steps to implement soap

Post on 24-Apr-2017






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Steps in System-1:

Connet Soap:

In Service Tab:

Here we have given the message type as RPC(Remote Procedure Call), which is used to connect external device

Here the method name is “add” which is mentioned or used at the Service end point

Service end Point URL: (Location of the service end point)

Note: Service end point Uses AXIS which is deployed in TOMCAT.

In Service Tab:

In Status value property : we have given a property named .pyStatusValue to know the values.

Status Message Property: .pystatusmessage is used to know the error status.

In Request Tab:

Here we mention the request parameters i.e: .add_i1 and .add_i2 of type integer

And we map it from clipboard

Response Tab:

Here in response parameter we mention the resulting value to be stored in this property .add_addReturns


Steps in activity to call connect rule and display results:

1) Page New: we will create a new page named StepPage which is a primary page.2) Property set : initiating values at run time3) Connect Soap : Used to connect to soap4) Show Page: Show the output results

Steps in System-2:

Here we have deployed Axis which acts as an webservice in TOMCAT.

Here we have written a jws code in axis to add and subtract two numbers:

Location of jws file: C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\tomcat\tomcat\webapps\axis\calculator.jws

public class Calculator {

public int add(int i1, int i2) {

System.out.println("hi in the add method");

return i1 + i2;


public int subtract(int i1, int i2) {

System.out.println("hi in the subtract method");

return i1 - i2;



In System -1 : when the activity is called it will show the below results page:

Have entered value for add_i1 as 12

Have entered value for add_i2 as 13

OUTPUT Result:

It will Display an output as 25 as shown below in xml file:

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