stone age palaeolithic period

Post on 30-Jan-2015






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ks2 curriculum stone age to iron age Palaeolithic period tools weapons


Stone Age

Periods of Stone Age

1. Paleolithic period (Old Age)First stone tools invented

2. Mesolithic period (Middle Age)Tools, bow and arrows to hunt deer.

3. Neolithic period (New Age)The start of farming

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1. Paleolithic Period

1. Paleolithic Period• What was there?• There were deer, giraffes, sheep, goats, horses, elephants, lions, ants, mammoths, sharks, dogs with huge teeth and a lot more!

1. Paleolithic Period

• The Palaeolithic period lasted for such a long time that it is known to be 99% of human history.

• Paleo = Old• Lithos = Stone

1. Paleolithic Period• How did scientist find out about it?

• Lucy told them!

1. Paleolithic Period• Who is Lucy?• In 1974, a skeleton was found in Africa. • The bones were of a girl.• She was about 20 years old.• Scientists named her Lucy.

1. Paleolithic PeriodScientists use many clues to help them put pieces of the past together. One thing they must know is the difference between a fossil and an artifact.

Artifacts are remains of things that were made, not remains of living things.

Fossils are remains of living things (plants, animals, people), not things that were made.

1. Paleolithic PeriodThe Stone Age refers to the materials used to make man-made tools. In the Stone Age, man made tools out of stone.

Hunters & Gatherers: They did not plant crops. They gathered wild fruits,nuts, berries, and vegetables.

1. Paleolithic Period• video

1. Paleolithic Period• They did not know how to make fire.• They probably tried to bring fire with them by carrying lit branches to use to start a new campfire.

1. Paleolithic Period

1. Paleolithic Period• It changed everything!

• They began to cook food and meat

1. Paleolithic Period• Their tools were improving!

• Their life was improving!

1. Paleolithic Period• They learned to hunt together and to make


1. Paleolithic Period• They started doing something rather unusual. For some reason, they drew paintings deep inside dark caves, on cave walls. • Colors most were brown, • yellow/tan, dark red, black.

1. Paleolithic Period• To reach the deepest part of the cave, where

other paintings could be found, they had to crawl through the maze like in tunnels, holding a spoon-like oil lamp to light his way, while carrying his carefully prepared paints.

1. Paleolithic Period• It was very dangerous!

• Why did he do it?

Do Not Forget!• We know about early Stone Age people because scientists have found fossils and artifacts that reveal traces of their life.

1. Paleolithic Period

1. Paleolithic Period

1. Palaeolithic Period

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