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Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

for Traditional Food in SERBIA Prof. Đuro Kutlača, PhD, Institute “Mihajlo Pupin”, University of Belgrade

Prof. Viktor Nedović, PhD, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade and team of associates:

Institute “Mihajlo Pupin”, University of Belgrade: Dr Dušica Semenčenko, PhD, Sanja Popović-

Pantić, PhD, Dijana Štrbac, MSc, Lazar Ţivković, MSc

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade: Mirjana Pešić, PhD, Tanja Petrović, PhD

1st TRAFOON Stakeholder Workshop May 17th 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia

SRIA: traditional food

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food in

Serbia – Content: Executive Summary Introduction

1. The Development Process of the SRIA 2. Vision for Traditional Food 3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food 4. Research and Innovation to Overcome the Challenges of the Traditional Food

Production 5. Regulatory Environment in the Field of Traditional Food 6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of

Traditional Food-ecosystem 7. Traditional Food as the Basis for Wellbeing and Quality of Life 8. Priorities for the European Innovation Partnership for Traditional Food

Productivity and Sustainability 9. Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food 10. Next steps References Members and Supporters of Traditional Food

2 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

1. The Development Process of the SRIA

3 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

SRIA: traditional food

Year 2015 2016

Month April May June July August Septem-ber Octo-

ber Novem-ber Decem-

ber January Febru-ary March April May

Phase M18/ M19

M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 2nd Annual Meeting

M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31

Stakeholders Consultation Session 1 (SCS1): Creation of the vision and prioritization and relevance of the subject areas / topics

A collective Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda will be compiled based on strategic research and innovation agendas (gaps) from traditional food categories sub-networks (WP2-5) and cross-sectional work packages (WP6&7). Inputs

- inventories of needs of the respective traditional food WPs/SMEs


- feedback/evaluation of the workshops (WP 2-7)

- Literature/former project research: collective list of innovation

needs of SMEs (WP2-5) and a FP6/7 project validation (WP2-5)

- Contact to extend TRAFOON networks

- SWOT Analysis andSOR (Strategic Orientation)

- dialogue between and within the WP on the 2nd Annual Meeting

Outcomes of the SCS1

1. Subject areas of the engagement of

the research and innovation


2. Vision of traditional food

3. For each stakeholder group, the

specific key actors will be identified

by TRAFOON’s extensive network in

order to have a comprehensive list of

the main actors in knowledge transfer

on traditional food in Europe

4. Ranking list of the subject areas /

topics of the engagement of the

research and innovation community

Drafts of SRIA for all product groups.

1. The Development Process of the SRIA

4 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

SRIA: traditional food Year 2015 2016

Month April May June July August Septem-ber Octo-ber Novem-ber Decem-ber January Febru-ary March April May

Phase M18/ M19

M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 2nd Annual Meeting

M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31

Activity (all project partners)

Consultation, creation, adoption, distribution

1) Elaboration of the first draft of SRIAs for traditional food categories sub-networks (WP2-5) and cross-sectional work packages (WP6&7) (WP leaders in collaboration with the partners from the corresponding WPs)

2) Presentation of

- first draft of SRIAs for WP2-5, including areas/topics from WP6&7

(Strategic themes and subcategories)

- results/feedback of the training workshops

on the 2nd Annual Meeting (12th/13th November 2015)

3) Identification process of the project partners

Discussion on the first draft of SRIAs:

▪ Strategic themes and subcategories

▪ Capacities and potentials

▪ Needs and opportunities

▪ Obstacles and Barriers

▪ Emerging trends and research needs

▪ innovation needs

▪ innovation gaps

on the 2nd Annual Meeting (12th/13th November 2015)

1) Training Workshops 2016: presentation of the results of SCS1 on the training workshops to get feedback and adjustments from the SMEs 2) Identification process of the SMEs

Discussion on:

▪ Capacities and potentials

▪ Needs and opportunities

▪ Obstacles and Barriers

▪ Emerging trends and research needs

Identification of:

▪ innovation needs

▪ innovation gaps

on the training workshops 2016

1. The Development Process of the SRIA

5 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

SRIA: traditional food Year 2016

Month June July August September October Phase M32 M33 M34 M35 M36

Stakeholders Consultation Session 2 (SCS2): Creation of the vision

Outcomes of the SCS2 Final Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food Target Group: All stakeholders with a strong influence in the area (policy makers, unions of associations, universities). This will allow an extra initial momentum in disseminating the project’s SRIA. Final SRIA Design - Strategic themes for each traditional Food sector based on Inputs and Outcomes of the SCS1:

1. Main Strategic Themes related to the WP with Subcategories

2. Precise information

- Rationale (Specific/future challenge)

- State of the art (Scope)

- Vision of traditional food and expected achievements (Impact)

- Required research and innovation activities (a, b, c, d,…)


1. Research and innovation to overcome the challenges of the traditional food regulation

2. Supporting the development of a diverse traditional food sector through better farming policies, better certification and market data

Rationale, State of the art, Impact, Required research…..

1. Ensuring consumer confidence in traditional food

2. Alternatives to contentious inputs used in traditional food agriculture

3. Development of innovative systems for traditional food aquaculture

4. Traditional food processing concepts and technologies

1. Traditional food farming and food systems support crucial empowerment in rural areas

2. Business models and labour dynamics of value addition through food and feed processing

3. Strengthening the resilience and innovation capacities of the traditional food sector

4. Agro-ecological and traditional food farming as means of improving food security and rural development

1. Eco-functional intensification enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of agro-ecosystems

2. Improved ecological support functions

3. Innovative ICT tools for traditional food systems

4. Solutions for resource-efficient primary production, based on the “Internet-of-Things”

5. ...

2. Vision for Traditional Food - 2.1 Overall objectives of the agro food sector in Serbia

6 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

SRIA: traditional food

No. Overall objectives of the agro food sector in Serbia 1 Better utilisation of secondary products from food industry 2 Marketing development 3 Improvement of the organization of agricultural and food manufacturers network with

support of government 4 Preparation of law regulations

5 Improvement of food safety and food quality

6 Implementation of innovations in the food production and food processing

7 Improvement of education and science

8 Production of traditional food 9 Production of organic food

10 Improvement of fruit science, viticulture and vegetable crops

11 Improvement of crop science

12 Improvement of zoo techniques

13 Establishment of sustainable development 14 Improvement and increase of food production and export

2. Vision for Traditional Food - The key priority economic activities within agro food sector in the Republic of Serbia

7 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

SRIA: traditional food





1 103 Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

2 101 Processing and preserving of meat and production of meat products

3 110 Manufacture of beverages

4 105 Manufacture of dairy products

5 108 Manufacture of other food products

6 120 Manufacture of tobacco products

7 109 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds

8 107 Manufacture of bakery and farinaceous products

9 106 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products

3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food

8 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What kind of raspberry products is your company producing?

Fresh raspberry

Frozen raspberry

Dried raspberry

Raspberry seedlings and other berries

Raspberry oat meal Dehydrated cereals with raspberries

Chocolate-coated dried raspberries

SRIA: traditional food

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000

Russian Federation






United Kingdom



Production in 2013 [t]

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000

Russian Federation






United Kingdom



Production in 2012 [t]

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000

Russian Federation






United Kingdom



Production in 2011 [t]

Raspberries - FAOSTAT Date: Mon Jun 15 18:58:29 CEST 2015

Raspberries - FAOSTAT Date: Mon Jun 15 18:58:29 CEST 2015

Srbija: Proizvodnja i Izvoz MALINA








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Proizvodnja, t Izvoz, t Izvoz, 000 USD

Maline- RZS Datum: Ponedeljak, 15. Jun 2015.












2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014









Proizvodnja, t Izvoz, t Izvoz/Proizvodnja (%) Izvoz malina/Ukupan izvoz Srbije (%)

Maline- RZS Datum: Ponedeljak, 15. Jun 2015.

3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food

13 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What kind of plum products is your company producing?

Sveţa šljiva

Suva šljiva


Čokoladirana šljiva

Proizvodi od šljive

Sveţa šljiva

Suva šljiva

Srbija je drugi najveći proizvođač šljive u svetu,

posmatrajući prosečnu proizvodnju u periodu

2003-2013 (izvor FAO)

SRIA: traditional food

Plum and sloes - FAOSTAT Date: Wednesday January 27 20:02:29 CEST 2016

































(1000 t



a (

000 h



Area (1000 ha) Harvested Production 1000t plum Production 1000t, plum and sloes







2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Plums dried (prunes) EXPORT USD Plums sloes fresh EXPORT USD

Plum and sloes - FAOSTAT Date: Wednesday January 27 20:02:29 CEST 2016

Raspberry products: 1. Raspberry Syrup 2. Raspberry Honey 3. Raspberry Jam 4. Raspberry Jalapeno Jam 5. Raspberry Jelly 6. Raspberry Salsa 7. IQF raspberry rolend, groats, bruh, block 8. Raspberry ketone 9. Raspberries are sweet and therefore popular for salads, yoghurt,

juices, sauces and stuffing cakes and cookies 10. Peanut Butter & Raspberry Bars 11. M&M'S® Dark Raspberry Creamy dark chocolate 12. Raspberry & Blackberry Bubble Bath & Shower Crème 13. Raspberry & Blackberry Moisturizing Body Lotion 14. Raspberry & Blackberry Indulgent Hand Wash 15. Raspberry & Blackberry Exfoliating Shower Smoothie 16. Raspberry & Blackberry Nourishing Body Butter 17. Raspberry & Blackberry Refreshing Body Spritzer 18. Raspberry & Blackberry Super Soft Hand Lotion 19. Raspberry & Blackberry Shimmer & Shine Lip Gloss 20. Raspberry & Blackberry Moisturizing Lip Balm 21. …

Proizvodi od maline: 1. Sveža malina 2. Smrznuta malina 3. Osušena malina 4. Džem od maline 5. Slatko od maline 6. Sok od maline 7. Sirup od maline 8. Rakija od maline 9. Liker od maline 10. ???


Plum products: 1. Pitted Dried Plums 2. Whole Dried Plums 3. Prune Juice 4. Fresh Plum Juice 5. Prunes, pitted, in pear juice 6. Prunes, pitted, in water 7. prunes, pitted in prune juice 8. prunes, canned whole in water 9. gourmet pitted prunes 10. juice, prune 11. juice, prune 12. …

Proizvodi od šljive: 1. Sveža šljiva 2. Osušena šljiva 3. Džem od šljiva 4. Sok od šljiva 5. Rakija od šljiva 6. ??? 7. Organic Plums-Fruit of Serbia ??? Sa 500 hiljada tona šljive godišnje, Srbija spada u najvede proizvođače rakije u svetu. Iako je naš svojevrsni znak prepoznavanja, šljivovica nije i zvanično naš brend. Nema je na listi 52 zaštidena proizvoda Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu.


3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food

18 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Have you ever cooperated with the scientific and research sector in Serbia? Answer NO - reasons for no-cooperation with the scientific and research

sector in Serbia – TRADITIONAL FOOD:

Ne. Nije postojalo interesovanje sa obe strane Ne. Ono što je najbitnije naučio sam godinama Ne. Ono što je najbitnije naučio sam godinama Ne. Tek započet posao Ne. Nije bilo prilike Ne. Zbog malog obima proizvodnje Ne. Nije mi dostupno. Ne. Teško dodi, procedura Ne. Ono što je najbitnije naučio sam godinama

SRIA: traditional food

3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food

19 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Areas in which producers of the TRADITIONAL FOOD have cooperated with the scientific and research sector in Serbia?

Tehnologija gajenja Tehnologija prerade Sertifikacija sadnog materijala Tehnologija organske proizvodnje Uvodjenje HACCP standarda Stvaranje i introdukcija novih sorti Higijenski aspekti Tehnologija pakovanja

SRIA: traditional food

3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food

20 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Which of the following innovative activities are conducted in

companies' dealing with TRADITIONAL FOOD?

Novi proizvodi Novi proizvodi - viši nivoi prerade Nove usluge: ekstrakti, destilati Efikasno korišdenje energije Primena odgovarajudih tehnologija u podizanju prinosa Bezbednost hrane Nova pakovanja Organizovani pristup rešavanju problema otpada u primarnoj i sekundarnoj proizvodnji Organski pristup rešavanju problema otpada Organska proizvodnja

SRIA: traditional food

3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food

21 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

How do you evaluate the support of government bodies (Serbia's Agricultural Extension Service, local governments with raspberry grower

associations, etc.) to TRADITIONAL FOOD producers in Serbia? Nezainteresovanost za bitne stvari, angažovanje samo u svrhu dnevnopolitičke koristi. Nedovoljno angažovanje stručnog kadra Saradnja formalnog karaktera, nefunkcionalna. Primeniti pravila PDCA (plan, do, check, act). Ne postoji koherentna i konzistentna politika koja bi bila prihvatljiva za sve i proizvođače i prerađivače. Veliki nedostatak konkretnog znanja, primenljivog u praksi Nema dovoljno investicija niti nekog organizovanog predavanja i savetovanja. Cena nikad stabilna. Vede prisustvo države kroz subvencije, kontrola pesticida koji se uvoze Deklarativna podrška bez vidljivih efekata i dugoročnog planiranja. Nedovoljna informisanost i zainteresovanost Potrebno je vede angažovanje PSSS-a na terenu odnosno češde edukacije i praktična primena - ogledi a ne samo priča Osim povremenog predavanja, nema je Izuzetno loša edukacija proizvođača Država malo pomaže

SRIA: traditional food

3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food

22 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

How do you evaluate the support of government bodies (Serbia's Agricultural Extension Service, local governments with raspberry grower

associations, etc.) to TRADITIONAL FOOD producers in Serbia? Državni organi bi trebalo da više porade na saradnji sa proizvođačima maline Direktori nedovoljno stučni, kadar bez iskustva, uduženja postoje zbog politike Nedovoljno, ali i velika nezainteresovanost proizvođača Nikakva ili gotovo nikakva podrška malim proizvođačima Ne postoji sistematska podrska Nedovoljno angazovanje drzavnih institucija i nedovoljna saradnja organa i preduzetnika Lokalna samouprava i udruženje radi za sebe, ništa za poljoprivrednika Trebalo bi mnogo više Katastrofa Proizvođači iz tzv. uže Srbije hendikepirani povedanim zahtevima (osedamo se kao građani drugog reda u odnosu na Vojvodinu) Nezainteresovanost lokalne samouprave za unapređenje proizvodnje

SRIA: traditional food

4. Research and Innovation to Overcome the Challenges of the Traditional Food Production

23 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What is the most important to undertake in order to

enhance TRADITIONAL FOOD production in Serbia? Stroga kontrola izvoza - 3-4 izvoznika (klaster) Edukacija poljoprivrednih proizvođača Definisanje tradicionalnog voda kao strateškog proizvoda Uvođenje kontrole i stručne podrške na terenu Definisanje pravilnika o otkupu, kvalitetu i bezbednosti Formirati asocijaciju proizvođača i izvoznika po modelima iz Južnog Tirola Kvalitet i zdravstvena bezbednost imperativ Donošenje svih podzakonskih akata i puna implementacija istih u praksi Podrška proizvođačima u kupovini kvalitetnog sadnog materijala Da država, proizvođači i prerađivači više slušaju nauku Subvencije Da se omladina više afirmiše

SRIA: traditional food

4. Research and Innovation to Overcome the Challenges of the Traditional Food Production

24 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What is the most important to undertake in order to

enhance TRADITIONAL FOOD production in Serbia? Da se selo oživi Veda zaštita proizvođača Podsticaji za nove zasade Potrebno je više obratiti pažnju na organsku proizvodnju Obezbediti tržište i garantovane cene Najvažniji su saveti i uputstva stručnih kadrova Poboljšanje sadnog materijala Osnivanje kancelarija na nivou opštine u kojima bi proizvođači dobijali savete u vezi primene pesticida i svega ostalog u vezi proizvodnje Rad na kvalitetu proizvodnje i kvantitetu prinosa Stvaranje zadruga sa garancijom države Dugoročni ugovori, stabilne cene Državna strategija

SRIA: traditional food

4. Research and Innovation to Overcome the Challenges of the Traditional Food Production

25 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What activities of the following three stakeholder groups would contribute to the

improvement of performances of your company – TRADITIONAL FOOD?

Government: Subvencije Prihvatanje tradicionalnog voda kao strateškog proizvoda Podrška u razvoju institucija i organizacija Da subvencioniše nove proizvode i tehnologije Veda ulaganja u istraživanje Zaštita proizvođača Standardi, usklađivanje zakonskih propisa, pradenje od strane MPSV (kroz subvencije) Kontrolom nelegalne trgovine sadnim materijalom Podsticaji Garantovana cena, tržište Infrastruktura Sprovođenje zakona-dosledno Boljom podrškom malih proizvođača Više podsticaja kroz kredite

SRIA: traditional food

4. Research and Innovation to Overcome the Challenges of the Traditional Food Production

26 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What activities of the following three stakeholder groups would contribute to the

improvement of performances of your company – TRADITIONAL FOOD?

Science sector:

Pomod u razvoju tehnoloških inovacija Istraživanje u konkretnim uslovima proizvođača, obuka Konkretizacija naučnih rezultata Nove tehnologije Primenjena istraživanja- konkretni problemi konkretna rešenja Jačanje istraživačkih timova za rešavanje konkretnih ciljeva u ovoj oblasti Saveti novim proizvođačima i dodatni saveti novim Ispitivanje zemljišta, kontrola primene hemijskih sredstava Nova sredstva za zaštitu i prihranjivanje, novi sortimenti Istraživanje novih proizvoda Edukacija proizvođača veda praktičnost na terenu, bolja komunikacija Stalno informisanje o izmenama tehnologije i sortimenta

SRIA: traditional food

4. Research and Innovation to Overcome the Challenges of the Traditional Food Production

27 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What activities of the following three stakeholder groups would contribute to the

improvement of performances of your company – TRADITIONAL FOOD?

Innovators: Nove tehnologije i proizvodi Tržišna realizacija invencija Rešenja za produženje čuvanja svežeg voda Nova tehnička rešenja u primarnoj proizvodnji i preradi, dostupnost baze podataka Spremnost za implementaciju inovacija Smisliti nove prerađevine Umrežavanje Predlog rešenja za povedanje plasmana kako u svežem, tako i u različitim vidovima prerađevina Permanentna inovativnost Stvaranje novih sorti, inovacije u preradi, novi proizvodi Stalne inovacije u svim oblastima

SRIA: traditional food

5. Regulatory Environment in the Field of Traditional Food

28 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

SRIA: traditional food

Za koje zakonske propise smatrate da su neophodni da bi se poboljšao položaj

proizvođača TRADICIONALNOG VOĆA u Srbiji i na EU tržištu?

Zakonske propise imamo, ali se ne sprovode dovoljno

Podzakonska akta Zakona o bezbedosti hrane

Nacionalne liste inputa (pesticida i hraniva) Sistematska kontrola zdravstvene bezbednosti i drakonsko kažnjavanje

Izmene pravilnika o proizvodnji sadnica u skladu sa EU

Bezbednost proizvodnje maline i proizvoda od maline

Povedanje normi i standarda, uvesti ih u zakone

Zaštita od nakupaca-sigurna naplata

Stroga kontrola sadnog materijala, kontrola sredstava za zaštitu tradicionalnog voda, kontrola uvoznog đubriva

Propisi u oblasti otkupa i prodaje čime bi se stimulisali novi proizvođači Zabrana otkupa na neuslovnim mestima

Povedati prisustvo Poljoprivredne stručne službe na terenu i povedati subvencije

O upotrebi hemijskih supstanci u proizvodnji maline

Zaštita od elementarnih nepogoda

Bolja inspekcijska kontrola nakupaca kao i kontrola hladnjača

Primena zakona

6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of Traditional Food-ecosystem

29 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What is necessary to provide in order to intensify innovative activities in companies'

dealing with TRADITIONAL FOOD?

Finansijska sredstva Pristupni fondovi EU Pomod naučnih prganizacija Uređenje tržišta Saradnja sa naučno-istraživačkim sektorom Poboljšanje prodaje Stvaranje finansijskih uslova za ulaganje u nove tehnologije i proizvode Znanje Sistemski pristup na lokalnom, regionalnom nivou Proširenje sortimenta u zasadima na gazdinstvu Bolji uslovi poslovanja, vedi obim prodaje Edukacija i umrežavanje Kontinuirana obuka zaposlenih, novčana sredstva

SRIA: traditional food

6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of Traditional Food-ecosystem

30 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

What is necessary to provide in order to intensify innovative activities in companies'

dealing with TRADITIONAL FOOD?

Intenzivirati izveštavanje proizvođača o svim izmenama sorti malina i tehnologije gajenja i branja malina Svest poslodavaca o kretanju ka novim tehnologijama Informacije (putem e-maila itd, dostupnost kontakata adekvatnih službi) Strukturna pomod opštine Tehnologija čokoladiranja osušenog voda Razvoj marketinga, proširenje kapaciteta Kompletiranje laboratorije Obrtna sredstva Mladi ljudi, dati im poslove Proširenje obima proizvodnje

SRIA: traditional food

6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of Traditional Food-ecosystem


31 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Strengths: TF

Abundant raw material base for innovation 3.28 Great potential of research sector in Serbia and great participation of research in food area 3.55

Present and forthcoming investments in research infrastructure 3.11

Developed international collaboration 2.90

Database of patents and technical solutions 2.73

SRIA: traditional food

6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of Traditional Food-ecosystem


32 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Weaknesses: TF Lack of organized interconnecting (horizontal and vertical) in large systems and educated human resources


Lack of applicable innovation on large number of subjects 3.33 Lack of trust in protection and exploitation of intellectual goods and ignorance of the rules in protection system

3.20 Weak interaction between industries and academic institutions as well as lack of innovation capacity and researchers’ motivation for improving research in agriculture and food production


Weak networking among and within research institutions 3.19

SRIA: traditional food

6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of Traditional Food-ecosystem


33 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Opportunities: TF

Strategic development of Serbia in the area of food and agriculture


Branding of traditional and new products 3.38 Financial opportunities in international pre-accession funds


Increasing consumers’ awareness on food products with added value


Building clusters and networking among subjects of innovation activity


SRIA: traditional food

6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of Traditional Food-ecosystem


34 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Threats: TF

Absence of strategic planning of innovation activity 3.17 Absence of standardization and harmonization of legal regulations


High regional competition and loss of existing markets 3.54 Insufficient presence of institutions for technology and innovation transfer 3.13

Unstable environment for investment 3.17

SRIA: traditional food

7. Traditional Food as the Basis for Wellbeing and Quality of Life

35 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

How companies' dealing with TRADITIONAL FOOD get information on proper use of pesticides?

Savetovanja, obuke, pradenje inovacija U prospektima i kod trgovaca Preko distributera i Instituta za vodarstvo, Čačak. Dostavljena dokumentacija - rezultati analiza Zakonski propisi Sertifkati dobavljača Službeni glasnik Preko regulatora Stručna literatura Konsultacije sa kolegama Seminari Internet

SRIA: traditional food

7. Traditional Food as the Basis for Wellbeing and Quality of Life

36 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

How companies' dealing with TRADITIONAL FOOD get information on proper use of

pesticides? Internet Edukacijom Od ostalih uzgajivača Kontakti sa ekspertima Na seminarima, prezentacijama koje se održavaju od strane poljoprivrednih službi u okviru zimskih škola poljoprivrede Kod profesionalnih zaštitara Preko poljoprivrednih apoteka Nažalost kod prodavaca u pojloprivrednim apotekama, koji se ne slažu o načinu upotrebe pesticida Saradnja sa kolegama iz sektora zaštite voda-savetodavne službe Pradenje sajtova vezanih za upotrebu pesticida Preko stručnih službi, EU i USA regulative, obuke Svoje znanje sa fakulteta Iz ličnog isustva

SRIA: traditional food

8. Priorities for the European Innovation Partnership for Traditional Food Productivity and Sustainability

37 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Is production of the TRADITIONAL FOOD cost-effective

and on the basis of which indicators? NO:

Nije ekonomična zbog prirodnih nepogoda Ne. Ne primenjuju se agrotehičke mere (navodnjavanje) Ekonomicnost je nestabilna-zavisno od otkupnih cena

YES: Na osnovu evaluacije troškova i prihoda jeste ekonomična. Nemam dovoljno znanja o oceni angažovanog kapitala i amortizaciji. Proizvodnja je ekonomična posmatrano prema pokazateljima iz biznis plana Dobro poznavanje tehnologije Reč je o trend proizvodima na tržištu. Odlična receptura i dobra distribucija daju odličan rezultat. Da. Korišdenje savremenih tehnologija kao u svetu koje su prilagođene našim klimatskim, demografskim, organizacionim i tržišnim uslovima. Da, zbog evropske cene i u najvedoj količini koja se izvozi

SRIA: traditional food

8. Priorities for the European Innovation Partnership for Traditional Food Productivity and Sustainability

38 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Is production of the TRADITIONAL FOOD cost-effective

and on the basis of which indicators? YES:

Vodi ka zdravijem načinu života, manja upotreba pesticida. Može da se zaradi za preživljavanje Da, ekonomična je na osnovu prinosa i na osnovu dohotka Da, mislim da je ekonomična ali samo na vedim površinama Smatram da jeste, tvrdim na osnovu niske cene koštanja Na sve načine štedimo i iskorišdavamo energiju Ekonomična je, nemamo radnike, samostalan rad Prinos sa hektara površine je vedi nego kod bilo koje druge kulture Ekonomična je jer su uslovi za proizvodnju na parceli izuzetno dobri (položaj, sastav zemljišta, ndmorska visina) pa su ulaganja znatno manja

SRIA: traditional food

8. Priorities for the European Innovation Partnership for Traditional Food Productivity and Sustainability

39 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Is company dealing with TRADITIONAL FOOD a

member of a cluster or association? If YES, please indicate their name(s):

Udruženje preduzetnika Arilje Asocijacija proizvodjaca tradicionalnog voda Kolubarski plodovi, Lazarevac Klaster - Polux Kikinda Udruženje prerađivača voda i povrda Udruženje hladnjača Slow Food, udruženje Crvena ranka Klaster izvoznih proizvoda RS

SRIA: traditional food

8. Priorities for the European Innovation Partnership for Traditional Food Productivity and Sustainability

40 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Is there a need to establish a national technological

platform „Food for life“??


number of responses

YES 94% NO 6%

SRIA: traditional food

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food –

topics to be included in future research agendas at National and

European level – TRADITIONAL FOOD:

41 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

1. Primary production Punctuation

1.1 breeding issue trade-off between productivity and quality Example: developing new varieties that offer a reasonable productivity, keeping a good quality (external and internal) 2.26 1.2 development of multi resistant varieties for organic production Example: creating new varieties tolerant or resistant to several important diseases for successful cultivation of fruit species in organic production 2.74 1.3 cost-efficient implementation of water management system Example: reducing the water waste with efficient technical system 2.63 1.4 implementation of technical solutions for controlling pest and diseases management in organic and conventional production Example: measures for practical implementation, registration of biopesticides and biofungicides 2.69 1.5 establishment and development of certified planting material Example: procedures and schemes of control and certification for propagating material in order to improve the quality of propagations materials for conventional and organic production 2.61 1.6 faster and better implementation of food safety management systems Example: better implementation of good practice-based (GHP, GAP), hazard-based (HACCP) and risk-based (QMRA) systems 2.89

SRIA: traditional food

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food –

topics to be included in future research agendas at National and

European level - TRADITIONAL FOOD:

42 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

2. Processing (technology, energy, etc.) Punctuation

2.1 implementation of modern packaging to enhance shelf life, to reduce waste and to improve the post-harvest technology (storage) Example: intelligent packaging in modified atmosphere 2.13 2.2 better implementation of waste management and development of value-added by-products Example: increasing the valorization of by-products (damaged fruits, kernels of apricot, etc.) to increase their economic value 2.68 2.3 development and implementation of modern processing technology Example: technology for production of nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals from by-products and wastes, modern distillery, plant dryer 2.38 2.4 adaptation of the processing technology in order to lower the energy consumption Example: implementation of the measures for energy efficient processing, utilisation of modern/green energy sources for the respect of environment 2.46 2.5 modernization of storage technology of raw materials and products Example: extend the availability of raw materials after harvest season, provide the raw material of comparable quality during extended period 2.32

SRIA: traditional food

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food –

topics to be included in future research agendas at National and

European level - TRADITIONAL FOOD:

43 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

3. Product (labeling, health/food safety, etc.) Punctuation

3.1 Reducing the diversity in forms, materials and numbers of packaging by raising consumers awareness (communicate on local environment, tradition and regional trademark) Example: facilitating the packaging step by reducing the number of different packaging and so the technical adaptation, the aim is to approach this problem through the education of consumers which therefore will develop the pressure on retailers


3.2 faster and better implementation of food safety management systems Example: better implementation of all existing EU hygiene standards as good practice-based (GHP, GAP), hazard-based (HACCP) and risk-based (QMRA) systems

1.64 3.3 producer targeted dissemination of knowledge on health, nutritional properties of their products Example: measures aiming at spreading the knowledge on nutritional properties of traditional product, their beneficial effect on consumer health


SRIA: traditional food

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food –

topics to be included in future research agendas at National and

European level - TRADITIONAL FOOD:

44 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

4. Business (marketing, organization, consumers, regulations, etc.) Punctuation 4.1 increase the awareness on traditional food through continuous education and communication Example: consumers’ expectations are evolving, but there is a need to communicate the current innovation or way of consumption (for instance: waiting a few days before eating to fruit to get the best maturity possible) 2.65 4.2 constant improvement of policy conditions for labor management and organization of support Example: improvement of labour advisory services, continual labour education, incentives by local authorities and government, improvement of marketing, negotiation and manager skills 2.46 4.3 implementation, harmonization and creation of laws and regulation policy Example: heterogeneity in laws between European countries, that can hinder innovation adoption in specific settings (for instance phytosanitary treatment prohibition) 3.47 4.4 new business model (supply chain actor's balance) Example: spreading the power between actors in the supply chain by implementing new organization or giving voice to the weakest actors

3.03 4.5 building associations, clusters and food technology platform Example: strengthening the number, capacity and role of the associations/clusters of producers in organized production, introduction of new technologies and expansion of existing investments and new products 3.00 4.6 branding of traditional products Example: development of greater role of the state institutions, public and private research sectors, as well as private investment sector in the field of branding of traditional products 2.59 4.7 simplification of the procedure leading to obtain certification Example: support for system of certification obtaining


SRIA: traditional food

SRIA: traditional food

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food in

Serbia – Content: Executive Summary Introduction

1. The Development Process of the SRIA 2. Vision for Traditional Food 3. Environment for SRIA in the Field of Traditional Food 4. Research and Innovation to Overcome the Challenges of the Traditional Food

Production 5. Regulatory Environment in the Field of Traditional Food 6. Innovation Eco-system enhances the productivity, stability and resilience of

Traditional Food-ecosystem 7. Traditional Food as the Basis for Wellbeing and Quality of Life 8. Priorities for the European Innovation Partnership for Traditional Food

Productivity and Sustainability 9. Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Food 10. Next steps References Members and Supporters of Traditional Food

45 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

Thank you!

46 TRAFOON 2nd Annual Meeting

November 12th – 13th 2015, Athens, Greece

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