strategic mission focused budget presenter jean-luc lézeau stewardship department general...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Strategic Mission Focused Budget

Presenter Jean-Luc Lézeau

Stewardship Department

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Traditional Budgeting

Last year’s budget Year-end financial statement

Traditional Budgeting

With small adjustments for: - fixed expenses - departmental



Traditional Budgeting



RESULTS Members are not involved in the

process Members are not part of the

mission project if there is any Small percentage of the overall

budget left for departmental expenses

Same commitment as before Budget scarcely meets its end



Non Givers


30%give15%20%give80%Non Givers50%give5%

Who is responsible for the budget?

Not only the treasurer

Not only the pastor

Not only the church board

But the whole church!

How can we get the whole church involved in church


It has to start with the Pastor

The Seven Secrets of

Strategic Budgeting

Pastoral Secret # 1

Is a model steward

Is concerned with stewardship

issues that affect his Church

Builds confidence in pastoral


Pastoral Secret # 2

Believes in the importance


stewardship teaching

and training

Who is responsible to teach the members’

value system?

Pastoral Secret # 3

Regularly teaches & preaches

stewardship truths, principles, and

way of life.

Pastoral Secret # 4

Revisits the Mission Statement

of his Church

Mission Statement

The Mission Statement tells who we are.

What we believe in

What we are here for

Pastoral Secret # 5

Strategic Budgeting continues

with the Vision


The pastor must have a clear vision

of his Mission

He must share his Vision with his

church members

The Vision must not only be known

but shared by all


Model it

Often – Every 30-45 days

Develop it specifically

Expound upon it regularly

Let every member own it

It is only when the Vision is clear and owned by the members that they will

support the objective(s) that are chosen


Guide the Budget Development Process–The process must fit the personality of your church

–Make sure it has credibility factors built-in

–Must be consistent with the Vision

Agenda for the First Budget Committee

The pastor reviews last year’s activities/programs and the results.

Are these activities still in line with the actual Vision?

Departmental directors are asked to work on next year’s program keeping the actual Vision in mind.

Departmental Planning Each department lays out

plans/projects that fit within the Vision

With the help of the Church treasurer, the cost of each project is estimated

Expected results are to be given

Youth Department Projects

1 Door to door for enrolment in Bible correspondence course

500 50

2 Street Concert: Bible give away and collect addresses

1500 25

3 Summer Bible class 2000 40

4 Youth camp for evangelism 4000 20

Pastoral Secret # 7

Only then can a Mission-

centered budget be


Pastoral Secret # 8

Selecting projects

Selecting projects

The Church Board evaluates projects and makes a prioritized list according to the following:

1. Does the project fit the objective?

2. Expected “return on investment”.

3. Draw the line on last year’s budget.

Pastoral Secret # 8

Sifting the budget

Sifting the Budget

The Church Board eliminates or reduces expenses that are not Mission centered.

Only a balanced budget based on last year’s expenses can be presented.

Pastoral Secret # 9

Presenting the Budget

Presenting the Budget

Fellowship concept more important

than business meeting

The whole Church Board and all

Departmental Directors are present

Presenting the Budget

The different departmental projects

Stressing the cuts made for savings

Outlining the fact that only part of the projects can be budgeted

Year 2003

1. Bible correspondence 5002. Branch Sabbath Schools 2,5003. 5-Day Plan 1,0004. Evangelistic Campaign 8,000


5. Open door for homeless 5,0006. Youth camp


Pastoral Secret # 10

Asking for Church Support

Church acquires the projects

It is crucial that the church buys into the projects.

They have to become the projects of the whole church, not only of the pastor or the

Church Board.

Asking for Support

An opportunity for Kingdom

building and eternal values

Never leave a challenge hanging

– give members an opportunity

to respond, even silently

Pastoral Secret # 11

Follow Through

Follow Through

Add projects as additional

funds are received and let

members know

Keep in Mind

Different generations give for

different reasons

People find significance in giving

for something of eternal value

Use the budget process to clarify

and involve members in the

Church’s Mission and Vision

Keep in Mind

This will help them grow spiritually and in their personal walk with God

This will build unity in your Church

This will make them the Master’s disciple

Your members will enjoy building

the Kingdom when they know it is

both worthy & effective

The End

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