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Post on 11-Jul-2020






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Clarifying Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recovery of Digestive Issues

(What To Do and What NOT To Do) Cynthia: Hey, there and welcome to the Transformational Nutrition Summit. I’m

your host, Cynthia Pasquella, and today, I have someone super awesome, who is going to share with us a ton of information on digestive health and why that’s so important and how it can improve your overall health and your life. So, please join me in welcoming Steve Wright. Steve, welcome.

Steven: Thank you. Thank you for having me. Cynthia: Well, I am so excited that you’re here. I asked you before we got on

what’s your title. What do people call you these days, and you said, “I’m a health engineer.” What’s that mean?

Steven: Well, I have to be honest. I totally made that up, but my background is

electrical engineering, and back when I was 60 pounds heavier than I am right now with a bunch of acne and a bunch of digestive issues and some anxiety/depression stuff going on, I was doing engineering work, and then, I realized as I started to overcome my health issues that one of the areas of the world that hasn’t been solved yet, like a complex issue, is the body and how do we fix it, and so in my electrical engineering background, they just crammed four years of here’s how to problem solve and here’s how to think about complex issues. And so, then I was like, “Oh, light bulb.” Doctors come from a certain specialty. Nutritionists come at the health epidemic in a certain way. Well, engineers can also do the same thing, and so, that’s kind of how the title was born and what I’ve been trying to do for the last five years.

Cynthia: I love that. I think that’s such a great thing, and really, we are all

engineering our own health, and I think it’s so interesting what you said, like there’s a way and a step-by-step guide on how to engineer everything except your health, because we’re all so different. We all have all these crazy things going on. Talk to me about digestion, and we’ve got so many questions about this, Steve. We put out this thing and said, “Hey, we’re doing this amazing Summit. What do you want to hear about,” and everybody said digestion. “I’m bloated, I’m constipated. I know I’m not

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Stop Suffering. Start Living.

digesting my food properly.” Why is digestion so important? Let’s just start there.

Steven: That’s a big question, but if we zoom way out, like 35,000, 60,000 feet,

whatever, something like that, the only way that you’re going to get any nutrition in your body to create your cells, which all of them turnover at different rates, but essentially every seven years, everything in your body is brand new. Well, to get that fuel. To get those particles, those nutrition-building blocks, it has to come through your digestion. So, what you eat, what you drink. Of course, something in the air too, but if your digestion’s not working properly, you’re going to be missing out on some, all, who knows what percentage of those nutrients to just make every cell work in your body. And so at the highest level, I think that’s why it’s really important. If we zoom in just a tiny, tiny bit, what you’ll find is that the digestive tract is a long tube, and it’s outside your body. So, we eat things, and they’re technically contained inside of us, but they’re still outside of us. And so, it’s a really unique environment in there where a lot of things are going on, and actually, 80% of our immune system is right behind that gut too. And so when you think about that, when you think about how our bodies rebuild ourselves, how we protect ourselves from infection and diseases, if 80% of your immune system is living right in there along with a lot of times around 90% of your neurotransmitters, this is a really important area of the body that, because it’s kind of dirty and no one really understands it 100% yet, people just overlook it. It’s confusing, and so, it gets overlooked.

Cynthia: Yeah, it makes sense. You and I had this conversation when I asked you

to be on the Summit, and you said we could talk about poop, and I was like, “Great, no one talks about that.” And no one does it. It’s like that dirty, sort of funky thing nobody really wants to dig in and talk about poop, but can we talk about it for just a minute, because I feel like this is something that’s so critical, and if people are really looking to take back control of her own health, they have to be able to sort of look at their poop and evaluate this. So Steven, talk to me about poop.

Steven: Poop is great. I mean, poop just makes you smile. You can’t say poop

three times and not laugh a little. And we all do it. So, we just need to get rid of the stigma here. Let’s see. Why would you want to care about poop other than it’s kind of funny to talk about? The one thing is that I don’t have it. I don’t think Cynthia has it, and I doubt that anybody watching this has a full lab in their house where every day they can run tests on themselves, and they can monitor how well they’re doing health

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wise, and so, that just means that every six months if you’re really proactive, maybe every year you get some tests done by your doctor, and you find out am I getting healthier or not healthier. And we can track some other things like maybe energy and mood and things, but let’s be honest. The one thing that we can look at every day to find out how our digestion is doing and, therefore, how our health is doing is our poop. And so, it’s a great objective measure about what’s happening with you, and a lot of things can affect it. It could be what’s happening in your life, the stress. If you got in a car accident or if you’re going through a breakup all the way down to what did you eat or do have infections, do you have some sort of hormonal imbalance? All of these things are going to manifest themselves in a different-looking poop, and that also makes a problem for us because we don’t know how to universally talk about poop. We can SnapChat each other pictures or something if we want, but that’s not going to really happen. So, there’s this really cool chart called the Bristol Stool Chart, and it was put out by a Scandinavian gastroenterology journal, and it does a great job of using pictures and numbers to objectively be able to talk about poop. So, it’s a scale from one to seven, and I hope everybody Googles it after this talk, because you should keep listening, but after this, go use it, print it. Use it when you talk to your doctor, your nutritionist, your kids, because it’s going to give you an indication on how your health is. If you’re a four or five, which would be like, we’re going to get a little graphic here, like soft-serve ice cream would be like a five, and a four would be like a really smooth formed beautiful log that didn’t hurt when it came out. And so, when you’re having those, you know that you’re doing health right. Things are working well digestively. When it’s outside of that scale, if it’s Snickers bar all the way down to rabbit pellets, you’re on the constipated side, and when you’re above that, when it gets a little looser, you’re on the diarrhea side. And so if we monitor this on a daily basis, it can rally give us an indication of, “Wow, maybe I need to take a deeper dive here into what I’m eating or how my stress levels are, or maybe there’s a bigger, deeper issue here.” So, I think it’s a really objective thing, and shoot for a four or five on that scale. Make sure you’re pooping once a day. Make sure when you do it, it’s nice and easy, and then, my new funny way to talk about this is think NASCAR pit stop, like you’re in and out. Don’t be playing Words with Friends. Don’t be Facebook updating. No, in and out. Do that stuff when you’re not in the bathroom.

Cynthia: Yeah, and when your poo is healthy, you can do that. You can do the pit

stop poo?

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Steven: Yeah, you start to save a lot of money on toilet paper, because you’re like, “I don’t even really need this.”

Cynthia: And so, what do we do. Give us some tips, Steve, if we’re on opposite

ends of the spectrum, if we’re not a four or five. Let’s say it’s more of watery, more loose. What are some of the things that we can do to get that back down to that perfectly formed poop?

Steven: That’s a good question. So if you’re on the watery or diarrhea side,

essentially your body’s flushing everything through your body too fast. It’s saying, “Whoa, we’ve got a problem here.” This is a defense mechanism that the body uses. Think like traveler’s diarrhea, except now your body thinks it’s having traveler’s diarrhea every day, and so, the body is really agitated. We’ve got to figure out why. So, some of the reasons why could be that you’re eating a diet that doesn’t mesh with your current level of health in your genetics or epigenetics. So for instance if you are having this, I would highly recommend removing all grains, all processed foods. Really trying to get down to meats and fruits and vegetables and cook them. Those are the three kind of easiest to digest foods out there, but the other thing is that you could be having an infection too. You might have a parasite or an infection in the small intestine, like SIBO, which is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or candida yeast, something like that. So, you could have some deep infections that are causing the body to go, “Yikes!” Dump, dump, dump, and a really huge tip. A lot of supplements, Cynthia, aren’t very powerful. Like fish oil, you can’t just take it and be like, “Whoa, fish oil did that for me.” It just doesn’t work like that, but with digestive enzymes and diarrhea or loose stools, it can be like a light switch. It’s one of the only supplements out there that can act like that. So a lot of times maybe due to leaky gut or inflammation in the digestive tract, you actually can’t even maybe break down the really healthy diet that you are eating, and so, supplementing with something like digestive enzymes or if you have low stomach acid like betaine HCl, you can allow your body to do its job again, and so, that’s where this gets really complex, because we’re talking about physical problems with your gut. Are they working okay with the enzymes and stomach acid? We’re talking about infections. Do you have one of those and your body’s freaked out? And then also, what kind of food are you intaking on a regular basis, and can your current level of health sustain what you’re eating?

Cynthia: Got it. That’s a lot of information but so great, and I want to come back to

a few of the things that you said, but before we do, I want to not forget

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about the opposite end of the spectrum, so the rabbit pellet stage. If that’s happening, what do we need to do to improve that?

Steven: Gotcha. It’s a lot of the same things. So in this instance, your body is like

slowing everything down. And so, the question is what’s slowing it down. Again, it could be stomach acid. A lot of digestion, the main way that all of your digestion is typically regulated is the pH, and the pH is set in the stomach. So if your stomach acid is off at the beginning, this where I get engineering on you, you’re essentially feeding a bad input into the rest of the system. So, you can’t expect the system to work correctly if it’s off from the beginning. So, that’s a big way. There can be infections again. Like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth typically causes a lot of gas and bloating, but it’s really responsible for a lot of constipation. So if constipation is happening to you, I’d definitely look into that at some point. Another thing might be just hormones. Typically, hormones on the diarrhea side are in the stage where you don’t have enough of them. So, you can’t shut off the inflammation and slow everything down. On the constipated side, it’s kind of the same sort of imbalances, but sometimes, cortisol might be really high instead of really low or something like that. So, there can be some ways in which the digestive tract is not functioning correctly, and then again, we have to go back to diet. You might not be feeding your gut flora, all the bacteria that live inside of your intestines, anything to live upon, and a lot of our poop is made of dead bacteria. And so, our gut flora are super important. They help regulate the immune system. They interact with our brains. They help actually digest food for us, and they protect us from some toxins and things like that. So, Jeff Leach from the American Gut Project had a great quote on a podcast we did where he said, “Every bite of food or every time you go to the grocery store, you should be thinking about what are you putting in your cells nutrition wise, but also what are you feeding your bacteria nutrition wise.” And so, they really like fermented foods, but they like fermentable matter like vegetables and fruit and even carbohydrates. And so if you’re kind of off one way or the other there, you can really be starving these bacteria down to where they don’t push the food along. They don’t do the digestive part.

Cynthia: It’s so interesting. You mentioned diet, and I think that’s so important.

You mentioned a lot of things we’re going to go back to, but what would be a proper diet for someone to eat. And I know this has to be sort of big picture because we’re talking to the masses of people, but for proper digestion, healthy digestion, you mentioned the fermentable matter. So, the fruits, the vegetables, that sort of thing, and I’m assuming things like

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sauerkraut, those fermented foods would be a great thing to add, but what should we be eating if we want to make sure that our digestive system is healthy?

Steven: Cynthia, that’s an amazing question, and the most frustrating thing about

it is it totally varies, depending on your state of health. Cynthia: I knew you were going to say that. Steven: Yeah, it gets so frustrating. Cynthia: It does, it does, because people want to do the right thing, and they’re

like, “Steve, just tell me what to eat, and I’ll eat it,” and you’re like, “Well, that depends.”

Steven: Because I don’t like labeling foods good or bad. I mentioned earlier

giving up grains, but some people can tolerate them just fine, and they have great health, and so, who am I to say any food is good or bad, or I’m not here to tell you how to live your life even if you know something doesn’t work for your biology, and you choose to eat it, that’s fine. It might bring you some other happiness or something else, and so, I’m not here to tell people how to eat or how to think about food in good or bad terms. I just like to talk about being aware of our bodies and what works for our current state of health, and so if someone is really suffering with gas and bloating and diarrhea and constipation and just really upset stomach or nausea after eating and your number one priority is to get rid of that symptomatology, then I think it’s a really good idea to get into a very restricted diet where your symptoms go away, your quality of life shoots through the roof, and then, you’re much more liable to begin to wonder why this happen and begin to go down the rabbit holes of fixing anything that went wrong so that you can eat a much more diverse diet and eat whatever you want to eat in the future. And so, the most basic thing is cooked foods are easier to digest than raw foods, and meats, fruits, and vegetables tend to be the easiest to digest with the lowest amount of toxins in them, and obviously, I’m talking about hopefully the highest quality that you can afford. If you’re on a lower budget diet and the only thing that you have in your area is just your regular store-bought foods and your conventional raised meat, it’s better to do this than to continue with whatever else you’re doing, but if you also have the ability to find pasture-raised, grass-fed meats and non-GMO organic produce, go that route if you can, but it’s baby or bathwater here. We just want to kind of begin to cook foods at home, don’t buy it out, and then begin that

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process and then listen to your body. You might find out that despite everybody saying that kale is the best food on the planet, you can’t digest it, and so right now, it’s not a good food for you. It doesn’t matter how cool it is or how super food it is. What’s perfect for you right now is only what you can digest. And so, as you get down to, what we call, a food safe zone over at SCD Lifestyle, then you can begin to think about testing more and more food groups. Typically, the more wrecked your gut is, the more narrow your diet has to be, and then as you improve your gut, the more foods you can tolerate, and you can go out and do any kind of dairy you want, eat all the legumes, eat the grains again, maybe soaked or fermented or something like that. And so, that’s kind of how I like to think about diet. I think a lot of other diets like there’s the FODMAPs diet, there’s the GAPS diet. There’s a specific carbohydrate diet. There’s vegetarian. There’s vegan. There’s Paleo. There’s all these different diets, and I think it should be a Cynthia diet and a Steve diet.

Cynthia: I like the Cynthia diet. Steven: You like that one better? Well, I think we should all just experiment. We

should get back in touch with our bodies and what works for us, and your body will be the guide. We don’t have to make it more complicated than that. We can go down to what science suggests is easy for us to digest and play around again with stomach acid and enzymes in case you have some physical limitations right there and then begin to grow out from there and just add in foods as your heart desires, your taste buds, or your nutrition needs it.

Cynthia: So essentially, you’re saying that the perfect diet, because we’re always

on the hunt for the perfect diet, and it seems to be so elusive, but it seems like what you’re saying is the perfect diet is whatever’s perfect for you in this moment, because that can and probably will change. Like you said if your digestive health isn’t great right now, maybe you have a more narrow scope of foods, but then as it starts to repair and get better, then that scopes widens, and so your diet obviously changes a bit, and I love that. It makes things so simple, and it teaches us to really listen to our bodies and make our own decisions, and it’s also empowering, which I love. I’m not following the Steve diet. I may not like the Steve diet. I may not like any of the foods on it, and I’m disempowered, and I like to rebel. So, I’ll fall off the wagon, and then, I beat myself up because I did this bad thing. So in this way, you’re really empowering us, and I love that.

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Steve: Yeah, I think that’s really where we have to go with this, because even in my life, I tend towards constipation, and when I travel, it’s stressful. Just getting out of your routine, and it’s not that stressful because I do it a lot, but it’s stressful enough that if I don’t remember this and really narrow my diet and focus on fats and fermentable foods, I’ll get constipated. And so if we just begin to learn this about ourselves, then we can make more intelligent decisions. Eating out on the town’s a great idea when you’re nice and relaxed and you’re in good company, but it’s not the time to go eat out and blow out on the town after a really stressful meeting, because that’s when your diet should be a little bit more shrunken if you want to maintain your health. And so if we begin to connect these dots, we can really begin to, I think, find our food again and find out what works for us.

Cynthia: It’s interesting that you mentioned that, because I feel like that’s when we

want to go out and eat. It’s like, “I’ve had a bad day. I’ve had a bad week, and this happened, and that thing happened, and I don’t feel like cooking anything. I just want to go, and I want to eat some good comfort food and have somebody else make it and clean up.” I feel like that’s when we want to do it, and I hear that you’re saying, “Don’t do it then,” because of all of those reasons that you just said, but what do we do instead? Tell us the tradeoff and how do you convince us to stay at home and cook when all we want to do is have somebody else do that for us.

Steven: Yeah, I can’t convince anybody to do anything. Only you can choose. Cynthia: No magic bullet? Come on. Steven: No. There’s no magic bullet. If you live where I live in Boulder or if you

live in California where Cynthia lives, you might have a really respectable gluten-free awesome restaurant near you. And choose to go there on that day, but don’t eat like everything. Eat what you know is safe. So if you know that you do best on just a little meat, fruit, and vegetable, just do the plain thing, but get the convenience, or if it’s some sort of vegetarian or vegan, just get what’s normal for you. Don’t blow it out that day. What you could do is if that’s not an option, which is not an option for 99% of the world, is you could do what I call make your own freezer food. So, cook a big batch of food up and then just freeze a whole plate of food, and it’ll be there. I do this when I go on trips, because when you land on a Sunday after being gone all weekend, the last thing you want to do is cook or go to the grocery store, but if you have your own TV dinner ready, you can just pull it out, microwave it, and you’ve got some good food there.

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Stop Suffering. Start Living.

Cynthia: I love that. So, you’re saying cook a little bit extra, because you’re

making the meal anyway. Just make a little bit more. Steven: Yeah, just stow away a little bit. Stow away a chicken breast or some like

butternut squash. Just stow away little portions here or there. That way you can rob them whenever life happens, because life’s going to happen. And then, the other thing, I think, is on those days when the world is just kind of taking over, and it’s just caving in on you, we all have them, it’s best just to kind of figure out a routine that you can do. So, I like to talk about habits, because a lot of our food is integrated with life and habits, and so, there’s some ways where you can begin to channel that craving and that desire and find out, “Okay, is this in my best interest, and if it’s not, what am I going to do about it,” and then, you can finally get to the point where you just say, “You know what? I tried this stuff. I’m going to blow it out anyways.” And when you do that and you don’t get guilty about it, you’re going to have a better experience. It’s the problem where you’re like blowing it out and you’re judging yourself as you’re eating, and then maybe later on when you get home, you’re like, “Why did I do that? It’s so against my health routine. It’s so against my goals,” and then, that’s just going to make your digestion and your hormones even worse. I’m one of the few men or the many men and the few that will talk about it who had cravings, like ridiculous cravings. So, I could eat a whole bag of M&Ms. I’m talking like a whole one-pound bag in a sitting, and I’ve like binged and I’ve downed kegs. I’ve done it all. So, I’ve been that as a man, and I haven’t been able to deal properly with cravings and food habits, and so, working through that, I’ve read so many books on biology and habit formation and so nobody seems to have a really good sense of this. So what I’ve put together and what I use with my clients is my little cravings formula, and so, you can get these things on hand and just commit that you have this routine, and if you execute this routine and you get to the last step, then there’s no judgment, and there’s no guilt. And so, step one is to have some fat on hand, some healthy fat. That could be like olive oil or coconut oil or something and just eat two tablespoons of it, because sometimes our brains are starved of energy, and/or our hormones are out of whack, and so, that’s causing the cravings, and you just need some more satiety. So, just eat some fat. That’s step one. Wait five minutes or as many minutes as you can wait, because sometimes, it can’t be five, and then if that doesn’t work, grab 10 grams of L-glutamine and put it in water and drink that down. Now, L-glutamine can be used as a fuel for the brain. So sometimes, ketones and brain fuel doesn’t happen fast enough from fat, but the glutamine can go right

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straight to the brain, and you can use it. So if this is like a low-brain state and you’re really struggling through it, the glutamine will take care of that. Now, the third thing to do before you just go off and dive into whatever you’re going to do is some sort of change of state, and so, a change of state is like changing your emotional being, and so, there’s like three main ways people do this. As a physical man, I like to do this through pushups or squats. So, I’ll just do as many pushups as I can until I collapse. Just out of breath, not happy in the world, but I’ve done so many pushups, I’ve just gotten physical, and that’ll do it a lot of times. Other people like to write, and so, you just write on a piece of paper, and you write everything that’s going through your head, like, “I’m freaking out right now. I want some freaking M&Ms. I need to eat right now. Oh my God, that chocolate’s going to taste so good. You know what I want? I want French vanilla ice cream. I’m going to eat that whole thing, and I’m going to watch a movie,” and just keep writing until your hand hurts, and then, you’re going to see the thoughts going through your head and just be compassionate. Be like, “Wow, enough of this. What’s going on today?” Just take a deep breath, and if that doesn’t work or that doesn’t resonate with you, what do you tell your kids when they’re nice and young, and they have all this pent-up energy, and they don’t know what to do. Well, there’s this really cool technique that at least my mom shared with me, which is go scream in a pillow. Just yell in a pillow until you got it all out of you, and if none of those three work, if those don’t change your state, or you don’t have to try all three. Just pick which one, because you want to set up a habit structure. You just want to go boom, boom, boom, and it’s like a drag strip. There’s a couple of lights that are coming down. The last light is, “You know what? After you did all those three steps, that chocolate is mine.” So, go get it. Go get it. Do your best to, like I said, choose the cool, nice restaurant that’s got the good stuff. Don’t go to McDonald’s, but then, just go get it and don’t worry about it and get back on the horse tomorrow. I find that if you’ll go through that habit structure, and they just commit that I will do that structure or something like that, a lot of times you can starve off some of the craving episodes. And then, I think the last part is really learning to have compassion when you do go off the rails, because most people do.

Cynthia: I love that, and I love not beating yourself up, and you’re right. It does

only make things worse, because the stress and all of that sort of thing. It’s so funny that we’re talking about this, because this morning, just a super stressful event happened yesterday. Like crazy event, and this morning I woke up, and I’m still stressed over it, and I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin, but my first thing was like, “Pastries. What can I

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Stop Suffering. Start Living.

have? Or donuts, that’s what I want.” And I knew that that wasn’t a great thing, and I don’t always make these choices, by the way. I am not perfect. I don’t eat a perfect diet all the time. I don’t think anyone does, but I just had so much energy kind of built up, I went running. And I used to be a big runner, not so much anymore, but today, my body just said, “Run. You just need to run.” And I did and not for long, like 10 minutes or something, nothing crazy. Just down the road at my house, and I didn’t want the donuts. I wasn’t even thinking about the donuts. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even think about the donuts until like now when you brought this conversation up. So, that thing really works. It’s so funny. I was following your advice and didn’t even know it this morning.

Steven: Yeah. Anybody who’s done this who’s been a habitual cheater like I

have, you begin to get aware of the fact that when you do go for the cheat, a lot of times it’s less than a second worth of satisfaction, and then, you’re like, “Where did it go?” It’s a complete drug addict style, worse than drug addict in my opinion, from what I’ve seen out there, where it just never satisfies, and then, you’re still left with that energy that you were talking about earlier, Cynthia, that you need to transform into something else, and so, yeah, I hope this technique helps people, because it’s how I began to beat my cravings, and then obviously, the more healthier you get, those tend to go away as well, but it’s been used by a lot of people that I work with, and I hope it helps out.

Cynthia: I’m sure it will. I want to use it. I’m like I didn’t have those other key

things on my list this morning, but now, they are, so I’m going to use those. Thank you, Steve.

Steven: You’re welcome. Cynthia: So, one question I wanted to ask you as we wrap things up, and I can’t

believe our time is up. I feel like we just got started. I could talk to you all day, but one of the things that I’m asking everyone on the Summit, same question, is it is the Transformational Nutrition Summit. So, I’m wondering what does transformation mean to you?

Steven: You didn’t send me this one ahead of time. Cynthia: I didn’t tell you. It’s a complete surprise. Spur of the moment. Steven: Transformation means to me the process of becoming something or

someone different. So, I think in terms of process and actions, and that’s

Disclaimer: Do not use the information provided in this document for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this document.

Stop Suffering. Start Living.

the only way. For instance, this interview is in my opinion great information, but I’m a little biased, but it’s just information. It’s not action. It doesn’t cause transformation. The same thing with all of the other interviews inside of this Summit. People must take action to get transformation, and that’s the only way that I recovered my health. Yes, I spent $30,000, and I tried all these different diets and all these different tests and everything, but all that was was relentless action, and when things in my financial life and my spiritual life and my relationships and my health are not going correctly, the only thing I default to is just try something new. Try something new, and so if that’s the one thing I can leave people with is if you’re trying to make a transformation in your health, look at what’s working and look at what’s not working, and separate any beliefs, any values you have around that, and just try to objectively say, “Okay, you know what? I tried it this way, and it works for a lot of other people, but it didn’t work for me.” So, I’m going to try something different now and just keep doing that, and you’re going to weave your own little way, because we all have our own way of finding our health again, but where you will definitely not achieve your transformation is if you stop taking action, and I just want to say that, and summits like this are so much information. It doesn’t have to be this interview but grab someone’s interview and just take relentless action on that one idea that sounded intuitively good to you and see what happens. And then if it doesn’t produce what you want or only half of what you want, grab another one in three months and do that.

Cynthia: I love that. I love that so much. Steve Wright, you’re amazing. Thank

you so much for being with us. Tell me where we can find more information about what you’re up to.

Steven: If digestive issues and the different types of foods that really impact your

digestion, the kinds of supplements that can really help you is what might grab you, then I have the website It stands for Specific Carbohydrate Diet Lifestyle, and we have over 500 free articles there and some e-books and things like that. It’ll really help you with your digestion and things like that. If you’re heard of leaky gut or you may be suffering from an autoimmune disease or something like that, we have a new site called, and on it is a free article that’s like 4,000 words. If you read this article I wrote, you will know more than 99% of doctors out there about leaky gut and how it begins to impact everything from your immune system to your hormones to leading to every single degenerative disease that we know of, including cancer and heart disease. It’s backed up with a scientific paper connecting it to leaky

Disclaimer: Do not use the information provided in this document for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this document.

Stop Suffering. Start Living.

gut. So, there’s over 10,000 of them now. We’ve known about it since 1980, but nobody’s talking about it yet, and so really, that’s the mission of this new site is to really begin to build a resource for those people with autoimmune diseases and really complex issues who want to sort of build their way out of that. So, two different sites. It just depends on what might grab you.

Cynthia: I love that, and I love that you guys are really taking the initiative to start

this bigger initiative, I guess, this bigger project, because there are so many people who have issues with that, and that’s what I love about you, Steve, is that you look at sort of the bigger problems and think, “Okay, how can we solve this?” Very much being a health engineer. “Okay, this is the problem. How do we fix it?” So, and Steve, thank you so much for being with us.

Steven: Thank you, Cynthia. This was awesome. Cynthia: And thank all of you, of course, for joining us. I assume and just trust that

you got exactly what you needed to hear from this amazing interview, and I’ll see you again very soon.

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