• Unwanted and threatening posts

Cyber bullying is illegal and can be investigated by the police


• A group of girls pretend to befriend Tracey on Messenger. They persuade her to divulge her inner-most feelings, secrets, and crushes.

• The next day at school they show everyone a print-out of the conversation, and Tracey is mortified.

• The girls continue to torment Tracey via Messenger and show everyone print-outs of their conversations.

• Tracey’s parents contact the police and lay harassment charges against the girls and their parents. The girls and their parents must attend court.

• The girls are given official warnings placed on their record and the girls’ parents are fined $4,700 each

A Breach of Privacy

• Marty, a high school student, takes a mobile phone photo of Joseph, another high school student and uploads it to Facebook.

• Joseph is a ward of the state and under the care of The Department of Community Services. His photo must not be published in school newsletters or other public documents because his parents must not know where he goes to school.

• The Department of Community Services contacts the police and charges are laid against Marty and his mother for breach of the Commonwealth Privacy Act.

Unwanted and Threatening Postings• 14 year old Matthew makes a status update on Facebook

saying “I can’t wait to hang out with Nathan on the weekend”.

• Gary posts a comment on the status saying “You’re gay” and also sends Matthew similar text messages.

• Maddie posts a comment saying “Hahahaha Gary”• Matthew takes a screen capture of the status update and

Gary and Maddie’s posts and takes it to school to show his Year Advisor.

• Gary is suspended for two days as well as an official warning letter from the Police liason officer.

• Maddie is given an official warning.

What is Cyberbullying?

• Using Internet enabled devices to access e-mail, chat rooms, websites and other forms of electric communication to:– send mean-spirited messages – make cruel and harmful remarks about individuals – post unflattering or derogatory photos – make direct threats or encourage acts of violence – sexually harass

• Cyberbullying is the repeated misuse of these technologies to harass, intimidate, bully, or terrorize another person.

Ryan Halligan

• Ryan Patrick Halligan was bullied for months online. Classmates sent the 13-year-old boy instant messages calling him gay. He was threatened, taunted and insulted incessantly by so-called cyber bullies.

• In 2003, Ryan killed himself at the age of fourteen.• “He just went into a deep spiral in eighth grade. He couldn’t

shake this rumor,” said Ryan’s father, John Halligan.

Who are the Cyber Bullies?

• Individuals: - with no strong relationships - who are immature - who have been bullied themselves

• Cliques:- who hide behind their ‘friends’- who have no interests outside popularity

Why do people bully?

• Continuation of face-to-face bullying • Anger • Jealousy • Peer pressure • Fun

Adults may be out of the loop

• They aren’t paying attention!• Teachers and Parents should:

– Know what kids are doing on-line.– Keep computers in a visible area in the house.– Periodically look at files on the computer– Search for their child’s name on-line

How to Stop a Cyberbully

• Be private, even when you are online - keep passwords, pictures and secrets to yourself.

• Take five - don’t reply in anger. • Stop, block and tell - don’t reply, block the sender, tell

someone. • Save the evidence - on your computer or print out. • Google yourself.

What to do if you are Cyber Bullied• Ignore it. Don’t respond to the bully. If they don’t get a response they may

get bored and go away. • Block the person. This will stop you seeing messages or texts from a

particular person. • Tell someone. Tell an adult you can trust. You may want to talk to your

mum, dad, a trusted adult or a brother or sister. • Keep the evidence. This can be useful in tracking the bully down. Save

texts, emails, online conversations or voicemails as evidence. • Report it to:

– your school—they should have policies in place about bullying and cyberbullying.

– your ISP and/or phone provider, or the website administrator— there are actions they can take to help.

– the police—if there is a threat to your safety the police will help. Call Triple Zero (000) or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Stand Up to Cyber Bullies

• Stand up and speak out! If you see or know about cyberbullying happening to a friend, support them and report the bullying. You’d want them to do the same for you.

• Don’t forward or comment on messages or pictures that may be offensive or upsetting to someone. Even though you may not have started it, you will be seen to be part of the cyberbullying cycle.

• Remember to treat others as you would like to be treated when communicating online.

Cyber Bullying Resources

• Cyber Smart –• Kids Help Line - • Click -• Bullying No Way - • Cybernetrix - • Wise Up to It -


• Only add/accept people that you know in ‘real-life’• Change your privacy settings to ‘friends only’.• Never give out personal information.• Never upload photos of you or anyone else at school.• Don’t be a bystander.• Take screen captures or print-outs of bullying behaviours.• Block/Defriend people if they bully you.

“Send” is Forever

• Everything you post online is stored by companies like Facebook even if you delete it.

• Every text you send is saved by phone companies even if you delete them.

• Emails and private messages sent via Facebook are stored even if you delete them.

• Chat conversations through companies like Messenger and Facebook are cached (stored) on their servers.

• The NSW Police can demand that companies release their saved information when required for a case.

• Every device that accesses the Internet has its own IP address that can be traced back to you.

How do you want to be Googled?

Think beyond today!

Every account you create, every post you make!

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