straumann dental implant system · 2016-09-12 · the straumann® dental implant system offers you...

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Straumann® Dentalimplant SyStem


FOR all inDicationS*!

The Straumann® Dental Implant System offers you and your patients

efficient and esthetic implant-borne restorations for a wide range of indi-

cations, giving you the flexibility you need in your treatment.

Single tooth missing

Partially edentulous

Fully edentulous

*From single teeth to edentulous solutions



Straumann® Soft Tissue Level is one of the most

widely used soft tissue implant lines. With 10-year

long-term results for SLA®1, it is the ideal partner in

your practice and the right choice for your patient


DeSigneD to Save time anD increaSe eFFiciency in your Practice2

Soft Tissue Level implant aims at reducing chair time and minimizing treatment complexity

Designed to provide integrated soft tissue management through built-in machined collar design

High treatment success and patient satisfaction supported by strong scientific evidence3

Placement of an implant Healing cap Placement of a provisional abutment

treatment workFlow on SoFt tiSSue level imPlant SolutionS


take aDvantage oF tHe eaSy acceSSibility to tHe imPlant by working at SoFt tiSSue level

Lean prosthetic portfolio supported by the implant design Abutment-level impression makes workflow efficient and

number of patient visits can be minimized4

Simple impression taking and abutment placement due to the connection at soft tissue level

reDucinG TREATMENT compleXity

conventional impression taking insertion of the abutment crown in place


The Straumann® Bone Level implant line provides

you with additional flexibility to deliver an optimal

esthetic solution to patients. Bone Level implants

complement the Straumann® Soft Tissue Level port-

folio to offer you wide treatment flexibility and man-

ifold options.


excellent eStHeticS Due to bone PreServation5,6 anD Smart SoFt tiSSue management

Stable crestal bone supporting esthetic outcome5,6

Exclusive self-guiding CrossFit® connection designed for a precise fit and stability

A wide range of treatment options with the convenience of a confident solution at bone level

the precise and self-guiding crossFit® connection

bone level imPlant


DeSigneD For outStanDing eStHetic reSultS anD Flexibility in reStorative ProceDureS

Broad range of materials and restorative options designed for an optimal result in every treatment step

Natural appearance through full ceramic restorations with customized or standard abutments

Smart soft tissue management from start to finish with Consistent Emergence Profiles™

FOR A WiDe ranGe oF treatment optionS

Healing abutment temporary restoration Final restoration

conSiStent emergence ProFileS™

Consistently matching geometries throughout the entire work flow

Eases the fabrication of temporary and final restorations Excellent esthetic results5,6


For years, implants with the SLA® surface have de-

livered excellent results and high implant success

rates.7,8 Straumann followed this state-of-the-art

development in implant dentistry with the SLActive®

surface, the next generation in surface technology.

Promoting faster osseointegration and providing

higher predictability, SLActive® has become a cen-

tral feature of the implant portfolio.

A LEADING SurFace innoVation: SLActive®

more conFiDence tHrougH HigHer PreDictability9,10,11

SLActive® designed to deliver:

Higher security and faster osseointegration for every indication9,10,12–17

Reduced healing times from 6–8 weeks down to 3–4 weeks11

Increased treatment predictability in critical protocols9


Roxolid®, the new “DNA” of implant materials, is a

titanium-zirconium alloy, specifically developed for

dental implantology. Roxolid® is designed to widen

your treatment options with small diameter implants.

Mechanical tests have demonstrated higher tensile

and fatigue strength of Roxolid® implants compared

to titanium grade 4 implants.18,19 In combination

with the SLActive® surface, Roxolid® brings high

strength and excellent osseointegration properties

to the Straumann® Dental Implant System portfolio.

roxoliD® tHe new “Dna” oF imPlant materialS

Confidence when placing small diameter implants Flexibility of having more treatment options Designed to increase patients’ acceptance of implant


DRIVING material innoVation: ROXOLID®


Simplicity: ONE SYSTEM

The proven Straumann® Dental Implant System (SDIS)

is a broad portfolio of Soft Tissue and Bone Level

implants that allows you to deliver an optimal treat-

ment to your patients.

imPlant PortFolio

the classic implant for one-stage surgery

the implant for flexible

healing protocols

the implant for immediate

placement and superior pri-

mary stability

the implant for confidence and esthetics at bone level

most common clinical situations

Straumann® Standard

Straumann® Standard Plus

Straumann® Tapered Effect

Straumann® Bone Level

Anterior region

Posterior region

Small interdental space (NN)

Thin mucosa biotype

Thick mucosa biotype

Bone augmentation with simultaneous implant placement

Submerged healing

Non-submerged healing

Immediate implant placement in extraction socket

Internal sinus lift

Highly recommended Recommended

Please note that the size limitations according to the instructions for use of each Straumann® product apply and must be observed. Each Straumann® product must be used in accordance with the instructions for use provided by Straumann. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to use the device in accordance with these instructions for use and to determine if the device fits the individual patient situation.


Straumann® Surgical cassette Straumann® guided Surgery cassette


For your convenience, the appropriate Straumann®

surgical instrument kit can be used for all implant

lines of the Straumann® Dental Implant System, in

both conventional and guided surgery.

Straumann® inStrument kit

For eaSe oF HanDling

The easy-to-read user guide ensures a reliable working sequence through color-coded arrows and silicone sleeves

The cassette can be packed to reflect the working procedure (which is performed either using the handpiece or manually with the ratchet)

Clear illustrations and drill length stops confirm, at a glance, that the arrangement of instruments, screws and healing caps is complete and correct


Choose between different materials and follow

your preferred workflow! The Straumann® prosthet-

ics portfolio offers you the esthetics and flexibility

you need in your practice.

cHooSe tHe accurate ProStHetic oPtion

Solid abutments are designed to facilitate the restoration of implants

Flexible and comprehensive synOcta® portfolio offers the perfect restorative solution

Easy to achieve esthetics with anatomic abutments

titanium gold ceramics cobalt-chrome



synOcta® Cementable

synOcta® Angled



synOcta® 1.5

Multi-Base Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained bridge

synOcta® Gold


Anatomic IPS e.max® Abutment


Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained bridge

Single tooth



Partially edentulous



basic Solutions advanced Solutions Premium Solutions



Retentive anchor

Individualized bar

Telescopic constructions

synOcta® 1.5

Multi-Base Gold

Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained Dolder® Bar

Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained bridge

Fully edentulous

Removable overdentures

Fixed overdentures

ProStHeticS PortFolio

Soft Tissue Level implants Bone Level implants

Natural-looking esthetics with CADCAM abutments Flexible and comprehensive Multi-Base portfolio designed

for perfectly fitting screw-retained multiple unit restorations Due to their standard designs, LOCATOR® and bar

components are ready to use in a variety of indications

titanium gold ceramics cobalt-chrome



synOcta® Cementable

synOcta® Angled



synOcta® 1.5

Multi-Base Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained bridge

synOcta® Gold


Anatomic IPS e.max® Abutment


Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained bridge

Single tooth



Partially edentulous



basic Solutions advanced Solutions Premium Solutions



Retentive anchor

Individualized bar

Telescopic constructions

synOcta® 1.5

Multi-Base Gold

Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained Dolder® Bar

Straumann® CARES® Screw-retained bridge

Fully edentulous

Removable overdentures

Fixed overdentures



Bone Control Design™ is an implant design which

has been applied consistently to the Straumann®

Dental Implant System. It is built on 5 key factors for

bone preservation and thus provides a crucial foun-

dation for esthetic results and long-term success.


The Straumann® Dental Implant System is your reli-

able partner in implant treatment, giving you simple

and convenient solutions – for your success!

1. Respecting the biological distance

oPtimize creStal bone PreServation

2. Optimal position of smooth and rough surface interface

3. Biomechanical implant design

4b. Microgap control Bone Level

4a. Microgap control Soft Tissue Level

5. Implant surface osteoconductivity



1 Fischer K. ITI World Symposium. 2010 15–17 Apr; Geneva; Switzerland. 2 Applicable to simple cases according to the ITI rating. 3 Straumann® SLA Scientific Evidence first edition (2011). 4 Applicable to simple cases according to the ITI rating and using a solid

abutment. 5 Buser D et al. Stability of Contour Augmentation and Esthetic Outcomes

of Implant-supported Single Crowns in the Esthetic Zone. 3-Year Results of a Prospective Study With Early Implant Placement Postextraction. J. Periodontol. 2011;82(3):342–349.

6 Cordaro L et al. Submerged vs non-submerged healing of implants for single tooth replacement in the aesthetic zone: results from a multicentre RCT. Oral presentation at Annual Meeting of EAO, 2010 in Glasgow (UK).

7 Bornstein M.M. et al. Early loading of non-submerged titanium implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched surface. 5-year results of a pro-spective study in partially edentulous patients. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 2005;16:631–638.

8 Roccuzzo M. et al. Early loading of sandblasted and acid-etched implants: a randomized-controlled double-blind split-mouth study. Five-year results. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 2008;19:148–152.

9 Ganeles J, Zöllner A, Jackowski J, ten Bruggenkate C, Beagle J, Guerra F. Immediate and early loading of Straumann implants with a chemically modified surface (SLActive®) in the posterior mandible and maxilla: 1-year results from a prospective multicenter study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 2008;19:1119–1128.

10 Bornstein MM, Wittneben JG, Brägger U, Buser D. Early loading at 21 days of non-submerged titanium implants with a chemically modified sandblasted and acid-etched surface: 3-year results of a prospective study in the posterior mandible. J. Periodontol. 2010 Jun;81(6):809–818.

11 Oates TW, Valderrama P, Bischof M, Nedir R, Jones A, Simpson J, Toutenburg H, Cochran DL. Enhanced implant stability with a chemically modified SLA® surface: a randomized pilot study. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2007;22(5):755–760.

12 Luongo G, Oteri G. A noninterventional study documenting use and success of implants with a new chemically modified titanium surface in daily dental practice. J. Oral Implantol. 2010;36(4):305–314.

13 Schwarz F, Herten M, Sager M, Wieland M, Dard M, Becker J. Bone regeneration in dehiscence-type defects at chemically modified (SLActive) and conventional SLA titanium implants: A pilot study in dogs. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2007;34(1):78–86.

14 Schwarz F, Ferrari D, Herten M, Mihatovic I, Wieland M, Sager M, Becker J. Effects of surface hydrophilicity and microtopography on early stages of soft and hard tissue integration at non-submerged titanium implants: An immunohistochemical study in dogs. Journal of Periodontology. 2007;78(11):2171–2184.

15 Schwarz F, Herten M, Sager M, Wieland M, Dard M, Becker J. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of initial and early subepithelial connective tissue attachment at chemically modified and conventional SLA® titanium implants. A pilot study in dogs. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2007;11(3):245–455.

16 Schwarz F, Herten M, Sager M, Wieland M, Dard M, Becker J. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of initial and early osseous integration at chemically modified and conventional SLA® titanium implants: Preliminary results of a pilot study in dogs. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2007;11(4):481–488.

17 Buser D, Broggini N, Wieland M, Schenk RK, Denzer AJ, Cochran DL, Hoffmann B, Lussi A, Steinemann SG. Enhanced bone apposition to a chemically modified SLA titanium surface. J. Dent. Res. 2004 Jul;83(7): 529–533.

18 Norm ASTM F67 (states min. tensile strength of annealed titanium). 19 Data on file, used for all Straumann® titanium and Roxolid® implants.

International HeadquartersInstitut Straumann AG Peter Merian-Weg 12CH-4002 Basel, SwitzerlandPhone +41 (0)61 965 11 11Fax +41 (0)61 965 11 01

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Dolder® is a registered trademark from Prof. Eugen Dolder, former director, School of Dentistry of Zurich. IPS e.max® is a registered trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Liechtenstein. LOCATOR® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors, Inc., USA. Some items of the Straumann® Dental Implant System are not available in all countries.

© Institut Straumann AG, 2012. All rights reserved. Straumann® and/or other trademarks and logos from Straumann® mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Straumann Holding AG and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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