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“Share the Joy of Growing in Christ’s Love” Published Monthly September 2015 Pastor Steve Weston, interim Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. Office Phone: 744-2694

Inside this Issue: A Message from Pastor SteveChoir Rehearsal ScheduleSunday School Classes to BeginWomen of the ELCA NewsBoundless Love ConcertVLM Camp NewsGrief SeminarFamily Portrait Schedules Health Ministry MessageSunday Morning VolunteersSeptember Calendar

United in Christ Lutheran Church201 Station 44 RoadEveleth, MN 55734




1On the first Monday of September our nation celebrates Labor Day, which is intended to honor ordinary workers and celebrate the contribution they make to the common good. It was one of Martin Luther’s insights that all useful work is holy work. All work that serves others serves God. You don’t have to be employed full-time by the church or some other Christian organization for your work to be God’s work.

We tell our children that God gives us the things we need in this life– food and clothing and tools and toys and so forth. So when farmers produce food, miners produce natural resources, manu-facturers make the things that improve our lives, wholesalers distribute them and retailers sell them to us, whose work are they doing? God’s work.

We teach our kids that God made them. So when parents raise children and teachers educate them and coaches encourage them and other adults mentor them, whose work are they doing? God’s work.

We look to God for protection. So when folks in law enforcement, fire departments, the military and other such fields do what they do, whose work are they doing? God’s.

We pray to God for healing. So when doctors, nurses, therapists and other caregivers apply their skills to help sick or injured people get well, whose work are they doing? You guessed it: God’s.

There’s an old hymn (not in our hymnals) with the repeated line, “God will take care of you.” Whenever we care for others, in big ways or small, whether we’re doing it as paid work or just because it’s good to do, whose work is it? Even if we’re not thinking of it as God’s work, it’s God’s work.

These are the ideas behind the Lutheran doctrine of vocation. A vocation is something God calls you to do. People often think of “special” individuals – monks, nuns, clergy, etc. – as having a calling, but the truth is every Christian

has a calling from God to do something useful in the world. No calling is more holy than any other. The calling of making an honest living by doing useful work and raising a family is every bit as holy as preaching the Gospel.

The 2006 film, Amazing Grace, tells the true story of William Wilberforce (1759-1833). Wilberforce was a British Member of Parliament when he experienced a conversion and became a zealous Christian. Convinced that God was calling him to a life of holy service, he consulted his pastor about whether he should stay in politics or become a clergyman.

His pastor was none other than John Newton (1725-1807), the man who penned the words of the hymn, Amazing Grace. Newton had been in the slave trade and even a slave ship captain. At some point after coming to faith, he became convinced that the slave trade was morally wrong and gave it up. He became an Anglican priest after he repented of the cruelty he had committed in plying that trade. Profiting by treating other human beings as property was most definitely not God’s work. It was his life in the slave trade that Newton was thinking of when he chose the word wretch in that first line, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!”

Newton, together with other friends and colleagues, persuaded Wilberforce that serving God and working in Parliament to reform British society could be one and the same thing, and that his holy calling was in politics. History records that Wilberforce led Britain to abolish the abduction of human beings for importation as slaves in 1807, a year before the Americans did. He led Britain to abolish slavery entirely in 1833, a full three decades before America did, and without a civil war. Whose work was William Wilberforce doing? God’s.

Whose work are you doing as you go about your daily business? If what you’re doing helps other people live better and contributes to the common good, it’s God’s work and something to celebrate.

Peace & blessings!Pastor Steve


to Benefit Area Food Shelves

Rain or shine the concert will go on to benefit the local food shelves! “We are the Range” featuring the Iron Range Musical All Stars free concert will be held Saturday, Sept. 5, from 1:00–9:00 p.m. at Olcott Park in Virginia. This is a Cats Under the Stars 40th Anniversary Tour and will also include The Divas, Paul and Greg Mayasich, Christopher David Hanson Band, Casey Aro, Doug Ellis and more! Please bring non-perishable food items as a donation or a cash donation would be appreciated for our local food shelves.

Did you know that during the month of June 2015 Quad City Food Shelf in Gilbert served 1,102 individuals and distributed 31,317 pounds of food? To accomplish this, volunteers gave 373 hours of their time! This Food Shelf was started in 1981 and has been in continuous operation since then. The Quad City Food shelf is in need of volunteers on a regular basis. If this is something you may be interested in, please call them at 741-1371. They are open from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays only.


If you have disconnected your land line, please notify the church office of your new phone number. New addresses are also needed for all the youth that are off to college, working, or the military.


“NEW NORMAL” AFTER LOSSThe Truths Behind the Transformation

 The Iron Range Chapter of The Compas-sionate Friends is hosting a Seminar on Getting to the New Normal After Loss—The Truths Behind the Transformation. Every- one talks about a new normal in life after loss. The success of your transformation to a new normal unveils what you leave behind as your life changes. The Grief Seminar will be held Saturday, September 26, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Nichols Town Hall on Nichols Avenue in Parkville (Mt. Iron).  Speakers will be Nan and Gary Zastrow, nationally known speakers on Grief, who are the Founders of Wings – A Grief Education Ministry out of Wausau, Wisconsin.  The Seminar is free and open to the public.  Please register by calling (218) 749-2089 or as space is limited.

BIBLES TO BE AWARDED3rd Grade Bible Milestone Celebration will be recognized on Sunday, September 20, at the 10:45 a.m. worship service. All 3rd Graders and their parents, godparents, family, friends, and congregation are invited to celebrate with the

3rd Graders, who will receive their bibles. Please pray for them as they receive God’s Word and continue on their journey of faith.

BOUNDLESS LOVEAn Evening of Faith, Worship,

and Inspiration

You are invited and welcome to share with Grammy award winning gospel singer, Billy Steele, at a concert on Wednesday, September 16, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The concertwill be held in Virginia at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 1111 8th Street South.

Pastor Mike Carlson, originally from Eveleth now from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Montomedi, will be a presenter that evening.

This is a free concert; however, a free-will offering will be taken to help with expenses. The sponsors are the Laurentian Conference congregations. (That includes us!)

Note to Parents: All confirmation students in grades 7, 8, and 9 will be expected to attend this concert as it is the kick-off to the confirmation year.

The first choir rehearsal of the year has been set. Anyone interested, adult or senior high youth, in singing in the choir is invited to their practices on Wednesdays beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of the church. The first practice of the season will be September 9 and they will sing September 13.. If you have questions about the schedule, etc. please call our choir director, Susan Lindmeier at 741-7573. Yes, we do have an accompanist!

It is our practice to list the Gospel reading that will be used during the next few weeks on Sunday mornings. Please join the bible study group on Wednesdays at

11:30 a.m. as they study the next week’s lessons.

14 th Sunday after Pentecost August 30 The Gospel Lesson Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

15 th Sunday after Pentecost September 6 The Gospel Lesson Mark 7:24-37

16 th Sunday after Pentecost September 13 The Gospel Lesson Mark 8:27-38

17 th Sunday after Pentecost September 20 The Gospel Lesson Mark 9:30-37

18 th Sunday after Pentecost September 27 The Gospel Lesson Mark 9:38-50

19 th Sunday after Pentecost October 4 The Gospel Lesson Mark 10:2-16

20 th Sunday after Pentecost October 11 The Gospel Lesson Mark 10:17-31

21 st Sunday after Pentecost October 18 The Gospel Lesson Mark 10:35-45

Fall Worship Schedule

8:45 A.M. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. Refreshments served

9:45 A.M. Sunday School classes

10:00 A.M. Adult education class

10:45 A.M. Nontraditional Worship with Holy Communion


...that Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion are available to host your next group gathering? Both sites have retreat space for any type of group - families, men, women, youth, crafters, fishermen (and women), committee, council, etc. You bring the group, and they’ll provide the gathering space and fabulous meals.

...that the VLM staff is available to assist with programming at your next retreat? A wide variety of hands-on, skill learning opportunities (i.e. bread making, paddle building, wood carving), as well as staff to help with worship and/or team building await you.

...that VLM offers programmed retreats and events all year long? See the “Upcoming Events” link on their website.

To learn more about year round opportunities with Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry, visit on-line at or contact the office at 800-331-5148 or “VLM has broken ground on a new foundation at Camp Vermilion and the Watch Them Flourish appeal is helping to build up on the solid base for ministry at camp. By October 2015 the plan is to have a roof on a weatherized and heated building, allowing us to reach a benchmark that will protect the building through the winter. The hope is to have the entire building functional by May of 2016. Now is when your gift will make the most difference in reaching our goals. Investing in a well-built foundation makes all the difference in the world. Every gift helps. Thank you for strengthening the foundations of God’s mission at camp!”

Joel Abenth, VLM Executive Director

Join one of these great VLM events!September 4-6 – Family Labor Day Weekend

begins at Camp VermilionOctober 3 – VLM 25th Anniversary Celebration begins at 4:00 p.m. at Park Hotel in HibbingOctober 11 – Fall Festival at Camp HiawathaOctober 16 - Father/Son “Top Secret” Retreat

at Camp VermilionDecember 14 - Celebration of Light and Music

at Camp Hiawatha • 1-800-331-5148 or 218-666-5465Camp Hiawatha, 36944 Camp Hiawatha Road, Deer River, MN 56636Camp Vermilion, 2555 Vermilion Camp Road, Cook, MN 55723


Hey, Everybody! Sunday School is right around the corner and will begin on Rally Sunday, September 13, at 9:45 a.m. Mark your calendars, and we look forward to seeing you then. A “snail mail” letter will be mailed out to your family. Please think and consider who you could invite to attend Sunday School at United in Christ this fall. All children, ages four through the sixth grade, are encouraged to attend. Also, a teacher is still needed for the very young children.

There is a special envelope in your packet which is labeled “Education Education”. Please be generous and include a gift for supplies for Sunday School. Otherwise, grab a pew envelope and mark it “Education” with your offering. You will see that amount credited on your quarterly statement.

W omen of theE vangelicalL utheranC hurch inA merica

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 NIV

Summer is on its way out and the smell of fall is in the air as I attempt to get back into the September to June mode. I like the four seasons as each season has a surprise! So, the September to June mode is when I get ready for the organizations that I am a part of such as WELCA and other groups. Many of us get busy at this time of the year, which is why I will list some of the important dates this fall, Mark our calendars. There will be a WELCA Executive Board meeting before this is published, so watch next month’s newsletter for more information.

Mark this date: Monday, September 14, 6:00 P.M. Women of United in Christ potluck dinner in the church social hall. Bring a dish to share.

There will be other events this fall. Start plan-ning which salad you'll be bringing for the salad luncheon in October, and what goodies you will make for the bake sale. There will be a pastie sale the end of October. When someone calls you regarding these events, please join in helping to make these events a success. Volunteers are always welcomed and always needed.

Any suggestions for Women of the ELCA are always appreciated. Call Stancy 744-2639 with your ideas.

A potluck picnic was held at church to meet Pastor Westin and his wife, Pastor Evelyn, and their three sons, Sam, Ben, and Jon. Of course, United in Christ outdid themself with the potluck. The following is a recipe that was at the potluck. I don't recall who made it, but will find out and give that person a Big Thank You for the recipe, it was enjoyed by many. This is a recipe from an old Faith United Lutheran Church cookbook, credited to a Feimi Talso. 

Chicken CasseroleMix together:2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni (cooked)3 hard-boiled eggs (chopped)2 cups milk1/2 pound American cheese (cubed)2-3 cups cooked chicken (cut up)1 can cream of chicken soup1 can cream of mushroom soupGreen and red peppers to taste (chopped)PepperMix all ingredients together and pour into greased 9” x13” pan. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. Silvered almonds may be added for topping before baking.

The search is still on for a secretary for the Laurentian Conference. I have the info if you are interested just call me, Elaine, at 744-9933.

To date, $225 has been collected for the Phebe hospital solar project. Thank you to each person who has given of their resources. There will be an opportunity to contribute to this worth-while project in September.

Also we are looking for volunteers to take some of the leadership roles in United in Christ Lutheran WELCA. Be a Bold Woman and volunteer. We will help you with these positions.

Enjoy the rest of summer, it goes by too quickly.

Your Sisters in Christ,

Stancy Walters, 1st co-chair 744-2639Elaine Edwardson, 2nd co-chair 744-9933

Click on this QR code with your Smartphone to give your offering with a credit card to United in Christ Lutheran Church. It will take you to

United in Christ Lutheran

LEADERSHIPHave a question, concern, comment, or anything else you would like to discuss about United in Christ Lutheran congregation? Just send an email off to any of the Congregation Council members or staff listed below. Or you can call them at the phone number next to their name.

Marge Bartovich,

Heath Boe, secretary,

David R. Hamalainen,

Ken Lahti,

Danielle Larson, president,

Cheri Michaels, 744-1077 Roger Nelson, 744-5209

nonelson@live.comLaurie Oates, vice-president, 744-2551

oatesfameve@aol.comBrianne Pellinen, 290-0100

iso_amalia@hotmail.comSteve Weston, Pastor, 744-2694

steve.weston@ecunet.orgSonja Simonson, office manager, 744-2694


Thank you to each person and/or family who has honored a loved one recently with a gift in honor of or

in memory of them. We praise God for those who are dear to our hearts.

IN MEMORY OF:Greg Durkee from

The Durkee FamilyKen and Fran Lahti

Eva M. Hanson fromVonnie HeikkinenHolly Heikkinen

Frank Fink fromPhil and Eleanor Eck

Susan Kaskela fromPhil and Eleanor EckAl and Arlene Hendrickson

IN HONOR OF:Dave and Viv Hamalainen on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary from

Tony and Marge BartovichEd and Ellen PrinkkilaAl and Arlene HendricksonRick and Donna Klander

Edyth Uppman on the occasion of her 100th birthday from

Ken and Fran LahtiFrom Alden and Arlene Hendrickson on the occasion of their 56th wedding anniversay

Fall Worship Schedule

8:45 A.M. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. Refreshments served

9:45 A.M. Sunday School classes

10:00 A.M. Adult education class

10:45 A.M. Nontraditional Worship with Holy Communion


September 2015

Reprinted from Webmd with permission

Back to School With ADHD

Summer is the time for kids to relax, sleep late, and have fun. No kid wants to trade vacation for the structure and routine of the school year. Although kids with ADHD can have a hard time getting used to classrooms and homework again, you can take steps to make the transition easier for both of you.

Get OrganizedHelp your child stay on top of homework. Great tools for organizing include: A calendar or daily planner A dry-erase or bulletin board to post due

dates and reminders A desk organizer and storage bins for school

supplies to keep his study space neat and free from distractions

Color-coded folders or a multi-pocket binder to keep assignments straight

Let him help make a shopping list for supplies for the coming year. Ask his school if you can get an extra set of textbooks to keep at home.

Plan Your Back-to-School CalendarWrite all of the activities your child has planned on one big calendar. Include things like after-school clubs, sports, music lessons, Sunday School, confirmation class, and regular play dates. Add special projects and tests as they come up. Leave room in each day for homework, plus some time to relax and have fun. Let her help design the schedule, so she feels a sense of control and ownership. Go over the schedule each day until she understands the routine.

Ease Into the New ScheduleIf your child slept late during summer vacation, start waking him up a little earlier each day. That way he won’t be groggy when school starts. Make bedtime a little earlier each night, too, so he gets enough sleep. Start him back on any ADHD medicines if you took a break for the summer.

Post the RoutinePut a list of the daily morning activities on the fridge or somewhere your child will see it. Write down everything she needs to do before walking out the door, including:

Get dressed. Make the bed. Eat breakfast. Pack homework. Take backpack, sneakers, jacket, and lunch.

Talk to the TeacherMeet with your child's new teacher(s), and talk about classroom changes that helped him learn in the past. For example, kids with ADHD find it easier to focus when they sit in the front of the class, away from distractions like friends and windows.

Ask for access to the schedule. You may want to get a second set of books to keep at home, too. Discuss varied teaching methods that can keep your child interested. Find out how much home-

work the teacher plans to assign each night. You may want to ask for extra help to make sure your child can finish all of his assignments, or for extra time on tests. Figure out how you and the teacher will stay in touch during the school year.

Getting Started at a New SchoolIs your child starting middle or high school? Did you move over the summer? A big change like that can be hard for a child or teen with ADHD. Make it easier by reaching out to the school before classes start. Help the new school match your child with the classes and teachers that fit his abilities and learning style. Call the school and arrange to share report cards, test scores, and notes from last year. Meet with the guidance counselor and your child's teachers. You may need to update his 504 Plan or IEP, or make a new one.



Joey Addy, Sam Albrecht, Jared Celley, Margo Giese, Emily Haugen, Sawyer Hill, Sydney Hill, Garret Kokal, Samantha Klander, and Suvi Rova have a story to tell the congregation. They were on the Detroit Journey and attended the ELCA Youth Gathering in July. Their experiences are

A four-hour refresher Defensive Driving Course will be held at United in Christ Lutheran Church on Monday, September 14, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. To pre-register, contact retired Minnesota State Trooper Mike Flatley at 218-750-3189 or email to Cost is $12 for the class and is for anyone 55 years or older who has completed the 8 hour course.

wide and diverse from time on the bus, foods eaten, volunteer time in the

community, speakersat the Gathering, illness striking, among a variety of other events. These youth and adult leaders, Deb Hendrickson and Ali Hill, will be at both worship services on Sunday, September 20, to share some experiences. We hope you will be attend and support them in their faith journeys.

They have posted a couple pictures boards on the bulletin board in the hallway. Why not take a sneak peek at them before the presentation?

We will begin photography for our new direc-tory, and we need YOU to make it complete. The dates are October 6, 7, 11, 12, and 13 from

2:00 to 8:30 p.m. We are happy to offer you the service of professional photography very close to home. The first chance to sign up for an appointment will be Sunday, September 13. The times will be posted for you to check out. Each person participating will be receive a free 8” x 10” color portrait and a color directory of all the photos including names and address of our members. If you choose, you can have your extended family in a photo shoot or a favorite pet. (Sorry, the pet will not be in the church’s directory, just available for you.)

This month we are blessed to help the following members and friends of our congregation celebrate special birthdays. Blessings and congratulations in September to:

Warren Digerness September 1Ruth Kippola September 1

Thank you United in Christ blood donors. The July 20 blood drive had 24 register and 21 units given

with a possible 63 people helped. We are blessed to be a blessing! The next blood drive at United in Christ is being planned for Monday, October 14, from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. Please mark your calendar and it's not too early to let me know if you want an appointment. Just call me at 744-2875 or email to .

Thanks,Bonnie Keller

United in Christ Lutheran ChurchEveleth MN 55734

Congregation Council Meeting MinutesAugust 10, 2015

Members Present: Heath Boe, David R. Hamalainen, Ken Lahti, Danielle Larson , Roger Nelson, Brianne Pellinen, Sonja Simonson, Pastor Steve Weston Members Excused: Marge Bartovich, Cheri Michaels, Laurie Oates

I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by Congregation Council President Danielle Larson. Pastor Steve Weston led devotions.

II. Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the July 13, 2015, meeting were accepted as submitted.III. Financial Report: The report for July 31, 2015, was reviewed and received as submitted , MCU.

The General Fund balance was -$25,458.96 and the Mortgage Building Fund balance was +$1,531.93 IV. Buildings & Grounds: No items were brought up for discussion.V. Old Business:

a. Sunday School Planning Update: A letter written by Elisa Boe on behalf of the Sunday School Planning Committee was distributed and examined. Their request for $1,300 from the Christian Education budget was discussed and approved, MCU.b. Nursery Coordinator Position: The executive council interviewed Angela Pike for the position of Nursery Coordinator. It was recommended to offer her the position, at the rate of $11.50/hour, pending the results of the background check, MCUc. Choir Director Resignation Letter: Susan Lindmeier withdrew her letter of resignation. d. House Project: The opportunity to refurbish a “free” house was discussed. No activity was taken.

VI. New Businessa. Choir Accompanist Appointment: After many phone calls and discussions with multiple people an accompanist, Amy Szumal, was found for the choir. A recommendation was made to extend an offer to her, MCUb. Linda Benson’s Resignation – Janitor Position: Linda Benson turned in her resignation as the building janitor. Discussion on how to fill the position was held. Sonja was asked to develop a list of expectations for the position.c. Adult Education Options / Planning and Location: The council discussed moving the location for Adult Education. It was decided one of the classrooms could be used, as long as there was enough space and it did not interfere with Sunday School classes.d. Appoint Transition Team: The council discussed names for potential members of the Transition Team. Roger Nelson volunteered to call the individuals named to ask if they would be willing to serve on the team. The team should be finalized by the next council meeting.e. “God’s Work, Our Hands” Day: The council discussed having more activities around “God’s Work, Our Hands” Day. It was decided that with Sunday School starting and the blessing of the backpacks, that there would be nothing additional at this time.f. Worship Questions: Pastor Steve discussed several changes to the worship service with the council. The changes were discussed and feedback was given to Pastor Steve.g. Food for the Poor: Pastor Steve brought forward a ministry request for feeding the hungry from an organization called “Food for the Poor”. The current ministries we have to support the hungry were discussed and no further action was taken.h. Constitution and Bylaws Review: It was noted the constitution was last updated in 2007 and should be reviewed. A team consisting of Danielle Larson, Brianne Pellinen, Heath Boe, and Pastor Steve Weston was formed to review the constitution and bylaws and suggest changes to make them current. i. Review Membership: The reviewing of membership was discussed. It was decided to continue with our current practices around updating memberships.

j. Church Records: The church is currently working with a group to archive some of our old records. They will be sent and stored in the Region 3 ELCA Archives at Luther Seminary in St. Paul.k. Public Relations Ideas: The council discussed different PR ideas, how to set up a mission statement and goals and what our image conveys to the community. We discussed ways to reach out to new people in the community as well. Roger Nelson create a letter than can be sent to people who are new to the area, introducing our church to them.l. Facebook Pages: The general facebook page of the church was discussed, as well as the ownership of the Sunday School facebook page.m. Blessing of the Backpacks: Blessing of the Backpacks was discussed and will be held on the 13th of September.

VII. Adjourn: We closed the meeting at 9:06 PM with The Lord’s Prayer. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be September 14 at 6:30 PM.

Heath BoeCongregation Council Secretary

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