sttss s2 08 est est ex amp 2

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  • 8/14/2019 STTSS S2 08 EST Est Ex Amp 2



    PAPER 2


    [25 marks]

    You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

    Questions 1 25

    For each of the questions in this section, blacken the answerA, B, C orD in the Answer

    Sheets provided.

    Question 1 2

    Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

    In Kuala Lumpur, we experience the haze almost yearly. During this time, our

    visibility is reduced and the atmosphere has a hazy or opalescent appearance. What

    causes the haze? It is a condition caused by tiny particles suspended in the

    atmosphere which absorb sunlight. It mostly happens in urban or industrial areas due

    to large quantities of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. Most of the particles aredue to the open burning, land clearing, exhaust fumes and combustion of fossil fuels

    in industries.

    1. The haze is caused by the following reasons EXCEPTA. emissions from vehicles C. lack of sunlight

    B. burning of garbage D. clearing of land

    2. The haze is mainly concentrated in industrial areas because

    A. these areas produce fossil fuels

    B. factories produce a large amount of pollutants

    C. there are many particles which absorb sunlight

    Question 3 4

    Rates of breast cancer among Asian women, who consume more soy protein onaverage than Americans do, are much lower than they are for women in the united

    states. Scientists have hypothesized that plant estrogens called isoflavones provide this

    protection by reducing ovarian hormone levels. If so, some researchers have reasoned

    they could also impair fertility. The results of a new experiment on monkeys recently

    however indicate that a high-soy diet does not reduce their fertility rate.

    3. The phrase Scientist have hypothesized suggests that the scientists are ___________

    about the effect of soy protein on breast cancer.A. sure C. confused

    B. unsure D. confident

    4. What does the word impair mean in the passage?

    A. Improve C. Destroy

    B. Reduce D. Increase


  • 8/14/2019 STTSS S2 08 EST Est Ex Amp 2



    Question 5

    Study the table comparing the planets Jupiter and Saturn and answer the question that


    PlanetsFeatures Jupiter Saturn

    Period of orbit around



    11 years 314 days 29 years 168 days

    Surface temperature -150C (average)

    -180C (average)

    Number of moons 16 18 (plus rings)

    5. Based on the information given, which statement is TRUE?

    A. Saturn is colder than Jupiter.

    B. Jupiter has more moons than Saturn.

    C. Saturn takes a shorter time to orbit the sun.D. Jupiter and Saturn have hot surface temperatures.

    Question 6

    There are about 89 000 species of monocotyledons and 170 000 species of

    dicotyledons. Almost all monocots are herbaceous plants with soft, non-woody stems.

    Most trees, vines, legumes and shrubs have woody stems and they belong to the dicots.

    6. Which of these statements is TRUE?

    A. Dicots have soft, non-woody stems.

    B. Herb plants with soft, non-woody stems are dicots.C. All monocots are herbaceous plants with woody stems.

    D. There are more species of dicots than monocots in the plant world.

    Question 7

    Researchers are now developing techniques of checking isotopes of oxygen and

    hydrogen in the hair to help police solve crimes. Water in different regions of the world

    produces subtly different isotopic signatures. By checking a suspects hair, it may bepossible in future for police to determine whether a suspect has been honest about

    his/her whereabouts.

    7. The isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in the hair indicate

    A. where a suspect has been living.

    B. if a suspect is guilty or innocent.C. how a murder victim died.


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    Questions 8 9

    Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.

    Characteristic Solid Liquid GasArrangement of


    Compact, orderly No order Very far apart

    - no order

    Distance between


    Very close Close Far apart

    Movement of


    Vibrates in a fixed


    Moves freely,

    collides with other




    frequently collideswith other particles

    8. There is less difference in particle distances for ______________ and ___________.

    A. gases, solidB. liquids, gases

    C. solids, liquids

    9. Which of the following statements best describes the movement of particles among

    the three states of matter?

    A. It is dissimilar in all.B. It is generally similar.

    C. It is slightly similar.

    D. It is similar in two but different in the other.

    Question 10

    When you breathe in, air is sucked through the nose or mouth down the windpipe.

    This branches into two main bronchi; one to each lung. In turn, the bronchi branch

    into smaller tubes called bronchioles. Each bronchiole ends in an alveoli which

    absorbs oxygen into the blood. There are millions of alveoli, making the total surface

    area of the lungs very large.

    10. From the text, which of these options show the correct sequence for the passage of


    A. Nose/mouth





    bloodB. Nose/mouth trachea bronchi bronchioles alveoli blood

    C. Nose/mouth bronchi lungs trachea alveoli blood

    D. Nose/mouth trachea bronchioles bronchi alveoli blood


  • 8/14/2019 STTSS S2 08 EST Est Ex Amp 2



    Study the short notes below and then answer the questions that follow.

    Meteors are interstellar debris of different sizes, floating or moving in space. When

    the number of meteors moving together is large, it is called a meteor shower. Satellites

    that are in the way of a meteor shower are sometimes badly damaged.

    NASA has a new way of protecting satellites from meteor showers: by listening totelevision but not for the weather report. Rather, NASA is testing a system called

    forward scatter radar that detects the interference of oncoming meteors with TV

    signals from distant stations. The challenge is to accurately count the number of

    meteors detected.

    11. A meteor shower can cause extensive damage to a satellite. Thus, it can be inferred

    that meteors can consists of

    A. small stones C. big rocksB. coarse sand D. dust

    12. NASA can predict oncoming meteor showers byA. detecting the interference with TV signals

    B. counting the number of meteors in the sky

    C. scattering the radar on the orbiting satellites

    Question 13

    Organisms are classified into five kingdoms of life. These kingdoms are known as

    Monera, Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. They are placed into these

    categories based on similarities or common characteristics. Some of the characteristics

    that are used to determine placement are cell type, metabolism, and reproduction.

    13. Organisms are placed into categories based onA. common colour

    B. common characteristicsC. Ability to absorb water

    D. Dependency on sunlight

    Question 14

    The brainstem is comprised of the midbrain and the hindbrain. It resembles the stem of

    a branch. The midbrain is the upper part of the branch that is connected to the

    forebrain. It sends and receives information. When data is gathered from our senses,

    such as sight and hearing, it is sent to this area and then directed to the forebrain.

    14. Data gathered from our senses is directed to

    A. The midbrainB. The hindbrain

    C. The forebrain

    D. The stem


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    Questions 15 16

    Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

    A single muscle fiber is a cyclindrical, elongated cell. Muscle cells can differ in

    length. The sartorious muscle contains single fibers that are at least 30 cm long.

    Each fiber is surrounded by a thin layer of connective tissue called endomysium.Collectively, thousands of muscle fibers are wrapped by a thin layer of connective

    tissue called the perimysium to form a muscle bundle. Groups of muscle bundles

    that join into a tendon at each end are called muscle groups, or simply muscles.

    15. A muscle bundle consists ofA. One single cylindrical elongated cell

    B. Many muscle fibers wrapped by a connective tissue

    C. Groups of muscles that join at a tendon on two endsD. The perimysium

    16. The word connective in the above text refers toA. Joining C. Active

    B. Assisting D. Participating

    Question 17

    Cloud seeding

    1. Dropping of dry ice or iodide into large clouds

    2. Water in clouds changes into large water filled



    4. Become warmer and turn to rain

    17. Which of the following is the third step in the process of cloud seeding?

    A. Droplets cling to cloudsB. Droplets drop out of cloudsC. Droplets change into bigger clouds

    D. Droplets disperses all over the sky


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    Question 18

    There are many kinds of airplanes that vary in size, speed and function. Todays

    airplanes can be divided into five groups commercial, transport planes, general

    aviation planes, military planes, seaplanes, and special purpose planes.

    18. If a farmer wants to spray insecticide over his farm, which type of airplane will heuse?

    A. A sea plane

    B. A special purpose planeC. A general aviation plane

    D. A commercial transport plane

    Question 19

    Every action taken by organic or inorganic beings need energy to start the desired

    action. Flipping a coin for example, involves at least two types of energy, potential and

    kinetic. When the coin is flipped and is momentarily suspended in the air, the energyassociated with it is termed potential energy. The moment it falls down, potential

    energy is converted to kinetic energy.

    19. Kinetic energy and potential energyA. enable the coin to move

    B. are similar in their force and actions

    C. produced the energy needed to flip a coinD. are related in the process of flipping a coin

    Question 20

    File transfer protocol (FTP) was developed as a means of moving files among onlinecomputers. Currently, FTP is the most common method of uploading files on the web so

    as to create websites, and is also for downloading files from the web. Nowadays mostlyall the browsers have built-in FTP capabilities.

    12. Which of the following is true?

    A. FTP allows for web browsingB. FTP is a means of transferring files online

    C. FTP only can be done with browsers

    D. All browsers have FTP capabilities

    Question 21Isomers are one of several organic compounds with the same molecular formula but

    different structures and therefore different properties. There are three types of

    isomers: structural isomers, geometric isomers and enantoimers.

    21. How are isomers grouped together?A. Identical characteristics C. Same properties

    B. Similar structures D. Same molecular formula


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    Questions 22 23

    Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

    Strokes are caused by a lack of blood flow and insufficient oxygen to the brain that

    causes the death of brain tissue. There are two types of strokes. An ischemic stroke

    occurs when the blood supply is cut off to a part of the brain due to the blockage of ablood vessel by a blood clot or arteriosclerosis. The hemorrhagic stroke is caused by

    the bursting of a blood vessel that prevents normal flow and causes blood to leak into

    and destroy an area of the brain.

    22. When blood is cut off to the brain due to a blockage of a blood vessel, what hasoccurred?

    A. Hemorrhagic stroke C. Arteriosclerosis

    B. Heart attack D. Ischemic stroke

    23. A stroke is caused by

    A. Leakage of brain fluid C. Heart attackB. Lack of blood flow and oxygen D. Lack of oxygen to the brain

    Question 24.

    24. From the pie chart above, we can conclude that

    A. the world has a variety of energy sources.B. the world relies heavily on fossil fuels for energy.

    C. the difference in the usage of petroleum and coal is minimal.

    D. other types of energy sources cannot be produced as much as petroleum.

    Question 25When a raindrop hits your hair, you can feel it pushing on your hair and your hair

    pushing back; stopping the raindrops descent.

    25. We can conclude from the above that

    A. every action stops if there is friction.B. things stay where they are in every direction.

    C. there is an equal and opposite reaction to every action.


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    Section B[ 5 marks ]

    You are advised to spend 10 minutes on this section.

    Questions 26 30Read the following passage and then choose the best answer from optionA,B, CorD.

    Genetically engineering involves several processes. Firstly, the scientist _____26_____the gene that conveys a particular trait of interest-disease resistance or faster growth, for

    example. Then a molecular vehicle is created. A molecular vehicle will ______27_____

    the gene into the nucleus of the cell and permanently integrate it into the chromosome.

    The entire construct is a _____28______ gene and serves as a transport vehicle. Thegene will be ____29_____ into a fertilized egg using a glass needle viewed under a

    microscope. Other approaches use disabled viruses to inject the construct into the cell. If

    the egg _____30_____ and begins to grow and divide, then the potential embryo is

    implanted into a surrogate mother.

    26. A. detaches 29. A. putB. isolates B. pierced

    C. insulates C. inserted

    D. quarantines D. injected

    27. A. take 30. A. lasts

    B. send B. endures

    C. carry C. outlivesD. bring D. survives

    28. A. interchangedB. transplanted

    C. misplaced

    D. mixed



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