story of cosmetics film review

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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this is a film review essay about the story of cosmetics


Lara El SaidFilm Review EssayUGST 181Date turned in: 02/10/2014The Story of Cosmetics Film ReviewThe short movie The Story of Cosmetics by Annie Leonard is to notify and alert us that we are marinating ourselves with toxic chemicals from lipstick to baby shampoo. I was shocked that even baby shampoo has toxic chemicals, I was even shocked that the FDA doesnt actually review the safety of personal care products or the products ingredients and ban the toxic cosmetics. The movie was an effective movie that was a call for me and for many other people that did not know that all of these toxic substances are being introduced to our body. It totally changed my view toward the production of cosmetics as well as my view towards the governments role to take action to protect its citizens. I believe that the government should eliminate as much as possible of these toxic products to be displayed on the shelves. If an action wasnt taken and we werent able to control how cosmetics are produced the rate of cancer would increase as well as other diseases such as asthma or other problems such as learning disabilities, while for the broader cosmetic industry it will benefit by producing more of these toxic cosmetics and selling more and benefitting from them, the spread of the cosmetics would be in a wider range worldwide. Many ingredients should be banned or at least produced with a little amounts such as lead in lipstick or hydrogen peroxide in our cosmetics which will oxidize living tissues or carcinogens which can cause cancer and others which are neurotoxins and reproductive toxins which is proven to mess up brain development and reproduction. Our body will end up to be a toxic body filled with lead, mercury, triclosan, flame retardants and much more. The most credible argument that Annie had is that the FDA doesnt even assess the safety of the cosmetics or their ingredients, and that they dont even require all of the ingredients to be listed on the product while it should be so that people could be aware of any toxic ingredient, so that we understand what products or actually what ingredients we are introducing to our body because our cosmetic choices are not only influencing our health but instead they are influencing our childrens health, because babies are born pre-polluted. There should be an action taken to stop all of these toxic ingredients that are being introduced to the body for that reason people should work to change the system by demanding to change the laws since cosmetic industry are making their own rules and there is no one to stop them from producing these toxics. People should make a change to be able to give the FDA the power to review the safety of our personal care products. People should support legislation for the sake of their safety.

Work Cited Annie Leonard. The Story of Cosmetics. July 21st, 2010. Film.

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