steps in problem solving (numerical methods)

Post on 06-May-2015






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This presentation is on :


We are deeply indebted to our teacher Mr. Goutam Mandal for his

precious help and support . We are very grateful to our friends and

parents for their encouragement , without which this project would

not have been successful. Last but not the least the almighty God

without whose blessings it would not have been possible.

In the following presentation we are going to discuss about:

What a Problem actually is ?

What a Problem Solving process is ?

Various Steps in Problem solving process.

A flow chart summarizing Steps in Problem

solving process.

What Is A Problem ? We usually define a problem fairly negatively: a

problem is a hassle or a situation . This is often true, but more generally, a problem can be considered the difference between actual condition and desired condition.

Or it can be defined as any deviation from standard condition.

Some characteristics of problem are :

i. Most problems are solvable (or partially solvable, or

at least improvable). We can do something about


ii. Problems are opportunities to make some good

things happen. If it weren't for problems, what would

be our motivation to create change?

iii. Problems are also challenges. They call upon the

best of our abilities, and ask us to go beyond what

we thought we could do.

What is the Problem Solving process ?

A Problem Solving process can be defined as

“a multi-step procedure or series of action

used to develop feasible solutions to the

identified problem”.

Steps in Problem Solving process.Effective problem solving usually involves working through a number of steps or

stages, such as the ones discussed below :

Step 1 : Define the problem (Problem Definition).i. The problem which is being or going to be dealt with should

have a proper definition.

ii. For appropriate solution consider problem definition carefully

as this will serve as the focal point of the problem solving


Step 2 : Collect sufficient information and data.

I. Before attempting the solution all required data and valid facts

must be collected.

II. All possible tools must be at an arm’s length.

e.g. :-histograms, control chart, scatter diagram, check

sheet etc.

Step 3 : Analyse the problem.

i. Analysing the problem involves learning as much as you can

about it. It may be necessary to look beyond the obvious,

surface situation, to stretch your imagination and reach for

more creative options.

ii. Analysis of the problem must be carefully done.

iii. The collected informations and data serve as very important

tools for problem analysis.

Step 4 : Generating and choosing potential solutions.

i. The fourth step in problem solving is to identify possible solutions.

Brainstorming is a method of generating as many possible solutions to the

problem at hand .

ii. The reason for thinking of a lot of ideas is to increase the likelihood of

coming up with an effective solution.

iii. The main criteria are that each idea should be

relevant to the problem and have a chance of solving

the problem or contributing to solving it.

Step 5 - Decision Making

I. Once we have identified a number of potential solutions, the

fifth step is decision making. In this step we have to look in

more depth at the solutions generated during the

brainstorming process, and by weighing up the advantages and

disadvantages of potential solutions makes a decision about

which one to implement.

II. The aim is to find a solution that will be effective.

Step 6 – Implementation of the most



i. Now, with your action steps in front of you, it's time to

start the grunt work of implementing your plan! 

ii. Make sure, as you have been doing throughout the

problem-solving process.

Step 7 - Monitor the solution

I. If it not accomplishes the goal, modify the solution, or return to

step 4. Possible tools include control chart and run chart

II. Seeking feedback as to the success of the outcomes of the

chosen solution.

So, we can summarize the whole Problem

Solving process as in the following flow-chart.

This presentation is presented by :

Vikram Kumar, Roll number 93

Vishal Srivastava, Roll number 94

Zarbina Feza, Roll number 95

Ankita Saha, Roll number 97

CSE-2 Second Year ,4Th Semester.


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