story board media music video

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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This is a close up shot of the main artists face. He will be singing directly into the camera. He will be stood against a clear background possibly a brick wall as this makes him stand out in the scene as he will be the only object on the background thefore in this scene the audience will be focused on his face. In this scene the audience will be able to see the emotion thoughts and feelings on the artists face as the close up shot reveals all this.

The scene will fade into an over the shoulder shot of the main actor on a bridge holding a photograph in his hand. He looks at the photograph for a short while as the camera angles change from mid shots to close up shots of him singing. The actor will be wearing casual clothing. The lighting is natural as the scene is being shot outside. However we are going to edit this scene to be in black and white and change the brightness and contrast as we feel this suits the mood of the song this scene will last 20 seconds and the transition will be a straight cut to the next scene.

This scene will open with a shot from behind. The main artist will be sitting on a bench at the train station, wearing the same clothing as in the previous shot making it clear to the audience that this is happening on the same day this also shows continuity. The actor will be looking down at the floor with the photograph in his hand. He will then look up across the platform and see the female character with her suitcase. A train will immediately come past and there will be a cut transition. This scene will last 22 seconds. There will be natural lighting as the scene is shot outside.

The video starts with no music. The female actor is sitting on the bed in the room alone. Next to her is the main artists phone. On her other side she has a suitcase containing her items. There is natural lighting from the window in the room. The scene lasts 27 seconds. The female actor is wearing every day clothing but has a coat on which shows she is about to leave. She also has mascara down her face, which portrays that she has been crying to the audience this shows her emotions. The camera angle is at a mid shot, which shows the room and the actress so the audience can see the entire action happening.

The chorus scene will be filmed on a platform in kingston by the river. The main artist will be sat on the platform performing the song. This part of the video wil be the performance part. The camera angles will be varied so the

We have swopped this scene for artist performance.

The chorus scene will be filmed on a platform in kingston by the river. The main artist will be sat on the platform performing the song. This part of the video wil be the performance part. The camera angles will be varied so the

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