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Structure and Dynamics of Human Apolipoprotein CIII*□S

Received for publication, January 29, 2008, and in revised form, March 25, 2008 Published, JBC Papers in Press, April 11, 2008, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M800756200

Chinthaka Saneth Gangabadage‡§, Janusz Zdunek¶, Marco Tessari‡, Solveig Nilsson�, Gunilla Olivecrona�,and Sybren Sipke Wijmenga‡1

From the ‡Department of Physical Chemistry-Biophysical Chemistry, Radboud University of Nijmegen,Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, the §Department of Chemistry, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka,and the Departments of ¶Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics and �Medical Biosciences/Physiological Chemistry, SE-90187,Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden

Human apolipoprotein CIII (apoCIII) is a surface component ofchylomicrons, very low density lipoproteins, and high densitylipoproteins. ApoCIII inhibits lipoprotein lipase as well as bindingof lipoproteins to cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans andreceptors.High levels of apoCIII are often correlatedwith elevatedlevels of blood lipids (hypertriglyceridemia). Here, we report thethree-dimensional NMR structure and dynamics of human apo-CIII in complex with SDS micelles, mimicking its natural lipid-bound state. Thanks to residual dipolar coupling data, the firstdetailed view is obtainedof the structure anddynamics of an intactapolipoprotein in its lipid-bound state. ApoCIII wraps around themicelle surface as a necklace of six �10-residue amphipathic heli-ces,which are curved andconnected via semiflexible hinges.Threepositivelycharged(Lys) residues line thepolar facesofhelices1and2. Interestingly, their three-dimensional conformation is similar tothat of the low density lipoprotein receptor binding motifs ofapoE/Bandthereceptor-associatedprotein.At theC-terminal sideof apoCIII, an array of negatively charged residues lines the polarfaces of helices 4 and 5 and the adjacent flexible loop. Sequencecomparison shows that this asymmetric charge distribution alongthe solvent-exposed face of apoCIII as well as other structural fea-tures are conserved among mammals. This structure provides atemplate for exploration of molecular mechanisms by whichhuman apoCIII inhibits lipoprotein lipase and receptor binding.

Apolipoproteins consist of five major classes, apo-A2

through -E, and several subclasses. They are designed for lipid

transport in blood and are attached to lipid droplets (lipopro-teins) through amphipathic helices that intercalate into the sin-gle layer of phospholipids and cholesterol covering the droplet(1–3). The apolipoproteins regulate blood lipid levels by inter-action with specialized endocytotic receptors and by modulat-ing enzyme activities and lipid exchange reactions (4). They aretherefore in focus with regard to disturbances in blood lipidmetabolism (dyslipidemias), which in turn are associated withmetabolic disorders like obesity, insulin resistance, diabetestype 2, and cardiovascular disease.Apolipoprotein CIII (apoCIII) is the most abundant C-apo-

lipoprotein in humans (2–4). It is found on very low densitylipoproteins, chylomicrons, and high density lipoproteins(HDL). ApoCIII is predominantly expressed in liver and intes-tine from a gene cluster important for lipid regulation (ApoAI,-AIV, -AV, and -CIII) (4, 5). ApoCIII inhibits lipoprotein lipase(LPL) and receptor-mediated endocytosis of lipoprotein parti-cles by competing for space at the surface of the lipoproteinsand by interfering with their binding to endothelial proteogly-cans and to specific lipoprotein receptors (2, 4, 6). Overexpres-sion of apoCIII in transgenic mice leads to severely increasedplasma triglyceride levels due to accumulation of very low den-sity lipoprotein-like lipoprotein remnants with increased apo-CIII and decreased apoE content compared with controls (7).Overexpression of apoCIII in apoE�/� mice leads to similarresults, demonstrating that the effects are not only connectedto displacement of apoE (8). Knock-out of the apoCIII gene inmice leads to reduced levels of lipoproteins in blood (9). Inhuman subjects, increased levels of apoCIII are often correlatedto increased levels of triglycerides in blood and in turn to insulinresistance, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes type 2 (4).Recent data suggest that apoCIII and apoAV are importantopposingmodulators of plasma triglyceridemetabolism (5, 10).ApoCIII was found to directly affect insulin secretion by inter-fering with voltage-gated calcium channels in pancreatic�-cells (11). Interestingly, mutations in the apoCIII promoterare connected with longevity (12).Lipid interaction is required for solubility as well as correct

folding and function ofmost apolipoproteins (1–3). In addition,cumulative evidence suggests that apolipoproteins are dynamicand span multiple conformations required for their functions(13). Structural studies of apolipoproteins have therefore beenas challenging as studies of membrane proteins, and high reso-lution structure information has remained relatively scarce. Todate, apolipoprotein structures are available of the 22-kDa

* This work was supported by NatuurWetenschappelijk Onderzoek Neder-land, The Netherlands (to S. W.), the Swedish Medical Research Council,and the Biotechnology Fund at Umeå University (to G. O.). The costs ofpublication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of pagecharges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” inaccordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

The atomic coordinates and structure factors (code 2jq3) have been deposited inthe Protein Data Bank, Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics,Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (

The 1H and 15N chemical shifts have been deposited in the BioMagResBank database ( under accession number 15268.

□S The on-line version of this article (available at containssupplemental Tables S1–S4 and Figs. S1 and S2.

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Dept. of Physical Chemis-try-Biophysical Chemistry, Institute for Molecules and Materials, RadboudUniversity, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

2 The abbreviations used are: apo, apolipoprotein; LPL, lipoprotein lipase;LDL, low density lipoprotein; HDL, high density lipoprotein; RDC, residualdipolar coupling; NOE, nuclear Overhauser effect; r.m.s., root mean square;RAP, receptor-associated protein.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 283, NO. 25, pp. 17416 –17427, June 20, 2008© 2008 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.


N-terminal domain of human/mouse apoE (14–16), �(1–43)apoAI (17) and of three intact apolipoproteins, apoAI (18),insect LpIII (19, 20), and apoAII (21), all in the lipid-free state.In the lipid-bound state, only recently the first low resolution(10 Å) x-ray model has been reported of an intact apolipopro-tein, apoE (22). Also reported is the three-dimensional struc-ture and dynamics of apoCII bound to micelles derived fromNMR relaxation data (23). In addition, NMR has providedinformation on helix boundaries and local structure of lipid-bound intact apoCII (24), apoCI (25), and apoAI (26). No highresolution structural and dynamics information has yet beenderived on intact apoCIII.Human apoCIII consists of 79 amino acid residues. Structure

predictions have indicated that two amphipathic helices arelikely to be formed (1, 27). There is no consensus about whichregions are most important for attachment to lipids (27–29).The structurally related apoCII is known to interact with LPLand activate this enzyme via the C-terminal helix (30), mostlikely in a dynamic fashion (23). ApoCIII inhibits LPL, butdirect binding has not been shown (27). ApoCIII also inhibitsbinding of apoE/B-containing lipoproteins to members of theLDL receptor family (2, 6). Finally, apoCIII binds, like apoE,apoD, and apoAI, to the HDL receptor SR-BI (31, 32).Here, we present the three-dimensional structure and

dynamics of intact human apoCIII in complex with SDSmicelles, derived from a combination of NMR data: NOEs, 13Cchemical shift-derived backbone dihedral angles, 3JHNH� cou-plings, NMR multiple-field 15N-spin backbone relaxation, and15N/1H residual dipolar couplings (RDCs). Thanks to the RDCdata, the first detailed view is obtained of the structure anddynamics of an intact apoliprotein in a lipid-bound state. Thisstructure provides a template for exploration of the molecularmechanisms by which human apoCIII inhibits LPL and recep-tor binding.


Expression, Extraction, and Purification of 13C/15N-LabeledApoCIII

ApoCIII was expressed from a pET23b vector (a kind giftfrom Dr. Philippa Talmud (London, UK)), containing the full-length cDNA for human apoCIII, including the sequence for aHis6 tag at the 3�-end (C-terminal His6 tag) preceded by twoadditional residues (Leu and Glu) (27). A detailed protocol ispresented in the supplemental material. The 13C/15N-labeledM13 coat protein was expressed and purified as described else-where (33, 34).

NMR Spectroscopy

(a) Preparation of NMR Samples and Optimal MeasurementConditions

The NMR sample of apoCIII in complex with SDS micelleswas prepared from lyophilized 15N/13C-labeled apoCIII asdescribed (23), leading to the final ApoCIII-NMR sample:�0.5mM apoCIII, 180 mM SDS-d25, 8% D2O, and 10 mM deuteratedsodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0). In this final sample, the apo-CIII/micelle ratio is 1:6, assuming 60 SDS molecules/micelle(23). For RDC measurements, we prepared a similar second

sample (apoCIII-RDC), except for a slightly higher buffer con-centration (50 mM). While keeping the apoCIII/SDS micelleratio as low as possible (here 1:6) to prevent protein-proteininteractions (23), relatively low SDS and buffer concentrationswere used. This considerably reduced the overall tumbling timeof the apoCIII-micelle complex and improved three-dimen-sional NMR spectra, as will be described elsewhere in moredetail. All NMR experiments were carried out at 42.7 °C, deter-mined to be optimal via 15N/1H HSQC experiments. Prior toeach experiment, the temperature was calibrated using tetram-ethylammonium. The NMR sample for the 13C/15N-labeledM13 coat protein (gVIIIp) in complex with SDSmicelles (M13-NMR) was similar to that for apoCIII. For RDCmeasurements,a similar second sample (M13-RDC) was prepared.

(b) NMR Measurements, Processing, and ResonanceAssignment

The NMR experiments for assignment and derivation ofexperimental restraints are summarized in Table S4. Briefly, forbackbone resonance assignments, 600-MHz CBCA(CO)NH,HNCACB, and HNCO were recorded (35) and a 600-MHzthree-dimensional HNHA for 3JH�HN couplings (36). To con-firm the backbone assignments and derive NOE distancerestraints, 800-MHz 1H/15N NOESY-HSQC and 1H/15NHSQC-NOESY-HSQC were recorded (35). All NMR spectrawere processed using NMRPipe (37) and analyzed usingXEASY (38) and NMRDraw (37). Further details on restraintextraction are described under “Structure Calculations.”

(c) Residual Dipolar Couplings

RDCs were measured in stretched polyacrylamide gels via aprocedure modified from previously published ones (39) (i.e.practical procedureswere developed to control alignmentmag-nitude and buffer conditions (pH and salt)). Briefly, 4% (w/v)polyacrylamide gel (acrylamide/bisacrylamide, 37.5:1) waspolymerized in the presence of apoCIII-SDSmicelles (apoCIII-RDC sample) in a cylindrical Teflon tube with a 6-mm internaldiameter. To induce alignment, the 6-mm diameter gel wasthen squeezed into an open-ended NMR tube (internal diame-ter 4.2 mm) using a laboratory-made funnel device (which willbe described elsewhere).The HN-N RDCs were measured from five sets of 1H/15N

800-MHz IPAP-HSQCs (40). In addition, a decoupled 1H/15NHSQCwas recorded, so that RDCs could be calculated as twicethe difference of the peak positions of the (sharp) “down-com-ponent” in the IPAP and decoupled HSQC. The average r.m.s.deviation of the RDCs was 0.8 Hz. The RDC data on the M13coat protein were measured in a similar fashion.

(d) NMR Relaxation Measurements and Analysis15N T1 and T1� and 15N(1H) NOEmeasurements (23, 41) on

the apoCIII-NMR samplewere carried out at 600 and 800MHz.Two and three sets of 15N T1 experiments were recorded withrelaxation delays of 16, 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024, and1280 ms at 600 and 800MHz, respectively. Two sets of 15N T1�

experiments (spin-lock field 3 kHz) were recorded using delaysof 16, 32, 48, 64, 96, and 128 ms at 600 and 800 MHz each. The15N (1H) NOEwas acquired thrice at 600MHz and twice at 800

ApoCIII Structure


MHz. The data points were recorded in an interleaved mannertominimize effects of spectrometer drift and temperature fluc-tuations. All of the data were processed with NMRPipe (37).15N T1 and T1� were calculated by nonlinear fittings of thedelay-dependent peak intensities to an exponential decay func-tion. 15N T1� values were corrected for off-resonance effects.15N(1H) NOE values were calculated as the intensity ratio ofcross-peaks from pairs of spectra acquired with and without1H presaturation. The data obtained from the duplicate ortriplicate measurements were averaged, and errors werederived. The T1, T1�, and NOE data were analyzed viaPINATA (23, 42, 43).

Structure Calculations

(i) Overview of the Protocol

To derive a structure model of apoCIII in complex with SDSmicelles, we employed a protocol that is essentially as describedpreviously for the apoCII-SDS micelle complex (23). The maindifference is that the restraints that define the relative helixorientations are now derived from RDCs, whereas previouslythey originated from the variation in the helix-specific correla-tion times as derived from 15N relaxation data. The protocolconsists of two main parts. In this section (i), an overview ispresented of the protocol, whereas in sections ii and iii, ele-ments of the protocol are described in detail.Part I. Structure Calculations Performed Entirely within

X-PLOR-NIH 2.1 with Its Standard Simulated Annealing Pro-tocol in Torsion Angle Space and NMR Restraints Correspond-ing toNOE, CDIH, JCOUP, and SANI (RDC)Terms in theAvail-able Potential—Starting from an �-helical conformation(section iia) a set of 100 apoCIII structures were calculatedusingX-PLOR-NIH2.1with its standard SAprotocol in torsionangle space (section iie) (44). In these calculations, restraintsobtained from the followingNMRexperiments/datawere used:NOEs (section iib), 13C chemical shift-derived (via TALOS)backbone dihedral angles (CDIH) (section iic), 3JHNH� cou-plings (JCOUP) (section iic), and 15N/1HRDCs (SANI) (sectioniid). The resulting set of structures shows good structure char-acteristics (Table S2a). The structures show well defined sec-ondary structures of the helices (data not shown). However, therelative orientations of the helices are not fully defined by theserestraints. This is due in part to the local nature of the “classical”NMR restraints and the lack of long range NOEs (as evidentfrom separate calculations without RDCs). That inclusion ofthe RDCs neither fully defines the relative helix orientations isdue to the intrinsic symmetry relations in the geometric equa-tions of the RDCs. Hence, to fully define the three-dimensionalstructure of the apoCIII-micelle complex, the micelle has to betaken into account. This is done in Part II. To proceed, the 10lowest energy structures were submitted to part II.Part II. Structure Derivation of the Protein-Micelle Complex—

To define the relative helix orientation and to position the pro-tein on the surface of the micelle, additional “global” restraintswere employed. They were (a) HN-N RDCs and (b) two furtheradditional restraints, namely (b1) the hydrophobic moments ofthe amphipathic helices should point toward the center of themicelle, and (b2) the structure should fit to the geometrical size

of the micelle. All calculations in Part II, except in Step 1 (seebelow), were carried out in X-PLOR and Protein Constructor, aprogramwritten by a few of us,3 which employs calls onXPLORand aims to smooth structure calculations based on “global”constraints (for a more detailed description, see section iiia).

In Step 1, a Monte Carlo simulation is performed to fit foreach helix the calculated to the experimental RDCs using thedipolar wave formalism (45, 46). These Monte Carlo fittingswere performed via Matlab scripts using the dipolar wave for-mulations by Mesleh et al. (45) and/or by Mascioni et al. (46)and via a procedure incorporated into Protein Constructor,which employs the dipolar wave formulation byMascioni et al.(46). This resulted in a set of angles (three per helix rigid body:�, �, and �) that defines the helix orientations in three-dimen-sional space, albeit with some unavoidable degeneracy intrinsicto derivation of angles from RDCs. This degeneracy is resolvedby the geometric requirements resulting from “global”restraints mentioned above.In Step 2, the 10 “best” helix structures of Part I were then

supplied to Protein Constructor. Each of the structures waslogically divided into fragments detected by the program ashelices or joints. Based on the results from Part I, the apoCIIImolecule was segmented into six helical regions in the follow-ing order: helix 1 (residues 8–18), helix 2 (residues 20–29),helix 3 (residues 33–43), helix 4 (residues 46–54), helix 5 (res-idues 55–65) and helix 6 (residues 74–79). The rest of themol-ecule was treated as joints and enumerated in appropriate con-secutive order. The average length of each joint between heliceswas estimated based on the 100 structures calculated in Part I ofthe structure determination. Those values together with thethree angles (�, �, and �) orienting helices axes in three-dimen-sional space were submitted to the Protein Constructor asparameters. Having this information and being equipped withthe algorithms able to calculate helical axes and hydrophobicmoments from the structure, the Protein Constructor appro-priately positioned each helix one after another according tothe supplied information on the surface of the micelle. Theorientations of the short junctions between helices were deter-mined in the first approximation as averages of the orientationsof the adjacent helices. Putting the length of the hydrophobicmoments equal to the size of the radius of the micelle andrequiring the hydrophobic moments to point to the same placein space, we ensured that all helices stayed on the surface of themicelle.In Step 3, the unavoidable disruptions at helical junctions

were then “healed” in Protein Constructor via a loop closurealgorithm in 200 iterations (47).In Step 4, the resulting structures were then minimized as

rigid bodies in Protein Constructor via a call to XPLOR-NIHusing positional constraints on C� atoms (i.e. the C� atoms ofresidues 8, 24, 29, 38, 50, 60, and 76 were constrained in space,corresponding to about one C� atom per helix rigid body).In Step 5, the five lowest energy structures were then refined

by XPLOR-NIH via a gentle Cartesian space SA protocol (500to 25 K, step 25 K) followed by 3000 steps of Powell energy

3 J. Zdunek, M. Lindgren, M. Karlsson, P. O. Westlund, and S. Wijmenga, manu-script in preparation.

ApoCIII Structure


minimization employing all NMR restraints. Each of the fivestructures generated 10 new final structures.During this refine-ment, the seven C� backbone atoms of Step 4 (in the middle ornear the middle of each helix) were kept in space to ensure thehelices stayed on themicelle. Additionally, theNOEconstraintswere loosened somewhat by uniformly putting the lower boundto 2 Å for all distances (upper bound as calculated before).In Step 6, the top 10 of the 50 calculated structures were then

accepted and analyzed with respect to their spatial features,energy, and constraints violations. Structures (final and someintermediate) were displayed via the VMD program (48).

(ii) Part I

(a) Generation of ApoCIII Starting Structures—The startingmodel of apoCIII was generated in �-helix conformation alongthe whole sequence from residue 1 to 79 using Protein Con-structor. The coordinates of the apoCIII model were then sub-mitted to the program X-PLOR, where the hydrogen atomswere built in, and the model of the molecule was energy-mini-mized using 1000 step of the Powell minimization algorithm.(b) Distance Constraints—1H/15N-edited NOESY-HSQC

and HSQC-NOESY-HSQC spectra were used to extract theexperimental intensities of cross-peaks between protons. NOEpeak volumes, obtained using peakint in XEASY, were con-verted into distances by calibrating average NOE intensities inhelical regions against corresponding standard helical dis-tances. To ensure the consistency of the derived distance valuesand to take into account the effects of spin diffusion, the dis-tance constraints were additionally evaluated using the experi-mental intensities and the complete relaxation matrix algo-rithm within the program MARDIGRAS (49). In total, 185distances were obtained in this way. The ranges of the distancesproposed by MARDIGRAS were tighter than seemed realistic.Therefore, new lower and upper distance bounds were calcu-lated for every distance according to Folmer et al. (50), so thatMD calculations could be performed smoothly. The averagevalues of the upper and lower bounds were 0.745 Å. In total, wehave used 185 distance constraints. The distances were opera-tionally divided into six groups: HA(i)-HN(i � 1), 57 distances;HA(i)-HN(i � 2), 14 distances; HA(i)-HN(i � 3), 21 distances;HA(i)-HN(i � 4), 10 distances, and HA(i)-HN(i � 5), 1 dis-tance; HN(i)-HN(i � 1), 72 distances; and HN(i)-HN(i � 2), 7distances, HN(i)-HN(i� 3), 1 distance, andHN(i)-HN(i� 4), 2distances.(c) TorsionAngle Constraints—Backbone torsion angles were

derived using TALOS (51). For those residues for which thechemical shift and the output from TALOS indicated an �-hel-ical conformation, the � and � torsion angles were kept at val-ues calculated by TALOS and with the ranges �30°. For theresidues for which the calculated values were close to but notevidently indicating helical conformation, the ranges wereincreased to�45°. These residueswere primarily located on thejunctions between sequences with strict helical conformations(i.e. residues 19–22, 30–33, 44–46, 55, and 65–69). No torsionangle constraints were used for residues 1 and 79. Additionally,74 JHNHA-coupling constants (no couplings for residues 1, 26,54, 69, and 73) obtained from NMR measurements were used

directly in the X-PLOR force field for constraining � torsionangles of the backbone.(d) Residual Dipolar Coupling Constraints—In all calcula-

tions, we used 70 available N-HN RDC constraints obtainedfrom NMR experiments.(e) SimulatedAnnealing Protocol—From the apoCIII starting

structure in �-helical conformation and using all of the NMRconstraints (see above), the simulated annealing (SA) algorithmof the X-PLOR-NIH 2.1 (44) was used to generate 100 struc-tures of the molecule. The SA calculations were carried outusing the IVM (52) implementation in torsion angle space. Theprotein was decomposed for torsion angle dynamics using thedefault algorithm included in the program. The rings of aro-matic residueswere treated as rigid bodies. The energy functionconsisted of the covalent terms (bonds, angles, impropers), thevan der Waals nonbonded potential, and three terms of exper-imental contributions: NOE, CDIHE, J couplings, and RDCrestraints. Before entering into dynamics, the structure of apo-CIII was energy-minimized using 1000 steps of the Powell min-imization algorithm. The SA protocol consisted of three dis-tinct MD periods: a high temperature period at 3500 K with allenergy terms included except the atomic repulsion, a period atthe temperature as before but with atomic repulsion addedincrementally in 10 cycles of 100 steps each, and a coolingperiod of 10000 steps in which the temperature was reduced (in25-step cycles) from 3500 to 100 K. The integration step of themolecular dynamics run was set to an initial value of 10 fs andgradually decreased to 3 fs at the end of each run. The resulting100 structures of apoCIII were energy-minimized using 3000steps of Powell minimization algorithm.When the N-HN RDCrestraints were included, the SANI force field in XPLOR-NIH2.1 was employed with a floating alignment PAS and the axialcomponent set of alignmentDa set to �7 Hz and the rhombic-ity R set to 0.26. The latter values followed from the MonteCarlo fit of calculated to experimental RDC values using thedipolar wave formulation as described in Part II.

(iii) Part II

(a) Protein Constructor—Protein Constructor can generateprotein structures for a given sequence and conformation(�-helix, �-strand, random) or from a list of specified consecu-tive backbone torsion angles (� and �) or from existing helicalfragments of refined structures according to the specified direc-tions of the helical axes. It can perform small rotations and/ortranslations of selected fragments and has the ability to createsmooth junctions between adjacent portions of the molecule.Other features are back-calculation of RDCs from a giventhree-dimensional structure, comparison of structures usingr.m.s. deviation, generation of torsion angles, and replacementof amino acid residues for given positions in a three-dimen-sional protein structure. We used Protein Constructor for gen-eration of the global structure, calculation of hydrophobicmoments (and their directions) of the helices of apoCIII, find-ing the helical axes, orientation of the helices in three-dimen-sional space in agreement with RDC experimental constraints,and analysis of intermediate results using the theoretical anal-ysis described by Mascioni et al. (46) and the SVD (singularvalue decomposition) approach by Losonczi et al. (53).

ApoCIII Structure


(b) Generation of the SDS-micelle Structure—The all atommodel of individual SDSmolecules was createdwithin X-PLORas described previously (23).(c) Determination of Helical Axes—To perform rotations and

translations of small domains (here helices) in a uniformway inthree-dimensional space, an algorithm for calculating the heli-cal axis from Cartesian coordinates was applied as describedpreviously (23). The algorithm is implemented both inX-PLORcommand language and as a feature within ProteinConstructor.(d) Hydrophobic Moment Calculations—The hydrophobic

moments were calculated largely as described previously (23).Briefly, the hydrophobic moment introduced by D. Eisenberg(54, 55) is, for a known three-dimensional structure of the pro-tein, given by the equation,�H� �nHnsn. HereHn is the numer-ical hydrophobicity of the nth residue, and sn is a unit vector

that points from the nucleus of the�-carbon of the nth residuetoward the geometric center of itsside chain. The two most widelyused hydrophobicity scales are byKyte and Doolittle (56) and Eisen-berg (57). Both hydrophobic scalesabove were incorporated as alter-natives in Protein Constructor(and previously also used in scriptsto X-PLOR).


NMR Spectra and ResonanceAssignment

Good quality NMR spectra wereobtained of 13C/15N apoCIII incomplex with SDS micelles as dem-onstrated by 1H/15N HSQC (Fig. 1).Complete sequential resonanceassignments were obtained of NHN,HN, C�, C�, C�, and H� using stand-ard 13C/15N triple resonance ex-periments, whereas NOEs wereassigned via three-dimensional1H/15N NOESY-type experiments.

Secondary Structure of ApoCIII

The secondary structure of apo-CIII was determined from a combi-nation ofNOEs;�C�,�C�,�C�, and�H� chemical shifts (Fig. 2a); andTALOS-derived� and� angles. TheTALOS angles and �C� shifts (Fig.2b) indicate the region from residue1 to 7 to be random coil. From 8 to64, the backbone takes on an�-helixconformation except for tworegions where clear deviations areseen (30/31–33 and 44–45) and oneregion where they are less evident(19–22). Here, � of 20 and 21 devi-

ate slightly, whereas � is somewhat increased for 20–22. For 19and 21, the �C� values are below the average of the �-helicalregions, whereas the�C� values of 19–22 approach zero. In thelong helical region 47–64,�C� shows two lobes separated witha minimum at 54, for which in addition �C� approaches zero.We therefore consider 54 as a break in the long 47–64 �-helix.From 65–73, the backbone is unstructured (see below). From74–79, �, �, and �C� indicate the presence of �-helix. Therecombinant apoCIII ends with an unrelated insert of 2 resi-dues (Leu80 and Glu81), followed by a C-terminal 6-residue Histag. Leu80 andGlu81 showhelical conformation based on chem-ical shifts, whereas the last 6 residues do not display a definedsecondary structure. Leu80 and Glu81 may stabilize the lasthelix. In summary, we can define the following helices: h1 (posi-tions 8–18), h2 (positions 20/23–29), h3 (positions 34–43), h4

FIGURE 1. 1H/15N HSQC spectrum of 13C/15N-labeled apoCIII in complex with SDS micelles. Peaks arelabeled as assigned. The unlabeled cross-peak, at 7.65/117.8 ppm, appears after a few weeks.

ApoCIII Structure


(positions 47–53), h5 (positions 55–64), and h6 (positions74–79).

Relaxation Data at Two Magnetic Fields Show Pico- andNanosecond Time Scale Internal Motions

To establish internal dynamics, T1, T1rho, and 15N(1H) NOEdataweremeasured at 600 and 800MHz (Fig. S1). The unstruc-tured terminal regions (positions 1–7 and 82–87) and largeloop (positions 65–73) are clearly visible in the T1, T1rho, and15N(1H) NOE data (Fig. S1). Analysis of the relaxation datashows that the backbone undergoes both pico- and nanosecondtime scalemotions, similar towhatwe observed for apoCII (23).Themean helix order parameters for the pico- and nanosecondtime scale motions (Table S1) indicate, as for apoCII, wellformed helices (Sf2 values are high, �0.8) that undergo domainmotion of the helices (presence of nanosecond time scalemotion, Ss2 � 0.7). Amore detailed analysis of the dynamics willbe presented elsewhere.

Dipolar Wave Analysis of the Dipolar Couplings Shows ThatHelices Are Curved and Their Three-dimensional OrientationsAre Averaged

Thanks to careful optimization, accurate HN-N RDCs couldbe measured in stretched polyacrylamide gels (Fig. 3). A con-venient route to extract qualitative and quantitative informa-tion on both global (three-dimensional) structure and dynam-ics of a protein from RDCs is formed by the analyticalexpressions of the dipolar wave formulation for RDCs (45, 46).They express RDCs in terms of a number of parameters thatdefine the orientation of the dipolar vectors (e.g.HN-N) vectorsin the alignment tensor frame and in the context of the three-dimensional protein structure. Briefly, in a helix, theHN-N vec-tors lie around the helix axis on a cone with opening angle (15.8° in standard �-helices). The position on the cone or phase� of the HN-N vector is defined relative to the helix phase �o,which in turn is defined with respect to the phase of HN-Nvector of the middle residue in the helix im; � also depends onthe residue number i, � � �o � (i � im)360°/n, where n repre-sents the number of residues per turn (3.6 in standard �-heli-ces). The helix orientation is described by the polar angles � and� and by the phase �o; these define the helix axis orientation andhelix phase in the principle axis frame of the alignment tensor.From the set of (�, �, �o) for each helix, the three-dimensionalconformation of the protein can be derived. Here we appliedthis formalism to interpret the RDCs of apoCIII in its micelle-bound state, first qualitatively and then quantitatively.Two interesting qualitative features are directly apparent

fromFig. 3. First, within each helix, the dipolarwaves of apoCIII(Fig. 3, top) do not run parallel to the horizontal axis as for astraight helix but curve up or down, indicating curvature of thehelix axes, probably to accommodate the micelle surface. Sec-ond, in the apoCIII helices, the amplitudes of the dipolar wave

FIGURE 2. a, overview of NMR-derived parameters that measure secondarystructure of apoCIII in complex with SDS micelles. The apoCIII amino acidsequence and residue numbering are indicated in the top two lines. The dif-ferences between observed and random coil shift (in ppm) for �C�, �C�, �C�,and �H� are shown on the subsequent lines, indicating the secondary back-bone structure, followed by the sequential distances that characterize sec-ondary structure. First, the sequential distances, HNi–HNi � 1 (dNN) and H�i–HNi � 1 (d�N), are shown as filled bars with the height indicating the length in Å.NOE intensities were converted to distances as described under “Experimen-tal Procedures.” Subsequently, the other distances characterizing secondarystructure are given, where d�N(i, j) (where j � i � 2, i � 3, and i � 4) denotes thepresence of sequential contacts between H� of residue i and the amide pro-ton HN of residue j. The dark gray filled horizontal bars on the bottom lineindicate the helices derived from these NMR data. The gray part for helix �2indicates uncertainty about where this helix starts. In dipolar wave and

structure calculations, �2 was chosen to run from 20 to 29. b, secondary struc-ture of apoCIII and absolute value of the backbone angles (� and �) as derivedfrom TALOS. Helices derived here are indicated as black horizontal bars, anduncertainty in the start of the second helix is indicated as a gray bar. Previ-ously predicted helices are shown as gray horizontal bars (top) (1).

ApoCIII Structure


are small, much smaller than expected for rigidly attachedstandard �-helices. Compare for instance the amplitude of thedipolar waves of the apoCIII helices (Fig. 3, top) with the waveamplitude of the second (micelle-inserted) helix of M13 (Fig. 3,bottom). As discussed below, the small amplitude can effec-tively be taken into account by employing smaller than stand-ard opening angles for the HN-N vectors in the helices.

Quantitative structure and dynamics information can beobtained using the dipolar wave formulation by fitting the cal-culated RDCs onto themeasured RDCs. This was done for apo-CIII using Matlab scripts (see “Experimental Procedures”), sothat apoCIII structure parameters as well as information on itsdynamics are derived (Table 1 and Fig. 4). First, optimal andgood quality fits are only obtained when the opening angles forthe HN-N vectors in the helices are reduced from the standard15.8° (Fig. 4, top versus bottom, and Table 1). Reducing the axialcomponent while leaving at 15.8° improves the fit (Fig. 4, topcorrelation plot, left and right) but does not lead to as optimal afit as to when is reduced (Fig. 4, bottom). Thus, indeed theamplitudes of the waves are reduced compared with standardhelices (Table 1). This reduced wave amplitude suggests thepresence of conformational averaging of helix orientations onthe micelle surface. Second, optimal fits also require that cur-vature of varying degree be introduced into the helices (Table1). Third, the best fit number of residues per turn equals thestandard value of 3.6 for the six helices (1). Finally, a set of �, �,and � values for each helix is obtained, which define the helixorientations and thus the three-dimensional conformation of

apoCIII, albeit with some degeneracy due to intrinsic symme-tries in the RDC equations. This degeneracy is resolved by geo-metric constraints employed in the final structure calculationsdescribed under “Experimental Procedures.” Due to thedynamics, the angles, �, �, and �, that define the helix orienta-tions must be viewed as averages. Below, the structure of apo-CIII in the complex is described.

Three-dimensional Structure of ApoCIII in Complex with SDSMicelles

Structure calculations of apoCIII in complex with SDSmicelles were performed (see “Experimental Procedures”).The final structures show good structure characteristics(Table S2) and are displayed on the SDS micelle surface inthree views (Fig. 5). The three-dimensional structure con-sists of six �10-residue helices. ApoCIII was previously pre-dicted to consist, like apoCI/II (23, 25), of two long �22-residue helices (positions 8–29 and 40–67) connected by anunstructured loop (1, 27). We now find that the two longhelices in apoCIII are each broken up into two shorter ones(h1/2 and h4/5) and that the unstructured region (residues30–39) is largely helical (h3; residues 33–43). At the C-ter-minal end, helix 6 is formed. All helices are connected viasemiflexible hinges and are curved (Figs. 5 and 6A), so that theywrap tightly around the micelle, thereby optimizing interactionwith thecurvedmicelle surface.Thesemiflexiblehingesallowapo-CIII to easily adapt to the different diameters of its natural bindingpartners, which range in diameter from 75–1200 nm (chylomi-crons) to 25–75 nm (very low density lipoproteins), 18–25 nm(LDL), and 5–12 nm (HDL), with the last coming closest to the4.4-nm diameter of SDSmicelles. The helix curvature is expectedto be less, in particular for the larger particles.We finally note that within each helix, the side chain orien-

tations are well defined in both the structures derived from theexperimental NMR data alone (Part I) and the final structures(Part II). To confirm this, we have recalculated for the 10 beststructures the variation in the orientation of the hydrophobicmoment vectors within each helix, which represent the varia-

FIGURE 3. HN-N RDCs of apoCIII (top) and M13 (bottom) both in complexwith SDS micelles and measured in 4% acrylamide gel, showing theirdipolar waves. Helical regions are indicated as horizontal bars. M13 consistsof a surface helix (h1, residues 8 –18) connected to a trans-membrane helix(h2, residues 25– 45), which restricts motion of both the trans-membranehelix and the surface helix so that their RDCs display full-amplitude dipolarwaves, in contrast to the surface helices of apoCIII.

TABLE 1Structure parameters of apoCIII as defined from dipolar waves fits

Helixa �ob �o �o � Cu


degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees/residue1 62 (1) 0 270 (13) 3 1.02 72 (2) 15 150 (25) 3 �1.53 55 (1) 60 272 (38) 7 0.54 73 (2) 148 270 (50) 6 0.05 79 (3) 183 280 (60) 11 0.06 50 (3) �117 263 (77) 3 �1.0

a Helices 1–6 are defined as 8–18, 20–29, 33–43, 46–53, 55–64, and 74–79.b Dipolar wave formulation, angle definitions: , opening angle of the cone aroundthe helix axis on which the HN-N vectors reside ( � 15.8° for standard helix); �,phase of the HN-N vector on the cone, � � �o � (i-im)/n)*360°, where n is thenumber of residues per helix turn (n � 3.6 residues per turn for standard helices),i is the residue number, and �o is the phase in the middle of the helix at residue im;[�o, �o], polar angles that define the helix axis orientation; all parameters areexpressed in the principle axis frame of the alignment tensor.

c Cu, curvature of the helix axis (° per residue); when curvature is present, the angles[�, �] depend on residue number, e.g.when the helix axis is parallel to the z-axis ofthe alignment tensor, � � �o � i*Cu, where i is the ith residue in the helix and �o isthe value of � at the position of Oth residue in the helix. Da � �7 Hz; R � 0.26 asderived from dipolar wave fit and histogram method. In parentheses is given ther.m.s. deviation of the MC fit values from 10 variations assuming 0.8 Hz experi-mental RDC error. r.m.s. deviation of theMC fit is� 1.4 Hz for standard helix of15.8° and � 0.5 Hz when is as given (see also Fig. 4).

ApoCIII Structure


tion in the side chain orientationwithin each helix.We find thatthe values fall within 20° for all helices (ranges: h1, 11°; h2, 12°;h3, 17°; h4, 11°; h5, 9°; h6, 13°). Consequently, functional roles ofthe side chain orientation can be reliably inferred from thestructures.(a) Lipid Interaction—The lipid interaction in human apo-

CIII extends over all six helices and originates mainly fromhydrophobic residues that point with their side chains to theinterior of the micelle (Fig. 6B). The hydrophobic residues ofhuman apoCIII are functionally conserved among other mam-mals (Table 2). Additional contributions to the lipid interactionstem from charge interactions, between “anchoring” chargeresidues in the protein and charges in the lipid head groups asdiscussed by Segrest et al. (1). One can recognize two differenthelix classes in human apoCIII (Fig. 6B). In the two class Ahelices (h4/5), the positive residues face the negative lipid headgroups, whereas the negative residues line the polar face (Fig.6B). In fact, two or more anchoring residues, operationallydefined here as (a) positive residues located at the polar to non-polar interface or (b) as negative residues located at the polarface, are present in these helices (Table 2, columns 4 and 5,human apoCIII). In theG* helices (h1/2/3), we find in each, oneor two anchoring residues (Table 2, columns 1–3, human apo-CIII). Helix 6 (also class G*) plays a minor role. The anchoringresidues are, like the hydrophobic residues, functionally con-served in apoCIII among mammals (Table 2, columns 1–5).The importance of one of the anchoring residues is well illus-trated by the human mutation K58E (58). This resulted indecreased plasma concentrations of apoCIII and increased lev-els of apoE onHDL, indicating lower lipid affinity of themutantapoCIII.The hydrophobic moments of the class A and G* helices

(Table S1,HM) are relatively similar, as predicted by Segrest (1).Thus, the number of charge interactions from anchoring resi-dues of each helix indeedmakes the distinction between class Aand G* helices (Tables 2 and S1, CM). The relative lipid affinitycan then be read off from the total number of anchoring resi-dues. The total number of anchoring residues is relatively con-stant among the mammals (varies from 7 to 10; Table 2), indi-cating that the degree of lipid affinity is evolutionarilyconserved at a more or less fixed level.It is also interesting to compare the lipid interaction of

apoCIII with that of apoCI and-CII. ApoCI and -CII consist offour and three class A helices,respectively; the class A heliceseach have 4–6 anchoring residues(Table 2 and Fig. S2); apoCII con-tains in addition a highly mobilenon-class A helix, which may bedisregarded for the present discus-sion (Table 2). The total number ofanchoring residues in humanapoCI, -CII, and -CIII is 21, 12, and9, respectively. Hence, it appearsthat the lipid affinity of the threeapoCs follows the trend, apoCI apoCII apoCIII.

FIGURE 5. Three-dimensional structure of apoCIII-SDS micelles complex as derived by NMR. In the left andin the middle, two views are shown that illustrate helix curvature and side chain orientations. The axis systemcorresponds to that of the alignment tensor frame. N and C represent the positions of the N terminus and Cterminus, respectively; in the middle, side chains are shown in white. The right panel shows a front view of theoverlay of the 10 best structures in the complex together with the hydrophobic moments of the helicesdisplayed as arrows; note that the arrows point to the interior of the micelle and show relatively little variation,indicative of the relatively minor variation in the side chain orientation (see “Results”).

FIGURE 4. Monte Carlo fits of the HN-N RDC data of apoCIII in complexwith SDS micelles using the dipolar wave formulation. Matlab scripts wereemployed as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Here two fit resultsare illustrated. The top shows an Monte Carlo fit using a set equal to 15.8° asin standard �-helices. The bottom shows the final optimal Monte Carlo fit with as an adjustable parameter (results as in Table 1). The other parametersettings in the Monte Carlo fits are as described in Table 1 (i.e. in both fits, Daand R were set to �7 Hz and 0.26, respectively, except otherwise stated; theangles �, �, and � were optimized during each Monte Carlo fit; curvatures Cuand number of residues per turn were set to the same optimal values). Circleswith a dot in the center represent the experimental HN-N RDCs data points; thevertical variation in the data points at each residue position results from theMonte Carlo variation (10 variations assuming 0.8 Hz experimental RDC error);to guide the eye, a thin dashed line connects the mean of the experimentaldata points. The fitted HN-N RDC data points are connected via a thick drawnline. The inset on the left in the top shows the correlation between experimen-tal and fitted HN-N RDCs when Da � �7 Hz (RDC r.m.s. deviation of MonteCarlo fit �1.4 Hz), and the inset on the right shows the correlation when Da isoptimized (�4 Hz, RDC r.m.s. deviation of Monte Carlo fit �0.9 Hz). The inset inthe bottom shows the correlation for the optimal fit (Da � �7 Hz, r � 0.26, RDCr.m.s. deviation Monte Carlo fit �0.4 Hz). Note the significantly improved fit inthe bottom when is optimized (i.e. lower r.m.s. deviation and improvedcorrelation).

ApoCIII Structure


(b) Residue Lys21 and the Charge Distribution along the PolarFace—The most salient feature of human apoCIII is that threesolvent-exposed Lys residues (Lys17, Lys21, Lys24) line the apexof helices 1 and 2 and are available for interactions with ligands(Fig. 6, B andC). Of these, Lys21 is fully conserved amongmam-mals, except for pig apoCIII, which has the functionally similarArg residue at this position (Table 2). For the Lys17 and Lys24and neighboring positions in human apoCIII, substitutions topolar or even negative residues are seen in other mammals(Table 2), but these substitutions are usually accompanied byother substitutions in these helices that compensate for the lossof positive charge on the polar face and/or enhance the anchor-ing of helices 1 and 2 to the lipid (Table 2). Taken together, thissuggests a special role for Lys21 and the surrounding region.

In contrast to theN-terminal helices, seven negative residuesline the polar face of the C-terminal class A helices 4/5 andadjacent flexible loops (Fig. 6B andTable 2). Also, this feature islargely conserved among other mammals (Table 2, column I).

Thus, the solvent-exposed face ofmammalian apoCIII displays posi-tive charges in the N-terminal andnegative charges in the C-terminalregion. Conservation of the lipidinteraction as well as of the chargedistribution on the polar face sug-gests that these aspects are of func-tional importance. ApoCI and -CIIdisplay purely negative polar faces(Table 2). Thus, in contrast to apo-CIII, they do not have solvent-ex-posed positive residues.(c) Remarkable Similarity be-

tween the Conserved Conforma-tion around Residue Lys21 on Apo-CIII and the Lys-bindingMotif of theLDL Receptor Family—The struc-ture of themultidomain LDL recep-tor (59) and the complex of two ofits domains with the receptor-asso-ciated protein (RAP) (60) demon-strate the molecular details of thebinding of RAP/apoE/apoBwith theLDL receptor family (Table S3).Effective binding appears to derivefrom multiple weak charge interac-tions on more than one receptordomain (60). The central interac-tion involves a Lys residue, Lys256, inRAP and Lys146 in apoE, whichbinds into a Lys-binding pocket on areceptor domain, the Lys-bindingmotif (60) (Fig. 6D). The motif itselfinteractsweakly, and receptor inter-action is stabilized by additionallocal (RAP, Lys253 and His259; apoE,Lys143 and Arg150) and remote(RAP, Arg296; apoE, Arg172) chargeinteractions.

A remarkable similarity exists between the three-dimen-sional conformation of Lys17, Lys21, and Lys24 of human apo-CIII (Fig. 6C) and that of the corresponding Lys/His residueson RAP (Lys253, Lys256, and His259) (Fig. 6, C and D). Thus,the solvent-exposed Lys21 of human apoCIII could, likeLys256 in RAP domain 3 (D3), interact with the Lys-bindingpocket on the negatively charged receptor domain LA4,whereas Lys17 can, like Lys253 in RAP, aid in stabilizing theinteraction with LA4 and similarly Lys24, like His259 in RAP.This similarity suggests the interesting possibility that lipid-bound apoCIII, via these residues, could interact with theLDL receptor. Note, however, that in RAP, the remote resi-due Arg296 (Arg172 in apoE) further stabilizes the interactionand is necessary for sufficient binding (60). Such a remotestabilizing interaction is absent in all apoCIIIs. Local stabi-lizing interactions, Lys17 and Lys24 in human apoCIII, arealso absent in some mammals. Thus, the apoCIII receptorbinding is expected to be weak. Interestingly, apoCI, which

FIGURE 6. Detailed views of apoCIII structure in the SDS complex. A, curvature; ribbon view showing curva-ture of helices. B, lipid affinity; hydrophobic (white) and positively (blue) and negatively (red) charged residuesare shown on the helices. C, similarity of the conformation of the K-motif on RAP (D3 helix: Lys253, Lys256, andHis259) and of Lys17, Lys21, and Lys24 in apoCIII. D, overlay of helix 1 and 2 (Lys17, Lys21, and Lys24) of apoCIII withthe K-motif in RAP D3 helix (Lys253, Lys256, and His259) (below) in the complex with the LA4 domain of the LDLreceptor (Protein Data Bank code of the RAP-LA4 complex 2FCW) (top), showing that similar receptor bindinginteractions can potentially occur in apoCIII. Backbones of apoCIII, RAP D3, and LA4 receptor domain are shownin a schematic diagram. Highlighted, as a wire frame, are positive residues on apoCIII and RAP D3 and negative/positive residues as well as Trp144 (Lys-binding pocket, yellow) on LA4. Positive residues are blue (RAP D3 andLA4) or cyan (apoCIII). Negative residues are red (LA4), green (apoCIII), and yellow (RAP).

ApoCIII Structure


strongly inhibits apoE receptor binding, does not show asimilar solvent-exposed Lys or K-motif, and the same holdsfor apoCII (Table 2).


Biological Functions of ApoCIII

Inhibition of Lipolysis—Lipolysis of lipoproteins occurs bythe enzyme LPL, which resides on the cell surface and needs toassociate to lipoproteins to carry out the reaction. ApoCIII caninhibit lipolysis in part by preventing lipoproteins fromapproaching the negatively charged cell surface (8) by displac-ing apoE, the apolipoprotein with the highest affinity fornegatively charged surfaces, from the particle or by causingconformational changes to apoE. Repulsion between the sol-vent-exposed negative charges on apoCIII and the cell surfacecould further reduce the interaction. ApoCIII might also dis-place some apoCII from the lipoprotein surface, thus loweringthe direct activation of LPL (61). Finally, yet unproven directprotein-protein interactions between apoCIII and LPL couldplay a role (62).ApoCIII Interaction with SR-BI, the HDL Receptor—The

HDL receptor SR-BI (31) binds a variety of apolipoproteins,including apoCIII, -E, -D, and -AI (32),most likely via their classA amphipathic helices (63). The strong binding of human apo-CIII to SR-BI (31) can be understood from the presence of sevennegative residues on the polar face of region 41–71, whichincludes the class A helices 4 and 5 (Table 2).Inhibition by ApoCs of ApoE/B Binding to the LDL Receptor

Family—The main previously proposed mechanism for theinhibition by apoCs (I, II, and III) of apoE-mediated binding oflipoproteins to the LDL receptor is that apoCs displace apoE

from the lipoprotein particles (2). This displacement can eitherbe complete or involve only theN-terminal domain of apoE (2).ApoE interacts with the LDL receptor via positive charges onhelix 4 (K-motif) of its N-terminal domain with one of the neg-ative domains of the LDL receptor. Complete displacement ofapoE from the lipoprotein or displacement of only the N-ter-minal domain (which then folds into a receptor-inactive helixbundle) diminishes or prevents the receptor interaction.The apoCIII structure presented here is compatible with

such amechanism, and comparison with the apoCI and apoCIIstructures provides insight into the differences in inhibitorystrength between the apoCs. First, the higher lipid affinity ofapoCI versus apoCIII (see above) explains the observed higherapoE displacement and higher inhibitory strength of apoCI ver-sus apoCIII. With apoE displaced from the lipoprotein particle,the apoCs prevent interaction with the LDL receptor by repul-sion between the negative receptor domains and the negativepolar faces of their class A helices. This repulsion is strong andsimilarly large in apoCI, -CII, and -CIII, since the number ofnegative charges is large and similar (Table 2). Thus, thisexplains well why apoCI inhibits better than apoCIII. Second,the similar lipid affinity of apoCII versus apoCIII (see above) isin accord with the similar capacities of apoCII and apoCIII todisplace apoE (64). Factors other than lipid affinity are expectedalso to play a role (e.g. a balance between repulsive and attrac-tive charge interactions with receptor domains). In this respect,it is interesting to note the K-motif on apoCIII, which is absenton apoCII (and apoCI). Theweak attractive interactionwith thereceptor exerted by the K-motifmay at least in part explainwhyapoCII is found to inhibit better than apoCIII (64). In conclu-sion, from the presented structure and the above analysis, one

TABLE 2Sequence comparison of mammalian ApoCIII and comparison with ApoCI and -IIApoCIII: H, human;Ma,macaca; P, pig; D, dog;Mo,mouse; R, rat, “corrected”; G, guinea pig; C, Chinese hamster; B, bovine; H1, human apoCI (25); H2, human apoCII (23);*, residues from71 on are deleted for clarity.�, “identical” charged, (gray, negative; open, positive);�, similar and polar;�, similar and hydrophobic. #, orientation of residueon helix as follows from NMR and consistent with helical wheel display: i, inside/hydrophobic face; s, interface polar to nonpolar; e, polar face; underlined and boldface,solvent-exposed Lys21 of apoCIII (Arg21 in pig apoCIII). For apoCI and -CII, the NMR structures 1IOJ (25) and 1O8T (23) were used in the analysis. ApoCI consists of twolong class A helices (h1 and h2); for reasons of comparison, each is split in two (�, break point; x, extension of h2� by one and h2� by two residues based on structure). ApoCIIconsists of three class A helices (h1a, h1b, and h2) and a highly mobile non-class A helix (helix 3). Columns 1–5 (top line, apoCIII), number of anchoring residues (definedunder “Results”) on helices 1–5. Columns 1�, 1�, 2� and 2� (apoCI), number of anchoring residues in helices 1�, 1�, 2�, and 2� of apoCI. Columns 1a, 1b and 2 (apoCII),number of anchoring residues in helices 1a, 1b, and 2 of apoCII. Column I, number of negative solvent-exposed residues (gray) in region 41–71 of apoCIII, which includesclass A helix 4/5, and for apoCI and -CII number of negative solvent-exposed charge residues in their class A helices.

Id ApoC-III--h1------- ---h2---- -----h3----- ---h4--- -----h5---- 1 2 3 4 5 I H seaedaslls fmqgymkhat ktakdalssv qesqvaqqar gwvtdgfssl kdywstvkdk fsefwdldpe v* 1 1 1 2 4 7 Ma seaedtsllg fmqgymqhat ktakdaltsv qesqvaqqar gwvtdgfssl kdywstvkdk lsgfwdlnpe a* 1 1 1 2 3 5 P eaedtslld kmqdyvkqat rtaqdaltsv kesevaqqar gwvtdsissl kdywstfkgk ftdfwdytpk p* 2 1 1 2 3 4 D leeedpsllg lmqgymqhat ktaqdtltsv qesqvaqrar gwmtdsfssl kdycstfkgk ftgfwdsase a* 1 1 1 2 2 4 Mo eevegslllg svqgymeqas ktvqdalssv qesdiavvar gwmdnhfrfl kgywskftdk ftgfwdsnpe d* 1 1 2 2 3 5 R degegslllg smqgymeqas ktvqdalssm qesdiavvar gwmdnrfksl kgywskftdk ftglwesgpe d* 1 1 2 2 3 5 G eeiqessllg vmkdymqqas ktanemltkv qesqvaenar ewmtesldsm kgywtsligr lsgfldstps s 2 2 3 2 1 4 C nevegslllg svqgymeqat kkvqdaltsm qksevavrar dwmdggftsl kgywsrl 1 2 4 1 - B eegslld kmqgyvkeat ktakdalssv qesqvaqqar dwmtesfssl kdywssfkgk ftdfwelat 1 1 2 2 3 4 □ ▼▼ ▼ ◊▼ ▼◊ □◊▼ □ ▼◊◊▼ ◊ ▼▼ ▼□ ▼▼◊ ▼◊ ▼ □ ◊▼◊◊▼ □ ▼◊ ▼▼□ # .......iie.siseiiesis.esieeiiesi.seseiiesis.eiieesisei.seiiesises.ieeiseeeie.ei......... ApoC-I-----h1’-----+----h1”----- x--h2’---+---h2”----xx 1’ 1” 2’ 2”I H1 tpnvssalek lkdfgntlde kardlisrik qsdlsakmrd wfsdtfqkvk dklkies 5 6 4 6 9 # iies iseiissise siseiiesis eieisisise sisesiesis esisies ApoC-II ----h1a-----+--h1b-------- ------h2----- ----h3---* 1a 1b 2 I H2 tqqpqqdemp sptfltqvke slssywesak taaqnlyekt ylpavdeklr dlyskstaam stytgiftdq v* 3 3 6 6 # iiseise siseisesis eiissiies iieesis eiiesissi

ApoCIII Structure


would predict the observed weak inhibition by apoCIII relativeto both apoCII and apoCI (apoCI apoCII apoCIII). Therelative importance of these different mechanisms could beexperimentally tested with mutant forms of the apoCs.In summary, this structure may provide a productive tem-

plate for further exploration of the molecular mechanisms forthe action of apoCIII. We suggest that a subtle interplay ofrepulsive and attractive receptor interactions with class A hel-ices and K-motifs, respectively, together with specific proper-ties of the lipid affinity, may explain the effects of apoCIII onapoE/B-mediated receptor binding, proteoglycan binding, andlipolysis.

Acknowledgment—We thank Janny Hof for critical reading of themanuscript.

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