storyboard 22222222

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Two parents sitting together on a sofa with a present in they’re hands looking happy. (Wide Shot) 

18-Year-old sitting on sofa looks excited. (Wide Shot) 

on present being past over (Over the Shoulder)

Boys face looks happy (Close Up)

box opened watch inside (Close Up)

Family hug (Wide Shot)

a man meeting a young woman he talks to her (no audible dialogue) and he shakes her hand with the same hand his watch is on (Mid Shot)

His watch is seen while by a woman (Mid Shot)

the man getting on his knees with a box while his watch is in shot (Wide Shot) 

We see a bride and nervous groom at a wedding (Mid Shot)

In a hospital room we see a man pacing around the room with his hand to his face (Long Shot)  

The man does his tie with the watch hand and we see her stand in front of him (Mid Shot)

a doctor walks in and says it’s a boy (Mid Shot)

A elder man is seen with an eighteenth birthday shown in the background gives a box to the young son by him (Mid Shot)

a young dad is holding his baby with his watch being shown (Mid Shot)

The boy opens the box to show a watch with his dad wishing him a happy birthday giving him a fatherly hug (Close Up) 

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