stop making cancer

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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There's a lot of ways you can stop making cancer, and we'll show you the most essential ways in this presentation!


Stop Making CancerBrought to You by The Team at

An Oasis of Healing


Over the next 20 minutes, you can expect to:

Discover the difference between finding ‘cures’ and treating root causes of diseases

Learn about processing, preservatives, hidden ingredients, and GMO’s

Explore the concept of ‘dead foods’ and what it means for your body

Pick up tips and tricks for a healthy diet

When We Hear the Word…

• In America, many people’s first reaction is, “What are my options for


• The question not often asked is, “How do I need to change my diet?”


“Cure” is a Misleading Term

• You may have learned that everything that happens to you is a result of things from the outside- someone or

something else did this to us.

• There is nothing outside of our body needed to heal except the right food we were designed to eat to give us energy and the ability to repair and regenerate.

The Case of Heartburn


Take antacids to relieve the symptoms of heartburn. React to or ‘cure’ the problem.

WHAT REALLY WORKS: Analyze what caused the body to overproduce acid in the first place and address these issues.

Undo “Imbalance Causing Actions”

• Any disease can be thought of like the case of heartburn.

• We must analyze what we are doing to our body to cause the disease and stop doing it if we want to heal. 

• For cancer, radical changes must be made to reverse the measures the body will take to survive, or the cancer will return with a vengeance.

Analyze What You Put into Your Body

• When we take the time to experience how convenience foods and products we use in and on our body affect us, we will start learning what humans were really designed to tolerate. 

• Consider:

Fast and processed


Air fresheners

and perfumes

Beauty products

Plastic bottles, bags,

canned foods

Now’s the Time to Switch Your Diet

• Move from convenience foods to a diet that is:• Filled with nutrients (not heated above 118 degrees)• Enzyme filled (life force energy)• Organic (pesticide free)• GMO free (genetically modified organisms)• Free from all of the improper ingredients added

to our food supply, such as preservatives and mislabeled ingredients like MSG

But Won’t This be Expensive & Time Consuming?

• Will it not become expensive when you no longer can work, require very expensive treatments, and your insurance drops you?

• The average American will pay out over $350,000 just to die of cancer and side effects from orthodox cancer treatments (cut, slash, burn).

Adopt a Positive Mindset

• The first key in the An Oasis of Healing Diet for Cancer Patients is to shift your thinking from “have to” to “want to.”

• A simple mantra for your day with regards to food is, “What can I add to my diet today that’s healthy?”

• Forget the negative language. That’s part of what got you

here in the first place.

Smoothies: A Simple Solution!• A simple tasty solution that can get you moving in the right direction

quickly are smoothies. All you need are some low glycemic fruits, a few veggies, some tender greens, a blender, some water, and you are set!

An Oasis of Healing From the Heart Smoothie

• 2 cups Strawberries• 2 cups Spinach• ¼ cup almonds (soaked overnight)• 2 tablespoons Chia seeds• 1 date, pitted (and soaked if you do not own a high

speed blender)• Pinch of Himalayan salt

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender with 2 cups water to start. Add more water to create the thickness you like. Add ice as needed.

Building Off Your Base• Work with this smoothie recipe as a base for many variations.• Remember to stick with low glycemic fruits and veggies like:

• Green apples (not red apples)• Any berries (no banana or mangoes)• Broccoli (not beets)• Any lettuces (no carrots)• Celery• Fennel• Cucumber• Also try sweetener alternatives (Stevia, Lucuma, and Yacon syrup) and different

nuts and seeds (raw- not roasted, salted, or boiled)

Why is Processing So Bad? Watch an Apple

• Cut open an apple and let it set on your counter for about 10 minutes. What happens? • The inside white portion starts to turn brown. This is the ‘oxidation’

process. If we leave the apple there it will eventually completely breakdown and rot.

• If we left the apple whole it would take much longer for this process to happen.

• When our food that we buy from the store in bags and boxes goes through manufacturing procedures, it is exposed to oxygen to a greater degree than making it at home and eating it right away.

Why Are Preservatives Bad?• You’d naturally think that if processing exposes the food to oxygen

causing it to decay faster then why not use preservatives.

• However, in our big manufacturing day and age, we are always looking to save money to increase profits.

• At one time we did use natures supply of preservatives like lemon juice and salt.

• Nowadays we are using synthetic alternatives because they cost less and store longer but the price we pay is with our health.

What Do You Mean by ‘Hidden Ingredients?’• We all have heard about MSG and its ill effects on our health.

• There are loopholes for ingredients like this that allow manufacturers to still include it in our food. ‘Natural flavors.’

• MSG is a known addictive substance, and we have built a cheap food empire in America to support addictions to pleasure.

• It’s true that MSG can be found in nature, but within a whole plant food that contains many necessary components that work synergistically to make it work for the body.

• Other ways ingredients are hidden in our food just happened recently. • One of the big fast food chains got caught adding horse

meat to their burgers!

Why Is It So Bad to Eat GMO Containing Foods?• GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. They are produced in laboratories.

• GMO’s entered our food supply in the mid-1990’s. Effects seem to include an increase in food allergies and reactions, infertility, and immune problems; accelerated aging; faulty insulin regulation; and changes in major organs and gastrointestinal system.

• These are foods you most want to ensure are NON-GMO and how much of our U.S. crop yields are GMO: • Soy (94%)• Cotton (90%)• Canola (90%)• Sugar beets (95%)• Corn (88%)• Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%)• Zucchini and yellow squash (over 24,000 acres)

What are ‘Dead Foods’?• The definition of ‘dead’ for our food means that it no longer contains any

enzymes and most of the nutrients are destroyed. • Chemicals and enzymes in our food tell our bodies how to properly process

it.• This combination allows our body to completely digest and extract nutrients with

minimal stress, minimal usage of our own supplies, and minimal wear and tear on our body.

• When enzymes and chemical signals are not present, the immune system has to activate to check out what the stuff is that just entered the body. 

• The more we trigger the immune system the more stress we put on our body, and the closer and closer we come to achieving disease in our body.

More on ‘Dead Foods’• When we heat our food over 118 degrees (the temperature at which enzymes

permanently lose their shape), the majority of the nutrients, all vitamins, all Omega-3’s, and pretty much everything you need to properly function is destroyed.

• We become weaker by not supplying the best food ever for our body, and the aging process speeds up. • Another way to name this is nutritional deficiencies and diseases of deficiencies. That

is the real name of the aging process.

Eating for Optimal Functioning• The second key to An Oasis for Healing Diet for Cancer Patients is to shift

your mental programming from eating for pleasure to eating for Optimal Functioning. 

• Continue with the simple mantra, “What can I add to my diet today that’s healthy?”

• The typical American sticks with about 16 foods in their lifetime- with a plant-based diet, we have access to HUNDREDS of food options from around the world!

Plant-Based Live-Food Soups• Savory plant-based live-food soups are a wonderful addition to your weekly

routine! All you need are some low glycemic fruits, a few veggies, a few tasty herbs and spices, some tender greens, a blender, some water, and you are set!

Just Peas A’ La Oasis

• ¾ container of ‘Just Peas’ or 2 cups frozen peas• 1 stalk of celery• 1 clove garlic• ½-1 tsp Himalayan, Celtic, or any unprocessed sea salt• 1-2 cups of purified water (do not use tap water)

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender for 1-2 minutes with 1 cup water to start. Add more water as desired. Add toppings for texture like sprouts, sprouted sunflower seeds, peas, avocado, Udo’s oil, etc.

Want to Learn More? 834-5414

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