storyboard pp

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Storyboard By DAT Productions

•Establishing shot of protagonist’s house.

•Zoom into bedroom

•Titles “The Darkness”

•Low to high angle

•4 seconds

•Long shot of her coming out of the bathroom and switching off the light.

•Over the shoulder shot of the silhouette of Lucy.

•Light goes off

•Point of view shot from Lucy’s perspective.

•Light goes on

•Over the shoulder shot of the silhouette of Lucy.

•Light goes off

Close up of Rachel’s face

Light goes on

•Over the shoulder shot of the silhouette of Lucy.

•Light goes off

•Over the shoulder shot of the silhouette of Lucy.

•The third time it goes off, the girl is much closer.

Close up to show Rachel’s expression.

Rachel leaves the light on and closes the door slightly using a long shot.

Shot of Rachel getting into bed.

Mid shot slowly zooming.

From Rachel’s bed a shot of the door is revealed.

Close up of Rachel in bed.

She opens her eyes.

She looks around at the door

The light is seen going off and the door flies open.

Rachel hides under her covers

Medium close up

Extreme close up of her under the covers

Point of view shot.

She hears what seems like a little girl singing. After a few seconds the singing stops.

Close up of Rachel’s phone ringing and an unknown number on the screen.

Rachel slowly gets out from under her covers and peers out

Medium close up of her looking towards the ringing phone.

Rachel goes to pick it up and Lucy appears.

The screen blacks out.

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