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Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Stephanie C. ShipperExpert Outcomes

“Polishing Leaders into Diamonds”

3355 SW Shadow Glen DriveBlue Springs, Mo 64015

(919)572-2215 cell

Polishing Leaders into Diamonds

Business School is great for running a business/organizati on, but does not give you the necessary people skills to negoti ate, manage confl icts, sell, and present.

The smarter you/your company/organizati on is . . . the more likely you are to have unique limitati ons (Enemies). You have grown to a level of success and ability and you are now confronted by the roadblocks (Enemies) that will stop your growth. What you know is oft en the greatest Enemy to what you need to know /learn.

In Stephanie’s 33 years of experience in companies/organizati ons she has found that:

“Your relati onship with your customers is what will ulti mately make or break your business/organizati on; much more than your brand, your technical skills, or your product pizzazz.”

Stephanie off ers ‘genius’ skill sets that take you and your peak performers past the personal limitati ons (your Enemies to Progress,) in sales, negoti ati ons, confl ict resoluti on and presentati on skills.

My programs were created to Polish your Leaders into Diamonds and restore the Invincible to your People’s Performance and Progress.

The word diamond stems from the Greek word ‘adamas’ . . . meaning ‘invincible/ unconquerable.’ All diamonds possess imperfections, some seen, some unseen without magnification. Diamonds are carbon atoms formed under tremendous stress. All diamonds can fracture under particular stress factors never achieving their full brilliance or value.

Through genius strategies from Neurolinguisti c Programming, NLP Stephanie off ers a set of trainings and conti nued coaching to tease out the Enemies to Invincible Performance…growing your company/organizati on past the stress factors to brilliant performance.

The methodology is based on her 33 years of experience in the art and science of Neurolinguisti c Programming, NLP. NLP is a study of strategies of genius communicators and is required training for 70% of Fortune 500 Executi ves. The training is supplemented by Brain Training to grow att enti on, memory, and precision from the combined experti se of Edu-Kinesiology/Brain Gym.

Polishing Leaders into Diamonds

Business School is great for running a business/organizati on, but does not give you the necessary people skills to negoti ate, manage confl icts, sell, and present.

The smarter you/your company/organizati on is . . . the more likely you are to have unique limitati ons (Enemies). You have grown to a level of success and ability and you are now confronted by the roadblocks (Enemies) that will stop your growth. What you know is oft en the greatest Enemy to what you need to know /learn.

In Stephanie’s 33 years of experience in companies/organizati ons she has found that:

“Your relati onship with your customers is what will ulti mately make or break your business/organizati on; much more than your brand, your technical skills, or your product pizzazz.”

Stephanie off ers ‘genius’ skill sets that take you and your peak performers past the personal limitati ons (your Enemies to Progress,) in sales, negoti ati ons, confl ict resoluti on and presentati on skills.

My programs were created to Polish your Leaders into Diamonds and restore the Invincible to your People’s Performance and Progress.

The word diamond stems from the Greek word ‘adamas’ . . . meaning ‘invincible/ unconquerable.’ All diamonds possess imperfections, some seen, some unseen without magnification. Diamonds are carbon atoms formed under tremendous stress. All diamonds can fracture under particular stress factors never achieving their full brilliance or value.

Through genius strategies from Neurolinguisti c Programming, NLP Stephanie off ers a set of trainings and conti nued coaching to tease out the Enemies to Invincible Performance…growing your company/organizati on past the stress factors to brilliant performance.

The methodology is based on her 33 years of experience in the art and science of Neurolinguisti c Programming, NLP. NLP is a study of strategies of genius communicators and is required training for 70% of Fortune 500 Executi ves. The training is supplemented by Brain Training to grow att enti on, memory, and precision from the combined experti se of Edu-Kinesiology/Brain Gym.

Ideal Business/Organizati on Client/Company:Upwardly mobile, rising companies/organizati ons in a growth cycle (and/or peak performer for a company) requiring skills in:

• Subconscious rapport skills for quick connecti ons and ability to manage diff erences of culture, gender, and language

• Competency-based Hiring skills• Brain-based profi ling for negoti ati on/ selling/customer relati ons• In-depth ability to give exciti ng presentati ons that sti r interest/buy-in• Coaching for peak performers with inconsistent performance or perceived concerns that

undermine their next phase of development.

Here’s What is Possible and How I Solve it:Taking your company/organizati on to the next level of growth potenti al through Genius Skills in:

• Hiring/Negoti ati ons• Maximizing the Fit with Customers/Colleagues• Creati ng Peak Performance• Confl ict Resoluti on/Accountability• Expert Mentoring in Presentati on Skills• Turnaround Coaching for the Enemies Stopping Performance/Progress

Corporate and Business Presentati ons:Corporate

• Vistage and TEC Canada (a CEO only organizati on), over 500 presentati ons in the 4.5 to 5 range; Winner of the Vistage Speaker 200 Award; Winner of the Vistage Speaker Above and Beyond Award

• Second City Comedy Club, Chicago, IL. The feeder source for “Saturday Nite Live”• Reno Diagnosti c Center, RDC, Reno, NV• Quinti les, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC• Viking Sewing Machines, Cleveland, OH• Excell Partnerships, Sandy Hill, CT• Graedon Enterprises, “The People’s Pharmacy”, authors of 5 NYTimes Best Sellers,

Durham, NC• Dean Witt er Reynolds, Inc, Memphis, TN• North Carolina Board of Realtors, Raleigh, NC

Ideal Business/Organizati on Client/Company:Upwardly mobile, rising companies/organizati ons in a growth cycle (and/or peak performer for a company) requiring skills in:

• Subconscious rapport skills for quick connecti ons and ability to manage diff erences of culture, gender, and language

• Competency-based Hiring skills• Brain-based profi ling for negoti ati on/ selling/customer relati ons• In-depth ability to give exciti ng presentati ons that sti r interest/buy-in• Coaching for peak performers with inconsistent performance or perceived concerns that

undermine their next phase of development.

Here’s What is Possible and How I Solve it:Taking your company/organizati on to the next level of growth potenti al through Genius Skills in:

• Hiring/Negoti ati ons• Maximizing the Fit with Customers/Colleagues• Creati ng Peak Performance• Confl ict Resoluti on/Accountability• Expert Mentoring in Presentati on Skills• Turnaround Coaching for the Enemies Stopping Performance/Progress

Corporate and Business Presentati ons:Corporate

• Vistage and TEC Canada (a CEO only organizati on), over 500 presentati ons in the 4.5 to 5 range; Winner of the Vistage Speaker 200 Award; Winner of the Vistage Speaker Above and Beyond Award

• Second City Comedy Club, Chicago, IL. The feeder source for “Saturday Nite Live”• Reno Diagnosti c Center, RDC, Reno, NV• Quinti les, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC• Viking Sewing Machines, Cleveland, OH• Excell Partnerships, Sandy Hill, CT• Graedon Enterprises, “The People’s Pharmacy”, authors of 5 NYTimes Best Sellers,

Durham, NC• Dean Witt er Reynolds, Inc, Memphis, TN• North Carolina Board of Realtors, Raleigh, NC

Organ Procurement Organizati ons

• AOPO, Associati on of Organ Procurements Organizati on• MTF Biologics, Nati onal Tissue Bank• Live on New York, State of New York Organ Donati ons• NJ Share Network, State of New Jersey Organ Donati ons


• NC Bar Associati on, disti nguished as the only non-att orney ever to have trained for the Bar Associati on

• Mecklenberg County Bar Associati on, Charlott e, NC• Wake County Bar Associati on, Cary, NC• Mediati on, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC

Governmental Agencies / Non-Profi t

• US Army Peacekeeping Forces, PSYOP Division, Fort Bragg, NC• Alliance Safety Council, Baton Rouge, LA. • American Women Emergency Physicians (AWEP), Houston, TX• Environmental Protecti on Agency (EPA), Research Triangle Park, NC• Nati onal Insti tutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD• Nati onal Insti tute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), RTP, NC• Wake County Personnel Department, Raleigh, NC• North Carolina Associati on of Personnel Consultants, Southern Pines, NC• North Carolina Medical Society, Raleigh, NC• North Carolina Physicians Health Program (NCPHP), Raleigh, NC• NC Minority Business /Enterprise Coordinator’s Network, Wilmington, NC• English Board of Churches, United Kingdom


• Clemson University College of Commerce and Industry, Clemson, SC• Center for Environmental Research, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA• Duke University, Live for Life Program, Durham, NC

Organ Procurement Organizati ons

• AOPO, Associati on of Organ Procurements Organizati on• MTF Biologics, Nati onal Tissue Bank• Live on New York, State of New York Organ Donati ons• NJ Share Network, State of New Jersey Organ Donati ons


• NC Bar Associati on, disti nguished as the only non-att orney ever to have trained for the Bar Associati on

• Mecklenberg County Bar Associati on, Charlott e, NC• Wake County Bar Associati on, Cary, NC• Mediati on, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC

Governmental Agencies / Non-Profi t

• US Army Peacekeeping Forces, PSYOP DivisionUS Army Peacekeeping Forces, PSYOP DivisionUS Army , Fort Bragg, NC• Alliance Safety Council, Baton Rouge, LA. • American Women Emergency Physicians (AWEP), Houston, TX• Environmental Protecti on Agency (EPA), Research Triangle Park, NC• Nati onal Insti tutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD• Nati onal Insti tute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), RTP, NC• Wake County Personnel Department, Raleigh, NC• North Carolina Associati on of Personnel Consultants, Southern Pines, NC• North Carolina Medical Society, Raleigh, NC• North Carolina Physicians Health Program (NCPHP), Raleigh, NC• NC Minority Business /Enterprise Coordinator’s Network, Wilmington, NC• English Board of Churches, United Kingdom


• Clemson University College of Commerce and Industry, Clemson, SC• Center for Environmental Research, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA• Duke University, Live for Life Program, Durham, NC

What are Clients Saying?

“Stephanie Shipper is a rare speaker and presenter. Without any hype she connects with her audience at the deepest levels. Our people were locked in to her message and were transfi xed. Stephanie had us leaning in and asking for more as we experienced her message viscerally, intellectually, and emoti onally. Stephanie doesn’t present informati on, she confronts you with truth, insight, wisdom and your own humanity. She is a fi ve star human.”

Bill Mills, CEO, Executi ve Group, Minneapolis, MN

“Stephanie Shipper has had a profound impact on our professional and personal lives. She has helped us solve incredibly diffi cult business dilemmas. Her skills and techniques are nothing short of miraculous. We highly recommend her services as a cost-eff ecti ve soluti on to business and interpersonal problems.”

Joe and Terri Graedon, Authors of 5 NY Times Bestsellers, Hosts of the People’s Pharmacy on NPR

“It is our policy to rigorously evaluate the impact of coaching/training by subcontractors. It pleases us to announce that you have been ranked #1 in our evaluati ons. We commend you for the quality of content, your ability to teach the content and the lasti ng impact your training has had on this organizati on. We have found that our employees are:

• Bett er able to negoti ate constructi vely• More confi dent in their ability to deal with a variety of situati ons and personaliti es• Bett er able to lead groups to outcomes that are in the company’s highest interest• Able to self-correct their own behavior to assure professional interacti ons.”

Maria Dotson, Vice President, Quinti les Inc., NC

What are Clients Saying?

“Stephanie Shipper is a rare speaker and presenter. Without any hype she connects with her audience at the deepest levels. Our people were locked in to her message and were transfi xed. Stephanie had us leaning in and asking for more as we experienced her message viscerally, intellectually, and emoti onally. Stephanie doesn’t present informati on, she confronts you with truth, insight, wisdom and your own humanity. She is a fi ve star human.”

Bill Mills, CEO, Executi ve Group, Minneapolis, MN

“Stephanie Shipper has had a profound impact on our professional and personal lives. She has helped us solve incredibly diffi cult business dilemmas. Her skills and techniques are nothing short of miraculous. We highly recommend her services as a cost-eff ecti ve soluti on to business and interpersonal problems.”

Joe and Terri Graedon, Authors of 5 NY Times Bestsellers, Hosts of the People’s Pharmacy on NPR

“It is our policy to rigorously evaluate the impact of coaching/training by subcontractors. It pleases us to announce that you have been ranked #1 in our evaluati ons. We commend you for the quality of content, your ability to teach the content and the lasti ng impact your training has had on this organizati on. We have found that our employees are:

• Bett er able to negoti ate constructi vely• More confi dent in their ability to deal with a variety of situati ons and personaliti es• Bett er able to lead groups to outcomes that are in the company’s highest interest• Able to self-correct their own behavior to assure professional interacti ons.”

Maria Dotson, Vice President, Quinti les Inc., NC

“I fi rst met Stephanie at a CEO Vistage meeti ng and knew immediately that she had a unique skill set. Through conversati ons, role plays, and discussions she is able to get to the heart of how we learn, listen, and behave. This skill is invaluable to anyone in a leadership role, but more importantly for those who are in the positi on of helping others on a daily basis. For those of us in the world of organ donati on, we are providing comfort every day to families who have suff ered great loss. Through designing a program specifi cally for those who interact with families, Stephanie was able to elevate the listening skills of the caregiver, and identi fy the behaviors that result in families being open to support. This tailored approach, presented in a safe role play environment, allows everyone to learn. The end result are staff who have bett er coping mechanisms and improved skills to support grieving families. Her training should be adopted by every organ procurement organizati on so we can give families the care they deserve and need.”

Helen M. Irving, RN, MBA. CEO, LiveOn NY

“Dear Stephanie, thank you for teaching us this morning. I could have listened to you for many more hours. The insight into the way humans learn and interact is fascinating to me, and I plan on incorporating the knowledge into my every day and legal lives. You are a true visionary.”

Amy B. Goldsmith, NYC, NY. Att y, at Law. VP of the New York Women’s Bar Associati on. Tarter, Krinsky, & Drogin, Partner

“I fi rst met Stephanie at a CEO Vistage meeti ng and knew immediately that she had a unique skill set. Through conversati ons, role plays, and discussions she is able to get to the heart of how we learn, listen, and behave. This skill is invaluable to anyone in a leadership role, but more importantly for those who are in the positi on of helping others on a daily basis. For those of us in the world of organ donati on, we are providing comfort every day to families who have suff ered great loss. Through designing a program specifi cally for those who interact with families, Stephanie was able to elevate the listening skills of the caregiver, and identi fy the behaviors that result in families being open to support. This tailored approach, presented in a safe role play environment, allows everyone to learn. The end result are staff who have bett er coping mechanisms and improved skills to support grieving families. Her training should be adopted by every organ procurement organizati on so we can give families the care they deserve and need.”

Helen M. Irving, RN, MBA. CEO, LiveOn NY

“Dear Stephanie, thank you for teaching us this morning. I could have listened to you for many more hours. The insight into the way humans learn and interact is fascinating to me, and I plan on incorporating the knowledge into my every day and legal lives. You are a true visionary.”

Amy B. Goldsmith, NYC, NY. Att y, at Law. VP of the New York Women’s Bar Associati on. Tarter, Krinsky, & Drogin, Partner

Stephanie Shipper

Polishing Leaders into Diamonds, human potenti als luminary, Stephanie Shipper, has over 30 years’ experience as both a Confl ict Resoluti on/Negoti ati ons Consultant/Trainer and a Human Potenti als Coach. She is a Certi fi ed Trainer of Neuro-Linguisti c Programming (NLP), a Consulti ng Kinesiologist (IAKP) and a specialist in Brain-Based wiring.

As a Confl ict Resoluti on/Negoti ati ons Consultant/Trainer Stephanie Shipper teaches att ainable skills sets which have enabled evolving leaders to go beyond their past limitati ons in sales, negoti ati ons, confl ict resoluti on, and presentati on skills using the peak performance patt erns of Neuro-Linguisti c Programming (NLP).

As a Human Potenti als Coach Stephanie has a solid track record helping highly talented individuals overcome the blocks to success from what she calls “The Enemies”. She has led her clients, “the best and the brightest”, in strategizing and obtaining lasti ng breakthroughs, vanquishing The Enemies.

As a Certi fi ed Trainer of Neuro-Linguisti c Programming (NLP), and a Consulti ng Kinesiologist (IAKP), and a specialist in Brain-Based wiring, Stephanie Shipper has helped her clients by:

• increasing their ability to perform well under pressure by delivering att ainable skill sets that have taken them beyond the basics and past limitati ons in sales, negoti ati ons, confl ict resoluti on and presentati on skills.

• overcoming self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors. Stephanie says, “The smarter you and your company are . . . the more likely you are to have unique limitati ons. You have grown to a level of success and ability, and now you are confronted by roadblocks that stop you.

• developing and maintaining criti cal business and personal relati onships. She says: “Your relati onships will ulti mately make or break your business; much more than your brand, your technical skills or your product pizzazz”.

Stephanie’s clients include many who are committ ed to a Greater Desti ny . . . beyond just a paycheck requiring skill sets in:

• Subconscious Rapport skills• Competency-based Hiring skills• Brain-based profi ling for negoti ati on, selling, customer relati ons• In-depth ability to give powerful presentati ons that sti r interest/buy-in• Coaching for top talent with inconsistent performance or experiencing talent burnout

Meet Your Trainer

Stephanie Shipper

Polishing Leaders into Diamonds, human potenti als luminary, Stephanie Shipper, has over 30 years’ experience as both a Confl ict Resoluti on/Negoti ati ons Consultant/Trainer and a Human Potenti als Coach. She is a Certi fi ed Trainer of Neuro-Linguisti c Programming (NLP), a Consulti ng Kinesiologist (IAKP) and a specialist in Brain-Based wiring.

As a Confl ict Resoluti on/Negoti ati ons Consultant/Trainer Stephanie Shipper teaches att ainable skills sets which have enabled evolving leaders to go beyond their past limitati ons in sales, negoti ati ons, confl ict resoluti on, and presentati on skills using the peak performance patt erns of Neuro-Linguisti c Programming (NLP).

As a Human Potenti als Coach Stephanie has a solid track record helping highly talented individuals overcome the blocks to success from what she calls “The Enemies”. She has led her clients, “the best and the brightest”, in strategizing and obtaining lasti ng breakthroughs, vanquishing The Enemies.

As a Certi fi ed Trainer of Neuro-Linguisti c Programming (NLP), and a Consulti ng Kinesiologist (IAKP), and a specialist in Brain-Based wiring, Stephanie Shipper has helped her clients by:

• increasing their ability to perform well under pressure by delivering att ainable skill sets that have taken them beyond the basics and past limitati ons in sales, negoti ati ons, confl ict resoluti on and presentati on skills.

• overcoming self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors. Stephanie says, “The smarter you and your company are . . . the more likely you are to have unique limitati ons. You have grown to a level of success and ability, and now you are confronted by roadblocks that stop you.

• developing and maintaining criti cal business and personal relati onships. She says: “Your relati onships will ulti mately make or break your business; much more than your brand, your technical skills or your product pizzazz”.

Stephanie’s clients include many who are committ ed to a Greater Desti ny . . . beyond just a paycheck requiring skill sets in:

• Subconscious Rapport skills• Competency-based Hiring skills• Brain-based profi ling for negoti ati on, selling, customer relati ons• In-depth ability to give powerful presentati ons that sti r interest/buy-in• Coaching for top talent with inconsistent performance or experiencing talent burnout

Meet Your Trainer

Stephanie’s training sessions are built on these principles:

To master your relati onships you must understand how other people are wired, how they make decisions and based on the wiring how to engender respect and integrity.

A basis of all Stephanie’s trainings is that consensus and true relati onship are built through the process of dissolving frustrati on. She says: “Unti l you have a frustrati on, you have no real relati onship . . . it’s all window dressing! Overcoming misunderstandings and frustrati ons, by thoroughly understanding your customer’s frustrati ons is the bridge to lasti ng connecti on.”

Clients including, but not limited to those who have benefi ted from working with her are: US Army Peacekeeping Forces, PSYOP Division, NC Bar Associati ons in Raleigh & Charlott e, Nati onal Insti tute of Environmental Health Sciences, Nati onal Insti tute of Health, Joe and Terri Graedon (The People’s Pharmacy – authors of fi ve New York Times Bestsellers,) Live On NY (New York Citi es Organ Donor Foundati on), and Vistage Internati onal (a CEO only organizati on in 13 countries) where she has received “top scores” for over 500 presentati ons.

When she isn’t busy helping clients, refi ning her techniques or developing new off erings, Stephanie enjoys quality ti me as a dedicated distance cycler, paddling to stay afl oat in her kayak, and, as a former New Orleans chef, cooking.

CURRENT AND RECENT COACHING ASSIGNMENT• Ongoing, 50 trainings a year on skills of Neuro-Linguisti cs for Peak Performance, Confl ict

Resoluti on and Accountability in USA, Canada and the UK for the largest “CEO-only” organizati on in the World

• CEO & HR Manager of largest Safety Council in the Southeast responsible for in-depth hiring analysis of Senior & subordinate hires for the past two years and training in in-depth confl ict resoluti on skills

• For two years acted as trusted advisor to CEO and COO of a well-established Imaging Diagnosti c Group in Nevada. Coached them in hiring analysis for Senior management positi ons, coaching of subordinates and negoti ati ons of internal confl icts

• Personal Coach to Owner and Chairman of the Board of a large, Arizona based, casualty insurance company. Focused on planning and strategic decision making with respect to disposition of wealth in potentially highly litigious family business and retirement decisions

• Mentored author of 5 New York Times bestsellers in the healthcare domain, also acted as mentor, negoti ator, and assisted in making strategic decisions for 17 years

• Provided training and mentoring in cross-nati onal communicati on and confl ict resoluti on in crisis situati ons involving sudden death and the retenti on of organs/ti ssues for CEO & senior executi ves of NE Organ Donor Foundati on

Stephanie’s training sessions are built on these principles:

To master your relati onships you must understand how other people are wired, how they make decisions and based on the wiring how to engender respect and integrity.

A basis of all Stephanie’s trainings is that consensus and true relati onship are built through the process of dissolving frustrati on. She says: “Unti l you have a frustrati on, you have no real relati onship . . . it’s all window dressing! Overcoming misunderstandings and frustrati ons, by thoroughly understanding your customer’s frustrati ons is the bridge to lasti ng connecti on.”

Clients including, but not limited to those who have benefi ted from working with her are: US Army Peacekeeping Forces, PSYOP Division, NC Bar Associati ons in Raleigh & Charlott e, Nati onal Insti tute of Environmental Health Sciences, Nati onal Insti tute of Health, Joe and Terri Graedon (The People’s Pharmacy – authors of fi ve New York Times Bestsellers,) Live On NY (New York Citi es Organ Donor Foundati on), and Vistage Internati onal (a CEO only organizati on in 13 countries) where she has received “top scores” for over 500 presentati ons.

When she isn’t busy helping clients, refi ning her techniques or developing new off erings, Stephanie enjoys quality ti me as a dedicated distance cycler, paddling to stay afl oat in her kayak, and, as a former New Orleans chef, cooking.

CURRENT AND RECENT COACHING ASSIGNMENT• Ongoing, 50 trainings a year on skills of Neuro-Linguisti cs for Peak Performance, Confl ict

Resoluti on and Accountability in USA, Canada and the UK for the largest “CEO-only” organizati on in the World

• CEO & HR Manager of largest Safety Council in the Southeast responsible for in-depth hiring analysis of Senior & subordinate hires for the past two years and training in in-depth confl ict resoluti on skills

• For two years acted as trusted advisor to CEO and COO of a well-established Imaging Diagnosti c Group in Nevada. Coached them in hiring analysis for Senior management positi ons, coaching of subordinates and negoti ati ons of internal confl icts

• Personal Coach to Owner and Chairman of the Board of a large, Arizona based, casualty insurance company. Focused on planning and strategic decision making with respect to disposition of wealth in potentially highly litigious family business and retirement decisions

• Mentored author of 5 New York Times bestsellers in the healthcare domain, also acted as mentor, negoti ator, and assisted in making strategic decisions for 17 years

• Provided training and mentoring in cross-nati onal communicati on and confl ict resoluti on in crisis situati ons involving sudden death and the retenti on of organs/ti ssues for CEO & senior executi ves of NE Organ Donor Foundati on

• CEO and Top Managers of a leading veterinary corporati on that sells profi table dairy farm management protocols & consulti ng-trained CEO and senior managers, veterinarians and sales professionals in relati onship management with farmers involved in large farm operati ons

• Special Operati ons & Intelligence, U.S. Army, trained intelligence offi cers and tacti cal operati ons specialists in cross cultural confl ict resoluti on skills

• As the only individual, not an att orney, ever invited to do so, conducted in depth training in mediati on and negoti ati on skills using NLP techniques for judges and att orneys at two NC Bar Associati ons

• Conducted training for instructors in the skills of NLP for the purpose of training high-performing arti sts at the Comedy Club in Chicago. The Comedy Club is known for the work of its graduates throughout the entertainment industry and parti cularly for many who were and conti nue as “regulars” on Saturday Night Live.

EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS• B.A. Peak Performance Psychology, Goddard College, Plainfi eld, VT• 33 Hours of Graduate Level Neurology Training, NC Central University, Durham, NC• Certi fi ed Trainer of NeuroLinguisti c Programming, NLP• Consulti ng Kinesiologist, IAKP• Certi fi ed Trainer of Kinesiology, TFHKA• Superior Court Mediator• Certi fi ed in Integral Eye Movement Therapy, IEMT• Certi fi ed in Brain Gym, Edu-Kinesiology

• CEO and Top Managers of a leading veterinary corporati on that sells profi table dairy farm management protocols & consulti ng-trained CEO and senior managers, veterinarians and sales professionals in relati onship management with farmers involved in large farm operati ons

• Special Operati ons & Intelligence, U.S. Army, trained intelligence offi cers and tacti cal operati ons specialists in cross cultural confl ict resoluti on skills

• As the only individual, not an att orney, ever invited to do so, conducted in depth training in mediati on and negoti ati on skills using NLP techniques for judges and att orneys at two NC Bar Associati ons

• Conducted training for instructors in the skills of NLP for the purpose of training high-performing arti sts at the Comedy Club in Chicago. The Comedy Club is known for the work of its graduates throughout the entertainment industry and parti cularly for many who were and conti nue as “regulars” on Saturday Night Live.

EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS• B.A. Peak Performance Psychology, Goddard College, Plainfi eld, VT• 33 Hours of Graduate Level Neurology Training, NC Central University, Durham, NC• Certi fi ed Trainer of NeuroLinguisti c Programming, NLP• Consulti ng Kinesiologist, IAKP• Certi fi ed Trainer of Kinesiology, TFHKA• Superior Court Mediator• Certi fi ed in Integral Eye Movement Therapy, IEMT• Certi fi ed in Brain Gym, Edu-Kinesiology

These stati sti cs relate to my subsidiary venture, The Carousel of Hope & Healing, which focuses on Organ Donati on Operati ons nati onally.

Stati sti cs: My Success RateThese stati sti cs relate to my subsidiary venture, The Carousel of Hope & Healing, which focuses on Organ Donati on Operati ons nati onally.

Stati sti cs: My Success Rate

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