strahlenfolter - electronic harassment - walter tribe - secret police -

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Strahlenfolter - Electronic Harassment - Walter Tribe - Secret Police - www.raven1


    America's Secret Police


    A secret police force in America? Never! I would have given this answer before September of

    1998 but not now. A secret police force operating above the law and doing illegal surveillance

    of private American citizens and acting as judge, jury, and executioner, exists in America.

    This secret police force has access to extremely advanced surveillance equipment and

    non-lethal weapons, which I thought were only available to special military and special

    non-secret police divisions. I named the secret police force "UltraSonics" because they

    primarily use non-lethal sonic weapons that produce powerful focused ultrasonic sound

    waves to attack the person they are targeting. I'll refer to members of UltraSonics as

    "UltraSonics agents", and I'll refer to the person that UltraSonics is targeting as the "Target".

    UltraSonics did illegal surveillance of me and then attacked me with sonic and electricalnon-lethal weapons. The information on this page is based on observations I made of

    UltraSonics over a one-year period, information I received from other people who have

    knowledge of UltraSonics, and my personal speculation about UltraSonics. This web page is

    based on a true story.

    UltraSonics would need hundreds of thousands of dollars to obtain this advanced surveillance

    equipment and non-lethal weapons. UltraSonics also has the organization and resources to

    rent a house close to the Target's home and move a small business near the Target's

    workplace. This is no small feat. I was told that real estate companies and/or a government

    agency called HUD (Housing and Urban Development) is funding UltraSonics. The

    government agency HUD makes the most sense to me. Local officials of HUD could be

    illegally diverting funds to purchase surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons. HUD

    also has the ability to rent a house, and they also use small businesses for outsourcing work. A

    lot of people have told me that HUD is an extremely inefficient agency of the federal

    government, and this could be one of many reasons why HUD is so inefficient.

    Potential Targets of UltraSonics are unwelcome neighbors with criminal records, criminal

    behavior, mental disabilities, wrong sexual orientation, wrong race, and/or non-conforming

    attitudes. An unwelcome neighbor can be a man, women, or child. The equipment and

    weapons that UltraSonics is using to attack its Targets can be used to artificially create

    symptoms of a mental or physical disorder. While under attack, if the Target is unable tocomprehend what is happening to them, they could be driven out of control and/or driven

    insane. Parents of children with mental disabilities should be warned about UltraSonics

    because a mentally impaired child will not be able to understand the technology and weapons,

    should it be used to attack the child.

    Law enforcement, state officials, local officials, medical doctors, and psychiatrists are aware

    of the existence of UltraSonics. They all deny UltraSonics exists but use them in their own

    way. If law enforcement wishes to discredit a person who crossed the path of the law,

    UltraSonics will be called into action. If the parents of a mentally handicapped child refuse to

    put the child, that the community feels threatened by, in an institution, UltraSonics can use its

    technology and weapons to attack the child and drive the child out of control. The parentswill have no other choice but to institutionalize the child. If a community discovers that a

    convicted criminal has moved into their neighborhood, UltraSonics is on the way.

    In the United States, a mentally ill person cannot be forcible placed in a mental institution

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    unless they are violent. UltraSonics understands this fact and has developed strategies that

    they use against mentally ill people to drive them out of control so they can be classified as

    violent. Once the mentally ill person is classified as violent, he or she can be forcible placed

    in a mental institution for an indefinite period of time. The mentally ill person cannot be

    released back into society until psychiatrists at the mental institution feel that the mentally ill

    person is no longer a threat to society.

    UltraSonics also has strategies they use to discredit non-mentally ill people and have them

    forcible committed to a mental institution as well. UltraSonics knows what the symptoms are

    for mental illness and UltraSonics will lay the groundwork for a non-mentally ill person to be

    diagnosed by a psychiatrist as mentally ill. After the groundwork is laid out for the mental

    illness, UltraSonics will attempt to get the non-mentally ill person to turn violent, and if they

    do turn violent, he or she can be forcible committed to a mental institution for an indefinite

    period of time also. Even though this non-mentally ill person is sane, he or she will be treated

    as mentally ill by the legal system and will have to undergo treatment for the mental illness

    they were diagnosed as having. Remember as you read through this story, there is a reason

    why UltraSonics is devoting so many resources to one person. Unfortunately, that person may

    not understand why until it's too late.

    I don't know who makes the decision for UltraSonics to target a person, but something like the

    group of people that operated above the law in the movie "Star Chamber" could really exist in

    Camden County, New Jersey (USA). If so, the "Camden County Star Chamber" (CCSC)

    would likely consist of prominent members of local communities, such as local police, state

    police, medical doctors, psychiatrists, real estate officials, and HUD officials. One possible

    task for the CCSC would be to meet and discuses potential people to be targeted by

    UltraSonics. If CCSC agrees that a person should be targeted, UltraSonics would be given the

    information on that person and that person would become another Target of UltraSonics. The

    CCSC is only a theory of mine but UltraSonics would not be able to get away with its

    activities without the knowledge of high officials in my state. I will, however, assume

    throughout the rest of this story that UltraSonics makes the decision on who to target.

    When UltraSonics discovers or is notified of a potential Target living in a community,

    UltraSonics will make contact with community leaders to discuss possible methods to rid the

    community of the Target. If a community is united and want the Target out of their

    community, UltraSonics will be able conduct its operation more easily with the support of the

    community. However, if the community is divided and not united, UltraSonics would be more

    limited in the types of operations they would be able to conduct. UltraSonics, with the

    assistance of community leaders, will make contact with direct neighbors of the Target. Each

    direct neighbor, if not already aware, will be given information about the Target and the

    neighbor will be tested to see if they have the persona to knowingly break the law in order to

    rid the neighborhood of the Target. UltraSonics must select one neighbor's house as close tothe Target's house as possible to conduct its operations. The neighbor that UltraSonics selects

    will either rent their house to UltraSonics or allow UltraSonics to operate out of their house.

    UltraSonics will prepare the selected neighbor's house for its operation. Secret hiding

    compartments will be installed in floors for hiding equipment and small parts of the weapons.

    Large part of the weapons that produce the powerful sonic waves are hidden in furniture,

    such as end tables or cabinets. When needed to attack the Target, the weapons can be

    assembled and quickly disassembled should the Target call the police. If the police enter the

    house of where the Target claims the weapons are being fired from, the police will notice

    nothing out of the ordinary. Only a complete and thorough search of the house will reveal the

    equipment and weapons.

    Every case will be different, but if the Target is an adult and employed, UltraSonics will

    attempt to conduct some kind of surveillance of Target at his or her workplace. To conduct

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    this workplace surveillance, UltraSonics will send UltraSonics agents to the Target's

    workplace to try to gain employment. The UltraSonics agents who do manage to gain

    employment will keep some type of surveillance of the Target at work. This would not be the

    optimal type of surveillance that UltraSonics would desire because there would be times when

    the Target's activities and conversations cannot be monitored.

    In certain cases, such as mine, UltraSonics will lease a business suite as close as possible to

    the Target's workplace and move a small business into the business suite to conduct

    workplace surveillance of the Target. The employees of this small business are UltraSonics

    agents, and in addition to their regular job responsibilities, will assist in the surveillance and

    harassment of the Target at work. Since the suite is leased by UltraSonics, UltraSonics will be

    able to prepare the suite and bring surveillance equipment and other devices to the business

    suite for the part of the operation at the Target's workplace.

    I live in a middle class neighborhood where the real estate values of the houses run an

    estimated 75 to 125 thousand dollars each. The houses in the neighborhood are separated and

    spaced apart around 30 feet. My neighbors for years have tried everything to persuade me to

    move. They used conventional methods, such as name-calling, threats, and other

    psychological tactics in their attempt. I had one neighbor who would run in his housewhenever I would walk out of my house. Another one of my neighbors would pull down his

    window shades every time I came home at night. Things really took a turn for the worst when

    I installed one of those Earth shaking car stereo systems in my car. The sub woofer could be

    heard half way down the block. A retired police officer lives in my neighborhood and he most

    certainly doesn't like Gangster Rap. I would listen to NWA, Easy-E, ICE CUBE, DR. DRE,

    MC REN, and ICE-T and it didn't go over well. The cop is a big man in town and he could

    have used his influence to persuade UltraSonics to target me. UltraSonics could be doing a

    "High Tech Rodney King" on me for the cop.

    Before UltraSonics targeted me, I would notice my neighbor video taping me with a

    camcorder as I came and left my house. I really didn't think much of this at the time, but myneighbor must have been sending the videotapes to UltraSonics in order to persuade

    UltraSonics to target me. I did start noticing my neighbor videotaping me about the time I

    started playing the Gangster Rap. It's kind of strange that UltraSonics did decide to target me

    because I've never been arrested before or broken any law. My neighbors always used names

    like "Fag" and "Queer" to address me, so this would lead me to believe that I could have been

    targeted because UltraSonics thinks I'm a homosexual. If people who have criminal records

    were also being targeted by UltraSonics, those people would be reluctant to come forward

    because of the publicity involved in speaking out against the harassment.

    My neighbor, who videotaped me and lives directly next door to my house, agreed and

    allowed UltraSonics to use his house for the operation against me. The original occupants ofmy neighbor's house moved out of their home and UltraSonics, without my knowledge, had

    moved in and prepared the house for the operation.

    I work in a business complex that has many suites for small business. Simple walls, similar to

    those of house walls, separate the business suites from each other; just drywall and some

    insulation separate the suites. The business suite directly next to my workplace was vacant

    and, also without my knowledge, UltraSonics had rented the suite and moved a small business

    into the suite to keep surveillance of me at work. UltraSonics had setup operation in both my

    neighbor's house and the business suite directly next to my workplace and began its operation.

    UltraSonics uses a two-stage approach to carry out its operation. The two stages are thesurveillance stage and the attack stage. In the surveillance stage, the Target is under total

    surveillance. This stage is similar to a FBI stakeout, except that FBI has a warrant to do its

    surveillance. UltraSonics is operating above the law, which means UltraSonics needs no

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    warrant when performing their surveillance. UltraSonics surveillance equipment is just as

    good or even superior to the FBI's equipment. UltraSonics uses very advanced listening

    devices that can pick up conversations in a house just by pointing the device at the side of

    that house. One type of these listening devices uses a laser that is aimed at a window of a

    house. As people in the house talk, the glass of the window moves microscopically. The laser

    that is aimed at the window reflects back off the glass surface and returns to the listening

    device. The reflected laser is altered from the microscopic movements of the glass. The

    alterations, of the laser, are converted by the listening device to audible signals, which are the

    voices of the people in the house. This type of listening device has a tremendous range,

    possibly several hundred feet.

    UltraSonics is in possession of a new type of imaging technology that can see images of

    people through walls of a house. This new imaging technology uses a wide range of radar

    signals that reflect back off of human body characteristics, such as body heat. The reflected

    radar signals are used by computer software to build an image, on a screen, of people inside a

    house. The image seen on the screen of people inside the house has enough detail to identify a

    person by body shape. This imaging technology was very effective in determining my location

    in my house. UltraSonics let me know I was being watched by blowing a loud horn, located in

    a neighboring house, when I was at certain points in my house. This horn blowing tactic wenton for several months. As I would soon find out this new imaging technology would also

    provide an excellent targeting system for their non-lethal weapons. Click here to read about

    "Through Wall Imaging Technology".

    Both the listening device and through wall imaging system are located out of sight in a

    neighboring house, which in my case was the house directly next to my house. From inside a

    neighboring house, UltraSonics can now see real time images of people in the Target's house

    and hear their conversations. All actions and conversations in the Target's house can be video

    taped and used by UltraSonics against the Target. UltraSonics used similar equipment at my

    workplace also. I believe the radar signals that this through wall imaging system uses are in

    the microwave range, and I don't if these radar signals are dangerous to a person's health. Ihave, along with the other people that I live and work with, been exposed to these

    electromagnetic waves for over a year now.

    Before proceeding, I just wanted to explain what sonic non-lethal weapons are. Sonic (Sound)

    waves are atmospheric waves in our atmosphere (air). As we hear sounds, those sound waves

    are creating pressures on our eardrums, and our eardrums are converting that pressure to a

    signal that our brains can understand. Most people associate sound with things we normally

    hear, such as birds singing, music on the radio, and people talking. What most people don't

    know is that sound waves can be used as a very effective weapon. A focused sound wave is a

    single sound wave traveling in a certain direction with a single frequency (cycles per second).

    Sound waves can be infrasonic (below the human hearing range), audible (within the humanhearing range), or ultrasonic (above the human hearing range). The amplitude of the sound

    wave is the height of the sound wave.

    Combining two or more focused sound waves results in a more powerful lower frequency

    sonic wave. This new more powerful sonic wave is no ordinary sound wave. Because the

    molecules in the air of this sonic wave have been accelerated to such a high velocity, it can

    penetrate the walls of a house without damaging the walls or house in anyway. In an

    explosion, a person standing near the explosion can be knocked down by the sonic shock

    wave produced by the explosion. This type of sonic shock wave from an explosion is not

    focused because it travels in all directions; everyone around the explosion is effected by the

    sonic shock wave. By using commercial or medical ultrasonic transducers, an artificial

    focused sonic shock wave can be produced that is directional. These focused sonic shock

    waves can be combined to produce an even more powerful sonic shock wave. These powerful

    focused sonic shock waves are directional and will also penetrate house walls without

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    damaging the house in anyway. Click here for a military description of these sonic weapons.

    Force will be put on the walls of the house if a strong focused sonic shock wave passes

    through the house. This force is not enough to damage the walls or house, however. If this

    strong focused sonic shock wave also passes through a human as it is passing though the

    house, a force will also be applied to that human. A similar amount of force applied to a

    human body will effect the human. The bones in the human body are dense, which means the

    sonic wave will have more trouble passing through them. As this sonic wave passes through

    the human body, it will produce a strong force applied to the human body because of the

    bones. This force could produce a strong violent jolt of the human body, as the sonic wave

    attempts to drag the bones of the body in the direction of the sonic wave. I've been jolted as

    much as six inches by the very powerful sonic shock waves. The strong ultrasonic shock

    wave frequency is most likely in the megahertz range (ultrasonic), that means the wave is far

    above of the human hearing range and can't be heard.

    Another way to think of these focused sonic waves is a "sonic laser". Instead of the wave

    being electromagnetic, as a laser is, it is an atmospheric wave. UltraSonics is creating

    powerful infrasonic and ultrasonic sonic lasers that will cut through walls, ceilings, glass,

    furniture, and/or people. The amplitude of these sonic lasers could be an inch to severalinches. These sonic lasers also have a tremendous distance, probably several hundred feet.

    Strong sonic waves passing through the human body also effect the nerves of the human

    body. A choking effect can be produced by passing the right frequency sonic wave through

    the neck of a human. The vocal chords will resonate, which causes this choking sensation.

    Passing a sonic wave through the chest can effect the lungs and produce a gasping for air

    reflex. Ultrasonic waves passing through the head can cause severe head pains. A shot to the

    stomach will produce a violent reflex of the stomach muscle, which could take a standing

    person down. These types of weapons were demonstrated on a Discovery Channel show

    called "Shoot not to kill". The weapons are used for crowd control, and they are designed to

    disable a person in a riot situation. Most often, the weapons will not cause any damage to thehuman body and no marks will be left on the human body after being hit with these sonic


    I was given the grand tour of these sonic weapons. UltraSonics must have used just about

    every type of these sonic non-lethal weapons against me. These sonic waves can just smack

    against the surface of the human body or pass straight through the body. The power and

    frequency will determine whether or not the wave will pass through the body. Infrasonic

    waves tend to just smack against the surface of the body and not pass through the body.

    Ultrasonic waves tend to pass through the human body and cause a jolting effect of the body

    as it does. The amplitude and power of both types of sonic waves will determine the

    harshness of the smacking sensation of the infrasonic wave and the jolting sensation of theultrasonic wave.

    "Sonic Bullets" and "Acoustic Bullets" are different names for the same type of sonic wave.

    These sonic bullets are usually powerful short duration infrasonic or ultrasonic waves. I've

    been hit with several types of skull penetrating ultrasonic bullets that have amplitudes of

    around an inch. These ultrasonic bullets penetrate the human skull and produce different

    sensations as the ultrasonic bullet passes through the head. One type of these ultrasonic

    bullets produces a slight jolt of the head as the ultrasonic bullet penetrates the skull bone on

    one side of the head. A feeling of something slowly moving through the head will then occur

    and then another slight jolt of the head will occur as the ultrasonic bullet exits the skull bone

    on the other side of the head. It will take around one or two seconds for all these sensations tooccur. Another type of these ultrasonic bullets produce a feeling of something quickly passing

    through the head, no jolt is felt from this type of ultrasonic bullet. I believe no jolt is felt

    because the ultrasonic bullet is much higher in frequency. One more type of these ultrasonic

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    bullets is a wave that produces a strong knocking sensation of the skull as the ultrasonic bullet

    leaves the skull. This knocking sensation is felt at the exit point of the skull as the ultrasonic

    bullet exits the head. These types of ultrasonic bullets are probably the closest a person can

    come to being shot in the head and surviving. A knock out type of these ultrasonic bullets is

    an extremely powerful ultrasonic bullet with an amplitude of several inches that will cut

    through the skull and produce a sensation similar to that of being hit in the head with a

    two-by-four wooden board. This powerful ultrasonic bullet will leave the Target disoriented

    for a short period of time after being struck in the head. The infrasonic bullets are used to

    smack parts of the human body, including the back of the heard, limbs, and back. The body

    seems to absorb most of the energy from these infrasonic bullets.

    The more powerful longer duration ultrasonic waves can have amplitudes of several or more

    inches also. Due to the density of bones in the body, these ultrasonic waves create a strong

    violent jolt when they pass through the human body. If one of the limbs of the human body is

    struck, that limb will be suddenly thrust in the direction of the traveling ultrasonic wave. With

    the muscles in the hand and arm relaxed, a strong ultrasonic wave can pick up the hand and

    arm and thrust the limb in the air. It will seem like an invisible person just tugged your arm.

    Since the frequency of the powerful ultrasonic wave is in the megahertz and can't be heard,

    the person hit and any other people in the same room, if unaware of UltraSonics, will believethat the Target has a neurological problem. Passing a very powerful ultrasonic wave through

    the shoulders can create a severe jolt of the upper body, and passing the same powerful

    ultrasonic wave through the waist will cause a severe jolt in the lower body. These ultrasonic

    waves don't damage the skin or the internal organs of the body in any way. As mentioned

    before, the jolt is felt from the powerful ultrasonic wave passing through the dense bones of

    the human body.

    Other types of these sonic weapons shower large parts of the Target's body with an array of

    infrasonic and ultrasonic waves. Since the waves are out of the human hearing range, he or

    she will hear nothing as these waves strike against or pass through their body. By targeting the

    legs of the Target's body with the ultrasonic version of this weapon, the Target will feel aburning sensation in his or her legs. This method can be used to make the Target feel very

    uncomfortable while sitting in a chair in his or her living room, for example. If this same

    ultrasonic weapon targets the Target's head, the Target will receive a severe headache. The

    infrasonic version of this weapon can be used to make the Target feel tingling sensations in

    certain part of their body. In those haunted house stories when someone claims to feel the

    presence of a spirit, what they could be feeling is this infrasonic weapon striking their body

    with sound waves that they cannot hear. This could explain a lot of those haunted house

    stories. After being attacked with these sonic weapons, I'm led to believe that there may not

    be any haunted houses, just greedy neighbors.

    It is important to remember that all these sonic weapons are fired from inside of a neighboringhouse. No one will run up to the Target's house and fire the weapon. The sonic wave will pass

    straight through the walls of the house of where the weapon is fired from and then pass

    through the walls of the targeted person's house, and along the way possibly striking the

    targeted person. No visual sighting of the weapon is possible because it's fired from inside a

    neighboring house. After passing through both houses, the sonic wave will eventually

    dissipate in the atmosphere. The sonic weapon is usually angled upward so after the sonic

    wave leaves the Target's house; it will travel towards the sky and not pass through any other

    houses in the neighborhood before dissipating in the atmosphere. This is truly a vanishing

    bullet. It is the perfect harassment weapon because it can't be proven in court because it

    leaves no evidence behind. No physical damage is done to the human Target or the house.

    UltraSonics also has sound projection equipment that can direct audible sounds to one person

    in a house from a neighboring house. The sound projection equipment works by producing

    two or more focused ultrasonic waves that are angled to combine at some focal point at a

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    distance. As the sonic waves combine at the focal point, an audible sonic sound wave is

    produced. If one of the ultrasonic waves is modulated (information added to it) with

    information, the final audible sonic wave can be controlled. This final wave can be used to

    direct the audible sounds and messages to the Target. This sound projection device projects

    fairly good quality audible sounds. The audio quality is somewhere between AM and FM

    broadcast quality.

    An audible message that was a sentence in my own voice that stated "YOUR BEING

    TARGETED, BETTER KEEP MOVING" was directed toward me in my house. UltraSonics

    had taken several sentences I had spoken in my house and chopped words out of those

    sentences to form this new sentence. This led me to the conclusion that UltraSonics was using

    eavesdropping devices to record my conversation in my house. UltraSonics also directed

    audible sounds, like barking dogs, firing guns, and footsteps towards me in my house. A

    personal computer that is connected to the sound projection equipment would be used to play

    the audio recordings. A personal computer can be used to edit sounds and store those sounds

    indefinitely on the computer's hard drive. A device that is similar to what UltraSonics is using

    to project audible messages is called an "Acoustic Heterodyne System". Click here to see a

    picture of an " Acoustic Heterodyne System".

    In the movie "Amityville Horror" the priest is told to "GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE". This can

    be accomplished with UltraSonics sound projection equipment. The audible message is sent to

    the Target stating "GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE" and then a powerful infrasonic wave is

    slammed into the side of the Target's face. The Target will hear the message and then feel

    what seems like a slap in the face. This technique really works. I received an audible message

    of a person doing one of those karate kicks and then I received a powerful infrasonic wave

    that was slammed into my face. It really works and seems real.

    UltraSonics also has high-powered version of its sound projection equipment that will fill a

    room with an extremely loud high-pitched audible sound. This sound projection equipment

    has been used against me and the audible sound was so loud that I had to cover my ears.Filling a room with a loud high pitched sound is a good method to wake the Target up in the

    middle of the night. Since the resulting sound wave is audible, it can be heard outside the

    room, though. This sound projection equipment can also be used to create loud sounds of

    explosions, electrical shocks, and fireworks outside the Target's house window. The

    equipment works on the same principle as the less powerful version. Two or more very

    powerful ultrasonic sonic shock waves are fired from the device. One or more of the sonic

    waves is modulated with information, which controls the final high-powered sonic sound

    wave. The ultrasonic waves are angled to combine at a focal point, which results in the

    extremely loud audible sounds at the focal point. If the focal point is in the room, the room

    will be filled with sound. If the focal point is outside the Target's window, the audible sound

    will appear to come from outside the house. The equipment is operated from inside aneighboring house and no damage is done to either house. This equipment was only used on

    me in the very early stages of my harassment. I just wanted to make the reader aware of this

    version of UltraSonics sound projection equipment.

    UltraSonics is in possession of an advanced type of sound projection equipment that uses the

    human vocal chords to transmit an audible message to the Target that only the Target will be

    able to hear. As mentioned above, UltraSonics has a device that fires a certain frequency

    focused ultrasonic wave at vocal chords of the Target to cause the vocal chords of the Target

    to resonate, which creates a gagging sensation. The much more advanced type of sound

    projection device that UltraSonics has obtained modulates information on the ultrasonic

    sound wave that strikes the vocal chords to cause the vocal chords to resonate at audible

    frequencies. This creates the sensation of someone talking with his or her mouth closed. All

    type of sounds can now be transmitted to the Target that only the Target can hear. These

    sounds can include words spoken by the Target that were recorded earlier or other people's

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    words. The only drawback I noticed is that if the Target moves their body in anyway to cause

    the vocal chords to move out of the sonic wave's path, the transmission will end. It works and

    seems real and can be used to artificially create voices in the Target's head, which are

    symptoms of a serious mental disorder. This device has been used to trick people into thinking

    that an evil spirit possesses them. The sonic wave that is striking the vocal chords can't be

    heard, only the vocal chords resonating at audible frequencies will produce sounds that will

    only be heard by the Target. This device can be used against the Target from a neighboring


    Another clever form of harassment that UltraSonics has tried on me is using their audio

    projection equipment to create a loud snapping noise on the hard plastic surface of my TV set.

    Whenever a person spoke a keyword on TV, the TV set would suddenly create a very loud

    snap. TVs do make noises at times as the plastic expands and contracts, but not ever time

    someone on TV says keywords like kill and murder. UltraSonics can send the Target a

    message by snapping the Target's TV whenever people on TV say certain keywords. This

    technique was tried on me for around a month at home before it was abandoned by


    UltraSonics has used other types of non-lethal weapons against me that don't use sound. I'vebeen hit with what feels like an electric shock. UltraSonics has non-lethal weapons that can

    fire a fine or wide beam of electricity at the Target. The beam of electricity is a very high

    voltage electrical charge with very low current, which means it can shock the Target without

    starting a fire in the Target's house. Electricity feels different as it hits me. Sound produces a

    force as it strikes my body; electricity does not. When the beam of electricity hits a muscle in

    the human body, it will cause that muscle to rapidly move. I've been hit in the legs, hands,

    arms, and throat with these electrical charges.

    UltraSonics must have a pool of these non-lethal weapons in New Jersey. The non-lethal

    weapons stockpile is most likely dispersed throughout certain UltraSonics agent's homes, one

    or two of the weapons at most per home. This would protect the stockpile in case lawenforcement somehow discovers the operation. When needed the weapons are moved from

    their hiding place to the theater-of-operation. The weapons are concealed in furniture, which

    makes it easy to move the weapons in and out of homes without suspicion. The surveillance

    equipment would be dispersed throughout UltraSonics agent's homes, also.

    There is no place to hide in a conventional house from these sonic waves that are produced

    from these sonic weapons. These sonic waves can penetrate wood, stone, brick, and metal.

    The only protection that I know of from these sonic weapons is a vacuum (no air). Sound

    cannot travel through a vacuum. A barrier that contains a vacuum in it must be placed

    in-between the weapon and the Target. These vacuum barriers placed around that Target

    would render these sonic weapons useless. I'm not sure how to stop the electrical weapons,though. If the vacuum barriers are made of metal and the case of the barriers are grounded to

    earth ground; this could provide the protection from the electrical weapon. Glass or metal

    materials will hold a vacuum indefinitely. Better to use metal for the barrier. Military bunkers

    have vacuum barriers in the walls, ceiling, and floors to protect the occupants of the bunker

    from sonic weapons.

    If the angle is correct, the Target can be singled out and struck even in a bed with two people

    in it. The focused sonic wave is so accurate and precise that it can strike the Target and not in

    anyway effect the other person in the same bed. The sonic wave can't be heard or seen by

    either person, only felt by the person it strikes.

    The power needed to operate these sonic weapons must be enormous. A charging device

    would be necessary to build up a charge over a period of time, from normal household power.

    I've never been hit with a continuos sonic wave lasting more than five seconds. This leads me

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    to believe that after the weapon is fired, the charging device needs time to recharge itself.

    A targeting system is needed to be able to accurately single out and strike the Target,

    especially in a house with more than one person in it. It is essential that only the Target be

    struck and no one else. If the Target is the only person struck in the house, it makes it

    extremely difficult for the Target to explain their story to the police. The through wall imaging

    technology mentioned above can be used to accurately target the Target. If the imaging

    system and the sonic weapon are calibrated, a precise and reliable method to attack the

    Target now exists. The Target can now be identified by body detail and targeted. Infrared

    targeting system could target a person's body heat through walls of a house, also. Infrared

    systems have been greatly reduced in size over the years. Some fire departments are now

    using thermal imaging technology that can detect hot spots in a house after a house fire has

    been extinguished. The fire fighters can use the imaging technology to detect any hot spots

    and hose them down with water. UltraSonics seems to have the most expensive and advanced

    equipment, so I'm led to believe that through wall imaging technology is being used against


    An effective method to harass a Target is to strike the Target throughout the night before a

    workday. Slamming a powerful ultrasonic wave into the Target every half-hour will do thejob. This wave passing through the human body produces a strong violent jolt of the body,

    which feels like a strong violent kick. Just imagine someone standing over you and kicking

    you every time you fell asleep. The Target will be unable to get sleep and work performance

    will suffer. The Target could lose their job from poor work performance. This would be an

    outcome that UltraSonics would desire because it would eventually lead to the Target loosing

    their home from the inability to pay the mortgage.

    A device now exist that can detect the heartbeat of a human without any physical contact

    with that human. The human heart produces an electric field as it beats, which this device can

    detect. The military will be able to use this device to detect soldiers that are still alive on the

    battlefield. The police are testing a version of this device that will alert a police officer of aperson hiding behind a wall. UltraSonics has also found a use for this device. As a person falls

    asleep, their heart rate slows down. This device can detect this heart rate change. UltraSonics

    can now tell when the Target falls asleep and they can strike the Target with a focused

    ultrasonic shock wave each time they fall asleep. This can be done throughout the night

    ensuring the Target is unable to get sleep. This is really torture. Another method to tell when

    the Target falls asleep is to use a sensitive listening device to listen to the Target's breathing.

    The breathing pattern of a Target will also change as they fall asleep.

    UltraSonics also has a mobile unit with sonic weapons and a very advanced targeting system

    in it. This mobile unit is a van or small truck with the targeting system and weapon hidden in

    back of the vehicle. This mobile unit will follow the Target around for several days and strikethe Target in buildings where the Target is expected to be. UltraSonics was able to target me

    in my eye doctor's office, video store, and several times over several days in a hospital while I

    was visiting a sick relative. They were able to strike parts of my body, such as my legs, and

    they ran a powerful sonic laser through my head several times. Because this mobile unit only

    targeted me for several days, I'm led to believe that there may only be one of these mobile

    units in New Jersey. The money needed to purchase a targeting system and sonic weapons

    that can target and strike a person in a building must be enormous. The sonic weapons used to

    strike the Target in a building are not the type of weapon that produce a sever jolt of the

    human body. The sonic laser that is run through the Target's head in a building feels like a

    bullet traveling through the head with no jolting action. The sonic wave that strikes against

    the body in a building is an infrasonic wave, with an amplitudes that can be several inches,

    that feels like a mild slap against the skin.

    This mobile unit's targeting system seems to be limited in finding its target. I was only

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    attacked in parts of a building where UltraSonics knew I would be. UltraSonics could have

    called the hospital where I was visiting my relative and got the room number. They visually

    found the room in the hospital, and then when I was in the room, UltraSonics used the

    targeting system to target me. The targeting system was able to identify me in a room with

    four people (two people in beds and two people sitting) in it. I was never targeted in any other

    part of the hospital.

    I have a theory on the targeting system. If through wall imaging technology is being used to

    target the Target, what is being used to identify the Target? Could the device that detects the

    human heartbeat be used to identify a Target? Every human has a unique heart rate; it's like a

    fingerprint. If the heartbeat signature of the Target is learned in a place where the Target is

    alone, this signature could be used to identify the Target in a room with more than one person

    in it. After the Target is identified in this fashion, the through wall imaging system can be used

    to target the body details of the Target's body. This is just my own theory.

    The surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons are professional precision military

    equipment. These weapons are not just being put together with off-the-shelf parts. A lot of

    research is needed to determine what sound waves will effect the human body. This is no

    small time operation. The surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons could be purchasedoutside of the country and illegally brought into this country through some kind of an

    underground organization that supplies UltraSonics. The surveillance equipment and

    non-lethal weapons would need to be maintained and calibrated, also.

    The UltraSonics agents, who are doing 24-hour a day surveillance of the Target, are sending

    edited video and audio surveillance tapes and other information to a team of specialist who

    are analyzing the Target. The tapes are edited by UltraSonics agents to remove any empty

    blank spots so this team of specialist, who are much fewer in numbers, can quickly review the

    daily tapes to discover any new information about the Target. The team of specialists consists

    of doctors and psychiatrists who can best determine what makes the Target tick. The Target's

    daily living habits, passions, and fears are being analyzed and a complete profile of the Targetis being built.

    The surveillance stage of me at home went on for about a month. A complete profile of was

    made of me by UltraSonics. UltraSonics uses this profile to determine the most effective way

    to use their sonic weapons to attack the Target. For example, if the Target is religious, their

    belief in God could be used against them. UltraSonics can send audible messages to the Target

    to try to trick the Target into thinking God is speaking to them. Depending on the Target's

    state of mind, they could be manipulated into doing something they would not normally do. If

    the person is fearful of ghosts, they could be tricked into thinking they are living in a haunted

    house. If the Target does not understand what is hitting them, it could appear to them that an

    invisible man is in their house striking them, when in fact it's just powerful focused sonicwaves, fired from a neighboring house, that are out of the human hearing range striking them.

    In a situation like this, the Target could start hallucinating and start seeing thing that are not

    there. I'm not aware of any devices that project visual images, and none were used on me,

    that can be operated from the house next door.

    If UltraSonics chose to try to manipulate the Target by convincing the Target that God is

    speaking to them, the video and audio surveillance equipment would be used to see and hear

    the Target and the sound projection equipment would be used to speak to the Target. If you

    ever saw a person on TV who claimed to have killed someone because God spoke to him and

    told him to do it, UltraSonics may have been involved. This interaction could really seem

    authentic to certain people and they could truly believe that God is speaking to them. All theequipment would be operated from a neighboring house, and the Target would notice nothing

    out of the ordinary, other than the fact that he or she is now speaking with God.

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    I don't know how long these sonic weapons have been around, but a lot of those haunted

    house stories on TV may also not be authentic. It may just be UltraSonics using their

    equipment and sonic weapons from a neighboring house tricking the occupants of the house

    into thinking their house is haunted. Unexplained voices, feeling the presence of a spirit,

    feeling an invisible person touching you, sudden movements of body limbs, jolts to the body,

    burning sensations in parts of the body, and electrical shocks can be produced by UltraSonics

    equipment and weapons.

    After the one-month surveillance stage at home, UltraSonics switched to the attack stage at

    home while maintaining the surveillance stage at my workplace. UltraSonics struck me in my

    home with sonic and electrical non-lethal weapons. They used their sonic weapons to strike

    me throughout the night before workdays. By keeping me awake at night before workdays,

    UltraSonics not only put my safety at risk but also put the safety of innocent people on the

    street at risk. I had to drive to work some days with little to no sleep. I have to travel through

    residential neighborhoods and at least two school zones along the way to work. UltraSonics

    doesn't value the lives the people on the street. Because of UltraSonics, I had to drive many

    times to work without any sleep, ready to dose off behind the wheel of my car.

    UltraSonics will also move its weapons and fires them at the Target from other houses in theneighborhood. The force that these sonic weapons produce when they hit me usually will tell

    me in what general direction the weapon was fired from. UltraSonics fires the weapons from

    other participating neighbors' homes at the Target because it makes it much more difficult for

    the Target to explain their story to the police. The police will ask, "ALL YOUR NEIGHBORS

    ARE SHOOTING INVISIBLE BULLETS AT YOU?" Because UltraSonics is able to single

    out the Target and only strike the Target in a house with more than one person in it, the police

    will just assume the Target is crazy and quickly brush the Target off.

    In addition to being under total surveillance at home and work, UltraSonics also has road

    crews that will follow the Target around anywhere they may go. The road crew will follow

    the Target in two or more cars. If the Target goes food shopping, for example, the road crewwill follow the Target to the supermarket. The UltraSonics agents in one of the cars will

    follow the Target into the supermarket and the other agents will wait in a distance spot in

    their cars in the parking lot. The agents will follow the Target around the supermarket

    watching the Target's every move, and when the Target leaves the supermarket, the

    UltraSonics agents waiting in the distance will blow their car horn twice to let the Target

    know they are being watched. This repeated every time the Target comes out of a store is

    supposed to create some kind of a paranoid mental condition, I guess. In some cases, the

    other car in the distance is equipped with a mini version of their sonic weapons. They will use

    this mini sonic weapon to strike the Target after the Target gets in his car. This mini weapon

    fires a powerful infrasonic wave that feels like a slap against the skin as it hits the Target. The

    sonic wave will have no trouble passing through the windows of the car. I've seen theseportable mini sonic weapons on a CNN news report over six years ago. The mini weapon fits

    in a gym bag and requires no high tech targeting system. The targeting system is just line of

    sight targeting, like a regular gun. The device is fired from inside of one of the UltraSonics

    agent's cars, and in a parking lot filled with cars, it would be very hard to figure out who fired

    the weapon at you.

    UltraSonics may even put some kind of tracking bug in the Target's car. Car tracking systems

    are now available that use the GPS (Global Positioning System) system to transmit the

    location of the car under surveillance to a pursuing car. These car-tracking systems are very

    expensive, but UltraSonics seems to have an unlimited budget. If UltraSonics can get access

    to through wall imaging technology, I don't think they would have much trouble getting

    access to this car-tracking device. With this car-tracking device installed in the Target's car,

    UltraSonics agents can follow the Target's car from a distance without the risk of being

    spotted by the Target. I wouldn't be too surprised if UltraSonics has a car-tracking device that

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    can also transmit conversations that occur inside the Target's car to the pursuing car. The

    car-tracking device in the Target's car is only turned on by remote control when needed. This

    makes it more difficult to detect the car-tracking device with a bug-detecting device.

    Every time I went to the police station, UltraSonics would seem to know. The UltraSonics

    agents living in my neighbor's house would put on a show for the police each time I went to

    the police station. The neighborhood became mostly deserted after UltraSonics began its

    operation in my neighbor's house, over a year ago. But every time I went to the police station,

    UltraSonics agents would come outside of their house and work on something around their

    house and have children play in front of their house, where they would all be visible for the

    police to see. I don't know if the road surveillance crew followed me to the police station and

    notified the other UltraSonics agents in the my neighborhood or the retired police officer in

    my neighborhood got an inside tip from the local police department where he once worked

    before retirement. The police would see this act put on by UltraSonics and assume everything

    was all right.

    UltraSonics agents will try to create a general illusion of normalcy at the house where they are

    performing their operation. The house is a spook house, which means that the house is only

    being used for surveillance. UltraSonics will: decorate the outside of the house for eachholiday, put trash in front of the house each trash day, and place children's toys around the

    outside of the house. This is all done to ward off any possible suspicion from anyone just

    passing by.

    As the attack stage at home entered into its second month, the surveillance stage at work

    switched from surveillance to attack stage. I would start noticing strange things at work. I

    would hear a loud snapping noise coming from the right wall of my office, and then the left

    wall of my office would also make a loud snapping noise. Then my computer monitor would

    make a loud snapping noise. Also, something would occasionally strike me in the back. These

    sounds were not normal sounds. The snapping noises had a sequence and they repeated many

    times throughout the day. It was UltraSonics in the next business suite using their soundprojection equipment to strike the metal parts of the walls in my office and the hard plastic

    surface of my computer monitor.

    Soon after the walls in my office started snapping, I started noticing another strange

    occurrence at work. As I would come to work and leave work, I would start noticing the

    people in the business suite next to my company were coming and leaving with me. It would

    always happen, at least one would arrive with me in the morning and one would leave with

    me at night. Around eight employees worked in that business suite. As I pulled in the parking

    lot in the morning, one of those eight cars would suddenly appear and park in the closest

    possible parking space to me. At night, when I left for the day, at least one of the employees

    from that business suite would come out and get in their can and leave with me. Allemployees of all the suites in the complex share the same parking lot. I tried coming and

    leaving at different times but the same thing would happen over and over again. On occasion,

    all the employees from that suite would park around my car during the day, and when I left

    for the day at night, they would all come out of the suite and leave with me. I believe they

    were using the buddy system when they followed me into the parking lot in the morning. Two

    cars wait in the distance. One is the spotter car and the other is the car that will follow me in.

    When the spotter car sees me enter the parking lot, the spotter car will inform the other car by

    walkie-talkie that I have arrived and they should move in. The spotter car would wait in the

    distance and will move in rapidly to assist his buddy and be a witness if the Target does

    something rash after discovering he was followed to work again.

    After all these events at work happened to me, I had to conclude that UltraSonics had rented

    the business suite next to my business workplace to harass me at work also. UltraSonics tried

    several other methods to try to phyc me out at work. UltraSonics was doing constant

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    surveillance of me at work. Whenever I told someone in my company's office that I was going

    outside, one of the UltraSonics agents would wait by the door of their suite for me to walk

    outside. The UltraSonics agent after seeing me would quickly walk outside with me. They

    would also use their wall-snapping device to snap the walls of my office if I spoke one of

    those keywords.

    UltraSonics never used any powerful non-lethal weapons on me at work. The only weapons

    fire at work I noticed was the snapping device and possibly those small gym bag mini

    weapons that fire the powerful low frequency sonic wave that feels like a slap against the skin

    when it strikes me. Bringing a large weapon to a business suite would be too risky for

    UltraSonics. At home it is less of a risk to move these weapons in and out of the home. The

    surveillance equipment could be concealed in small items, such as radios and other common

    electronic devices. Not much attention would be drawn to someone carrying a radio into and

    out of a workplace each day.

    The arrival and departure harassment at work went on for several months before UltraSonics

    gave up on it. UltraSonics still snaps the wall in my office to let me know I'm being watched.

    They have been at this for over a year now. At home, UltraSonics still fires their weapons at

    me at night in order to prevent me from getting a good night sleep. I was told UltraSonics hasa two-year lease on the business suite next to my work place.

    I believe the surveillance stage at my workplace only switched from surveillance to attack

    stage because the attack stage at home failed to achieve the objective that UltraSonics

    desired. In most cases, the attack stage at home would be enough to push the Target over the

    edge. The surveillance stage at work would normally only be used to keep the Target under

    surveillance incase the Target tries to seek outside help at work. UltraSonics would be able to

    take countermeasures based on the surveillance intelligence obtained at the Target's


    I often wonder how many other people have been victims of UltraSonics. If the Target isunable to accept the fact that it's only sound being used against them, they could wind up in a

    mental institution. I don't know how big this conspiracy is but imagine if the doctor treating

    the Target knows about UltraSonics and the weapons and tells the Target that they are

    mentally ill and need to be placed in an institution for their own protection. This scenario is

    really scary. The person you would normally trust the most to help you is trying to destroy

    you. These weapons could be placed in mental hospitals to attack patients. The weapon can

    be placed in a room close to a patient to be targeted, and the sonic wave will be able to pass

    through brick and metal of the hospital rooms to strike the patient. If the weapon cannot be

    placed in the hospital, the mobile unit can be dispatched to the hospital to attack the patient

    from the hospital parking lot. Imagine the Target is recovering in a hospital after being

    attacked by UltraSonics, and then the mobile unit pulls into the parking lot of the hospital andattacks the Target in their hospital room.

    Parents of children with mental disabilities should be warned about UltraSonics. If the

    neighborhood community feels threatened by the child, the community could allow

    UltraSonics into the neighborhood to attack the child. Only one neighbor on any side of the

    child's house is needed to allow UltraSonics the access they need to attack the child. This

    does not have to be a community effort. The child will not understand what is happening and

    could be driven out of control and institutionalized. If the parents of the child make a doctor's

    appointment for the child, UltraSonics will have that information because UltraSonics is doing

    constant audio and video surveillance of the entire family. UltraSonics could use their mobile

    unit, which can Target and strike the child from a parking lot, to attack the child in thedoctor's office. Remember that the sonic wave is out of the human hearing range and it can't

    been seen. The child could be struck even in a room with more than one person in it and no

    one else in the room will feel, see, or hear a thing. UltraSonics was able to Target and strike

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    me in my eye doctor's office.

    The reaction of each Target will be different after being attacked by UltraSonics. UltraSonics

    smothers the Target hoping for the outcome they desire. A normal reaction could be the

    Target goes berserk and does something rash, possibly with a gun. The Target could even

    commit suicide. I once heard on a news program that an unwelcome neighbor committed

    suicide after being harassed by his community. UltraSonics could have had something to do

    with this. I believe if the Target attempts to enter the house of where they think these sonic

    weapons are being fired from, they will be shot dead. The UltraSonics agents in the house will

    hide or remove the sonic weapons and then call the police. The UltraSonics agents will tell the

    police that the Target was trying to rob their house.

    Since a mentally ill person cannot be forcible committed to a mental institution if they pose

    no threat to society, UltraSonics will try to drive mentally ill people out of control by

    attacking them with these sonic weapons. If driven out of control, a mentally ill person could

    be forcible committed to a mental institution for an indefinite period of time. Not many

    people would listen to a person who appears to have a mental condition complaining about

    invisible bullets striking them.

    Law enforcement will be of little to no help. I tried the local police and got smart remarks and

    laughs. The local police told me that a person could not be targeted in a house. And when I

    mentioned sonic weapons, the police thought someone was playing a loud radio in front of my

    house. The local police did have a patrol car watch my house for a few days but the police

    don't understand that these weapons are fired from inside a neighboring house. Without

    special detection equipment for the targeting system and weapons, no evidence can be

    produced for the police. I tried calling and writing the FCC and ATF and got no response. I

    did manage to contact a FBI agent. The FBI agent told me that he was unaware of the

    existence of the weapons. The agent did a little checking for me and informed me that there is

    no law making it illegal to own this type of surveillance equipment and sonic weapons. The

    agent said it would be illegal to use the surveillance equipment and sonic weapons toeavesdrop and attack people, though. The agent also told me that the FBI could not help me

    unless I could prove the surveillance equipment and sonic weapons were in fact being used

    against me. Since I have no detection equipment to detect the surveillance equipment and the

    sonic weapons leave no physical marks on the human body after being attacked, I could

    provide no evidence to support my claims. I asked the agent where I could obtain detection

    equipment, and he told me he had no idea. The agent entered my name, address, and Web

    Page URL into the agency computer database and assured me that if I were killed by the

    sonic weapon attacks, the FBI would conduct a full and complete investigation.

    Detection equipment that can detect the radar wavelengths that this through wall imaging

    technology is using to detect the Target is needed. A detection device would have to beplaced near the Target and when the targeting system scans the room for the Target, the

    detection device would give some type of audible warning. The detection device could record

    the detection of the radar signals in order to provide the police with evidence of the electronic

    assault. I don't think it would be easy to detect the sonic waves that the sonic weapons fire

    because the waves are focused and only fired when the Target is found with the targeting

    system. If you attempted to detect the sonic wave, the detection device would have to be in

    the exact spot of where the sonic wave passes for it to detect the sonic wave, and the chances

    of this happening would be slim. The detection device for the through wall targeting system

    should be the best way to go. It would probably be similar to car radar detectors that detect

    police radar in speed traps.

    People who live in apartments should also be concerned about UltraSonics. If UltraSonics

    discovers a Target that is living in an apartment, UltraSonics could move into a nearby

    apartment with their surveillance equipment and weapons. If there is an apartment on any

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    side of the Target's apartment that is vacant, the Target could be in trouble. The distance

    between my house and the house that UltraSonics agents are operating out of is around 30

    feet. Just imagine what UltraSonics could do to the Target in an apartment directly under the

    Target's apartment, a few feet.

    I believe the through wall targeting system and the non-lethal sonic weapon are two separate

    units. I'm mentioning this because this through wall targeting system is not limited to just

    targeting non-lethal weapons, it can also be used to target lethal weapons as well. This

    targeting system is pin-point-accurate when used from a neighboring house. I'm sure this

    targeting system can be used to target a high-powered rifle. I often see the militia on TV

    training with guns to protect themselves from the government. If any militia members read

    this web page, please be aware that this targeting system can be used to assassinate a person

    in their sleep. If it's used against you, you won't even get a chance to defend yourself. You

    can't see, feel, or hear the targeting system. The detection device for this targeting system will

    be a necessity in the near future.

    Am I a Paranoid Schizophrenic? You decide. I urge you to keep an open mind, though.

    Several on-line Internet doctors that have read this web page have diagnosed me as a

    Paranoid Schizophrenic. With recent school shootings, UltraSonics could be expanding. Iheard on television that public school counselors have been given guidelines for detecting

    problem children in public schools. If parents are unresponsive to a school counselor's

    concerns about the child, the school counselor could turn the information over to UltraSonics.

    If any neighbor on any side of the problem child's house lets UltraSonics use their home,

    UltraSonics will begin its surveillance of the entire family. The family will never know they

    are under surveillance. I only discovered I was under surveillance after UltraSonics let me

    know. UltraSonics will build a complete profile of every person living in that house.

    A person seeking professional help from a psychiatrist and believing that their sessions with

    that psychiatrist are private may be in for a rude awakening. Psychiatrists use UltraSonics to

    go after mentally ill people that they feel are a threat to society. If a psychiatrist feels that aperson that they are treating is a threat to society, the psychiatrist could turn the information

    over to UltraSonics. The psychiatrist may even work with UltraSonics to get the person

    forcible committed to a mental institution.

    The action that UltraSonics takes after the surveillance period is over depends on the Target

    under surveillance. UltraSonics chose to try to drive me insane and out of control with their

    psychological warfare tactics and non-lethal weapons. I was told that UltraSonics would even

    try to set the Target up for a big fall. UltraSonics knows just about everything about the

    Target, so finding a way to set the Target up is easy. The problem child could also be set up, if

    UltraSonics can find no other solution that will satisfy them. UltraSonics sometimes uses what

    is called a "Human Torpedo" to assist in the big fall of the Target. This "Human Torpedo" isan UltraSonics agent that will gain the trust of the Target and become their friend, and when

    it's time for the big fall, this torpedo will take part in the destruction of the Target.

    UltraSonics had no problem with violating my rights and the rights of the people who live and

    work with me. How far will UltraSonics go? Will we have a "High Tech Era of

    McCarthyism"? If so, UltraSonics will have a black list of its Targets, and if an employer hires

    a person on that black list, UltraSonics will do surveillance of that employer and then attack

    that employer with non-lethal weapons. UltraSonics is a bunch of extremist people who can't

    get their way through legal means, so they have obtained advanced technology and weapons

    to try to get their way through terrorizing people. What is incredible to me is that UltraSonics

    could be using taxpayers' money to carry out this domestic terrorism.

    If UltraSonics ever attacks you, my advice to you would be to keep a cool head. The team of

    specialist, including doctors and psychiatrists, who have studied and analyzed you, will know

    aSonics-America's Secret Police

    von 18 14.01.2012 00:20

  • 8/3/2019 Strahlenfolter - Electronic Harassment - Walter Tribe - Secret Police - www.raven1


    how to push your buttons. UltraSonics agents will use this information, from the specialists, to

    try to get you to commit a violent act. Please be aware that a violent act includes as small of a

    criminal offense as slashing a tire on an UltraSonics agent's car. If you do commit a violent act

    and you are caught by law enforcement and you tell law enforcement that you committed the

    violent act in retaliation for UltraSonics shooting invisible bullets at you, you could be forcible

    placed in a mental institution for psychiatric evaluation. Don't bother to try to explain to a

    psychiatrist what UltraSonics has done to you because the psychiatrist will just diagnosis you

    as a Paranoid Schizophrenic and you can be forced to take medication. Even if you don't

    have a mental problem, the psychiatrist will label you a Schizophrenic who could be a danger

    to society. Remember a mentally ill person can't be forced into a mental institution unless

    they commit a violent act. If you tell law enforcement or psychiatrists that UltraSonics is

    shooting invisible bullets at you, they will label you mentally ill. If you are going to commit a

    violent act to get even with UltraSonics, and in doing so, you get caught by law enforcement,

    under no circumstances mention the attacks by UltraSonics to anyone. If the police officer

    that is interrogating you about the crime you just committed knows you have been targeted by

    UltraSonics, the police officer may try to coach you into telling him you committed the

    violent act in retaliation for the attacks by UltraSonics. Telling law enforcement about the

    attacks by UltraSonics will guarantee you a one-way ticket to a mental institution.

    Psychiatrist use a check list method for detecting mental illness. You think people are

    watching you at home, check. You think people are watching you at work, check. You think

    people are following you around, check. You think people are shooting invisible bullets at

    you, check. You think your TV set is trying to tell you something, check. You think the walls

    in your office are trying to tell you something, check. You hear voices that no one else can

    hear, check. If you have any history of mental illness in your family, that is a big check mark

    against you. UltraSonics knows how psychiatrists think, this is one reason why UltraSonics

    moves into the house next door to the Target and follows the Target to work. UltraSonics uses

    their high tech surveillance equipment, sonic weapons, and the other psychological warfare

    tactics to lay the groundwork for your sessions with a psychiatrist. As you tell your incredible

    story to the psychiatrist, the psychiatrist's eyes will roll back and psychiatrist will just stoplistening to you after a short period of time. And try telling your story at your competency

    hearing. No one will believe you. Once the psychiatrist determines you are mentally ill, all

    others, including the judge, the prosecutor, your lawyer, your family members, and your

    friends, will follow suit. The psychiatrist's determination means everything in a court of law.

    Since you have no evidence to support your claims about the attacks against you by

    UltraSonics, you will be found mentally ill by the court and you will be placed in a mental

    institution to undergo treatment for your mental illness. Your stay in the mental institution is

    indefinite; you can be held in the mental institution until the psychiatrists determine that you

    are no longer a threat to society, which may never occur. Good Luck!

    The people you tell about the attacks by UltraSonics on yourself should be limited to only

    those people you totally trust. It is an extremely bad idea to tell your friends and co-workers

    whom you don't totally trust. People will treat you differently if they think you are mentally

    ill. Rumors will spread about you and people will avoid you like the plague. If you tell your

    boss that the reason you're so tired at work is because UltraSonics is keeping you awake at

    night by firing invisible bullets at you, your job could be placed in jeopardy. Your boss will

    assume he now has a mentally ill employee and will try to get rid of you. If you can, avoid

    telling any co-workers and your boss. Family members you tell, thinking they are acting in

    your best interest, could try to have you forcible committed to a mental institution for

    psychiatric evaluation. UltraSonics is doing constant surveillance of your home and will be

    able to hear all conversations that occur in your home, even when you're not home. If theycan, UltraSonics will try to orchestrate your family into forcibly committing you to the mental


    UltraSonics agents living next door could try to become friends with your family members.

    aSonics-America's Secret Police

    von 18 14.01.2012 00:20

  • 8/3/2019 Strahlenfolter - Electronic Harassment - Walter Tribe - Secret Police - www.raven1


    From the surveillance that was done of your entire family, UltraSonics agents will know just

    about everything about your family members too. UltraSonics agents will smile and act like

    they are your family's best friends. They will try to get family members to tell them about

    your situation and out of the kindness of their heart, will try to guide your family into doing

    the right thing that they feel is best for a person suffering from a potentially dangerous mental

    condition. Avoid situations such as this.

    If UltraSonics does succeed in getting you to commit a violent act and you're committed to a

    mental institution forcible, you have my sympathy. I don't know how far this conspiracy goes,

    but if these weapons are being used in mental institutions to attack mentally ill patients, you

    could be in for a rough ride. Family members believing you are mentally ill, will do little to

    help you, and doctors, psychiatrists, and law enforcement either don't believe or deny the

    weapons exist, so your pretty much on your own. If you turn violent in the mental ward, you

    could be restrained and sedated. These weapons leave no marks on the human body after

    being attacked, so you have no evidence to support your claims. Since your stay in the mental

    institution is indefinite, your fate is in the hands of the psychiatrists at the mental institution.

    The more you resist by telling the psychiatrists you have no mental problem and you don't

    belong in a mental institution, the worse the sonic weapon attacks on you will become. The

    powerful ultrasonic waves that these weapons produce cut through walls with ease, so there isno where to hide in a padded room from these weapons. They can turn you into a walking

    zombie, by attacking you with sonic weapons to deny you sleep. Nobody will hear your

    screams for help, and to anyone from the outside world, you will appear to be just another

    crazy psycho.

    I don't know exactly what the qualifications are for becoming a Target of UltraSonics. I

    believe the cop in my neighborhood used his influence to persuade UltraSonics to target me,

    so I'm wondering who are the primary Targets of UltraSonics? This equipment and non-lethal

    weapons were not obtained just for me. UltraSonics has devices that can artificially create

    symptoms of schizophrenia in a human. Why would someone develop such devices? Have

    medical doctors and psychiatrists created phony mental illnesses to explain the artificialsymptoms that these sonic weapons produce when used on humans? Has a "Final Solution"

    been developed for mentally ill people where mentally ill people are sought-out and attacked

    by UltraSonics so they can be driven out of control and forcible committed to a mental

    institution? Once mentally ill people have been forcible committed to the mental institution,

    are these sonic weapons being used in mental institutions to attack mentally ill patients to

    insure that they can't be released back into society?

    UltraSonics agents have been well trained. The best minds in psychiatry have written the

    playbook for UltraSonics agents. UltraSonics is trying to be a social engineer, and they will

    use all means necessary to create the society they feel is the proper one. UltraSonics agents

    seem to feel they are untouchable and above the law because they are in possession oftechnology that can be used to attack people with no risk of prosecution by law enforcement.

    Another thing I noticed about UltraSonics over the year is that they continue to use the same

    old tactics over and over again on me. Even though these tactics have totally failed to

    produce their desired results, they continue to persist with them. When a football team uses

    the same plays over and over again, eventually the opposition team will learn all their plays

    and the team will be defeated. Since UltraSonics did illegal surveillance of me and learned

    everything about me, I thought that it's only fair that I tell as many people as possible

    everything about UltraSonics. Isn't that fair?

    Well, I just wanted to say thanks for reading this web page. Please tell other people about

    UltraSonics and their technology and weapons. The one thing I noticed about UltraSonics is

    that they don't like publicity. Please post this information in other forums that have a similar

    topic and/or add a URL to my main web page. Also please send this information to any law

    enforcement agency, civil liberties group, or news media organization you know of. Please

    aSonics-America's Secret Police

    von 18 14.01.2012 00:20

  • 8/3/2019 Strahlenfolter - Electronic Harassment - Walter Tribe - Secret Police - www.raven1


    continue to read the other links on the previous web page. Remember that UltraSonics is able

    to get away with its activities because not many Americans know of this technology or

    believe that any group would go to all the trouble to harass one person. Even if you don't live

    in New Jersey, you should be concerned about UltraSonics because UltraSonics has at least

    one division in every state in the USA and several divisions in several states. I have a strong

    technical background which made it easy for me to figure out what UltraSonics was shooting

    at me, may God help the person that is targeted if they don't understand what UltraSonics is

    shooting at them.


    [End of My Story]

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