strategic human resource management seminar 4 may 2017...1 – strategy and human resource...

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Strategic Human Resource Management

Seminar 4 May 2017

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Contents Welcome .....................................................................................................................................................................3

Section A Seminar Content .......................................................................................................................................4

Learning Outcome ..................................................................................................................................................4

Comprehensive Learning Outcome ........................................................................................................................4

Methods of Facilitating Learning ................................................................................................................................5

Assessment Strategies ................................................................................................................................................5

Required Text .............................................................................................................................................................6

Recommended Reading .............................................................................................................................................6

Section B Assessment ................................................................................................................................................8

1. Rationale .................................................................................................................................................................8

1.1 Assessment Policy.............................................................................................................................................8

Brief Description of Rationale/Purpose ..................................................................................................................9

1.2.1 Class Contribution .....................................................................................................................................9

1.2.2. Group Case Study Presentations ........................................................................................................... 11

2. Case study Analysis Guideline ............................................................................................................................. 11

2.1 Some general issues ...................................................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Guidelines for Performing Case Study Analysis ............................................................................................. 12

2.3 Problem Solving Case Report Format ........................................................................................................... 16

Section C Assessments ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Assessment Task 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 19

Assessment Task 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 21

Section D Marking Rubrics ................................................................................................................................... 23

Case Study ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

Group Presentation Assessment Marking Sheet ................................................................................................. 24

Newsletter Marking Rubric.................................................................................................................................. 26

Section E .................................................................................................................................................................. 27

Course Schedule Activities and Assessments .......................................................................................................... 27

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Welcome to the seminar: STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT; we hope you will find the

seminar enjoyable and stimulating. The aim of this handbook is to provide you with detailed information about the

seminar. There are several integrated elements that, together, make up the course. These are the facilitation

sections, case studies, assessments and assigned readings –applied research papers. Each of these elements is

integral to your mastery of this topic and if you expect to do well in this seminar, you should apply yourself to these

equally. The course is based on student-centered paradigm, a new approach to learning where the learner takes

accountability for his/her learning process, through active involvement and questioning and pursuing knowledge.

Faculty member and Seminar Leader: Prof Ana Martins


Phone: 031260 ext 1493


Office Location: University of Kwazulu-Natal GSB&L, Room #62

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Section A Seminar Content

Learning Outcome

Assess critically how human resource management contributes to long term organisational effectiveness and

competitiveness through the development of an integrated knowledge, conceptual framework and tools for dealing

with strategic issues of human resources management within an organisation.

This seminar focuses essentially on the strategic component of HRM. After this seminar you will be

cognizant with:

The role of Human Resource Management in the organisation, and the importance of business;

1. partnering between HR and line management is examined, with a focus on the critical people;

2. processes involved in sourcing and recruiting talent, maintaining and encouraging engagement of

employees in the business;

3. the learning and development pipeline for individuals within the organisation;

4. the concept of employer brand value is also explored.

Comprehensive Learning Outcome

Assess critically how human resource management contributes to long term organisational effectiveness and

competitiveness through the development of strategy and human resource management; International

SHRM; and Evaluating SHRM; analyse how this complexity influences the conceptual development

and practical application of SHRM and the specific key 10 HRM levers.

Topic areas include:

1 – Strategy and Human Resource Management

2 - Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM): a vital piece in the jigsaw of organisational


3 – SHRM in a changing and shrinking world: internationalisation of business and the role of SHRM.

4 - Evaluating Strategic Human Resource Management: why bother and does it really happen in


5 – The role of organisational structure in SRHM: the basis for effectiveness?

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6 - Relationships between Culture and Strategic Human Resource Management: do values have


7 - Strategic Human Resource Planning – the weakest link?

8 - Strategic Recruitment & Selection: much ado about nothing?

9 - Performance Management: so much more than annual appraisal

10 - Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD): pot of gold or chasing rainbows?

11 - Strategic Reward Management: Cinderella is on her way to the ball

12 - Managing the Employment Relationship: Strategic Rhetoric and Operational Reality

13 - Diversity Management: concern for legislation, concern for strategy?

14 - Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction?

Methods of Facilitating Learning

The seminar will be based on selected case studies applied research papers on a 1-day seminar. One group

presentation will also be required within the seminar and one individual newsletter written in the follow up to

conclude the seminar.

Assessment Strategies

(Please consult Section B of this guide for more details)

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Required Text

Millmore, M., Lewis, P., Saunders, M., Thornhill, A., & Morrow, T. (2007). Strategic Human Resource

Management: Contemporary Issues. London: Prentice Hall.

Recommended Reading

Alnıaçık, E., and Alnıaçık, U. ( 2012 ). Identifying dimensions of attractiveness in employer branding:

effects of age, gender, and current employment status Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58, pp.

1336 – 1343.

Berthon, p., Ewing, M., & Hah, L. (2005). Captivating company: dimensions of attractiveness in

employer branding. International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.151-172.

Brown, T. (2009) Corporate innovation at Southwest Airlines: An interview with Herb Kelleher,

Founder & Former Chair & CEO Business Horizons, Vol. 52, pp. 409-412.

Franca, V. (2012). The Strength of the Employer Brand: Influences and Implications for Recruiting.

Journal of Marketing and Management, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 78-122.

Kramar, R. 2014Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource

management the next approach? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 25,

No. 8, pp. 1069–1089.

Love, L. F., Singh, P. (2011) Workplace Branding: Leveraging Human Resources Management

Practices for Competitive Advantage Through ‘‘Best Employer’’ Surveys. Business Psychology, Vol.

26, pp. 175–181.

Martin R. Edwards, (2009). An integrative review of employer branding and OB theor., Personnel

Review, Vol. 39, No.1, pp. 5 – 23.

Maxwell, R., & Knox, S. (2009). Motivating employees to "live the brand": a comparative case study of

employer brand attractiveness within the firm, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 25, Nos. 9-10,

pp. 893-907.

Miles Jeanquart, S., & Mangold, G. (2004). A Conceptualization of the Employee Branding Process.

Journal of Relationship Marketing, Vol. 3, Nos. 2-3, pp, 65-87.

Miles,S.J., and Mangold, W.G. (2007). The employee brand: Is yours an all-star? Business Horizons,

Vol. 50, pp. 423–433.

Miles,S.J., and Mangold, W.G. (2005). Positioning Southwest Airlines through employee Branding

Business Horizons, Vol. 48, pp. 535-545.

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Mitchell, R., Obeidat, S., and Bray, M. (2013). The effect of strategic human resource management on

organizational performance: the mediating role of high-performance human resource practices. Human

Resource Management, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 899–921.

Srivastava, P., and Bhatnagar, J. (2010). Employer brand for talent acquisition: an exploration towards

its measurement. VISION, The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol. 14, Nos. 1& 2, pp. 25-33.

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Section B Assessment

1. Rationale

1.1 Assessment Policy

The case presentation and newsletter critiques are designed to encourage you to apply what you have learned. As

we will discuss in class, accurate evaluation of performance requires that performance be assessed at multiple points

in time, preferably using multiple methods. Thus, evaluation of student performance will be based on a combination

of individual and team efforts. Weights for each component will be:

Assessment Task Weighting Learning Outcomes Length Due Date

1. Class contribution

is dependent on the

Group Case presentation


Individual contribution (25%)

Participation in group activities


10 min per


Each case in


2. Individual Newsletter



Employer and employee


two sides of an

A4, max 2000




by 9 June


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Brief Description of Rationale/Purpose

1.2.1 Class Contribution

Class contribution is a very important part of the learning process in this course and throughout the MBA program.

It should reflect the mental preparation that you do for class and your engagement while you are in class. This

course is designed so that participation plays an integral role in the learning process. The success of our discussions

is critically reliant upon each individual’s level of participation and preparation (e.g. reading assigned materials).

Your thorough preparation will not only dramatically improve your own performance in (and enjoyment of) the

class, but it will also contribute to the experience of your classmates and the success of the class as a whole.

Absenteeism, lateness and/or lack of preparation will adversely affect your grade in the course, and will detract

from both your experience and that of your classmates. It is important that you arrive on time so that we may start

class promptly. Arriving late to class is very disruptive and discourteous to the class. Class contribution will be

assessed in two parts, as set out below.

Part 1: Individual contribution

All managers are expected to be able to make persuasive verbal contributions in discussions. This component of

your grade reflects your assessed ability in making persuasive contributions to the class discussion. Clearly, you

must participate in class if you are going to share your ideas with others. However, there is no need to speak in

every class session. Some of the best contributors participate less often than the most active speakers. Though less

vocal, their thoughts are truly insightful and persuasive. Thus, the issue is one primarily of quality, not quantity.

Quality contributions possess one or more of the following attributes:

Offer a different, unique, and relevant perspective on the issue.

Ask a probing question that moves the discussion and analysis forward.

Integrate and/or build on others’ comments.

Transcend the "I feel" syndrome; include some evidence of analysis.

Distinguish between different types of data—facts, opinions, personal beliefs

or value statements, theoretical concepts, etc.

An ‘A’ level of participation involves:

1) Does not miss class except for uncontrollable emergencies.

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2) Offers input often, but does not dominate class discussions. Comments are clear and succinct.

Follows class discussion to make relevant comments.

3) Takes risk in answering difficult or unpopular questions.

4) Is prepared for class.

This is demonstrated by -

a) applying ideas from the readings to issues in the discussion

b) challenging or extending ideas in the readings

c) integrating or contrasting ideas from previous reading assignments.

5) Shows consideration for others (e.g., does not interrupt others, talk loudly during their input or

behave in a disruptive way).

A ‘B’ level of participation involves:

1) Misses one or two classes that are not emergencies.

2) Offers input often, but dominates class discussions. Comments are long-winded and not always

clear. Or does not consistently offer input in discussions.

3) Answers questions but rarely takes risk in answering difficult or unpopular questions.

4) Is prepared for class. This is demonstrated by –

a) applying ideas from the readings to issues in the discussion

b) challenging or extending ideas in the readings

c) integrating or contrasting ideas from previous reading assignments.

5) Shows consideration for others (e.g., does not interrupt others, talk loudly during their input or

behave in a disruptive way).

A ‘C’ level or below involves the following:

1) Misses classes often.

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2) Only offers input when asked or rarely during the semester.

3) Is unprepared for class. Has not done readings. Cannot or will not answer questions.

4) Is inconsiderate of others (e.g., interrupts others, talks loudly during their input or behaves in a disruptive


Part 2: Participation in Group Activities

In every class period each group will discuss and present to the entire class the link between the materials covered

in that module and their experiences in organizations. This mark, which will be same for all members of the group,

will be evaluated along the same lines as the individual contribution above.

1.2.2. Group Case Study Presentations

You, together with your team, will give presentations on two cases. You will be given time in class to work on the

presentation and will also be expected to work outside of class time on this project.

Oral presentations will be evaluated using the following criteria:

accuracy and clarity with which the case is described,

correct use of ideas and concepts from the readings and class discussions,

use of appropriate evidence to support your arguments,

clarity and professionalism of your oral arguments, including appropriate use,

of visual aids,

engagement of your audience and informed facilitation of discussion.

2. Case study Analysis Guideline

The use of case studies is a widely accepted means of bringing theoretical concepts and practical situations together.

It is not possible to take a class into an organisation and observe the subject matter of management or SHRM in real

life; hence a written case study outlining a real, or realistic, situation is the best available alternative.

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When reading and studying a case study, it is possible to take two different approaches. The first of these is the

‘analytical’ approach where a case structure is examined to try to understand what has happened, and why. In this

approach, you do not identify problems or attempt to develop solutions. The second approach is the problem-

oriented method. In this approach a case is analysed to identify the major problems that exist, the causes of and

possible solutions to the problems, and finally, a recommendation as to the best solution to implement.

As with many tasks in business, there is no ‘one best way’ to analyse or write up a case report. Everyone develops

their own methods of sorting and sifting through the information and presenting their findings. However, in this

chapter you will find a format which may be useful when presenting your case reports. This format is outlined

briefly below.

2.1 Some general issues

In a case study, it is crucial that you integrate relevant theory from the course and evidence from the case. Failure

to attempt to integrate theory will lead to severe mark reduction or failure. Referencing of all non-original material

is essential. You will lose marks for poor referencing.

Check your completed work for internal consistency. For example, make sure that you attempt to solve the key

issues you have identified. Do not say ‘X’ is the major problem, and then recommend a solution to ‘Y’. Try not to

be overly descriptive. Remember that you are trying to identify, analyse and solve the problems of the case using

the relevant theories from the course, not just repeating what the text book, or case information, has stated.

2.2 Guidelines for Performing Case Study Analysis

What is a 'case'?

A case is a scenario that gives you the opportunity to identify problems and recommend a course of action in a

business situation. The case may be real or fictional, but will usually represent a complex situation with no ready


Dimensions Definition and identification of Tasks Involved

1. What is your role

as an analyst?

In analysing a case your task is to:

identify the problem(s) in the situation presented in the scenario

analyse the key issues in the case within the context of theory presented in your

course (s)

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develop and compare alternative solutions to the problems derived from

alternative theories/perspectives

consider the advantages and disadvantages of various possible solutions

select the best solution and make recommendations for action

write up your case analysis in appropriate case analysis report format.

2. Why are you

asked to write

case analyses?

You are asked to write case analyses in some of your courses to enable you to

demonstrate that you can apply conceptual frameworks from your core courses to real

situations and integrate topics/concepts from different disciplines in your analysis.

Case analyses also enable you to improve your critical thinking and analytical abilities

- your ability to evaluate sources of information and your written communication


Case analyses are often used in employment interviews to assess:

how you think

how you structure problems

your ability to *conceptualise, *draw clarity from ambiguity, *form views,

*make recommendations.

3. What are the

stages in

preparing a case


There are a number of stages involved in preparing a case analysis. These are:

understanding the case

identifying the core problem in the case

analysing the issues in the context of a theoretical framework

exploring alternative solutions with reference to a theoretical framework

choosing the best solution

making recommendations for action.

a. What do you

need to do to

understand the


Your first task is to understand the scenario you are given or being painted by the case.

When you read the scenario you should identify the facts of the case. The following

questions can guide you in doing this.

What is the mission of the organisation?

Who are the "stakeholders" within the organisation?

Who are the "stakeholders" or target groups outside the organisation?

What is the formal decision making process in the organisation?

What are the informal decision making processes in the organisation?

What is the process of production or service delivery?

Who are the competitors?

What external factors impact on the organisation?

What is the major problem?

What are subsequent problems and implications?

What is the role of management in relation to the problem?

What is the role of production/service providers in relation to the problem?

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As you are reading you will also need to fill in gaps based on your knowledge of

theory and of the world and ignore irrelevant details.

b. What steps are

followed in

identifying the

core problems?

As you identify the facts of the case you will begin to think about the underlying

problems and to decide which problems are core problems. In doing this you will need


distinguish between symptoms of the major problems and the major problems


distinguish between immediate and longer term problems

find evidence to support your decision about what you believe to be the core

problems. c. What are the

steps in analysing

the issues?

As you identify the core problem(s) you will begin to analyse the issues underlying

these problems. The following steps assist with this.

Identify any bias in the way the case is described or presented.

Classify the factors that influence the problem as either internal or external to the


Reflect on theoretical principles or perspectives from your core courses that

might explain aspects of the case.

Apply analytical models or conceptual framework from your courses to further

illuminate the situation.

Given situation as analysed by the models above, identify the decisions that need

to be made.

What strategic issues can you identify?

What are the risk factors responsible for the situation?

Identify historical precedents. d. What are the

steps in exploring



As you are analysing the issues you will begin to think about possible alternative

solutions. You should:

consider individual and organisational levels

consider the long and the short term

define the alternative possible solutions

compare the alternative solutions in regard to *theoretical grounding of the

model, *strengths and weaknesses, and *risk factors.

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e. How do you

choose the best


As you explore the alternative solutions you will begin to decide on the best solution

for the organisation in solving its problems. It is important at this stage to provide a

justification for the solution you choose.

f. What are the

steps in making a


When you have decided on the best solution you will be able to make a

recommendation or recommendations.

At this stage you should do the following:

Express your recommendation(s) precisely.

Ensure that your recommendations are complementary.

Ensure that it is feasible to implement the recommendations. 4. How do you

present your case


A case analysis is presented as a report. Refer to the EDU handout on reports for

guidance on how to format a report. The following is a suggested structure for a case

analysis report:


Describe the situation and identify the main problem.


Analyses the problem and the issues underlying the problem.

Present and analyse alternative solutions to the problem.


Identify the best solution.


Identify the courses of action needed to implement the best solution.

5. What makes a

good case


A good case analysis*:

clearly identifies the core problem(s)

provides a justification for the choice of core problem(s)

analyses the issues underlying the problem in terms of the relevant theory

uses appropriate terminology

justifies the alternative solutions in terms of appropriate theory

justifies the choice of the best solution

presents feasible and complementary recommendations for implementing the

best solution

is presented in appropriate report format.

* Is there a best answer for a case analysis?

It is important to remember that there is no one correct answer to any case analysis. As in real life, there is more

than one way to interpret a case and solve problems, so there is no single answer. The approaches, interpretations

and recommendations of different students will probably vary considerably. This provides a useful opportunity to

compare and discuss different analyses and alternative solutions, which is a common practice in real life before

finally recommending one solution.

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2.3 Problem Solving Case Report Format

1. Title page

2. Table of contents

3. Executive summary

This section should comprise a brief overview of the case, giving a brief background and noting any important

assumptions made. (You will not have all the information you would like – so you may need to make some

assumptions to present a coherent argument). As well as this, you should give a synopsis of your case report,

noting very briefly the major problems identified and the recommended solutions.

4. Problem identification and analysis

In this section, you should identify all the major problems in the case making use of relevant theories and

practices. Try to identify the underlying causes of problems, not just the symptoms. Seek advice from your tutor

on the layout of this information. You should link each problem identified to relevant theory and also to actual

evidence from the case. Remember, you must integrate theory in your discussion and reference all non-original

work. Ensure symptoms are not assumed to be a problem (i.e., symptoms lead to identification of the problem).

You may be tempted to correct the symptoms instead of searching for true problems. True problems are the

conditions or situations requiring solution before an organization's, unit's, or individual's performance can


5. Statement of major problems

In most case studies, you will identify a number of problems. Most likely, there will be too many to actually

‘solve’ in the number of words allowed. Hence, it is crucial to state very clearly which are the major two or

three problems, or key issues, that must be solved first. Therefore, this section is just a short concise statement

of what problems you are going to solve in the remainder of the case. Half a page is adequate. Having once

identified the key problems you can continually check back to ensure that you are actually attempting to solve

them, and not some other minor problems you identified. This section is crucial to a good case report.

6. Generation and evaluation of alternative solutions

While most problems will have a very large number of possible solutions, it is your task to identify and evaluate

a number of the more appropriate (at least 2–3 for each major problem identified).

Each alternative solution should be briefly outlined and then evaluated in terms of its advantages and

disadvantages (strong and weak points). Note: You must evaluate alternatives. It is not necessary to make a

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statement in this section as to which alternative is considered best – this occurs in the next section. Do not

integrate theory in this section and do not recommend theory. Here only practical solutions to the problems are


7. Recommendations

This section should state which of the alternative solutions (either singularly or in combination) identified in

Section 6 are recommended for implementation. You should briefly justify your choice, explaining how it will

solve the major problems identified in Section 6. Integration of relevant theory is essential here.

8. Implementation

In this section, you should specifically explain how you will implement the recommended solutions. Theory

cannot be implemented; you must translate it into actions. This includes explaining what should be done, by

whom, when, in what sequence, what will it cost (rough estimates only), and other such issues. Remember, if a

recommended solution cannot be realistically implemented, then it is no solution at all.

9. Appendices (if any)

10. Reference list

This will contain an alphabetical list of all the references you have cited in the body of the report. Do not include

details of any sources you have not cited. Ensure the style used is correct and consistent.

Presentation and format guidelines/requirements for case study write up:

Please adhere to the following guidelines:

The main text of your write-up should not exceed 10 double-spaced typewritten pages. It can be less without

penalty if the content is good. I will, however, read only the first 10 pages, so stay within the assigned


In addition to the 10 pages of text, you must provide a 1 page, double-spaced executive summary that

summarizes the main points in your assignment.

You may include in the 10 page limit up to 2 additional pages of exhibits (charts, tables, or figures). Exhibits

that are not directly referenced, in order, in the main text, will not be read.

Use 1 inch margins and 12 point font.

Use headings to separate major sections of the write-up.

Please use page numbers.

The assignment will be evaluated using the following criteria:

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Completeness (were all parts of the assignment completed).

Correct application and integration of relevant concepts from the readings and class discussion.

Use of critical thinking and evaluation skills.

Appropriate use of evidence to support your arguments.

Feasibility of any proposed recommendations.

Clarity and professionalism of writing.

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Section C Assessments

Assessment Task 1


Group Case study

Due date:

At the end of the Seminar.

Details of task:

You should form a group of 5 (five) students. Once formed, swap contact details (e.g., e-mails; telephone

numbers etc.) among group members and plan the time and location for your first meeting. Hand the tutor

a group list (include students id numbers) and details of the first meeting time (for the record).

It is each student’s responsibility to join into a group. Ungrouped students will be allocated to a group

by the tutor (provided they are present at the seminar). If you are not listed within a group known to your

tutor at the seminar, then it will be assumed that you do not intend to complete this assessment task.

Weighting /Value:


Details of task:

Group response is required on Flipcharts.

Group Case Presentation (25%)

As a group, present a 10 minute presentation on Case studies in-session on 4 May, from 14:30 –

16:00 (50%);

a) Part 1:

Case Study – Strategic human resource management at Halcrow Group Limited

And also

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b) Analysis of one other case study from this group:

Case studies:

Chapter 5: The role of organisational structure in SHRM: the basis for


CASE: Daimlers–Chrysler AG

Chapter 6 - Relationships between culture and strategic human resource management: do values

have consequences


Chapter 7 - Strategic human resource planning: the weakest link?

CASE: Human resource planning in mergers and acquisitions

Chapter 8 - Strategic recruitment and selection: much ado about nothing?

CASE: Recruitment and Selection at Southco Europe Ltd

Chapter 9 - Performance management: so much more than annual appraisal

CASE: Performance management at Tyco

Chapter 10 - Strategic human resource development: pot of gold or chasing rainbow


Chapter 11 - Strategic reward management: Cinderella is on her way to the ball

CASE: Developing a global reward strategy at Tibbett and Britten

Chapter 12 - Managing the employment relationship: strategic rhetoric and operational reality

CASE: Strategic approaches to the employment relationship social partnership: the example of

the Republic of Ireland

Chapter 13 - Diversity management: concern for legislation or concern for strategy?

CASE: Making diversity an issue in leafy Elgarshire

Chapter 14 - Downsizing: proactive strategy or reactive workforce reduction?

CASE: The demise of MG Rover Cars?

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Assessment Task 2


Individual Newsletter

Due date:

9 June 2017

Details of task:

Your boss has assembled your team and has called upon your expertise as HRM Strategists to put together

an informative company newsletter on particular SHRM topics relevant to a contemporary workplace. The

newsletter is aimed at informing staff, who may not have any knowledge of SHRM, of topics that are

relevant to current workplaces. Your newsletter can include information on the following topic:

Employee branding is crucial for competitive advantage. Discuss the implications for talent

development and retention.

You should aim to develop a short, informative piece of approximately 2 000 words. Each written piece

should clearly identify and conceptualise the topic, explain its relevance to understanding and managing

SHRM in organisations and provide clear and concise guidelines to address any issues or improve strategy

and the performance of the specific organisation. While these written pieces should be designed to inform

(and even entertain if you would like them to), they should be linked to relevant theory and examples. The

aim of this assignment within the context of SHRM is to develop an understanding of current issues in

SHRM and to quickly and articulately communicate these in the context of SHRM theory. Additionally,

students should be able to illustrate how knowledge of the SHRM levers can be used to manage employees

more effectively.

Word limit:

Both sides of an A4, 1 500 - 2 000 words



Individual Assessment:

This task will be assessed as an individual assignment.

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Criteria for marking:

The marking rubric for this assessment appears in Section C of this handbook.

Learning objectives assessed:


Penalties for late lodgement:

A zero mark will be returned for late or non-lodgement of assignment.

Additional information:

Turnitin will be available on the Moodle site for you to self-check your assignment for plagiarism.

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Section D Marking Rubrics

Case Study

Components Requirements Mark



Executive Summary Summary of the report and recommendations

Give a brief background to the company and outline its problems,

your recommendations and any assumptions noted


Problem Identification

and Analysis

Identification and analysis of management problems including


Integration of theory and case evidence to identify theory or

practice gaps


Statement of ‘Key’

problems or issues

Clear, concise statement of major problems/s that the remainder is

going to solve


Generation and

Evaluation of a range of

alternative Solutions

These potential solutions should be linked to the key problems

Each alternative should be evaluated

Range/Relevance/Creative/ Apply Concepts


Decisions /


Clear statement of which of the alternatives suggested in 4 is/are

recommended, and why

Should be justified based on relevant theories and/ or course

concepts. The solution should solve the key problem/s noted


Implementation Outline action steps that will be involved in actually introducing

the recommended solutions.

State who/when/how /costs that will be involve in solving the

problem. In detail -- identify the places, persons, activities, and

contexts of the situation.


Appendices and


Other materials that were used but because of brevity requirement

cannot be part of the main report

An alphabetical list of all the references you have cited in the body

of the report



Group Presentation Assessment Marking Sheet

Team Name:

Facilitator: Day: Time:


1 ID ______________ Name_______________

2 ID ______________ Name _______________

3 ID ______________ Name _______________

4 ID ______________ Name _______________

5 ID ______________ Name _______________

Rating Scale: 5–Excellent 4-Very Good 3-Acceptable 2-Not at required level 1- Not Exhibited/Poor

5 4 3 2 1 Comments


Overall the presentation has a strong visual impact. i.e. presentation materials (including

slides), team presentation and other visual aids.

The presentation has a logical flow and includes only relevant information and data as related

to the objectives of the presentation.

Engages and involves audience through the use of anecdotes, interesting facts, audience

participation, relevant discussion etc.

The purpose of the presentation is made clear and project objectives are introduced to

provide appropriate background and context.


Teamwork is evident throughout the presentation /Q&A and each team member contributes

equally to the presentation / Q&A

All team members respond to questions clearly, articulately and with an appropriate level of

knowledge and relevancy.

Team members demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the overall Assessment

regarding Specific topic

TEAM TOTAL (TT) ( / 35 marks )

N.B. Team mark represents 50%



Newsletter Marking Rubric




29 or less 30 – 39 40 - 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 +


Has the question been







Some mention

of the issue, but

a collection of

disparate points


answers the

question –



what is

known about

the topic





Well focused Highly focused



Is there evidence of

having read widely

and use of appropriate

and up to date

material to make a



No evidence

of reading.

No use of

theory – not



No evidence of


An implicit

hint at some

knowledge of

theory, etc.

No evidence

of reading.

Very basic



but not

developed or

well used.






to core


Good reading.

Good range

of theories


Excellent range of

relevant reading.

Well chosen



Does it identify the

key issues, etc in a

given scenario,

proposal or argument?




about issues.


descriptive with



and analysis of

central issues.


insight into










range of issues

identified and

discussed fully.


Does it critically

assess material?





acceptance of



evaluation but

weak. Little





Some but



tion in


Good critical





Full critical

assessment and


individual insight.


Section E

Course Schedule Activities and Assessments



Time Seminar/theories Learning Outcomes Activities / Assignments Readings



Getting to know one another.

Module Overview. Assessment


1.Understand social capital

2.Understand how group work can

be major leverage in learning

Ice breaker activity to find

out what your participants

want from your seminars




Strategic view of HR

1. identify the major principles

which underpin the concept of

strategic human resource

management (SHRM);

2. analyse the main theoretical

approaches to SHRM;

3. explain the history and origins

of SHRM;

4. evaluate the studies which aim

to establish the link between

SHRM and organisational


Course Content (theory)







Activity breakout Prep1

In groups read and analyse the

questions that folow: Case study Case

Study – Strategic human resource

management at Halcrow Group




Group activity


13:00 Feedback Plenary

Findings 5 of 10 groups

1 ppt slide with main ideas






Strategic Interventions of HRM

Activity breakout Prep2

Feedback Plenary

In groups read and analyse:

One of the Case studies your team

picked from the series.


17:30 Findings 5 of 10 groups

1 ppt slide with main ideas

1 Activity Prep - Activity breakout Prep

2 Case studies on SHRM interventions


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