stephen b cooper honeymoon at the hilton

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


    About the Author 

    Stephen B Cooper is from the North east of England. He is a

    singer-songwriter, writer and poet with a knack for the unusual.

  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton



    edicated to Barrie Cooper. !".!#.#"$# % !&.!#.&!!$.

    '( father. A hero and a gentleman.

  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


     tephen B. Cooper



  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


    Cop(right ) Stephen B. Cooper *&!#+

    he right of Stephen B. Cooper to be identified as author of this

    work has been asserted b( him in accordance with section and/ of the Cop(right, esigns and 0atents Act #"//.

    All rights reser1ed. No part of this publication ma( be

    reproduced, stored in a retrie1al s(stem, or transmitted in an(

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    An( person who commits an( unauthori2ed act in relation to this publication ma( be liable to criminal prosecution and ci1il claims

    for damages.

    A C30 catalogue record for this title is a1ailable from the British


    3SBN "/ # /+55 !&$ $


    6irst 0ublished *&!#5

    Austin 'acaule( 0ublishers 4td.

    &5 Canada S7uareCanar( 8harf 


    E#+ 54B

    0rinted and bound in 9reat Britain

  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


    Chapter 1


    :n a warm summer morning a gentle bree2e drifts through the

    open 6rench windows of the hone(moon suite at the Hilton

    hotel. 0(ah slowl( emerges from the bathroom, after her usual

    / o;clock shower. A bath sheet wrapped around her and atowel for her wet hair. 3n the doorwa( she pauses with adoring

    e(es to ga2e upon her newl(wed husband, 'ark, as he sleeps

     peacefull( in the sunlight. Softl( and 7uietl( she approaches

    the bed where he la(s. ropping the towel from her head to

    the floor, 0(ah leans o1er 'ark and gentl( straddles his torso.

    A few droplets fall from her wet hair onto his face, pulling

    him slowl( from his slumber.

    'ark opens his e(es to a red-headed angel gowned inwhite, a 1ision with green e(es radiating pure passion. he

    fresh but pro1ocati1e aroma of woman mi

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    and push his torso against hers.

    =Argh?> 'ark moans and grits his teeth as he reaches

    round and gentl( grips 0(ah;s wrists, lifting them abo1e her 

    head, mo1ing her back and pressing her spine against the coldtiled surface of the cubicle.

    =Hahh?> 0(ah pants with a startled sense of ecstas(, then

    funningl( bites 'ark;s earlobe.

    'ark pulls his head back. =8ant to pla(@> 4ooking deep

    into 0(ah;s e(es, unsure of what to do ne He picks up a small towel to wrap

    around his waist. Eager to get back to his romantic endea1ours'ark opens the door still dripping wet, holding the towel with

    one hand round his waist. He finds a (oung maid standing,

    slightl( blushing before him.

    he maid hesitates. =oom ser1ice,> dropping her ga2e

    sheepishl( to the ground.

    'ark steps back from the door and beckons her in. As the

    maid pushes the breakfast trolle( through the door 'ark closes it behind her then walks to the end of the bed to pick up

    his trousers. 6umbling with onl( one hand he tries to

    appropriate his wallet from the pocket to tip her.

    0(ah steps out of the shower, 7uietl( mo1es across the

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     bathroom, reaching into a small 1anit( case perched on a shelf 

    abo1e the sink. =8here would sir like it@> she hears the maid

    ask. 0(ah sidesteps into the doorwa(, silenced Beretta in hand,

    to see her husband with his back to her. he maid is standing,almost directl( behind him, her hand reaching under her 


     Fut Fut , a sound that 'ark is 7uite familiar with, makes

    him 7uickl( spin on his heels, as the maid is falling towards

    him. He places his hands under her armpits to catch her, as her 

    head strikes his chest and slides down to his abdomen, taking

    the towel to the floor as she falls to her knees. 'ark notices

    she;s been shot twice in the back of the head. he bullets wentstraight through and embedded themsel1es neatl( in the wall

     behind him. 'ark looks up, to see his wife standing with a

    smoking gun, at arm;s length, aimed at where the maid;s head

    used to be.

    0(ah pulls the gun back to her bosom and places one

    finger across her lips, gesturing 'ark to be 7uiet. She points

    down to the maid;s hand, now ust clear of her apron. Claspedin it also, a silenced Beretta. 'ark 7uietl( lowers the bod( to

    the ground and mo1es around the bed, while 0(ah spins and

    sidesteps to face the door. 'ark slides his hand under the bed

    and grasps a small briefcase, opens it and pulls out a "mm

    9lock #.

    0(ah listens, aims her gun to the left of the door, then the

    right, as 'ark rolls 7uietl( across the bed crouching with his

     back against the wall, ust to the right of the door.  Fut Fut… Fut Fut… Fut Fut. 0(ah places two rounds through the right

    of the door, two rounds through the left of the door and two

    rounds dead centre, for good measure. 'ark places his gun in

    his left hand and tentati1el( reaches for the door handleD 0(ah

    drops to one knee, keeping her gun trained on the centre of the

    door. As 'ark;s right hand is about to touch, both he and 0(ah

    hear a metallic clank followed b( a dull thud coming fromoutside, as if something had fallen to the floor.

    'ark snaps his hand back to his gun and both he and 0(ah

    train their aim to the bottom of the door. 0(ah slowl( mo1es

    her aim upwards and 'ark reaches for the door handle, once

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    more. He firml( grips itD 0(ah nods as 'ark 7uickl( twists

    and pulls, flinging the door wide open to re1eal the bod( of 

    what appears to be a (oung waiter with two 1er( neat holes in

    the side of his head, la(ing across the doorwa(. 'ark duckshis head out of the door, scans left then right and pulls his

    head back in. He stands up and steps out o1er the bod( into

    the hallwa(. eaching down to grab the man b( the scruff of 

    the neck he drags him into the room.

    0(ah struts out of the door, smugl( blowing the smoke

    from the mu22le of her gun, standing proudl( in the middle of 

    the hallwa(, gun draped b( her sideD she looks down toward a

    stairwell at one end of the hall, then turns up toward theele1ator end. Standing with attitude she places her hands on

    her hips, turns to 'ark and shrugs. 'ark closes his e(es in


    =Are (ou going to stand there posing all da(@> 'ark asks,

    =:r are (ou coming in, to get some clothes on@>

    0(ah looks down, at her still wet, naked bod(. =8hat;s the

    matter@> she asksD =outfit a bit too re1ealing for (ou@> henslinks back towards the door.

    'ark looks her straight in the e(e. =No dear, 3 was ust

    thinking, (ou might catch (ou death, so to speak,> as he drops

    the waiter;s bod( ne

    A female;s 1oice answers when the phone connects.

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    =9ood morning, C. S. Securit(. How ma( 3 help (ou@> she

     pleasantl( in7uires.

    0(ah;s face melts into a wr( grin. =Hi Scarie,> she taunts,

    =is he in@>Scarie, aka Scarie Sarah, real name, Sarah 4ouise,

     personal assistant and last defence to 'r Carl Sinclair, owner 

    of C. S. Securit(. Scarie, a fi1e feet two point se1en inch,

    fort(-fi1e (ear old blonde with her hair neatl( st(led in a

    6rench roll, s7uare designer glasses dropped slightl( off her 

    nose, dressed in a gre( business suit, with knee-length skirt,

    sits at her desk, behind an indestructible transparent wall, has

    seen e1er(thing, heard e1er(thing and won;t put up with an(nonsense. ust takes e1er(thing in her stride. Nothing spook;s

    her and no one can rattle her % no one, that is, e % pausing for a moment % =if that wouldn;t

     be too much trouble. hank (ou.>

    Scarie doesn;t answer for a moment then asks,sarcasticall( =8ould that be a le1el one priorit( or a le1el one


    0(ah puts her hand o1er the phone, turns to 'ark, growls

    out loud, =That woman>, shakes her fist, puts the phone back 

  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


    to her ear and smiles arduousl(. =3t;s a bit of both,> she

    replies, =it was and still might be an alert but because m(

    husband  and 3 seemed to ha1e dealt with it, it ma( onl( be a

     priorit( :I@>=:ne moment please,> Scarie instructs, as she puts 0(ah

    on hold, making sure that she has Ji1aldi;s =6our Seasons>

     pla(ing, knowing this would irritate 0(ah.

    Scarie bu22es Carl Sinclair;s office and is connected.

    ='rs 6ischer nKe atcliff is on line one. She informs me it

    ma( be an alert should 3 put her through@> % deliberatel(

    in7uiring in a dull, uninterested 1oice.

    0(ah is put through, e he sa(s, wa1ing his hand

    up and down his blood-co1ered bod(.

    0(ah clasps her hands behind her back, swa(s from side to

    side like a little girl and pouts =on;t suppose (ou need an(

    help getting washed@> sticking her tongue out slightl( in a

    cheek( girlish gesture. 'ark stands and taps his lips as if in

    deep thought. =Hmm, don;t know if 3 could get all this bloodof b( m(self,> then dashes to the bathroom with 0(ah in hot

     pursuit, tr(ing to grab the towel from his waist to pull it off.

    he towel is flung to the floor b( 0(ah as 'ark turns the

    shower back on.

    0(ah spins 'ark around so he is facing her and ust about

    launches him into the cubicle, pushing him against the cold

    tiled rear wall. 0(ah umps up, wraps her arms and legsaround 'ark then smothers him with a passionate kiss. 'ark 

    gasps a breath =8hoa eas( tiger,> as he pulls 0(ah awa(,

    =what;s the hurr(, we got at least twent( minutes, ha1en;t


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    0(ah pulls her head back, chin down and huffs, =He said

    twent( and (ou know what that means.>

    'ark shrugs, =8ell go on,> a 7uestioning look on his

    face.=3f he is more than twent( minutes then he;s late. 8hich

    means m( hone(moon is o1er in about, what, eighteen and a

    half minutes.> 0(ah raises her e(ebrows % =8ell@> % e(es

    wide, gi1ing him come-and-get-me e(es.

    'ark grabs a mass of 0(ah;s hair. ='mm,> he mutters in

    agreement, pulls her lips to his and slides his hands down her 

     back and lifts her up b( her buttocks. Spinning around and

    slamming her into the corner of the cubicle he lowers her down and penetrates. Both 0(ah;s and 'ark;s hands flail

    around each other;s bodies as if the( had no idea where to go

    ne she grumbles as she starts to get up.

    'ark pulls her back b( her shoulder, stopping her dead in

    her tracks. He puts his inde< finger o1er her lips, shakes his

    head and points at his watch. =hat;s ust it,> he whispers.

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    =3t;s been twent( se1en minutes and when did (ou know Carl

    to ust knock@>

    0(ah mo1es silentl( through the bedroom and out onto the

     balcon(, picking up both her gun and 'ark;s on the wa(. Shetosses 'ark;s gun to him, slides round the balcon( door and

     pins herself firml( against the wall, out of sight. An old

    gentleman is sitting on the adoining balcon(. :n seeing him

    0(ah places a finger to her lips =Shh.>

    he old man pulls his glasses down to the end of his nose

    and slowl( closes the book he is reading, his e(es firml( fi

  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


    when (ou could  do something about it, now put that on it and

    sort (ourself out.> She turns to the door.

    'eanwhile in 0(ah and 'ark;s room 'ark 7uietl( opens

    the wardrobe door and steps inside, lea1ing the shower running and calling out, =Come in? 8e;ll be with (ou in a

    minute.> 6rom the balcon(, through the crack of the door amb

    0(ah watches as the suite door slowl( opens. Carl Sinclair 

    tentati1el( steps in with a female close to his rear and a man

    to his rightD both appear to ha1e guns trained on Carl;s neck 

    and both are wearing black co1eralls. he man carefull( looks

    around the room, including behind the door, then wa1es his

    gun to someone waiting in the hallwa( as if to beckon themin. Another man and woman sidestep around himD he wa1es

    his gun towards the bathroom and these two 7uietl( mo1e

    towards the bathroom door.

    As the man carefull( pushes the bathroom open 0(ah

    steps out Fut Fut , she puts two rounds into the back of the

    man;s head. Fut Fut  another two into the woman;s forehead

    as she spins around to see where the shots came from. 0(ah7uickl( sidesteps to the other side of the balcon( amidst a

     barrage of bullets as the two holding Carl hostage start

    shooting in her general direction with sub-machine guns.

    'eanwhile 'ark steps out of the wardrobe, takes aim at the

    two remaining assassins but finds that Carl is right in the line

    of fire.

    Lnable to fire for fear of shooting Carl, 'ark stand naked

    and proudl( shouts =E then forward rolls behind adresser as the man starts blasting in 'ark;s direction and the

    woman ust stands stunned for a split-second. 0(ah sei2es the

    moment and steps out  Fut Fut , she puts two rounds in the

    woman;s head, Fut Fut , she puts two rounds in the man;s head

    as he starts to spin round spra(ing the 6rench windows. 0(ah

    steps back behind the wall, bullets narrowl( missing her as

    'ark puts two rounds into the man;s head for good measure.Both the man and the woman slowl( drop to the floor as

    Carl looks around at them, claps his hands as if cleaning dust

    from them =8ell that seemed to go swimmingl(,> smugl(

    turning to 'ark and nodding, =don;t (ou think@>

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    'ark shrugs. =6irst time 3;1e e1er known (ou to knock 

    and  wait to be in1ited in.> Carl turns to the 6rench windows

    as 0(ah steps back into the room, arms folded, blowing the

    smoke from the barrel of her gun. Carl looks her up and down=Bit underdressed for the occasion aren;t we@>

    'ark glances o1er. =She alwa(s did like to make an

    entrance.> 'ark steps out into the hall to check that it;s all

    clear ust as the old woman is lea1ing the room ne

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    floor and stepping out of it. She notices his dick going slightl(

    soft % =Shit> % pops it back in her mouthD it re1italises it so she

    straddles him.

    =Now (ou don;t do an(thing, don;t want (ou ha1ing afucking heart attack.>

    aking hold of his dick she guides it into herself then

    starts to thrust up and down =3t would be much easier and

    more satisf(ing if (our dick was as big as the donke(;s ne taking her own hand and rubbing her clitoris, =suppose

    3;ll ha1e to do it m(self, be surprised if (ou remember where

    it is.> 'oments later she starts to reach a clima then a warm feeling comes between her 

    legs as she drops forward on to the old man. =:h m( 9od 3

    forgot how good that feels, e1en if 3 did ha1e to do all the


    he old gu( lifts her =on;t remember it being this wet@>

    he old woman struggles but manages to dismount him.

    =Geah, sorr( about that, 3;m afraid at m( age it takes somedoing controlling (our bladder while (ou;re cumming.>

    8afting her skirt =3 think we need a shower, unluck(.>

    he old man looks down at his groin in disgust. =:h, (ou

    ha1e to be kidding me, (ou pissed on me,> carefull( lifting his

    shirt, =wouldn;t be so bad if 3 got the chance to finish.>

    he old woman wafts her skirt again =ough mate, that;s

    all (ou;re getting and an(wa( if (ou did cum it would

     probabl( ha1e been dust,> disappearing into the bathroomgiggling to herself.

    'ark has walked back into his room b( this time. =hink 

    3 ust pulled,> turning to pick up a towel to dr( himself. 'ark 

    reaches into the bathroom, grabs a bath sheet and throws it to

    0(ah. 0(ah 7uickl( rubs herself down and wraps the sheet

    around her. =8hat happened to (our cleaners@> she asks.

    Carl blades his hand across his neck, =Ambushed in theloading dock,> then takes his mobile phone from his pocket

    =3;ll sort this while (ou;re getting dressed, don;t worr( (our 

     prett( little er head,> he hesitates, then walks back out

    into the hall.

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    0(ah and 'ark walk to the wardrobe to get dressedD the

    onl( part of the phone con1ersation the( hear is, =Hello 'r 

    eigns.> his is all the( need to hear to know that Carl is

    calling in a fa1our from a specialist cleaner and the( will ha1eto be fast in being prepared for him.

    Carl walks back into the room. =So, an( idea what this is

    all about@>

    'ark shrugs =Beats me,> then proceeds to frisk one of 

    the dead men. =Nothing.>

    0(ah points to the first woman dressed as a maid. =8hat

    about her@>

    'ark sheepishl( frisks around her torso and waist.=Nothing here either.>

    0(ah walks o1er =:h for cr(ing out loud,> then firml(

    rams her hand down the dead woman;s bra, pulling out a false

    identit( in the name of =0(ah 6ischer>.

    'ark stares in ama2ement. =3 don;t belie1e (ou,> he

    e0(ah looks up at him with a pu22led look on her face

    =She couldn;t hide much in a thong,> sticking her hand down

    the other side of the woman;s bra. =Hmm, 7uite firm,> teasing

    the men, =but clean and unless she has something hidden

    inside,> watching both men cringe, =3 don;t think 3 need check 

    her drawers.>

    Both Carl and 'ark look on with relief and a might

    disma(ed =How> % simultaneousl( asking % =do (ou knowshe;s wearing a thong@> raising their hands.

    0(ah rolls her e(es up into her head and tutts, =No knicker 

    line,> shaking her head, =and (es 3 did check out her ass,>

    responding before the( could ask. =8omen do that, check out

    the competition,> lea1ing both 'ark and Carl speechless as

    she carries on =Nice firm bod(, nearl( as good as mine, hell

    of a choice if (ou wanted to replace me 3 suppose,> thenshrugs her shoulders and hands the 3 to Carl.

    Carl is still flabbergasted as 0(ah calml( walks o1er to get

    dressed. =Gou better check him thoroughl(,> 0(ah points at

    the man that came in with the maid. 'ark, realising what she

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    means, as in, looks down his trouser, gi1ing 0(ah that =3 don;t

    think so?> look.

    But 0(ah being who she is shakes her head, walks o1er to

    the man and puts her hand down his trousers. She fumblesaround for a while % =9otcha?> % pulling out another false 3

    which she hands to Carl. Carl rubs his chin, looks at it but

    refuses to take it. He looks at 0(ah then back at the 3 and

     back at 0(ah then shakes his head in disagreement =Nah, not

    touching that, not after seeing where (ou got it from,> and

    steps back awa( from it with his hands firml( behind his back,

    =Gou read it, betcha it sa(s 'ark 6ischer,> briskl( nodding his

    head.0(ah looks at it =:oh ps(chic now eh@> sarcasm oo2ing

    out all o1er as she throws the 3 on the dresser. 'ark 

    approaches it making absolutel( sure he doesn;t touch while

    0(ah proceeds to get dressed.

    'ark looks insulted. =8h( do the( alwa(s pick the ugl(

     bastards to imitate me@> he snarls, then stomps back to the

    wardrobe to get dressed. Carl takes a small plastic bag out of his pocket and places the female 3 in it, then walks o1er to

    the male 3. Lsing the doil( on the dresser, he flicks it into

    the bag and seals it, placing the bag timidl( back into his


    en minutes later 0(ah and 'ark are dressed, packed and

    read( to lea1e the suite as 'r eigns arri1es. 6our men armed

    with tool bo he turns to his man measuring the

    6rench doors. he man looks up, tape in hand =Standard si<

    si< b( two and a half.>

    'r eigns turns back to the phone and carries on. =Si< si He pulls the phone briefl( awa( from his ear then

     puts it back =3 need it like (esterda(,> then closes the phone.

    'r eigns follows one of his men out into the hall and down

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    to a linen closet =hat;ll do and we can replace this with the

    one 3;1e ordered.> he man takes the linen cupboard door off 

    and replaces the suite door with it.

    B( this time all of the bullet holes ha1e been filled and the paper repaired as if nothing had happened. All of the debris,

    glass and spent cartridges ha1e been cleaned awa(, the bodies

    wrapped in plastic, placed in the hallwa( read( for collection.

    he blood is cleaned up. E he window is

    raised and 'r eigns dri1es off, lea1ing Carl shocked but

    7uite happ( with a fi1e thousand dollar in1oice.

    Carl proceeds to a gre( 1an he arri1ed in, opens the back 

    doors, reaches in and produces a bomb. =Hang on a sec,> he

    shouts to 'ark and 0(ah, who turn ust in time to catch the

     bomb, ='r eigns found that under (our car,> then walksaround and gets into the 1an, winds the window down =See

    (ou at the office,> he shouts to the rather bewildered couple

    left looking down at a large, and still acti1e, bomb. 'ark 

    disarms the bomb and throws it in a nearb( trash can, gets in

    his car with 0(ah and 7uickl( dri1es awa(.

  • 8/20/2019 Stephen B Cooper Honeymoon at the Hilton


    Chapter 2

    Wham bam celibacy man

    Carl Sinclair;s office is on the thirt(-second floor of the

    Sinclair Building. He sits in an e

top related