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Post on 07-Feb-2021






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  • Juniors 6 a @=

    Wee —_ ee


    Governors email:

    Ope J @burlingtonjnr . School Phone Number 01262 674487

    Spring T .Sth February2021

    Reading Competition

    Ourfirst competition for READING IN STRANGE

    PLACEShasbeen judged and it was wonderful to

    see all your “extreme reading”, in strange places,in

    silly costumes and there were many wackyideas!The winning child will be able to choose a bookof

    their choice whichwill be purchased by the school.

    Weare pleased to announcethe winnerofthis

    competition is Max from Class 1. Both judgeslikedthe effort that had goneinto creating a specialreading area half way upthe stairs. Well done Max- ,looks really cosy.

    Well done to everyone else who took part and sentin their photos -there really were somegreat places

    and positions!! Please go to our website and click

    under ‘School News'to see the wonderful entries bythe children across the school- well doneall of you!

    A Big Thank You

    This week the school received a donation of 10 tablets from the Hull and East Riding Children’s

    University. These devices will beused in school to help the children

    with their work.

    We would like to say a big “Thankyou’for this contribution to help thechildren with their learning inschool.

  • Remote Learner of the Week

    Monday 25th January—Friday 29th January

    Class Pupil Name Reason for Award1 Milo Scrymgeour Workingtirelessly at home —

    participating in a wide range oflearning. Enthusiastic and resilient.

    2 Ellie-Anne Skeggs’ Working tirelessly at home —participating in a wide range oflearning. Enthusiastic and resilient.

    3 Noah Gazeley Working tirelessly at home —participating in a wide range oflearning. Enthusiastic and resilient.

    4 Jacob Duke Consistently high standards of work

    5 - Toni Bell Effort and applying herself well whilstat home working.

    6 Luke Hickson Fantastic remote learning, particularlyfor collaborative work on picture news

    7 Thomas Ragsdell 3 reading videos. Lovely to see himenjoying reading for pleasure

    8 Joshua Christie Great effort, working hard, excellent

    attitude and work

    9 Lucy Woodward Fantastic effort, amazing enthusiasm,all task completed and videos of herwork .

    10 Lily Sturdy Completed every piece of work set

    11 Jack Singleton Great effort, completing all work,asking for help, listening to advice andresubmitting

    12 William Rudd Lots of effort

    13 Sam Gaunt Really engaging with all learning andworking hard in all subjects. Listeningto advice and correcting mistakes —very proud of commitment

    14 Maisie Abrey-Greany For completing 577 minutes of Lexia so for this week

    OS2 REMOTE ‘~9


  • Remote Learner of the Week

    Monday 1st February—Friday 5th February 2021

    Class Pupil Name Reason for Award

    1 Ellie Mason Resilient , positive, working hard inall areas

    2 Oakley Baker Time — foundit hard resilient,powered on showa really greatatti-tude to home learning

    Alice Burnham-Wade Engagesin all areas. Super workposted on Dojo and Googleclassroom. Great attitude - positive

    Courtney Gower For her excellent hot write which sheproducedincluding an accurate useof bullet points.

    Josh Singleton He has completed every task set forhim andtried his hardest, includingGoogle Classroom work, TT Rock-stars and Lexia

    Freya Hirst For fantastic reading to Miss Milneron Google Meet, as well as tryingreally hard with all her work duringlockdown.

    Esme Robson For excellent work each and everyweek.

    Rose Prager consistently accessing her onlinelearning, responding well tofeedback and tried hard at the tasksset.

    Frankie Wiles For a fantastic effort daily —completesall his tasks

    10 Laila Watson Workinghard and enthusiasm onGoogle meet sessions

    11 Bailey Thomas Completing all activities for longerthan everyoneelse, lots of photos ofdoing otherthings too, trying hard,keeping up to date with everything,sending in him reading on videosregularly

    12 Reece Prager For completing all of his online workand always going the extra step toproduce high quality work.

    13 Ruby Lavelle Alwaysputs effort into her work andcomplete all the tasks set. 14 Skye Lovick Producing workof a high standardon Google Classroom and Dojo

  • Well Being Wednesday

    This week has been 'Children's Mental Health Week'(1st - 7th February). This wasfirstlaunched by Place2Be and has been developed in conjunction with Oak Academy. The themethis year has been 'Express Yourself.’ In the current circumstances,this could not be moreimportant.

    In school, pupils have enjoyed a range of tasks, from nature walks onthefield to playing boardsgames,from making pizza to designing new buildings and objects with Lego! Manyclasses alsoenjoyed meeting in a socially distanced way through Google Meet! It was clear throughout theschoolthat all pupils enjoyed this change to routine and it was nice to see someactivities sentinthrough Class Dojo.

    School Dinner Money

    The schooloffice will be contacting all parents to inform them of their child's school lunchbalance next week. Reception is open Monday—Thursday 8.30am - 4.30pm and 8.30am to

    4pm on a Friday for any payments, refunds or queries.

  • Well Being Wednesday

    As part of the schools “Well Being Wednesday’ whichis part of Mental Health Week. Children

    enjoyed walking around the schools surroundings spotting garden birds in conjunction with the

    RSPBBig GardenBird watch which had taken place last weekend.

    The children were given a “What did you see?” species sheet with a range of 12 birdsto identify

    from the regularly seen robins and blackbirds in the winter to black headed gulls, carrion crows

    and woodpigeons.

    Whilst the children observed the environment of smaller hedgerows, gardens and a variety of

    trees many birds were spotted.

    Woodpigeon—32 Black Birds—6

    Carrion Crow—5 House Sparrow—8

    Starling—O Black headed gulls—19

    Magpie—2 Blue Tits—4

    Robins—14 Feral Pigeon—1

    Great Tits—O ' Chaffinch—0Comments from the children after the session were:

    Good, happy, amazing, calm, interested, nice, relaxed, warm


    They have learnt: To be quiet whilst observing

    To be quiet when hearing a bird song

    Walk slowly to see morebirds

    Newbirds identified included Dunnocks and Goldfinches which

    they felt was a lovely bird and manydid not know birds could be so colourful.

    i iwi 2 Supporting Readers at Home

    p a “e Open University 4.oe

  • Picture News—Week 25th January— 29th January 2021

    Question: What makes a good leader?

    On 20th January, Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States, taking over from his predecessor,Donald Trump. The inauguration ceremony took place last week, marking the start of the new president's time in

    charge. Usually, the outgoing president attends to welcomein the next president, but this year Mr Trumpdid notattend the event. In the oath taken at the ceremony, Joe Biden promised to the American people to do his besttoprotect the country and do a goodjob of being their leader.

    This Week’s Useful Vocabulary

    Ceremony—a formal or public occasion celebrating an event.

    Collectively—as a group or as a whole.

    Inauguration—the formal admission of a new leaderto their new position.

    Inspire—fill someone with the urgeorability to feel or so something.

    Oath—a formal promise, especially a promise to be loyal to a person or country.

    Predecessor—a person who had the job before the current holder.

    Questions to discuss at home?laa ol as* Talk about different types of leaders, e.g. at school, at Gaeee

    afterschool clubs, of our country. =

    * Can youthink of anytraits that these people have in common?

    * Do you think anyone could be a good leader? Why?

    * Do you think you wouldlike to be a leader? ace

    * What do you think would be the benefits and what might you leader?

    find difficult about leading others?

    Picture News—‘st February—5th February 2021

    Question: Why do people chooseto climb mountains?

    A team of climbers from Nepal have becomethefirst ever to summit the world’s second highest mountain, K2,in

    winter. The 10 climbers reached the summit of Pakistan's K2, more than 20 yearsafter thefirst winter attempt toreach the 8611m summit. K2 is considered incredibly difficult to climb due to the high winds and sub-zerotemperatures.

    This Week’s Useful Vocabulary

    * Ascent - an upward journey, especially when walking for climbing

    * Perseverance - continuing with something even thoughit is difficult.

    * Recent—having happened, begun or being doneonly a short while ago.

    * Sub-zero—lowerthan 0, below freezing.

    * Summit—the highest point of a hill or mountain.

    * Tackle— making determined efforts to deal with a problem ordifficult task.

    Questions to discuss at home?

    * Think of a time when you completed a challenge orfinished eessomething you found difficult. What wasit?

  • OxfordOWLeBook Library

    Parent/Carer informationleaflet Write your class name and password here:

    Class name:

    The Oxford Owl eBookLibrary contains a wide selection of books from across, - - . Password:Oxford’s most popularseries. The books are carefully levelled and progress in

    reading difficulty from those appropriate for Reception right through to those 4. Click on thetile for the Oxford Owl eBookLibrary.

    suitable for Year 6. The exact numberof books and range of levels your child has

    access to will depend onthe subscription that their school has bought. - OxfordOwk Hello hazel classes Help Logcut

    How does mychild access the eBookLibrary?

    1. Go to wwwoxfordow!

    2. Click on the ‘Login’ link (top right) to open the login form.

    3. Make sure the ‘Students’tab is highlighted. Type in the class name and

    passwordthatyourchild’s teacher has given yourchild, andclick ‘Login’. Your eBooksandActivities

    Pevatict aera

    Welcometo Oxford Owl

    free cooks to support children'saesity Press

    Oxford Owl eBock Librory Read Write Inc. eBook LibraryMy eBocks My cBooks

    Oxford Owl for School i Oxford Owl for Home

    Free resources tr ving al home

    © Oxford University Press 2020


    5. Click on the eBookto openit.How do find the right book or level?

    To find the rightlevel, click on the Levelsfilter at the top of the

    library, choose Oxford Levels or Book Bands as appropriate. Choose

    yourlevel and then the books will be filtered so that you only see

    books at thatlevel.

    “ OxfardOWL

    How do | know which book mychild should read? ersteBeatle] renpee Bi elt

    Yourchild’s teacherwill tell them which Oxford Level (or Book Band) they are

    working on. Yourchild can then read any of the books at eat

    that level. Age grapManAgen

    Alternatively, yourchild’s teacher may specify an exact title. =—ifTTo find the righttitle, type it into the Search box.

    = B

    o oT| Series = Levelsrenee


    © Oxford University Press 2020

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