starry night, vincent song and spolarlium

Post on 10-Jan-2017



Art & Photos



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1HIGHLIGHTSVincent Van Gogh• When he first began

painting, he used peas-ants as models. He would later paint , land-scapes and himself be-cause he was too poor to pay the models.

• He made approximately 900 paintings in 10 years.

• Sold only one painting during his life time, it was called The Red Vineyard.

• He was a self-taught artist.

• He only became famous when he died.

• He suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy, schizophrenia, bipo-lar disorder and other mental ill-nesses.

• One of his epilleptic episodes caused him to cut his own ear.

• Vincent shot himself dead at the age of 37 in a wheat field in France.

Theo, at his side when he died, said that Vin-cent’s last words were:“La tristesse

durera tou-


Which meant “sad-ness will last forever.”


• Type: Oil on canvas• Dimensions:

73.7 cm × 92.1 cm (29 in × 36 1⁄4 in)

• Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York City

• Art Movement: Post- Impression-ism


Post-Impressionism (1886-1905) can be character-ized as:• Using vivid colors • Distorted forms for ex-

pressive effect• Use of unnatural or ar-

bitrary colors• Abstract qualities

• Turbulent flow in fluid dynamics (Turbulence)

• Luminance

Post-Impressionism (1886-1905) can be character-ized as:• Using vivid colors • Distorted forms for ex-

pressive effect• Use of unnatural or ar-

bitrary colors• Abstract qualities

Analysis &


Analysis• Composition – fluidity and impressionism• Use of Color – break the composition, con-

vey emotion, dominance of blue balanced by orange

• Lighting – contrasting life and death, light sources are stars and the moon

• Tone or Mood – hope, represents man and nature

• Brush Stroke – turbulence, unique, consis-tency to technique


• Curving contours creat-ing a dot-to-dot effect.

• These internal elements ensure fluidity and such contours were important for the artist though it is distinct from the Impres-sionist technique of the 19th century.

• “Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon and the eleven stars bowed down to me.” - Genesis 37:9 (11 stars )

• The brightest star is actually Venus.


• The village has been variously identified as either a recollection of Van Gogh's Dutch homeland or based on a sketch he made of the town of Saint-Rémy.

• The village is painted with dark colors but the brightly lit windows create a sense of comfort. 

• The church painted was actually from his homeland, Netherlands.

Cypresses• Cypress trees have

long been associated with death in Euro-pean culture.

• This tree serves to connect earth and sky and this could reflect the artist´s own thoughts about death - that death is the destination of life´s journey.

Vincent Song By Don McLean

 Starry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and gray

Look out on a summer's dayWith eyes that know the darkness in my soul

 Shadows on the hills

Sketch the trees and the daffodilsCatch the breeze and the winter chills

In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understandWhat you tried to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them free

 They would not listen, they did not know how

Perhaps they'll listen now

 Starry, starry nightFlaming flowers that brightly blaze

Swirling clouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue

 Colors changing hue

Morning fields of amber grainWeathered faces lined in pain

Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand

For they could not love youBut still your love was true

And when no hope was left in sightOn that starry, starry night

 You took your life, as lovers often do

But I could've told you VincentThis world was never meant for

One as beautiful as you

Now I think I knowWhat you tried to say to me

And how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them free

 They would not listen, they're not listening still

Perhaps they never will




Won a gold medal which lead him to have a reputation of a painter of first order

3RD of seven children Excelled in painting

and drawing Influenced by his

brother MANUEL LUNA A painter, sailor and

political activist


Took drawing lessons under illustrious painting teacher LEON GUERRERO

Went to the Academy of Fine Arts in Manila

Kicked out because the teacher did not like his brush strokes

Travelled and met DON ALEJO VERA who brought him to Rome

Inspired him to work on his painting Spoliarium

Juan Luna and Felix Resurrecion Hidalgo winning the Top 2 awards.

Killed his wife, mother-in-law and wounded his brother-in-law because of jealousy

Was acquitted of charges due to temporary insanity (unwritten law forgave men for killing unfaithful wives)

Arrested for being with the Katipunan Rebel Army

Died of heart attack

Year Completed: 1884 Dimensions: 4.22 m x

7.675 Medium : Oil on Canvas Present location: National

Museum of the Philippines

_______THE BASICS_______

SPOLIARIUM - Latin word referring to the basement where the fallen and dying gladiators are dumped and devoid of their worldly possessions

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