standards of professional practice

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Standards of Professional Practice



Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture 6

Resolution No. 2, series of 2006

Architect’s Credo 15

Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture

Resolution No. 13, series of 2009


Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture 18

Resolution No. 3, series of 2010

Standards of Professional Practice (SPP) Annex “A” 20

Standards of Professional Practice Documents

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Code of Ethical Conduct Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture

Resolution No. 2, series of 2006

Architect’s Credo

Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture

Resolution No. 13, series of 2009


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Republic of the Philippines Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)


Resolution No. 02 S eries of 2006



N O . 9 2 6 6 , K N O W N A S " T H E A RCH IT E CT U RE A CT O F 2 0 0 4 " Pursuant to S ection 7 (g), Article II of R.A. No. 9 266, k now n as the “Architecture Act of 2004 ” and S ection 7 (g), Rule II of Board Resolution No. 07 , S eries of 2004 , cited as "IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004 ", the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (hereinafter called Board ), subject to approv al by the Professional Regulation Com m ission (hereinafter called Com m ission), resolv es, as it is hereby resolv ed , to ad opt and prom ulgate the hereund er Cod e of Ethical Cond uct for Registered and Licensed Architects and for hold ers of tem porary /special perm its und er the said R.A. No. 9 266 and Board Res. No. 07 as prescribed and issued by the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. (UAP), the Integrated and Accred ited Professional Organiz ation of Architects (IAPOA) in the Philippines by v irtue of Board Res. No. 03 , S eries of 2004 as approv ed by the Com m ission.

A RT ICL E I G E N E RA L PRO V IS IO N S S ection 1. Traits of Architects. - The profession of Architecture calls for m en and w om en of the highest integrity , responsiv eness, business acum en, sensibility , as w ell as artistic and technical ability . S ection 2. Duties and Responsibilities. - The Architect's honesty of purpose m ust be bey ond reproach; he/she acts as professional ad v iser to his/her Client and his/her ad v ice m ust be unprejud iced ; he/she is charged w ith the ex ercise of m ed iation and conciliation functions betw een Client and Contractor and m ust act w ith entire im partiality ; he/she has m oral responsibilities to his/her professional associates and subord inates; and he/she is engaged in a profession w hich carries w ith it grav e responsibilities to the public. These d uties and responsibilities cannot be properly d ischarged unless his/her m otiv es, cond uct, sense of m oral v alues, sensitiv ity , and ability are such as to com m and respect and confid ence.


PE O PL E S ection 3 . Relations with the Public. - The Architect is engaged in a profession w hich carries w ith it civ ic responsibilities tow ard s the public, w hether such responsibilities are the natural outcom e of good citiz enship or of his/her professional pursuit, or w hether they partak e of


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in form ativ e an d ed u c ation al m atters or of h is /h er n orm al in teres t in pu b lic w elfare; an d , ac c ord in gly , h e or s h e

3 .1 s h all res pec t an d h elp c on s erv e th e s y s tem s of v alu es an d th e n atu ral, h is toric , an d c u ltu ral h eritage of th e c om m u n ity in w h ic h h e/s h e c reates arc h itec tu re. He/s h e s h all s triv e to im prov e th e en v iron m en t an d th e life an d h ab itat w ith in it in a s u s tain ab le m an n er, fu lly m in d fu l of th e effec t of h is /h er w ork on th e w id es t in teres ts of all th os e w h o m ay reas on ab ly b e ex pec ted to u s e th e prod u c t of h is /h er w ork .

3 .2 s h all prom ote th e in teres t of h is /h er profes s ion al organ iz ation an d d o h is /h er fu ll part of th e w ork to en h an c e th e ob jec tiv es an d s erv ic es of th e organ iz ation . He/s h e s h ou ld s h are in th e in terc h an ge of tec h n ic al in form ation an d ex perien c e w ith th e oth er d es ign profes s ion s an d th e c on s tru c tion in d u s try .

3 .3 as a good c itiz en s h all ab id e b y an d ob s erv e th e law s an d regu lation s of th e th e gov ern m en t an d c om ply w ith th e Cod e of Eth ic al Con d u c t an d th e S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e. He/s h e s h all at all tim es en d eav or to properly ob s erv e th e law s on th e prac tic e of arc h itec tu re an d on th e plan n in g an d d es ign of b u ild in gs an d th eir en v iron s . He/s h e s h all at n o tim e ac t in a m an n er d etrim en tal to th e b es t in teres t of th e arc h itec tu ral profes s ion .

3 .4 s h all n ot u s e paid ad v ertis em en t, n or u s e s elf-lau d atory , ex aggerated , or m is lead in g pu b lic ity . How ev er, h e/s h e m ay , in th e c on tex t of ad v an c in g pu b lic k n ow led ge of th e Arc h itec t’s fu n c tion in s oc iety , as w ell as of arc h itec tu re its elf, opt to w rite b ook s , b e a regu lar c olu m n is t of a pu b lic ation , or b e a c on trib u tor to th e preparation of an y oth er literatu re, or ac tiv elv partic ipate in an y foru m , s em in ar, w ork s h op, or s im ilar as s em b lies th rou gh v erb al or v is u al pres en tation s an d , in th e proc es s , s h ow h is /h er ow n tru e w orth as a profes s ion al, in w h ic h c as e h e/s h e m ay rec eiv e rem u n eration or h on orariu m for s u c h u n d ertak in gs .

3 .5 s h all n ot s olic it, n or perm it to s olic it, in h is /h er n am e, ad v ertis em en ts or oth er s u pport tow ard s th e c os t of an y pu b lic ation pres en tin g h is /h er w ork . He/s h e s h all refrain from tak in g part in paid ad v ertis em en t en d ors in g an y m aterials of c on s tru c tion or b u ild in g eq u ipm en t.

3 .6 s h all n ot d ec eiv e th e pu b lic as to h is /h er profes s ion al c om peten c e, n or c laim an y profes s ion al s pec ializ ation u n les s s u pported b y ac ad em ic q u alific ation , trac k rec ord or relev an t ex pertis e, profes s ion al res ou rc es av ailab le to h im /h er w h ic h w ill en ab le h im /h er to h an d le th e w ork partic u larly req u irin g s u c h s pec ializ ation an d s an c tion , b y h is /h er peers in th e profes s ion .

3 .7 m ay ex h ib it h is /h er profes s ion al s h in gle ou ts id e h is /h er offic e, or d is play a projec t b illb oard in d ic atin g relev an t in form ation , w h ic h m ay in c lu d e pic torial reprod u c tion th ereof, in a m od es t m an n er.




S ec tion 4 . Relations with the Client. - Th e Arc h itec t's relation to h is /h er Clien t is d epen d en t u pon good faith . To en s u re th e c on tin u ed ex is ten c e of s u c h s tate of good relation s h ip, th e Arc h itec t's pos ition c arries w ith it c ertain m oral ob ligation s to h is /h er Clien t an d to h im s elf/h ers elf. Th e Arc h itec t s h all alw ay s en d eav or to protec t th e Clien t's in teres ts b u t n ev er at th e ex pen s e of h igh er pu b lic in teres ts an d pu b lic w elfare; an d , ac c ord in gly , h e/s h e


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4 .1 s h all in trod u c e to a pros pec tiv e Clien t th e profes s ion al s erv ic es h e/s h e is ab le to perform prov id ed it is lim ited to th e pres en tation of ex am ples of h is /h er profes s ion al-ex perien c e an d d oes n ot en tail th e offerin g of free prelim in ary s k etc h es or oth er s erv ic es w ith ou t th e b en efit of an agreem en t w ith th e Clien t for legitim ate c om pen s ation .

4 .2 s h all ac q u ain t or as c ertain from th e Clien t, at th e v ery in c eption of th eir b u s in es s relation s h ip, th e ex ac t n atu re an d s c ope of h is /h er s erv ic es an d properly in form th e Clien t of th e c orres pon d in g profes s ion al fees .

4 .3 s h all ad v is e a Clien t again s t proc eed in g w ith an y projec t w h os e prac tic ab ility m ay b e q u es tion ab le d u e to fin an c ial or legal im portan t an d /or ex igen t c on d ition s , ev en if s u c h ad v ic e m ay m ean th e los s of a pros pec tiv e c om m is s ion to th e Arc h itec t.

4 .4 s h all ex plain th e c on d ition al c h arac ter of es tim ates an d in n o c as e s h all h e/s h e gu aran tee an y es tim ates or c os t of th e w ork in ord er to s ec u re a c om m is s ion , u n les s prov id ed for b y law , as in c ertain gov ern m en t projec ts .

4 .5 s h all c on s id er th e n eed s an d s tipu lation of h is /h er Clien t an d th e effec ts of h is /h er w ork u pon th e life an d w ell-b ein g of th e pu b lic an d th e c om m u n ity as a w h ole an d s h all en d eav or to m eet th e aes th etic an d fu n c tion al req u irem en ts of th e projec t c om m en s u rate w ith th e Clien t's b u d get.

4 .6 s h all b ill h is /h er Clien t for s erv ic es ren d ered a profes s ion al fee c om m en s u rate w ith th e w ork in v olv ed an d w ith h is /h er profes s ion al s tan d in g an d ex perien c e b as ed u pon th e Bas ic Min im u m Fee pres c rib ed u n d er th e. "S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e."

4 .7 s h all u n d ertak e th e c on s tru c tion of a projec t ev en w h en th e plan s w ere prepared b v h im /h er w h en it c on form s w ith pertin en t s ec tion s of th e "S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e".

4 .8 s h all b e c om pen s ated for h is /h er s erv ic es s olely th rou gh h is /h er profes s ion al fee b illed d irec tly to th e Clien t. He/s h e s h all n ot as k for an y oth er retu rn s in w h atev er form from an y in teres ted s ou rc e oth er th an th e Clien t.

4 .9 s h all b e free in h is /h er in v es tm en ts an d b u s in es s relation s ou ts id e of h is /h er profes s ion from an y fin an c ial or pers on al in teres ts w h ic h ten d to w eak er h is /h er s tan d in g as an u n preju d ic ed an d h on es t ad v is er, free to ac t in h is /h er Clien t's b es t in teres ts . If th e Arc h itec t h as an y oth er b u s in es s in teres t's w h ic h w ou ld relate to, or affec t th e in teres t of th e Clien t, h e/s h e s h ou ld in form th e Clien t of s u c h a c on d ition or s itu ation .

4 .10 s h all in c lu d e in h is /h er agreem en t w ith th e Clien t a c lau s e prov id in g for n egotiation , m ed iation /c on c iliation an d /or arb itration as altern ativ e m eth od s for th e s ettlem en t of d is pu tes .

4 .11 s h all c arry ou t h is /h er profes s ion al w ork w ith ou t u n d u e d elay an d w ith in an agreed reas on ab le tim e lim it.

4 .12 s h all k eep th e Clien t in form ed at all tim es of th e progres s of th e w ork u n d ertak en on th e Clien t's b eh alf an d of an y is s u e th at m ay affec t projec t q u ality an d c os t.


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S ec tion 5 . Relations with Contractor. - Th e Con trac tor d epen d s u pon th e Arc h itec t to s afegu ard fairly th e Con trac tor's in teres t as w ell as th os e of th e Clien t; an d , ac c ord in gly h e or s h e

5 .1 s h all giv e th e Con trac tor ev ery reas on ab le as s is tan c e to en ab le h im /h er to fu lly u n d ers tan d th e c on ten ts of th e Con trac t Doc u m en ts b y fu rn is h in g c lear, d efin ite, an d c on s is ten t in form ation in all pertin en t c on trac t d oc u m en ts to av oid u n n ec es s ary m is tak es th at m ay in v olv e ex tra c os ts to eith er th e Con trac tor or th e Clien t.

5 .2 s h all n ot k n ow in gly c all u pon th e Con trac tor to c orrec t or rem ed y ov ers igh ts or errors in th e Con trac t Doc u m en t to th e Con trac tor's or th e Ow n er's fin an c ial d is ad v an tage.

5 .3 s h all, im m ed iately u pon h is /h er pers on al k n ow led ge an d in s pec tion , rejec t or c on d em n m aterial, eq u ipm en t, or w ork m an s h ip w h ic h is n ot in c on form ity w ith th e Con trac t Doc u m en ts in ord er n ot to c au s e u n n ec es s ary d elay an d ad d ition al ex pen s e to th e Con trac tor.

5 .4 s h all rejec t an y offer of free profes s ion al en gin eerin g or allied d es ign s erv ic e/s , or rec eiv e an y s u b s tan tial aid , gifts , c om m is s ion s , or fav ors from an y Con trac tor or S u b -c on trac tor w h ic h w ill ten d to plac e h im /h er u n d er an y k in d of ob ligation to retu rn s u c h fav ors .

5 .5 s h all prom ptly in s pec t eac h ph as e of th e w ork c om pleted an d if fou n d ac c ord in g to th e term s of th e Con trac t Doc u m en ts , is s u e th e c orres pon d in g Certific ates of Pay m en t an d th e Fin al Certific ate of Com pletion , res pec tiv ely , to th e Con trac tor.



M ANU F ACTU RERS, D EALERS, AND AG ENTS S ec tion 6. - Relations with M anu factu rers, D ealers, and A g ents. - An ex c h an ge of tec h n ic al in form ation b etw een th e Arc h itec t an d th os e w h o m an u fac tu re, s u pply , an d h an d le b u ild in g m aterials or eq u ipm en t is n ec es s ary an d , th erefore, en c ou raged an d c om m en d ed , prov id ed th at: h e/s h e

6.1 s h all n ot s olic it free profes s ion al en gin eerin g/allied d es ign or oth er tec h n ic al s erv ic es from m an u fac tu rers or s u ppliers of b u ild in g m aterials or eq u ipm en t w h en th es e are

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4 .1 s h all in trod u c e to a pros pec tiv e Clien t th e profes s ion al s erv ic es h e/s h e is ab le to perform prov id ed it is lim ited to th e pres en tation of ex am ples of h is /h er profes s ion al-ex perien c e an d d oes n ot en tail th e offerin g of free prelim in ary s k etc h es or oth er s erv ic es w ith ou t th e b en efit of an agreem en t w ith th e Clien t for legitim ate c om pen s ation .

4 .2 s h all ac q u ain t or as c ertain from th e Clien t, at th e v ery in c eption of th eir b u s in es s relation s h ip, th e ex ac t n atu re an d s c ope of h is /h er s erv ic es an d properly in form th e Clien t of th e c orres pon d in g profes s ion al fees .

4 .3 s h all ad v is e a Clien t again s t proc eed in g w ith an y projec t w h os e prac tic ab ility m ay b e q u es tion ab le d u e to fin an c ial or legal im portan t an d /or ex igen t c on d ition s , ev en if s u c h ad v ic e m ay m ean th e los s of a pros pec tiv e c om m is s ion to th e Arc h itec t.

4 .4 s h all ex plain th e c on d ition al c h arac ter of es tim ates an d in n o c as e s h all h e/s h e gu aran tee an y es tim ates or c os t of th e w ork in ord er to s ec u re a c om m is s ion , u n les s prov id ed for b y law , as in c ertain gov ern m en t projec ts .

4 .5 s h all c on s id er th e n eed s an d s tipu lation of h is /h er Clien t an d th e effec ts of h is /h er w ork u pon th e life an d w ell-b ein g of th e pu b lic an d th e c om m u n ity as a w h ole an d s h all en d eav or to m eet th e aes th etic an d fu n c tion al req u irem en ts of th e projec t c om m en s u rate w ith th e Clien t's b u d get.

4 .6 s h all b ill h is /h er Clien t for s erv ic es ren d ered a profes s ion al fee c om m en s u rate w ith th e w ork in v olv ed an d w ith h is /h er profes s ion al s tan d in g an d ex perien c e b as ed u pon th e Bas ic Min im u m Fee pres c rib ed u n d er th e. "S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e."

4 .7 s h all u n d ertak e th e c on s tru c tion of a projec t ev en w h en th e plan s w ere prepared b v h im /h er w h en it c on form s w ith pertin en t s ec tion s of th e "S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e".

4 .8 s h all b e c om pen s ated for h is /h er s erv ic es s olely th rou gh h is /h er profes s ion al fee b illed d irec tly to th e Clien t. He/s h e s h all n ot as k for an y oth er retu rn s in w h atev er form from an y in teres ted s ou rc e oth er th an th e Clien t.

4 .9 s h all b e free in h is /h er in v es tm en ts an d b u s in es s relation s ou ts id e of h is /h er profes s ion from an y fin an c ial or pers on al in teres ts w h ic h ten d to w eak er h is /h er s tan d in g as an u n preju d ic ed an d h on es t ad v is er, free to ac t in h is /h er Clien t's b es t in teres ts . If th e Arc h itec t h as an y oth er b u s in es s in teres t's w h ic h w ou ld relate to, or affec t th e in teres t of th e Clien t, h e/s h e s h ou ld in form th e Clien t of s u c h a c on d ition or s itu ation .

4 .10 s h all in c lu d e in h is /h er agreem en t w ith th e Clien t a c lau s e prov id in g for n egotiation , m ed iation /c on c iliation an d /or arb itration as altern ativ e m eth od s for th e s ettlem en t of d is pu tes .

4 .11 s h all c arry ou t h is /h er profes s ion al w ork w ith ou t u n d u e d elay an d w ith in an agreed reas on ab le tim e lim it.

4 .12 s h all k eep th e Clien t in form ed at all tim es of th e progres s of th e w ork u n d ertak en on th e Clien t's b eh alf an d of an y is s u e th at m ay affec t projec t q u ality an d c os t.

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Section 5. Relations with Contractor. - The Contractor depends upon the Architect to safeguard fairly the Contractor's interest as well as those of the Client; and, accordingly he or she

5.1 shall give the Contractor every reasonable assistance to enable him/her to fully understand the contents of the Contract Documents by furnishing clear, definite, and consistent information in all pertinent contract documents to avoid unnecessary mistakes that may involve extra costs to either the Contractor or the Client.

5.2 shall not knowingly call upon the Contractor to correct or remedy oversights or errors in the Contract Document to the Contractor's or the Owner's financial disadvantage.

5.3 shall, immediately upon his/her personal knowledge and inspection, reject or condemn material, equipment, or workmanship which is not in conformity with the Contract Documents in order not to cause unnecessary delay and additional expense to the Contractor.

5.4 shall reject any offer of free professional engineering or allied design service/s, or receive any substantial aid, gifts, commissions, or favors from any Contractor or Sub-contractor which will tend to place him/her under any kind of obligation to return such favors.

5.5 shall promptly inspect each phase of the work completed and if found according to the terms of the Contract Documents, issue the corresponding Certificates of Payment and the Final Certificate of Completion, respectively, to the Contractor.



M ANU F ACTU RERS, D EALERS, AND AG ENTS Section 6. - Relations with M anu factu rers, D ealers, and A g ents. - An exchange of technical information between the Architect and those who manufacture, supply, and handle building materials or equipment is necessary and, therefore, encouraged and commended, provided that: he/she

6.1 shall not solicit free professional engineering/allied design or other technical services from manufacturers or suppliers of building materials or equipment when these are


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ac c om pan ied b y an ob ligation d etrim en tal to th e b es t in teres t of th e Clien t, or w h ic h m ay ad v ers ely affec t th e Arc h itec t's profes s ion al opin ion .

6.2 s h all n ot s eek c om m is s ion s , d is c ou n ts , fees , gifts , or fav ors from agen ts or firm s h an d lin g b u ild in g m aterials or eq u ipm en t w h ic h m ay plac e h im /h er in a rec iproc al fram e of m in d . All m ark et d is c ou n ts s h all b e c red ited to th e Clien t.




S ec tion 1. Relations with his/her colleagues and subordinates (his/her big and small brothers/sisters). - Th e Arc h itec t h as m oral res pon s ib ilities tow ard s h is /h er profes s ion , h is /h er c olleagu es , an d h is /h er s u b ord in ates ; an d , ac c ord in gly , h e or s h e

7 .1 s h all n ot ren d er profes s ion al s erv ic es w ith ou t a profes s ion al s erv ic e agreem en t. He/s h e s h all n eith er offer n or prov id e prelim in ary s erv ic es on a c on d ition al b as is prior to d efin ite agreem en t w ith th e Clien t for th e c om m is s ion of th e projec t.

7 .2 s h all ab id e b y th e Bas ic Min im u m Fee pres c rib ed u n d er th e "S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e". He/s h e s h all n ot u s e d on ation of profes s ion al s erv ic es as a d ev ic e for ob tain in g c om petitiv e ad v an tage ex c ept for w orth y c iv ic or religiou s projec ts . Neith er s h all h e/s h e s u b m it s olic ited or u n s olic ited s k etc h es or d raw in gs in c om petition w ith oth er Arc h itec ts u n les s s u c h c om petitiv e arran gem en ts are c on d u c ted s u b s tan tially u n d er th e term s of m e Arc h itec tu ral Com petition Cod e.

7 .3 s h all n ot, in an y c as e, en ter as c om petitor in an y Arc h itec tu ral Com petition w h en h e/s h e h as d irec t in v olv em en t in th e form u lation of th e Program th ereof, or w h en h e/s h e h as b een en gaged to ac t as Profes s ion al Ad v is er or J u ror for s u c h c om petition . Neith er s h all th e Arc h itec t ac c ept an d ac t as profes s ion al ad v is er or ju ror in an y arc h itec tu ral c om petition w h en h e/s h e h as h ad an y in form ation or h as rev iew ed or as s is ted in th e preparation of s u c h c om petition . Nor s h all b e retain ed as a profes s ion al ad v is er in a c om petition , ac c ept em ploy m en t as an Arc h itec t for th e c om petition projec t, ex c ept as Con s u ltin g Arc h itec t.

7 .4 s h all n ot, u n d er an y c irc u m s tan c es or th rou gh an y m ean s , s olic it an y projec t alread y k n ow n to h im /h er as prev iou s ly c om m itted to an oth er Arc h itec t, w h eth er s u c h a c om m itm en t is s till in th e proc es s of n egotiation or h as alread y b een d efin itely agreed u pon .

7 .5 s h all n ot u n d ertak e a c om m is s ion for w h ic h h e/s h e k n ow s th at an oth er Arc h itec t h as b een prev iou s ly em ploy ed u n les s h e/s h e n otifies m e oth er Arc h itec t of th e fac t in w ritin g an d h as


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c on c lu s iv ely d eterm in ed th at th e origin al em ploy m en t h as b een term in ated an d d u ly c om pen s ated for.

7 .6 s h all n ot u n d ertak e a c om m is s ion for ad d ition s , reh ab ilitation , or rem od elin g of an y erec ted s tru c tu re u n d ertak en prev iou s ly b y an oth er Arc h itec t w ith ou t d u ly n otify in g h im of th e c on tem plated projec t ev en w h en th e Clien t/Ow n er is n o lon ger th e s am e. W h en th e greater m as s , area, or d es ign of th e origin al s tru c tu re is s u b s tan tially m ain tain ed , th e n ew Arc h itec t s h ou ld lim it h is /h er ad v ertis em en t or c laim on ly to th e ex ten t of th e s pec ific w ork h e/s h e h as d on e to m e s tru c tu re. W h en ev er th e n atu re of w ork in v olv ed ex am ples of ou r arc h itec tu ral h eritage, th e Arc h itec t m u s t look at all pos s ib ilities of res toration .

7 .7 s h all n ot m alic iou s ly , or u n fairly c ritic iz e, or d is c red it an oth er Arc h itec t or th e latter's w ork .

7 .8 s h all refrain from as s oc iatin g h im s elf/h ers elf w ith , or allow in g th e u s e of h is /h er n am e b y an y en terpris e th at m ay n egativ ely affec t h im s elf/h ers elf or th e arc h itec tu ral profes s ion .

7 .9 s h all n ot affix h is /h er s ign atu re an d s eal to an y plan s or profes s ion al d oc u m en ts prepared b y oth er pers on s or en tities an d n ot d on e u n d er h is /h er d irec t pers on al s u perv is ion .

7 .10 s h all prov id e em ploy ees an d s u b ord in ates w ith a s u itab le w ork en v iron m en t, c om pen s ate th em fairly , an d fac ilitate th eir profes s ion al ad v an c em en t. He/s h e s h all tu tor an d m en tor th e y ou n g as piran ts tow ard s th e id eals , fu n c tion s , d u ties , an d res pon s ib ilities lead in g to th e eth ic al prac tic e of th e arc h itec tu ral profes s ion .

7 .11 s h all u n s elfis h ly giv e h is /h er s h are in th e tran s fer of tec h n ic al k n ow led ge an d ex perien c e to h is /h er c olleagu es an d y ou n g as piran ts an d d o h is /h er part in fos terin g u n ity in th e fu rth eran c e of th e profes s ion .

7 .12 s h all u n s elfis h ly giv e h is /h er tim e an d effort to th e ad v an c em en t of th e profes s ion th ru h is /h er ac tiv e an d pers on al c om m itm en t an d in v olv em en t w ith th e In tegrated an d Ac c red ited Profes s ion al Organ iz ation of Arc h itec ts (IAPOA) an d in u n d ertak in g s pec ific ad v oc ac y w ork to u ltim ately b en efit th e arc h itec tu ral profes s ion .

7 .13 s h all en s u re th at th e c on d u c t of h is /h er profes s ion al prac tic e ab id es b y appropriate an d effec tiv e in tern al proc ed u res , in c lu d in g m on itorin g an d rev iew proc es s es , as w ell as s u ffic ien t q u alified an d s u perv is ed s taff to en ab le th e firm to fu n c tion effic ien tly .

7 .14 s h all n eith er appropriate th e in tellec tu al property of, n or u n d u ly tak e ad v an tage of th e id eas of an oth er arc h itec t w ith ou t ex pres s au th ority from th e origin atin g arc h itec t.

7 .15 s h all b u ild h is /h er profes s ion al repu tation on th e m erits of h is /h er ow n s erv ic e an d perform an c e an d s h all s triv e to c on tin u ou s ly u pd ate h is /h er profes s ion al k n ow -h ow . He/s h e s h all rec ogn iz e an d giv e c red it to oth ers for profes s ion al w ork perform ed .

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ac c om pan ied b y an ob ligation d etrim en tal to th e b es t in teres t of th e Clien t, or w h ic h m ay ad v ers ely affec t th e Arc h itec t's profes s ion al opin ion .

6.2 s h all n ot s eek c om m is s ion s , d is c ou n ts , fees , gifts , or fav ors from agen ts or firm s h an d lin g b u ild in g m aterials or eq u ipm en t w h ic h m ay plac e h im /h er in a rec iproc al fram e of m in d . All m ark et d is c ou n ts s h all b e c red ited to th e Clien t.




S ec tion 1. Relations with his/her colleagues and subordinates (his/her big and small brothers/sisters). - Th e Arc h itec t h as m oral res pon s ib ilities tow ard s h is /h er profes s ion , h is /h er c olleagu es , an d h is /h er s u b ord in ates ; an d , ac c ord in gly , h e or s h e

7 .1 s h all n ot ren d er profes s ion al s erv ic es w ith ou t a profes s ion al s erv ic e agreem en t. He/s h e s h all n eith er offer n or prov id e prelim in ary s erv ic es on a c on d ition al b as is prior to d efin ite agreem en t w ith th e Clien t for th e c om m is s ion of th e projec t.

7 .2 s h all ab id e b y th e Bas ic Min im u m Fee pres c rib ed u n d er th e "S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e". He/s h e s h all n ot u s e d on ation of profes s ion al s erv ic es as a d ev ic e for ob tain in g c om petitiv e ad v an tage ex c ept for w orth y c iv ic or religiou s projec ts . Neith er s h all h e/s h e s u b m it s olic ited or u n s olic ited s k etc h es or d raw in gs in c om petition w ith oth er Arc h itec ts u n les s s u c h c om petitiv e arran gem en ts are c on d u c ted s u b s tan tially u n d er th e term s of m e Arc h itec tu ral Com petition Cod e.

7 .3 s h all n ot, in an y c as e, en ter as c om petitor in an y Arc h itec tu ral Com petition w h en h e/s h e h as d irec t in v olv em en t in th e form u lation of th e Program th ereof, or w h en h e/s h e h as b een en gaged to ac t as Profes s ion al Ad v is er or J u ror for s u c h c om petition . Neith er s h all th e Arc h itec t ac c ept an d ac t as profes s ion al ad v is er or ju ror in an y arc h itec tu ral c om petition w h en h e/s h e h as h ad an y in form ation or h as rev iew ed or as s is ted in th e preparation of s u c h c om petition . Nor s h all b e retain ed as a profes s ion al ad v is er in a c om petition , ac c ept em ploy m en t as an Arc h itec t for th e c om petition projec t, ex c ept as Con s u ltin g Arc h itec t.

7 .4 s h all n ot, u n d er an y c irc u m s tan c es or th rou gh an y m ean s , s olic it an y projec t alread y k n ow n to h im /h er as prev iou s ly c om m itted to an oth er Arc h itec t, w h eth er s u c h a c om m itm en t is s till in th e proc es s of n egotiation or h as alread y b een d efin itely agreed u pon .

7 .5 s h all n ot u n d ertak e a c om m is s ion for w h ic h h e/s h e k n ow s th at an oth er Arc h itec t h as b een prev iou s ly em ploy ed u n les s h e/s h e n otifies m e oth er Arc h itec t of th e fac t in w ritin g an d h as


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7.16 s h all n ot, w h en offerin g s erv ic es as an in d epen d en t c on s u ltan t, q u ote a fee w ith ou t firs t rec eiv in g an offic ial in v itation for h im /h er to d o s o. Th e Arc h itec t m u s t h av e s u ffic ien t in form ation on th e n atu re an d s c ope of th e projec t to en ab le h im /h er to prepare a fee propos al c learly in d ic atin g th e s erv ic es c ov ered b y th e fee in ord er to protec t th e Clien t an d th e pu b lic from u n d er-res ou rc in g or u n d er-pric in g b y s om e u n s c ru pu lou s parties .

7.17 s h all n ot u n d ertak e profes s ion al w ork u n les s th e parties s h all h av e c learly agreed in w ritin g to th e term s of th e arc h itec tu ral c om m is s ion , to w it: 7.16.1 s c ope of w ork , 7.16.2 d elin eation of res pon s ib ilities , 7.16.3 an y lim itation of res pon s ib ilities , 7.16.4 fee or m eth od of c alc u latin g it, 7.16.5 m od e of altern ativ e d is pu te res olu tion , an d 7.16.6 an y prov is ion for term in ation .

7.18 s h all c on tin u e to rais e th e s tan d ard s of aes th etic ex c ellen c e, fu n c tion al logic , arc h itec tu ral ed u c ation , res earc h , train in g, an d prac tic e.

7.19 s h all, as appropriate, prom ote th e allied arts an d c on trib u te to th e k n ow led ge an d c apab ility of th e c on s tru c tion in d u s try .

7.20 if h e/s h e pos s es s es s u b s tan tial in form ation w h ic h lead s to n reas on ab le b elief th at an oth er Arc h itec t h as c om m itted a v iolation of th is Cod e, s h all file a form al c om plain t w ith th e d es ign ated b od y .

7.21 if h e/s h e is leav in g h is /h er Arc h itec t-Em ploy er s h all n ot, w ith ou t th e perm is s ion of th e latter, tak e w ith h im /h er d es ign s , d raw in gs , d ata, or oth er relev an t m aterials ev en if pers on ally perform ed b y h im /h er. On th e oth er h an d , th e Arc h itec t-Em ploy er s h all n ot u n reas on ab ly w ith h old s u c h perm is s ion , ex c ept w h en s om e c on fid en tiality of an y s u c h d oc u m en ts m u s t b e reas on ab ly protec ted .

7.22 s h all n ot d is c rim in ate on grou n d s of rac e, n ation al origin , age, gen d er, m arital s tatu s , religion , or an y d is ab ility w h ic h w ou ld h in d er th e perform an c e of h is /h er profes s ion al w ork .



S ec tion 8 . An y regis tered an d lic en s ed arc h itec t s h all rec ite w ith v igor, pas s ion , an d h ope th e Arc h itec t's Cred o d u rin g s pec ial or im portan t oc c as ion , e.g., m as s oath -tak in g, lAPOA's affair, PRBOA's ev en t. Th e Arc h itec t's Cred o s h all b e th e follow in g:

I s h all w ork w ith th is v irtu ou s c om m itm en t: to ex erc is e to th e u tm os t m y d u ty to m y s elf, m y c ou n try , an d m y God .

I s h all u ph old th e id eals , follow th e n orm s of c on d u c t of a n ob le profes s ion , an d en d les s ly en d eav or to protec t an d fu rth er its ju s t en d s . I s h all ab id e b y th e law s , ru les , legal ord ers , s tatu tory polic ies , an d m eas u res of m y c ou n try ; th e Cod e of Eth ic al Con d u c t an d th e S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e; an d th e Artic les of In c orporation an d By -Law s


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of th e In tegrated an d Ac c red ited Profes s ion al Organ iz ation of Arc h itec ts (IAPOA).

I s h all h u m b ly s eek s u c c es s n ot th rou gh th e m eas u re of s olic ited pers on al pu b lic ity , b u t b y in d u s triou s , m ean in gfu l applic ation to m y w ork , an d s triv e to m erit a repu tation for q u ality of s erv ic e an d for eq u itab le d ealin g.

I s h all as k for fair rem u n eration for m y profes s ion al s erv ic es from m y Clien t, an d h old h is /h er in teres t ov er an d ab ov e m y ow n .

I s h all d is c los e, w h en ev er req u ired , an y priv ate b u s in es s in v es tm en ts or v en tu res th at m ay ten d to c reate a c on flic t of in teres t, an d en s u re th at s u c h c on flic t d oes n eith er c om prom is e th e legitim ate in teres ts of m y Clien ts n or in terfere w ith m y d u ty to ren d er im partial ju d gm en t.

I s h all ex erc is e m y profes s ion al prerogativ es alw ay s w ith th e h igh es t lev el of in tegrity . I s h all in s pire b y m y b eh av ior th e loy alty of m y as s oc iates an d s u b ord in ates , an d tak e u pon m e th e m en tors h ip of th e as piran ts to th e profes s ion . I s h all c on fin e m y c ritic is m s an d prais es w ith in c on s tru c tiv e an d in s piration al lim its an d n ev er res ort to th es e m ean s to prom ote an y m alic iou s m otiv es . I s h all d ed ic ate m y s elf to th e pu rs u it of c reativ e en d eav or tow ard s th e goal of en ligh ten ed Art an d S c ien c e, gen erou s ly s h arin g th e res u lts of m y res earc h , ex perien c e, an d ex pertis e. I s h all treas u re m y b ein g a h old er of a v alid c ertific ate of regis tration an d a v alid profes s ion al id en tific ation c ard as regis tered an d lic en s ed arc h itec t an d of a v alid m em b ers h ip c ard w ith th e lAPOA. I s h all c on s ec rate m y s elf to th e h igh es t s tan d ard of profes s ion alis m , in tegrity , an d c om peten c e to th e pu b lic , to th e Clien t, to th e c on trac tor, to th e m an u fac tu rers , d ealers , an d agen ts , an d to c olleagu es an d s u b ord in ates w h o are th e d irec t an d in d irec t u s ers an d b en efic iaries of m y arc h itec tu ral s erv ic es .



S ec tion 9 . Liabilities and Penalties. An y regis tered an d lic en s ed arc h itec t or a gran tee of a tem porary /s pec ial perm it w h o v iolates an y prov is ion of th is Cod e s h all b e liab le u n d er S ec . 23 (f), Art. III an d S ec . 29 , Art. lV of R.A. No. 9 266 an d u n d er S ec . 23 (f), Ru le III an d S ec . 29 , Ru le IV of Board Res olu tion No. 07 , S eries of 2004 ; an d , ac c ord in gly , s h all b e m eted ou t w ith th e pen alty of s u s pen s ion or rev oc ation of th e v alid ity of c ertific ate of regis tration , or c an c ellation of a s pec ial/tem porary perm it b y th e Board , an d /or of a fin e of n ot les s th an On e h u n d red th ou s an d pes os (P100,000.00) b u t n ot m ore th an fiv e m illion pes os (P5 ,000,000.00) or to s u ffer im pris on m en t for a period of n ot les s th an s ix (6) m on th s or n ot ex c eed in g s ix (6) y ears , or b oth at th e d is c retion of th e c ou rt, res pec tiv ely .

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7.16 s h all n ot, w h en offerin g s erv ic es as an in d epen d en t c on s u ltan t, q u ote a fee w ith ou t firs t rec eiv in g an offic ial in v itation for h im /h er to d o s o. Th e Arc h itec t m u s t h av e s u ffic ien t in form ation on th e n atu re an d s c ope of th e projec t to en ab le h im /h er to prepare a fee propos al c learly in d ic atin g th e s erv ic es c ov ered b y th e fee in ord er to protec t th e Clien t an d th e pu b lic from u n d er-res ou rc in g or u n d er-pric in g b y s om e u n s c ru pu lou s parties .

7.17 s h all n ot u n d ertak e profes s ion al w ork u n les s th e parties s h all h av e c learly agreed in w ritin g to th e term s of th e arc h itec tu ral c om m is s ion , to w it: 7.16.1 s c ope of w ork , 7.16.2 d elin eation of res pon s ib ilities , 7.16.3 an y lim itation of res pon s ib ilities , 7.16.4 fee or m eth od of c alc u latin g it, 7.16.5 m od e of altern ativ e d is pu te res olu tion , an d 7.16.6 an y prov is ion for term in ation .

7.18 s h all c on tin u e to rais e th e s tan d ard s of aes th etic ex c ellen c e, fu n c tion al logic , arc h itec tu ral ed u c ation , res earc h , train in g, an d prac tic e.

7.19 s h all, as appropriate, prom ote th e allied arts an d c on trib u te to th e k n ow led ge an d c apab ility of th e c on s tru c tion in d u s try .

7.20 if h e/s h e pos s es s es s u b s tan tial in form ation w h ic h lead s to n reas on ab le b elief th at an oth er Arc h itec t h as c om m itted a v iolation of th is Cod e, s h all file a form al c om plain t w ith th e d es ign ated b od y .

7.21 if h e/s h e is leav in g h is /h er Arc h itec t-Em ploy er s h all n ot, w ith ou t th e perm is s ion of th e latter, tak e w ith h im /h er d es ign s , d raw in gs , d ata, or oth er relev an t m aterials ev en if pers on ally perform ed b y h im /h er. On th e oth er h an d , th e Arc h itec t-Em ploy er s h all n ot u n reas on ab ly w ith h old s u c h perm is s ion , ex c ept w h en s om e c on fid en tiality of an y s u c h d oc u m en ts m u s t b e reas on ab ly protec ted .

7.22 s h all n ot d is c rim in ate on grou n d s of rac e, n ation al origin , age, gen d er, m arital s tatu s , religion , or an y d is ab ility w h ic h w ou ld h in d er th e perform an c e of h is /h er profes s ion al w ork .



S ec tion 8 . An y regis tered an d lic en s ed arc h itec t s h all rec ite w ith v igor, pas s ion , an d h ope th e Arc h itec t's Cred o d u rin g s pec ial or im portan t oc c as ion , e.g., m as s oath -tak in g, lAPOA's affair, PRBOA's ev en t. Th e Arc h itec t's Cred o s h all b e th e follow in g:

I s h all w ork w ith th is v irtu ou s c om m itm en t: to ex erc is e to th e u tm os t m y d u ty to m y s elf, m y c ou n try , an d m y God .

I s h all u ph old th e id eals , follow th e n orm s of c on d u c t of a n ob le profes s ion , an d en d les s ly en d eav or to protec t an d fu rth er its ju s t en d s . I s h all ab id e b y th e law s , ru les , legal ord ers , s tatu tory polic ies , an d m eas u res of m y c ou n try ; th e Cod e of Eth ic al Con d u c t an d th e S tan d ard s of Profes s ion al Prac tic e; an d th e Artic les of In c orporation an d By -Law s

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of the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects (IAPOA).

I shall humbly seek success not through the measure of solicited personal publicity, but by industrious, meaningful application to my work, and strive to merit a reputation for quality of service and for equitable dealing.

I shall ask for fair remuneration for my professional services from my Client, and hold his/her interest over and above my own.

I shall disclose, whenever required, any private business investments or ventures that may tend to create a conflict of interest, and ensure that such conflict does neither compromise the legitimate interests of my Clients nor interfere with my duty to render impartial judgment.

I shall exercise my professional prerogatives always with the highest level of integrity. I shall inspire by my behavior the loyalty of my associates and subordinates, and take upon me the mentorship of the aspirants to the profession. I shall confine my criticisms and praises within constructive and inspirational limits and never resort to these means to promote any malicious motives. I shall dedicate myself to the pursuit of creative endeavor towards the goal of enlightened Art and Science, generously sharing the results of my research, experience, and expertise. I shall treasure my being a holder of a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional identification card as registered and licensed architect and of a valid membership card with the lAPOA. I shall consecrate myself to the highest standard of professionalism, integrity, and competence to the public, to the Client, to the contractor, to the manufacturers, dealers, and agents, and to colleagues and subordinates who are the direct and indirect users and beneficiaries of my architectural services.



Section 9 . Liabilities and Penalties. Any registered and licensed architect or a grantee of a temporary/special permit who violates any provision of this Code shall be liable under Sec. 23 (f), Art. III and Sec. 29 , Art. lV of R.A. No. 9 266 and under Sec. 23 (f), Rule III and Sec. 29 , Rule IV of Board Resolution No. 07 , Series of 2004 ; and, accordingly, shall be meted out with the penalty of suspension or revocation of the validity of certificate of registration, or cancellation of a special/temporary permit by the Board, and/or of a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than five million pesos (P5 ,000,000.00) or to suffer imprisonment for a period of not less than six (6) months or not exceeding six (6) years, or both at the discretion of the court, respectively.


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S ec tion 10. Separability Clase. If an y s ec tion or part of th e h erein Res olu tion s h all b e d ec lared u n c on s titu tion al or in v alid , s u c h d ec laration or ju d gm en t s h all n ot affec t, in v alid ate, or im pair th e oth er s ec tion s or prov is ion s th ereof or part th ereof d irec tly in v olv ed in w h ic h s u c h ju d gm en t h as b een ren d ered . S ec tion 11. Effectivity Clause. Th e h erein Res olu tion s h all tak e effec t after fifteen (15 ) d ay s follow in g its fu ll an d c om plete pu b lic ation in th e Offic ial Gaz ette or an y d aily n ew s paper of gen eral c irc u lation in th e Ph ilippin es . Don e in th e City of Man ila, th is 5 th d ay of April, 2006.


_________________________________________________________________________________________ 2006 PRC PRBoA ADOPTION AND PROMULGATION OF THE CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT page 9 of 10

S ec tion 10. Separability Clase. If an y s ec tion or part of th e h erein Res olu tion s h all b e d ec lared u n c on s titu tion al or in v alid , s u c h d ec laration or ju d gm en t s h all n ot affec t, in v alid ate, or im pair th e oth er s ec tion s or prov is ion s th ereof or part th ereof d irec tly in v olv ed in w h ic h s u c h ju d gm en t h as b een ren d ered . S ec tion 11. Effectivity Clause. Th e h erein Res olu tion s h all tak e effec t after fifteen (15 ) d ay s follow in g its fu ll an d c om plete pu b lic ation in th e Offic ial Gaz ette or an y d aily n ew s paper of gen eral c irc u lation in th e Ph ilippin es . Don e in th e City of Man ila, th is 5 th d ay of April, 2006.



Standards of Professional Practice Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture

Resolution No. 3, series of 2010

Standards of Professional Practice (SPP) Annex “A”

Standards of Professional Practice Documents

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Promulgated as Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266, known as “The Architecture Act of 2004”

and to be known hereinafter as the

SPP Documents(replacing the 1979 UAP Docs. 201 through 209)


1. State shall refer solely to the National Government of the Republic of the Philippines.

2. Standards of Professional Practice (SPP) is a required document under Sec. 41 of R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

3. Commission as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), duly created under R.A. No. 8981 (The PRC Modernization Act of 2000).

4. Board as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA), duly created under R.A. No. 9266 and its IRR and under the supervision and administrative control of the Commission.

5. Architect as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to a Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA), a natural person under Philippine law and jurisprudence with a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional identification card (representing the renewable 3-year license) for the lawful practice of the State-regulated profession of Architecture. Depending on the SPP, the term Architect may also refer to Architect-of-record (Aor), Architect in charge of construction (Aicc), Consulting Architect (CA) as provided for under R.A. No. 9266.

6. Architectural Firm (AF) as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to a juridical person under Philippine law and jurisprudence, duly registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as a sole proprietorship for individual architectural practice or registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and with the Professional Regulation Commission (the PRC or hereafter the Commission) as a professional partnership or as an architectural corporation for group architectural practice by RLAs, subject to full compliances with Sec. 37 of R.A. No. 9266 and derivative regulations.

7. Architect and Architectural Firm (AF) may be used interchangeably for some of the succeeding SPP.

8. Professional/s as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to Registered and Licensed Professionals (RLPs), all natural persons under Philippine law and jurisprudence with a valid certificate and a valid professional identification card (representing the renewable license) for the lawful practice of a State-regulated profession other than Architecture.

9. Client, Owner and Project Proponent may be used interchangeably for this SPP and some of the succeeding SPP.

10. Contractor and General Contractor shall also mean Constructor or Builder, and may be used interchangeably for this SPP.

11. Bid and Tender shall mean the same.



Promulgated as Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266, known as “The Architecture Act of 2004”

and to be known hereinafter as the

SPP Documents(replacing the 1979 UAP Docs. 201 through 209)


1. State shall refer solely to the National Government of the Republic of the Philippines.

2. Standards of Professional Practice (SPP) is a required document under Sec. 41 of R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

3. Commission as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), duly created under R.A. No. 8981 (The PRC Modernization Act of 2000).

4. Board as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA), duly created under R.A. No. 9266 and its IRR and under the supervision and administrative control of the Commission.

5. Architect as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to a Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA), a natural person under Philippine law and jurisprudence with a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional identification card (representing the renewable 3-year license) for the lawful practice of the State-regulated profession of Architecture. Depending on the SPP, the term Architect may also refer to Architect-of-record (Aor), Architect in charge of construction (Aicc), Consulting Architect (CA) as provided for under R.A. No. 9266.

6. Architectural Firm (AF) as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to a juridical person under Philippine law and jurisprudence, duly registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as a sole proprietorship for individual architectural practice or registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and with the Professional Regulation Commission (the PRC or hereafter the Commission) as a professional partnership or as an architectural corporation for group architectural practice by RLAs, subject to full compliances with Sec. 37 of R.A. No. 9266 and derivative regulations.

7. Architect and Architectural Firm (AF) may be used interchangeably for some of the succeeding SPP.

8. Professional/s as used for this SPP and the succeeding SPP documents shall refer only to Registered and Licensed Professionals (RLPs), all natural persons under Philippine law and jurisprudence with a valid certificate and a valid professional identification card (representing the renewable license) for the lawful practice of a State-regulated profession other than Architecture.

9. Client, Owner and Project Proponent may be used interchangeably for this SPP and some of the succeeding SPP.

10. Contractor and General Contractor shall also mean Constructor or Builder, and may be used interchangeably for this SPP.

11. Bid and Tender shall mean the same.


ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution

AF - Architectural Firm

ADC - Architectural Design Competition

Aicc - Architect in charge of construction

Aor - Architect-of-record

BPO - Business Process Outsourcing

CA - Consulting Architect

CEC - Codes of Ethical Conduct

DoLE - Department of Labor and Employment

DTI - Department of Trade and Industry

FPCA - Filipino Professional Consulting Architects

IAPOA - Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects

KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing

MoP - Manual of Procedure

PACS - Professional Architectural Consulting Services

PCA - Professional Consulting Architect

PRC - Professional Regulation Commission

PRBoA - Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture

SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission

RLA - Registered and Licensed Architect

SPP - Standards of Professional Practice

TSP - Temporary/ Special Permit



(Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266, replacing the 1979 UAP Doc. 208)


There are many ways by which a Client can engage the services of an Architect. The most appropriate method of selecting an Architect will depend on the type and complexity of the project.


The scope of services will depend on the method by which the Architect is selected.


3.1. Direct Selection is used when undertaking a relatively small project. The Client selects his Architect on the basis of:

3.1.1. Reputation

3.1.2. Personal or business acquaintance or recommendation of a friend

3.1.3. Recommendation of the Architect’s former Client

3.1.4. Recommendation of another Architect.

3.2. Comparative Selection may be conducted by committees representing institutions, corporations or public agencies. The selection process involves:

3.2.1. Invitation. The Client issues an invitation which includes the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the project which is based on the Design Brief prepared by another Architect. The selection committee established by the Client may consist of representatives from other State-regulated professions and/or the construction industry, as well as persons with related expertise.

3.2.2. Pre-qualification. Architects and/or PRC-registered Architectural Firms (AFs) submit information regarding their qualification and expertise.

3.2.3. Interview. The Architect explains his methodology in translating the plan/design requirements of the proposed project.

3.2.4. Verification. The selection committee may visit buildings designed by the Architects and check references such as former clients and financial institutions.

3.2.5. Evaluation & Ranking. The selection committee may adopt its own procedure in evaluating the entries and recommending the most capable firm.

3.2.6. Negotiation. The Architect explains to the Client the Scope of Services and the Architect’s Fee as prescribed under the Architect’s Guidelines.

3.3. An Architectural Design Competition (ADC) is used for civic or monumental projects. The competition may either be an idea competition, design or design build competition. Various Architects or architectural firms (AFs) submit plan/design solutions to a particular design problem and are judged on the basis of comparative excellence.

3.3.1. Advantages

a. Opportunities will be open only to all PRC-registered and licensed Architects (RLAs) or PRC-registered Architectural Firms (AFs).

b. The Client/ Committee will have a wider range of options.



(Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266, replacing the 1979 UAP Doc. 208)


There are many ways by which a Client can engage the services of an Architect. The most appropriate method of selecting an Architect will depend on the type and complexity of the project.


The scope of services will depend on the method by which the Architect is selected.


3.1. Direct Selection is used when undertaking a relatively small project. The Client selects his Architect on the basis of:

3.1.1. Reputation

3.1.2. Personal or business acquaintance or recommendation of a friend

3.1.3. Recommendation of the Architect’s former Client

3.1.4. Recommendation of another Architect.

3.2. Comparative Selection may be conducted by committees representing institutions, corporations or public agencies. The selection process involves:

3.2.1. Invitation. The Client issues an invitation which includes the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the project which is based on the Design Brief prepared by another Architect. The selection committee established by the Client may consist of representatives from other State-regulated professions and/or the construction industry, as well as persons with related expertise.

3.2.2. Pre-qualification. Architects and/or PRC-registered Architectural Firms (AFs) submit information regarding their qualification and expertise.

3.2.3. Interview. The Architect explains his methodology in translating the plan/design requirements of the proposed project.

3.2.4. Verification. The selection committee may visit buildings designed by the Architects and check references such as former clients and financial institutions.

3.2.5. Evaluation & Ranking. The selection committee may adopt its own procedure in evaluating the entries and recommending the most capable firm.

3.2.6. Negotiation. The Architect explains to the Client the Scope of Services and the Architect’s Fee as prescribed under the Architect’s Guidelines.

3.3. An Architectural Design Competition (ADC) is used for civic or monumental projects. The competition may either be an idea competition, design or design build competition. Various Architects or architectural firms (AFs) submit plan/design solutions to a particular design problem and are judged on the basis of comparative excellence.

3.3.1. Advantages

a. Opportunities will be open only to all PRC-registered and licensed Architects (RLAs) or PRC-registered Architectural Firms (AFs).

b. The Client/ Committee will have a wider range of options.

3.3.2. Disadvantages

a. Process may be expensive and time consuming

b. The time and effort required may discourage qualified firms from participating.

c. Some potentially unscrupulous prospective Clients will seek free services under the guise of design competition. Architects must always be constantly aware that ownership and copyright issues under Secs. 20 (4) and 33 of R.A. No. 9266 must be fully addressed under all architectural competition rules.

3.3.3. Procedure. Competitions should be conducted:

a. W ith the assistance of the integrated and accredited professional organization of architects (IAPOA) or one of its local chapters, and

b. In accordance with the Architect’s Guidelines.

3.3.4. Participants

a. Sponsor or Client – a natural or juridical person;

b. Competitors – Filipino/Philippine-Registered and Licensed Architects (RLA) and IAPOA members in good standing. A foreign architect as a competitor must be registered in his/her country of origin and must secure a Temporary Special Permit (TSP) from the Commission (PRC), a work permit form the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) and must work in collaboration with a local/Filipino counterpart RLA who will assume the requisite professional responsibilities and civil liabilities, in the case of a design or design-build competition;

c. Professional Adviser – Philippine-Registered and Licensed Architects (RLAs) who are IAPOA members in good standing;

d. Jury – Composed of at least five (5) members who are known for their integrity, objectivity, impartiality and honesty.

d.1 Architect – member in good standing of the IAPOAd.2 Competition Sponsor or Client.

4. METHOD OF COMPENSATION This will be covered by the respective type of services.


Standards of Professional

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SPP Document 201



(Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266)

SPP Document 201(replacing the 1979 UAP Doc. 201)


1.1. The basic services provided by the Architect have remained relatively unchanged over the years. However, the Architect must expand his services in response to the increasing demands of his/her Clients, the evolution of new standards of regulated professional practice, the advancement of technology and the enactment of new laws.

1.2. It will be most advantageous to the Client to involve the Architect in the earliest stages of the project since the Architect, if suitably experienced, can provide the Client with objective project analysis, establishing parameters to optimize building needs vis-à-vis available resources and attendant constraints.


The Pre- Design Services cover a broad line of architectural services ranging from initial problem identification to activities that would allow the Architect to initially conceptualize an array of architectural and allied solutions. The Pre-Design Services nominally include consultation, pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, site selection and analysis, site utilization and land-use studies, architectural research, architectural programming, space planning, space management studies, value management, design brief preparation, promotional services and other related activities.

2.1 Consultation

W hen a Client calls upon the Architect to give oral or written advice and direction, to attend conferences, to make evaluations and appraisals regarding a contemplated project and similar activities, the Architect renders valuable inputs whether or not the Client pursues the project.

2.2 Pre-Feasibility Studies

These preliminary studies involve the procurement, analysis and use of secondary information gathered for the project to aid the Client in early decision-making. They represent the Architect’s initial assessment of a project’s soundness, allowing the Client to promptly explore available/ readily identifiable directions / options. Researched / processed / validated secondary data are generally used for such studies e.g. electronic, print, etc.

2.3 Feasibility Studies

Detailed analysis of the project based on pre-feasibility studies will determine the viability of a proposed development. The studies will set the project against present and future trends to forecast how it will perform over time. This requires primary data gathering and analysis.

2.4 Site Selection and Analysis

This entails the formulation of site criteria, assistance to the Client in site evaluation as well as analysis to determine the most appropriate site/s for a proposed project or building program.

2.5 Site Utilization and Land-Use Studies

The detailed analysis of the site involves the identification of a site’s development potentials through the proper utilization of land. The analysis covers the context of the site as well as that of its surrounding environment and the development controls that apply to the site and its environs.


2.6 Architectural Research

Architectural research entails the conduct of primary and secondary researches and assembled facts used as basis for conclusion.

2.7 Architectural Programming

This analytical problem-seeking process will lead to the statement and identification of both horizontal and vertical requirements in offering a solution. It incorporates a space program with characterizations of the envisioned spaces such as ambiance, cost range, etc.

2.8 Space Planning

The Architect determines the adequate size and appropriate configuration and assemblage for a proposed project in consideration of the use, allocation and interface of spaces for given activities. Space planning is done mainly through primary data gathering such as interviews, consultations, interfaces, focus group discussions (FGDs), space planning surveys, space audits, etc. and subsequent analyses i.e. spatial layouts with stacking concepts, particularly for multi-storey structures.

2.9 Space Management Studies

An analysis of the space requirements of the project based on organizational structure and functional set-up pinpoints linkages and interaction of spaces. The formulation of the space program will serve as the basis for the development of the architectural plan / design.

2.10 Value Management

This technique is applied in the cost management process to minimize the negative effect of simplified operations associated with many cost-reduction programs. The goal of value management is to achieve an unimpaired program at minimum cost. Thus, a plan, design or system that has been successfully value-managed will still satisfy the same performance criteria as the costlier alternatives.

2.11 Design Brief Preparation

Under design brief preparation, the Architect states the project terms of reference (ToR) including the concept, objectives and other necessary requirements to bid out architectural services (whether public or private).

2.12 Promotional Services

Projects may require promotional activities in order to develop and generate financial support and acceptance from governing agencies or from the general public. In such cases, the Architect can act as the agent of the Owner by producing and coordinating the additional activities necessary to complete the services. In all such activities, the Architect must maintain his professional status as the representative of the Owner.


3.1 After the initial meeting / conversation / correspondence with the Client, the Architect must submit his proposal for pre-design services, stating the following:

3.1.1 Scope of W ork 3.1.2 Manner of Payment 3.1.3 Owner’s Responsibilities3.1.4 Other Conditions of Services

3.2 The Architect can render services in any of the following ways:

3.2.1 As an individual Architect he must have special training and be knowledgeable in different fields to supplement his skills.


3.2.2 Architect’s Own Staff

It is possible for Architects (as natural persons) working in a single firm to specialize in a variety of ways. Many Architects and firms (juridical persons) specialize without losing the generalist approach of the Architect or firm.

3.2.3 By Association, Consultation or Networking

Another common practice is consultation between an Architect and a firm of other disciplines, under the extended terms of the Owner-Architect Agreement.


The Architect’s compensation is based on the Architect’s / architectural firm’s talents, skill, experience, imagination, and on the type and level of professional services provided. Compensation for Pre-Design Services may be based on one or more of the following:

4.1 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses

This cost-based method of compensation is applicable only to non-creative work such as accounting, secretarial, research, data gathering, preparation of reports and the like. This method of compensation is based on technical hours spent and does not account for creative work since the value of creative design cannot be measured by the length of time the designer has spent on his work. The computation is made by adding all costs of technical services (man hours x rate) and then multiplying it by a multiplier to cover overhead and profit.

The multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the office set-up, overhead and experience of the Architect and the complexity of the Project. Other items such as cost of transportation, living and housing allowances of foreign consultants, out-of-town living and housing allowances of the local consultants and the like, are all to be charged to the Client. At the start of the commission, the Architect shall make known to the Client the rate of professionals and personnel who will be assigned to the Project and the multiplier that has to be applied before agreeing on this method of compensation.


A = Architect’s rate / hour C = Consultant’s rate / hour T = Rate per hour of Technical Staff, Researchers and others involved in the Project

AN, CN, TN = No. of hours spent by Architect, Consultants and Technical Staff

M = Multiplier to account for overhead and reasonable profit. The value may range from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the set-up of the Architect’s office and the complexity of the Project.

R = Reimbursable expenses such as transportation, housing and living allowance of Consultant, transportation, per diem, housing and living allowance of local consultants and technical staff if assigned to places over 100 km. from the area of operation of the Architect.

Cost of printing of extra set of drawings, reports, maps, contract documents, etc. over the five (5) copies submitted to the Client, overseas and long distance calls, technical and laboratory tests, licenses, fees, taxes and similar cost items needed by the Project.

Direct cost = AN + CN + TN Fee = Direct Cost x M

Total Cost of Service charged to Client = Fee + R


4.2 Professional Fee Plus Expenses

This method of compensation is frequently used where there is continuing relationship involving a series of projects. It establishes a fixed sum over and above the reimbursement for the Architect’s technical time and overhead. An agreement on the general scope of the work is necessary in order to set an equitable fee.

4.3 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee

This method may be applied to government projects since they entail more paper work and time-consuming efforts.

4.4 Per Diem, Honorarium Plus Reimbursable Expenses

In some cases a Client may request an Architect to do work which will require his personal time such as:

4.4.1 attending project-related meetings, conferences or trips;

4.4.2 conducting ocular inspection of possible project sites; and

4.4.3 conferring with others regarding prospective investments or ventures and the like.

For these particular activities, the Architect as agent of the Owner may be paid on a per diem and honorarium basis plus out-of-pocket expenses such as but not limited to travel, accommodations and subsistence.

4.5 Mixed Methods of Compensation

The SPP provides for more than one method of compensation on a project. Each project should be examined to determine the most appropriate and equitable method of compensation.


Standards of Professional Practice


SPP Document 202



(Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266)

SPP Document 202(replacing the 1979 UAP Doc. 202)


1.1 Applicability of this Document

1.1.1 W hile these implementing rules and regulations specifically refer to the “individual”professional practice of the Architect as a natural person, the same may also apply to the Architect’s “group practice” as part of a juridical entity i.e. as a DTI-registered sole proprietorship or as a SEC-registered partnership or corporation, subject to full compliances with Sec. 37 of R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) and its implementing rules and regulations and derivative regulations including resolutions of the Board and the Commission.

1.1.2 Foreign Architects offering services under this service are subject to full compliances with Sec. 38 of R.A. No. 9266 and its implementing rules and regulations (including resolutions of the Board which calls for a “local counterpart Architect” for any foreign architect) and other periodic issuances of the Board and the Commission as well as procedures/requirements of the Department of Labor and Employment and the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation governing such foreign architects. Therefore, a foreign architect practicing architecture in the Philippines for projects on Philippine soil must first secure a Temporary/ Special Permit (TSP) and a work permit from the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) and must work in collaboration with a local counterpart Architect who is a Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA) under Philippine law.

1.1.3 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) firms which have been DTI- or SEC-registered in the Philippines to provide services for overseas clients are not authorized to provide architectural services for projects located on Philippine soil unless they are PRC-registered architectural firms satisfying Sec. 37 of R.A. No. 9266 and its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) and its derivative regulations including resolutions of the Board and other periodic issuances of the Board and the Commission.

1.1.4 The Architect’s outputs described / listed under this SPP may be expanded or increased depending on the requirements of the project or the Architect’s experience, capabilities and specialization/s.

1.2 Regular Design Services of an Architect

1.2.1 In regular practice, the Architect acts as the Owner’s/ Client's/ Proponent’s Adviser and/or Representative. He translates the Owner's needs and requirements to spaces and forms in the best manner of professional service.

1.2.2 The Architect’s work starts at the inception of the project when the Owner outlines his requirements to the Architect. The work covers the various aspects of the project, from analysis and study of the needs and requirements, to the preparation of the necessary instruments of service, and finally to the supervision during project implementation. It ends only when the general contractor or builder turns over the completed project to the Owner.


2.1 Project Definition Phase

This phase involves the definition of the requirements of the project by the Owner. The Architect in turn informs the Owner of the technical requirements of the project and the concomitant professional fees. In this phase, the Architect:

1.2.1. consults with the Owner to ascertain the conceptual framework and related requirements of the project and confirms such requirements with him.


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